Quality of Information Information gathered provides answers to the main questions in great detail. Information gathered provides answers to the main questions in good detail. Information gathered provides answers to main questions but with little detail. Information gathered is incomplete with no detail. Form and Relevance Information is recorded in note form summarizing the most important and relevant details. Information is recorded in note form summarizing important and relevant details. Some information is recorded as notes, some as sentences. Most information is copied instead of summarized. Some information is recorded as sentences. Information is copied instead of summarized. Organization Information is very well organized under subject headings in the chart.. Information is organized under subject headings in the chart, but some points may be out of place. Information is generally organized under subject headings in the chart, but a considerable number of points may be out of place. There appears to be little organization of the material, and the chart is not really used. Sources Sources for information are correctly documented. Most sources for information are correctly documented. Most sources for information are documented but not completely. Some sources for information are not documented or not documented correctly.