Ayers2014lang1103 1107

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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr. Ayers
Week of:
11/03 11/07

Grade 11 AP Language and Composition
Unit Name:
Small Group Analysis


How do we articulate a deep understanding of a piece
of non-fiction work? How do you best learn and
uptake information? How do we improve our skills in
successfully completing multiple choice items on the
AP exam?
(1A) Common Core/State Standards:
RI.11-12.1; RI.11-12.3; RI11-12.4; W.11-12.1; W.1112.2; SL.11-12.1
(1E) Other considerations (modifications,
accommodations, acceleration, ELL, etc

Connections (prior/future learning):

Students will access prior experience analyzing non-fiction
work and practicing for multiple choice items. They will
also investigate their own learning style.

(1D) Resources/Materials:

Norton Reader
ATC Lesson Plan Template

All accommodations and modifications indicated in

student IEPs will be followed. Any needs of ELL
students (modification of assignment length,
modification of assignment complexity, modification of
source reading, etc.) will be implemented.
(1F) Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes? What happens
when students understand and when they dont understand?
Daily: direct observation
This Week: direct observation/multiple choice analysis/student lesson plan templates
Lesson activities for instructor and students, (1F)
Embedded Formative Assessment,

(1C) Learning Target: Students will improve their skills in
formal letter writing. They will show their learning by
generating two formal letters.
(1C) Do Now: What did you gain from our trip to St.
Johns College? Please be specific.

(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: formal letters

(1B)Closing Activity: As a whole class, we will discuss our
formal letters, as well as the things we gained from our
recent trip to St. Johns College.



Learning Target:
(1C) Do Now:

(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment:

(1B)Closing Activity:

(1C) Learning Target: Students will gain a better
understanding of how academic lessons are generated
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: class notes
and presented to them. They will show their learning by (1B)Closing Activity: As a whole class, we will discuss
taking class notes and by beginning to create a mock
student progress in generating a mock lesson.
(1C) Do Now: How to you learn the best? What methods
of learning help you gain knowledge and understanding?

In Class: We will discuss (and students will take class

notes) the way in which academic lessons are presented
in the classroom. We will investigate the ATC lesson plan
template that is used every week by all teachers to
present lessons to the students. We will also discuss
learning styles and why it is so important to address
different learning styles. Then, working in pairs (chosen
randomly), students will choose a piece from the Norton
Reader on which to build a mock lesson. They are each
required to generate two multiple choice items with
written analysis of the right answer, the distractor, and
each of the incorrect answers. Beyond this, they will use
the lesson plan template to create a mock lesson using
the reading. They will attempt to address different
learning styles as well as skills specific to the AP exam.
They will use the template as a guide and write the mock
lesson on notebook paper. An entire week must be
represented. Each element of the template will be
explained. Both the multiple choice items and the mock
lesson will be due at the end of class Friday.
(1C) Learning Target: Students will improve their
abilities in analysis of non-fiction work. They will show
their learning by generating a mock lesson based on a
reading from the Norton Reader.
(1C) Do Now: What is your role in your working pair
today? What have you been assigned to do?

(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: direct observation

of mock lesson plans
(1B)Closing Activity: As a whole class, we will discuss the
progress that has been made on student lessons.


Two multiple choice items with written

analysis and student-generated mock
lessons DUE today.

(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: direct observation

of mock lesson plans
(1B)Closing Activity: As a whole class, we will discuss the
progress that has been made on student lessons.

(1C) Learning Target: Students will improve their

abilities in analysis of non-fiction work. They will show
their learning by generating a mock lesson based on a
reading from the Norton Reader.
(1C) Do Now: What is your role in your working pair
today? What have you been assigned to do?
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content
1B-Designing coherent instruction
1C-Setting Instructional outcomes
1D-Demonstrating knowledge of resources
1E-Demonstrating knowledge of students
1F-Designing student assessment

Formative Assessment includes, but is not limited to:

Exit tickets, white board response, consensagrams, red/green cards, formal or
informal student conferences, sticky note assessment.

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