This document contains a student profile form for Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology. The form collects personal details of the student like name, date of birth, category, family income, academic qualifications from 10th standard onwards along with marks/grades obtained, current technical qualification, contact details, extra-curricular activities. The student needs to declare that all information provided is true and incomplete forms will be rejected.
This document contains a student profile form for Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology. The form collects personal details of the student like name, date of birth, category, family income, academic qualifications from 10th standard onwards along with marks/grades obtained, current technical qualification, contact details, extra-curricular activities. The student needs to declare that all information provided is true and incomplete forms will be rejected.
This document contains a student profile form for Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology. The form collects personal details of the student like name, date of birth, category, family income, academic qualifications from 10th standard onwards along with marks/grades obtained, current technical qualification, contact details, extra-curricular activities. The student needs to declare that all information provided is true and incomplete forms will be rejected.
This document contains a student profile form for Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology. The form collects personal details of the student like name, date of birth, category, family income, academic qualifications from 10th standard onwards along with marks/grades obtained, current technical qualification, contact details, extra-curricular activities. The student needs to declare that all information provided is true and incomplete forms will be rejected.
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AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTE OF GOVT. OF ODISHA TRAINING AND PLACEMENT Students Profile Form Branc!""""""""""""""" Colle#e Roll$No!"""""""""""""""" %ni&ersit'(Council Re#d$No!""""""""""""""""""""""" DEGREE/DIPLOMA/MCA """""""""""""""""""""" Affi) Latest Coloured Pass*ort Si+e Poto#ra* ere Sl$No Item A**licants Profile Personal Particulars , Name(in block letter) - Date of irt! . "e# (M/$) / $at!er%s Name(in block letter) 0 $at!er%s Occu&ation 1 Cate'or((")*"C*OC*General) 2 Annual $amil( Income 3 Nati+e "tate Aca,emic Particulars 4 -ear of Passin' ./ t! "t, 0 name of t!e oar, ,5 1 of marks in ./ t! ,, -ear of Passin' I)I 1 name of t!e Council ,- -ear of &assin' .2 t! 0 name of t!e oar, ,. 1 of marks in I)I ,/ 1 of marks &assin' .2 t! ,0 Name of oar, in .2 t! ,1 -ear of &assin' Di&loma 0 name of t!e oar,/Council 1 of marks in Di&loma ,2 -ear of 3oinin' Colle'e in E/ 4)ec!/Di&loma/MCA ,3 $irst "emester Pa#e6, ,4 "econ, "emester -5 )!ir, "emester -, $ourt! "emester -- $ift! "emester -. "i#t! "emester -/ "e+ent! "emester -0 Ei'!t "emester 7In case of Di*loma student te' are ad&ised to mention teir mar8s in *ercenta#e
Present )ec!nical 5ualification &articulars4 "GPA (6) CGPA(6) Ot!er Information -1 Permanent A,,ress -2 Corres&on,ence A,,ress -3 P!one No (mobile 0 lan,line) "tu,ent7 Parents7 Local Gur,ian7 -4 E mail .5 E#tra Curricular Acti+ities Declaration b( t!e A&&licant I declare tat te details furnised are true to te 9est of m' 8no:led#e$ Place !"""""""""""""""" Date! """""""""""""""" Si#nature of te candidate in full NB! i;$ Furnisin# :ron# information :ill attract disci*linar' action$ ii;$ Incom*lete 9io6data :ill 9e re<ected$ PAGE = -