Jesus Youth Songs
Jesus Youth Songs
Jesus Youth Songs
Break our hearts oh God,
break our hearts (2)
For the sin in our lives,
break our hearts
For the sin in our land,
break our hearts
We cry out we need your hand
Come back to our land
We confess, we’ve lived in sin
Please show your power,
once again
This is the air I breathe (2)
Your Holy presence
living in me
This is my daily bread (2)
Your very word spoken to me
And I,
I’m desperate for you
And I,
I’m lost without you
Breathe upon me
breath of God
Breathe upon me
spirit of the Lord
As I lift my hands in surrender
To your name most high
I am yielding to your spirit
I am walking in our love
Jesus, I adore
Your holy name
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
Your words like a fire
Burning in my soul
Burn up the dross
Bring forth the gold
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
You feel like a fire
Shut up in my bones
Consume me Lord
Make me your own
Burn in me (2)
Let the fire of the
Holy one burn in me
By Your side, I would stay
In Your arms, I would lay
Jesus, lover of my soul
Nothing from You I withhold
Lord I love You
And adore You
What more can I say
You cause my love to
grow stronger
With every passing day.
Call upon the name
Of the Lord
And you’ll be saved
Come let us sing for
joy to the Lord
Let us shout aloud
To the rock of our salvation
Let’s come before Him
With thanksgiving
And exalt Him with music
And with songs
Sing Hallel Hellelujah
Sing Halle…….luiah
Sing Hallel Hellelujah (2)
Come let’s bow down
in worship
Let’s kneel before the Lord
Our Maker
For He is our God
And we belong to Him
We are His people
The flock under His care
Come on and celebrate
This gift of love
we will celebrate
The Son of God who loved us
And gave us life
We shout your praise O King
You give us life
Nothing else can bring
We bring to You our offering
In celebration, praise.
Come to table of mercy
Prepared with the
wine and the bread
All who are hungry and thirsty
Come and your soul
will be fed
Come at the Lord’s invitation
Receive from His
nail-scarred hand
Eat of the bread of salvation
Drink of the blood of the Lamb
I’m standing here to testify
(Oh the Lord is good)
To sing of how he
changed my life
(Oh the Lord is good)
I was bound by hate and pride
(Oh the Lord is good)
Never knowing of His light
(Oh the Lord is good)
I did not think
I could have peace
(Oh the Lord is good)
Trapped inside by
fear and shame
(Oh the Lord is good)
You wiped away all of my grief
(Oh the Lord is good)
When I believed upon
Your name
Come to the light,
Come as you are,
You can be the friend of God
Humble yourself and
Give Him your heart
He will meet you
Where you are
Come to the light,
Just as you are,
Fall on the Rock
for the wasted years
He will restore all the was lost
Surrender now,
His power is here
Come to the river of life
You will find healing here
Come to the river of life
Come and drink freely here
Come if your heart is searching
Come if your soul is thirsty
Draw near and drink of the
mercy of Jesus Christ
At the river of life
Come worship the Lord
For we are His people
The flock that He shepherds
Come, now is the
Time to worship
Come, now is the
Time to give your heart
Come, just as you are to worship
Come, just as you are
before your God, Come
One day every tongue will
confess You are God
One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure
remains for those
Who gladly choose You now,
I wandered far away from God
Now I'm coming home
The paths of sin
too long I've trod
Lord I'm coming Home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
I've wasted many
precious years
Now I'm coming home
I now repent with bitter tears
Lord I'm coming home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
I've sinned against
my brother too
Now I'm coming home
By hurting him,
I've tortured You
Lord, I'm coming home
Coming Home, Coming Home
Never more to roam
Open are thine arms of love
Lord I'm coming home
These are the days of Elijah,
Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the
days of your servant Moses,
Righteousness being restored
And though these are
days of great trials,
Of famine and darkness
and sword
Still, we are the voice in the
desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Behold He comes,
Riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the
trumpet call
So lift your voice,
It’s the year of jubilee
And out of Zion’s hill,
salvation comes
And these are the
days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones
becoming as flesh.
And these are the days of
Your servant, David,
Rebuilding the temple of praise
And these are the
days of the harvest,
The fields are as
white in the world.
And we are the laborers
in Your vineyard,
Declaring the word of the Lord
Behold He comes,
Riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the
trumpet call
So lift your voice,
It’s the year of jubilee
And out of Zion’s hill,
salvation comes
Father of lights
Father of lights (echo)
You never change (echo)
You have no turning (2x)
Father(2) we love you (2)
We have gathered here
To celebrate and worship
Father(2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Jesus (2) we love you (2)
Perfect lamb of God
Sacrificed to save us
Jesus (2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Spirit (2) we love you (2)
Lead us in your way
Make us more like Jesus
Spirit (2) we love you (2)
You alone deserve all praise
I just want to praise you
Lift my heart to say I love you
You are every thing to me
And I exalt Your
holy name on high
Who can endure on
– the day of Your coming
Who will be able – to stand
You will return like
– Refiner’s fire
Who will be saved by Your hand
You made a way by the blood
of Your sacrifice
Poured out on Calvary’s tree
Now in Your presence
Your glory and righteousness
Stir up a passion in me
The fire of Your love
Is burning within me
Consuming my heart
-Restoring my soul
My only desire
– To abide in Your holiness
Here in the fire of Your love(2)
Though you were blameless
You laid down Your life for us
Bearing the weight of our sin
Come with the power
That raised you victorious
Pour out Your presence again
For the Lord is my tower
And He gives me the power
To tear down the
works of the enemy
In the difficult hour
He will crush the devourer
And bring the
Power of darkness
underneath my feet
Blessed be the name of
the Lord (3)
The Most High
The Name of the Lord is a
strong tower
The righteous run into it
They are saved
Jesus is the name of
the Lord (3)
The most high
The name of the lord is a
strong tower
The righteous run to it
They are saved
Give thanks to the Lord our
God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good,
He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
With a mighty hand and
outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that’s been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
Forever God is faithful,
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us.
From the rising to
the setting sun
His love endures forever
And by the grace of
God we will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise (4x)
There is no place
Nowhere to hide,
Except Your loving arms
[Safe and secure by Your side]
I run to You
With open arms
Your cleansing love I feel
[Safe and secure by Your side]
You surround me like a
bright morning star
Fears all vanish in the light
You surround me like a
bright morning star
Darkness flees at the
sight of Your face
When doubts arise,
And questions are thorns
I'll always turn to you
[Safe and secure by Your side]
Under Your wings
I'll find refuge
A Fortress of strength for me
[Safe and secure by Your side]
Friends, love one another
Friends, sisters and brothers
Friends all in the
family of God
Friends, are a gift from above
Friends, are devoted and true
And when the growing
gets tough
Their loving, caring and
praying for you
Give thanks with
a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because he is
given Jesus Christ His Son
And now let the weak say
I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the
Lord has done for us,
Give thanks
Give thanks to the Lord
Our God and King
His love endures forever
He is good
He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise sing praise
Sing praise sing praise
His mighty hand
His outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that’s been reborn
His love endures forever
Give them all, give them all,
give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams,
wounded hearts,
and broken toys.
Give them all, give them all,
give them all to Jesus
And He will turn
your sorrows into joy.
We bow our hearts,
we bend our knees
O Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes from
evil things
O Lord we cast down our idols
Give us clean hands,
give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our
souls to another
O God let us be a
generation that seeks
That seeks your face
O God of Jacob
Glory glory in the highest
Glory to the Almighty
Glory to the Lamb of God
Glory to the Living Word
We sing glory to the Lamb
We sing Glory (glory)
Glory (Glory)
Glory Glory to the Lamb
Glory Glory Lord
We give You glory Lord
Glory Glory Lord
You are the mighty God
Nani Nani Jehovah,
Nouka nani Jehovah
Nani nani Jehovah,
Kiya Kuva mana lua
Glory to God (2)
Glory to the Father
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God (2)
Son of the Father
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God (2)
Glory to the Spirit
To Him be glory forever
Hallelujah Amen(3)
Glory to God in the Highest
And Peace to His
people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King
Almighty God And Father
We Worship You
We give you thanks
We praise You for Your Glory
God loves me and I love you and
That's the way it should be [2]
I can't be very sad,
you can't be very sad and
That`s the way it should be [2]
I can smile and you can smile and
That's the way it should be [2]
God of mercy and compassion
Look with pity upon me
Father, let me
call Thee Father
‘Tis Thy child returns to Thee
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
By my sins I have deserved
Death and endless misery
Hell with all its pains and
And for all eternity
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
By my sins I have abandon’d
Right and claim to
heaven above
Where the saints
rejoice forever
In a boundless sea of love
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
See our Savior, bleeding, dying
On the cross of Calvary
To that cross my sins
have nail’d Him
Yet He bleeds and dies for me`
Jesus LORD,
I ask of mercy
Let me not implore in vain
All my sins I, now detest them
Never will I sin again
Lord of all creation
Of water, earth and sky,
The heavens are
Your tabernacle,
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond
our galaxy,
You are holy, holy
The universe declares
Your majesty,
You are holy, holy,
Lord of heaven and earth...
(2x echo)
Hallelujah (guys)
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love
makes me sing
Your love is surprising,
I can feel it rising
All the joy that’s growing
deep inside of me
Every time I see You,
All Your goodness
shines through
And I can feel this God song,
rising up in me
The Nails In Your Hands
The nails in Your hands,
the nail in Your feet,
They tell me how much
You love me.
The thorns on Your brow,
They tell me how You bore so
much shame to love me
And when the heavens
pass away,
All Your scars will still remain.
And forever they will say just
how much You love me.
So I want to say,
Forever my love,
forever my heart,
forever my life is Yours.
Forever my love,
forever my heart,
forever my life is Yours.
Halleluiah sing halleluiah
We give our power and
Praise to Your name
Halleluiah sing halleluiah
We trade our sorrows as
garments of praise
Lord I stand in the midst
of a multitude
Of those from every
tongue and tribe
We are Your people
Redeemed by Your Blood
Rescued from death by Your
There are no words
Good enough to thank You
There are no words
To express my praise
But I will lift up my voice
And sing from the heart
With all my strength
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God
Lord, we stand by grace in
Your presence
Cleansed by the Blood
of the Lamb,
We are you’re Your children,
Called by Your Name,
Humbly we bow and we pray.
Release Your power
to work in us and through us,
Till we are changed to be more
like You.
And all the Nations will see,
Your Glory revealed
And worship you!
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess that
You are Lord of all.
Hallelujah (3)
to the Lamb
Hallelujah (2)
By the Blood of Christ
we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people every land
Giving glory giving honour
Giving praise
Unto The Lamb of God
When I look to my right
Jesus has conquered
Lord we praise You
Oh! Satan has fallen
Lord we praise You
Oh! Jesus has conquered
I just keep trusting my Lord
As I walk along
I just keep trusting my Lord
And He gives me a song
Tho’the storm clouds
darken the sky
O’er the heavenly trail
I just keep trusting my Lord
He will never fail.
He’s a faithful friend (echo)
Such a faithful friend (echo)
I can count on him (echo)
To the very end (echo)
I just keep trusting my Lord
As I walk along
I just keep trusting my Lord
And He gives me a song
I know He rescued my soul
His blood has
covered my sin
I believe, I believe
My shame is taken away
My pain is healed in His name
I believe, I believe
I’ll raise a banner
My God has conquered the grave
I praise You
I’ll serve You
I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship you
O my soul, rejoice
Take joy my king
In what you hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound
In your ear
I Offer You O My Lord
All of my life
I am Yours forever
Here’s my heart as You know
You are my only love and joy
I see the Lord
And He is seated on the Throne
The train of His robe
Is filling the Heavens
I see the Lord
And He is shining like the sun
His eyes like the fire
His voice like the water
And surrounding His Throne
Are thousands singing
Holy, Holy, Holy are
You Lord God Almighty
I sing praises to Your name
O Lord
Praises to Your name O Lord
I sing praises to Your name
O Lord
Glory to Your name O Lord
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at His feet I bow
Wordly pleasures all forsaken
Take me Jesus, take me now
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Make me Savior, wholy Thine
Let me feel the Holy Spirit
Truly know that Thou art mine
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I Surrender
Lord, I give myself to Thee
Fill me with Thy
love and power
Let Thy blessings fall on me
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
I walk by faith Each step I take
To live by faith I put
my trust in You
Ev’ry step I take, is a step
of faith
No weapon formed against me
shall prosper
And every prayer I make,
is a prayer of faith
And if my God is for me
Then who can be against me
I want to clap, clap, clap.
I want to snap, snap, snap
I want to clap I want to snap
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap
I want to snap and
Praise the Lord
I want to zoom, zoom, zoom.
Out of my gloom,
gloom, gloom
I want to zoom out of my
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
And Praise the Lord
I want to sing, sing, sing.
I want to shout, shout, shout
I want to sing I want to shout
And praise the Lord
When the gates are
opened wide
I want to sit by Jesus side
I want to clap I want to snap
I want to zoom
out of my gloom
I want to sing I want to shout
And Praise the Lord
I want to jump, jump, jump.
I want to dance, dance, dance
I want to jump I want to dance
And praise the Lord
I worship you,
O Prince of Peace!
That is what I want to do
I give You praise,
For You are my righteousness.
in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Serve the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord
in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Thank the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord
in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
It’s a great thing to
Love the Lord (3x)
Walking in the light of the Lord
in the Light (3x)
Walking in the light of God
Its Your Blood that cleanseth me
It’s Your Blood that
giveth me life
It’s Your Blood that took
my place
In redeeming sacrifice
And washes me
Whiter than the snow
Than the snow
My Jesus
God’s precious sacrifice
Jambo, Jesus loves you
Are you happy, He is with you?
Karibu, into His presence
Why do you worry?
He keeps rolling by
blues away (3x)
Jesus is the winner-man,
the winner-man,
the winner-man