Hand Warmer Challenge Presentation
Hand Warmer Challenge Presentation
Hand Warmer Challenge Presentation
The ideal hand warmer increases in temperature by 20C (but no more) as quickly as possible, has a
volume of about 50 mL, costs as little as possible to make, and uses chemicals that are as safe and
environmentally friendly as possible. You will carry out an experiment to determine which
substances, in what amounts, to use in order to make a hand warmer that meets these criteria.
Upon completion of your investigative teams experiment, you will be tasked with presenting your
findings on Tuesday, November 25. This allows for the communication of your teams design to
others tasked with the same objective. Presentations need not to be very elaborate or over the top,
simply to convey the thought process and implementation of a product design.
1. Experimental design (How did you group test chemicals used for the hand warmer challenge?)
2. Hand warmer material choices (Which three compounds were considered for your hand
3. Data collected (Graphs, tables, etc. of data gathered during experimental design)
4. Environmental issues (What environmental factors were considered?)
5. Product information (Which substance did you select? What would the cost of production of
100 samples be? Why did you select this product?)
6. Package design (A prototype of your particular product)
Presentations can be done on poster board, tri-fold display boards, or electronically using Power
Point presentations.