Ooey Gooey Samoas Blondies

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Prep time

5 mins
Cook time
30 mins
Total time
35 mins
Ooey Gooey Samoa Blondies

These Samoa Blondies is topped with ooey gooey caramel mixed with
toasted coconut. It's then topped with a chocolate drile.
!uthor" !u#rey $ota
%ecipe type" &essert
Ser'es" ()
* cup #utter+ melted
( cup ,irmly pac-ed #rown sugar
( egg
) tsp 'anilla
* tsp salt
( cup ,lour
coconut topping
3 cups+ sweetened+ shredded coconut
(5 o. caramel chews
3 t#sp mil-
* tsp salt
. o chocolate almond #ar-
( tsp 'egeta#le shortening
preheat o'en to 350 degrees (.
line an / x / #a-ing dish with parchment paper so that it hangs o'er on all sides #y ) inches ).
in a large #owl stir #utter and #rown sugar together 3.
stir in the egg+ 'anilla and salt ..
stir in ,lour 5.
spread e'enly into the prepared #a-ing dish 0.
#a-e ,or )0 to )5 min 1.
coconut topping
line a #a-ing sheet with parchment paper and spread an e'en layer o, the coconut on top (.
place in the 350 degree o'en ,or (0 minutes ).
remo'e and place in a large #owl 3.
melt caramel in a dou#le #oiler with mil- and salt ..
spread 3 ta#lespoons o, caramel sauce o'er the top o, the #londie 5.
pour the caramel sauce o'er the coconut and toss to completely coat 0.
pour the coconut o'er the top o, the #londie and spread e'enly 1.
melt the chocolate almond #ar- and 'egeta#le shortening together in a dou#le #oiler or microwa'e /.
drile o'er the top o, the coconut 2.
allow to cool (0.
once the chocolate has hardened remo'e the #londie ,rom the pan and cut ((.
en3oy4 ().
%ecipe #y %eal 5ousemoms at http"66realhousemoms.com6ooey7gooey7samoas7#londies6
Ooey Gooey Samoas Blondies http://realhousemoms.com/easyrecipe-print/10253-0/
1 din 1 03.07.2014 13:31

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