Physicians and Hospitals Billing and Coding

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3Gen Consulting is a professional healthcare consulting company in

Mumbai ofering end to end revenue cycle management services. We are a

full-service Medical Billing and Coding Company dedicated to provide
you with comprehensive, personalized, cost-efective claims billing and
patient accounting services.
We are one of the highly sought after medical billing and coding companies
in India for Medico -legal Outsourcing Services. Our services include
ccounts !eceivable and "enial Management,
#oding udits for $ayers and $roviders, Medical %ummarization %ervices,
$hysicians and &ospitals 'illing and #oding, Billing and Coding
Certifcations, #laims Management for $ayers, ICD 9 and ICD 1
!raining, (% &ealthcare %ervices, $re)$ost $ayments and !# udits.
*+en is providing customized outsourcing solutions many global partners.
We truly believe that the biggest assets of our company are our e,perienced
and well trained employees and our clients who have a great trust in our
We aim to be +lobal in our presence and impact as your Outsourcing $artner.
Our focus is on creating value. #ombining our people-s .nowledge, intellect,
creativity and pragmatism, we provide our customers with !eal %olutions.

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