This document lists the regiments of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire in 1630, including their nation of origin, number of companies, year founded, colonel, and station. It divides the regiments into foot regiments and independent companies, then into categories of cuirassiers and arquebusiers. The abbreviations used are also explained at the bottom.
This document lists the regiments of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire in 1630, including their nation of origin, number of companies, year founded, colonel, and station. It divides the regiments into foot regiments and independent companies, then into categories of cuirassiers and arquebusiers. The abbreviations used are also explained at the bottom.
This document lists the regiments of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire in 1630, including their nation of origin, number of companies, year founded, colonel, and station. It divides the regiments into foot regiments and independent companies, then into categories of cuirassiers and arquebusiers. The abbreviations used are also explained at the bottom.
This document lists the regiments of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire in 1630, including their nation of origin, number of companies, year founded, colonel, and station. It divides the regiments into foot regiments and independent companies, then into categories of cuirassiers and arquebusiers. The abbreviations used are also explained at the bottom.
Foot Regiments Nation- Regiment Cos Founded ality Colonel Station City Guard 8 1546 High Ger H.K. von Lbl Vienna Brewner 13 1618 High Ger H.F. von Brewner Holland Altschsisch 10 1618 High Ger J.H. von Sachsen-Lawenpurg Bohemia Collato 10 1618 High Ger R. Collalto Italy Teuffenpach 10 1619 German R. von Teuffenpach Italy Nassau 10 1619 Walloon J. zu Nassau-Katzenellbogen On the Rhine Altschawenpurg 11 1619 High Ger H. von Schawenpurg Italy Tertzkand 11 1621 High Ger A von Tertzka Italy Lichtenstein 10 1621 High Ger M. zu Lichtenstain Silesia Schlick 10 1621 German H. von Schlick Jlich Mannsveldt 10 1625 High Ger F. von Mannsveldt Italy Aldringen 10 1625 Lower Ger J. von Aldringen Italy Marazan 10 1625 Lower Ger F de Marazan Neubrandenburg Colloredo 10 1625 Bohemian R. von Colloredo Italy Gallass 10 1626 German M. von Gallas Italy Dohna 10 1626 Low Ger K.H. zu Dohna Pomerania Hollstein 10 1626 High Ger A. zu Hollstein-Gottorpp Holland Braunschweig 10 1626 High Ger Hzg. G. zu Braunschweig-Lneburg enroute to Italy Neuschsisch 10 1626 High Ger Herzog F.A. zu Sachsen-Lawenpurg Italy Merode 10 1626 Walloon J. Merode-Waroux Italy Wirmondt 10 1626 German J. Wirmondt von der Neers Mecklenburg Conti 10 1627 Lower Ger T.Conti, Duke of Guadagnol Pomerania Sultz 10 1627 German A. von Sultz Italy Fernomndt 10 1627 Low Ger H. B. von Fernmondt Poland Wagler 10 1628 Lower Ger J. Wangler Mecklenburg Mohr 10 1628 Walloon F.W. Mohr von Waldt Mecklenburg Neu-Collalto 10 1628 German R. von Collalto Reich
Abbreviations: Arque - Arquebusiers Bohem - Bohemian Boh Arq - Bohemian Arquebusiers Ch Reut - Chorwatische Reuter Cuiras - Cuirassiers Dut Cuir - Dutch Cuirassiers Ger Arq - German Arquebusiers Ger Cuir - German Cuirassiers Ger Dra - German Dragoons High Ger - High German LG Cuir - Low German Cuirassiers Low Ger - Low German Lt Croat - Light Croatian Reuter Sp Arq - Spanish Arquebusiers Sp Cuir - Spanish Cuirassiers Wal Cuir - Walloon Cuirassiers
2 Nation- Regiment Cos Founded ality Colonel Station Savelli 10 1629 Lower Ger F. Hzg. von Savelli Pomerania Witzlben 10 1629 German J. von Witzleben Italy Waldstein 10 1629 Lower Ger B. von Waldstein Mecklenburg Anholt 10 1629 German J.J. Anholt zu Bronchorst Reich 10 1629 German J.J. Anholt zu Bronchorst Italy Neuschauenburg 10 1629 German H. Schauenburg Silesia Perusis 10 1629 German L. de Perusis Pomerania Neualtringen 10 1629 German J. von Altringen Southern Reich Ander Waldstein 10 1629 Bohemian M. Waldstein Bohemia Lbl 6 1630 Lower Ger M. von Waldstein Bohemia Hardeck 5 1630 German J. Hardeck Pomerania Gerambach 10 1630 Lower Ger K. von Geramb Mecklenburg Scherpffenberg 10 1630 German G. von Scherpffenberg Italy Buttler 10 1630 Lower Ger J.C. Buttler Silesia Mannerveldt 6 1630 ? W. III zu Mannsveldt Alsace Holke 10 1630 Lower Ger H.H.von Rawnholt Mecklenburg
Independant Companies Karling 1 1623 H. von Karling Fllegg Ueckmayer 1 1626 M. Ueckmayer Neuhusel Comazzi 1 1626 C. Comazzi Pressburg Strassen 1 1623 G van der Strassen Lwemtz
Cuirassiers Nation- Regiment Cos Founded ality Colonel Station Maradas 13 1616 Sp Cuir B. de Marradas y Viquez Pomerania Wittenhorst 6 1619 Wal Cuir W. von Wittenhorst Holland Strotzi 3 1619 Ger Cuir J. Strotzi Jlich Kronberg 5 1624 Ger Arq J.P.Coronini von Kronperg Mecklenburg Wengersky 10 1625 Ger Arq A. Wengersky Mecklenburg Altschsisch 10 1625 L.G. Cuir J.H. zu Sachsen-Lawenpurg Silesia Neuschsisch 10 1625 L.G. Cuir F.A. Hzg. zu Sachsen-Lawenpurg Italy Merode 10 1625 Wal Arq J. Merode-Waroux Italy Scherffenperg 10 1625 Ger Arq J.E. von Scherffenperg Pomerania
Abbreviations: Arque - Arquebusiers Bohem - Bohemian Boh Arq - Bohemian Arquebusiers Ch Reut - Chorwatische Reuter Cuiras - Cuirassiers Dut Cuir - Dutch Cuirassiers Ger Arq - German Arquebusiers Ger Cuir - German Cuirassiers Ger Dra - German Dragoons High Ger - High German Low Ger - Low German Lt Croat - Light Croatian Reuter Sp Arq - Spanish Arquebusiers Sp Cuir - Spanish Cuirassiers Wal Cuir - Walloon Cuirassiers
3 Nation- Regiment Cos Founded ality Colonel Station Ferrari 10 1625 Boh Arq von Ferrari Italy Anhalt 6 1625 German E zu Anhalt-Bernpurg Italy Isolan 14 1626 J.L.H. von Isolan Italy Braunschweig 3 1626 Ger Cuir G zu Braunschweig-Lneburg Italy Gtz 5 1626 Ger Cuir J. von Gtz Pomerania Montecuculi 10 1626 L.G. Cuir E. von Montecuculi-Montecerio Mecklenburg Hussman 10 1627 L.G. Cuir J.F. Hussman von Namedi Italy Pernstain 8 1627 Ger Cuir W. von Pernstain Reich Dampiere 5 1627 Ger Arq J. Dampiere von Mondroville enroute to Italy Hydrou 5 1628 Ger Arq H.Hydou de Mayence Jlich Colloredo 10 1628 Ger Arq H. Colloredo Pomerania Piccolomini 10 1629 L.G. Arq O. Piccolomini Italy Haraucour 5 1629 Wal Arq H. Haracour von Faulquemont Lower Reich 5 Sp. Arq. Lower Reich Tertzka 7 1629 High Ger A.Erdmann von Tertzka Italy Schaffgutsch 5 1629 L.G. Cuir H. U. von Schaffgutsch Silesia Sparre 10 1627 L.G. Arq E.G. von Sparre Pomerania Holke 5 1630 L.G. Cuir H.Holke zu Rawnholt Pomerania
Arque - Arquebusiers Bohem - Bohemian Boh Arq - Bohemian Arquebusiers Ch Reut - Chorwatische Reuter Cuiras - Cuirassiers Dut Cuir - Dutch Cuirassiers Ger Arq - German Arquebusiers Ger Cuir - German Cuirassiers Ger Dra - German Dragoons High Ger - High German Low Ger - Low German Lt Croat - Light Croatian Reuter Sp Arq - Spanish Arquebusiers Sp Cuir - Spanish Cuirassiers Wal Cuir - Walloon Cuirassiers
Documenta Bohemica Bellum Tricennale Illustrantia, Der schwedische Krieg und Wallensteins Ende, Quellen zur Geschichte der Kreigsereignisse der Jahre 1630-1635, Vienna, Academia Prag Verlag H. Bhlaus Nachf, 1977