Ayers2014lang1103 1107
Ayers2014lang1103 1107
Ayers2014lang1103 1107
Instructors name:
Mr. Ayers
Week of:
11/03 11/07
Grade 11 AP Language and Composition
Unit Name:
Small Group Analysis
How do we articulate a deep understanding of a piece
of non-fiction work? How do you best learn and
uptake information? How do we improve our skills in
successfully completing multiple choice items on the
AP exam?
(1A) Common Core/State Standards:
RI.11-12.1; RI.11-12.3; RI11-12.4; W.11-12.1; W.1112.2; SL.11-12.1
(1E) Other considerations (modifications,
accommodations, acceleration, ELL, etc
(1D) Resources/Materials:
Norton Reader
ATC Lesson Plan Template
(1C) Learning Target: Students will improve their skills in
formal letter writing. They will show their learning by
generating two formal letters.
(1C) Do Now: What did you gain from our trip to St.
Johns College? Please be specific.
(1C) Learning Target: Students will gain a better
understanding of how academic lessons are generated
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: class notes
and presented to them. They will show their learning by (1B)Closing Activity: As a whole class, we will discuss
taking class notes and by beginning to create a mock
student progress in generating a mock lesson.
(1C) Do Now: How to you learn the best? What methods
of learning help you gain knowledge and understanding?