Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore - Pathology Dept 2 Term Paper - 3 Year 2014 Each Question Carries 5 Marks
Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore - Pathology Dept 2 Term Paper - 3 Year 2014 Each Question Carries 5 Marks
Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore - Pathology Dept 2 Term Paper - 3 Year 2014 Each Question Carries 5 Marks
Term Paper 3
Year 2014
Each Question carries 5 Marks
1. Name various diseases causing species of staphylococcus. How will you
differentiate between these species in laboratory?
2. Describe the two main poststreptococcal ( non suppurative ) diseases.
3. Discuss the morphologic features of streptococcus pnemoniae. What is
Quellung reaction?
4. Enlist the differences between Niserria meningitides and Nisserria
gonorrhoease . What are the properties of the polysaccharide capsule of
5. Describe the transmission , action of toxin and prevention of Bacillus
6. Name the Clostridium species. Tabulate differences between them.
7. Discuss the clinical findings and lab diagnosis of Diphtheria.
8. Compare Shigella and salmonella in a tabulated form.
9. Which diseases are caused by H.pylori? Discuss its lab diagnosis.
10. What are the pigments produced by Pseudomonas species? What clinical
infections are caused by Pseudomonas?
11. Discuss the pathogenesis of tuberculosis.
12. Classify atypical Mycobacteria with examples.
13. Tabulate differences between tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy. What
are the clinical features of leprosy?
14. Discuss the lab diagnosis of syphilis in detail.
15. What is the causative organism of plague? Describe its properties. What are
the clinical features of the disease?
16. Describe hypersensitivity type III in detail.
17. What are the types of antibodies? Tabulate their differences.
18. Classify various types of vaccines with examples.
19. Define affinity, anergy , antigen, anaphylaxis, agglutination.
20. Enlist the carious serological tests. Describe ELISA in detail.