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By: Canaan Clayton
PEN SET #1 1. I chose a pen.
2. A pen goes into the common category. PEN SET #2 3. Lewis Edson Waterman invented the first fountain pen.
4. 1884 was the date the Mr. Waterman created the first fountain pen. And it is now replaced with a ball point pen. PEN SET #3 5. The pen is really helpful because you write with it and can also draw with some. Schools and businesses will buy the pens so they can do paper work.
6. A pack of pens cost around 5 to 6 dollars. PEN SET #4 7. It was invented because the native people needed something to write letters with to send to the west.
8.The invention lead up to problems because the ink sometime came out of the pen and leaked on to the paper which messed the paper up. PEN SET #5 9. The inventor had problem's with making the pen in a way to where none of the ink leaked out.
10. one of the two is a mechanical pencil. The other is a pencil. The differences between these two are that you can erase something you wrote. CELL PHONE SET#1 1. I choose a cell phone
2. A cell phone goes into to a Technology category. CELL PHONE SET#2 3. Alexander Graham was the first to invent the cell phone.
4. In 1922 the first cell phone came out and now there's a replacement with other phones that can search the web. CELL PHONE SET#3 5. The cell phone is used to get in contact with people and sometimes used to get directions to a store or something.
6. IPhones cost about 2 to 4 hundred dollars. CELL PHONE SET #4 7.The cellphone was created so that people can contact each other from a long distance.
8. To make a iPhone you will need a lot of technology knowledge. CELL PHONE SET #5
9. The inventor hand trouble on the phone because at first it was a cord phone and he was trying to make in cordless.
10. One different product that is similar to the iPhone is a Bluetooth but the Bluetooth you cant call or send messages you can only receive call with holding your phone to your ear. The second one is a watch that can call, take pictures, and send messages. COOLER SCOOTERSET#1 1. I chose a cooler scooter.
2. The cooler scooter goes into the entertainment category. COOLER SCOOTERSET#2 3. Joe Harden invented the cooler scooter.
4.The cooler scooter was invented in 2009. And it has not been replaced by anything yet. COOLER SCOOTERSET#3 5.The cooler scooter carries drinks ice etc. and you drive on the cooler. People will buy the cooler scooter if the go to a lot of concerts or vacations. 6. The cooler scooter cost around 6 to 1000 dollars. COOLER SCOOTERSET#4 7. It was invented so that people wouldnt have to pull a cooler everywhere.
8. You would have to have a cooler and a lot of electrical things. COOLER SCOOTERSET#5 9.the inventor had trouble with the weight because if it would be to much weight then the scooter would break.
10. There are regular coolers and hand held coolers and the difference is that you dont have to pull or carry the cooler
THE SHOE UMBRELLA SET#1 1.I chose the shoe umbrella.
2.The shoe umbrella goes into the unusual category. THE SHOE UMBRELLA SET#2 3. Megan Woolverton was the first to create the shoe umbrella.
4. they were first made in 2008 and nothing has replaced them yet. THE SHOE UMBRELLA SET#3 5.The shoe umbrellas protect your shoes from getting wet when it rains.
6.The umbrella shoes cost around 15to 25 dollars. THE SHOE UMBRELLA SET#4 7.They were invented because every time it rain some in the world get there shoes soaked in rain water.
8.All there made out of it thick plastic and aluminum poles. THE SHOE UMBRELLA SET#5 9. The inventor had problems making the umbrella stay on the shoe when you walk.
10. One thing that is similar to the shoe umbrella is a poncho and the second is a umbrella but the shoe umbrellas protect your shoes. LASER SCISSORS SET#1 1.I chose the laser cutter.
2.This invention goes into the choice category. LASER SCISSORS SET#1 3. Marcel Bessie created the laser scissors
4.The invention was invented in 2011 and has not been replaced. LASER SCISSORS SET#1 5.Laser scissors cut paper in a straight line.
6.The laser scissors cost around 10 to 20 dollars each. LASER SCISSORS SET#1 7.The scissors were invented to cut in a straight line because most kids in school cant cut a straight line it will turn out sloppy.
8.All you would need to make the laser scissors is a laser and scissors. LASER SCISSORS SET#1 9.The inventor had a lot of trouble building the product to where the laser was lined up straight the where the scissors would cut.
10.There is nothing that is similar to the laser scissors. WEBSITES I USED!! ented%20the%20laser%20scissors&biw=1920&bi h=1037&noj=1&surl=1&hl=en&safe=vss&sout=1 &um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw&gws_rd=ssl inventions/