New Jersey Professional Standards For Teachers NJPST

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Student teachers must demonstrate competence on the NJPST to be eligible for teacher certification. The
standards describe what every beginning education professional should know and be able to do.
Standard One - Subject Matter Knowledge - Teachers shall understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the
discipline, especially as they relate to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS), and design developmentally
appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students.
Standard Two - Human Growth & Development - Teachers shall understand how children and adolescents develop and learn
in a variety of school, family and community contexts and provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social, emotional
and physical development.
Standard Three - Diverse Learners -Teachers shall understand the practice of culturally responsive teaching.
Standard Four - Instructional Planning & Strategies - Teachers shall understand instructional planning, design long- and
short-term plans based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum goals, and shall employ a
variety of developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking, problem solving and the performance skills
of all learners.
Standard Five - Assessment - Teachers shall understand and use multiple assessment strategies and interpret results to
evaluate and promote student learning and to modify instruction in order to foster the continuous development of students.
Standard Six - Learning Environment - Teachers shall understand individual and group motivation and behavior and shall
create a supportive, safe and respectful learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning and self-motivation.
Standard Seven - Special Needs - Teachers shall adapt and modify instruction to accommodate the special learning needs of
all students.
Standard Eight - Communication - Teachers shall use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication
techniques and the tools of information literacy to foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and supportive interactions.
Standard Nine - Collaboration & Partnerships - Teachers shall build relationships with parents, guardians, families and
agencies in the larger community to support students learning and well-being.
Standard Ten - Professional Development - Teachers shall participate as active, responsible members of the professional
community, engaging in a wide range of reflective practices, pursuing opportunities to grow professionally and establishing
collegial relationships to enhance the teaching and learning process.
Standard Eleven - Professional Responsibility - Teachers shall act in accordance with legal and ethical responsibilities and
shall use integrity and fairness to promote the success of all students.

NJ Administrative Code: 6A:93.3 Professional standards for teachers

Standard One - Subject Matter Knowledge

Teachers shall understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline, especially as
they relate to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS), and design developmentally
appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students.

Teachers know and understand:

1.1 In-depth the subject matter they plan to

teach and the relationship of that discipline
to other content areas;
1.2 The evolving nature of the discipline or
subject matter knowledge and the need for
keeping abreast of new ideas and
understanding of the discipline;
1.3 That literacy skills and processes are
applicable in all content areas and help
students to develop the knowledge, skills
and dispositions that enable them to
construct meaning and make sense of the
world through reading, writing, listening,
speaking and viewing; and

Teachers value and
are committed to:

1.5 Appreciating multiple

perspectives and conveying to
learners how knowledge is
developed from the vantage
point of the knower; and
1.6 Enthusiasm for the
discipline(s) they teach and in
making connections to every day

Teachers engage in activities to:

1.7 Promote the development of critical and

creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students
in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and
standards of evidence within the discipline;
1.8 Make effective use of multiple
representations and explanations of
disciplinary concepts that capture key ideas
and link them to students prior
understanding; and
1.9 Evaluate teaching resources and
curriculum materials for their completeness,
accuracy and usefulness for representing
particular ideas and concepts

1.4 Concepts inherent in numeracy to

enable students to represent physical
events, work with data, reason,
communicate mathematically, and make
connections within their respective content
areas in order to solve problems.

Standard Two - Human Growth and Development

Teachers shall understand how children and adolescents develop and learn in a variety of school, family
and community contexts and provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social, emotional and
physical development.

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and
are committed to:

2.1 How students construct knowledge,

acquire skills and develop habits of mind
and how to use instructional strategies that
promote student learning;

2.4 The educability of all children

and adolescents;

2.2 How student learning is influenced by

individual experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture,

2.5 The belief that all children

and adolescents bring talents
and strengths to learning;
2.6 Appreciation for multiple

Teachers apply:

2.9 Learning theory to accommodate

differences in student intelligence,
perception, cognitive style and achievement

family, and community values; and

ways of knowing;

2.3 How to identify and teach to the

developmental abilities of students, which
may include learning differences, visual
and perceptual differences, cultural and
socio-emotional differences, special
physical or emotional challenges and gifted
and talented exceptionalities.

2.7 The diverse talents of all

students and to helping them
develop self-confidence and
subject matter competence.
2.8 The belief that all children
and adolescents can learn at
high levels and achieve success.

Standard Three - Diverse Learners

Teachers shall understand the practice of culturally responsive teaching.

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and
are committed to:

3.1 How a persons world view is profoundly

shaped by his or her life experiences, as
mediated by factors such as social class,
gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual
orientation, age and special needs;

3.5 Respect for individual and

cultural differences, and
appreciation of the basic worth
of each individual and cultural
group; and

3.2 The supports for and barriers to

culturally responsive teaching in school

3.6 The diversity of learning that

takes place in the classroom,
respect for the talents and
perspectives of each student
and sensitivity to community
and cultural norms.

3.3 The process of second language

acquisition and strategies to support the
learning of students whose first language is
not English; and
3.4 The negative impact of bias, prejudice,
and discrimination on students and society.

Teachers engage in activities to:

3.7 Create a learning community in which

individual differences are respected;
3.8 Learn about the diverse students they
teach, and the students families and
3.9 Use strategies to support the learning of
students whose first language is not English;
3.10 Use knowledge of students and their
lives to design and carry out instruction that
builds on students strengths while meeting
their needs and taking into account issues of
social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language,
sexual orientation, age and special needs.

Standard Four - Instructional Planning & Strategies

Teachers shall understand instructional planning, design long- and short-term plans based upon
knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum goals, and shall employ a variety of
developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking, problem solving and the
performance skills of all learners.

Teachers know and understand:

4.1 How to plan instruction based on

students needs, developmental progress
and prior knowledge.

Teachers value and
are committed to:

Teachers engage in activities to:

4.5 The development of students

critical thinking, independent
problem-solving and
performance capabilities.

4.6 Identify and design instruction appropriate

to students stage of development, learning
styles, strengths and needs;

4.2 Available and appropriate resources

and materials for instructional planning;

4.7 Plan instruction based on knowledge of

classroom, school and community culture;

4.3 Techniques for modifying instructional

methods, materials and the environment to
help all students learn; and

4.8 Evaluate teaching resources and

curriculum materials for their
comprehensiveness, accuracy and
usefulness for representing particular ideas
and concepts;

4.4 A variety of instructional approaches

and the use of various technologies, to
promote thinking and understanding.

4.9 Identify strategies to create learning

experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of
learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help
students connect their learning to personal
4.10 Plan and develop effective lessons by
organizing instructional activities and
materials, incorporating a wide range of
community and technology resources, to
promote achievement of lesson objectives;
4.11 Use formal and informal methods of
assessment, information about students,
pedagogical knowledge, and research as
sources for active reflection, evaluation and
revision of practice; and
4.12 Create interdisciplinary learning
experiences that allow students to integrate
knowledge, skills and methods of inquiry from
several subject areas.

Standard Five - Assessment

Teachers shall understand and use multiple assessment strategies and interpret results to evaluate and
promote student learning and to modify instruction in order to foster the continuous development of

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and
are committed to:

Teachers engage in activities to:

5.1 The characteristics, uses, advantages,

and limitations of different types of
assessments (for example, criterionreferenced and norm-referenced
instruments, traditional standardized and
performance- based tests, observation
systems and assessments of student work)
for evaluating how students learn, what
they know and are able to do, and what
kinds of experiences will support their

5.3 The belief that students

strengths are the basis for growth
and their errors are opportunities
for learning.

5.4 Analyze student performance using

multiple sources of data, and to modify future
plans and instructional techniques that
promote desired student learning outcomes;
5.5 Provide students with constructive
feedback on their learning and encourage
their use of data and self-assessment
strategies to monitor their progress toward

further growth and development; and

personal goals;

5.2 Measurement theory and assessmentrelated issues, such as validity, reliability,

bias and scoring concerns.

5.6 Accurately document and report

assessment data and ongoing student data to
parents and professional staff; and
5.7 Enhance their knowledge of learners and
evaluate students progress and performance
using a variety of formal and informal
assessment techniques to modify teaching
and learning strategies.

Standard Six - Learning Environment

Teachers shall understand individual and group motivation and behavior and shall create a
supportive, safe and respectful learning environment that encourages positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and
are committed to:

Teachers engage in activities to:

6.1 The principles and strategies of

effective classroom management that
promote positive relationships, cooperation
and purposeful learning activities in the

6.4 The role of students in

promoting each others learning
and recognize the importance of
peer relationships in creating a
climate of learning;

6.7 Maintain a learning community in which

students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in
decision-making and work collaboratively and

6.2 How the classroom environment

influences learning and promotes positive
behavior for all students; and

6.5 Taking responsibility for

establishing a positive climate in
the classroom and participation
in maintaining such a climate in
the school as a whole; and

6.8 Create a safe and secure classroom

climate for all students, by practicing effective
listening and group facilitation skills;

6.3 How classroom participation supports

student commitment.

6.6 The expression and use of

democratic values in the

6.9 Create a positive classroom climate

which is socially, emotionally and physically
6.10 Establish and maintain appropriate
standards of behavior;
6.11 Use instructional time effectively; and
6.12 Prepare students for and monitor
independent and group work that allows for
full and varied participation of all individuals.

Standard Seven - Special Needs

Teachers shall adapt and modify instruction to accommodate the special learning needs of all students.

Teachers know and understand:

7.1 How to access information regarding

applicable laws, rules, regulations and
procedural safeguards regarding planning
and implementing the individual education
program; and

Teachers value and
are committed to:

7.4 The belief that children and

adolescents with special needs
can learn at high levels and
achieve success.

Teachers engage in activities to:

7.5 Apply knowledge of students

abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and
prior learning, as well as language, culture,
economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning;

7.2 Available resources related to

educational strategies to accommodate
individual differences and to employ
positive behavioral intervention techniques
for students with special needs including
students with autism and other
developmental disabilities; and

7.6 Employ appropriate diagnostic measures

and interpret the results to implement
strategies that influence learning;

7.3 The characteristics of students with

special needs.

7.7 Meet the needs of all learners by using a

wide range of teaching techniques to
accommodate and modify strategies,
services and resources, including technology;

7.7 Participate in the design and

implementation of the Individualized
Education Program (IEP), where appropriate;

7.8 Make appropriate provisions, in terms of

time and circumstances, for work, task
assigned, communication and response
modes, for individual students who have
particular learning differences or needs

Standard Eight - Communication

Teachers shall use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication techniques
and the tools of information literacy to foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and supportive

Teachers know and understand:

8.1 The power of communication in the

teaching and learning process.

Teachers value and
are committed to:

8.2 Appreciating the cultural

dimension of communication,
responding appropriately and
seeking to foster culturally sensitive
communication by and among all
students in the class; and
8.3 Being a thoughtful and
responsive listener.

Teachers apply:

8.4 Communicate clearly in English, using

precise language and appropriate oral and
written expressions;
8.5 Assist students individually or as a
member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively
to accomplish a specific purpose;
8.6 Use effective verbal and nonverbal

techniques which foster individual and

collective inquiry;
8.7 Model effective communication
strategies and questioning techniques in
conveying ideas and stimulating critical
thinking; and
8.8 Communicate in a variety of ways that
demonstrate a sensitivity to cultural,
linguistic, gender and social differences.

Standard Nine - Collaboration & Partnerships

Teachers shall build relationships with parents, guardians, families and agencies in the larger community
to support students learning and well-being.

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and
are committed to:

9.1 The importance of meaningful

parent/family involvement in education in
addressing the unique student needs and
the perspectives to be gained from
effective school/home interactions that
contribute to high-quality teaching and

9.4 Recognizing the role of

parents, guardians and other
family members as a childs
primary teacher;

9.2 The role of the school within the

community and how to utilize diverse
partnerships to contribute to student
learning and development; and
9.3 How to collaborate with all stakeholders
regarding decision-making and the wellbeing of students while respecting
student/family privacy and confidentiality.

9.5 Being concerned about all

aspects of the students wellbeing and working with
parents/families to provide
diverse opportunities for student
success; and
9.6 Being willing to work with
parents/families and other
professionals to improve the
overall learning environment for

Teachers apply:

9.7 Identify and utilize family and community

resources to foster student learning and
provide opportunities for parents to share
skills and talents that enrich learning
9.8 Establish respectful and productive
relationships and to develop cooperative
partnerships with diverse families, educators
and others in the community in support of
student learning and well being; and
9.9 Institute parent/family involvement
practices that support meaningful
communication, parenting skills, enriched
student learning, volunteer and decisionmaking opportunities at school and
collaboration to strengthen the teaching and
learning environment of the school.

Standard Ten - Professional Development

Teachers shall participate as active, responsible members of the professional community, engaging
in a wide range of reflective practices, pursuing opportunities to grow professionally and establishing
collegial relationships to enhance the teaching and learning process.

Teachers know and understand:

10.1 How education research and other

Teachers value and are
committed to:

10.2 Refining practices that

Teachers apply:

10.5 Use reflective practice and the

methods of inquiry can be used as a means for

continuous learning, self assessment and

address the needs of all

students and the school

Professional Development Standards to set

goals for their professional development

10.3 Professional reflection,

assessment and learning as
an ongoing process; and

10.6 Learn through professional education

organizations; and

10.4 Collaboration with

colleagues to give and
receive help.

10.7 Make the entire school a productive

learning climate through participation in
collegial activities.

Standard Eleven - Professional Responsibility

Teachers shall act in accordance with legal and ethical responsibilities and shall use integrity and
fairness to promote the success of all students.

Teachers know and understand:

Teachers value and are
committed to:

11.1 Their professional responsibilities as

reflected in constitutional provisions, statutes,
regulations, policies, and collective negotiations

11.3 Recognizing that an

educators actions reflect n
the status and substance of
the profession;

11.2 Strategies to foster professional and

productive relationships with students and

11.4 Upholding the highest

standards of professional
competence both as a
practitioner in the classroom
as well as an employee
vested with the public trust;
11.5 Recognizing, respecting
and upholding the dignity and
worth of the students as
individual human beings, and
therefore dealing with them
justly and considerately; and
11.6 Recognizing their
obligation to the profession of
teaching and not engaging in
any conduct contrary to
sound professional practice
and/or applicable statutes,
regulations and policy.

Teachers engage in activities to:

11.7 Promote aspects of students well-being

by exercising the highest level of professional
judgment, and working cooperatively and
productively with colleagues and parents to
provide a safe, healthy, and emotionally
protective learning environment;
11.8 Maintain the confidentiality of
information concerning the students obtained
in the proper course of the educational
process and dispense such information only
when prescribed or directed by federal and/or
state statutes or accepted professional
11.9 Maintain professional relationships with
students and colleagues;
11.10 Provide access to various points of
view without deliberate distortion of subject
matter; and
11.11 Foster and maintain a school
environment which protects students from
sexually, physically, verbally, or emotionally
harassing behavior by recognizing,
understanding, and conducting themselves in
a sound and professionally responsible

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