This unit plan outlines lessons for students to learn about images and titles used for Jesus in the New Testament. It includes activities where students explore scripture passages about Jesus, discuss different gospel writers and how they portrayed Jesus, and create dramatizations of Bible verses about Jesus.
This unit plan outlines lessons for students to learn about images and titles used for Jesus in the New Testament. It includes activities where students explore scripture passages about Jesus, discuss different gospel writers and how they portrayed Jesus, and create dramatizations of Bible verses about Jesus.
This unit plan outlines lessons for students to learn about images and titles used for Jesus in the New Testament. It includes activities where students explore scripture passages about Jesus, discuss different gospel writers and how they portrayed Jesus, and create dramatizations of Bible verses about Jesus.
This unit plan outlines lessons for students to learn about images and titles used for Jesus in the New Testament. It includes activities where students explore scripture passages about Jesus, discuss different gospel writers and how they portrayed Jesus, and create dramatizations of Bible verses about Jesus.
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Nudgee Junior College
Images of Jesus
Year 6 Term 1 Religion Unit Plan
Australian Curriculum content descriptors Trinity: God, Jesus the Christ, Spirit. Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Jesus relationship with God the Father and humanity is described in Scripture using a variety of titles and images Skills Locate and identify images in scripture that express different titles of Jesus (e.g. liberator, creator, Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah, Anointed One, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Rabbi, Saviour) Explain how a title of Jesus describes his relationship to God the Father and /or humanity New Testament Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Gospel writers use many images and titles for Jesus. The Gospels and other New Testament texts proclaim Jesus as fulfilling all of Gods promises in the Old Testament (including Messiah, Son of Man, and Saviour). Skills Recognise a number of images and titles for Jesus in the Gospels and other New Testament texts Make connections between Gospel texts and Old Testament texts
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Achievement standard
Develop a clearer understanding of who Jesus is in Christian belief and dogma; Appreciate the need for clarity of understanding of Jesus then-and-now in order to contextualise him and his teachings for contemporary audiences; Apply these understandings to the classroom learning and teaching of Religion; Develop a more precise understanding of the different images of Jesus.
Assessment Students use five images of Jesus to create five freeze frames that represent the titles of Jesus in a gospel account. These will be performed in groups but an overall individual mark will be given.
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Week Phase Activity Students work Resources 1 Launch
Students bring in a photo of themselves before they started school.
Place the photos around the classroom and students record who they think each photo is of.
Discuss who was who and what clues they used to guess = we can see through visual clues
Introduce the focus question through a game of Who am I through fantales/celebrity head using the person of Jesus as the final character = we can know through written/verbal clues
Photos brought in from home 2 Access
Students explore images of Jesus through the Jesus Cards and clip from Son of God (Face of Jesus reconstructed 10 mins)
Students complete a retrieval chart based around what do we know about the historical Jesus and what do we know about the Jesus of faith (e.g. what was Jesus message, what did he do, when did he live, what might he have done)
Brainstorm ways that Jesus is described in the gospels create a word wall, use online tool like wallwisher (
Discuss where we find information about Jesus = review the New Testament using the first 15mins of Pathways of Belief The Bible dvd
Son od God - reconstructed face Jesus cards -
Retrieval chart - Fishbone Diagram
Dave chasing up DVD 3 Develop Students break into four groups to explore the different titles of Jesus found in the gospels.
Each group creates a list of titles and
Student Bible
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images of Jesus from a list or five scripture references
4 Demonstrate Assessment Item
In their groups students use the five images to create five freeze frames that represent the titles of Jesus in that gospel account.
Each student takes a turn directing the frozen image, announcing the title and reference, and explaining what the image says about who Jesus is.
5 Access Discuss with students why the images and titles of Jesus are different across the gospels
Investigate how stories are written for different audiences and purposes e.g. a text message to mum or a text message to a friend, different types of communicate, students come up with what are examples of different audiences/different purposes Pose the question Who were the gospel writers writing for? Why did they describe Jesus in a particular way
Students research one of the gospel writers audience, message, images of Jesus presented (student booklet with background information)
6 Develop Students complete a 5 Ws chart about one of the gospel writers Who was the writer? When did they write? Where was their audience? What did they say about Jesus? Why did they describe Jesus this way?
7 Demonstrate Students use the information from the 5Ws chart to create a weebly on the gospel writer they have chosen.
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Feedback This section is to be completed by class teachers at the conclusion of the unit to stimulate discussion at year level meetings.
Write a comment on the effectiveness of this unit in helping students learn. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
Does this unit reflect the Australian Curriculum cross curriculum priorities? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability Describe how it might be adapted to better reflect the Australian Curriculum cross curriculum priorities and/or our EREA J ustice and Peace priorities. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Evaluate Discuss with students what did they learn about the historical Jesus and the Jesus of faith, the gospel writers and titles of Jesus
What skills did they develop?
As you work through each task, tick it off: resources in classroom assessment expectations clear assessment task completed by students assessment task marked and moderated results entered into spread sheet feedback completed 6 Nudgee Junior College
....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... Write any other constructive ideas to improve this unit.
Jesus' Baptism As An Act of Obedience and Responsible Leadership 8.1. The Baptism of Jesus 8.2. Responsible Leadership and Discipleship 8.3. The Threefold Mission of Jesus Lesson Plan