Newsletter Nov 2014 2

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Agincourt Road Public School

1250 Agincourt Road, Ottawa ON K2C 2J2

Tel: (613 225!2"50 #A$: (613 225!5%0&
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to November! There is a lot of exciting stuf starting this month!
Progress Reports
Progress Reports ill be sent home on Thursda!,
November "#
Photo retakes
Thursda!, November %
Parent-teacher interviews
&vening of Thursda!, November '(
) *+%,#(
-orning of .rida!, November '"
) /,#(+""
No schoo!
.rida!, November '" + P0 Da!
We continue to do our dict1e in class ever! ee2$ 3oth the grade #s and grade
*s have a small activit! to do each da! to practice their ords or concepts$ 0t
home, the! should be practicing at least '+# times a ee2$ 4n addition, grade #
students are completing a dict1e duotang hich reinforces the sound of the
Please continue to read T"O boo2s A "EE# from our borro+a+boo2 program$
Reading .rench ever!da! ill help !our child improve 5uenc!, vocabular! and
comprehension$ 6ust a reminder, the! should be rea%ing each &ook ao'% at
east once$ 7n our class ebsite, under the tab 80t home reading9, !ou can
:nd a variet! of ;uestions that !ou can use to reinforce and chec2 !our child<s
understanding$ 0s2ing '+= of these ;uestions per boo2 is a great opportunit!
for parents to engage their child in deeper thin2ing$
We are rapping up our >ournal entr! pro>ect from the point of vie of an
earthorm / roc2 and ill soon be starting a small social studies research
pro>ect on ?anadian ph!sical regions$
7ur unit on patterning @creating, identif!ing, and extending repeating patterns
and number patterns using addition, subtraction and multiplicationA is coming
to a close$ Boon, e ill be focusing on number sense and numeration @math
families @#C*DE, *C#DE, E+#D*, E+*D#A, adding and subtracting to / three
digit numbers, decomposing numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones,
representing and ordering numbers to "((( in grade # and "(((( in grade *A$
Practicing basic math facts ever! da! at home ill greatl! improve !our child<s
con:dence and abilit! in this unit$ FPlease note, ords that have been
underlined are the expectations that diferentiate the grade * curriculum from
the grade # curriculum$
Socia St'%ies
We ill have >ust begun our social studies unit on Giving and Wor2ing in 7ntario
@#sA and ?anada Provinces and Territories @*sA$ We are beginning the unit ith
an overvie of landforms, t!pes of communities and regions and each grade
ill end the unit ith a special pro>ect$ Hrade #s ill be assigned an intervie
pro>ect and the grade *s ill do a pro>ect on provinces and territories$
4nformation on both of these pro>ects ill be sent home soon$
Remember to chec2 m! ebsite for homeor2 and dates of school related
Iere<s to a great November!
?atherine Poirier
We are beginning our next math unit on addition and subtraction. Students will develop strategies
for adding and subtracting whole numbers. They will use mental math, estimation, and pencil-and-
paper calculations. Addition will be our first focus, followed by subtraction. Some of the mental
math addition strategies that will be taught in class are shown below.
Splitting Strategy: Split the numbers up
by their place valuedigits and add
!" # $%
!&# $& "#%
'& # ()

Adding On Strategy: *rea+ ,ust one
number -often the smaller one. into their
place value and add it on in parts.
!)% # ($'
# (&& # $& # '
!)% ))% )%% )/(
Moving Strategy: Adding is a total, a
sum of all the parts. 0t does not matter if
you mix u the arts, because the sum does
not change. So you can move an amount
from one number to the other -in order to
ma+e a friendly number. and you will get
the correct answer.
$1% # '%"
- )
!&& # '%) 2 "%)
-Thin+: '%), %%), /%), "%).
Traditional Strategy: 3arrying ones and
Add the ones Trade the ones Add the tens
for a ten
'1 '1 '1
# )" # )" # )"
(/ / (&/

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