Curriculum Vitae: Anandarajan.R

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!o thrive 3sel8 as a %ro8icient engineer 9ith the essential s#ills to "se the 8or the organi:ation, !he e1%lores 3 inherent %otentials, in a s"staina;le ;asis 8or contin"o"s i %rove ent'

[email protected]
Mobile : 9047991526 Present Address: No:5, anna Nagar, Madhavacheri (Post), Chinnasale !al"#, $ill"%"ra &istrict' Pin(606 207' Permanent Address: No:5, anna Nagar, Madhavacheri (Post), Chinnasale !al"#, $ill"%"ra &istrict' Pin(606 207' Personal Details Na e ,ather-s Na e &'/'0 .e1 +eligion Nationalit3 Marital .tat"s 5ang"age : )nandara*an'+, : +a*andran'., : 26'04'1992, : Male, : 2ind", : 4ndian, : .ingle, : !a il 6 7nglish'

Key Skills:

HAVE TECHNICAL EXPERIANCE IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS. .ite 71ec"tion Pre%aring 0ills 7ns"ring <"alit3 6 .a8et3

Additional Qualification
o!t"are Pac#age 0asic o8 C==, Ms(/88ice, )"to cadd, )rchi Cadd, .tadd %ro

Key Result Area

Process 4 %rove ents' .tandardi:ation Creativit3

Academic Qualification
Di$loma in %ivil Engineering &'()* )>! e orial Pol3technic college, >alla#"richi, !a il Nad" +ear o! %om$letion: A$ril ,0--.

%.rrent Em$lo/er Designation De$artment D.ration Res$onsibilities

: : : :

MA0A AMR10ANANDAMA+1 MA023 Ramanatha$.ram. ite .$ervisor 4.ilding J.l ,0-5 to 0ill Date

71ec"te the 9or# as %er dra9ing 7ns"re the ?"alit3 and sa8et3' Mar#ing 6 leaving "sing &" %3 5evel ,inishing @or#s 6$en minded to "or# in com$le7 environment and $ro8ects
Previo"s 7 %lo3er &esignation &e%art ent &"ration : : : : P 9 %onstr.ction - Nama##al )%%renticeA."%ervisor 4nvolved in all activities 9here technical s#ills, s"ch as Chec#ing +ein8orce ent 8or )%r 2011 B Mar 2012 9or#s ar#ing,

6$en minded to "or# in com$le7 environment and $ro8ects Res$onsibilities Pre%are the sched"le o8 4nvoice (.1) 8or ever3 Pre%are site instr"ction 8or ever3 9ee# Pre%are ce ent cons" %tion state ent 8or ever3 7ns"re and onth onth

onitor the 9or# %rogress as %er .ched"les cons"ltant to concern %ro*ect 7ngineers' Maintain &ra9ing

Collect and iss"e the &ra9ings 8ro register as on date' Declaration

4 here;3 sole nl3 declare that the in8or ation 8"rnished a;ove is tr"e correct and co %lete to the ;est o8 3 #no9ledge '



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