Group 1

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Group 1

1. Define the Problem
Cardboard is the single largest component of municipal solid waste
that businesses produce each year. Nearly 30 million tons of
cardboard end up in landfills each year.
The product we were given to recycle was a card-board liner used
to protect edges of furniture and such during shipping.
Our task was to create products using this card-board liner in order
to recycle it.
2. Brainstorm, Research, and
Generate Ideas
Toy Swords
Baby Proofing

30 million pounds of waste is cardboard
Largest waste product of businesses
3. Identify Criteria and Specify
4 ft. long card-board liner
1. Develop at least two products
2. Use the item that has been assigned to the group. You MUST use the item
as much intact as possible.
3. It cannot melted down, burned or ripped to shreds. It can be separated
or parted.
4. It may also be combined with another waste type product element.
5. It MAY NOT BE TRASH ART. No clocks drink cozies allowed.
4. Develop and propose designs
and choose among alternative
Notebooks could be made from the cardboard, as well as other school

Baby Proofing
The cardboard could be used to line many objects in the home, such as
dressers and tables, to create a more child safe surface.
The carboard is very sturdy, and if applied correctly, could be used to
construct tables.
Irrigation and Gardening
Card-board could possibly be used in gardening to channel water and line
gardens. The cardboard would have to be lined with a plastic or rubber
cover to prevent the card-board from breaking down.

5. Implement the Proposed Solution
we decided to separate and part the cardboard, then we
reattached it together to form the notebook cover.
Baby Proofing
you can just attach this too any corner too help keep you baby
safe and secure while giving it the love and affection they need.
6. Make a Model or Prototype

7. Evaluation of the Solution and
Any of its Problems
this helps cut back on municipal waste in landfills. The bad thing is
its hard to shape the notebook out of this cardboard.
Baby proofing
this helps protect baby's against the harm of corners. The bad thing
about card board is that its not the softest things.

8. Refine the Design
We could use different colors and durability's for these
Baby Proofing
offer different sizes and colors too match certain walls, also more
self adhesive materials.
9. Creating the Final
The standard thickness on our
notebook .125 in. but it will also be
offered in thicknesses of 1/16
and a
Baby Proofing
We made it too include
channel locking ends too allow you
extend it. Also we would make
different size lengths for different
furniture. The lengths would include
1ft to 4ft.
10. The Process and Result
We were given a card-board liner and given the task of creating
products from this already existing material.
Given that the card-board liner had to be left as in-tact as possible,
we decided to make notebooks and baby proofing material.
Our notebooks, called Green Books, will be offered in several
different disabilities and colors to apply to a variety of needs.
Our baby proofing material, called Baby Corners, will be offered in
several colors to match furniture, and will be produced in several
different lengths ranging from 1 ft. to 4 ft.
As a result from these product, we can keep tons of these card-
board products out of landfills, and produce little waste whilst doing

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