Subject: TQM and Six Sigma Roll No.

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Date : 11/08/2014 Maximum Marks: 10

Program/Batch: PGDM-2013-15 (rimester !"# Duratio$ : 20 mi$

Subject : %M a$& 'ix 'igma (o)) *o+ :
%1 hree t,-es o. /ustomers are:
1+ 2+ 3+
%+ 2 0ho has &e1e)o-e& PD/2 /,c)e:
%+3 0ho has &e1e)o-e& PD'2 /,c)e:
%+4 he &e.i$itio$ o. %ua)it, is 34it$ess .or 5se6 Gi1e$ 7,:
%+5 %ua)it, circ)es are i$tro&uce& 7,:
%+8 hree 9e1e)s o. %ua)it,:
1+ 2+ 3+
%+: 0hat are 1arious t,-es o. %ua)it, costs
%+ 8+ ;ero De.ect Phi)oso-h, Gi1e$ B,:
%+ < 4u)) .orm o. DM2!/ a$& DM2D" or D4''
%+ 10 + (P* is &e.i$e& as:
%+11 !$ %M=> mo&e) PM is -art o. ?-eratio$s Mgt+ (/4#
%+ 12 he 7asic .ormu)a .or 5/9 is @ A BkC ( /4#
%+ 13 5'9D 5/9 (/4#
%+ 14 De.i$e 'e1erit,
%+ 15 De.i$e ?ccurre$ce
%+ 18 De.i$e Detectio$
%+ 1: 'tate three ki$&s o. customer $ee&s
1+ 2+ 3+
%+ 18 Beha1iora) 2--roach to %M has 7ee$ co$tri7ute& most), .rom 5'2 (/4#
%+ 1< Di..ere$tiate i$ the -hi)oso-hies
%/ %2 %/ %M
%+ 20 0hat is 4M=2 (o$e se$te$ce # a$& Ehe$ a$& .rom Ehere it has 7ee$ starte&+

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