Linstad Assure Model Instructional Plan - Animal Habitats
Linstad Assure Model Instructional Plan - Animal Habitats
Linstad Assure Model Instructional Plan - Animal Habitats
Materials/Equipment Needed:
Computers with Internet access and Google Earth and Google Docs download
Paper and pencils for brainstorming.
Research Links:
Bird Habitat
Students will be assigned to four person groups. Each group will meet to brai
a type of habitat, Polar regions, for example.
Students will each log into computers. Students will use Windows on the Univ
From the Field and the WWF Animal Habitat links to get some basic informatio
have opportunity to watch habitat video link examples and search for others
Videos. Students will report back to their groups with some of the things they
Each group begins a Google Docs slide show presentation.
Each group researches their selected habitat, downloads images that represe
Each group will download an image of their Google Earth place mark to add t
Each Group adds their images to their Google Docs slideshow and then prese
slide Google Docs Presentation to the class.
Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance:
Students will be evaluated on their ability to comfortably use Google Earth an
Google Search, and Google Docs.
Students will be evaluated on the quality of the information and facts found t
Students will be evaluated on their group presentation to the class using Goo
Instructor Performance:
During the center activities the instructor can listen to the students explain th
each other, and begin to ascertain if the material was well taught. When the
their 6 slide Google Docs presentation, the teacher will have final confirmatio
fulfilled the stated objectives. If necessary the instructor can reteach the ma
class moves on to more in-depth study of each aspect of animal habitats.
Media Performance:
The media that was used serves as a gateway for the students to access a wi
information on animal habitats. If students are able to utilize research inform
creation of a slideshow presentation, then the media was used successfully.