Newsletter - Oct 2014

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By Youth. For Youth.


Activities in
Bringing in the Harvest
Saturday October 11th
Welland Farmers Market

October MYAC Meeting

October 1st,2014
Welland Civic Square

Ballroom Social
Saturday October 25th
Welland Community Wellness
Complex 6:00om-9:00pm

(Council Chambers)

Ice Skating
Youth Innovations
Check out Youth Innovations in
the Seaway Mall!
Tuesday-Friday 4:30-9pm
Saturday/Sunday 12-5pm

Meagan Lecompte
Grade: 11
School: Notre Dame
Years on MYAC: 1
Position: Voting Member

PA Day Skate
October 10th


MYAC Teen Skate (see back)

October 17th


Public Skating Begins

October 18th
*All skates at Youth Arena, all
skate dates in Wellness Guide!

of the er

Welland is the City that raised me. I'm proud to be a part of a

City that aims to accommodate everyone and that is inclusive.
It's refreshing to know I live in an area where my needs are
taken into account and there is always something available for
me to be apart of. In my spare time I enjoy, volunteering, driving and spending time with friends and family. I hope to improve the lives of youth in Welland during my time on MYAC
this year.

October 2014
Message from the Chair

Friday Nights Out

Where every Friday feels like it's your birthday!
Friday Nights Out is a night of high energy, activity
based fun where children and families can laugh,
learn and grow together. Children learn how to
budget, cook, communicate and so much more all
while having a ton of fun!
Eastdale Secondary School - 170 Wellington Street
Every Friday from 6-30-8pm

Vinay Sharma
MYAC Chair

Hello Everyone,
In this cold weather we are extending you a
nice warm Hello from everyone on MYAC! We
have kicked off the 2014-2015 year with a
strong start and we have a few upcoming
events this month. One event is the Teen
Skate where youth aged 13-18 are invited for a
free night of skating at the
Welland Youth
Arena, and a non perishable food item is
greatly appreciated. Everyone is also
welcome to come to our monthly meetings where
you can present ideas to us, volunteer opportunities, something you need volunteers for, or
even just sitting as a member of the public listening to our discussions. Meetings occur on
the first Wednesday of every month from 4:306:30 pm in the Ante Room/Council Chambers
in City Hall.

Vinay Sharma

The Mayors Youth Advisory Council brings you

Teen Skates @ the Welland Youth Arena! Have
fun with friends and listen to hit music with you
The skate is for 13-18 year olds ONLY
(Student ID Card Required for Entry)
*Food Donation Appreciated

Learning Opportunities in Welland!

High Five: Principles of Health Child
Saturday October 25th 9am-5pm
Resident $77
NonResident $82
Required for most jobs,
Great for your resume!
Call 905-735-1700 x 4000 to register

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