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1 Cups Self-Raising Flour - 11 Cup Sugar - Cup Unsweetened Cocoa - Teaspoon Salt - 1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract - 1 Cup Water - Cup Vegetable Oil

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1 cups self-raising flour 1. 1 cup sugar cup unsweetened cocoa 2.

a 2. teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 cup water #. cup vegetable oil

Method Preheat the oven on 200*C. Stir all the ingredients together (add nuts or dried fruit if you want) and pour the mi in a greased !a"ing tin. $a"e in the oven for a!out #0 minutes.

%. &f you have a !read ma"er' put everything in the ma(hine and (hoose the (a"e program. )hat*s it.
Ingredients For the cake

225g/8oz plain flour 350g/12oz caster sugar 85g/3oz cocoa powder 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 free-range eggs 250ml/ fl oz milk 125ml/!fl oz "egetable oil 2 tsp "anilla e#tract 250ml/ fl oz boiling water

For the chocolate icing

200ml/$fl oz double cream &reparation met%od

200g/$oz plain c%ocolate

1' &re%eat t%e o"en to 180(/350)/*as !' *rease and line two 20cm/8in sandwic% tins' +ec%ni,ue- *reasing and lining cake tins
2' )or t%e cake. place all of t%e cake ingredients. e#cept t%e boiling water. into a large mi#ing bowl' /sing a wooden spoon. or electric w%isk. beat t%e mi#ture until smoot% and well combined'

3' 0dd t%e boiling water to t%e mi#ture. a little at a time. until smoot%' 1+%e cake mi#ture will now be "er2 li,uid'3 !' 4i"ide t%e cake batter between t%e sandwic% tins and bake in t%e o"en for 25-35 minutes. or until t%e top is firm to t%e touc% and a skewer inserted into t%e centre of t%e cake comes out clean' 5' 5emo"e t%e cakes from t%e o"en and allow to cool completel2. still in t%eir tins. before icing' 6' )or t%e c%ocolate icing. %eat t%e c%ocolate and cream in a saucepan o"er a low %eat until t%e c%ocolate melts' 5emo"e t%e pan from t%e %eat and w%isk t%e mi#ture until smoot%. gloss2 and t%ickened' 7et aside to cool for 1-2 %ours. or until t%ick enoug% to spread o"er t%e cake' $' +o assemble t%e cake. run a round-bladed knife around t%e inside of t%e cake tins to loosen t%e cakes' (arefull2 remo"e t%e cakes from t%e tin
8' 7pread a little c%ocolate icing o"er t%e top of one of t%e c%ocolate cakes. t%en carefull2 top wit% t%e ot%er cake'

' +ransfer t%e cake to a ser"ing plate and ice t%e cake all o"er wit% t%e c%ocolate icing. using a palette knife' +ec%ni,ue- Icing a cake wit% c%ocolate ganac%e

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