Newsletter 10-17-14

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Ms. Barraza ~ Ms. Galicia ~ Ms. Jean-Pierre ~ Ms.

Date: 10/17/14
What we re hooti ng about i n 1

Word Wall Words
1. was
2. not
3. her
4. car
5. with

Readers Workshop
This week we began to build our menu
of reading strategies called The CAFE.
C is for Comprehension - A is for
Accuracy - F is for Fluency - E is for
Expand Vocabulary. We learned our
first menu item called CHECK FOR
UNDERSTANDING. This strategy helps
us understand and remember the story
we are reading. We stop every couple
pages and ask ourselves -- Who is in the
story and What is happening?

Wri ters Workshop
This week we told I will never forget
stories to warm up for writing important
moments from our lives. We worked on
prewriting by touching and telling the
story AND sketching before we start
adding words.

This week in math
! 2.8-2.10 - Identify, count, and
exchange pennies and nickels.
We practiced finding the values of
combinations of nickels and pennies
and learned to play a few new coin
games: penny dice, penny plate, and
penny nickel exchange.
! 2.11/2.12 - addition and subtraction
number models.
We learned about the plus and minus
sign and distinguished between
addition words like more than,
increase, in all, count up, etc. and
subtraction words like take away,
fewer, count back, etc.
! 2.13 - Number models
We practiced making up and solving
number stories using our make
believe school store.
*Homelinks through unit 2*

Ms. Barraza ~ Ms. Galicia ~ Ms. Jean-Pierre ~ Ms. McKone
Date: 10/17/14
What we re hooti ng about i n 1
Social Studies
We have been exploring what
introduction to thinking about our lives
as citizens of Evanston, members of a
family and part of many different kinds
of teams - school, clubs, sports, etc.
We completed papers about who we
depend on and who depends on us.

PBIS School-Wide
Hoot Celebration
October is anti-bullying month! In honor
of this and as a school-wide hoot
celebration, we met with our 4
buddies to create a fun art project
centered around anti-bullying. Check out
the classroom doors around the school
to see what we did!

Important Dates:
Parent Conferences October 21 and 22
No School October 24
Second Step
The Second Step Lesson this week
focused on being assertive (instead of
passive or aggressive) when you need
help. We learned to say -- excuse
me...Im stuck... can you please help me?

We re l ooki ng forward to
seei ng al l of you at parent
conferences thi s week! "

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