Periodontitis Is Most Common in South America and East Sub-Saharan Africa, According To The New Report (Photograph: Eteimaging/shutterstock)
Periodontitis Is Most Common in South America and East Sub-Saharan Africa, According To The New Report (Photograph: Eteimaging/shutterstock)
Periodontitis Is Most Common in South America and East Sub-Saharan Africa, According To The New Report (Photograph: Eteimaging/shutterstock)
Periodontitis is most common in South America and East Sub-Saharan Africa,
according to the new report (Photograph: eteimaging/Shutterstock)
Oct 6, 2014 | News United Kingdom
Barts study on severe periodontitis reveals looming crisis
by Dental Tribune International
LONDON, UK: Figures by the National Health Service indicate that at least one in 15
adults in the UK currently suffers from the most severe form of periodontal disease.
Worldwide, the situation looks even more devastating with the condition to be found
in roughly 11 per cent of the earths population. An international review published by
researchers from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and dental
institutions in Australia and US in the Journal for Dental Research has recently
provided the first insights into the global dynamics of the disease and where it is
most prevalent.
According to the paper, prevalence as well as incidence of severe periodontitis was
reportedly highest in East Sub-Saharan Africa and most parts of South America.
Several countries including Australia, Indonesia or Greece, among others, also
ranked below the global average. Regions with low occurrence were North America,
followed by developed countries in the Asia Pacific region, as well as Oceania and
Western Europe. While no statistically relevant difference could be found between
genders, the researchers said the condition seemed to increase with age throughout
all surveyed countries. Hence, people at age 38 and beyond are most at risk for
developing severe periodontitis. Overall, the study found that more than 700 million
new cases of severe periodontitis worldwide add to the already large burden every
year, which makes the condition rank among the six most prevalent diseases
worldwide. If untreated, it can lead not only to physical pain and psychological
discomfort, but also to functional limitation, as well as physical and psychological
disabilities, according to the author, Director of Research at Barts Health NHS Trust
Prof. Wagner Marcenes, who headed the study.
The number of severe periodontitis cases has increased dramatically between 1990
and 2010. Since we did not include other types of periodontitis such as its mild and
moderate forms, we are facing an even more serious problem in the populations
oral health, he commented on the results. He said that the data are currently being
evaluated further to find out what might cause this high prevalence including socio-
economic indicators and other risk factors.
One of the largest assessment ever conducted on the disease, the review was
looking at epidemiological data from more than 70 studies involving 300,000
patients from 37 countries. While it provides insight into the realities of the disease,
according to the researchers, the results will have to be treated with caution owing
to the problem on how to actually measure periodontal disease. A new standard
introduced by the American Academy of Periodontology and the US Centres for
Disease Control and Prevention in 2007, for example, made it difficult to compare
any data collected prior.
In the report, the researchers indicated any site with Community Periodontal Index
of Treatment Needs = 4, clinical attachment of larger than 6mm and pocket depth of
5 as periodontitis.
1. Reveals = Menyatakan
The doctor refuses to reveal the answer of the exam until we completes the
remedial test.
2. Looming = Menjulang
The value of the dollar is currently looming.
3. Devastating = Merusak atau membinasakan
Sixty-five million years ago an asteroid struck the Earth with devastating
4. Burden = Beban
Sometimes, children won't reveal their worries because they don't want
to burden their parents.
5. Assessment = Penilaian
Survey and problem identification is one of the some method to formularize
the community assessment.
6. Conducted = Dilakukan
He said that it was intended to conducted a survey and carry out
improvements in some of community activity.
7. Insight = Pengetahuan
We can get insight about how easy to controlled the whole content of the
8. Prior = Sebelumnya
What we are discussing for is a prior knowledge which make us to be more
critical thinking.
9. Prevalent = Umum, lazim
The fluorosis are the prevalent dental cases in high fluoridated water areas.
10. Hence = Maka
The rates could rise, hence the reason to fix them makes sense for many
people in Indonesia.
A businessman is from Ciputra Corporation. He is standing in front of the meeting
room to present the project.
A businessman who standing in front of the meeting room to present the project is
from Ciputra Corporation.
The Dental Seminar and Expo has 150 participant. The majority of them are from
Brawijaya University.
The Dental Seminar and Expo has 150 participant, the majority of whom are from
Brawijaya Unversity.
Last night I bought a dress with my bestfriends. I wear that dress at Dentistry Art
and Festive.
Last night I bought a dress which I wear at Dentistry Art and Festive with my
This drama tell us about a step mother. Her stepdaughter is a beautiful and famous
actress in Korea.
This drama tell us about a step mother whose stepdaughter is a beautiful and
famous actress in Korea.
Annisa Rizky Tanjungsari
Up to 3,000 times the bacterial growth on hollow-head
Solid-head power toothbrushes retain less bacteria compared to hollow-head toothbrushes.
Credit: Alliance / Fotolia
Solid-head power toothbrushes retain less bacteria compared to hollow-head
toothbrushes, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Dentistry.
The results of the study are published in the August issue of the Journal of Dental
Hygiene. Lead author and professor at the UTHealth School of Dentistry, Donna
Warren Morris, R.D.H., M.Ed., notes that microbial counts were lower in the solid-
head toothbrush group than in the two hollow-head toothbrush groups in 9 out of 10
"Toothbrushes can transmit microorganisms that cause disease and infections. A
solid-head design allows for less growth of bacteria and bristles should be soft and
made of nylon," Morris said. "It is also important to disinfect and to let your
toothbrush dry between uses. Some power toothbrushes now include an ultraviolet
system or you can soak the head in mouthwash for 20 minutes."
The study was conducted over a three-week period where participants brushed twice
daily with one out of three randomly assigned power toothbrushes. Participants used
non-antimicrobial toothpaste and continued their flossing routine throughout the
study, but refrained from using other dental products like mouthwash.
"The packaging on most power toothbrushes won't distinguish between a hollow-
head and a solid-head design," Morris said. "The best way to identify a solid-head
design is through the connection to the body of the power toothbrush. Naturally,
there will be some space to connect the two parts but a significant portion will be
solid, up to the bristles or brush head."
During the study the brush heads were exposed to five categories of oral
microorganisms: anaerobes and facultative microorganisms, yeast and mold, oral
streptococci and oral enterococci anaerobes, Porphyromonas
gingivalis andFusobacterium species.
The article also states that there is no present or published study that has
demonstrated that bacterial growth on toothbrushes can lead to systematic health
effects, but as Morris stated, several microorganisms have been associated with
systemic diseases. "We do know and there are studies that have
linked Fusobacterium to colorectal cancer. Some of these other bacteria have been
linked with cardiovascular disease," Morris said. "There is a high association with
gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Researchers have been able to culture the
same bacteria around the heart that causes gum disease. "
This study was funded in part by the Advanced Response Corporation. Other
researchers include Millicent Goldschmidt, Ph.D., M.S., professor emerita at the
UTHealth School of Dentistry; Harris Keene, D.D.S., retired professor from The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; and Stanley Cron, M.S.P.H.,
research instructor at the UTHealth School of Nursing.
1. Hollow : Berongga, berlubang
They are finding a natural hollow in a tree, an old woodpecker hole and a
hole in a building.
2. Bristles : Bulu
For better results, you must use a natural bristle brush.
3. Soak : Merendam
Then they soak the clothes in the water over night.
4. Refrained : Menahan
She refrained to join that vocal group because she want to focus on her study
5. Retired : Pensiun
The great black fighter was forced to retire from the fight
6. Conducted : Dilakukan
Copper is valued for strength, malleability, ductility, and ability
to conduct electricity and heat.
7. Exposed : Menampakkan
An open fracture is a fracture which the skin over the broken bone is cut,
and exposed the bone pieces.
8. Assigned : Menentukan
Additionally, it is possible to assigned some of people to the group
discussion in this time.
9. Mold : Jamur
Known as diesel algae these are primarily fungi, yeast
and mold contaminants.
10. Flossing : Membersihkan celah antara dua gigi dengan benang gigi
To increase our oral hygiene, we must brushing our teeth, gargling using
mouthwash and flossing to clean the interdental space.