Lab Procedure For Osmosis Advanced

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Osmosis/Diffusion/Osmotic pressure Lab- Human Physiology Day 1

Materials: (1) 500 ml beaker, (2) large plastic cups, (2) 50 ml beakers, (4) pieces of
string 15 cm in length, (2) sections of dialysis tubing 12-15 cm in length, distilled
water, starchsugar solution, albumin mi!ture, electronic balance, funnel, **Plastic
sandwich bags may be substituted for the dialysis tubing
1) "abel both cups with your group names# "abel one of them with starchsugar
and the other albumin# $lace 400 ml%s of distilled water into each beaker#
2) &oak dialysis tubing for se'eral minutes in the beaker water#
**If using sandwich bags, omit this step
() $our 20 mls of starchsugar solution into your 50 ml beaker labeled starchsugar#
4) $our 20 mls of albumin solution into your 50 ml beaker labeled albumin
5) If using dialysis tubing: )emo'e dialysis tubing and tie a string at the bottom
end 'ery tightly# *pen the dialysis tubing and place the funnel inside# $our up to
20 mls of the starchsugar solution into the funnel (cell should be 1( to + full)# ,ie
off the upper portion of the tubing with string# )inse your -cell. with tap water, dry
with paper towel and weigh it on the electronic scale and record# $lace the cell in
the cup labeled starchsugar# )epeat the procedure using albumin solution for the
second -cell.
If using sandwich bags: $our the 20 mls of the starchsugar solution into the
baggie and seal with string# )epeat the same procedure for the albumin solution
/) *n your lab data sheet, draw a picture of your cups, include e'erything that is in
the cup and label it#
0) 1llow the cups to sit for 24 hours before testing the beaker water for substances#
2ash your beakers and place in strainer# 3isinfect your lab stations then wash your
2 Hours Post Lab !et-up Day 2
Materials4 5enedicts solution or glucose test strips, ( test tubes, test tube rack, test
tube holders, hot water bath, iodine, potassium pemangenate, electronic scale#
6) Failure to follow this step will result in inaccurate results.
"abel one tube glucose, another tube starch and the third tube albumin# 5e sure to include your
group names# 7ently mi! the beaker water using the pipette, being careful not to disturb the
-cell.# 8sing the pipette, place 5 mls of the starchglucose cup water into the test tube labeled
starch# 3o the same for the test tube labeled glucose#
9) :n the starch test tube, add (-5 drops of iodine# *bser'e any color changes and record your
data# 1 color change of blue indicates a (;) result for starch#
10) :n the glucose test tube, add 2 mls of 5enedicts solution# $lace the test tube into the hot
water bath for 2-5 minutes and obser'e any color change and record your data# 1 color change
to orange or red indicates a (;) test for glucose
<<:f 5enedicts solution is not a'ailable, dip a glucose strip into the test tube labeled glucose and
obser'e a color change# =olor changes to green indicate a (;) test#
11) 8sing the pipette, place 5 mls of the albumin cup water in the albumin test tube, add
1granule of potassium permanganate (must obtain from teacher)# *bser'e any color changes
and record your data# =olor change to a rusty color indicates a (;) result for albumin
12) $lace /-10 drops of iodine into the cup water labeled starchglucose and obser'e your cell#
2ait 5-10 minutes to obser'e and record any data# 1 color change to blueblack is (;) for
starch# :f your cup water turns blue, your cell leaked and your results may be inaccurate
1() )emo'e, dry and weigh your cells and record in data table on lab sheet#
14) =lean and rinse all beakers and cups and place in the strainer to dry# )inse out the pipettes
using tap water and return them to the test tube racks# =arefully empty the contents from your
cell inside the sink and throw away the dialysis tubingbaggies and string#
15) 3isinfect your lab stations then wash your hands#
Osmosis/Diffusion Lab
"uestions to help guide you in thought for your hypothesis# predictions and collecting data
1) 2here are the glucose, starch and albumin molecules after you completed the lab set up 3ay 1, in the cell or
out of the cell@
2) 2here is there more water, in the cell or outside the cell@ 2hat type of solution is surrounding the cells in
the cups, hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic@
() 2hat determines if a molecule is able to mo'e through a cell membrane@
4) $redict4 2hich type of transport would the following molecules use to mo'e in or out of a cell and why@

5) 2hy are we obtaining the mass before and after the e!periment for each of the cells@
"uestions to help you $ith your conclusion
/) :dentify which substances were unable to lea'e the cell through the membrane and e!plain why they
0) 5ased on your results, was your hypothesis correct (accepted) or incorrect (reAected)# 2hat e'idence do you
ha'e to support this@
6) Bow would the substances unable to mo'e through the cell membrane from abo'e be able to mo'e into and
out of the cell if they can%t use passi'e transport@
9) Bow does this e!periment and the results apply to humans and real life@
10) 2hich molecule(s) do you think would ha'e an effect on osmotic pressure in our cells and why@
3ata ,able4 $redictions and )esults
&ubstance $rediction
:nto or out of the cell
,est results of
5eaker water
( ;-)
1ctual mo'ement
2ater >ot applicable
Cass of =ell4
=ell type Cass before the
Cass after the
=hange in
D change in
3irection of

grams grams grams
grams grams grams
3rawing of your cups with e'erything labeled after you finish setting up the lab#

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