A Birthday Imagery
A Birthday Imagery
A Birthday Imagery
In the first line the poet uses the simile My heart is like a
singing bird. This shows the natural and romantic side of the
poets heart.
In the next line the poet says, Whose nest is in the watered
shoot. This creates an image of the food upon which the poet
can spend her lifetime has been provided. This symbolises the
growth of a shoot into a plant. By the shoot being show as well
watered, this shows the image of greenness and nourishment. On
the other hand, the poet shows the nest of the singing bird on
the shoot, rather that it being on the tree. This paints a picture
of the nest being unstable.
Then in the 3
and the 4
line, the poet compares her heart
using a simile by an apple tree, which is growing thick fruits. This
paints a picture in our mind about the deepness and the
connection between her heart and herself.
Furthermore in lines 5 and 6, the poet compares her heart with
her using a simile by a rainbow shell that is floating in a calm sea.
This paints a picture that the rainbow shell are the promises of
god that are being fulfilled and therefore, the poet is enjoying
her calmness and peace of mind in the floating sea.
In the last 2 lines of the first verse, the poet compares its heart
to the gladder. This shows that the world is incapable of
accepting the poets emotional state.