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Jesus Youth Songs

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1. Abba Father 17. As The Deer Panteth

2. Above all 18. As we gather in this place today
3. Adonai 19. At The Cross
4. Alabare 20. Awesome God
5. Alive forever more 21. Baruch ha ba ,B'shem Adonai
6. All Consuming Fire 22. Be magnified O Lord
7. All Heaven declares 23. Be Still
8. All In All 24. Beautiful
9. All Things Are Possible 25. Before You Now
10. All who are thirsty 26. Better Is One Day
11. Amazing Grace 27. Bind us together
12. Ancient Of Days 28. Bless The Lord My Soul
13. Arise 29. Blessed Assurance
14. Arise shine out 30. Blessed Be The Lord Our God Of Israel
15. As darkness awaits the dawn 31. Blessed Be The Name
16. As I kneel before you 32. Blest are you O Lord God
33. Blind man 49. Come to table of mercy
34. Break our hearts 50. Come To The Light
35. Breathe 51. Come to the river of life
36. Breathe upon me breath of God 52. Come Worship The Lord
37. Burn in me 53. Come, Now Is The Time To Worship
38. By Your side, I would stay 54. Coming Home
39. Call upon the name of the Lord 55. Days Of Elijah
40. Cast Your Burdens 56. Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble?
41. Celebrate Jesus celebrate 57. Don’t you know it’s time
42. Change My Heart 58. Don't build your house on the sandy land
43. Christ has died 59. Down the mountains
44. Christ has no body 60. Endless
45. Come and Worship 61. Enough
46. Come holy spirit 62. Every Move I Make
47. Come let us sing for joy to the Lord 63. Every tongue and tribe
48. Come on and celebrate 64. Everyday
65. Father God 81. Glory to God
66. Father in Heaven 82. Glory to God in the Highest
67. Father of Creation 83. Go forth (Rise up you champions)
68. Father of Lights 84. God is good, all the time
69. Father, we love you 85. God is good, we sing and shout it
70. Fire of Your Love 86. God is the strength
71. For the Lord is my tower 87. God loves me
72. Forever 88. God of mercy
73. Fortress (There is no place) 89. God of wonders
74. Friends Love One Another 90. God Will Make A Way
75. Give Thanks 91. God You are one God
76. Give thanks to the Lord 92. God, You Are My God
77. Give them all 93. God’s love is so wonderful
78. Give us clean hands 94. Great and Mighty
79. Glory glory in the highest 95. Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
80. Glory Glory Lord 96. Hail, Jesus You’re my king
97. Hal – la – la –la –la Halleluiah 113. Here I Am To Worship
98. Halleluiah (Your love Is Amazing) 114. Here I am waiting
99. Halleluiah sing halleluiah 115. Here we are Lord
100. Halleluiah to the lamb 116. Hide me now, Under Your wings
101. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord 117. His name is exalted far
102. Have mercy on me O God 118. Holiness
103. He is Exalted 119. Holy And Anointed One
104. He Is Lord 120. Holy Holy Holy Lord
105. He walked where I walked 121. Holy Holy Holy Lord , God of Power
106. He’s Got The Whole World 122. Holy Is The Lord
107. Heal me O Lord 123. Holy Spirit Thou are welcome
108. Hear my cry O God 124. Holy Spirit we welcome you
109. Hear O Israel 125. Holy Spirit Come With Your Fire
110. Hear our prayer 126. Holy, You are Holy
111. Heart of Worship 127. Hosanna
112. Here I Am Lord 128. How marvellous!
129. Humble Thyself 145. I lift my eyes to the hills
130. Hungry 146. I long for the freedom
131. I ‘ve got joy 147. I love the rain
132. I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N 148. I Love The Thrill
133. I am so glad I belong to Jesus 149. I love to be in your presence
134. I am standing beneath Your wings 150. I love You I love You
135. I am the Bread of Life 151. I Love You, Lord
136. I Am The God That Healeth Thee 152. I Offer You O My Lord
137. I can feel you flowing through me 153. I see the Lord
138. I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever 154. I sing praises to Your name
139. I enter the Holy of Holies 155. I Surrender All
140. I Have Decided 156. I walk by faith Each step I take
141. I have seen the victory of Jesus 157. I want to clap, clap, clap.
142. I Just Keep Trusting My Lord 158. I was glad when they said to me
143. I know He rescued my soul 159. I Will Call Upon The Lord
144. I lift my eyes 160. I Will Celebrate
161. I will dance I will sing 177. In The Secret
162. I Will Enter His Gates 178. In Your presence there is fullness
163. I will fight the fight 179. In your presence, that’s where I'm
164. I will never forget you. Isaiah 49 180. Into my heart
165. I will sing hosanna 181. It Is The Cry Of My Heart
166. I Will Sing Of The Mercies 182. It’s a great thing to praise the Lord
167. I will worship with all of my heart 183. Its Your Blood that cleanseth me
168. I worship you Almighty God! 184. Jambo
169. I’m so glad I belong to Jesus 185. Jehovah Jairah
170. I’ve got Spirit in my heart 186. Jesus be the Centre,
171. If The Spirit Of The Lord 187. Jesus is the rock
172. If we call to Him 188. Jesus is the winner man
173. If you wanna joy in your heart 189. Jesus love is bubbling over
174. If you want your dream to be 190. Jesus O Jesus
175. In bread we bring You Lord 191. Jesus Put This Song
176. In Moments Like These 192. Jesus sweet Jesus
193. Jesus the Lord is alive 209. Let your glory fall
194. Jesus We Celebrate 210. Let Your Spirit come
195. Jesus We Enthrone You 211. Lift high the banner of love
196. Jesus you are my friend and brother 212. Lift up your heads,O you gates
197. Jesus, Lover Of My Soul 213. Light Of The World
198. Jesus, Name Above All Names 214. Light The Fire
199. Jesus, Savior, Son of God, 215. Little By Little
200. Jesus, What A Wonder You Are 216. Living waters
201. Jesus, you are my soul’s desire 217. Look upon this fearful scene
202. Jesus, you’re my Super Hero 218. Lord have mercy
203. Joining with the angels 219. Lord have mercy-2
204. Kindness 220. Lord help us more holy
205. King of Kings and Lord of Lords 221. Lord I offer my life to you
206. Let the poor man say I’m rich in him 222. Lord Listen To Your People Praying
207. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so 223. Lord make me an instrument
208. Let the weak say I am strong 224. Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary
225. Lord You seem so far away 241. O how I love Jesus
226. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High 242. O let us sing to the Lord
227. Majesty 243. O Lord Your tenderness
228. Making Melody 244. O Lord, touch my heart
229. Many waters cannot quench 245. O what a wonder, what a wonder
230. May we be a shining light 246. Oh Lord you are beautiful
231. Mercy is falling 247. On bended knee
232. Mighty is our God 248. One Bread, One Body
233. More Love, More Power 249. One in Heart
234. More Precious Than Silver 250. Only by grace
235. More than anything 251. Open My Eyes, Lord
236. Move In Me, Precious Lord 252. Open The Eyes Of My Heart, Lord
237. My Life Is In You 253. Our heart, our desire
238. Nail pierced Hands 254. Over all the earth, you reign on high
239. O Come All Ye Faithful 255. Peace Is Flowing
240. O Give thanks 256. Pierce the darkness
257. Pour out Your Spirit 273. Search Me O God
258. Pour out Your Spirit in this place 274. Seek first the kingdom of Heaven
259. Power Of Your Love 275. Shalom Shalom Jerusalem,
260. Praise Adonai! 276. Shepherd Me, O God
261. Praise Him 277. Shepherd Of My Soul
262. Praise the Lord 278. Shine Jesus Shine
263. Precious spirit come 279. Shout For Joy
264. Put your right hand in 280. Shout To The Lord
265. Refiner’s Fire 281. Shout To The North
266. Reign in me sovereign Lord 282. Shouts of Joy
267. Rejoice in the Lord always 283. Showers of blessing
268. Rejoice, Christ is in you 284. Sing For Joy
269. Righteousness 285. Sing Halleluiah
270. Romans 16:19 286. Sing Shout And Clap Your Hands
271. Sanctify Me 287. Sing unto the Lord
272. Sanctuary 288. Spirit Of God
289. Spirit of the Living God 305. The River Of God
290. Standing tall in this white space 306. The wiseman on the rock
291. Stay With Me 307. There is a place that I know
292. Steadfast Love Of The Lord 308. There is joy, joy, joy
293. Take Me Past The Outer Courts 309. There Is None Like You
294. Take Our Bread 310. There is power, power
295. Thank You Jesus 311. There is therefore
296. Thank you Lord for being in the place 312. There’s a boat on a journey
297. Thank you thank you Jesus 313. Think about his Love
298. The battle belongs to the Lord 314. Thirsty for more of you
299. The Cry Of The Poor 315. This Is My Desire To Honor You
300. The greatest thing in all my life 316. Though we are many
301. The Holy Spirit Is My Helper 317. Thy word is a Lamp unto my feet
302. The Little Drummer Boy 318. To be like Jesus
303. The Lord is marching 319. Trading My Sorrows
304. The Lord Is My Shepherd 320. Trust in the Lord
321. Via Dolorosa 337. We worship and adore You
322. Walking With The Lord 338. Welcome Holy Spirit
323. We Are Here To Praise You 339. What a friend we have in Jesus
324. We Are Marching 340. What A Mighty God
325. We Are One In The Spirit 341. When I gaze
326. We Are The Light Of The World 342. When I see You on the cross
327. We come in to Your presence 343. When the Holy Spirit comes
328. We come to you Mary 344. Who can endure on – the day
329. We exalt Thee O God 345. Who Gives The Faith
330. We exalt Thee O Lord 346. Who is like the Lord?
331. We fall down, We lay our cross 347. Whose Side Are You Leaning On
332. We lift you up, we lift you up, 348. Wind of God (Spirit Come )
333. We magnify You O Lord 349. Windows Of Heaven
334. We Want To See Jesus Lifted High 350. With all of my heart
335. We will seek Your face Almighty 351. Worthy of praise
336. We will worship 352. Yes I need You
353.Yeshua is Lord
354. You Are Holy
355. You Are Mine
356.You are my hiding place
357. You are my king
358. You are my king (I'm forgiven)
359. You are my strength
360. You are the One that I love
361. You are the Saviour of my soul
362. You Are Worthy
363. You bless my life and heal me inside
364. You gave me time
365. You Said
366. You're all I want ( Draw me close )
367. Your light broke through my night
368. Your Love, O Lord
Abba father let me be
Yours and Yours alone
May my will forever be
Yours and Yours alone
Never let my heart grow cold
Never let me go
Above all powers,
above all kings
Above all nature
and all created things
Above all wisdom
and all the ways of man
You were here
before the world began
Above all kingdoms,
above all thrones
Above all wonders
the world has ever known
Above all wealth
and treasures of the earth
There’s no way to
measure what your worth
Laid behind a stone
You lived to die,
rejected and alone
Like a rose,
trampled on the ground
You took the fall
and thought of me,
Above all
One single drop of rain
Your salty tear
became blue ocean
One tiny grain of sand
turning in your hand
A world in motion
You’re out beyond the
furthest morning star
Close enough to hold me in
Your arms
I lift up my heart and I cry
My Adonai
You are maker of each moment
Father of my hope and freedom
Oh, my Adonai
One timid faithful knock
Resounds upon the
rock of ages
One trembling heart and soul
Becomes a servant bold and
You call across the
mountains and the seas
I answer from the
deepest part of me
From age to age
you reign in majesty
And today you’re
making miracles in me
Alabare, alabare,
alabare a mi Senor [2]
John saw the number,
of all those redeemed,
And all were singing
praises to the Lord
Thousands were praying
ten thousands rejoicing
And all were singing
praises to the Lord
There's no God
as great as you, O Lord
There is none, there is none!
There's no God who
does the mighty wonders
That the Lord
our God has done!
Not with an army,
nor with their weapons,
But by the
Holy Spirit's Power
And even mountains
shall be moved [3]
By the Holy Spirit's power
And even India
shall be saved [3]
By the Holy Spirit's power
Alive, Alive, Alive
for ever more
My Jesus is alive
Alive for ever more
Sing Hallelujah (2)
My Jesus is alive
forever more
Sing Hallelujah (2)
My Jesus is alive
All consuming fire,
You’re my hearts desire
And I love You dearly,
dearly Lord
You’re my meditation,
and my Consolation
And I love You dearly,
dearly Lord
Glory to the lamb
I exalt the great I AM
Reigning on Your
glorious throne
You are my eternal home
All Heaven declares
the glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare
with the beauty of the Lord
Forever He will be
the Lamb upon the throne
I gladly bow my knee
and worship Him alone
I will proclaim
the glory of the Risen Lord
Who once was slain,
to reconcile man to God
You are my strength
when I am weak
You are the treasure
that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a
precious jewel
Lord to give up, I’d be a fool
Your are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God,
worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God,
worthy is Your name
Taking my sin, my cross,
my shame
Rising again, I bless Your name
Your are my all in all
When I fall down,
You pick me up
When I am dry,
You fill my cup
You are my all in all
Almighty God my redeemer
My hiding place my safe refuge,
no other name like Jesus
No power can stand against You.
My feet are planted on this rock
And I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from
You alone
My Lord and my salvation
Your praise is always on my lips
Your word is living in my heart
And I will praise You
with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord
When I am weak,
you make me strong
When I’m poor, I know I’m rich
for in the power of Your name

All things are possible ( 4 )

All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in
the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of His mercy
As deep cries out to the deep
Come Lord Jesus come
I need You more and more
Amazing Grace!
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost,
but now am found
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas Grace that taught my
heart to fear,
And Grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that
Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils,
and snares
I have already come.
’Tis Grace hath brought me
safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised
good to me.
His Word my hope secures.
He will my shield
and portion be
As long as life endures.
When we’ve been there
ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing
God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.
Blessing and honor,
glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation,
all of creation
Bow before the Ancient of Days
Every tongue in
Heaven and Earth
Shall declare your glory
Every knee shall
bow at your throne
And worship
You will be exalted, Oh God
And your kingdom
shall not pass away
Oh Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign
over all the Earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
For none can compare to
your matchless worth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
For You are good, Your love
endures forever
And we rejoice in Your
unfailing love.
Consume our praise with fire
down from heaven
And fill us with Your power
from above
Arise, arise, arise
Oh Lord, our God, arise!
Arise, oh Lord, within our midst
As we declare
Your righteousness;
Lift up the name
that we confess
As we proclaim Your holiness
Salvation comes from
You alone
Oh Lamb of God,
the chosen One.
That we might be
Your resting place
We worship You,
we seek Your face
Arise shine out for
your light has come
The glory of Yahweh
is rising on you
Though night still
covers the earth
And darkness the people
Above you, Yahweh now
rises above you
His glory appears, arise!
No more will the sun give
you day light
Nor moon light shine on you
But Yahweh will be
your eternal light
Your God will be your splendour
Your sun will set no more,
nor your moon wane
But Yahweh will be your
eternal light
And your days of mourning
will pass from your sight
As darkness awaits the dawn
Morning awaits creation’s song
And with the rising sun
Hope comes alive to carry on
The light of life is shinning on
The dark of night can’t overcome
The light of life that
burns so bright
Can take the wrong and
make it right
Everyday people pray
they’ll find the strength
To make it through
While there’s one who waits
To fill their hearts
with life anew
The light of life keeps shining on
The dark of night can’t overcome
The light of life that
burns so bright
Can touch the blind and
Give them sight (2)
Free us from guilt and sin
God sent his son for everyone
And all who believe in him
Know that new life
has just begun
The light of life keeps shining on
The dark of night
can’t overcome
The light of life is Jesus Christ
Come lift your praise
and worship him
As I kneel before you
As I bow my head in prayer
Take this day, Make it yours
And fill me with your love
Ave Maria,
Gratia plena
Dominus tecum,
Benedicta tu
All I have I give you
Every dream and wish are yours
Mother of Christ,
Mother of mine
Present them to my Lord
As I kneel before you
And I see your smiling face
Every thought, Every word
Is lost in your embrace
As the deer panteth
for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship You
You alone are my strength,
my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my
hearts desire and I long
To worship You
You’re my friend and
You are my brother
Even though You are a King
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
I want you more than
gold or silver
Only you can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye
As we gather
in this place today
Holy Spirit come
and have your way
Have your way
As we lay aside
our own desires
Sweep across our hearts
with holy fire
Lord have your way  
This is your house, your home
We welcome you
Lord we welcome you
This is your house, your home
We welcome you today
As we offer up our
hearts and lives
Let them be a living sacrifice
Have your way
Be glorified in
everything we do
Be glorified in
everything we say
Have your way.  
I know a place
A wonderful place
Where accused and condemned
Find mercy and grace
Where the wrongs
we have done
And the wrongs done to us
Were nailed there with him
There on the cross
At the cross, at the cross
You died for our sins
At the cross, at the cross
You gave us life again
Oh when He rolls up
His sleeves,
He ain’t just puttin’ on the ritz
Our God is an awesome God
There is thunder in
His footsteps
and lightning in His fists
Our God is an awesome God
And the Lord wasn’t joking
when He kicked
‘em out of Eden
It wasn’t for no reason that He
shed His blood
His return is very close and so
you better be
believin’ that Our God is an
awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God
And when the sky was starless
In the void of the night
Our God is an awesome God
He spoke into the darkness
and created the light
Our God is an awesome God
And Judgment and wrath He
poured out on Sodom
Mercy and grace
He gave us at the cross
I hope that we have not too
quickly forgotten
That Our God is
an awesome God
Baruch ha ba, B'shem Adonai
Blessed is He who comes
Baruch ha ba ,B'shem Adonai
Who comes in the
name of the Lord
Now arise O Lord
Come to Your Resting place
You and the ark of your might
Then we will rejoice
As were clothed
With Your righteousness
And celebrate the Love
Be magnified O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing you cant do
O Lord eyes are on you
Be magnified,
O Lord be magnified
Delight yourself in the Lord
And He will give you
your hearts desires
Commit your ways to the Lord
Trust in Him and
He will bless your plans
Be still before the Lord
Wait patiently for Him
Trust in the Lord and do good
Dwell in His holy land
Beautiful (2)
Jesus is beautiful
And Jesus makes beautiful
Things of my life
Carefully, touching me
causing my eyes to see
Jesus makes beautiful
things of my life
Before you now,
in the beauty of your presence
And as I bow, You surround me
with your radiance
I worship, I worship you (2)
Before you now,
as your loving arms enfold me
I am in awe,
at the wonder of your glory
I’ve surrendered to
your call upon my heart
I am captured by
your passion and desire
How lovely is
Your dwelling place,
Oh Lord Almighty
My soul longs and
even faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied,
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of
Your wings
Better is one day in
Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in
Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
One thing I ask and
I would seek,
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place Your
glory dwells
My heart and flesh cry out,
For You the living God
Your spirit’s water for my soul
I’ve tasted and I’ve seen,
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You (2)
Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with cords
That cannot be broken
Bind us together Lord (2)
Bind us together with love
There is only one God
There is only one King
There is only one Body
That is why we sing
Blind man sat by the road
and he cried (3)
He cried Oh Oh Oh
Show me the truth,
Show me the light
Show me the way
The way to go home baby Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Cripple man sat by the road
and he cried (3)
He cried Oh Oh Oh
Show me the truth,
Show me the light
Show me the way
The way to go home baby Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Jesus sat by the road
and he cried (3)
He cried Oh Oh Oh
I am the truth,
I am the light
I am the way
The way to go home baby Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

Break our hearts oh God,
break our hearts (2)
For the sin in our lives,
break our hearts
For the sin in our land,
break our hearts
We cry out we need your hand
Come back to our land
We confess, we’ve lived in sin
Please show your power,
once again
This is the air I breathe (2)
Your Holy presence
living in me
This is my daily bread (2)
Your very word spoken to me
And I,
I’m desperate for you
And I,
I’m lost without you
Breathe upon me
breath of God
Breathe upon me
spirit of the Lord
As I lift my hands in surrender
To your name most high
I am yielding to your spirit
I am walking in our love
Jesus, I adore
Your holy name
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
Your words like a fire
Burning in my soul
Burn up the dross
Bring forth the gold
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
You feel like a fire
Shut up in my bones
Consume me Lord
Make me your own
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
By Your side, I would stay
In Your arms, I would lay
Jesus, lover of my soul
Nothing from You I withhold
Lord I love You
And adore You
What more can I say
You cause my love to
grow stronger
With every passing day.
Call upon the name
Of the Lord
And you’ll be saved

Call upon the name

Of the Lord
And I’ll be saved
Jesus is the name
Of the Lord
And I’ll be saved
Cast your burdens unto Jesus,
He cares for you

Higher (7) Lift up Jesus higher

Lower (7) Stamp Satan lower
Celebrate Jesus celebrate (2)
He has risen, he has risen
And He lives forever more
He has risen, He has risen
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord
Change my Heart O Lord
Make it ever true
Change my heart O Lord
May I be like You
You are the Potter
I am the clay,
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray
Christ has died, Halleluiah
Christ is risen, Halleluiah
Christ will come again,
Hallelu Halleluiah
Christ has no body
now but yours
No hands no feet on earth
but yours
Yours are the eyes with which
He looks
Compassion on his world
Yours are the feet with which
He walks to do good
Yours are the hands with which
He blesses all the world
Yours are the hands
Yours are the feet
Yours are the eyes
You are his body
Come and Worship
Royal Priesthood
Come and Praise Him,
Holy Nation,
Worship Jesus, Our Redeemer.
He is Precious, King of Glory.
Come holy spirit
Fall afresh on us
Fill us with your power
Satisfy our needs
Only you can make us whole
Give us strength and
make us grow
Come Holy Spirit…
Fall afresh on me

Come Holy Spirit…

Come let us sing for
joy to the Lord
Let us shout aloud
To the rock of our salvation
Let’s come before Him
With thanksgiving
And exalt Him with music
And with songs
Sing Hallel Hellelujah
Sing Halle…….luiah
Sing Hallel Hellelujah (2)
Come let’s bow down
in worship
Let’s kneel before the Lord
Our Maker
For He is our God
And we belong to Him
We are His people
The flock under His care
Come on and celebrate
This gift of love
we will celebrate
The Son of God who loved us
And gave us life
We shout your praise O King
You give us life
Nothing else can bring
We bring to You our offering
In celebration, praise.
Come to table of mercy
Prepared with the
wine and the bread
All who are hungry and thirsty
Come and your soul
will be fed
Come at the Lord’s invitation
Receive from His
nail-scarred hand
Eat of the bread of salvation
Drink of the blood of the Lamb
I’m standing here to testify
(Oh the Lord is good)
To sing of how he
changed my life
(Oh the Lord is good)
I was bound by hate and pride
(Oh the Lord is good)
Never knowing of His light
(Oh the Lord is good)
I did not think
I could have peace
(Oh the Lord is good)
Trapped inside by
fear and shame
(Oh the Lord is good)
You wiped away all of my grief
(Oh the Lord is good)
When I believed upon
Your name
Come to the light,
Come as you are,
You can be the friend of God
Humble yourself and
Give Him your heart
He will meet you
Where you are
Come to the light,
Just as you are,
Fall on the Rock
for the wasted years
He will restore all the was lost
Surrender now,
His power is here
Come to the river of life
You will find healing here
Come to the river of life
Come and drink freely here
Come if your heart is searching
Come if your soul is thirsty
Draw near and drink of the
mercy of Jesus Christ
At the river of life
Come worship the Lord
For we are His people
The flock that He shepherds
Come, now is the
Time to worship
Come, now is the
Time to give your heart
Come, just as you are to worship
Come, just as you are
before your God, Come
One day every tongue will
confess You are God
One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure
remains for those
Who gladly choose You now,
I wandered far away from God
Now I'm coming home
The paths of sin
too long I've trod
Lord I'm coming Home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
I've wasted many
precious years
Now I'm coming home
I now repent with bitter tears
Lord I'm coming home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
I've sinned against
my brother too
Now I'm coming home
By hurting him,
I've tortured You
Lord, I'm coming home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
These are the days of Elijah,
Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the
days of your servant Moses,
Righteousness being restored
And though these are
days of great trials,
Of famine and darkness
and sword
Still, we are the voice in the
desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Behold He comes,
Riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the
trumpet call
So lift your voice,
It’s the year of jubilee
And out of Zion’s hill,
salvation comes
And these are the
days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones
becoming as flesh.
And these are the days of
Your servant, David,
Rebuilding the temple of praise
And these are the
days of the harvest,
The fields are as
white in the world.
And we are the laborers
in Your vineyard,
Declaring the word of the Lord
Behold He comes,
Riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the
trumpet call
So lift your voice,
It’s the year of jubilee
And out of Zion’s hill,
salvation comes

There’s no God like Jehovah...

Did you feel the
mountains tremble?
Did you hear the oceans roar?
When the people rose
to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen One
Did you feel the
people tremble?
Did you hear the singers roar?
When the lost began to sing of
Jesus Christ the saving One.
And we can see that
God You’re moving
A mighty river through
the nations
And young and old
will turn to Jesus
Fling wide you heavenly gates
Prepared the way of
the risen Lord
Open up the doors and
let the music play
Let the streets resound
with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon
Do you feel the
darkness tremble
When all the saints
join in one song?
And all the streams
flow as one river
To wash away our brokenness
Don’t you know it’s time to
praise the Lord
In the sanctuary
of His Holy Spirit
So set your mind on him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord will
fill this place

Praise the Lord (echo) (2)

He lives within
the praises of His people
He loves to hear us
call upon His name
So set your mind on him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord will
fill this place

Praise the Lord (echo) (4)

Don't build your house
on the sandy land
Don't build it
too near the shore
Oh it might be kind of nice
And you'll have to do it twice
And you'll have to build your
house once more
But if you build your house
upon the rock
And put a sure foundation
on the solid spot
The storms may come and go
But the peace of God
you'll know
Down the mountains
the river flows
And it brings refreshing
wherever it goes
Through the valleys
and over the fields
The river is rushing and
the river is here
The river of God sets our
feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the
river is here
The river of God is
teeming with life
and all who touch it
can be revived
And those who linger on
this river’s shore
Will come back thirsting for
more of the Lord
The river of God sets our
feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the
river is here
Up to the mountain
we love to go
To find the presence
of the Lord
Along the banks of
the river we run
We dance with laughter giving
praise to the son
The river of God sets our
feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the
river is here
Look upon this fearful scene
The King of Love
nailed to a tree
The Prince of Glory
made to bleed
Hear the pardon that
He speaks
“Forgive them,” is His plea
Where has love like
this been seen?
Let us lift up endless praises
Let us give Him endless song
Let us lift up endless praises
Let us sing of all He’s done
Let us sing of all our
God has done
Look upon this wondrous sight
Foul sinners clothed in white
With the righteousness
of Christ
All our guilt is washed away
Every debt we owed is paid
How astounding is
this grace?
You are my supply,
my breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward,
worth living for
Still more awesome than I know
All of You is more than
enough for all of me,
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with
Your love and
All I have in You is
more than enough
You’re my sacrifice
of greatest price
Still more awesome than I know
You’re my coming King,
You are everything
Still more awesome than I know
More than all I want,
More than all I need
You are more than
enough for me
More than all I know,
More than all I can see
You are more than enough
Every move I make,
I make in you
You make me move Jesus
Every breath I take,
I breathe in You
Every step I take,
I take in you
You are my way, Jesus
Every breath I take,
I breathe in You
Waves of Mercy,
waves of grace
Everywhere I look
I see your face
Your love has captured me
Oh my God this love,
how can it be?
Every tongue and tribe
Gathered round your throne
With one voice we cry
Holy Lord
Every tongue and tribe (3)
I want to say Lord it’s
You who gave me life and
I can’t explain just how much
You mean to me now
That You would save me Lord,
I give all that I am to You
That everyday I could be a
light that shines Your Name
Everyday Lord, I’ll learn to
stand upon Your word
And I pray that I, that I might
come to know You more
That You would guide me in
every single step I take
That everyday I can be a light
unto the world
It’s You I live for everyday
It’s You I live for everyday
It’s You I live for everyday
Father God I wonder
How I managed to exist
Without the knowledge
of your parenthood
And your loving care
But now I am your child
I am adopted in your family
And I can never be alone
For Father God You are
there beside me
I will sing your praises
I will sing your praises
I will sing your praises
forever more (2)
Father in heaven,
how we love you
We lift Your name in all the earth
May Your kingdom be
established in our praises
As Your people declare
Your mighty works
Blessed be the Lord,
God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come

Blessed be the Lord,

God Almighty
Who reigns for ever more
Father of Creation,
unfold Your sovereign plan
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march
through the land
All of creation is longing
For your unveiling of power
Would You release
Your anointing
Oh God let this be the hour
Ruler of the nations
The world has yet to see
The full release of
Your promise
The Church in victory
Turn to us Lord and touch us
Make us strong in Your might
Overcome our weakness
That we could
stand up and fight
Father of lights (echo)
You delight (echo)
in Your children (2x)
Every good and perfect gift
comes from you (3x)

Father of lights
Father of lights (echo)
You never change (echo)
You have no turning (2x)
Father(2) we love you (2)
We have gathered here
To celebrate and worship
Father(2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Jesus (2) we love you (2)
Perfect lamb of God
Sacrificed to save us
Jesus (2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Spirit (2) we love you (2)
Lead us in your way
Make us more like Jesus
Spirit (2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Who can endure on
– the day of Your coming
Who will be able – to stand
You will return like
– Refiner’s fire
Who will be saved by Your hand
You made a way by the blood
of Your sacrifice
Poured out on Calvary’s tree
Now in Your presence
Your glory and righteousness
Stir up a passion in me
The fire of Your love
Is burning within me
Consuming my heart
-Restoring my soul
My only desire
– To abide in Your holiness
Here in the fire of Your love(2)
Though you were blameless
You laid down Your life for us
Bearing the weight of our sin
Come with the power
That raised you victorious
Pour out Your presence again
For the Lord is my tower
And He gives me the power
To tear down the
works of the enemy
In the difficult hour
He will crush the devourer
And bring the
Power of darkness
underneath my feet
Blessed be the name of
the Lord (3)
The Most High
The Name of the Lord is a
strong tower
The righteous run into it
They are saved
Jesus is the name of
the Lord (3)
The most high
The name of the lord is a
strong tower
The righteous run to it
They are saved
Give thanks to the Lord our
God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good,
He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
With a mighty hand and
outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that’s been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
Forever God is faithful,
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us.
From the rising to
the setting sun
His love endures forever
And by the grace of
God we will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
There is no place
Nowhere to hide,
Except Your loving arms
[Safe and secure by Your side]
I run to You
With open arms
Your cleansing love I feel
[Safe and secure by Your side]
You surround me like a
bright morning star
Fears all vanish in the light
You surround me like a
bright morning star
Darkness flees at the
sight of Your face
When doubts arise,
And questions are thorns
I'll always turn to you
[Safe and secure by Your side]
Under Your wings
I'll find refuge
A Fortress of strength for me
[Safe and secure by Your side]
Friends, love one another
Friends, sisters and brothers
Friends all in the
family of God
Friends, are a gift from above
Friends, are devoted and true
And when the growing
gets tough
Their loving, caring and
praying for you

Give thanks with
a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because he is
given Jesus Christ His Son
And now let the weak say
I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the
Lord has done for us,
Give thanks
Give thanks to the Lord
Our God and King
His love endures forever
He is good
He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise sing praise
Sing praise sing praise
His mighty hand
His outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that’s been reborn
His love endures forever
Give them all, give them all,
give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams,
wounded hearts,
and broken toys.
Give them all, give them all,
give them all to Jesus
And He will turn
your sorrows into joy.
We bow our hearts,
we bend our knees
O Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes from
evil things
O Lord we cast down our idols
Give us clean hands,
give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our
souls to another
O God let us be a
generation that seeks
That seeks your face
O God of Jacob
Glory glory in the highest
Glory to the Almighty
Glory to the Lamb of God
Glory to the Living Word
We sing glory to the Lamb
We sing Glory (glory)
Glory (Glory)
Glory Glory to the Lamb
Glory Glory Lord
We give You glory Lord
Glory Glory Lord
You are the mighty God
Nani Nani Jehovah,
Nouka nani Jehovah
Nani nani Jehovah,
Kiya Kuva mana lua
Glory to God (2)
Glory to the Father
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God (2)
Son of the Father
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God (2)
Glory to the Spirit
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God in the Highest
And Peace to His
people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King
Almighty God And Father
We Worship You
We give you thanks
We praise You for Your Glory

Lord Jesus Christ

Only Son of the Father
Lord God, Lamb of God
Glory to God in the Highest
And Peace to His
people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King
Almighty God And Father
You take away the sin of the
world Have mercy on us!
You who are seated at the
right hand of the Father
Receive our prayers!
For You alone are the Holy One!
You alone are the Lord!
You alone are the Most High!
Jesus Christ, with the
Holy Spirit,
Through the glory of God the
Father, Amen!
Glory to God in the Highest
And Peace to His
people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King
Almighty God And Father
Rise up you champions of God
Rise up you royal nation
Rise up and bear
His light abroad
We’ll reach this generation
We’ve got our marching orders
We’ve got our marching orders
Now is the time
to carry them forth
Go forth, Jesus loves them
Go forth, take the gospel
Go forth, the time is now
The harvest is ripening
Go forth
Feel now the burden
of the Lord
Feel how He longs to save them
Feel now for those who
never heard
About the son He gave them
We’ve got our marching orders
We’ve got our marching orders
Now is the time
to carry them forth
Go forth, Jesus loves them
Go forth, take the gospel
Go forth, the time is now
The harvest is ripening
Go forth
God is good,
all the Time
He put a song of praise
in this heart of mine
God is good, all the time
Thru the darkest night,
His light will shine
God is good, He is so good,
All the Time
If you’re walking
through the valley
And there are shadows
all around
Do not fear, He will guide you
‘Cause He’s promised
to never leave you
Nor forsake you and
His Word is true
God is good,
all the Time
He put a song of praise
in this heart of mine
God is good, all the time
Thru the darkest night,
His light will shine
God is good, He is so good,
All the Time
We were sinners so unworthy
Still for us He chose to die
Filled us with His Holy Spirit
Now we can stand and testify
That His love is everlasting
And His mercies
- they will never end
God is good,
all the Time
He put a song of praise
in this heart of mine
God is good, all the time
Thru the darkest night,
His light will shine
God is good, He is so good,
All the Time
God is good,
we sing and shout it
God is good, we celebrate
God is good,
no more we doubt it
God is good, we know it's true
And when I think of
His love for me
My heart fills with praise
and I fell like dancing
For in His heart there is
room for me
And I run with arms opened wide
God is good,
we sing and shout it
God is good, we celebrate
God is good,
no more we doubt it
God is good, we know it's true
Where shall I build my house
On sure foundation (2)
Chosen and precious
corner stone
You are the rock of my salvation
O let the Lord build His house
That we may not work in vain
And let us put our trust in Him
That we may not be
put to shame
God is the strength of my heart
God is the strength of my heart

God is the strength of my heart

And my portion forever

God loves me and I love you and
That's the way it should be [2]
I can't be very sad,
you can't be very sad and
That`s the way it should be [2]
I can smile and you can smile and
That's the way it should be [2]
God of mercy and compassion
Look with pity upon me
Father, let me
call Thee Father
‘Tis Thy child returns to Thee
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
By my sins I have deserved
Death and endless misery
Hell with all its pains and
And for all eternity
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
By my sins I have abandon’d
Right and claim to
heaven above
Where the saints
rejoice forever
In a boundless sea of love
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
See our Savior, bleeding, dying
On the cross of Calvary
To that cross my sins
have nail’d Him
Yet He bleeds and dies for me`
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
Lord of all creation
Of water, earth and sky,
The heavens are
Your tabernacle,
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond
our galaxy,
You are holy, holy
The universe declares
Your majesty,
You are holy, holy,
Lord of heaven and earth...
(2x echo)
Hallelujah (guys)

To the Lord of heaven

and earth... (girls)
Early in the morning,
I will celebrate the light.
When I stumble in the
I will call Your name by light.
God will make a way,
where there
seems to be no way
He works in ways
we cannot see,
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide,
hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for
each new day
He will make a way
By a roadway in the wilderness
he’ll lead me
Rivers in the desert will I see
heaven and earth will fade,
but His word will still remain
He will do something new today
God (3) You are one God
An everlasting God
To you we love
Love(3) you loved us first
An everlasting love O God
Flow(3) The river must flow
Form everlasting throne of God
Fall(3) the fire must fall
From everlasting God alone
We need more of
Your anointing
More and more of Your grace
Fill our hearts with
Your love and peace
We praise Your name
Halleluiah(3) we praise
We need more of Your power
We need more of Your light
So we can stand on Your word
We sing Your praise
Halleluiah(3) we praise
God You’re my God,
You’re my God, (2x)

And I will seek You,

Yes I will seek You,(2x)
You satisfy my soul, (2x)

So I will praise You,

As long as I live, (2x)
I’ve seen Your power and
Your glory
You’ve let me see You in
the sanctuary,
Because Your love is better
than my life,
I will lift up my hands in
We give You praise,
give You praise, (2x)

For You are worthy,

Yes You are worthy, (2x)

So I will praise You,

As long as I live
God’s love is so wonderful
Jesus is so wonderful
God’s love is so wonderful
So wonderful for you
and for me
God is always kind when
you are lonely
Keep Him closer to your heart
He will give you peace,
He will give you rest
If you have his love
in your heart
Put your trust in God
Every day and every hour
He will give you joy,
He will give you hope
If you have his love
in your heart
God will never fail if you ask
Always share His love for us
Praise Him with your song
Praise Him with your harp
Let the whole world
know His love for us
Great and Mighty is
the Lord our God
Great and Mighty is He [2]
Lift up the banner let the
Anthem rise
To Christ our King
Great and Mighty
is the Lord our God
Great and Mighty is He
You are the words
and the music
You are the song that I sing
You are the melody
You are the harmony
Praises to Your name I'll sing
You are the mighty God
You are the Lord of Lords
You are the King of all Kings
Now I return to You
The song that you gave for me
You are the song that I sing
Hail Mary, Full of grace
The Lord is with you
Blessed are you among women
And Blest is the fruit of they
womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now
And at the hour of death.
Gentle woman, quiet light,
Morning star, so strong
so bright,
Gentle Mother, peaceful dove,
Teach us wisdom;
teach us love.
You were chosen by
the Father;
You were chosen for the Son.
You were chosen from
all women
And for woman, shining one.
Blessed are you among women,
Blest in turn all women, too.
Blessed they with peaceful
Blessed they with gentle
Hail Jesus You’re my King
Your life frees me to sing
I will praise You all my days
You’re perfect in all your ways
Hail Jesus You’re my Lord
I will obey Your Word
I want to see Your kingdom
come (echo)
Not my will but Yours be done
Glory, glory to the Lamb
You take me into the Land
We will conquer in Your name
And proclaim that Jesus reigns
Hail, hail O Lion of Judah
How powerful You are
Hail, hail O Lion of Judah
How wonderful You are
Hal-la-la-la-la Halleluiah
Hal-la-la-la-la eluiah (2x)
Shake another hand shake the
hand next to you
Shake another hand and sing
Shake another hand shake the
hand next to you
Shake another hand and
sing this song
Hold another hand hold a hand
next to you
Hold another hand and sing a
song (2)
Pat another back pat the back
next to you
Pat another back and
sing a song (2)
Your love is amazing,
Steady and unchanging
Your love is a mountain,
Firm beneath my feet
Your love is a mystery,
How You gently lift me
When I am surrounded,
Your love carries me
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love
makes me sing

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love
makes me sing
Your love is surprising,
I can feel it rising
All the joy that’s growing
deep inside of me
Every time I see You,
All Your goodness
shines through
And I can feel this God song,
rising up in me
The Nails In Your Hands
The nails in Your hands,
the nail in Your feet,
They tell me how much
You love me.
The thorns on Your brow,
They tell me how You bore so
much shame to love me
And when the heavens
pass away,
All Your scars will still remain.
And forever they will say just
how much You love me.
So I want to say,
Forever my love,
forever my heart,
forever my life is Yours.

Forever my love,
forever my heart,
forever my life is Yours.
Halleluiah sing halleluiah
We give our power and
Praise to Your name
Halleluiah sing halleluiah
We trade our sorrows as
garments of praise
Lord I stand in the midst
of a multitude
Of those from every
tongue and tribe
We are Your people
Redeemed by Your Blood
Rescued from death by Your
There are no words
Good enough to thank You
There are no words
To express my praise
But I will lift up my voice
And sing from the heart
With all my strength
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God
Lord, we stand by grace in
Your presence
Cleansed by the Blood
of the Lamb,
We are you’re Your children,
Called by Your Name,
Humbly we bow and we pray.
Release Your power
to work in us and through us,
Till we are changed to be more
like You.
And all the Nations will see,
Your Glory revealed
And worship you!
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess that
You are Lord of all.
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God

Jesus Christ..Lamb of God..

Jesus is the Lord
He’s the Lord of all my heart
He’s the way, He’s the truth
and the light
Have mercy on me O God
According to Your
unfailing love
According to Your great
Blot out my transgression
He is exalted,
The King is exalted on high
I will praise Him,
He is exalted, forever exalted
And I will praise His Name,
He is the Lord
Forever His truth shall reign,
Heaven and Earth
Rejoice in His Holy Name,
He is exalted,
The King is exalted on high
He is Lord, He is Lord
He is risen from the dead and
He is Lord
Every knee shall bow,
every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
He’s my Lord, He’s my Lord
He is risen from the dead and
He’s my Lord
Every knee shall bow,
every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
He walked where I walked
He stood where I stand
He felt what I feel
He understands
He knows my frailty
Shares my Humanity
Tempted in every way
Yet with out sin
God with us
So close to us
God with us
One of the hatred race
Stung by prejudice
Suffering injustice
Yet He forgives
Wept for my wasted years
Paid for my wickedness
He died n my place
That I might live
God with us
So close to us
God with us
He’s got the whole world
in His hands
He’s got the whole wide world
in His hands
He’s got the whole world
in His hands
He’s got the whole world
in His hands
He’s got You and me Brother
in His hands
He’s got You and me Sister
in His hands
He’s got Itsy-bitsy baby
in His hands
He’s got everybody here
in His hands
Heal me O Lord and
I will be healed
Save me and I will be saved
Heal me O Lord and
I will be healed
You are the one I pray
You are the one I pray
Hear my cry O God,
Attend unto my prayer
From the ends of the earth,
Will I cry unto thee
And when my heart is
Lead me to the rock
That is higher than I (2x)
For thou has been,
a shelter unto me
A high tower Lord,
Against the enemy
And when my heart is
Lead me to the rock
That is higher than I (2x)
Hear O Israel the Lord our
God is one God
Halleluiah (2)
And thou shall love the
Lord thy God
With all thy heart
With all thy mind
And give Him glory
King of Glory
In His ways delight
There is no other Saviour
No other life redeemer
We give our all to praise Him
And lift our voice in
Hear our prayer,
we are Your children
And we’ve gathered
here today
We’ve gathered here to pray
Hear our cry,
Lord we need Your mercy
And we need Your grace today
Hear us as we pray
Our Father,
who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Our Father,
hear us from heaven
Forgive our sins we pray
Hear our song,
as it rises to Heaven
May Your glory fill the earth
As the waters cov’r the sea
See our heart
and remove anything
That is standing in the way
Of coming to You today
Though we are few,
we’re surrounded by many
Who have crossed that
river before
And this is the song we’ll be
singing forever
Holy is the Lord ...
When the music fades,
all is striped away
And I simply come,
Longing just to bring
Something that’s of worth,
that will bless your heart
I’ll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
Your looking into my heart
I am coming back to the
Heart of worship
And its all about You,
its all about you Jesus
I am sorry Lord for the
thing I’ve made it
When It’s all about you,
all about you Jesus
King of endless worth,
no one could express
How much you deserve.
Though I’m weak and poor,
all I have is yours,
Every single breath
I’ll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
Your looking into my heart
I am coming back to the
Heart of worship
And its all about You,
its all about you Jesus
I am sorry Lord for the
thing I’ve made it
When It’s all about you,
all about you Jesus
I, the Lord of sea and sky;
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
my hand will save.
I who made the stars of night;
I will make their
darkness bright.
Who will bear my light
to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling
in the night.
I will go, Lord.
If you lead me.
I will hold your people
in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain;
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them;
they turn away.
I will break their
hearts of stone;
give them hearts for
love alone.
I will speak my word to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling
in the night.
I will go, Lord.
If you lead me.
I will hold your people
in my heart.
I, the Lord of wind and flame;
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide,
till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling
in the night.
I will go, Lord.
If you lead me.
I will hold your people
in my heart.
Light of the world
You step down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this
heart adore you
Hope of a life spent with you
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that
You’re my God
You’re all together lovely
All together worthy
All together wonderful to me
King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly you came to the
earth you created
All for love’s sake
became poor
I’ll never know how much
it cost
To see my sin upon
that cross (3x)
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that
You’re my God
You’re all together lovely
All together worthy
All together wonderful to me
Here I am waiting,
Abide in me I pray
Here I am longing for you
Hide me in your love,
bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more
and more
Come live in me, all my life
Take over
Come breathe in me
and I will rise
On Eagles Wings
Here we are Lord
And I will be healed
Here we are Lord
Save me and I will be saved
Hide me now,
Under Your wings
Cover me within
Your mighty Hands
When the oceans rise and
thunders roar
I will soar with You,
above the storm
Father You are King over
the Flood
I will be still, know
You are God
Find rest my soul,
In Christ alone
Know His power,
In quietness and trust
His name is exalted far
Above the earth
His name is high
Above the heavens
His name is exalted far
above the earth
Let's give glory and honour
And praise unto His name
No other name but the
name of Jesus
No other name but the
name of the Lord
No other name but the
name of Jesus
Is worthy of glory
Is worthy of honor
Is worthy of power
Is worthy of praise
Holiness, holiness is
what I long for
Holiness is what I need
Holiness, holiness is what you
want from me
Take my heart and form it
Take my mind and transform it
Take my will and conform it
To Yours, to Yours, O Lord
Faithfulness, faithfulness is
what I long for
Faithfulness is what I need
Faithfulness, faithfulness is
what you want from me
Take my heart and form it
Take my mind and transform it
Take my will and conform it
To Yours, to Yours, O Lord
Righteousness, righteousness is
what I long for
Righteousness is what I need
Righteousness, righteousness is
what you want from me
Take my heart and form it
Take my mind and transform it
Take my will and conform it
To Yours, to Yours, O Lord
Jesus, Jesus
Holy and anointed One, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Risen and exalted One, Jesus
Your name is like honey
on my lips
Your Spirit like water
to my soul
Your Word is a lamp
unto my feet
Jesus I love you, I love You
Holy Holy Holy Lord
Earth is full of Your glory
Glory fills the heavens too
Sing to Him hosanna
Blessed is the One who comes
Bringing this great glory
Holy Holy Holy Lord
Sing to Him Hosanna
Holy Holy Holy Lord
God of power and might(2)
Heaven and earth are full of
Your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the Highest
Blessed is He who comes in the
Name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the Highest
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is
our strength
We bow down and
worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing…
Everyone sing…
Holy is the Lord
God Almighty
The earth is filled with
Your glory.
It’s rising up all around
It’s the anthem of the
Lord’s renown
Holy Spirit Thou are welcome
in my heart - (2x)
Omnipotent Power
Of Glory and Grace
Thou are welcome in my heart
Holy Spirit we welcome you
Holy Spirit we welcome you
Rule amongst us with holy fire
As we lay aside all earthly
Hands reach out and our
hearts aspire
Holy Spirit (3)
We welcome you
Holy spirit we welcome you
Holy spirit we welcome you
Let the breeze of your
presence blow
That your children here might
truly know
How to move in the
Spirits flow
Holy Spirit (3)
We welcome you
Holy Spirit we welcome you
Holy Spirit we welcome you
Please accomplish in me today
Some new work of loving
grace I pray
Unreservedly have your way
Holy Spirit (3)
We welcome you
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Come with your fire (2)
Holy Spirit come with
Your fire (2)
Come Holy Spirit, Let Your
fire fall (2)
Let your fire fall (2)
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Set my life on fire(2)
Holy Spirit set my
life on fire(2)
Come Holy Spirit, let your
fire fall (2)
Let your fire fall (2)
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Purify my heart(2)
Holy Spirit purify my heart(2)
Come Holy Spirit, let your
fire fall (2)
Let your fire fall (2)
Holy, You are Holy
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Holy, You are Holy
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
I worship You
Worthy, You are worthy
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Worthy, You are worthy
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
I worship You
Jesus, You are Jesus
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Jesus, You are Jesus
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
I worship You
Hosanna (3) In the Highest [2]
Lord we lift up your name,
With our hearts full of praise
Be exalted O Lord our God
Hosanna in the Highest
Worthy (3) is the Lamb of God
Lord we lift up your name,
With our hearts full of praise
Be exalted O Lord our God
Hosanna in the Highest
Jesus (3) is the King of Kings
Lord we lift up your name,
With our hearts full of praise
Be exalted O Lord our God
Hosanna in the Highest
How marvelous!
How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous!
How wonderful!
Is my Saviour’s love for me
I stand amazed in the presence
of Jesus the Nazarene
And I wonder how
He could love me!
A sinner condemned unclean
Humble thyself in the sight of
the Lord (2)
And He shall lift you up;
higher and higher
And He shall lift you up
Humble thyself in the sight of
the Lord (2)
And He shall lift you up,
higher and higher
And He shall lift you up,
up into heaven
And He shall lift you up.
Seek ye first the
Kingdom of God (2)
And He shall lift you up,
higher and higher
And He shall lift you up
Seek ye first the
Kingdom of God (2)
And He shall lift you up,
higher and higher
And He shall lift you up,
up into heaven
And He shall lift you up
Hungry, I come to you for I
know you satisfy
I am empty, but I know Your
love does not run dry
And so I wait for You
so I wait for You
I’m falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You’re all this heart
is living for
Broken, I run to You for Your
arms are open wide
I am weary, but I know Your
touch restores my life
And so I wait for You so
I wait for You
I ‘ve got joy down in my heart
Deep deep down in my heart
JOY is down in my heart
Deep deep down in my heart
Jesus put it there
and nothing can destroy,
destroy, destroy, destroy
I am a C
I am a C-H
I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
And I have C-H-R-I-S-T
In my H-E-A-R-T
And I will L-I-V-E
I am so glad
I belong to Jesus(3)
Hallelujah Praise the Lord
Praise the lord Amen amen(6)
Hallelujah Praise the Lord
I am standing beneath
Your wings
I am resting in Your shelter
Your great faithfulness has
been my shield
And it makes me want to sing
Blessed be the
name of the Lord
I will bless Your Holy Name
for all my days
Blessed be the
name of the Lord
I sing praises to your name
O Lord
For You daily bear my burdens
Your great faithfulness is
my reward
And it makes me want to sing
I am the Bread of Life
He who comes to Me
shall not hunger
He who believes in Me
shall not thirst.
No one can come to Me
Unless the Father called him.
And I will raise him up
And I will raise him up
And I will raise him up
on the last day
The bread that I will give
Is My Flesh for the life
of the world
And he who eats of this bread
He shall live forever
He shall live forever
And I will raise him up
And I will raise him up
And I will raise him up
on the last day
I am the God that healeth thee
I am the Lord your healer
I sent My word and
healed your disease
I am the God your healer
You are the God that
healeth me
You are the Lord my healer
You sent Your Word and
healed my disease
You are the Lord my healer
I can feel you flowing
through me
Holy spirit come and fill me up
Come and fill me up
Love and mercy, fill my senses
I am thirsty for your
presence Lord
Come and fill me up
Lord let your mercy wash away
all of my sins
Fill me completely with
Your love, once again
I need you, I want You,
I love your presence (2)
Over the mountains
and the sea
Your river runs with
love for me.
And I will open up my heart
And let the healer set me free.
I’m happy to be in the truth
And I will daily lift my hands
For I will always sing
Of when Your
love came down
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever
Oh I feel like dancing,
It’s foolishness I know.
But when the world has seen
the light,
They will dance with joy like
we’re dancing now.
I enter the Holy of Holies
I enter through
The blood of the Lamb
I enter to worship You only
I enter to honor ‘I Am’
Lord I worship You,
I worship You (2)
For Your name is
Holy, Holy Lord
I have decided to
follow Jesus (3x)
No turning back
No turning back!
The world behind me,
the Cross before me (3x)
No turning back
No turning back!
Though none go with me,
still I will follow (3x)
No turning back
No turning back!
O take the whole world but
give me Jesus (3x)
No turning back
No turning back!
We have decided to follow
Jesus (3x)
No turning back
No turning back!
I have seen, seen
The victory of Jesus
Glory be to God
Glory be to Jesus
I have seen the victory of Jesus
Glory be to God. Amen
I have seen, seen
The downfall of Satan
Glory be to God
Glory be to Jesus
I have seen the
downfall of Satan
Glory be to God. Amen
When I look to my right
I see Satan has fallen

When I look to my right
Jesus has conquered
Lord we praise You
Oh! Satan has fallen
Lord we praise You
Oh! Jesus has conquered
I just keep trusting my Lord
As I walk along
I just keep trusting my Lord
And He gives me a song
Tho’the storm clouds
darken the sky
O’er the heavenly trail
I just keep trusting my Lord
He will never fail.
He’s a faithful friend (echo)
Such a faithful friend (echo)
I can count on him (echo)
To the very end (echo)
I just keep trusting my Lord
As I walk along
I just keep trusting my Lord
And He gives me a song
I know He rescued my soul
His blood has
covered my sin
I believe, I believe
My shame is taken away
My pain is healed in His name
I believe, I believe
I’ll raise a banner
My God has conquered the grave

My Redeemer lives (4x)

Lai Lailailai Lai Lai (3) Lai Lai
I lift my eyes up to the
Where does my help come from
My help comes from you
Maker of heaven, creator
of the earth
Oh! how I need you Lord
You are my only hope
You’re my only prayer
So, I will wait for you
To come and rescue me
Come and give me life
I lift my eyes to the hills
Where does my help
come from
My help comes from the Lord
Maker of Heaven and Earth
O Maker of Heaven and Earth
O Maker of Heaven and Earth
O Maker of Heaven and Earth
Your foot shall never be moved
You’ll never stumble
Or slip no never
He who watches Israel
He never slumbers or sleeps
No He never slumbers or sleeps
The Lord will keep you
from harm
He watches over your soul
He will watch you come and go
Now and forevermore forever
Now and forevermore
I long for the freedom
To live in the truth
I want to be more like you

But every time I try

To bring about change
I touch only the visible me
There is only one way
I’m really gonna change
Change me on the inside(3x)
Just like King David
I cry out to You
Create in me a clean heart
I grieved you again
I need Your release
From the patterns
That keep me in sin
There’s only one way
I can finally break free
Change me on the inside (3x)
I love the rain, coz I can see
the rainbows
I love the clouds coz I can see
the sun
I love the dark night coz
I can see the stars light
I can see God’s love in everyone
You’ll see the whole world
in a different way,
When you say your prayers
And talk to God each day
He’ll bring you happiness,
That’ll chase away the blues
Put God in your heart and
spread the news.
God made the whole world,
All of black and white
He made the darkness he also
made the light
He see our goodness even
when we’re bad
Make the Lord your friend and
you’ll be glad
I love the thrill that I feel
when I get together with
God’s wonderful people
Love the thrill that I feel when
I get together with
God’s wonderful people
What a sight just to see all the
happy faces
Praising God in the
heavenly places
Love the thrill that I feel when
I get together with
God’s wonderful people
O what joy His love affords
and when we meet in
one accord
And we lift our hearts in praise
unto the Lord
I love to be in your presence
With your people
singing praises
I love to stand and rejoice
lift my hands and
praise the Lord
You set my feet at dancing
You fill my heart with song
You give me reason
to rejoice
I love You I love You
I love You Lord
With all of my heart
I’ll do my best, my very best
I’ll do my best for you

I praise You
I’ll serve You
I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship you
O my soul, rejoice
Take joy my king
In what you hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound
In your ear
I Offer You O My Lord
All of my life
I am Yours forever
Here’s my heart as You know
You are my only love and joy
I see the Lord
And He is seated on the Throne
The train of His robe
Is filling the Heavens
I see the Lord
And He is shining like the sun
His eyes like the fire
His voice like the water
And surrounding His Throne
Are thousands singing
Holy, Holy, Holy are
You Lord God Almighty
I sing praises to Your name
O Lord
Praises to Your name O Lord
I sing praises to Your name
O Lord
Glory to Your name O Lord
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at His feet I bow
Wordly pleasures all forsaken
Take me Jesus, take me now
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Make me Savior, wholy Thine
Let me feel the Holy Spirit
Truly know that Thou art mine
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I Surrender
Lord, I give myself to Thee
Fill me with Thy
love and power
Let Thy blessings fall on me
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
I walk by faith Each step I take
To live by faith I put
my trust in You
Ev’ry step I take, is a step
of faith
No weapon formed against me
shall prosper
And every prayer I make,
is a prayer of faith
And if my God is for me
Then who can be against me
I want to clap, clap, clap.
I want to snap, snap, snap
I want to clap I want to snap
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap
I want to snap and
Praise the Lord
I want to zoom, zoom, zoom.
Out of my gloom,
gloom, gloom
I want to zoom out of my
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
And Praise the Lord
I want to sing, sing, sing.
I want to shout, shout, shout
I want to sing I want to shout
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
I want to sing I want to shout
And Praise the Lord
I want to jump, jump, jump.
I want to dance, dance, dance
I want to jump I want to dance
And praise the Lord

When the gates are

opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
I want to sing I want to shout
I want to jump I want to dance
And Praise the Lord
I want to fly, fly, fly.
Into the sky, sky, sky
I want to fly into the sky
And praise the Lord

When the gates are

opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
I want to sing I want to shout
I want to jump I want to dance
I want to fly into the sky
And Praise the Lord
I was glad when they
said to me
Come to the House of the Lord
Standing here in Your gates
again Up to Jerusalem…
Jerusalem Peace Adonai
Sar Shalom
Blessing be yours
God’s peace within your walls
City of praise, where the tribes
Shout Hallel
We lift our voice
To the God of Israel
I will call upon the Lord,
Who is worthy to be praised.
So shall I be saved
from my enemies
I will call upon the Lord
The Lord liveth, and blessed
be the rock,
And let the God of my
salvation be exalted.
The Lord liveth, and blessed
be the rock,
And let the God of my
salvation be exalted.
I will learn to trust in him,
He will save me from my sin
So shall I proclaim Him the
Lord of all
I will learn to trust the Lord
I will celebrate,
sing unto the Lord,
Sing to the Lord a new song.
I will celebrate,
sing unto the Lord,
Sing to the Lord a new song.
With my heart
rejoicing within,
With my mind focused on Him,
With my hands raised
to the heavens,
All I am worshipping Him
I will dance I will sing
To be mad for my king
Nothing Lord is hindering the
passion in my soul
I will become more undignified
than this
I will become more undignified
than this
I will enter His gates
With thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His courts
with praise
I will say this is the day
That the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made
me glad
He has made me glad
Oh He has made me glad
I will rejoice for He has made
me glad (2x)

Halleluiah He has made me

glad (2x)
I will fight the fight,
I will run the race
I will press on towards
the goal (2x)

I will take hold of

that for which
God took hold of me (2x)
I will never forget you,
my people
I have carved you on the palm
of my hand.
I will never forget you;
I will not leave you orphaned
I will never forget my own
Does a mother forget her baby?
Or a woman the child within
her womb?
Yet, even if these forget,
yes, even if these forget,
I will never forget my own
I will sing hosanna (2x)
Singing around before the
throne of glory
I will sing hosanna

Clap / Dance / jump / fly

I will sing of the mercies
of the Lord
Forever, I will sing,
yes I will sing
I will sing of the mercies
of the Lord
Forever I will sing of the
mercies of the Lord
With my mouth,
will I make known
Thy faithfulness, thy
With my mouth,
will I make known
Thy faithfulness to all
I will worship (echo)
with all of my heart (echo)
I will praise you (echo)
with all my strength
(all my strength)
I will seek you (echo)
All of my days (echo)
I will follow (echo)
Follow all of your ways
(All your ways)
I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are
worthy of my praise
I will bow down (echo)
Hail You as King (echo)
I will serve You (echo)
I’ll give you everything
(I give you ev'rything)
I will lift up (echo)
My eyes to your throne (echo)
I will trust You (echo)
I’ll trust you alone
(I trust you alone)
I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are
worthy of my praise
I worship you Almighty God!
There is none like You.

I worship you,
O Prince of Peace!
That is what I want to do
I give You praise,
For You are my righteousness.

I worship you Almighty God!

There is none like You
I’m so glad I belong
to Jesus (3x)
Hallelujah praise the Lord
Praise the Lord Amen Amen(4x)

Praise the Lord

Amen Amen (2x)
Hallelujah praise the Lord
I’ve got Spirit in my heart
And it is keeping me alive.

Jesus is keeping me alive

I’m so happy
So very happy
I’ve got the love of
Jesus in my heart
I’m so happy
So very happy
Jesus is keeping me alive
If the spirit of the Lord
is in my Soul
Like David the sinner I will
pray (2x)

I will pray, I will pray

Like David the sinner I will
pray (2x)
If the spirit of the Lord
is in my Soul
Like David the shepherd,
I will sing (2x)

I will sing, I will sing

Like David the shepherd, I will
sing (2x)
If the spirit of the Lord
is in my Soul
Like David the victor,
I will dance (2x)

I will dance, I will dance

Like David the victor,
I will dance (2x)
If we call to Him,
He will answer us
If we run to Him,
He will run to us
If we lift our hand,
He will lift us up
Come now praise His name
All you saints of God
O sing for joy to God
Our strength (2x)
Our strength
Draw near to Him,
He is here with us
Give Him your love,
He’s in love with us
He will heal our hearts
He will cleanse our hands
If we rend our hearts,
He will heal our land
If you wanna joy in your heart
Joy that’ll never depart
Lift up His name and sing of
His glory
And Love… Love…
If you wanna peace
in your heart
Peace that’ll never depart
Lift up His name and sing of
His glory
And Love… Love…
If you wanna love in your heart
Love that’ll never depart
Lift up His name and sing of
His glory
And Love… Love…
I Love You(3x) Lord
With all of my heart(2x)
I’ll do my best, my very best
I’ll do my best for you
I serve You(3x) Lord
With all of my heart(2x)
I’ll do my best, my very best
I’ll do my best for you
I praise You(3x) Lord
With all of my heart(2x)
I’ll do my best, my very best
I’ll do my best for you
If you want your dream to be
build it slow and surely
Small beginnings greater ends
Heart felt works go purely
If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Simple joy O holy
Day by day, stone by stone
build your secrets slowly
Day by day you’ll grow too
You’ll know heavens glory
In bread we bring You Lord
Our bodies’ labour
In wine we offer You
Our spirit’s grief
We do not ask You Lord
Who is my neighbour
But stand united now
One in Belief
Oh we have gladly heard
Your word, Your Holy Word
And now in answer Lord
Our gifts we bring
Our selfish hearts make true
Our failing faith renew
Our hearts belong to You
Our Lord and King
In moments like these I’ll sing
out a song
I’ll sing out a love
song to Jesus
In moments like these
I’ll sing out a song
I’ll sing out a love song to You
Singing I love You Lord
Singing I love You Lord
Singing I love You Lord
I love You Lord
In the secret in the quiet place
In the stillness you are there
In the secret in the
quiet hour I wait
Only for you
‘Cause I want to know
you more
I want to know you
I want to hear your voice
I want to know you more
I want to touch you
I want to see your face
I want to know you more
I am reaching for the
highest goal
That I might receive the prize
Pressing onward,
pushing every hindrance aside
Out of my way
‘Cause I want to know
you more
In Your presence there is
fullness of joy
At Your right hand there are
pleasure evermore
You surround us with your
O Lord
The earth is full of Your
The earth is filled with
Your love
Exceedingly abundantly
Far above all,
We could ever ask or think
Exceedingly abundantly
You give all things to enjoy
Such joy, such unspeakable joy
Such peace, Everlasting peace
Such love, pure and holy love
Spirit have your way in me
In your presence, that’s where
I’m strong
In your presence,
O Lord My God
In your presence, that’s
where I belong
Seeking your face, touching
Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In your presence O Lord
Into my heart, Into my heart
Come into my heart
Lord Jesus
Come in today, come in to stay
Come into my heart
Lord Jesus
It is the cry of my heart
to follow you
It is the cry of my heart
to be close to you
It is the cry of my heart
to follow
All of the days of my life
Teach me your holy ways,
O Lord
So I can walk in your truth
Teach me your holy ways,
O Lord
And make me wholly devoted
to you
It is the cry of my heart
to follow you
It is the cry of my heart
to be close to you
It is the cry of my heart
to follow
All of the days of my life
Open my eyes so I can see
The wonderful things
that you do
Open my heart up
more and more
And make me wholly devoted
to you
It is the cry of my heart
to follow you
It is the cry of my heart
to be close to you
It is the cry of my heart
to follow
All of the days of my life
It’s a great thing to
Praise the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord

in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Serve the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord

in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Thank the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord

in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Love the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord

in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
Its Your Blood that cleanseth me
It’s Your Blood that
giveth me life
It’s Your Blood that took
my place
In redeeming sacrifice
And washes me
Whiter than the snow
Than the snow

My Jesus
God’s precious sacrifice
Jambo, Jesus loves you
Are you happy, He is with you?
Karibu, into His presence
Why do you worry?

Oh, oh, oh, oh Almighty God

Jehovah Jairah my provider
His grace is sufficient for me,
for me, for me
Jehovah Jairah my provider
His grace is sufficient
for me
My God shall supply all my needs
According to his riches and glory
He will give his angels
charge over me
Jehovah Jairah cares for me,
for me, for me
Jehovah Jairah cares for me
Jesus be the Centre,
be my source, be my light
Jesus be the Centre,
be my hope, be my song
Be the fire in my heart
Be the wind in these sails
Be the reason that I live
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus be my vision,
O be my path,
Be my guide
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus is the rock
And He rolls my blues away
Pop shuba shuba Pooh … (2x)
Jesus is the rock
And He rolls my blues away
When your out on the street
and you got no place to go
Pop shuba shuba Pooh

When your out on the street

and you’re feeling ought so low
Pop shuba shuba Pooh
Well hang on now
Cause Jesus gonna
set you free
Jesus is the rock
And He rolls my blues away
Pop shuba shuba Pooh … (2x)
Jesus is the rock
And He rolls my blues away

He keeps rolling by
blues away (3x)
Jesus is the winner-man,
the winner-man,
the winner-man

Jesus is the winner-man,

the winner-man all the time
I am on the winning side,
the winning side,
the winning side

I am on the winning side,

the winning side all the time
Satan is the loser-man,
the loser-man, the loser-man

Satan is the loser-man,

the loser-man all the time
Jesus love is bubbling over (3x)
Jesus O Jesus, come and fill
your lambs (2x)
O let the son of God enfold you
With His spirit and His love
let Him fill your heart and
satisfy your soul
O let Him have the things
that hold you
and His spirit like a dove
will descend upon your life and
make whole
Jesus put this song into my
heart (2x)
It’s a song of joy no one can
take away
Jesus put this song
into my heart
Jesus taught us how to live in
harmony (2x)
Different faces different races
He made us one
Jesus taught us how to live
in harmony
Jesus taught us how be a
family (2x)
Loving one another with the
love that He gives
Jesus taught us how be
a family
Jesus turned our sorrows into
dancing (2x)
Changed our tears of sadness
into river of joy
Jesus turned our sorrows into
a dance
Jesus sweet Jesus, what a
wonder You are
You're brighter than the
morning star
You're precious more precious
Than the lily that grows down
the way side
Precious more precious
than gold
You are the rose of Sharon
You're fairest of the fair
You are all my heart
could er' desire
Jesus sweet Jesus, what a
wonder You are
You're precious more precious
than gold
Jesus the Lord is alive
He lives (echo)
He lives (Lives)
Jesus the Lord is alive
Jesus, we celebrate
your victory
Jesus, we revel in your love
Jesus, we rejoice you
set us free
Jesus, your death has
brought us life
Halleluiah for the Lord our God
the almighty reigns (2x)

He is the King of Kings

He is the Lord of Lords
His name is Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus
O He is the king
Sing halleluiah, Sing halleluiah
Jesus is the King (2x)

He is the King of Kings

He is the Lord of Lords
His name is Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus
O He is the king
Halleluiah for the
Lord our God the almighty
reigns (2x)
Jesus, we celebrate
your victory
Jesus, we revel in your love
Jesus, we rejoice you
set us free
Jesus, your death has
brought us life
Jesus we enthrone You
We proclaim that You are King
Standing here
in the midst of us
We lift You up with our praise
And as we worship build a
throne (3x)
Come Lord Jesus and
take Your place
Jesus you are my friend
and brother
Above You there is no other
You give us love for each other
So jump, jump (3) forth
Jesus You are my soul’s desire
You light my soul on fire
You lift my spirit higher
So jump, jump (3) forth
It’s all about You, Jesus
And all this is for You
For Your glory and Your fame
It’s not about me
As if You should do things my way
You alone are God and I surrender
To Your ways
Jesus, lover of my soul
All consuming fire is in
Your gaze
Jesus, I want You to know
I will follow You all my days
For no one else in history is
like You
And history itself belongs to You
Alpha and Omega,
You have loved me
And I will spend eternity
with You.
Jesus, name above all names,
Beautiful Savior
Glorious Lord, Emmanuel,
God is with us,
Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
Jesus, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Christ, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Jesus, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Jesus, what a wonder You are
You are so gentle
So pure and so kind
You shine like the morning star
Jesus, what a wonder You are
Jesus, you are my soul’s desire
You light my soul on fire
You lift my spirit higher
Jump.... for Jesus
Jesus, You are my friend
and my brother
Above you there is no other
You give us love for each other
He’s the one who makes
the sun shine
He’s the one who puts
the moon in the sky
He’s the one who
holds the stars
One by one
Jesus, you’re my Super Hero
You’re my star My best friend
Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah
Joining with the angels
in heaven
We’re singing Your praise.
Singing of the love that
You’ve given
We’re lifting Your name
Standing at the foot
of the Cross
Seated at the heavenly place
Joining with the angels
in heaven
We’re singing Your praise
Singing with the glories of
As we sing your praise
Turning all our eyes upon Jesus
Look into your face
Lifting up or hands we adore
Bowing down before
Your throne
Shining with the glories
of heavens
As we sing your praise
We are singing holly
holy is the lamb
We are singing glory glory
great I Am
We are singing worthy
worthy is your name
Lifting up or hands we adore
Bowing down before
Your throne
Shining with the glories of
As we sing your praise
Open up the skies of mercy
Rain down the cleansing flood
Healing waters rise around us
Hear our cries, Lord
Let ‘em rise
It’s Your kindness, Lord
That leads us to repentance
Your favor, Lord is our desire
It’s Your beauty, Lord
That makes us stand in silence
And Your love,
Your love is better than life
We can feel Your mercy falling
You are turning our hearts
back again
Hear our praises rise to heaven
Draw us near, Lord
Meet us here
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Glory Hallelujah
Jesus Prince of Peace
Glory Hallelujah
Let the poor man say
I’m rich in him
Let the lost man say
I’m found in him
Let the river flow
Let the blind man say
I can see again
Let the dead man say
I am born again
Let the river flow (2)
Let the river flow (2)
Holy spirit come
move in power
Let the river flow
Let the redeemed of the
Lord say so (3x)
I’m redeemed, I'm redeemed
praise the Lord
Ah Lord God Thou has made
the heavens
And earth by thy great power
Ah Lord God Thou has made
the Heavens
And the earth by Thine
outstretched hands
Nothing is too difficult
for Thee(2)
Great and mighty God
Great in counsel mighty indeed
Nothing, nothing
absolutely nothing
Nothing is too difficult for thee
What a mighty
God we serve (3x)
Angels bow before Him
Heaven and earth adore Him
What a mighty God we serve
Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Let the blind say I can see
It’s what the Lord has
done in me
Hosanna, hosanna
To the Lamb that was slain
Hosanna, hosanna
Jesus died and rose again
Into the river I will wade
There my sins are
washed away
From the heavens
mercy streams
Of the Savior’s love for me
I will rise from the
waters deep
Into the saving arms of God
I will sing salvation songs
Jesus Christ has set me free
Let your glory fall
We are thirsty Lord
Hear us as we call
Fill us now
Let your glory fall (3x)
Let Your Spirit come
Fall upon me now
And let the rain fall down
Fall upon my soul
Come and wash me now
Come and make me whole
Lift high the banners of love,
Sound the trumpets of war
Christ has gotten us the victory
Jericho must fall (3x)
Shine Jesus shine
Fill this land with the
Father’s glory
Blaze Spirit blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow river flow
Flood the nations with
grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord, and let there be light
Lift up your heads,
O you gates
Swing open wide,
You ancient doors
Let the King of Kings
Take His rightful place
Make room, make way,
For our King of Grace
Lift up your hands,
Open up your hearts
His victory over sin and
death is ours
Let the King of Kings
Take His rightful place
Make room make way,
For our King of grace
Who is this King of Glory
Lord of power
His name is Jesus our
risen King
Who is this King so mighty
Lord of strength
His name is Jesus our
risen King
The One that we have seen
with our own eyes
The One that we have touched
and felt with our own hands
The One that we have heard
with our own ears
The One that in the depths of
our hearts we have met
He is the One who we
proclaim to you
His splendor is on all, for he
shines upon the world
So many in our world drift
into sleep
While others only know a
darkness without end
Let brothers rise to call them
from the deep
Let sisters take their hands to
heal and be their friends
Together, let us stand
against the storm
And in the heart of night,
be the watchers of the morn
The light of the world,
salt of the earth
We scatter the darkness,
when love becomes our way
The light of the world,
Christ is our light
We shine with his brightness,
The reflection of his light
from day to day
So many feel that they have
yet to find
The meaning of their lives,
their value and their worth
If we just walked along with
hearts made kind
And listened to their tales and
sought to ease their hurt
Perhaps they’d hearken to the
news we bear,
and in the broken bread, come
to know true love and care
No worth has salt if it should
lose it’s taste
No usefulness has light if it is
hidden away!
So may our souls, our hearts,
our minds be graced
I stand to praise You
But I fall on my knees
My spirit is willing
But my flesh is so weak
Light the fire (light the fire)
In my soul (in my weary soul)
Fan the flame (fan the flame)
Make me whole
(make my spirit whole)
Lord, You know
(Lord, You know)
Just where I’ve been
(where I’ve been)
So light the fire in
my heart again
I feel Your arms around me
As the power of
Your healing begins
Your spirit moves through me
Like a mighty rushing wind
Little by little, every day
Little by little, every way
Jesus is changing me
Since I’ve made a
turnabout phase
I’ve been growing in His grace
Jesus is changing me.
He’s changing me,
my Lord and Savior,
I’m not the same person
that I used to be
Though there’s a slow growing,
but there’s a knowing,
That someday perfect I will be
Living waters flow on
Sweep away my pain
Bring Your healing to my heart
Help me love once again
Cares and worries get me down
Fear of failure fills my day
When I’m lost and at alone
Help me Lord to find Your way
Living waters flow on
Sweep away my pain
Bring Your healing to my heart
Help me love once again
People knocking at my door
Strangers seeking
love and care
Never let me turn them down
Teach me gently how to share
Living waters flow on
Sweep away my pain
Bring Your healing to my heart
Help me love once again
Children come into my life
With their laughter
and their song
When will I become like them
Teach me Lord to sing along
Living waters flow on
Sweep away my pain
Bring Your healing to my heart
Help me love once again
Look upon this fearful scene
The King of Love
nailed to a tree
The Prince of Glory
made to bleed
Hear the pardon that
He speaks
“Forgive them,” is His plea
Where has love like
this been seen?
Let us lift up endless praises
Let us give Him endless song
Let us lift up endless praises
Let us sing of all He’s done
Let us sing of all our
God has done
Look upon this wondrous sight
Foul sinners clothed in white
With the righteousness
of Christ
All our guilt is washed away
Every debt we owed is paid
How astounding is this grace?
Lord have mercy (3)
on us
Send your spirit (3)
on us
Save Your people (3)
on earth
Jesus, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Christ, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Jesus, Savior, Son of God,
Have mercy on us
Lord help us more holy
Lord help us more faithful
Lord help us more humble
Lord help us more loving
Until we meet again
Lord I offer my life to you
Every thing I’ve been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
As a pleasing sacrifce
Lord I offer you my life
Things in the past
Things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are
Yet to come true
All of my hopes, all of my plans
My heart and my hands
Are lifted to you
Lord listen to
Your people praying
Lord send Your Spirit
in this place
Lord listen to Your people praying
Send Your love, send Your power
Send Your grace
Something’s gonna happen
like the world has never known
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
The doors are gonna
swing open
And the walls come
tumbling down
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
He’s gonna take over,
He’s gonna take control
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
He’s gonna move the
He’s gonna make the waters roll
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
We are going to know it
When the Lord stretches out
His hand
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
There’s gonna be a new song
of victory in this land
When the people of the Lord
get down to pray
Lord make me an instrument
An Instrument of worship
I lift up my hand
to Your Name (2x)
I'll sing to you a love song
A love song of worship
I lift up my hands
to Your Name (2x)
All glory and honour
To Jesus for ever
I lift up my hands
to Your Name (2x)
Lord prepare me,
to be a sanctuary
Pure and Holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving
I’ll be a living Sanctuary
For you
Lord You seem so far away
A million miles or more
it feels today
And though I haven’t
lost my faith
I must confess right now
That it’s hard for me to pray
But I don’t know what to say
And I don’t know
where to start
But as you give the grace
With all that’s in my heart
I will sing, I will praise
Even in my darkest hour
Through the sorrow
and the pain
I will sing, I will praise
Lift my hands to honour you
Because your word is true
Lord it’s hard for me to see
All the thoughts and
plans you have for me
But I will put my trust in you
Knowing that you died
to set me free
But I don’t know what to say
And I don’t know where to start
But as you give the grace
With all that’s in my heart
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I love to sing your praises
I’m so glad you’re in my life
I’m so glad You came
to save us
You came from heaven to earth
to show the way
From the earth to the cross,
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave,
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high
Majesty, worship his majesty
Unto Jesus be
glory honour and praise
Majesty, Kingdom, authority
Flows from his throne
Unto his own
His anthem raise
So exalt, lift upon high
The name of Jesus
Magnify come glorify
Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship his Majesty
Jesus who died, now glorified
King of all Kings
Making Melody in my heart (3x)
Unto the king of kings

Thumbs in… Elbows out…

Knees bend… Feet apart…
Turn around… Tongues out…
Many waters can not quench
Your love
Rivers can not over whelm it
Oceans of fear can not
conceal Your love for me
Your love for me
Holy Love, flow in me
Fill me up, like the
deepest sea
Like a crashing wave
pouring over me
Many sorrows can not quench
your love
Darkness can not over whelm it
I will not fear
Your love is here to comfort me
You comfort me
May we be a shining light
to the nations
A shining light to the
peoples of the earth
Till the whole world sees the
glory of your name
May your pure light shine
through us
May we bring a
word of hope to the nations
A word of life to the peoples
of the earth
Till the whole world knows
There’s salvation through
Your name
May Your mercy flow
through us
May we be a healing balm
to the nations
A healing balm to the peoples
of the earth
Till the whole world knows
The power of your name
May Your healing
flow through us
May we sing a song of joy
to the nations
A song of praise to the peoples
of the earth
Till the whole world rings
With praises of Your name
May your song be
sung through us
May your kingdom come
to the nations
May your will be done in the
peoples of the earth
Till the whole world knows
That Jesus Christ is Lord
May Your kingdom come in us

May Your kingdom come

Mercy is falling, is falling,
is falling
Mercy falls like
a sweet spring rain
Mercy is falling,
is falling all over me
Hey Oh..
I receive your mercy
Hey Oh..
I receive your grace
Hey Oh..
I’ll dance forever more
Mighty is our God,
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord,
Ruler of everything
Glory to our God,
Glory to our King
Glory to our Lord,
Ruler of everything
His Name is higher,
Higher than any other name
His power is greater,
He has created everything
More love, more power
More of you in my life
More love, more power
More of you in my life
I will worship you with
all of my heart
I will worship you with
all of my mind
I will worship you with
all of my strength
For You are my God
You are my God.

More faith, more passion,

More of you in my life
More faith, more passion,
More of you in my life
I will seek your face with
all of my heart
I will seek your face with
all of my mind
I will seek your face with
all of my strength
For You are my God
You are my God
Lord, You are more
precious than silver
Lord, You are more
costly than gold
Lord, You are more
beautiful than diamonds, and
Nothing I desire
compares with You.
More than anything (2x)
I love you Jesus more than
More than worldly wealth
More than life itself
I love you Jesus more than
Nothing in this world can
take your place
Nothing take your love away
Someday I will see You
face to face
Look into your eyes and say
More than anything (2x)
I love You Jesus more
than anything
More than earthly friends
More than family
I love You Jesus more than
Move in me, precious Lord (3x)
One more time
To fulfill Your every word
Every promise we have heard
Move in me, precious Lord
One more time
Stay with us precious Lord (3x)
All the time
To fulfill Your every word
Every promise we have heard
Stay with us precious Lord
All the time
My life is in you, Lord
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord,
in You its in You
I’ll praise You with
all of my life
I’ll praise You with
all of my strength
With all of my life
With all of my strength
All of my hope is in You
Nail pierced Hands
A wounded Side
This is Love (2x)
The Holy heart was sacrificed
This Is Love (2x)
I bow down to the holy one
I bow down to the Lamb
I bow down to the worthy one
I bow down to the lamb
This is Love (4x)
Son of God, Died for Us
This Is Love (2x)
He walked the Hill,
And Bore the Cross
This is Love (2x)
O come all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant
Oh come ye, oh come ye
To Bethlehem
Come and behold Him
Born the king of angels
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord
Sing choirs of angels
Sing in exultation
Oh sing all ye citizens
Of heaven above
Glory to God
Glory in the highest
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be
the glory giv'n;
Word of the Father,
Now in the flesh appearing,
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Oh come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord
O Give thanks to the Lord for
His love will never end (2x)
Sing to Him sing your
praise to him
Tell the world of all
He has done
Fill the nations with
celebrations to welcome
Him as He comes
O Give thanks to the Lord for
His love will never end (2x)

Oh..Heaven is in my heart (2x)

For the kingdom of our
God is here,
Heaven is in my heart
The presence of His majesty,
Heaven is in my heart
And in His presence
joy abounds,
Heaven is in my heart
The light of holiness surrounds,
Heaven is in my heart

Oh..Heaven is in my heart (2x)

We are the temple of His love,
Heaven is in my heart
Christ is our foundation stone,
Heaven is in my heart
He will return to take us home
Heaven is in my heart
The Spirit and the
bride say come
Heaven is in my heart

Oh..Heaven is in my heart (2x)

God is so good (3x)
is so good to me

Amazing Grace how

sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but
now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

Oh..Heaven is in my heart (2x)

O how I love Jesus
I know that you love me so
I love your word that tells me
To you I belong
Though I am weak
You are strong
Your hands so strong
They carry me (2x)
True, you love me so much
True you love me so
True you love me so much
My heart just over flows
Oh..let us sing to the Lord (4x)

All creations bless the Lord:

Let us sing to the Lord
And you angels of the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord
Praise and glorify the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord (2x)
Sun and Moon Bless the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord
And you night and day,
Bless the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord
And you light and darkness
Bless the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord (2x)
Praise the Lord, All the earth:
Let us sing to the Lord
Birds of the air, Bless the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord
All creatures of the sea,
Bless the Lord:
Let us sing to the Lord (2x)
O Lord Your tenderness
Melting all my bitterness
O Lord I receive Your love
O Lord Your loveliness
Melting all my ugliness
O Lord I receive Your love (2x)
O Lord, touch my heart
O Lord, heal my heart
O Lord, touch my life
O Lord, heal my life
O Lord, touch my pain
O Lord, heal my pain
You give hope to the hopeless
You give faith to the faithless
Your love shines through
Like the morning light
You give grace to the humble
And have mercy on
the merciful
This world’s never seen
Anybody like You
O what a wonder
A wonder You are
You hide the sun and let it rain
O what a wonder
Jesus what a wonder you are
O what a wonder
A wonder You are
To save somebody like me
O what a wonder
Jesus what a wonder You are
You bring healing to
the nations
There’s no other salvation
You’re the only one
who can turn it around
You make a way for the
You give freedom to the prisoner
All of Hell must tremble
At the sound of Your name
Oh Lord you are beautiful
Your face is all I see
And when your eyes are
on this child
Your grace abounds to me
On bended knee I come
With a humble heart I come
Bowing down before
Your Holy throne
Lifting holy hands to you
As I pledge my love a new
I worship you in spirit
I worship you in truth
Make my life a holy
praise unto you
One Bread, One Body,
one Lord of all,
One cup of blessing
which we bless
And we, though many,
throughout the earth.
We are one body in this
one Lord
Gentile or Jew, servant or free
woman or man, no more

Many the gifts, many the

works, one in the Lord of all.
Grain in the fields,
scattered and grown,
gathered to one,
for all
Far above the star has dawned
A sign for all to heed His call
To lay aside the ceaseless toil
To follow His trail
Through the storms and
all our fears
We've gathered from
across the seas
The fragments of our broken lives
Forged by His love
Here now the promised of ages
Shines through like
a new dawn
All who travelled in darkness
They see the light
We have come bearing gifts
to Worship
One in heart one in mind before
the King
We proclaim to the world that
Jesus is the Lord of all
We have come to worship You
Down the ages the world has
Waited to see the child
who'd be
The one to set all captives free
Light of the world
The tender mercy of our God
Has shown upon our lives again
Filling us with peace and joy
Making us whole
Here now the promised of ages
Shines through like
a new dawn
All who travelled in darkness
They see the light
We have come bearing gifts
to Worship
One in heart one in mind before
the King
We proclaim to the world that
Jesus is the Lord of all
We have come to worship You
Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavour
But by the blood of the lamb
Into your presence you draw us
You draw us to come
Into your presence you call us
And now by your grace
we come
Lord if you mark our
Who will stand
Thanks to your grace
We are cleansed by the blood
of the Lamb
(Precious Lamb)
Lord if you mark our
Who will stand
Thanks to your grace
We are cleansed by the blood
of the Lamb
Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavour
But by the blood of the lamb
Into your presence you draw us
You draw us to come
Into your presence you call us
And now by Your grace
We come
Jesus..Now by Your grace
We come
Open my eyes Lord,
I want to see Jesus
To reach out and touch Him
And say that I love Him
Open my ears Lord,
Teach me to listen
Open my heart Lord,
I want to love Jesus
Open the eyes of my
heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
I want to see you
To see you high and lifted up
Shining in the light of
Your glory
Pour out your power and love
As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy
Our heart, our desire
Is to see the nations worship
Our cry, our prayer
Is to sing Your praise
to the ends of the earth
That with one mighty voice
Every tribe
and every tongue rejoices

Our heart, our desire

Is to see the nations
Worship You
Over all the earth,
You reign on high
Every mountain stream,
Every sunset sky
But my one request,
Lord my only aim
Is that You reign in me again
Lord reign in me,
Reign in your power
Over all my dreams,
in my darkest hour
You are the Lord, of all I am
So wont You reign in me again
Over every thought,
over every word
May my life reflect the beauty
of my Lord
You mean more to me than
any other earthly thing
So wont You reign in me again
Peace is flowing like a river,
Flowing out through
you and me,
Spreading out in the desert,
Setting all the captives free
Let it flow through me
Let it flow through me
Let the might peace of God
Flow out through me (2x)
Pierce the darkness
In the name of Jesus
Pierce the darkness
Raise it high for all to see
Pierce the darkness
Let His light shine through us
Pierce the darkness
We proclaim the power of God
Through the name of Jesus
The spirits of hell must free
When we call His name
We’re tearing down
Binding the strongman
Claiming our victory
For Jesus reigns over all
Pour out Your Spirit (3x)
on me
Spirit move in Your temple
Spirit move in my life
Spirit move I am calling
Spirit move I am here
Pour out Your Spirit (3x)
on us
Spirit move in Your temple
Spirit move in our lives
Spirit move we are calling
Spirit move we are here
Pour out Your Spirit
in this place (2x)
That we might see Your power
And we might feel Your grace
Pour out Your Spirit
in this place (2x)
Cleanse us, Heal us,
Renew us by your love
Have Your way within us and
Fill us with Your love
Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed,
Flowing from the grace
That I’ve found in You
And Lord I’ve come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I’ll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love
Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of your love
As You live in me
Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds my life
In living every day
By the power of Your love
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I’ll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love
Who is like Him?
Lion and the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Mountains bow down
Every ocean roars
To the Lord of Hosts
Praise Adonai!
From the rising of the sun
to the end of everyday
Praise Adonai!
All the Nations of the earth
All the angels and
the saints sing
Praise Him Praise Him
Praise Him in the morning
Praise Him in the noontime
Praise Him Praise Him
Praise Him when the
sun goes down
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord from
the heavens
All the angles sing
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord from the
heights of creations
They shall praise the
name of the Lord
He commanded them and the
Heavens were made
He established them and they
rose from their waves
The sun and moon
Praise the Lord with their light
And the stars up above
They keep shining
through the night
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord from
the heavens
All the angles sing
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord from the
heights of creations
They shall praise the
name of the Lord
Precious spirit come
Holy spirit come
Come in to me now,
To touch and heal
Precious spirit come,
Holy spirit come
Come in now and
Set my life on fire
Oh let my heart burn with love
With love for my Lord
Let Thy mighty power flow
And set me free
When times of trails come,
Temptations come my way
Let me cling to Thy
precious love
Prepare me for the day,
That great and glorious day
When my Lord comes back
To take me home
Put your right hand in
Put your right hand out
Put your right hand in and
Shake it all around

(Left hand, right leg,

left leg, whole self)
Do the boogie-woogie
Turn yourself around
Let’s just praise the Lord
Do the boogie-woogie (3)

Lets just praise the Lord

Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and
precious silver
Purify my heart
Let be as gold, pure gold
Refiner’s Fire
My hearts one desire
Is to be Holy,
Set apart for You Lord
I choose to be Holy
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do your will
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within,
and make me holy
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin,
deep within
Reign in me sovereign Lord
Reign in me
Who was and who is and
Who will, is to come
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say rejoice
Rejoice (2)
And again I say rejoice (2)
Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you
The hope of glory in your heart
He lives, He lives,
His breadth is in you
Arise a mighty army
We arise (2)
Now is the time for us to
march upon the land
Into our hearts He will give the
ground we claim
He rides in majesty to
lead us into victory
The world shall see that Christ
is Lord
Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you
The hope of glory in your heart
He lives, He lives,
His breadth is in you
Arise a mighty army
We arise (2)
God is at work in us His
purpose to perform
Building a kingdom of power
and not of words
Where thing impossible
by faith shall be made possible
Let’s gives the
glory to Him now
Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you
The hope of glory in your heart
He lives, He lives,
His breadth is in you
Arise a mighty army
We arise (2)
Though we are weak His grace
is everything we need
We’re made of clay but
His treasure is within
He turns our weakness into
His opportunities
So that the
glory goes to Him
Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ is in you
The hope of glory in your heart
He lives, He lives,
His breadth is in you
Arise a mighty army
We arise (2)
Righteousness, peace, joy in
the Holy Ghost (2x)
That’s the Kingdom of God

Don’t you want to be a part of

the Kingdom
Come on everybody
There’s so much love in the
Kingdom (3)
Come on everybody
There’s so much peace in the
Kingdom (3)
Come on everybody
There’s so much joy in the
Kingdom (3)
Come on everybody
Righteousness, peace, joy in
the Holy Ghost (2x)
That’s the Kingdom of God

Don’t you want to be a part of

the Kingdom
Come on everybody
Romans 16:19 says
Be excellent at what is good
Stay innocent of evil (2x)
And the God of peace
Will soon crush satan
And God will crush him
Underneath your feet (2x)
Sanctify me O God
Cleanse my body,
mind, and soul
Purify me and make me whole
Help me put off my old self
Corrupted by all its
deceitful desires
Create me anew in your
likeness O Lord
Make me righteous and holy
Sanctify me O God
Cleanse my body,
mind, and soul
Purify me and make me whole
Let me not confirm any longer
To the pattern set by the ways
of the world
May I offer myself as a
living sacrifice
That is holy and pleasing
Sanctify me O God
Cleanse my body,
mind, and soul
Purify me and make me whole
Strengthen me with power
through your Spirit
Transform me Christ in the
fullness of Your love
That I may perceive the length
the breadth the depth
And the height of Your love Lord
Sanctify me O God
Cleanse my body,
mind, and soul
Purify me and make me whole
Lord prepare me to be a
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving
I’ll be Your living sanctuary
for You
Search me O God and
know my heart
Try me and know my thoughts
See if there be any
wicked way in me
And lead me in the way
Seek first the kingdom of
And all shall be added
They say we need
money and power
They say there’s no God
up above
Don’t they know our
Friend in high places
Nothing can be stronger
than love
Shalom Shalom Jerusalem,
Peace be to you!

When Messiah comes to

take us home,
May His praise be found in you!
Shepherd me, O God,
beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
God is my shepherd, So
nothing shall I want,
I rest in the meadows of
faithfulness and love,
I walk by the quiet waters
of peace.
Shepherd me, O God,
beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
Gently you raise me and heal
my weary soul,
You lead me by pathways of
righteousness and truth,
My spirit shall sing the music of
your Name.
Shepherd me, O God,
beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
Though I should wander the
valley of death,
I fear no evil, for you are
at my side,
Your rod and your staff, my
comfort and my hope.
Shepherd me, O God,
beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
Shepherd of my soul
I give you full control
Wherever you may go
I will follow
I have made a choice
To listen for your voice
Wherever you may lead
I will go
Lord, the light of Your
love is shining
In the midst of the darkness
Jesus Light of the world
shine upon us
Set us free by the truth
You now bring us
Shine on me
Shine on me
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Fill this land with the
Father’s glory
Blaze Spirit blaze,
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with
grace and mercy
Send forth Your Word,
Lord, and let there be light
Lord, I come to Your
awesome presence,
From the shadows into
Your radiance,
By the blood I may enter
Your brightness,
Search me, try me, consume
all my darkness
Shine on me
Shine on me
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Fill this land with the
Father’s glory
Blaze Spirit blaze,
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with
grace and mercy
Send forth Your Word,
Lord, and let there be light
Shout for Joy to the Lord all
the earth,
Worship the Lord with
Come before him with
joyful songs
Know that the Lord is God
Its he who made us,
and we are his,
We are his people the sheep of
his pasture
Shout for Joy to the Lord all
the earth,
Worship the Lord with
Enter his gates with
And his courts with praise
Give thanks to him,
And praise his name
Shout for Joy to the Lord all
the earth,
Worship the Lord with
For the Lord is good and his
love endures forever
His faithfulness continues
through all generations
Shout for Joy to the Lord all
the earth,
Worship the Lord with
My Jesus, my Savior
Lord there is none like You
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your
mighty love
My comfort, my shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You
Shout to the Lord all the
earth let us sing
Power and majesty praise
to the King
Mountains bow down and
the seas will roar,
At the sound of Your name
I sing for joy at the work of
Your hands
Forever I’ll love You
forever I’ll stand
Nothing compares to the
promise I have in you
Men of faith, rise up and sing
Of the great and glorious King
You are strong when
you feel weak,
In your broken-ness, complete.
Shout to the north and
the south
Sing to the east and the west.
Jesus is Saviour to all,
Lord of heaven and earth
Rise up women of the truth
Stand and sing to
broken hearts
Who can know the
healing power
Of our glorious King of love
Shout to the north and
the south
Sing to the east and the west.
Jesus is Saviour to all,
Lord of heaven and earth
Rise up church with
broken wings;
Fill this place with songs again
Of our God who reigns on high.
By His grace again we’ll fly
Shout to the north and
the south
Sing to the east and the west.
Jesus is Saviour to all,
Lord of heaven and earth
We’ve been through fire,
we’ve been through rain.
We’ve been refined by the
pow’r of His name
We’ve fallen deeper
in love with You.
You’ve burned the truth
on our lips.
Shouts of Joy
And victory resound
in the tents
Of the righteous of the Lord
The Lord’s right hand
Has done mighty things for us
The lord’s right hand is
lifted high
The lord’s right hand
Has done mighty things for us
The Lord’s right hand
reigns on high
The Lord’s right hand
reigns on high
Roni Roni Bat Zion
Hariyu yisrael
Simchi V’altsi B’chol Lev
Bat Yerushalayim
Rejoice rejoice
Daughter of Zion
Shout aloud Israel
Sing rejoice with
All your heart
O Jerusalem
There shall be showers
of blessing
This is the promise of love
There shall be seasons
Send from the Saviour above
Showers of blessing
Showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us
are falling
But for the showers we plead
There shall be showers
of blessing
Send them upon us, O Lord
Grant to us now a refreshing,
Come and now honour
Thy word
Showers of blessing
Showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us
are falling
But for the showers we plead
There shall be showers
of blessings
O that today they might fall
Now as to God we’re
Now as on Jesus we call
Showers of blessing
Showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us
are falling
But for the showers we plead
If we call to Him, He will
answer us
If we run to Him, he will
run to us
If we lift our hands, he will
lift us up
Come now praise His name, all
you saints of God
O sing for joy
To God our strength
O sing for joy
To God our strength
Our strength
Draw near to Him, He is
here with us
Give Him your love, He’s
in love with us
He will heal our hearts, He will
cleanse our hands
If we rend our hearts, He will
heal our land
O sing for joy
To God our strength
O sing for joy
To God our strength
Our strength
Sing hallelujah to the Lord.
Sing hallelujah to the Lord.
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah,
Sing hallelujah to the Lord.
Sing shout and clap your hands
Give praise unto your maker
Make a joyful noise
unto the Lord
Sing shout and clap your hands
Give praise unto your maker
For the Lord He is
almighty God
This is the day of celebration
This is the day to rejoice
The Lord our God is
our deliverer
So lets just praise His name
Sing unto the Lord a new song
Sing unto the Lord
all the earth (2x)
The Lord is great and greatly
to be praised (2x)
Spirit of God we worship you
Holy Spirit of God we
worship You
Spirit of God, You’re one with
the Father and Son
We worship You (3x)
Fountain of love we worship you
O fountain of love
we worship You
Fountain of love, that comes
from the Father and Son
We worship You (3x)
Spirit of God we worship you
Holy Spirit of God we
worship You
Spirit of God, You’re one with
the Father and Son
We worship You (3x)
Wellspring of life
we worship you
O wellspring of life
we worship you
Wellspring of life, that flows
from the Father and Son
We worship You (3x)
Spirit of God we worship you
Holy Spirit of God we
worship You
Spirit of God, You’re one with
the Father and Son
We worship You (3x)
Spirit of the Living God
Fall afresh on us
Melt us , mold us
Fill us, Use us
Standing tall in this
white space
Getting lost in your embrace
I feel the fire burning brighter
its calling me to catch
the flame
I feel like I am falling
Into the arms of the
mighty God
It’s not just a feeling
But I know that He’s real
I feel like I am falling
Over and over in love with You
It’s not just a feeling
But I know that He’s real
Stay with me,
Remain here with me,
Watch and pray
Watch and pray
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases
Take me past the outer courts
into the holy place
Past the brazen altar
Lord I want to see Your face
Pass me by the crowds of
To the priest who sing
their praise
Lord I hunger and thirst for
Your righteousness
And it’s only found one place
So take me into the
Holy of Holies
Take me in by the
blood of the lamb
So take me into the
Holy of Holies
Take the coal cleanse my lips
here I am
Take our bread, we ask you
Take our hearts, we love you
Take our lives, oh Father
We are Yours, we are Yours
Yours as we stand at the
table You set
Yours as we eat the bread our
hearts can’t forget
We are the life of Your life
with us yet
We are Yours, we are Yours
Take our bread, we ask you
Take our hearts, we love you
Take our lives, oh Father
We are Yours, we are Yours
Your holy people standing
washed in Your blood
Spirit filled yet hungry we
await Your blood
We are poor but we’ve brought
ourselves as best as we could
We are Yours, we are Yours
Take our bread, we ask you
Take our hearts, we love you
Take our lives, oh Father
We are Yours, we are Yours
Thank You Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank You Lord for loving me
You went to Calvary
There You died for me
Thank You Lord for loving me
Thank You Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank You Lord for loving me
You rose up from the grave,
To me new life You gave
Thank You Lord for loving me
Thank You Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank You Lord for loving me
Thank you Lord for being
in the place
We worship You
Thank You Lord,
Your love is flowing through
We worship You
We worship and adore you
Bowing down before You
Lifting up your voices
in harmony
Thank you thank you Jesus (2x)
From our heart
Thank you thank you Jesus (2x)
From our heart
Glory Hallelujah (2x)
From our heart
Glory Hallelujah (2x)
From our heart
In heavenly armor we’ll
enter the land,
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that’s fashioned
against us will stand
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
When the power of darkness
comes in like a flood,
The battle belongs to the Lord
He’ll raise up a standard, the
power of His blood,
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
When Your enemy presses in
hard, do not fear,
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage, my friend, your
redemption is near,
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
We sing Glory, Honor,
Power and Strength
to the Lord
The Lord hears the
cry of the poor,
blessed be the Lord.
I will bless the Lord
at all times
His praise ever in my mouth
Let my soul glory in the Lord
For he hears the cry
of the poor
The Lord hears the
cry of the poor,
blessed be the Lord.
Let the lowly hear and be glad
The Lord listens to their pleas
And to hearts broken
he is near
For he hears the cry
of the poor
The Lord hears the
cry of the poor,
blessed be the Lord.
Every spirit crushed
He will save
Will be ransom for their lives
Will be safe shelter for
their fears
For he hears the cry of the poor
The Lord hears the
cry of the poor,
blessed be the Lord.
We proclaim the
greatness of God
With praise ever in our mouth;
Every face brightened in
God’s light;
For God hears the cry
of the poor
The greatest thing in
all my life
Is knowing You (2x)
I want to know You more (2x)
The greatest thing in
all my life
Is serving You (2x)
I want to serve You more (2x)
The greatest thing in
all my life
Is loving You (2x)
I want to love You more (2x)
The Holy Spirit is my helper
Now and forever
The one who is
always by my side
He strengthens me when I’m
weak and worn
Takes away from me desires of
this world
He teaches me to love
and forgive
Shows me how to pray and fills
me with the word
The mysteries of God He
makes known to me
The truth now I’m able to see
Wisdom and counsel
He gives to me
And fills me with power
from above
The Holy Spirit is my helper
Now and forever
The one who is
always by my side
Come, they told me
Pa rum pa pum pum
A newborn king to see
Pa rum pa pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring
Pa rum pa pum pum
To lay before the king
Pa rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum
So to honor Him
Pa rum pa pum pum
When we come
Little Baby
Pa rum pa pum pum
I am a poor boy too
Pa rum pa pum pum
I have no gift to bring
Pa rum pa pum pum
That’s fit to give a king
Pa rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum
Shall I play for thee
Pa rum pa pum pum
On my drum
Mary nodded
Pa rum pa pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time
Pa rum pa pum pum
I played my drum for Him
Pa rum pa pum pum
I played my best for Him
Pa rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum
Then He smiled at me
Pa rum pa pum pum
Me and my drum
The Lord is marching out
in splendour
In awesome majesty He rides
For truth humility and justice
His mighty army fills the sky
O give thanks to the Lord for
his love endures (3x)
For ever, Forever
His army marches out
with dancing
For he has filled our hearts
with joy
Be glad the kingdom
is advancing
The love of God our battle cries
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
He makes me lie down
in green pastures
He leads me beside
quiet waters
He restores my soul
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
He guides me in paths of
For his name’s sake
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
Even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil for
you are with me
Your rod and your staff they
comfort me
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
You prepare a table before me
In the presence of my enemies
You anoint my head with oil
my cup overflows
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
Surely, goodness and love
will follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of
the Lord forever
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want

The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not be in want
Down the mountain the
river flows
And it brings refreshing
wherever it goes
Through the valleys and
over the fields
The river is rushing and the
river is here
The river of God sets
our feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for
the river is here
The river of God is
teeming with life
And all who touch it
can be revived
And those who linger
on this river’s shore
Will come back thirsting
for more of the Lord
The river of God sets
our feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for
the river is here
Up to the mountain
we love to go
To find the presence
of the Lord
Along the banks of
the river we run
We dance with laughter
giving praise to the Son
The river of God sets
our feet a dancing
The river of God fills our
hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our
mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for
the river is here
The wiseman on the rock
Decided to built a house (3x)
And the house will remain
The wind may blow
And the rain may fall (3x)
And the house will remain
The foolish man on the sand
Decided to built a house (3x)
And the house will come down
The wind may blow
And the rain may fall (3x)
And the house will come down
We all together
what shall we do (3x)
We all must love
Our love will remain
There is a place that I know
Where I need more often to go
A place of amazing
Comfort and rest
Where a smile never rare
Your love is free as the air
And I lack for nothing
When I can see
The love in Your eyes
And know that it’s all for me
I feel nothing at all
When I’m safe at the arms of
my Father
And if ever I fall
I’ll take comfort knowing that
you are here
There is joy, joy, joy
in the presence of the Lord
Hallelujah Amen (2)
Dance and celebrate
Dance and celebrate
Dance with joy
before the Lord (2)
There is none like You
No one else can touch my
heart like You do
I could search for all
eternity long
And find there is none like you
Your mercy flows like a river
And healing comes
from your heart
Suffering children find
rest in your arms
There is none like you
There is power, power
Wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb
There is power, power
Wonder working power
In the precious blood
Of the Lamb
There is therefore now no
For those who are in
Christ Jesus
For the law of the Spirit
Of life in Christ Jesus
Will set you free
From the law of sin and death
Ailasa Elelo Ailasa (2x)
There’s a boat on a journey
Sailing with Jesus on the sea
I can go in it, You can go in it
I can go in it, You can go in it
Jesus’ children all can go in it
Think about His love,
Think about His goodness.
Think about His grace
That's brought us through.
For as high as the
heavens above,
So great is the measure of our
Father's love
Great is the measure of our
Father's love
How could I forget His love
How could I forget His mercy
He satisfies - He satisfies
He satisfies my desires
Great is the measure
of our Father's love
Thirsty for more of you
More of Your Spirit & Truth
Wash me from all my sin
Fill me with Your Spirit again
You’re the River of Love
Flowing with grace &mercy
Flooding my soul
Filling my heart with peace
Oho River of Love
Like streams in the desert.
Giver of Life, giving Your life
And love to set me free.
Heal me and I will be healed
Save me & I will be saved
You’ve filled me
With songs of praise
Forever I will sing of
Your grace
If anyone is thirsty,
Let him come on in
When you drink the
Living Water
You will never thirst again,O!
This is my desire to honor You
Lord, with all my heart I
worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord, I give you my heart,
I give you my soul
I live for You alone.
Every breath that I take
Every moment I’m awake
Lord, have Your way in me
Though we are many
We are one body (2) in Christ
One faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ
Binding us together in one cause
One hope in the one God
One Father over all
Thy word is a Lamp
unto my feet
And a Light unto my path
When I feel afraid
Think I’ve lost my way
Still you are right
here beside me
Jesus be my guide
Hold me to your side
And I will love you to the end
To be like Jesus
To be like Jesus
All I ask to be like Him;
All thru life's journey from
earth to glory
All I ask to be like Him
To be like Jesus
To be like Jesus
All I ask to be like Him;
Not in a measure but
in its fullness
All I ask to be like Him
I’m trading my sorrows
I’m trading my shame
I’m laying them down
for the joy of the Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
I’m pressed but not crushed
persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I’m blessed beyond the curse
for his promise will endure
That His joy’s gonna
be my strength
Though the sorrow may
last for the night
His joy comes with the
Trust in the Lord with
all your heart,
and lean not on your own
In all your ways
acknowledge Him
and He shall direct, He shall
direct your path
He will not allow your
foot to be bruised
He that keeps you
will not slumber
The Lord is near unto all those
who call upon Him,
to all who call upon
Him in truth
Down the Via Dolorosa
In Jerusalem that day
The soldiers tried to
But the crowd pressed into see
The Man condemned to
die on Calvary
He was bleeding from
the beating
There was stripes upon
His back
And He wore a crown of thorns
upon His head
And He bowed with every step
The scorn of those who cried
out for his death

Down the Via Dolorosa

Called the way of suffering
Like a Lamb came the Messiah
Christ the King
And He chose to walk that road
Out of His love, for you and me
Down the via Dolorosa on the
way to Calvary
The blood that would cleanse
the souls of all men
Made its way through the heart
of Jerusalem
Down the Via Dolorosa called
the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah,
Christ the King
But He chose to walk that road
out of His love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa,
all the way to Calvary.
Walking with the Lord
We are walking in the morning
Lift up your hearts
For your walking with God
Singing to the Lord
We are singing in the sunshine
Lift up your hearts
For you are singing to God
Hand in hand with everyone
We’re walking, walking
Black and white and brown,
Together, walking, walking
Singing new songs now
Living new lives
Building new bridges
Walking distant miles
Well we’re walking with
the Lord
Rain and storm will not
prevent us,
Walking, walking
Faith and hope and love
Will send us, walking, walking
Crossing all barriers
Climbing all stiles
Breaking through fences
Walking distant miles
Well, we’re walking with
the Lord
We are here to praise you
Lift our hearts and sing
We are here to give you
The best that we can bring
And it is our love
Rising from our hearts
Everything within us cries
Abba Father
Help us now to give you
Pleasure and delight
Heart and mind and
will that say,
I love you, Lord
We are marching in the
love of God (2x)
We are marching
We are marching Oh Oh
We are marching in the
love of God
We are living in the
love of God (2x)
We are living
We are living Oh Oh
We are living in the
love of God
We are dancing in the
love of God (2x)
We are dancing
We are dancing Oh Oh
We are dancing in the
love of God
We are one in the Spirit
We are one in the Lord (2x)
And we pray that all unity
May one day be restored
And they’ll know we are
Christians by our love, by love;
Yes, they’ll know we are
Christians by
our Love!
We will walk with each other
We will walk hand in hand (2x)
And together we will spread
the news,
That God is in our land
And they’ll know we are
Christians by our love, by love;
Yes, they’ll know we are
Christians by
our Love!
We will work with each other
We will work side by side (2x)
And we’ll guard each
man’s dignity,
And save each man’s pride.
And they’ll know we are
Christians by our love, by love;
Yes, they’ll know we are
Christians by
our Love!
All praise to the Father,
from whom all things come
And all praise to Christ Jesus,
his only Son
And all praise to the Spirit
who makes us one
And they’ll know we are
Christians by our love, by love;
Yes, they’ll know we are
Christians by
our Love!
Blessed are they who are
poor in spirit,
Theirs is the kingdom of God.
Bless us O Lord, make us
poor in spirit;
Bless us, O Lord, our God.
We are the light of the world,
May our light shine before all,
That they may see the
good that we do,
And give glory to God.
Blessed are they who are meek
and humble,
They will inherit the earth.
Bless us O Lord, make us meek
and humble,
Bless us O Lord, our God
We are the light of the world,
May our light shine before all,
That they may see the
good that we do,
And give glory to God.
Blessed are they who will
mourn in sorrow,
They will be comforted.
Bless us O Lord, when we share
their sorrow,
Bless us, O Lord, our God.
We are the light of the world,
May our light shine before all,
That they may see the
good that we do,
And give glory to God.
We come in to Your presence
To sing a song to You
A song of praise and honor
For all the things You
helped us through
You give a life worth living
A life in love with You
And now I just love giving
All my praises back to You
You are the Father of Creation
The Risen Lamb of God
You are the one who
walked away
From the empty tomb that day
And You set your people free
With love and liberty
And I can walk with You
Every night and every day
We come to you Mary, today
Respect, homage
to you we pay
Obtain for us joy,
peace and love
Intercede for us from above
So we pray Mary
Make us your children
Intercede Mary
For us with our Lord
Dear Mary, O come
be our Guide
Stay with us, Be by our side
And help in our life to be right
And lead many more
to the light
We exalt Thee (3) O Lord
For thou art exalted far above
Above all the earth
For thou art exalted far above
O Lord
We exalt thee (3) O Lord
We exalt Thee(3) O God
I exalt Thee(3) O God
Jesus is God (3) My God
Hallelujah(3) O My Lord
We fall down, We lay our cross
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of mercy
and love
At the feet of Jesus
We cry Holy, Holy, Holy
We cry Holy, Holy, Holy
We cry Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lamb Holy Holy Holy
Lord God Almighty
We lift you up, we lift you up,
We lift you up with our praises
We bless your name, we bless
your name,
We bless your name with our
You are my Lord, You are God,
You are the Lord of my life/
mind/ heart/ soul
We magnify You O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing
you can’t do
O Lord we magnify
O Lord we magnify
We wanna see Jesus lifted high
A banner that flies
across this land
That all men might see the
truth and know
He is the way to heaven
We wanna see
We wanna see
We wanna see
Jesus lifted high
Step by step we’re
moving forward
Little by little we’re
taking ground
Every prayer, a powerful
Strongholds come
tumblin’ down
And down, and down,
and down
We will seek Your face
Almighty God
Turn and pray for you to heal
our land
Father let revival start in us
Then every heart will know
your Kingdom come
Lifting up the name of the Lord
In power and in unity
We will see the nations turn
Touching Heaven Changing
Send revival (3) to us
Never looking back we'll
run the race
Giving You our lives we'll
gain the prize
We will take the harvest
given us
Though we sow in tears we'll
reap in joy
Send revival (3) to us

Send revival (3) to us

We will worship the maker of
all things
Almighty God to
You our voices sing
Hallowed by Your name
Hallowed by Your name
You are the holy one
Father, Spirit, Son
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Hallowed be (3) Your name
We worship and adore You
Christ our King (2)
And we follow You together
Yes we follow You together
And we follow You together
Christ our King
Welcome Holy Spirit
We are in Your presence
Fill us with Your power
Work inside of us
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and grieves to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what grace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer
Have we trials and temptations
Is there trouble anywhere
We shall never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our every
Take it to the Lord in prayer
What a mighty God we serve (4)
Let us sing and
praise the Lord (4)
This is the day, This is the day
That the Lord has made (2)
We will rejoice, we will rejoice
And be glad in it (2)
This is the day that the Lord
has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made
I'm so glad that
Jesus set me free (3)
Singing glory halleluiah Jesus
set me free
What a mighty God we serve (2)
Angels bow before him,
heaven and earth adore him
What a mighty God we serve
When I gaze into Your holiness
When I look into your
When all things that surround
Shadows in light of You
When I find the joy
of reaching Your heart
When my will is enthroned in
Your Love
When all things that
surround becomes
shadows in light of you
I worship You, I worship You
The reason I live, is to
worship You
When I see You on the cross
Where You died for someone
I come to know the
God is good (2)

God is good (2)

Thank you Jesus for your love
When the Holy Spirit comes
I have faith like a mustard(2)
in my soul
I have love like an ocean(2)
in my soul
I have peace like a river(2)
in my soul
I have joy like a fountain(2)
in my soul
I have grace like raindrops(2)
in my soul
I keep moving moving moving(2)
In my soul
Who can endure on – the day
of Your coming
Who will be able – to stand
You will return like –
Refiner’s fire
Who will be saved by Your
You made a way by the blood
of Your sacrifice
Poured out on Calvary’s tree
Now in Your presence
Your glory and righteousness
Stir up a passion in me
The fire of Your love
Is burning within me
Consuming my heart-Restoring
my soul
My only desire – To abide in
Your holiness
Here in the fire of
Your love (2x)
Though you were blameless
You laid down Your life for us
Bearing the weight of our sin
Come with the power
That raised you victorious
Pour out Your presence again
Who gives the faith,
for the fa-fa-faith
Who gives the love,
for the love
Who gives the hope
for the ho-ho-hope
Who gives the grace,
for the grace
Who is that man
I want to shake his hands
For He lives in me
And He died for you and me
Dip dip ta-ra-ra (3) dip
Who is like the Lord?
He is worthy
Stand up and give Him the
Stand up and praise Him and
give Him the glory (3)
Our God is worthy of praise
Whose side are you leaning on
I’m leaning on the Lord’s side
Leaning, leaning, leaning
Leaning, leaning, leaning
Leaning, leaning, leaning
Leaning on the Lord’s side
Whose side are you smiling on
I’m smiling on the Lord’s side
Smiling, Smiling, Smiling
Smiling, Smiling, Smiling
Smiling, Smiling, Smiling
Smiling on the Lord’s side
Whose side are you dancing on
I’m dancing on the Lord’s side
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing
Dancing on the Lord’s side
Whose side are you clapping on
I’m clapping on the Lord’s side
Clapping, Clapping, Clapping
Clapping, Clapping, Clapping
Clapping, Clapping, Clapping
Clapping on the Lord’s side
Spirit come like a mighty wind
Raise these bones back
to life again
Lift us up from this desert land
Breathe upon us and
we will stand
Wind of God, Come and blow
Holy Spirit, Let your
power flow
Stir our hearts, breath of life
Speak your word and
we will rise
Come revive, come restore
We cant live without you Lord
Come and blow…..
Come and blow..
Sweet Spirit of God
Lead us out of our wilderness
Be our saviour, our hope
and rest
All our idols have turned
to dust
You alone can deliver us
The windows of heaven
are open
The blessings are falling tonight
There’s joy, joy, joy in my heart
Since Jesus made everything
I gave Him and old tattered
He gave me a robe of pure white
I’m feasting on manna from
And that’s why I’m happy tonight
With all of my heart (2)
I will praise you lord
With all of my heart
I will give my heart to you
The one who first loved me
Through every moment
of my life
With every breath I breathe
I will sing my song to you
You’ve the reason for
every rhyme
Your spirit’s captured all of me
Strength and soul and mind
Worthy of praise God
of the ages
Alpha Omega beginning and end
Ancient of days, reigning
God You are worthy of praise
Yes I need You
more and more
Yeshua is Lord
Yeshua is Lord
Yeshua is Lord
Yeshua is Lord
You are holy (echo),
You are mighty (echo),
You are worthy (echo),
worthy of praise (echo)
I will follow (echo),
I will listen (echo),
I will love you (echo),
all of my days (echo)
I will come to you in the
I will lift you from all your fear
You will hear my voice,
I claim you as my choice,
be still and know I am here.
I am hope for all who are
I am eyes for all who long to see
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light,
come and rest in me.
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow me,
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine
I am strength for all the
healing for the ones who dwell
in shame.
All the blind will see, the lame
will run free,
and all will know my name.
I am the Word that leads all to
I am the peace the world
cannot give.
I will call your name,
embracing all your pain,
stand up, now walk, and live!
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of my Lord
You are my king
And I worship You
Kneeling before You
Praising I give my heart to you
Yes I love You, love you
Jesus Yes I love You
Love You, Love You
I’m forgiven because you
were forsaken,
I’m accepted, You were
I’m alive and well, Your
spirit is within me
because You died and rose again
Amazing love, how can it be
that you my King would
die for me?
Amazing love, I know it’s true:
It’s my joy to honor You
In all I do, I honor You
You are my King (2)
Jesus, You are my King (2)
You are my strength
when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking you as precious jewel
Lord to give up I’d be a fool
You are my all in all
Jesus, lamb of God
Worthy is Your name Jesus
Lamb of God
Worthy is your name
Taking my sin, my cross,
my shame
Rising again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill me up
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name Jesus
Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Nobody else could've changed
my heart
Nobody else could've saved me
He picked up the pieces when I
fell apart
I'm so glad You changed me
You are the One that I love
Light of the world sent
from above
Sing hallelujah shout to the
You are the One
You are the One
You are the One
You are the One I love
If I knew the song that the
angels sing
We'd be singing together
I can't wait for eternity
Praising Your name forever
Lord search my heart
And find it ever true
I pray that my devotion
Always be to You
You are the One that I love
Light of the world sent
from above
You are the One that I love
You are the Saviour
of my soul (2x)
You are the healer
of my soul (2x)
Worthy, you are worthy
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
You are worthy
Worthy, you are Worthy
King of kings Lord of Lords
I worship you
You bless my life and
heal me inside
Over and over again
You’ve touched my heart
and brought
Me peace of mind
Over and over again
And all I can say is I love You
And all I can say is I need You
And all I can say is
I thank You, Lord
For all that You’ve
done in my life
You’ve been so kind and
patient with me
Over and over again
And when I was straying
You’ve shown me the way
Over and over again
You gave me time
When no one gave me a
time of day
You looked deep inside
While the rest of the world
looked away
That's why I call You Saviour
That's why I call You friend
my heart
You touch my soul
And help me start all over again
You smiled at me
When there were just frowns
You gave me love
When no body gave me a
That's why I love you Jesus
That's why I always care You
You gave me love
When no body gave me a
You gave me laughter
After I cried all my tears
You heard my dreams
While the rest of the world
closed it's ears
I looked into Your eyes
And I found the tenderness
You gave me love
When no body gave me a
That's why I call You Saviour
That's why I call You friend
You touch my heart
You touch my soul
And help me start all over
That's why I love you Jesus
That's why I always care
You gave me love
When no body gave me a
His strength is perfect
When our strength is gone
He will carry us
When we cant carry on
His strength is perfect
When our strength is gone
He will carry us
When we cant carry on
You said, “Ask and you will
receive whatever you need”
You said, “Pray and I’ll hear
from heaven and I’ll heal your
You said, “Your glory will fill
the earth like water the seas”
You said, “Lift up your eyes,
the harvest is near, the
kingdom is here”
Gather Us In
Gather Us In
Gather Us In
Gather Us In
Draw me close to you
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear you say that I’m your
You are my desire
No one else will do
Cause nothing else
Could take your place
To feel the warmth of your
Help me find the way
Bring me back to you
You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are here
Your light broke through
my night
Restored exceeding joy
Your grace fell like the rain
And made this desert sing
You have turned my mourning
into dancing
You have turned my sorrow
into joy
Your hand lifted me up
I stand on higher ground
Your praise rose in my heart
And made this valley sing

This is how we overcome

Your love, oh Lord, reaches to
the heavens,
Your faithfulness stretches to
the sky.
Your righteousness is like the
mighty mountains,
Your justice flows like the
ocean’s tide.
I will lift my voice, to worship
you my King.
I will find my strength, in the
shadow of Your wings.
Bless the Lord my soul
And bless God’s Holy Name
Bless the Lord my soul
Who leads me into life.
Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in
His Blood
This is my story,
This is my song
Praising my savior,
All the day long
Perfect submission All is at rest
I in my savior I’m happy
and blessed
Watching and waiting,
looking above
Filled with His goodness,
lost in His love
This is my story,
This is my song
Praising my savior,
All the day long
Perfect submission,
perfect delight
Visions of rapture, now
burst at my sight
Angels descending bring
from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love
This is my story,
This is my song
Praising my savior,
All the day long
Praise the Lord;
give thanks to the Lord
for he is good
His steadfast love endures
and he is good
We will tell the mighty deeds
of the Lord,
And show forth all of his
praise, Hallelujah.
Blessed be the Lord the
God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting
Let all God’s people sing
“Amen,” (AMEN)
Let all God’s people sing
“Amen,” (AMEN)
Let all God’s people sing
O praise the Lord!
Blessed be the name
of the Lord
He is worthy to be praised
and adored
So we lift up holy hands
in one accord
Singing blessed be the name
Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name
of the Lord
Jesus Is The Lord
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Jesus is the Lord
He’s the Lord of all my heart
He’s the Way, He’s the Truth
And the Light
Blest are you O Lord God
of all creation
Blessed be God forever
It’s the fruit of the earth
And the work of our hands
Blessed be God forever
Forever we’re together
Through rain or stormy
Now we can’t go wrong
if we sing our song
Blessed be God forever
Blest are you O Lord God
of all creation
Blessed be God forever
It’s the fruit of the wine
And the work of our hands
Blessed be God forever

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