August 27, 2014
August 27, 2014
August 27, 2014
See Page 12A
A Section
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Serving Waukon
& Surrounding
Allamakee County
Since 1858
2 SECTIONS 22 PAGES Vol. 146 No. 35 USPS 669-760 News Publishing Co., Inc. Copyrighted 2014 $1.25 PER COPY
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Schultz ...
Continued on Page 8A
Ticked Off ...
Continued on Page 7A
Supervisors ...
Continued on Page 5A
An Ofcial Newspaper of Allamakee County
Patriot Tour to arrive
in Waukon August 27
The 2014 Patriot Tour motorcycle ride will make its
way through Waukon once again this year, as this year's
tour carrying the American ag through the 48 contiguous
United States nears completion. The ag will arrive at
Waukon Harley-Davidson, carried by the Albert Lea HOG
Chapter from Albert Lea, MN, Wednesday, August 27
at approximately 2:30 p.m. after being escorted through
downtown Waukon by the Waukon Police Department.
This year the schedule requires the ag to remain at
Waukon Harley-Davidson until Saturday, August 30, when
it will leave at 6 a.m. to be carried home to Badger Harley-
Davidson in Madison, WI by members of the Waukon
and La Crosse, WI HOG Chapters. It is not necessary for
a motorcyclist to be a HOG member to accompany the
ag. Anyone wishing to accompany the ag to Madison,
WI should contact Waukon HOG Chapter Director Steve
Trumblee at 608-306-0138 before Saturday, August 30.
Supervisors approve architect for
jail/public safety center project
Climate change may be helping
outdoor insects, poison ivy thrive
by Bob Beach
During the regular
meeting of the Allamakee
County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, August 19, the
Board met with Allamakee
County Sheriff Clark
Mellick, who reported that
the Public Safety Center
Committee had interviewed
an engineering rm and
three architectural rms and
had agreed to recommend
Rick Weidner, AIA of
Bennington, NE to develop
plans and specications for
the construction of a new jail
and public safety center.
Mellick said that Weidner
has extensive experience in
jail design and has worked
with the County's contracted
jail consultant, John Hansen
of Midwest Construction
Consultants, on numerous
similar projects. The Board
accepted the Committee's
recommendation and
approved a contract with Rick
Weidner, AIA that includes
$8,500 for the initial plans
and drawings and 6.35% of
by Lissa Blake
Outdoor enthusiasts, be
In the ongoing effort
to try to connect the dots
on the effects of global
climate change, a report just
released from the National
Wildlife Federation (NWF)
suggests global warming is
contributing to an increase
in deer tick and mosquito
populations, in addition to a
stronger, more potent strain
of poison ivy and higher
pollen counts. (See
for full report)
Last week, the NWF
facilitated a conference call
with state media, attended
by Joe Wilkinson, past
president of the Iowa Wildlife
Federation; Frank Szollosi,
NWF regional outreach; and
Dr. Yogesh Shah, associate
dean for global health at
Des Moines University. The
the nal construction costs.
Mellick also reported
that Hansen, Weidner and
the Committee agreed to
work towards getting a bond
referendum on the ballot for
this year's general election in
November. Mellick said that
the project cost would not
exceed $4.9 million and that
the bond referendum would
require 60% approval by
voters in order to pass.
Allamakee County
Auditor and Commissioner
of Elections Denise Beyer
said that the deadline for
information to be printed on
the ballots for the November
election is September 5. The
Board directed Allamakee
County Attorney Jill Kistler
to develop a timeline to ensure
that all deadlines can be met
for the bond referendum.
The Board met with Case
Management Director Kim
Waters, who presented the
Board with contracts for
mental health and substance
abuse services. The Board
approved a contract with
Northeast Iowa Behavioral
discussion came following
the release of NWFs
Health for $160 per day,
two days per week, for
mental health services at
Veterans Memorial Hospital
in Waukon. The Board also
approved a contract with
Mercy Medical Center in
Mason City for substance
abuse services at $800 per
The Board also met
with Allamakee County
Engineer Brian Ridenour,
who presented the Board
with price quotes for the
installation of an emergency
generator for the radio tower
across Highway 9 from
Makee Manor. On Ridenour's
recommendation, the Board
approved the low bid of
$21,900 from Walsh Electric
in Waukon, which includes
full installation, an LP tank
and a two-year, 400-hour
warranty. Ridenour said
that there may be additional
charges from Alliant Energy
to separate the electrical
services to Makee Manor and
report, entitled Ticked
Off: Americas Outdoor
Experience and Climate
Change, which suggests a
number of effects climate
change will have on outdoor
Climate change is
bringing about stressful new
changes to our outdoor world,
and we need to take notice,
warns the report.
Wilkinson said Iowa
will not be immune to the
problem. Climate change
is not so subtle anymore. By
now everybodys heard of it
and its become a matter of
what are we going o do about
it and when, he said.
Shah cited the spike in
Iowa cases of the West Nile
virus, a mosquito-borne
Get "Ticked Off" ...
Deer ticks, such as the
one pictured above, are
one of the handful of pests
that have been thriving as
a result of climate change
being experienced in the
United States, according
to a recent report by the
National Wildlife Federa-
tion entitled "Ticked Off".
Submitted photo.
Kee baseball coach Gene Schultz brings legendary career
to completion with announcement of his retirement
It's been labeled the "end
of an era." But the man it
means the most to calls it "the
beginning of a new chapter."
Gene Schultz, the
legendary coach of Kee
High School baseball for
the past 45 years and the
nation's all-time winningest
high school baseball coach,
had his retirement from that
long-time helm made ofcial
Monday, August 18 with the
acceptance of his letter of
resignation by the Eastern
Allamakee Community
School District Board of
Directors at its regular
monthly meeting. That
retirement brings to a close a
coaching career likely never
to be rivaled with an overall
record of 1,754 wins against
just 398 losses, but also opens
the door to a number of other
possibilities for Schultz and
his family.
"It was time to come to this
decision," Schultz said. "And
it's not because I don't want
to coach baseball anymore,
but more because there are
so many other things that I
want to do and will now have
more time to do. I'm going
to just relax for a while, get
settled into our new home in
La Crescent (MN), our rst
grandchild is coming along
in the near future, and I just
plan to enjoy some quality
time with the years I have
left. I'm also going to try to
gure out what this game
of golf is all about, and that
should certainly keep me on
my toes."
That move to La Crescent,
MN within this past year has
allowed for his wife, Julie,
to have her drive time to
work dwindled signicantly,
something Schultz says is
long overdue for her and
well-deserved. "For 37 years
my wife drove from Lansing
to Gundersen where she
works, and with our move
to La Crescent this past year
I've gotten a small taste of
what she's had to go through
with that drive for the past 37
years," Schultz said. "That
drive for me this summer back
to New Albin, and even all the
way back to Lansing early in
the season because we played
our home games in Lansing
until the eld in New Albin
was ready, certainly wears
on you. And it's probably
time for someone else to take
over and enjoy the program
that has given so much to
me. They say all good things
must come to an end. Well,
it's time for someone else to
experience more good things
with this program."
Although Coach Schultz
did not want to speculate
on who might have that
opportunity, he did say that
a likely place to start looking
would be within the existing
coaching staff. "It's not
going to be up to me, that's
a decision the school district
will be making," he said,
adding that he'd be glad to
provide any input into that
decision if asked.
Bob Wellendorf, a former
assistant coach under Schultz
and Kee High School Athletic
Director, as well as a long-
time friend, says replacement
of a coach like Schultz is not
an enviable position. "That's
a huge role to try and ll,"
Wellendorf said. "It could be
a great opportunity for the
right individual, but it will be
difcult to nd a replacement
with as much dedication and
knowledge of the game. They
threw away that mold after
they made Gene."
Wellendorf said he initially
met the eventual legendary
coach when Schultz rst
came to Lansing in 1969,
and then rst coached under
him in the early 1980s as
a baseball and basketball
assistant before becoming
Kee's athletic director prior
to his own retirement. "What
an amazing opportunity for
me," Wellendorf said. "I
know I would not have ended
up where I did if not for
him. He taught me so much,
his knowledge of baseball,
basketball - all sports, really -
is just incredible."
Wellendorf said his
initial reaction to Schultz's
retirement decision was one
of surprise. "I thought maybe
he would hang in there at
least one more year, I know
he wanted to try and see the
(Shooky Fink) eld project to
completion," he said. "But I
also know that there are other
things he wants to do in life,
and now he'll have more time
to do those things."
Likewise surprised was
another area baseball coach
of legendary status who
sits just behind Schultz on
the nation's all-time career
coaching victories list for
high school baseball. Fifty-
plus-year Decorah High
School baseball coach Dennis
Olejniczak said of Schultz's
decision to retire, "I was
somewhat surprised when
I rst heard and read that
Coach Schultz had announced
his retirement, knowing how
much he loves the game. But
he has certainly earned his
retirement from coaching
baseball. I am honored to
extend my congratulations to
Gene on his retirement."
With Olejniczak's 1,341
career coaching victories
second only to Schultz at the
national level, and likely to
never overtake that record, the
long-time Decorah skipper
has developed a tremendous
amount of respect for his
veteran colleague. "Without
a doubt, Gene has had a
tremendous impact on the
quality of baseball in the
state of Iowa at the high
school level," Olejniczak
commented. "He had a way
of preparing his teams in such
a manner that they would
never beat themselves. You
always had to play some of
A case of legendary proportions ...
Legendary Kee baseball coach Gene Schultz stands
beside a case in his home that holds the baseballs repre-
senting each of his 100-milestone victories prior to career
win number 1,700 recorded early in the 2013 season.
Schultz announced his retirement from his legendary
45-year career at the helm of the Hawk diamond program
last week, completing a career record of 1,754-398.
Betty Troendle inducted into Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame
Betty Troendle of
Allamakee County was
inducted into the 2014 Iowa
4-H Hall of Fame during a
ceremony at the 4-H Exhibits
Building at the Iowa State
Fair in Des Moines Sunday,
August 17. A total of 82
counties participated this
year and 110 inductees
were recognized for their
outstanding service and
dedication to 4-H. Inductees
or their surviving family
members were presented a
certicate by the Iowa 4-H
Foundation as they were
introduced on stage and
honored at a reception that
followed the ceremony.
Betty's contribution to
4-H was widely felt, said
Morgan Heim, Allamakee
County 4-H Youth Co-
Coordinator. "Betty has
taught her children well and
inuenced them to give back
to their communities. Her
hard work, heart of gold, and
willingness to always help out
has inuenced many youth
throughout her 4-H career in
Allamakee County."
Troendles service to the
4-H program emphasizes
the mission of the 4-H Hall
of Fame. She has touched
many lives through her
dedication, encouragement,
commitment, and guidance
to the Allamakee County 4-H
Counties select inductees
for their exceptional work in
contributing to the lives of
4-H members and the overall
4-H program, said Heim.
Many inductees served as
club leaders, youth mentors,
fair superintendents or fair
board members, Iowa State
University Extension county
council members, county
youth council members, fair
judges, nancial supporters,
chaperones or ISU Extension
and Outreach staff members.
The inductees have
demonstrated dedication,
encouragement, commitment
and guidance to Iowas
4-Hers through the years.
This is a wonderful
opportunity for the counties
and state to recognize and
celebrate 4-H volunteers
and staff who are committed
to Iowas youth and the
4-H Youth Development
program, said Chris
Gleason, 4-H youth program
specialist with ISU Extension
and Outreach.
Inducted into Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame ...
Iowa 4-H Foundation Interim Executive Director
Albert Grunenwald (left) awarded Betty Troendle (right)
of Waukon a certicate celebrating her induction into the
Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame during a ceremony held Sunday,
August 17 at the Iowa State Fair. Submitted photo.
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The Iowa 4-H Hall of
Fame was initiated in 2002 to
help commemorate the 100th
anniversary of 4-H. A display
of previous honorees was
available for viewing at the
2014 Iowa State Fair in the
4-H Exhibits Building.
Information about the
2014 inductees and previous
inductees to the Iowa 4-H
Hall of Fame is available on
the Iowa 4-H Foundation
website, organized by year
and by county.
More local Iowa
State Fair results
on Page 5A
THE STANDARD Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Sivesinds claim
top honors in
Youth Dairy
Cattle Show at
Iowa State Fair
A total of 41 exhibitors
showed 114 head in the 4-H
and FFA Youth Dairy Cat-
tle Show judged Saturday,
August 9 at the 2014 Iowa
State Fair in Des Moines.
Among those participating in
the Youth Dairy Cattle Show
were Leslie and Landon
Sivesind, daughter and son
of Dan and Jane Sivesind of
Landon Sivesind was
awarded Grand Champion
Guernsey and Senior Cham-
pion Guernsey honors, in
addition to Grand Cham-
pion Senior Showmanship
accolades. Leslie Sivesind
received Junior Champion
Guernsey honors.
Top dairies competed for
honors in the Guernsey Dairy
Cattle Show judged Friday,
August 8 at the 2014 Iowa
State Fair in Des Moines.
Prairie Moon Guernseys,
owned and operated by the
Frank and Carol Sivesind
family of Waukon, claimed
a number of top honors at
this year's Guernsey show,
including winning the
Premier Breeder Award and
showing the Reserve Grand
Champion Female.
South Lane Farm of
Epworth secured the Grand
Champion Female title and
collected second place in
both the Premier Exhibitor
and Premier Breeder contests.
K-Valley Farm of Waucoma
won rst place in the Premier
Exhibitor contest.
The Premier Breeder
Award is given to the
competitor who earns the
most points for animals bred
and exhibited by the entrant or
others during the day's show.
The Premier Exhibitor Award
is given to the exhibitor who
accumulates the most points
based upon the day's placings.
In addition to those
overall winnings, Prairie
Moon Guernseys placed
in the following classes of
Winter Heifer Calf
- December 1, 2013 to
February 28, 2014: First
place and Second place;
Fall Heifer Calf -
September 1 to November 30,
2013: First place;
Spring Yearling Heifer -
March 1 to May 31, 2013:
First place;
Junior Best Three Females:
First place;
Junior Two-Year-Old Cow
- March 1 to August 31, 2012:
First place;
Senior Two-Year-Old
Cow - September 1, 2011
to February 29, 2012: Third
Prairie Moon Guernseys
wins Premier Breeder
honors at Iowa State Fair
Junior Three-Year-Old
Cow - March 1 to August 31,
2011: First place;
Best Three Head: First
Best Four Head: Second
Junior Champion Female;
Junior Reserve Champion
Intermediate Champion
Intermediate Reserve
Champion Female.
The following area youth
represented Allamakee
County at the State 4-H
Dairy Judging contest held
at the Iowa State Fair in Des
Moines. Senior members
included Zach Eberling, son
of Scott and Deb Eberling
of Postville; Mikayla Gavin,
daughter of Mike and Kay
A number of Allamakee
County 4-H youth showed
livestock during the 2014
Iowa State Fair in Des
Moines. 4-H youth from
Lansing, Postville, Waterville
and Waukon participated for
honors during the Iowa State
Fair livestock shows.
"Youth gain so
many positive skills by
exhibiting livestock," Mike
Anderson, 4-H agriculture
superintendent said. "The
dedication, responsibility,
decision-making and
leadership they develop can
prepare them for careers that
use these skills."
To nd out more about
the Allamakee County
4-H Program contact the
Allamakee County Extension
ofce at 563-568-6345.
Allamakee County
exhibitors placed as follows:
Breeding Beef
Devin Bieber: Angus - Purple
Lexie Bieber: Angus - Purple
Market Beef
Hannah Lage: Shorthorn Plus
Steers - Purple
Zach Eberling: Holstein
Intermediate Calf - Red;
Jersey Summer Yearling -
Mikayla Gavin: Holstein
Intermediate Calf - Red
Carter Nolting: Holstein
Senior Calf - Purple
Cayla Nolting: Holstein Senior
Yearling - Blue; Holstein
Junior Yearling - Red
Landon Sivesind: Guernsey
- Purple; Guernsey Senior
Two-Year-Old Cows - Purple,
Champion Senior Guernsey,
Allamakee County 4-H'ers
assembled some of the more
than 3,600 static exhibit
entries judged in the 4-H
Exhibits Building at the
Iowa State Fair. Allamakee
4-H youth from Castalia,
Harpers Ferry, Lansing, New
Albin, Postville, Waterville
and Waukon participated for
honors during the Iowa State
Fair livestock shows.
"It is an honor to have
an item selected to exhibit
at the State Fair," said
Morgan Heim, County Youth
Co-Coordinator. "These
4-H'ers have demonstrated
outstanding learning in
leadership, citizenship,
communication and other
topics related to individual
goals set by the members."
"All 4-H members
and clubs are expected to
undertake projects, so it's
no surprise that several
outstanding exhibits come
to the fair," said Mitchell
Hoyer, Program Specialist
for Iowa State University
Extension and Outreach
4-H Youth Development
and 4-H Exhibits Building
Superintendent. "Youth
show examples of growth
in generosity, self-esteem
and leadership skills in their
displays. 4-H'ers set goals
for themselves and receive
placings based on how well
they have met their goals and
on the evaluation standards
established for that particular
"We are very proud of the
personal accomplishments of
4-H participants in this project
area and the educational
learning experiences they
gain," said LuAnn Johansen,
Assistant Director of ISU
Extension and Outreach 4-H
Youth Development.
For more information on
how to become involved with
4-H, contact Morgan Heim,
Top dairies competed for
honors in the Holstein Dairy
Cattle Show judged Friday,
August 8 at the 2014 Iowa
State Fair in Des Moines.
Regancrest Farms of Waukon
took second-place honors in
both the Premier Exhibitor
and Premier Breeder contests
to lead a large contingency of
northeast Iowa exhibitors.
The Premier Breeder
Award is given to the
competitor who earns the
most points for animals bred
and exhibited by the entrant or
others during the day's show.
The Premier Exhibitor Award
is given to the exhibitor who
accumulates the most points
based upon the day's placings.
Scott Coons of Monticello
claimed the Grand Champion
Female banner. Volker-
Hovden Holsteins of Maynard
was awarded the Reserve
Grand Champion Female
and Premier Exhibitor titles.
Moondale Farm of Monona
was named Premier Exhibitor.
Following is a list of
placewinnings for northeast
Iowa Holstein exhibitors in
their respective Iowa State
Fair classes of competition:
Spring Heifer Calf -
March 1 to May 31, 2014: 3)
Gavin of Lansing; and Sam
and Abe Schwartz, sons of
David and Joan Schwartz
of Waterville. Junior
participants were Harrison
Dehning, son of Ron and
Jill Dehning of Postville;
Kaylee Gibbs, daughter of
Chris and Kerri Gibbs of
Waterville; Cayla and Carter
Nolting, children of Chad and
Cheryl Nolting of Waukon;
Faith Palmer, daughter of
John and Meghan Palmer
of Waukon; and Madalyn
Palmer, daughter of Eric and
Stephanie Palmer of Waukon.
The Dairy Judging teams are
coached by Dan Sivesind and
Aaron Palmer of Waukon.
The Senior Team placed
fourth overall and nished
fourth in the Jersey and
Milking Shorthorn Division,
as well as third in Ayrshire.
Individually, Zach Eberling
nished seventh overall and
earned sixth place in the
Brown Swiss division. Sam
Schwartz placed 15th overall
and second in the Jersey
division. The senior contest
involved 48 individuals and
12 teams from across the state
of Iowa, all competing for
national contests in Madison,
WI and Louisville, KY.
Junior Team 1 placed
eighth overall and consisted
of Kaylee Gibbs, Cayla
Nolting, Faith Palmer and
Madalyn Palmer. Junior
Team 2 placed 10th overall
and consisted of Harrison
Dehning and Carter Nolting.
Team 1 highlights included
placing third in Milking
Shorthorn, fth in Ayrshire,
sixth in Brown Swiss and
Jersey, and seventh in team
reasons and Holstein. Team 2
placed fth in Jersey, seventh
in Guernsey, eighth in team
reasons, and ninth in Ayrshire
and Holstein.
Individual highlights
included Harrison Dehning
placing eighth in Jersey,
Faith Palmer taking second
in Milking Shorthorn, and
Madalyn Palmer nishing
ninth in Ayrshire. The
junior contest involved 37
individuals and 10 teams
from across the state of Iowa.
For more information on
how to become involved
with 4-H, contact Morgan
Heim, County Youth Co-
Coordinator at Allamakee
County Extension and
Outreach, at 563-568-6345.
Grand Champion Guernsey;
Guernsey Senior Calf - Purple;
Guernsey Intermediate Calf
- Purple; Guernsey Junior
Yearling - Purple; Guernsey
Junior Three-Year-Old Cows
- Purple
Leslie Sivesind: Guernsey
Intermdiate Calf - Purple,
Champion Junior Guernsey
Kasinda McKee: Rally Class,
Grades 10-12 - Purple
Kaylonna McKee: Novice A
Obedience, Group 2 - Blue;
Rally Class, Grades 10-12
- Purple; Senior Handling,
Group 2 - Purple
Breeding Sheep
Logan Kucera: Black Face
Commercial Ewe, Division 3
- Blue
Mariah Kucera: Black Face
Commercial Ewe, Division 3 -
Blue; Black Face Commercial
Ewe, Division 2 - Blue; White
Face Commercial Ewe - Blue
Rachel Kucera: Black Face
Commercial Ewe, Division
3 - Blue; Speckled Face
Commercial Ewe - Blue;
Black Face Commercial Ewe,
Division 3 - Blue
Market Sheep
Logan Kucera: Sheep
Showmanship, Intermediate
- Blue; Market Lambs - Blue
Mariah Kucera: Sheep
Showmanship, Senior- Blue;
Market Lambs - Blue; Market
Lambs - Purple; Market
Lambs - Blue; Market Lambs
- Blue
Rachel Kucera: Market
Lambs - Blue; Market Lambs
- Blue; Market Lambs - Blue;
Market Lambs - Blue
or Sue Pederson County
Youth Co-Coordinators
at the Allamakee County
Extension and Outreach at
563-568-6345 or by e-mail
at or
Allamakee County
exhibitors placed as follows:
Diana Davison - Red
McKayla Stock - Red
Child Development
Alexis Johnson - Blue
Environment and Sustainability
* Brandon Bieber - Blue
* Nathan Helgerson - Red
* - Recognition for outstanding
contribution to Soil and Water
Conservation in Iowa
Other Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Brandon Bieber - Blue
Food & Nutrition
Logan Brown - Red
Travis Fish - Blue
Christa Heffern - White
Carley Sweeney - Blue
Brandon Conway - Blue
Home Improvement
Denzel Decker - White
Ainsly Lydon - Blue
Kasinda McKee - White
Bethany Stock - Blue
Carley Sweeney - Blue
Carley Sweeney - White
Riley Bodley - Blue
Rebecca Thorstenson - Blue
Ashley Liddiard - Blue
Emma Johnson - Blue
Emy Dehli - Red
Erika Flores - Red
Gus Pladsen - Blue
Jessica Thorstenson - Red
Jessica Thorstenson - Red
Kaela Wood - Blue and PPI
Moondale Farm, Monona.
Winter Heifer Calf
- December 1, 2013 to
February 28, 2014: 11)
Moondale Farm, Monona; 16)
Brian Harbaugh, Postville;
20) High-View Holsteins,
Waukon; 21) Z-Breeze
Holsteins, Luana; 30) Gav-
N-View Farms, Lansing; 32)
Zach Eberling, Postville.
Fall Heifer Calf -
September 1 to November 30,
2013: 1) Regancrest, Waukon;
2) Henkeseen Holsteins,
Luana; 8) Moondale Farm,
Monona; 11) Brian Harbaugh,
Postville; 16) Regancrest,
Waukon; 18) High-View
Holsteins, Waukon; 29)
Z-Breeze Holsteins, Luana.
Spring Yearling Heifer
March 1 to May 31, 2013:
2) Regancrest, Waukon; 8)
Z-Breeze Holsteins, Luana;
9) High-View Holsteins,
Winter Yearling Heifer
December 1, 2012 to
February 28, 2013: 3)
Regancrest, Waukon.
Fall Yearling Heifer (Not
Allamakee County 4-H
Dairy Judging Team
competes at State Fair
Allamakee County
4-H members exhibit
livestock at State Fair
2014 Iowa State Fair Static Exhibit
Results for Allamakee County 4-H
Regancrest leads lengthy list of northeast Iowa
area Holstein exhibitors at 2014 Iowa State Fair
Local Weather Recap
Week of August 18-24
Weekly Temp High Low Precip. River Stg.*
Mon., Aug. 18 84 66 1.79 7.86
Tues., Aug. 19 79 64 0 8.21
Wed., Aug. 20 81 61 .05 8.51
Thurs., Aug. 21 81 68 .68 8.49
Fri., Aug. 22 84 70 0 8.35
Sat., Aug. 23 79 70 .37 8.20
Sun., Aug. 24 88 70 0 8.22
Water Temperature ~ 76
* Information obtained from Lock and Dam #9
Auto Body Repair 563-568-6464
2523 State Hwy. 76 SE, Waukon, IA
We are a preferred shop for local and
major insurance companies. Ask about our
lifetime warranty on collision repair.
Six-Day Forecast
Aug. 27
A.M. Showers
H:75 L:59
Aug. 28
Isolated TStorms
H:73 L:59
Aug. 29
Isolated TStorms
H:79 L:64
Aug. 30
Isolated TStorms
H:76 L:61
Aug. 31
H:77 L:61
Sept. 1
Isolated TStorms
H:79 L:62
Waukon Dental
18 1st Ave. NW, Waukon, IA 563-568-4528
Invisalign Clear, Comfortable, Removable Braces
Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
and One Saturday a Month from 8am-Noon
Where Health Changing Smiles Are Created!
Dr. Mark Fohey Dr. Linda Carstens Dr. Jessica Wilke
EACSD - 1-1:30pm Dismissal, Teacher In Service.
ACSD - 1 hr. early out.
Friday, August 29
Lansing VFW Chicken Q, Lansing VFW Hall,
Lansing, 11am-?
Sunday, August 31
EACSD - No School.
ACSD - No School.
Monday, September 1
Labor Day
Waukon Lions Club Pancake Breakfast, Waukon
Vets Club, Waukon, 7am-1pm
Sunday, September 7
Decorah Auto Center, Inc.
1817 State Hwy. 9, Decorah, IA
800-944-3919 563-382-3919
Wendy Ryan
With over 11 years in the
automotive business,
Wendy is more than happy
to help you with any
new or used car or truck
purchase whenever you
are ready.
Please call or stop
in to see her!
in Milk) - September 1 to
November 30, 2012: 5) High-
View Holsteins, Waukon; 7)
Moondale Farm, Monona; 8)
Z-Breeze Holsteins, Luana;
9) Brian Harbaugh, Postville.
Junior Best Three Females:
1) Regancrest, Waukon.
Junior Two-Year-Old Cow
- March 1 to August 31, 2012:
2) Regancrest, Waukon; 5)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana;
12) Regancrest, Waukon.
Senior Two-Year-Old
Cow - September 1, 2011
to February 29, 2012: 2)
Regancrest, Waukon; 4)
Moondale Farm, Monona;
8) Moondale Farm, Monona;
11) Regancrest, Waukon; 18)
Rolinda Acres, Waterville;
19) Rolinda Acres, Waterville.
Junior Three-Year-Old
Cow - March 1 to August 31,
2011: 4) Moondale Farm,
Monona; 5) Brian Harbaugh,
Postville; 7) Regancrest,
Senior Three-Year-Old
Cow - September 1, 2010
to February 28, 2011: 1)
Regancrest, Waukon.
Cow Four Years Old -
September 1, 2009 to August
31, 2010: 1) Regancrest,
Waukon; 4) Moondale Farm,
Monona; 7) Henkeseen
Holsteins, Luana; 9) Brian
Harbaugh, Postville; 11)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana/
Cow Five Years Old
- September 1, 2008 to
August 31, 2009: 3) Brian
Harbaugh, Postville; 8)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana;
9) Moondale Farm, Monona.
Aged Cow Before
September 1, 2008: 1)
Moondale Farm, Monona; 4)
Moondale Farm, Monona; 5)
Brian Harbaugh, Postville.
Lifetime Production: 4)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana.
Best Three Head: 1)
Moondale Farm, Monona;
2) Regancrest, Waukon; 3)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana.
Best Four Head: 1)
Regancrest, Waukon; 3)
Moondale Farm, Monona: 4)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana.
Daughter-Dam: 1)
Henkeseen Holsteins, Luana.
A tall tale to tell...
Carlton Christianson of Waukon submitted this photo
of prospering corn that he is growing outside the front
entrance of his home at 108 Second Avenue NE. The
tallest plant in the stalk collection measures 14 feet tall,
and Christianson says the plants have produced ve
ears of corn this summer. Submitted photo.
Gallery Award Winner
Mary Melcher - Red
Mikayla Gavin - Blue
Olivia Byrnes - Blue
Science, Engineering &
Riley Bodley - Blue
Sewing and Needle Arts
Diana Davison - Blue
Katelyn Leiran - Blue
Nathan Liddiard - Red
Nathan Liddiard - Red
Amber Schutte - Blue
Jenna Schutte - Blue
Visual Arts
Abbie Brainard - Red
Amber Schutte - Blue
Cassy Carson - Red
Jenna Schutte - Blue
Logan Kucera - Red
Makena Peterson - Blue
Serving Waukon, Lansing
and surrounding Allamakee
County Communities.
(USPS 669-760)
Publishes weekly in Waukon, Iowa
by Waukon Newspapers. A wholly
owned subsidiary of News Publishing
Company, Inc. Of cial Newspaper for
Allamakee County and City of Waukon.
15 First St. NW
P.O. Box 286
Waukon, IA 52172
Phone: (563) 568-3431
Fax: (563) 568-4242
News Of ce:
Jeremy Troendle
Managing Editor
Robin Johnson
Bookkeeper/Circulation/Ad Rep.
Bob Beach
Classifed Ad Manager/Asst. Editor
Advertising &
Composition Team:
Amber Chicken
Graphic Designer/Ad Rep.
Stacey Monteith
Graphic Designer/Ad Rep.
Sara Aleckson-Melcher
Graphic Designer/Ad Rep.
Subscription Rates
$32 Per Year
Of ce Pickup
$41 Per Year
IOWA-Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette &
Winneshiek Counties
MINNESOTA- Houston County
WISCONSIN - Crawford &Vernon
$33 Per Year
Nine month college subscription
Single Copies
$58 Per Year
For the rest of Iowa, Minnesota,
Wisconsin &Illinois not listed.
$68 Per Year
All other areas
Periodicals Postage Paid
at the Post Of ce, Waukon, IA 52172
and at additional mailing of ce.
Send address changes to:
The Standard
15 First Street NW, P.O. Box 286
Waukon, IA 52172-0286
Business Hours:
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
THE STANDARD Wednesday, August 27, 2014
202 Allamakee St., Waukon, IA
(563) 568-3162
Established 1876
Martin Funeral Home
Mildred Jean
Jean Larson, 95, of Wau-
kon died Monday, August 18,
2014 at Good Samaritan Soci-
ety-Waukon. Funeral services
were held Friday, August 22
at St. John's Lutheran Church
in Waukon, with Rev. Lynn
G. Groe ofciating. Burial
was at God's Acre Cemetery,
Clermont. Martin Funeral
Home in Waukon assisted the
family with arrangements.
Mildred Jean Larson was
born May 30, 1919 on her
grandparents' farm in rural
Monona, the daughter of Jo-
seph LaVern and Alys Ger-
trude (Clausen) Flack. She
was baptized and conrmed
in her faith and attended
Ion country school in rural
March 1, 1935, she mar-
ried Clarence Gilman Larson
at the Waterville Lutheran
Church parsonage in Wa-
terville. Jean and Clarence
farmed together for many
years before retiring in 1975.
They moved into Waukon in
1994. Jean has been a resi-
dent at the Good Samaritan
Society-Waukon since Au-
gust of 2012.
Jean was a member of St.
John's Lutheran Church. She
enjoyed working in her ow-
er and vegetable gardens, em-
broidering her quilts, shing,
and playing cards.
Survivors include her chil-
dren, Robert Larson of Water-
ville, Shirley (Kermit) Peter-
son of Rudd, Sharon (Daniel)
Sonnicksen of Oelwein and
Sandi (Mitchell) Schnuelle
of Castalia; 12 grandchildren;
18 great-grandchildren; sev-
en step-grandchildren; seven
step-great-grandchildren; a
sister-in-law, Ethel Flack of
Monona; and several nieces,
nephews, other relatives and
She was preceded in death
by her parents; her husband of
63 years, Clarence, who died
in 1998; a daughter-in-law,
Eleanor Larson; and three
brothers, Manford, Marvin
and Wayne Flack.
Casketbearers were Rick
and Russell Larson, Roger,
Ryan and Reid Peterson, and
Jeremy Hansmeier.
Online condolences may
be left at www.martinfuner-
Beatrice Albert
Our beautiful Mother,
Grandmother, and Great-
Grandmother Beatrice
Mary (Pedretti) Albert, 91
years young, passed away
peacefully with her much
loved and grateful children
by her side August 15, 2014
(the Feast of the Assumption)
in Olympia, WA.
A celebration of Beatrices
life will be held at St.
Michaels Catholic Church,
1021 Boundary Street
SE, Olympia, WA Friday,
October 10 at 11 a.m. with
burial immediately following
at Calvary Cemetery on the
3800 block of Cleveland
Avenue SE, Olympia, WA,
followed by a reception at
Pellegrinos Event Center,
5757 Littlerock Rd SW,
Tumwater, WA.
Beatrice (Bea) was born
in Genoa, WI to Stephen and
Mary Ursula Pedretti. She
was the youngest of eight
children and, even though her
mother passed away when
she was ve years old, the
memories she had of a loving
farm family were wonderful.
After graduating from St.
Charles Borromeo Grade
School in Genoa, Beatrice
attended Aquinas High
School in La Crosse, WI.
She quickly distinguished
herself in creative writing
skills, especially in the area
of poetry. Just after the start
of her junior year Beatrices
father took ill and she
returned to Genoa to care
for him and transferred to
Lansing High School just
across the Mississippi River
in Lansing. Upon graduation
from high school, Beatrice
attended the College of
Saint Teresa in Winona, MN.
Beatrice earned a Bachelor of
Arts degree that eventually
allowed her to pursue her
love of teaching.
Beatrice married William
(Bill) Albert June 17, 1946.
This was the start of a caring,
loving partnership that lasted
over 60 years. Beatrice and
Bill lived in Ames while he
nished his college education
at Iowa State and where the
rst of their eight children
was born. Beatrice enjoyed
a successful teaching career
that included Saint Joseph
Grade School in Downers
Grove, IL, Christ the King
Grade School in Richland,
WA, working with special
needs children in the San
Francisco Bay Area, and
teaching in Vietnamese
refugee camps in the
Philippines, before retiring
with Bill in Olympia, WA.
She dearly loved her students
and could name almost all of
them by memory.
Beatrice enjoyed family
gatherings/reunions, RVing,
sewing, making beautiful
quilts, writing cards and
letters, taking long walks,
creating beautiful photo
albums with photos taken
by Bill, and giving all of her
family equal special attention.
She had a deep faith in God
rooted in her Catholic faith.
Beatrice was the very best
wife, mother, grandparent
Ina Pederson
Ina K. Pederson, 89, of
Waterville died Tuesday,
August 19, 2014 at Good
Samaritan Center in Waukon.
Funeral services were held
Saturday, August 23 at St.
Paul Evangelical Lutheran
Church in McGregor,
with Pastor Andrew Preus
ofciating. Burial was at East
Paint Creek Synod Cemetery,
Ina Karen Pederson was
the daughter of Dr. Jacob
and Ella (Johnson) Deal.
She was born at the farm
home December 8, 1924.
The farm, known then as the
Jake Deal 80, was located one
mile north of Rossville. As a
young girl, Ina made the walk
to and from the farm to attend
the rst and second grades at
the Rossville School which
she loved.
In 1934, after the death
of her father, her mother
moved Ina, her sister and two
brothers to live in Waterville.
Ina attended school there
through the ninth grade and
later completed her schooling
earning her Iowa G.E.D.
When a teenager, Ina met
the love of her life, Amos
Pederson. They hit it off
becoming good at skating
at the popular Pavilion at
Waterville. They married
December 21, 1941 at a
Lutheran Parsonage in
Decorah - a marriage and love
lasting 71 years-plus. For a
time they lived in Newton
and Ypsilanti, MI, and then
moved back to Waterville
where they settled in and
raised their four children.
In 1948 they purchased
Inas grandparents' house
in Waterville, a home they
shared for over 64 years. In
her 80s, Ina continued to
care for Amos at home until
his passing away March 11,
Ina devoted her life to
being a wife and mother,
spending many years taking
care of the family and seeing
that the children were brought
up in the Christian faith. Ina
was employed at Northern
Engraving in Waukon for 18
years, retiring in 1987.
Ina was baptized and
conrmed at the East Paint
Creek Synod Lutheran
Church. Ina was a faithful
member there and was active
for many years in the Ladies
Aid, Altar Guild and with
teaching Saturday school and
Bible school. In 2010 Ina and
Amos became members of
St. Pauls Lutheran Church in
McGregor and were thankful
and felt blessed to be a part of
Gods family there.
Traveling was a special
part of Inas life with
memories of taking the train
from Waterville to Chicago,
traveling by bus to Michigan
along with a quick trip into
Canada as a young girl. Ina
and Amos enjoyed traveling
and seeing family, whether
by car, setting up camp in
the Black Hills and Rockies,
by pick-up and camper or by
Amtrak. Many trips to spend
time with family in central
Iowa also brought them good
Crystal Sickles
Crystal LeeAnn Sickles,
13, of Lansing died Sunday,
August 24, 2014. Visitation
will be Wednesday, August
27 from 1-4 p.m. at the United
Methodist Church, Lansing.
Memorial Services will be
at 4 p.m. Wednesday, August
27 at the United Methodist
Church, Lansing, with Rev.
Kevin Smith as the Ofciant.
Inurnment will be held at
a later date. Thornburg-Grau
Funeral Home and Cremation
Service is assisting the family
with arrangements.
Vernon Kukes
Vernon Kukes, 65, of Fer-
ryville, WI died Thursday,
August 21, 2014. Memori-
al services will be held at 4
p.m. Wednesday, August 27,
2014 at the Vosseteig-Lar-
son Funeral Home in De
Soto, WI, with Pastor Grant
VanderVelden ofciating.
Full Military Honors will fol-
low. Visitation will be from 2
p.m. until the time of the ser-
vice Wednesday, August 27 at
the funeral home.
Vernon was born June 24,
1949 in Waterloo to John
Jack and Anna Kukes. He
served in the United States
Army as an Engineer from
1969 until 1972. He worked
as a Boilermaker for local 81.
Vernon enjoyed shing, hunt-
ing and trapping. He also en-
joyed spending time with his
Vernon is survived by
his daughter, Sarah (Kris)
Krueger of Waukon; his son,
Peter (Marilyn) Kukes of
Ferryville, WI; his grandchil-
dren, Ethan, Sawyer, Kiana
and Remig Krueger, and Sky-
ler, Britt and Dalton Kukes;
his siblings, Barb (Chuck)
Clapsaddle, David (Sherry)
Kukes and Diana (Jim) Ras-
mussen. He was preceded
in death by his parents; his
brother, Robert Bob Kukes;
and by an uncle and aunt.
Online condolences can be
directed to
The Vosseteig-Larson Funer-
al Home of De Soto, WI is
serving the family.
ISU Extension Calendar
September 8: 4-H Record Book Workshop, 5 p.m.,
Extension Ofce, Waukon
September 8: 4-H Leader Meeting, 7 p.m., Extension
Ofce, Waukon
September 22: Allamakee County Extension Council
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Extension Ofce, Waukon
September 27: NE Iowa Farm Crawl, 1-5 p.m., Rural NE
September 28: 4-H County Council Meeting, 11:30 a.m.,
Extension Ofce, Waukon
times - they were always
Ina found pleasure in
seeing the grandchildren, long
phone calls with her daughter,
reading, scrapbooking,
sharing memories of times
past and family photos.
She also liked feeding and
watching the birds from her
dining room window. She
enjoyed plants and owers
and decorating the house at
Christmas. Shopping and
eating out were also favorite
times for her. She had a sense
of humor and generous heart,
strong faith and love for her
Lord and family. She will
be forever in our hearts and
dearly missed.
Ina is survived by two sons
and a daughter, Terry (Sue)
Pederson of Waterville, Scott
(Diane) Pederson of Waukon
and Melanie (Dennis)
Sickels of Marshalltown; ve
grandchildren, Joyce (Reed)
Bosley, Stephanie (Eric)
Schumacher, Kristi (Juvenio)
Palma, Brad Sickels and
Ryan Pederson; one step-
granddaughter, Melissa
Simmons (anc Caleb); ve
great-grandchildren, Kylie
Jo, Kinsley, Ryan, Lauren
and Madison; four step-
great-grandchildren, Lily,
Holly, Katie and Caroline;
her half-sister, Neva Bechtel
of Waukon; a brother-in-
law, Richard Schultice of
Bondurant; and nieces and
She was preceded in death
by her parents; her husband,
Amos; her son, Tony; her
brothers, Marlin and Jake;
her sister, Elberta Shultice;
and two sisters-in-law, Emma
Deal and Deloris Deal.
Honorary casketbearers
were Ina's grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
Casketbearers were Scott and
Terry Pederson, Brad Sickels,
Ryan Pederson, Juvenio
Palma and Eric Schumacher.
Martin Funeral Home in
Waukon assisted the family
with arrangements. Online
condolences may be left at
Our displays may not be complete, but we plan to
be open on a limited basis starting September 15,
2014. Roof repairs are planned for this week, and
when completed, the wiring, sheetrock, painting and
ooring work will begin. Many thanks to the electricians,
plumbers, carpenters, and painters who have helped us through this difcult time. We thank
everyone for your patience and for the many offers of help. We look forward to doing business
with you again very soon! Sincerely - Randy, Kathy, Howard & Dorothy Van Ruler
Downtown Waukon 563-568-2210
Store Hours: Mon. 9 to 8;
Tues.-Sat. 9 to 5; or by Appt.
Randy, Kathy, Howard & Dorothy Van Ruler
home furnishings
New merchandise
is arriving almost daily!
Veterans Memorial Hospital
August 17 - Nona Hansmeier, Waukon
August 18 - Kathryn Phillipp, Waukon; William
Waterworth, Waukon
August 19 - Dawn Snitker, Waukon
August 22 - Hazel Rissman, Waukon
August 18 - Nona Hansmeier, Waukon; Flint Hillman,
August 19 - William Waterworth, Waukon
August 20 - Carrieanne Larson, Waukon
August 21 - Randall Buddenberg, Decorah
August 22 - Bailey Estebo and Baby Girl, Lansing; Macy
Pritchard and Baby Girl, Waukon
August 20 - Baby Girl to Jared and Bailey Estebo,
Lansing; Baby Girl to Kody Pierson and Macy Pritchard,
that any family could ever
have and she was loved by
everyone who ever crossed
her path. She loved her family,
relatives, friends and her God
deeply and unfailingly and
we will always be blessed
with that memory.
Beatrice was preceded in
death by her beloved husband,
Bill; her parents; her sisters,
Elizabeth (Jake) Curti and
Magdalene (Harold) Jambois;
her brothers, Steven (Freda)
Pedretti, John (Lorraine)
Pedretti, Philip Pedretti,
Joseph (Lucy) Pedretti and
Joffre (Lucille) Pedretti; and
her brother-in-law, Thomas J.
Albert. In addition, there are
nieces and nephews who have
passed on that Beatrice loved
very much.
Beatrice is survived by her
grateful children and their
spouses, Mary Lee (Barry)
Boneld of Downers Grove,
IL, Cathy (Dave) Askren
of Vancouver, WA, Tom
(Lyubov) Albert of Richland,
WA, Steve (Kim) Albert
of Seattle, WA, Jim (Cece
Clynch) Albert of Olympia,
WA, John (Michelle) Albert
of Olympia, WA, Dan
(Libby) Albert of Kent,
WA, and David (Kelly)
Albert of Chehalis, WA; 16
grandchildren; six great-
grandchildren; a brother-
in-law, John (Vicky) Albert
of Ridely, WV; a sister-in-
law, Mary (Bob) McGowan
of Prairie Village, KS;
and numerous nieces and
nephews that Beatrice loved
to communicate with.
In lieu of owers, the
family would appreciate
donations to Doctors Without
Borders in Beatrices name.
Memories and condolences
for family may be shared
via the guest book at www.
For the Unveiling of
The New Layer Barn!
The Clint & Kelly Welsh Farm
1830 Schweinfurth Road, Lansing, IA 52151
Thursday, September 4 1-4 pm
Welsh Family Organic Farm is the rst farm in
the Organic Valley egg pool to install
a multi-tier (aviary) layer system.
*Please be mindful & take good biosecurity measures before
coming to the open house. There will be no birds in the house
during the visit, but we still need to take precautions.
Please wear clean clothes & boots while attending.
Fall City-Wide
Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Sept. 25-27
Watch for garage sale forms in upcoming
editions of The Standard Newspaper & NEIA Extra.
Advertising Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 18
Full garage sale listings will appear in the Sept. 24th papers.
Winneshiek County Democrats to meet
Winneshiek County Democrats will hold their monthly Cen-
tral Committee meeting Thursday evening, August 28, at The
Oaks Steakhouse in Decorah. Those who wish to eat together
will gather at 5:30 p.m. in the restaurant and order individually.
At 6:45 p.m. a special discussion regarding voting by mail
will occur in an adjoining meeting room. The business session
will convene in the same meeting space at 7 p.m. All Demo-
crats are encouraged to attend.
Allamakee County
Economic Development
(ACED) is seeking
nominations for the 2014
Cloy Kuhse Positive Impact
Award. To be eligible, the
recipient must be a business
located in Allamakee
County. ACED will accept
nominations until Tuesday,
September 30.
The award winner
announcement and ceremony
will be at the ACED Annual
Banquet in October. The
award recipient will receive
a one year membership to
ACED, a plaque and will be
added to the award plaque
that is displayed at the ACED
Wuenneckes City Meat
Market, Inc. of New Albin
was the 2013 Cloy Kuhse
Positive Impact Award winner
and ACED looks forward to
announcing another business
that is making a positive
impact at the annual meeting
this October.
This business recognition
award was established in
2011 to honor the late Cloy
Kuhse, who was an ACED
Board Director. The award
was created to highlight and
recognize a business that is
making a positive impact in
Allamakee County as well
as to honor the memory of
Cloy and his vision, ACED
Executive Director Laura
Olson stated.
Nominations sought for Cloy
Kuhse Positive Impact Award
Nomination forms can
be picked up at the ACED
ofce, 101 W. Main Street,
Waukon and are available on
the ACED website, www. under
Economic Development.
Contact ACED at 563-568-
2624 for more information.
Allamakee County
Economic Development
(ACED) is the countys
ofcial business recruiter,
business expansion and
tourism organization.
ACED is a nonprot,
county-wide corporation.
Its primary emphasis is to
enhance existing economic
development efforts through
retention and expansion
of existing business and
industry, tourism marketing
and coordination, housing
need assessment and
development, and the
recruitment of new business
and industry by providing
assistance and referrals.
ACED is funded by
contributions from the
County and communities of
Allamakee and also through
business memberships.
ACED was formed in 1997
and is governed by a seven
person Board of Directors.
ACED has assisted many
business, commercial and
tourism enterprises in
realizing the opportunities
that exist in northeast Iowa.
Historical Society
to host program on
mills August 28
Thursday, August 28 the
Allamakee County Historical
Society will be hosting a
presentation by Michael Perry
entitled "Of Grist, Woolen
and Wood: Nineteenth
Century Mills and Milling
in Allamakee County." Perry
is a Project Archaeologist
with the Ofce of the State
Archaeologist in Iowa City
and in 2013 researched and
published a comprehensive
summary of Allamakee
County mills in the Journal
of the Iowa Archaeological
The program will begin at
7:30 p.m. in the community
room in the basement of the
Robey Memorial Library,
located at 401 First Avenue
NW in Waukon. The public is
invited to attend.
Allamakee County
Conservation Board
to hold monthly
meeting Sept. 2
The Allamakee County
Conservation Board will hold
its monthly public meeting at
1 p.m. Tuesday, September
2 in the Board ofce located
at 427 North First Street in
Harpers Ferry.
Iowans are invited to at-
tend one of six public water
quality meetings held by the
Department of Natural Re-
sources (DNR) across the
state. The DNR is gathering
Iowans thoughts on improv-
ing the states water quality
goals as part of its three-year
review of water quality stan-
dards and goals.
The meetings are part of
the triennial review process
set forth in the federal Clean
Water Act, providing oppor-
tunity to the public to help
set state goals for streams and
This is the publics op-
portunity to tell us what is
important to them, said Ro-
chelle Weiss, DNR water
quality standards coordinator.
We want to hear Iowans
concerns about potential pol-
lutant levels, how streams are
being used and how to protect
existing water quality.
The triennial review pro-
cess ensures water quality
standards, as listed in Chapter
61 of the Iowa Administrative
Code, are up-to-date. Follow-
ing the public comment peri-
od, the DNR will meet with
the stakeholder technical ad-
visory team to consider the
publics suggestions. After
identifying issues, the DNR
will develop a work plan to
address the concerns.
Public meetings will be
held at the following loca-
tions and times listed below
in alphabetical order:
Atlantic - September 3
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the
Rock Island Depot, located at
102 Chestnut Street;
Clear Lake - September 9
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Clear
Lake Chamber of Commerce
Lakeview Room, located at
10 North Lakeview Drive;
Independence - September
9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at
the Falcon Civic Center, lo-
cated at 1305 Fifth Avenue
Series of public meetings to
help set water quality goals
for Iowa rivers and streams
Spencer - September 3
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Spen-
cer Public Library (Round
Room), located at 21 East
Third Street;
Washington - September 4
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the
Washington Public Library
(Nicholas Stoufer Room),
located at 115 West Washing-
West Des Moines - Sep-
tember 8 from 10 a.m. to 12
p.m. at the West Des Moines
Public Library (Community
Room), located at 4000 Mills
Civic Parkway.
Those not able to attend a
meeting may submit written
comments by October 15 to:
Rochelle Weiss, Iowa De-
partment of Natural Resourc-
es, 502 East Ninth Street,
Des Moines, IA 50319, or by
e-mailing Rochelle.Weiss@
More information, includ-
ing the full text of Chapter
61, is available at http://www.
i owadnr. gov/ Insi deDNR/
ityStandards/Rules.aspx un-
der Rule Reference Docu-
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 THE STANDARD
The 2014 Waukon Corn
Days Wristwrestling Cham-
pionships were hosted by the
World Wristwrestling Asso-
ciation Saturday, August 16
at Green Valley Getaway in
Waukon in conjunction with
this year's expanded Wau-
kon Corn Days celebration.
The top placewinners in each
class listed below, plus the
top nishing team, will be
eligible to compete in the
2014-2015 World Invitational
Wristwrestling Champion-
ships November 8 at a site to
be determined.
The Waukon Wrecking
Crew Wristwrestling Team
won overall team honors with
a score of 37 points, followed
closely by the Tomah Tough
Arm Wristwrestling Team
from Tomah, WI with 35
points. The Plaineld Pow-
erhouse team from Plaineld
and the All-Stars from Fen-
Contest and other results from Waukon Corn Days 2014
Inaugural titleholders crowned at Waukon
Corn Days Wristwrestling Championships
nimore, WI rounded out the
team results with respective
scores of 22 and 12 points.
Top nishers in each of 13
contested classes are listed
Ladies Right-Handed
1st - Stacy Chappell, Fenni-
more, WI
2nd - Jessica Baldwin,
Tomah, WI
1st - Mandy Halverson, Wau-
2nd - Farrah Fosbinder,
Tomah, WI
Ladies Left-Handed
1st - Mandy Halverson, Wau-
2nd - Farrah Fosbinder,
Tomah, WI
Mens Right-Handed
Pet Costume Contest - Second Place ...
Jackson, shown by Michelle McKenna and dressed in
a hot dog costume.
Justin Sweeney crowned Corn Eating Contest Champion ...
Justin Sweeney (photo at far left) was crowned the Corn Eating Contest Champion Friday, August 15 during the 2014 Waukon Corn Days cele-
bration. Sweeney ate 12 ears of sweet corn in the allotted four minutes, edging out second-place nishers Dr. David Schwartz and Bryce Hoyme,
who tied with eating 11 ears each. Pictured above competing in the contest are, left to right, Dr. David Schwartz, Kyle Halverson, Justin Sweeney,
John Seibert, Bryce Hoyme, Blaize Cota, Sean Byrnes, Morgan Heim, Nicole Collins and Amber Rissman.
Pet Costume Contest - Third Place ...
Cleo, shown by Carli Quandahl and dressed in a
caterpillar costume.
Pet Costume Contest - Biggest ...
Deuce, shown by Ava Cooksley and dressed in a
nanny costume.
Pet Costume Contest - Smallest ...
Dolc, shown by Bonny Brink and dressed in a bride
Toilet Bowl race winners ...
The Waterville Fire Department, represented by re-
ghters Chip and Roxanne Lamb pictured at left, won the
inaugural Toilet Bowl Race event held Saturday, August
16 as part of the 2014 Waukon Corn Days celebration.
The winning team clocked in at 42 seconds after blaz-
ing through the race course that consisted of zig-zagging
through cones and mak-
ing a basket in a minia-
ture basketball hoop. The
"Corn Cobs" team nished
second in a time of 54 sec-
onds, with the Queen Jean
team placing third in 1:05.
Other competing teams,
and their times, included
Breast Cancer Aware-
ness, 1:09; Cook, 1:10;
Go Pack, 1:18; and Corn
Tech, 1:26.
Pet Costume Contest - First Place ...
Tater, shown by Danette Jones and dressed in a Headless Horseman costume.
Junior Miss Corn Days court ...
Bailey Shafer (center in above photo), daughter of Bill and Beth Shafer of Waukon,
was crowned Junior Miss Corn Days at the ceremony held Friday, August 15 as part of
Waukon Corn Days 2014. Also competing for this year's crown were Taylor Peterson
(at left), daughter of Jesse and Amanda Peterson of Waukon, and Allie Bieber (at right),
daughter of Ed and Amy Bieber of Waukon. A major factor in the contest judging was
an essay each contestant was required to submit entitled "What It Means To Me To Live
In Allamakee County." Shafer's winning essay reads as follows:
"It means a lot to me to be a resident of Allamakee County. I have been to many other places, but
Allamakee has been by far the best!
One thing that means a lot to me are the people. One day my cousin and I were coming home from
our grandparents' house and two people stopped to say "hi". He asked me how everybody knew me and
I said everybody knows everybody around here! It's also really nice when you go to the grocery store
to get one thing and you end up staying there longer than you expected talking to someone!
Living in Allamakee County means I can enjoy four different seasons. Each season brings different
things. During the winter months, there's nothing better than going sledding at the fairgrounds on a
snowy day. During Spring I love to go mushroom hunting at the family farm. Summer brings warmer
weather and vegetables fresh from our garden. Nothing is better than biting into that rst ear of
Allamakee grown sweet corn! Fall brings the spectacular landscape of leaves changing color. Leaves
aren't only for looking, they're fun to jump in too!
Living in Allamakee County means you can go to or see many beautiful places. My favorite places
in Allamakee are near or on the Mississippi River and at our family's farm. The Mississippi is great
because you see many Eagles soaring around. I also enjoy intertubing behind our boat. At the farm I
enjoy watching wildlife, especially deer, four-wheeling with my dad, creek stomping, and climbing on
It means so much to me to be able to call Allamakee County my home. It isn't just one thing that
makes this county of ours great, but many different things!
Results from Veterans
Memorial Hospital's 5K
Cardiac Classic held
during Waukon Corn Days
The Veterans Memorial
Hospital 5K Cardiac Classic
Run/Walk was held Satur-
day, August 16 in conjunction
with the 2014 Waukon Corn
Days celebration. The event
hosted over 100 participants
who followed the 5K route
throughout the entire city and
competed in ve different age
In the 17 and under divi-
sion for men, the top three
places were won by Ryan
Bush, 17:06; Austin Day,
19:34 and Isaac Fink, 20:27.
For the women 17 and under,
the top three nishers were
Leah Riese, 23:21; Megan
ONeill, 26:04 and Brenna
Berns, 32:07.
In the 18-25 division for
men, the top nishers were
Ryan Hendersen, 20:22, and
Jacob Abrams, 24:06. For the
women, the top place nish-
er was Katie Riese, 24:08,
followed by Elizabeth Riese,
25:43, and Sarah Riese,
For the 26-40 age group,
the top three places in the
mens division belonged to
Dr. Ben Ross, 19:36; Justin
Mueller, 19:55; and Andrew
Hendersen, 21:24. For the
women, the top three were
Bethany Schiefelbein, 21:01;
Hallie Evans, 21:30; and Ni-
cole Schulte, 24:47.
In the 41-50 division for
men, the top three places
were won by Kevin Valley,
20:38; Brandon Fahey, 21:40;
and Dr. Benjamin Nesseim,
22:40. For the women, the
top three nishers were Ellen
Manning, 26:05; Jill Flem-
ing, 29:59; and Traci Byrnes,
In the over 50 category, the
top three male nishers were
1st - Rob Merster, Janesville
2nd - Ryan Baldwin, Tomah,
3rd - Dakota Holthaus, Post-
1st - Steve Baldwin, Tomah,
2nd - Allan Fry, Postville
1st - Josh Smith, Waukon
2nd - Tom Chappell, Fenni-
more, WI
3rd - Shawn Peck, Waukon
1st - Josh Smith, Waukon
2nd - Chuck Tlusty, Plaineld
3rd - Steve Baldwin, Tomah,
1st - Josh Smith, Waukon
2nd - Chuck Tlusty, Plaineld
3rd - Ross Koester, Waukon
Mens Left-Handed
1st - Ryan Baldwin, Tomah,
2nd - Rob Merster, Janesville
1st - Steve Baldwin, Tomah,
1st - Steve Baldwin, Tomah,
2nd - Chuck Tlusty, Plaineld
3rd - Shawn Peck, Waukon
1st - Chuck Tlusty, Plaineld
2nd - Steve Baldwin, Tomah,
3rd - Roger Stovey, Waukon
1st - Roger Stovey, Waukon
2nd - Ross Koester, Waukon
Dave Farmer, 21:23; Dan
Byrnes, 23:34; and Kenneth
Shatek, 24:33. For the wom-
en, the top three places were
won by Rose Wander, 26:56;
Sandy Bacon, 30:09; and
Sharon Elsbernd, 30:57.
The overall top male was
Danny Halva with a time of
16:57; and for the females,
the winner was Amanda Tay-
lor with a time of 20:50.
Proceeds from this event
will be used to purchase a
new vital sign monitor for
use in the Veterans Memo-
rial Hospital Nursing De-
partment. See additional in-
formation about the annual
Cardiac Classic and how
proceeds from the event help
Veterans Memorial Hospital
better serve Waukon and the
surrounding community on
Page 1A of this edition.
Veterans Memorial Hos-
pital holds this 5K Run/Walk
event each year in conjunc-
tion with the Waukon Corn
Days celebration. For more
information, call Veterans
Memorial Hospital at 563-
Thank you
to the event
sponsors that
submitted their
contest results
information to
The Standard
for publication.
results are still
New Albin News
by Phyllis Breeser, correspondent
Arlene Jacobson hosted the Sexy Sixes card club Thurs-
day, August 14. Six-handed Euchre was played, and Hel-
en Maust won the prize for having the most lone hands.
A cold drink was served later. Helen Maust will host the
group September 11.
The VFW Auxiliary of the Kenneth Casey Post 5603
held its regular monthly meeting August 18 at the New
Albin Community Center with nine members present. The
meeting was called to order by President Anne Falken. The
Secretary and Treasurer reports were accepted as read. No
bills were presented. General orders and other communica-
tions were read. A thank you card was read from Beverly
White, Past Department President of Iowa Ladies Auxiliary
to the VFW.
The flag was draped for Auxiliary sister Velma Mack,
who passed away July 27. The district meeting will be held
in Independence September 20. The scholarships for the
2014-2015 school year was discussed and was tabled until
the September meeting.
The group will meet for its September meeting at 6 p.m.
and the October meeting will be at 1 p.m. No lunch will be
served, but anyone can bring a treat.
Suggestions for the good of the order were held, after
which the meeting was adjourned to reopen September 15
at 6 p.m. at the New Albin Community Center.
THE STANDARD Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Pizza & Steakhouse
508 W. Main St., Waukon (563) 568-6015
Order one of our 41 sandwiches & get...
Dine-in or
O er Available
Every Tuesday
All Day
7:30pm - 11:30pm
Everyone Welcome!
Mr. & Mrs.
Scott Willger
(nee Tina Head)
In Honor of
DJ Music by Thoroughbred
August 31
Menu: 1/2 Barbecue Chicken, Potato Salad,
Baked Beans, Roll & Beverage
Donation: $8 Carry Outs Available
11:00 a.m.-?
Movie Line: (563) 568-4900
Order Line: (563) 568-6134
38 West
Main St.
Main Feature
Theater & Pizza Pub
Showing Aug. 29 - Sept. 4
Fri., 6:30pm & 9pm
Sat. 3:45pm, 6:30pm & 9pm
Sun., 5:30pm
Mon., Tue. & Thur. 6:30pm
No Movie Wed.
$6 Adults $4 Kids Mon.- All Seats $3
Open Sun-Fri 4-9 pm & Sat. 3-9 pm
Owners Vicki &
Brad Bloxham
39 W. Main St., Waukon
563-568-2656 City Club
We Will Be Closed
Monday, Sept. 1
for Labor Day
5th Annual Waukon Lions Club
Serving: Pancakes, Sausage, Apple
Sauce, Milk, Orange Juice & Cofee
Carry-outs available
Waukon Vets Club
105 Allamakee St., Waukon, IA
Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014 7 am - 1 pm
Free will donations
Proceeds will go towards scholarships for
graduating Waukon High School seniors
Sat., Aug. 30
Sun., Sept. 7
Labor Day Weekend Blast!
In the Beer Garden
Sun., Aug. 31 9pm - 1am
Happy Hour
all day!
Sept. 1
7-11 AM
Double elimination. $10 Entry
Fee. Payout for 1st, 2nd &
3rd, Gift Certicate for 4th.
Sun., September 28, 2014
Pumpkin Weigh-In 9:30 am
(Weigh-in for registered members only)
TASC, Inc., 2213 Mt. Olivet Rd. NW, Waukon
Sponsored by TASC, Inc., Allamakee County
Fair Board & Big Pumpkin Committee
Dont miss the 7th Annual
Pork Loin Cook-Off
Judging at 11 am, Sunday, Sept. 28
Pre-registration with entry fee required by Sept. 22.
Entry Fee $25.00 (1 or 2 person teams)
Fee includes the pork loin to prepare as you wish and 2 meal tickets.
Everyone Welcome to Participate!
Contest Rules & Regulations:
Pick your pork loin up at Jets Meat Processing on Friday, Sept. 26 (to be prepared
as you wish... whole, sliced, marinated, etc.).
Recipe/list of ingredients used must accompany entry (for allergy reasons).
Pork loins must be cooked on site (TASC, Inc.) with your own grill.
All entries become property of the Big Pumpkin Committee and will be served as
part of the meal at the awards ceremony.
Entries must be ready for judging at 11:00 am Sunday.
Only pre-registered entries will be accepted.
Monetary payback place prizes will be determined by number of entries.
Big Pumpkin Committee, TASC, Inc. and the Allamakee County Fair Board have
fnal ruling and are not responsible for accidents.
Name _________________________________
Address _______________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________
Phone _________________________________
Must be received by Sept. 22, 2014. Return entry form to:
TASC, Inc., c/o Sheila Snitker, 2213 Mt. Olivet Rd. NW, Waukon, IA 52172
For more information contact: Andy Thesing, Jets Meat Processing, Waukon, IA 52172
(563) 568-2403
Big Pumpkin Bake-Off
Judging at 10:30 am, Sunday, Sept. 28
Everyone Welcome to Enter!
Contest Rules & Info:
All entries MUST include pumpkin and/or apple.
Recipe/list of ingredients must accompany entries (for allergy purposes).
All entries become property of the Big Pumpkin Committee and will be served as
part of the meal at the awards ceremony.
Entries are to be delivered for judging by 10:30 am Sunday.
Pre-registered entry forms are encouraged to be received by September 22nd.
Late entries will be accepted.
Not responsible for lost or broken dishes.
Big Pumpkin Committee, TASC, Inc. and the Allamakee County Fair Board have
fnal ruling and are not responsible for accidents.
Name _________________________________
Address _______________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________
Phone _________________________________
Select Your Division ____ Adult ____ Youth
Must be received by Sept. 22, 2014. Return entry form to:
TASC, Inc., c/o Cindy Barness, 2213 Mt. Olivet Rd. NW, Waukon, IA 52172
Food Served
11:30 AM
1. Cookies (one dozen min.)
2. Bars (9x13 pan or larger)
3. Pies (8 or larger)
4. Desserts (9x13 pan or larger)
5. Other
Pumpkin Decorating & Carving Contest
Entries must be received by 11 am
Entry fee: $10 includes 1 or 2 entries,
$5 for each additional entry.
*Entries received before Sept. 22 will receive one
meal ticket with their registration.
Divisions: Adult & Youth (12 & Under)
Enter the
Cook-Off &
Meal includes pork, potato,
vegetable, beverage & dessert
$7 Adults/$4 Children 6-12/5 & Under Free
Held Rain or Shine!
Waukon Dental welcomes
Dr. Jessica Wilke to staff
Dr. Jessica Wilke is the
newest addition to the staff
at Waukon Dental, current-
ly scheduling patients after
having graduated from the
University of Iowa College of
Dentistry in June of this year.
Wilke returns to here native
northeast Iowa, where she
graduated from MFL/Mar-
Mac High School in Monona
in 2005.
Following high school
graduation, the former Jessi-
ca Fohey completed Bachelor
of Arts degrees in Biology
and Business Administration
Management with a Chem-
isty minor at the University of
Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls
in 2010, graduating summa
cum laude. Upon graduation
from the University of Iowa
School of Dentistry, she was
awarded the June McCarney
Scholarship Award for excel-
lence in treating special needs
patients and the Cassill Me-
morial Scholarship Award for
commitment to practicing in
northeast Iowa, as well as be-
ing named to Omicron Kap-
pa Upsilon, a national dental
honor society.
Dr. Wilke is married to
Elkader native Jake Wilke,
who works as a teacher. In
her spare time she enjoys
running with their dog, Tank,
cooking and baking, reading,
cheering for the Green Bay
Packers and Iowa Hawkeyes,
and spending time with fami-
ly and friends.
She will be joining Dr.
Linda Carstens and Dr. Mark
Fohey, working Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays in
Waukon, as well as Mondays,
Fridays and Saturdays in the
ofce of Family Dental Asso-
ciates of Monona. Expanded
ofce hours at those clinics
now include Monday through
Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
one Saturday each month.
Dr. Jessica Wilke ...
places in Dairy
competition at
Iowa State Fair
Dairy farms from across
the state competed in the
Herdsmanship competition
at the 2014 Iowa State Fair
in Des Moines. Regancrest
Farms of Waukon was among
several northeast Iowa dairy
operations that placed in the
top 10 in this year's competi-
tion. Regancrest placed sixth,
just ahead of Lyon's Holsteins
of Castalia and ninth-place
Z-Breeze Holsteins of Luana.
The competition was won by
Schulte Brothers of Watkins,
with Hilltop Acres of Calmar
placing third.
Wedo-Ehr Farm
places well in
Iowa State Fair
Ayrshire Show
Top dairies competed for
honors in the Ayrshire Dairy
Cattle Show judged Thursday,
August 7 at the 2014 Iowa
State Fair in Des Moines. We-
do-Ehr Farm, owned and op-
erated by Randy and Melissa
Wedo of Monona, secured
some top-10 placewinnings
at this year's event, including
showing the rst-place Junior
Three-Year-Old Cow - March
1 to August 31, 2011.
Additional placewinnings
for Wedo-Ehr Farm included
the following:
Spring Heifer Calf - March
1 to May 31, 2014: Seventh
place and Ninth place;
Summer Yearling Heifer
- June 1 to August 31, 2013:
Seventh place.
Old Bankston Ayrshires of
Epworth claimed the Grand
Champion Female banner
and also won Premier Exhibi-
tor honors. Bushman Dairy of
Calmar showed the Reserve
Grand Champion Female.
Fares well at
Best of the
Wurst contest
The best sausage makers
from across the state squared
off in the Best of the Wurst
competition judged Saturday,
August 9 at the 2014 Iowa
State Fair in Des Moines.
Jet's Meats of Waukon was a
top-three placewinner in two
different categories in the
In the Cooked Bratwurst
class, Dayton Meat Products
of Malcom won rst place,
Edgewood Locker of Edge-
wood claimed second place
and Jet's Meat Processing
earned third place. In't Veld's
Meat Market in Pella won
rst place in the Summer
Sausage class, with Jet's Meat
Processing claiming second
place, and Edgewood Locker
earning third place. Entries
were judged on texture, ex-
ternal appearance and inter-
nal appearance.
Crooked Creek Cattle
Company, owned and
operated by the Mark and
Stacy Stock family of
Waukon, was awarded high
honors at the Gelbvieh Cattle
Show held Friday, August 15
at the 2014 Iowa State Fair in
Des Moines. Crooked Creek
Cattle Company brought
home Reserve Champion
Cow/Calf honors from the
event, in addition to the
following placewinnings
in each of their classes of
Early Junior Heifer Calf
- January 1-31, 2014: Third
Balancer Junior Heifer
Calf - January 1, 2014 and
After: 11th place;
Balancer Junior Female
A trio of area exhibitors
competed in the Red Angus
Cattle Show judged Friday,
August 15 at the 2014
Iowa State Fair in Des
Moines. Jess Schlitter, son
of Kent and Tracy Schlitter
of Waukon, exhibited the
eighth-place animal in the
February Yearling Heifer-
February 1-28, 2013 class of
Luke and Chase Pladsen,
sons of Steve and Michele
Pladsen of Harpers Ferry,
also exhibited in a number
of other classes within the
Red Angus show, placing as
February Heifer Calf -
February 1-28, 2014: 9)
Chase Pladsen, Harpers
January Heifer Calf -
January 1-31, 2014: 6) Luke
Pladsen, Harpers Ferry.
March Yearling Heifer -
March 1-31, 2013: 5) Chase
Pladsen, Harpers Ferry.
March Bull Calf - March
1-31, 2014: 5) Chase Pladsen,
- January 1-April 30, 2013:
11th place and 14th place;
Balancer Junior Bull Calf -
January 1-February 28, 2014:
Third place and Seventh
Three G Ranch of
Kendallville, IN earned
Grand Champion Bull honors
and also showed the Reserve
Grand Champion Female.
Nowack Cattle Company
of Bland, MO exhibited the
Reserve Grand Champion
Bull and Taubenheim
Gelbvieh of Amherst, NE
showed the Grand Champion
Female. Iowa Champion
Bull honors went to Frank
Hayek of Toledo, and Iowa
Champion Female honors
went to Cibs Gelbvieh of
Harpers Ferry.
February Bull Calf -
February 1-28, 2014: 5)
Luke Pladsen, Harpers Ferry;
6) Chase Pladsen, Harpers
Graystone Cattle Company
of Stockport earned the
Grand Champion Bull and
Iowa Champion Bull titles in
the Red Angus show. Garth
Grifn of New Hampton
exhibited the Reserve Grand
Champion Bull. Grand
Champion Female honors
were awarded to Kip Wallace
of Emerald, WI. Zehnder
Cattle of Stancheld, MN
exhibited the Reserve Grand
Champion Female while
Shuey Stock Farms, Inc.,
of Corning won the Iowa
Champion Female title.
Stocks' Crooked Creek
Cattle Company places
well in Iowa State Fair
Gelbvieh Cattle Show
Area exhibitors place
well in Red Angus
show at Iowa State Fair
Supervisors ...
Continued from Page 1A
the radio tower. He added
that the project would be
paid for out of the Secondary
Roads budget and that funds
awarded by FEMA for the
removal of the underground
diesel fuel tank at Makee
Manor would be used to
cover the cost.
Ridenour also presented
the Board with a grant
application to the Iowa
Department of Transportation
for trafc safety funds to help
pay for the installation of
solar-powered safety beacons
at the corner of Old Highway
9 and Old Stage Road at
a cost of approximately
$11,000. He also told the
Board that the cost of
attening Old Highway 9
west of the intersection to
improve visibility would be
approximately $584,000. The
Board approved the grant
application but took no action
on the estimate to atten the
road. Ridenour said he is still
working to get the trees at the
intersection removed, which
would also improve the
safety and visibility at the
In other business, the Board
signed a contract with the
Iowa Department of Public
Health in connection with a
$10,000 grant for substance
abuse prevention services.
The Board also agreed to
hire former Head Custodian
Mike Gallagher for $14 per
hour for 20 hours per week,
retroactive to August 1.
Waterville Community Foundation
grant application deadline Sept. 30
Applications can now be
submitted for the Waterville
Community Fund (WCF),
an afliate of the Communi-
ty Foundation of Northeast
Iowa. The deadline to submit
applications is September 30
of this year. The online grant
application may be found on
the Community Funds web-
site at
Grants are awarded in De-
cember each year.
WCF provides grants to
improve life in the commu-
nity of Waterville. The Com-
munity Funds goal is to help
develop a community where
people want to live, work,
play and stay. Areas of WCF
giving are art and culture,
community betterment, edu-
cation, environment, health,
historic preservation and hu-
man service. Eligible appli-
cants include 501(c)(3) char-
itable organizations, churches
(for community services/ac-
tivities), government entities
(for charitable civic activi-
ties), economic development
organizations (for charitable
activities), and schools.
Completed applications
must be submitted no later
than September 30 to be con-
sidered for funding.
For more information, or
if interested parties are rst-
time grant applicants, contact
Tom Wickersham, program
director with the Communi-
ty Foundation of Northeast
Iowa, at 319-287-9106, ext.
20 prior to submitting an ap-
The Waterville Communi-
ty Fund is a local, non-prof-
it, charitable afliate of the
Community Foundation of
Northeast Iowa. Due to the
generosity and vision of its
donors, the Community Fund
was established to build a
stronger, healthier Waterville
today, and in the future. The
Fund makes every effort to
support its donors and the
communities it serves with
visionary leadership, effec-
tive grantmaking and person-
alized endowment building
Quitline Iowa to
stop smoking
A call to Quitline Iowa at
1-800-QUIT-NOW will pro-
vide information at no cost to
stop smoking. Quitline Iowa
also has a website at www.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 THE STANDARD
Waukon Walking School Bus to begin from new location soon ...
The Waukon Walking School Bus will walk to school Thursday mornings starting in
September this fall. The Walking School Bus provides a safe, fun and active way for
students to get to school. New this fall, the Walking School Bus will start in downtown
Waukon. Interested families and volunteers should meet at 7:40 a.m. each Thursday
at the Area Development and Visitor Center on the corner of First Street NW and Main
Street. Walking School Bus routes will lead to East Elementary, West Elementary and
St. Patrick Schools in Waukon. Students will be walking 10-20 minutes and arrive to
school by 8:10 a.m. or earlier. Those with further questions may contact Stef Perkins
at Submitted photo.
NICC Foundation requests
nominations for induction
into college Hall of Fame
ACSD staff join colleagues
in development opportunity
The Northeast Iowa Com-
munity College (NICC)
Foundation is accepting nom-
inations of NICC alumni and
retirees to be inducted into the
colleges 2014 Hall of Fame.
Each year, the college rec-
ognizes NICC alumni who
have excelled in personal
and professional endeavors
beyond graduation. The Hall
of Fame induction ceremo-
nies are planned for October
20 at the Calmar campus and
November 17 at the Peosta
campus. Alumni of an NICC
certicate, diploma or degree
program are eligible.
In addition to recognizing
exceptional alumni, NICC is
requesting nominations for
the Outstanding Retiree Ser-
Teachers and adminis-
trators from the Allamakee,
Decorah, North Winneshiek,
Charles City and Turkey Val-
ley Community School Dis-
trict held a joint professional
development opportunity in
Decorah Thursday and Fri-
day, August 14 and 15. These
districts collaborated to bring
in author and national pre-
senter Thomas Many from
Solution Tree publications
to work with them on the
implementation of Profes-
sional Learning Communi-
ties (PLCs) and the benets
this structure has on student
achievement for all learners.
The collaborative profes-
sional learning opportunity
provided the educators with
hands-on information about
creating and maintaining
vice Award. The Outstanding
Retiree Service Award cele-
brates career-long achieve-
ments, loyalty and dedication
to NICC and northeast Iowa,
and recognizes those whose
dedication, commitment and
efforts rise above and beyond
The nomination deadline is
September 1. Visit www.nicc.
edu/halloffame to access sub-
mission materials and instruc-
tions. For more information,
contact Julie Wurtzel, exec-
utive director of the NICC
Foundation at the Calmar
campus, at 800-728-2256,
ext. 218; or Barb OHea, di-
rector of the Foundation at the
Peosta campus, at 800-728-
7367, ext. 284.
PLCs within the school dis-
tricts' systems. These PLCs
use a format of questions and
student data to allow teachers
to help students at all levels.
By systematically looking
at where kids are using data
from common assignments
and assessments, educators
can then adjust their teach-
ing strategies to provide ad-
ditional supports, enrichment
lessons and activities to meet
the educational needs of all
The collaborative learn-
ing opportunity was made
possible by assistance from
Decorah Bank and Trust,
Waukon State Bank, Fidelity
Bank, Bank of the West, Ma-
rine Credit Union in Decorah,
Cresco Union Savings Bank
and First Security Bank.
Grants available for schools
to fund ag-related eld trips
ACSD students perform
well on ACT testing
Silos & Smokestacks
National Heritage Area
(SSNHA) is providing teach-
ers the opportunity to immerse
their students in the world of
agriculture through hands-on
experiences. SSNHA began
accepting applications for the
2014-2015 Bus Grant Pro-
gram season August 15.
Bus Grants help fund
transportation to agricul-
turally-related eld trips to
SSNHA Partner Sites and
farm sites throughout the
region. Student experienc-
es range from discovering
where milk comes from at
Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy in
The Allamakee Commu-
nity School District (ACSD)
just received its College
Readiness Letter from ACT
for those students who took
the test this past year. Infor-
mation shared from ACT in-
52 ACSD students took
the exam this past year.
ACSD students scores
were near the state average
in English, math, social sci-
ence, and science, as fol-
lows: (ACSD Score/State
Average) English-21.2/21.5;
Mat hemat i cs- 21. 2/ 21. 4;
Reading-22.1/22.5; Sci-
ACSD students did score
higher than the state average
in readiness for college. ACT
has established that college
readiness benchmarks in-
clude the following subject
areas and ACT scores that
are benchmarks for college
readiness: English (18); Al-
gebra (22); Reading (22) and
Biology (23). ACSD students
scores showed that 77% of the
students scored an 18 or more
in English; 52% scored a 22
or higher in Algebra; 48%
scored a 22 or higher in So-
cial Science; and 50% of the
students scored a 23 or high-
Hudson to learning about ag
drainage tile at the Hurstville
Lime Kilns in Maquoketa.
Through a partnership with
GROWMARK, Inc., a total of
$10,000 will be available to
northeast Iowa schools during
the year's application process.
Awarded on a rst-re-
ceived, rst-funded basis,
accredited Pre-K-12 public,
private or charter schools
located within the 37-coun-
ty Heritage Area may apply
online for one grant per year
with a maximum of $350
awarded per school. Field
er in Biology. An average of
33% of ACSD students tak-
ing the exam met all four of
the college readiness bench-
marks, which is two percent
higher than the state average.
ACSD students' compos-
ite average was 21.6; the State
of Iowa composite was 22.0.
ACSD Superintendent
David Herold commented,
The school administration
is very proud to share these
scores with the community.
The ACT exam is one nation-
al measure that compares our
students with others through-
out the nation taking the same
exam. This is a true indicator
of how we compare with our
state and the nation. Iowa is
traditionally one of the top
achieving states in the nation
for ACT scores, so the fact
that our students ranked high-
er than the state average is a
true indicator of this achieve-
ment. These scores show that
students who graduate from
the Allamakee CSD are pre-
pared and ready to take on
the rigors of college and be-
yond. These scores also show
the commitment of the Board
of Education, staff, students,
and parents in preparing these
kids for college.
Keystone Area Educa-
tion Agency will be offering
the required training course
for the Iowa Substitute Au-
thorization. The Substitute
Authorization course is a
20-clock hour training. The
course dates are October 10,
5-9 p.m., and October 11 and
12, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at Keystone
AEA, 2310 Chaney Road,
Dubuque. The course number
is 31424 - Substitute Autho-
This authorization allows
an individual to substitute in
a middle school, junior high
school or high school. For
those who are Certied Par-
aeducators, this assigned spe-
cial education classroom may
be at the elementary, middle
school, junior high school or
high school level.
The four core components
of the course are Classroom
Management, Strategies for
Learning, Diversity and Eth-
ics. Upon successful com-
pletion of the program the
participant may apply to the
Board of Educational Exam-
iners for a license. A state and
federal background check is
required. Local districts have
the option of hiring individu-
als with the Substitute Autho-
rization, it does not guarantee
Keystone AEA to offer Substitute
Authorization Class in mid-October
Anyone who meets the fol-
lowing ve criteria is eligible
to receive this new authoriza-
1. Has achieved at least one
of the following: (1) holds a
baccalaureate degree from a
regionally accredited institu-
tion, or (2) has completed an
approved Paraeducator Certi-
cation Program and holds a
Paraeducator Certicate.
2. Has attained a minimum
age of 21 years.
3. Has successfully com-
pleted an Iowa Division of
Criminal Investigation back-
ground check.
4. Has successfully com-
pleted a National Criminal
History background check.
5. Has successfully com-
pleted all the requirements of
an approved Substitute Au-
thorization course.
The following must be sent
in to the Board of Education-
al Examiners:
A complete application
The $85.00 issuance fee
and $65.00 background fee
by check or money order
made payable to the Board of
Educational Examiners, Li-
censure, Grimes State Ofce
Building, 400 E. 14th St., Des
Moines, IA 50319-0147.
Completed ngerprint
cards and waiver form.
Ofcial verication
(transcript) of completion of
the 15 contact hour (mini-
mum) course required for the
Substitute Authorization.
Ofcial transcript show-
ing a bachelors degree or a
paraeducator certicate.
The period of renewal for
this authorization is once ev-
ery three years. At the time of
renewal those authorized will
need to submit verication of
two 15 contact hour courses
taken within the three-year
period from the date their
Authorization was issued,
the renewal application form,
documentation of Mandatory
Child and Dependent Adult
Abuse training and the re-
newal fee.
To register for the class,
visit https://etc.aea1.k12. Registration
deadline is September 19.
Those with further questions
may contact Dee OBrien at
1-800-632-5918, ext 1465 or
during regular business hours.
No late registrations or
walk-ins will be accepted. A
minimum of 10 participants
is required to make the course
able to be held. Participants
must attend all sessions.
Course fee will be $115.
Keystone AEA reserves the
right to cancel the program
due to low enrollment. Noti-
cation of cancellation will be
made to those registered.
Farm Families and the
Affordable Care Act
Considering the high cost
of health insurance, farm
families should become
familiar with changes brought
about by the Affordable Care
Act. Iowa State University
Extension and Outreach
human sciences specialists
in family nance discuss the
implications for farm families
in the August issue of Ag
Decision Maker.
For the farm community
and the public at large, a
great deal of confusion
has surrounded the roll-
out of the Affordable Care
Act. Uncertainties remain
in terms of the costs and
benets associated with
its implementation, said
Suzanne Bartholomae.
However, many of the new
provisions of the ACA may
address some of the issues
faced by farm families when
it comes to health coverage.
The health insurance
consumption patterns of
Iowa farmers differ from the
population at large, USDA
research shows. Iowa farm
operators tend to have greater
rates of insurance coverage
than the general population,
partially because of the
dangerous nature of farming.
To get health insurance
coverage, family members
often take off-farm jobs.
Farmers use health
insurance to protect their
farms from risk, and many
farm operations support
multiple farm families,
added Susan Taylor.
Bartholomae and Taylor
examine the Health Insurance
Marketplace, essential
benets, tax credits and
cost-sharing options. See
the complete story in the Ag
Decision Maker newsletter at
The end of summer and
the start of a new school year
is an exciting time for most
children. But for some, the
beginning of school could
reveal a dark secret when
signs of abuse and neglect
these children have suffered
over the summer are noticed
by teachers, staff and other
Because children
are subject to less adult
supervision over the summer,
its not uncommon for reports
of suspected abuse and
neglect to spike at the start of
the school year, said Kerry
Brennan, CASA Program
Many of the children who
are conrmed as victims are
removed from their homes
and placed into foster care
often far from their friends,
families and schools. CASA
(Court Appointed Special
Advocates) volunteers from
CASA are specially screened
and trained to speak up for
abused and neglected children
who, through no fault of their
own, end up in the foster care
Being uprooted from
their homes and families is
scary for these children. We
at CASA want to make sure
that they do not get lost in
the overburdened foster care
system, Brennan said. For
that reason, we need more
people in our community to
speak up and make sure these
childrens voices are heard.
Beginning of school year
often reveals signs of
child abuse and neglect
We want to help ensure that
their stay in foster care is
as short as possible and that
they are placed in safe, loving
homes quickly so they can
begin to heal.
There are more children in
the child protection system in
northeast Iowa than there are
CASA volunteers to advocate
for their best interests.
Too many children are
forced to go through the
chaos of moving through
the child protection system
alone, Brennan said. CASA
needs more volunteers to step
up and be a voice for children
who desperately need them.
CASA volunteers
advocate for childrens needs
in court and in the child
welfare system. They help
them through their struggles
in foster care or relative
placement. Their number one
goal is to help the children
nd safe, loving families.
We need more dedicated
CASA volunteers to walk
with children every step
of the way and ensure that
they are placed into safe,
permanent homes as quickly
as possible, Brennan said.
This school year, become
a CASA volunteer and help
children in need nd safe,
permanent homes. For more
information, visit www.
i owachi l dadvocacy. gov
or contact Kerry Brennan
at 563-538-4649 or kerry.
Veterans Memorial Hospital
Community & Home Care
Allamakee County Childhood
Immunization Clinic Hours
1st & 3rd Wednesdays - 1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Community and Home Care Ofce, Upper Level of Hospital
All Other Wednesdays - 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Community and Home Care Ofce, Upper Level of Hospital
3rd or 4th Monday or Tuesday - By Appt. Only
Waukon WIC Clinic
Please call 563-568-5660 to schedule an appointment.
Please call 563-568-5660 for appointments or questions.
Blood Pressure Clinic Also Available on Wednesday Afternoons
Wednesday, Aug. 27
5:00 P.M.
for Display & Classied Ads
& News Items to appear in the
September 2
& 3
issues of...
and the
Student eligibility guidelines
for free and reduced-price
meals recently announced
The policy for free and reduced-price school meals for chil-
dren who are unable to pay the full price of meals has been
released by the Iowa Department of Education. The meals are
served through the National School Lunch Program, School
Breakfast Program and the Afterschool Care Snack Program.
State and local ofcials have adopted family size and income
criteria for determining eligibility (see chart below).
Households may apply for free or reduced-price meal bene-
ts one of four ways:
Students from households whose income is at or below the
levels shown in the chart below are eligible for reduced-price
meals or for free meals. All children in a household may be
listed on one application, which then can be returned to any
one of the children's schools.
Students from Food Assistance households and children
who receive benets under the Family Investment Program
(FIP) are eligible for free meals. Most children from Food As-
sistance and FIP households will qualify for free meals au-
tomatically. These households will be notied of benets in
letters from their children's schools. Households that receive
a letter from the school district need to do nothing more to
ensure their children receive free meals.
Some Food Assistance and FIP households will receive
letters from the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS).
Children listed in the letters will qualify for free meals, but
parents must rst take these letters to the children's schools.
Food Assistance or FIP households that receive benets
but do not receive a letter from DHS must apply for free school
meals on behalf of their children.
Only complete applications will be approved by schools.
Applications may be submitted at any time during the year.
If a family member becomes unemployed, the family should
contact the school to complete an application.
Foster children are eligible for free meal benets. Some fos-
ter children will qualify for free meals automatically through
the State Direct Certication process, and their host families
will be notied of these benets. Families that are notied
need to do nothing more to ensure their children receive free
meals. Families with live-in foster children who are not noti-
ed but wish to apply for free meals will nd instructions on
the application form. Participants in the Special Supplement
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals based on a
completed application.
Households with children who are enrolled in the Head
Start/Even Start Program or the Migrant Education Program
or who are considered homeless or runaway by the school dis-
trict's homeless liaison should contact the school for assistance
with benets. Individuals who are dissatised with a ruling by
school ofcials can formally appeal, either orally or in writing,
to the school's designated hearing ofcial. The policy state-
ment on le at the school contains an outline of the hearing
procedure. School ofcials may verify the information in the
application and that deliberate misrepresentation of informa-
tion may subject the applicant to prosecution under applicable
state and federal criminal statutes. Households should contact
their local schools for more information.
Effective July 1, 2014
Household Yearly Monthly Twice a Every 2 Weekly
size Income Month weeks
1 15,171 1,265 633 584 292
2 20,449 1,705 853 787 394
3 25,727 2,144 1,072 990 495
4 31,005 2,584 1,292 1,193 597
5 36,283 3,024 1,512 1,396 698
6 41,561 3,464 1,732 1,599 800
7 46,839 3,904 1,952 1,802 901
8 52,117 4,344 2,172 2,005 1,003
* For each additional family member add:
5,278 440 220 203 102
Household Yearly Monthly Twice a Every 2 Weekly
size Income Month weeks
1 21,590 1,800 900 831 416
2 29,101 2,426 1,213 1,120 560
3 36,612 3,051 1,526 1,409 705
4 44,123 3,677 1,839 1,698 849
5 51,634 4,303 2,152 1,986 993
6 59,145 4,929 2,465 2,275 1,138
7 66,656 5,555 2,778 2,564 1,282
8 74,167 6,181 3,091 2,853 1,427
* For each additional family member add:
7,511 626 313 289 145
Tractor & Implement
727 E. Main, Waukon
Commands lawns. Captures
attention! Leads the way.
Introducing the new Kommander
zero-turn mower from Kubota.
trips must have an agricultur-
al component. Grant monies
are to be used for transporta-
tion costs to and from any one
of the over 100 SSNHA Part-
ner Sites or farm site located
within the Heritage Area. The
grant cycle will remain open
until all funds are depleted or
until December 1 of this year.
Since 2007, the program
has helped over 14,000 youth
learn about agriculture and
where food comes from. For
information or to apply for
a grant, visit www.silosand-
THE STANDARD Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Halfback Harrys
Feature Game
of the Week
On entry form ll in
Game Winner, Winning Team
Score & Total Combined
Offensive Yards
If you win the Game of
the Week you become a
qualier. Nine qualiers, one
each week, will become
eligible for the...
Tickets to a UNI
Football Game
Name _____________________
Address ____________________
Phone _____________________
Game of the
Week Winner ________________
Winning Score _______________
Total Combined
Ofensive Yards _______________
Total Number of All Points of
All 17 Winning Teams ___________
Use This Entry Blank
(or a reasonable facsimile)
Its Ofcial...
Sponsored by...
Rules Summary
1. Indicate winner in all 17 games.
2. Indicate total points of all 17 winning teams.
3. Sign name, address & phone number on entry
4. Fill out Game of the Week.
5. Send, bring in or e-mail: Halfback Harry,
The Standard, 15 First St. NW, PO Box 286,
Waukon, IA 52172
Rules: The area businesses whose advertisements appear on this page are sponsoring this easy contest.
The rules are simple. Indicate which team you think will win by writing the team next to the advertisers name in
the entry blank. To avoid ties, indicate the total number of points you believe all 17 winning teams will accumulate
(200, 250 etc.). This gure will be used only in case of ties. Remember to ll out Game of the Week information for a
chance to win the Grand Prize at the end of the season.
Clip out entry blank and bring, mail or email to Halfback Harry, The Standard, P.O. Box 286, Waukon, IA 52172,
email: Be sure to indicate your predicted winners in all 17 games. The person
correctly predicting the results of the most games will receive $20 in Standard Bucks.
in Standard Bucks
Entries must be postmarked or hand-delivered by 5 p.m. Friday preceding the listed games.
Fidelity Bank & Trust
Veterans Memorial Hospital
Dee Implement
R.W. Pladsen Inc.
Waukon Dental
Daves Gus & Tonys Pizza & Steakhouse
State Farm, Agent Scott Houg
Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank
Bodensteiner Body Werks
West Side Waukon Lumber, Inc.
Waukon State Bank
Fareway Economical Food Stores
JaDeccS, Inc.
Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank
Waukon City Club
Hours: Mon-Sat 6am-10pm,
Sun 6am-9pm
Wisconsin vs. LSU
600 Boyson Rd. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 378-8100
200 Mill St., Clermont, IA 52135 (563) 423-5267
315 West Chestnut St., Harpers Ferry, IA 52146 (563) 586-2166
370 Main St., Lansing, IA 52151 (563) 538-4231
205 N. Vine St., West Union, IA 52175 (563) 422-6072
North Dakota State at Iowa State
18 1st Ave. NW, Waukon, IA
(563) 568-4528
Crestwood at New Hampton
Decorah 563.382.2228
Postville 563.864.7615
Waukon 563.568.5234
South Winn at Waukon Beckman at Monticello
Waukon, IA
503 Rossville Rd., Waukon, IA
Arkansas at Auburn
17 First St. NW,
Waukon, IA
West Virginia vs. Alabama
39 W. Main St., Waukon
City Club
Florida State vs. Oklahoma State
Cedar Falls at Iowa City High
Waukon, IA (563) 568-4511
New Albin, IA (563) 544-4282
Scott Houg, Agent
111 Rossville Rd.
Waukon, IA 52172
Postville at MFL/MarMac Decorah at North Fayette Valley
Gus & Tonys
Steak, Spaghetti, Fish, Lasagna,
Chicken, Sandwiches, Pizza
TAKE OUT 568-6015
Fri-Sat 11-11; M, Tu, W, Th, Sun 11-10
2 Party
Meeting Rooms
Waukon, IA (563) 568-3417
Decorah, IA (563) 382-3837
Our Prime Interest Is You
Riceville at Kee
Member FDIC
UNI at Iowa
Brian & Erik Bodensteiner
24 First Ave. NE., Waukon, IA
563- 568- 2046
Stop by for your free estimate!
Central Elkader at Tripoli
Waukon, Iowa 563-568-6357
Ask for Mark Pladsen, Steve Pladsen
or Mike Horns
Charles City at Osage
Open Mon-Sat
Closed Sundays
& Holidays
777 11th Ave. SW
Waukon, Iowa
Clemson at Georgia
West Side Waukon
Lumber, Inc.
1105 W. Main St.,
(563) 568-3723
UCLA at Virginia
Home Owned & Operated
by the Stilwell Family
Ticked Off ...
Continued from Page 1A
illness, over the past three
years. West Nile cases in
Iowa are up 400 percent
compared to previous years,
up from nine cases in 2011 to
44 cases in 2013, according
to the Iowa Department of
Public Health.
In addition, the report says
increased levels of carbon
dioxide are leading to an
increase in the density and
toxicity of pollen and the
toxicity of poison ivy.
The pure numbers are
increasing, plus the viruses
are living longer in each
mosquito and tick also, said
In addition, mild winters
in parts of the U.S. mean
temperatures arent getting
cold enough to kill ticks
during the winter months.
Shah said it is likely the
problem will get worse before
it gets better and suggested
in the near future the U.S.
may be looking at other
mosquito-borne illnesses
Americans once considered
exotic. Like Dengue or
Chikungunya, both which
cause fever and headaches,
said Shah. These will not
be staying in just Africa and
Locally, Sheryl Darling-
Mooney of Public Health for
Allamakee County reminds
the public to be vigilant when
spending time outdoors.
She suggested a number of
ways to help decrease the
likelihood of a tick bite or
attachment, including:
Treating dogs and cats for
Wearing insect repellent
containing DEET (not
recommended for children
under two months of age)
Wearing Permethrin-
treated clothing
Checking yourself for
ticks after being outdoors,
especially after being out in
the woods
Showering soon after
coming indoors.
Environmentally, there
are a number of precautions
people can take to minimize
ticks and mosquitoes on their
Get rid of standing water
by emptying out pools, bird
baths, bottoms of ower pots
and buckets
Discard old tires and drill
a hole in them to allow water
to drain
Eliminate tall weeds or
grass - mosquitoes like the
Use good-tting screens
on doors and windows.
The Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) make
additional recommendations,
Avoid perfumed soaps,
shampoos and deodorants
Tuck pants into socks or
Remain still if a single
insect is ying around
If attacked, seek shaded
areas or shelter.
In addition to protecting
oneself, the "Ticked Off"
report suggests a number
of ways people can take a
stand and help protect the
planet and slow the effects
of climate change. These
include reducing carbon
pollution from the largest
sources by supporting the
Clean Power Plan proposed
by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
this past June and other
pollution control standards;
investing in wildlife-friendly
renewable energy, such as
geothermal, wind, solar and
sustainable bioenergy, along
with improvements in energy
efciency; and safeguarding
wildlife by adopting climate-
smart conservation practices
that will help wildlife survive
and adapt to a changing
climate, such as maintaining
or re-establishing habitat
connections among parks,
wildlife refuges and other
protected habitats.
Library patrons in north-
east Iowa have anytime, any-
where access to a dynamic
collection of digital audio
books and eBooks through
the library service called
NEIBORS (the North Eastern
Iowa Bridge to Online Re-
source Sharing). NEIBORS
supports checkouts to Nooks,
Kindles, Sony and other
e-readers, smartphones, MP3
players and Apple devices.
Robey Memorial Library
will be offering a NEIBORS
training class Thursday, Au-
gust 28 at 5:30 p.m. Registra-
tion is strongly encouraged.
Those planning to attend
may bring their own devic-
es or try one of the devices
NEIBORS training Thursday
at Robey Memorial Library
available for checkout. This
free class is for anyone who
would like to try a Nook, Kin-
dle, Sony eReader, or iPod;
to learn to navigate the NEI-
BORS website and its new
features; or to learn about
downloading free audiobooks
and e-books for computers,
e-readers, mp3 players, iP-
ods, computers, tablets or
For more information
about the NEIBORS Train-
ing, NEIBORS online service
or to register for this class,
contact Robey Memorial
Library at 563-568-4424 or
robeymemorial@waukon.lib. or visit www.waukon.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 THE STANDARD
your best baseball in order
to beat Kee High because
they were always condent
in what they were capable of
doing. I always enjoyed the
opportunity to coach against
Coach Schultz, and we truly
enjoy the rivalry thats been
created between the two
teams because its always
meant good baseball.
With recent tradition be-
ing Kee and Decorah opening
their respective seasons fac-
ing off against one another,
Olenjiczak says it will cer-
tainly be different looking
across the diamond in next
summers season opener and
not seeing #10 standing in
the third base coaching box.
But he certainly expects the
rivalry and the tradition of
good baseball in the Kee
High School communities to
I expect that the Lansing
and New Albin communities
will continue to want to carry
on the tradition of Kee High
baseball, he said. Its been
a long-standing tradition in
those communities, and
Coach Schultz has certainly
done his share in establishing
that tradition and keeping it
foremost in the community.
When I think of the commu-
nities of Lansing and New
Albin, I think of two things -
shing and baseball!
When asked what it is that
allows for coaches like him-
self and Schultz to not only
remain in their respective po-
sitions for so many years, but
to also experience the kind of
success that has lofted them
to the nations top two coach-
ing victory totals, Olenjiczak
replied, First and foremost,
a love of the game, and with-
in that the challenge that the
game of baseball provides.
Its not an easy game to play,
skill-wise, but coaches like
Gene and myself know that
its probably even tougher
mentally to play the game of
baseball, than physically.
Secondly, an apprecia-
tion for the kids who play
the game for you. If you ha-
vent loved the kids who take
the eld for you, then youll
never stay at it. What a treat
it is for coaches like us to be
able to coach the sons of fa-
thers who also played for us,
and to be rewarded for all the
hard work these kids have put
in with the kind of success a
program like Kee High has
had. Im sure Gene is just like
me in that he never anticipat-
ed staying in the game, and
especially in one place, for
so long, but, again, that goes
back to the love of the game,
the players who take the eld
for you, and the communities
that support you.
In reecting just over a
year ago as he was approach-
ing the 1,700th coaching vic-
Schultz ...
Continued from Page 1A
Kee volleyball team returns six letterwinners for 2014 season
The 2014 Kee volleyball
team will return six varsity
letterwinners from a squad
last season that nished with
an 8-18 overall record, in-
cluding a 10th-place Upper
Iowa Conference record of
2-7. That mix of returning
varsity experience will com-
bine with some young new-
comers to hopefully make for
a formidable Hawk line-up
throughout the year, accord-
ing to Coach Rich Ellis.
Our biggest key will be
team continuity, Coach El-
lis said. The girls will need
to learn how to play together
and be willing to play where
the team needs them the most.
We will have a few girls play-
ing new positions this year
and they are going to need to
accept their new role in order
for us to be successful.
That veteran half dozen
includes the senior foursome
of Sadie Hill, Valerie Mey-
er, Nicole Vinson and Molly
Walleser, as well as the junior
tandem of Mikayla Gavin and
Erin Rud. Although most sta-
tistical categories last season
were topped by seniors now
lost to graduation, Meyer,
Gavin and Walleser do re-
turn with the second- through
fourth-best kill totals, re-
spectively, from last season,
with Gavin and Meyer also
bringing back Kees top two
blocking totals and Walles-
er returning with the teams
third-best service ace total
and fourth-best serving per-
centage, all behind senior
leadership from last year.
The newcomers being
looked to this year may be
new to the varsity volleyball
court, but much like Meyer,
Walleser and Vinson are cer-
tainly not new to the varsity
level of competition, and
some signicant success at
that level. Our biggest weak-
ness will be youth and inexpe-
rience, Coach Ellis explains.
We only have three girls in
Molly, Val and Mikayla that
saw signicant time last year
and we will have three fresh-
men rotating in and out of
the line-up. However, two of
those freshmen are just com-
ing off a state softball appear-
ance, so they should be able
to handle the mental part of
the varsity game.
Kendra Cooper and Chloe
Severson make up that fresh-
man state softball tandem
referred to by Coach Ellis.
Along with that high level
of success at a high level of
varsity competition, those
two also join Gavin in mea-
suring 510 tall, with Meyer
and Walleser each up there as
well at 59, creating a great
deal of optimism for Coach
Our biggest strength
will be our size up front, he
said. Our shortest front row
player this year will be 59.
Combine that size with some
athleticism, and we should be
very strong up front.
A somewhat upperclass-
man newcomer will also be
looked to for signicant con-
tributions this season, as ju-
nior Lilly Winters will take
the court for the Hawks for
the rst time this season after
spending last school year in
Italy. We will be looking for
leadership from Lilly Win-
ters, Coach Ellis comment-
ed. She is a solid player who
will be a great addition to our
Mixing all those ingredi-
ents of veteran experience,
height, athleticism and other
leadership possibilities will
hopefully help overcome
the graduation loss of the
main statistical and overall
leadership from last years
squad. We have three rath-
er large holes to ll, Coach
Ellis remarked. We lost El-
lie Heiderscheit and Kaylee
Darling, both who have been
playing varsity for four years.
We also lost our setter from
last year with Alivia Winters
graduating. These are big
shoes to ll, but so far, we
are doing a good job lling
Coach Ellis can see that
the mixing of those ingre-
dients has already started to
produce some positive results
for the Hawks so far in this
seasons early going. I am
very pleased with the effort in
practice so far, he noted. A
couple of the upperclassmen
have come to me and told me
that we are going to be bet-
ter than they thought we were
going to be. I attribute this to
the hard work they are putting
With the separating of the
Upper Iowa Conference into
a bigger school division and
smaller school division this
season, Coach Ellis likes his
teams chances of playing
their way to the top of their
small school division. But
he still sees some of the tra-
ditional larger schools as the
overall league favorites again
this season.
Our goal is to nish on
the top of our division this
year, and I feel that we have
a very good shot at that, he
said. I think South Winn,
North Fayette Valley, Clayton
Ridge and Turkey Valley will
be ghting for the top spot.
However, after that there will
be a dog ght for the remain-
ing spots. One of the remain-
ing teams could knock off
one of the top four to crack a
spot up there.
Kees quest of achieving
this seasons goals is sched-
uled to get underway this
Thursday, August 28 with
a home double dual against
Seneca, WI and De Soto, WI.
The Hawks will get their rst
crack at Upper Iowa Con-
ference action September 4
at Turkey Valley in another
scheduled double dual that
also involves New Hampton.
Phone: 563-568-3431
Fax 563-568-4242
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The Standard Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Page 7A
2014 Waukon Girls Golf Team
Left to right - Front row: Sidney McQuade, Jessica Sholes, Samantha Swartz, Leslie Sivesind, Katelyn Kolsrud.
Second row: Coach Kathy McMillan, Annika Anderson, Hannah Hennessy, Taylor Sholes, Jenny Bartling, Kayla Palmer.
Back row: Haylee Rathbone, Hope Manning, Kelsey Cota, Bailey Farley, Alyvia Jones.
Photo courtesy of Carlyn Wacker, Font and Foto.
The 2014 Waukon girls golf
team elded an overall young
squad that saw several different
players take leadership roles in
the Indians' nal meet results
throughout the season. The
Tribe lady linksters competed
against some strong competition
in addition to Mother Nature
this season, as a handful of
meets were either rescheduled
or canceled due to wet or wintry
weather. The Lady Indians
ultimately ended their season
with just a single dual meet
victory over Oelwein, a team
they also nished in front of in
placing sixth in the Northeast
Iowa Conference Tournament
before wrapping up their season
with an eighth-place nish at
their Class 3A First Round
Regional Tournament.
Just two seniors were the
upperclassmen leaders for
this year's squad, as Haylee
Rathbone and Taylor Sholes
wrapped up their high school
careers with completion of
this season. The Indians had
anywhere from a freshman to
a junior leading them on the
course in this season's nal
competition results, making
optimism run high for next
season's returnees.
Thank You
Best of Luck
to This Years
Two Seniors!
Haylee Rathbone
Taylor Sholes
2014 Kee Volleyball Schedule
Date Opponent/Site Time
8/28 vs. Seneca, WI & DeSoto, WI 4:30 p.m.
9/4 at Turkey Valley & vs. New Hampton 5:30 p.m.
9/11 at South Winneshiek 5:30 p.m.
9/13 Crestwood Tournament (Cresco) 9 a.m.
9/16 vs. Central Elkader 5:30 p.m.
9/20 Waukon Tournament 9 a.m.
9/23 vs. MFL/Mar-Mac 5:30 p.m.
9/25 vs. Postville 5:30 p.m.
10/2 vs. Clayton Ridge 5:30 p.m.
10/6 at Seneca, WI & vs. De Soto, WI 5:30 p.m.
10/7 at West Central 5:30 p.m.
10/9 at Edgewood-Colesburg 5:30 p.m.
10/11 Hudson Tournament 9:30 a.m.
10/14 vs. Starmont 5:30 p.m.
10/18 UIC Tournament at Starmont TBD
10/21-11/5 Class 1A Regional Tournament TBD
11/11-14 State Tournament at C. Rapids TBD
2014 Kee volleyball returning letterwinners ...
Left to right - Front row: Nicole Vinson, Erin Rud, Mikayla Gavin. Back row: Sadie
Hill, Molly Walleser, Valerie Meyer. Photo courtesy of Kee High School Yearbook.
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Page 6A Wednesday, June 18, 2014 The Standard
2014 KEE
Left to
right - Front
row: Marissa
Dodd, Kristina
Mooney, Baylie
Allison Colsch.
Second row:
Epp, Ellie
Erin Rud,
Richards. Back
row: Maddie
Gruber, Sierra
Strong, Jordyn
Mathis. Photo
courtesy of Kee
High School
The Z0I4 Iee girIs frock feom f eIded on overoII young
squod, hoving jusf one eoch of senior ond junior uppercIossmen
Ieoders fo sef fhe poce for fhis yeor's squod. A fofoI of seven
freshmen mode up o mojorify of fhis seoson's porficiponfs,
joining four sophomores fo creofe o rofher sfrong nucIeus
of possibIe refurnees wifh veferon experience for fufure
compoigns. In oddifion fo fhe young overoII moke-up of fhis
yeor's squod, fhe Lody Howks oIso wenf heod fo heod wifh some
of fhe sfrongesf frock ond f eId compefifion in fhe sfofe, os weII
os wifh Mofher Mofure, who emerged vicforious oII by herseIf
by either canceling or forcing postponement of a couple meets.
This yeor's Ione senior wos EIIie Heiderscheif, who Ied by
exompIe in nof onIy being fhe onIy senior fo porficipofe fhis
season but also taking the challenge of high school track and
f eId's Iongesf disfonce roces in mosf every meef. Her dedicofion
ond Ieodership wiII be soreIy missed ond diff cuIf fo repIoce.
2014 Waukon Cross Country Schedule
Date Meet Time
9/2 at Oelwein 4 p.m.
9/9 at Waverly-SR 4 p.m.
9/13 at North Fayette Valley 9 a.m.
9/16 at Starmont (Arlington) 4 p.m.
9/23 Waukon Invitational 4 p.m.
10/4 at Crestwood (Cresco) 9:30 a.m.
10/7 at South Winneshiek (Calmar) 4 p.m.
10/14 NEIC Meet (Decorah) 4:30 p.m.
10/23 State Qualifying Meets (TBA) TBA
11/1 State Meet (Fort Dodge) TBA
The season preview articles for Waukon
boys and girls cross country will appear in
next weeks edition of The Standard
tory of his career at the start of
the 2013 season, Schultz gave
a great deal of credit for the
success he has experienced to
the baseball foundation laid
out by his unofcial assis-
tant coach, Harris Shooky
Fink, within the little league
and school-aged kids in New
Albin. Hed throw batting
practice or hit ground balls
to kids as soon as they were
big enough to keep a glove
on their hand or lift a bat,
Schultz remarked in his pre-
1,700 wins reection.
Schultz further declared
that New Albins baseball
success also fueled a rival-
ry-like similar result in near-
by Lansing, further enhancing
the resources he has drawn
from during his 45-year ten-
ure at the Kee baseball helm.
Schultz has admitted that its
that perceived rivalry, along
with the combining of St.
George and Kee high schools
in Lansing, that helped jump
start his career early on, be-
ginning with his greatest
memory of his 1973 team
that won him his rst-ever
state championship with an
undefeated season record of
48-0 in the rst season that
both the St. George and Kee
students were combined into
one school and on one team.
That 1973 state title was
the rst of a still existing
state of Iowa record nine
summer state championships
for Schultz, a number that
no other coach has equaled
and that only Davenport As-
sumption has equaled as a
program, that happening at
the end of this recently com-
pleted 2014 season. Addition-
al Iowa high school baseball
records still intact for Coach
Schultz include 19 summer
state tournament appearanc-
es resulting in a 32-10 state
tournament record, with 16
of those trips resulting in the
Hawks playing their way into
the state championship game,
including their most recent
Class 1A State Runner-Up
nish in 2011 and their most
recent state championship in
2005. Schultz also coached
Kee to four state champi-
onship game appearances
during Iowas fall baseball
season, winning two more ti-
tles in 1977 and 1978 before
the fall season was halted.
Nearly half of those sum-
mer state championships
make for another of Schul-
tzs greatest highlights, as
his Hawks won four consec-
utive titles from 1989-1992,
with Kee pitcher Kip Peters
still being the only Iowa high
school player to ever record
four state championship
pitching victories. I dont
think thats something that
will ever be equaled, and I
doubt that it ever has in the
nation and maybe even the
world, Schultz said of Pe-
ters four consecutive state
championship pitching tri-
When reecting on their
own experiences just over a
year ago when Coach Schultz
was approaching his 1,700-
win milestone, Peters is
among the many former Kee
players who used such phras-
es as mentally ready, fun-
damentals and teamwork
when describing what they
felt was Coach Schultzs keys
to the success that he has ex-
perienced with his teams over
the years. But, beyond their
playing experiences, most all
also turned similar phrases,
such as he believed in me,
he treated you with the re-
spect you earned, and he
was strict, but he was fair,
when asked how their former
coach impacted their lives be-
yond baseball.
Wellendorf echoed those
same sentiments as some-
thing he witnessed between
Schultz and his players while
serving as his assistant and
then as Kees athletic direc-
tor. They respected him for
who he was and what he ex-
pected from them, Wellen-
dorf said of how Schultzs
players often responded to
him. They understood that
he demanded discipline, but
he did it in a way that always
seemed to bring the best out
of each player. In many cas-
es, he seemed like a god to
Additionally, from both his
former assistant coaching and
athletic director positions,
Wellendorf also recalls Schul-
tzs demanding but fair adher-
ence to scheduling games for
his team. Gene always liked
to play a 40-game schedule,
Wellendorf recalls. I remem-
ber one year we qualied for
the State Tournament, but we
had only been able to play 38
games during the regular sea-
son because of weather can-
cellations. Well, on the way
to the State Tournament, we
had to stop in Oelwein just
to play another game. But, he
was always easy to work with
because he would play pretty
much any team pretty much
any time, especially when
it came to making up games
or replacing games that had
been cancelled.
Wellendorf also remem-
bers, with a chuckle, one of
the most humorous conversa-
tions he ever had with Schul-
tz. I think it was the late 80s,
we had to play St. Ansgar in
a substate game, Wellen-
dorf relayed with a smile in
his voice. Gene was going
on about how he hated play-
ing these parochial schools,
and I looked at him and said,
Gene, St. Ansgar is the name
of the town, its not a Catholic
No matter the opponent,
parochial school or public
school, large or small, Wel-
lendorf says Schultz was al-
ways known for having his
teams ready to play against
anyone. They may get beat
by a better team, but they were
never going to beat them-
selves with errors or because
they couldnt throw strikes,
Wellendorf said. Thats how
Gene always prepared his
teams, being fundamentally
sound and mentally ready to
face whatever situation was
thrown at them.
In his reective/deective
manner, Schultz is always
quick to point the success n-
ger right back at the players
who took the eld for him.
Ive been fortunate to have
a tremendous number of kids
who have made the commit-
ment to play the great game
of baseball like I thought it
should be played, he shared.
One of the most gratifying
things for me is when I see
my former players and they
make comments like I sure
wish I could put the uniform
on and play for you again.
That is the greatest success
I could ever hope to accom-
Its been a great 45 years,
and I would like to thank ev-
eryone who has ever been
involved that has helped
our baseball program real-
ize the kind of success that
weve had, Schultz nalized.
Thats everyone from the
school system, the parents,
the players, the community,
its all been instrumental in
making Kee High baseball
what its become. Im very
thankful for having been
along for the ride!
THE STANDARD Wednesday, August 27, 2014
2014 Waukon varsity football ...
Left to right - Front row: Adam Benzing, Nick Bieber, Jake Ronan, Marshall Lyons, Peyton Hesse, Travis Herman, Landon Sivesind, Austin Hogan.
Second row: Joe Frieden, Patrick Mahr, Drake Jensen, Colin Steiber, Sean Byrnes, Michael Howe, Christian Wenthold, Dawston Regan, Chris Miller.
Back row: Michael Schulte, Brock Waters, Dennis Gaunitz, Wyatt Wille, Haden Hammel, Jamie Byrnes, Nick Johnson, Brennan Frick, Zach Bieber. Not
pictured: Adam Drew.
Waukon football team looks to continue recent string of play-off success in 2014 season
Waukon volleyball team returns ve letterwinners for 2014 campaign
The 2014 Waukon foot-
ball team returns 23 varsity
letterwinners from the most
successful season in program
history last fall, an historic
campaign that saw the Indi-
ans play to a Class 2A State
Runner-Up nish and rewrite
a number of school records
in the process. While a great
deal of key contributors to
last seasons success moved
on with graduation this past
May, including four players
participating in Division I
programs at UNI, Iowa and
Oregon State, second-year
Waukon head coach Chad
Beermann says there cer-
tainly isnt any sort of one-
and-done mentality when it
comes to wanting to continue
the kind of success the pro-
gram has developed over the
last couple seasons.
We know we graduat-
ed one of the most honored
classes in school history,
Coach Beermann said. We
also know the cupboard is
not bare. We have addressed
the fact we have one of the
toughest schedules in 2A, and
many of those teams are an-
ticipating a drop-off from our
kids. We will have a bit of a
target on our backs.
Aside from what other
teams may think coming into
this season, Coach Beermann
and his charges also know
what they are capable of, set-
ting their sights on goals that
will continue to maintain and
build upon back-to-back sea-
sons where the Indians were
Class 2A State Quarternal-
ists in 2012 and State Run-
ners-Up last season.
We would like to make
the play-offs for the third
consecutive season, the sec-
ond-year Indian head coach
said. A goal each week is
to rate ourselves against the
team we can be. If we can play
to potential, we should have a
punchers chance against ev-
eryone on our schedule.
That schedule will include
a considerably different over-
all look, but also include a bit
of familiarity from past expe-
rience. Remaining in the Indi-
ans Class 2A District 3 with
them from last season will be
the spectrum of district cham-
pion New Hampton and dis-
trict last-place nisher Water-
loo Columbus, while recent
familiar play-off foes Dy-
ersville Beckman and Cen-
ter Point-Urbana also make
their way into District 3 this
season. North Fayette Valley
will move up from a Class
1A State Seminalist nish
last season, while another
fellow Northeast Iowa Con-
ference (NEIC) school, Oel-
wein, will drop down from
Class 3A. The Tribes three
non-district games to begin
the season will also feature a
The 2014 Waukon vol-
leyball team will look to
improve on a 9-25-4 overall
record posted by last years
squad in its rst year under
the guidance of head coach
Peyton Wacker. Now in her
second year at the helm and
newly married, Coach Pey-
ton Lapel will see the return
of ve varsity letterwinners
from last years crew that
also nished sixth in the nal
Northeast Iowa Conference
(NEIC) standings with a 1-6
record, along with a large
group of 10 seniors that will
make up a majority of this
falls 14 team members in this
seasons early-going.
Four of those ve return-
ing letterwinners also head-
line that large senior class,
including two-year letterwin-
ners Allie Schwartz and Jack-
ie Welch and rst-year let-
terwinners Katelyn Kolsrud
and Thea Meyer. Sophomore
Regan Wasson rounds out the
list of returning letterwinners
from last season, making
considerable contributions
and gaining valuable experi-
great deal of familiarity,
as another pair of NEIC
schools, Class 3A State
Play-Off qualiers Dec-
orah and Crestwood, and
Class 1A Quarternalist
South Winneshiek make
up a considerable trio of
non-district match-ups to
start the Indians season.
Seven of our nine op-
ponents this season are
play-off teams from last
year, Coach Beermann
observed. We should
have some great games.
When the district came
out this spring, I think
the consensus was it was
a two-horse race between
North Fayette Valley and
New Hampton based on
returning players. New
Hampton has had a sig-
nicant injury, and Dy-
ersville Beckman and
Waterloo Columbus
each have new coaches.
I would say this years
four play-off spots are
really up in the air, with
North Fayette Valley, New
Hampton, Center Point-Ur-
bana, Beckman and Waukon
all having earned berths last
The Indians postseason
and overall success last sea-
son not only allowed this
falls returning letterwinners
to enjoy that historic experi-
ence, but also allowed for a
vast majority of them to build
up considerable game expe-
rience due to lopsided scores
and the extension of the sea-
son well beyond just the reg-
ular schedule. This seasons
23 returning letterwinners in-
clude seniors Adam Benzing,
Nick Bieber, Zach Bieber,
Jamie Byrnes, Brennan Frick,
Travis Herman, Michael
Howe, Drake Jensen, Mar-
shall Lyons, Jacob Ronan,
Landon Sivesind and Brock
Waters, as well as juniors Joe
Frieden, Dennis Gaunitz, Ha-
den Hammel, Peyton Hesse,
Austin Hogan, Nick Johnson,
Chris Miller, Dawston Re-
gan, Michael Schulte, Colin
Steiber and Wyatt Wille.
These players really
beneted from the addition-
al month of practice we had
last year due to the play-off
run, Coach Beermann said.
Many played big roles on
ence as a middle hitter for the
Tribe as just a freshman last
Coach Lapel lists those ve
returning letterwinners and
great team chemistry as the
greatest strengths of this sea-
sons team. Those strengths
will be combined with what
she sees as this years keys
to a successful season - team
speed and intelligence - to
help overcome the teams
overall lack of height at the
net this season.
We lack height, but I be-
lieve we will make up for that
with our quickness and smart
playing, Coach Lapel said.
I can anticipate strong lead-
ership from all of the girls.
Thus far, they have all shown
great enthusiasm for their
team and the sport.
Within that returning var-
sity letterwinning leadership
also comes a considerable
amount of statistical leader-
ship from last season. De-
spite the graduation of eight
seniors from last falls squad,
each of this seasons return-
ing veterans brings back with
the eld, and the rest contrib-
uted more in our practices.
Beermann also says ju-
niors Sean Byrnes, Adam
Drew and Pat Mahr will all
play roles this year in helping
ll holes left by graduation on
both the offensive and defen-
sive lines. We lost over 90%
of our total offense from last
year to graduation, as well as
four of our ve offensive line-
men and our entire defensive
line, Beermann noted.
Headlining the replace-
ment of that mass exodus of
statistical contributions will
be All-State senior defensive
back Jake Ronan, who, in ad-
dition to leading the Indians
with eight interceptions last
season, also returns with a
9.7 yards per carry average on
26 carries last season and the
teams second-best receiving
totals of 29 catches for 385
yards and three touchdowns.
Fellow seniors and All-Dis-
trict players Marshall Ly-
ons and Adam Benzing also
return with receiving and
rushing yardage totals hov-
ering around 100 yards from
last season in addition to the
teams third-best defensive
totals of 84 total tackles for
Lyons and ve solo tackles
for loss for Benzing.
her some top-end statistical
numbers from last fall.
Schwartz provided some
2014 Waukon Varsity Football
Date Opponent Time
8/29 vs. South Winneshiek 7:30 p.m.
9/5 at Decorah 7:30 p.m.
9/12 vs. Crestwood 7:30 p.m.
9/19 at Dyersville Beckman 7:30 p.m.
9/26 vs. North Fayette Valley (Homecoming) 7:30 p.m.
10/3 at Waterloo Columbus 7 p.m.
10/10 vs. New Hampton 7:30 p.m.
10/17 at Center Point-Urbana 7:30 p.m.
10/24 vs. Oelwein 7:30 p.m.
10/29 State Play-Offs Begin TBD
2014 Waukon volleyball returning letterwinners ...
Left to right: Katelyn Kolsrud, Thea Meyer, Allie Schwartz, Jackie Welch, Regan
2014 Waukon varsity volleyball ...
Left to right - Front row: Leslie Sivesind, Katelyn Kolsrud, Thea Meyer, Katie Kerndt, Allie Schwartz, Sam Swartz. Back row: Kaley Benzing,
Madison Snitker, Nicole Heitman, Jackie Welch, Kelsey Cota, Hope Manning, Regan Wasson. Not pictured: Callie Thorson.
2014 Waukon Volleyball Schedule
Date Opponent/Site Time
8/30 at Mabel-Canton Tournament 8:30 a.m.
9/2 at Postville 5:30 p.m.
9/8 at MFL/MarMac 5 p.m.
9/9 vs. Decorah 5 p.m.
9/13 Crestwood Tournament (Cresco) 9 a.m.
9/20 Waukon Tournament 9 a.m.
9/23 vs. Oelwein 5 p.m.
9/30 at Waverly-Shell Rock 5 p.m.
10/2 vs. New Hampton 5 p.m.
10/7 at Crestwood 7:15 p.m.
10/11 at Hudson Tournament 9:30 a.m.
10/14 at Charles City 5 p.m.
10/18 NEIC Tournament (Waukon) 9 a.m.
10/27-11/4 Class 3A Regional Tournament TBD
11/11-14 State Tournament at C.Rapids TBD
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all-around numerical lead-
ership with team highs last
season of 185 kills, 53 ace
serves and 296 assists, with
Welch second on last seasons
team with 123 winners at the
net. Meyer paced the Tribes
serving efciency with a .957
serving percentage that fea-
tured just four missed serves
on the season, with Kolsrud
bringing back the teams sec-
ond highest digs total with
114. Wasson also paced last
seasons team with 19 solo
blocks in her second-place
total of 37 overall blocks.
It will be that veteran ex-
perience that will be looked
to in pursuit of this seasons
goals. Develop a team of
strong competitors, and have
fun and improve throughout
the season to advance in the
postseason, Coach Lapel
listed as this seasons desired
The second-year head
coach also looks for an im-
provement in where her team
will nish in the nal North-
east Iowa Conference stand-
ings in comparison to last
season. I think we have the
potential to place third in the
conference, she explained.
Looking at last years re-
sults, the couple matches
that we lost that were tight
matches could go either way
this year. I think these girls
are very determined and ded-
icated to make that goal and
improvement happen.
Prior to beginning that pur-
suit of NEIC improvement,
the Indians will have some
non-conference tune-ups to
start this seasons schedule,
including their season-open-
ing Mabel-Canton Tourna-
ment this Saturday, August
30. Non-conference matches
will be played at Postville,
Tuesday, September 2, and
at MFL/MarMac, Monday,
September 8, before the Indi-
ans open both their home and
NEIC season Tuesday, Sep-
tember 9 against Decorah.
While we do not have
the sort of talent that draws
Division I coaches this year,
we really have a nice dis-
tribution of talent, Coach
Beermann outlined. Where
last year the majority of our
yards and points came from
two players (University of
Northern Iowa recruit Marcus
Weymiller and University of
Iowa recruit Parker Hesse),
this year the runs and catches
will be spread through sev-
en or eight. Also, we have
some good linemen who have
worked very hard to get big-
ger and stronger.
One advantage this sea-
sons team will have is the
depth and experience that
this years team allows. This
season, a goal is to Two Pla-
toon as much as possible,
Coach Beermann explained.
We feel we have enough
depth to play the majority of
our kids one way. This will
help keep the kids fresh. The
development of the junior
class is what gives us depth
this year.
In addition to depth, the
second-year coach also sees
promise from upperclassmen
leadership displayed early in
the season, as well as some
things that took place in the
off-season. The seniors are
stepping into their leadership
role, he said. In addition,
we had good numbers in the
weight room and at speed
camp this summer.
The fruits of that off-sea-
son and pre-season prepara-
tion will soon be realized, as
the Indians will begin their
2014 schedule this Friday,
August 29 at home against
Class 1A State Quarternal-
ist South Winneshiek. Our
starters need to be ready right
away, as we open the sea-
son with ve straight play-
off teams from last season,
Coach Beermann said.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014 THE STANDARD
Nine returning letterwinners bolster Kee football hopes for 2014 campaign
The Kee football team will
return nine varsity letterwin-
ners for its 2014 campaign
from a team that played to
a 6-4 overall record and an
Eight-Player District 4 run-
ner-up nish with a 6-1 mark
against district opponents
last season. Leading the way
within that experienced var-
sity nucleus will be eight se-
niors who each contributed
to last seasons success on a
team that lost just three se-
niors to graduation.
Having eight seniors that
have been through multiple
seasons at the varsity level
is a big advantage that we
havent had for awhile, sec-
ond-year Kee head football
coach Chad Winters said. I
expect our upperclassmen to
show our younger kids how
we do things on a daily basis.
They set the tone for practice
every day in how we prepare
for the games.
Setting that tone for this
years team will be the afore-
mentioned eight letterwin-
ning seniors, including Nick
Howe, Ryan Kuhn, Hunter
Otto, Dylon Peterson, Mar-
quise Phillips, David Rich-
ards, Craig Sand and Andrew
Weber, as well as sophomore
Clay Olson. Among that
list of returnees will be six
All-District performers, led
by Peterson as a First Team
All-District Defensive Utili-
ty selection, although he was
also the Hawks signal caller
and second-leading rusher on
offense last season. Phillips,
Kuhn and Weber each re-
ceived Second Team All-Dis-
trict accolades, with Sand and
Olson earning All-District
Honorable Mention.
That experienced and dec-
orated crew will pace a team
made up of 28 players from
the freshman through senior
ranks this season, a total team
number that still causes a bit
of unrest with Coach Winters
in regard to his teams overall
depth. Depth continues to be
a concern, he said. We need
some inexperienced guys to
step up and show that they
have the ability and desire to
help out at the varsity level.
With 16 underclassmen par-
ticipating, it will be good to
see some of the younger guys
step up and take charge of the
JV team as well.
With those depth concerns
looming, Coach Winters says
that keeping his team healthy
will be a key factor in the de-
gree of success experienced
this season. Staying healthy
is a priority during pre-sea-
son and non-district games,
he said, adding that there
are a number of factors in-
volved in that team wellness
approach. The boys have to
be willing to put in the extra
time needed to be successful;
from lifting weights, to taking
care of their bodies, to being
prepared by watching lm.
Staying healthy, especially
in the pre-season and during
Kees non-district sched-
ule early in the season, will
have a direct impact on what
Coach Winters sees as this
years main goals. A District
Championship and a play-off
win are the top two goals this
year, he said.
Kees District 4 will look
much the same this season,
with the exception of peren-
nial contender Easton Valley
now moving up to Class A
competition and Turkey Val-
ley moving down into the
Eight-Player classication
after a 7-4 season last year
that saw them advance into
the second round of the Class
A State Play-Offs. Both Cen-
tral Elkader and Springville
also return from State Play-
Off qualifying seasons last
fall, both having their sea-
sons ended by eventual
Eight-Player champion Don
Bosco, although Springville
graduated a considerable
senior class this past May,
including All-Stater and Uni-
versity of Northern Iowa re-
cruit Elias Nissen.
Central Elkader appears
to be the front-runner, as they
return a lot from their play-off
team last year, Coach Win-
ters speculated. West Cen-
tral, Turkey Valley and Mid-
land will be battling it out for
the other play-off positions.
I think we are extremely
competitive with all of those
teams and a lot will hinge on
who stays healthy and plays
well that particu-
lar night.
Even though
the Hawks lost
just three seniors
to graduation
from last sea-
sons District 4
runner-up team,
that trio included
the All-State pair
of Jameson Pe-
terson and Nick
Gavin. Peterson
headlined Kees
ground game last
season with his
second consecu-
tive season gain-
ing over 1,300
yards while also
leading the Hawk
defense in tackles
from his lineback-
er position. Gavin
was just behind
Petersons tack-
le pace last year,
and anchored
both Kees defen-
sive and offensive
We lost two
All-State players
in Jameson Pe-
terson and Nick
Gavin, Coach
Winters said.
They leave huge
shoes to ll on
both sides of the
ball. We arent
looking for one
guy to replace
them, we have to
do it as an entire
That team ap-
proach is scheduled to get
underway this Friday, August
29 at home against Ricev-
ille. The Hawks will then hit
the road for two consecutive
weeks, including their Dis-
trict 4 season opener against
Eight-Player newcomer and
Class A State Qualier last
season, Turkey Valley.
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8th Ave NW, Waukon, IA
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277 Hwy. 9, Waukon, IA
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Jason Cell: 563-568-1555
Pats # 563-794-1635
Marks # 563-379-7243
Dons # 563-419-1592
707 First Ave. NW, Waukon
on the
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Lansing, IA 563-538-2009
Dental Care for
Children & Adults
Dr. Linda Carstens
Dr. Mark Fohey
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18 1st Ave. NW- Waukon, IA 52172
Phone 563-568-4528
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Erickson Pump Service
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Toll Free 1-800-269-1698
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Cell 319-361-9430
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Porta-Potty Rental for:
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Mini Excavator Work
Water Lines Tiling Landscaping Small Tree Removal
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Ph. 563-538-4123
Free Estimates for new Homes
All Types of Remodeling,
Home Improvements
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Used Appliance Sales
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103 East Blackhawk Ave.
Prairie du Chien, WI
Danny Boardman, Owner (Cell 608-306-0691)
Buyers of Standing
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Ron Vinson 563-538-4058
(Leave Message)
Broken Paddle
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Valley Sod and Palmer Bus
Homes/Apartments For Rent
Start at $9 PER WEEK
for 10 words or less.
25 each additional word after 10.
For Display Ads (Box Ads)
Call 563-568-3431 or e-mail
All Classified
Line Ads will
appear in
The Standard
& Northeast
Iowa Extra
Your Classied Line Ads will
appear in print as well as on
the internet in a Statewide
Classieds Database.
Phone 563-568-3431
is Thursday,
at 5 p.m. for the
following publication,
unless noted
Page 8B The Standard Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Lost &
For Rent
New homes, garages,
pole buildings, additions,
remodeling, siding, and
roofing. Call 563-586-
2980. w/t/d
For Sale
1-Bedroom Apartment. Ap-
pliances included. Deposit re-
quired 563-568-4833.
1-Bedroom Apartment in
downtown Waukon. No
pets. Parking included. $375/
mo. + utilities. 563-380-7878.
1-2 Bedroom Apartments.
$400-$1000/month. All utili-
ties included. No pets. 563-
568-4170. w/t/d
Outboards. Mercury, Yama-
ha All Sizes. Close Out Dis-
counts. We Trade. STARKS,
Prairie du Chien, WI. 608-
326-2478. w/t/d
Retail/Commercial Space
in Waukon. 1,600 square
feet available. Will custom-
ize to meet your needs. Cost
of renovations will determine
rent. 563-419-9818. w/t/d
Wine. Special Vella Box
Wines. Special Blow Out
Case Price. 200 Micro Beers.
New Wines and Spirits.
STARKS, Prairie du Chien,
WI. Open Sundays. w/t/d
1-Bedroom Apartment in
Lansing. Kitchen, stove, re-
frigerator, living room, A/C,
water furnished, parking &
laundry room. Small pets
OK. One month free rent.
$350/mo. plus electricity.
319-415-2967. w/t/d
Cards of Thanks
Three Bedroom, Two Bath,
Smaller Home. Built in
2001. Nice appliances. Beau-
tiful rural setting. Available
starting September 1. Ask-
ing $550/mo.. You pay LP
and electrical plus snow re-
moval and mowing are your
responsibility. One-year lease
required. Near Yellow River
State Forest and Highway
76. Not far from Prairie du
Chien, McGregor, Waukon
and Monona. 320-239-2737.
Truck Driver Wanted. Tank-
er endorsement required. Lo-
cal route, home every night.
563-880-0532. w/37/d
Sales & Delivery Help
Wanted. Apply in person at
Lansing Furniture, Lansing,
Iowa. 563-538-4678.
Wanted to Rent: Farm
ground for 2015. Roger Ham-
mel 563-497-3218.
Lost: Disposable Fuji Cam-
era. Please return to Standard
Newspaper ofce, 15 1st St.
NW, Waukon. w/35/p
Stolen: Flat Digital Anten-
na. Return to 607 2nd St. SW,
Apt. 111, Waukon. w/35/p
Help Wanted at Dollar Gen-
eral. Waukon, IA and Caledo-
nia, MN. Apply online at dol-
Annual Garage Sale: 1845
Elon Dr., Waukon. Sat., Sun.
& Mon., Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 8
a.m. - ? Many items.
Spacious Lower Level 2-3
Bedroom Apartment in
Lansing. 2 full baths. Appli-
ances furnished. $475/mo.,
utilities not included. No
pets, no smoking. References
and deposit required. Avail-
able immediately. 563-538-
4842. w/t/d
Garage Sale: 23 Fifth Av-
enue SW, Waukon. Fri. &
Sat., Aug. 29 & 30, 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Women's clothing
sizes 8-2X, household items,
holiday decorations, books,
CDs, cassettes, movies.
The family of Florence & Alfred Olsen wishes to thank the
following organizations and individuals for their services,
friendship and support throughout the years, and during
Florences recent passing: Pastor Lynn Groe, for his comfort-
ing words and exceptional pastoral care; St. Johns Lutheran
Church, for the years of strong faith-based church community
fellowship; St. Johns Lutheran Church Ladies Circles for the
delicious meal provided post service; Doctors, nurses, and
staff at Veterans Memorial Hospital and Good Samaritan in
Waukon, IA; Doctors, nurses and staff at Gunderson Hospital
and Clinics in Decorah, IA and LaCrosse, WI; Home care
staff, for their compassionate care and friendship, especially
Julie Nordheim; Lovely ladies from the Birthday Club for
friendship over the years; Beloved neighbors, past and pres-
ent, especially the Haas family, for years of support, and the
delicious meal for our family; Dale Wlochal, for his contin-
ued support and loving spirit; Tricia & Howard Jones, for
providing overnight accommodations for several guests to at-
tend weekend services; Danny Bush, Kevin Johnson and Jim
Bieber, for providing beautiful music at the home gathering
and funeral service; Kevin Johnson, for assisting Florences
daughter, Connie, to attend the service; Martin Funeral
Home, for their outstanding service and support; Family &
Friends who visited Florence throughout her nursing home
and hospital stays; Family & Friends that traveled near and
far to attend Florences visitation and funeral services; Fam-
ily & Friends who sent beautiful owers, cards and memori-
als in honor of Florence.
Your loving kindness will be remembered.
Alfred Olsen & family
Will Do Babysitting in My
Home. One child, Monday
through Friday, days. 563-
568-3361. w/35/p
Garage Sale: 1130 Elon Dr.
(Ron Herman residence- 4
miles east of Waukon). Sat.,
Aug. 30, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Clothing, toys, tools, house-
hold items and more.
Check out our inventory online at
or call 563-568-6357
Waukon, IA
Thank you
Te family of Beatrice Welch would like to thank
all the family and friends in Waukon who came to
Mothers visitation and/or funeral. It meant so much
to us to be back in Waukon for our celebration of her
life. We would also like to thank you for the fowers,
memorials, cards and the food.
A very special thank you to Msg. Ed Lechtenberg for
the beautiful Funeral Mass, his comforting words and
the song he sang for Mother. Tank you to Deacon Mike
Ward for his time in making arrangements, guiding us
in prayer and thoughtful homily. We also want to thank
the ladies who served the lunch and the choir members
for their gif of singing.
Tanks to the Martin Funeral Home for their services
and for the compassion and caring showed to Mother
and our family.
And last, but not least, our heartfelt thanks to the staf
on the ffh foor at Saint Annes of Winona for their
services and for the compassion and caring showed to
Mother and our family. We are grateful.
Colleen and Don Houser, Mary Jo &
Jim Hopfensperger, Marge Collins and Bob Potter,
Cathie Logan, Bill and Ellie Collins & their families
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Land Surveying
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David Ericson
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Allamakee Housing Inc.
CALL NONA TODAY AT 563-568-0043
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Equal Housing Opportunity
1 Bedroom Assisted Living Apartments
at South Crest Manor II Apartments
Rent based on 30% of income, all utilities included
in rent. Daily group activities and 3 meals daily,
7 days a week. Healthcare provided by Northgate
Care Center, owned and operated by ABCM
Corporation. Staff on duty 24 hours a day.
car boat furniture misc.
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PH: 563-568-2377
for myself and son in eastern
Winneshiek Co. or western
Allamakee Co. Long-term
agreement for the right situation.
Don Foley
3268 State Hwy. 9
Ridgeway, Iowa 52165
563-547-2404 if no answer
leave message.Thank you.
Full-time position in public transit program based in Decorah. Responsible for overall
administration and operation of Transit programs. Accountable for program fiscal
management, federal and state regulation compliance and securing funding for growth and
expansion. Additional responsibilities include developing partnerships with programs/
agencies for transportation planning; all aspects of vehicle inventory management; and
completing/submitting program records and required reports. Will directly and indirectly
supervise all Transit employees. Must have or be able to obtain a Class B CDL with Air
Brakes/Passenger Endorsement, successfully secure DOT medical card and be able to
drive larger transit vehicles. Requirements include high school diploma/GED with 5-7
years of public transit experience (preferably management) or BA degree in management
or business related field and 3-5 years of related public transit management experience.
Travel within and outside of seven county service area required.
Transportation Director
NEICAC is an EOE. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.
Must pass pre-employment drug screen and criminal history check
Position and application information available at, by calling 563-382-8436, ext. 103 or
emailing Interested candidates
must submit application materials and letter of interest
no later than September 15, 2014.
Applications available at Quillins Food Ranch Service
Counter, Waukon, IA OR apply online at EOE.
Commercial baking experience preferred. Shifts vary with up
to 29 hours per week. Weekends required. Must be able to
lift 40 pounds.Wage determined by experience.
Applications available at Quillins Food Ranch Service
Counter, Waukon, IA OR apply online at EOE.
Approximately 29 hours per week. Position includes cleaning
of the oors, equipment, etc. in the meat department for daily
inspections as well as other janitorial duties.
Experience preferred. Wage determined by experience.
Applications available at Quillins Food Ranch Service
Counter, Waukon, IA OR apply online at EOE.
Experienced preferred, but will train. Approximately 29
hours per week. Must be able to work nights and weekends.
Wage determined by experience.
Applications available at Quillins Food Ranch Service
Counter, Waukon, IA OR apply online at EOE.
Approximately 29 hours per week. Available to work
afternoons, evenings and weekends. Position requires
cooking, frying and other kitchen duties.
Must be able to lift 40 pounds.
Applications available at Quillins Food Ranch Service
Counter, Waukon, IA OR apply online at EOE.
Duties include customer service and ability to wrap and cut
meat. Approximately 29 hours per week. Must be able to
work nights and weekends. Wage determined by experience.
317 Main St., Lansing, IA
New opening for a
sales position serving
the tri-state area.
Must display
professionalism and
an eagerness to learn.
Serious inquiries only.
Please apply in person at:
-Self motivated
- Excellent customer
service skills
-Must be able to travel
- Must have reliable
-Past experience preferred
-Solid work history
Northern Engraving Corporation,
Spring Grove Division will be expanding
its production operations and is accepting
applications for
Starting Wage - $8.25 per hour. Top rate after
completion of 60 working days. Shift premium
for second shift. Benets include paid vacation,
paid holidays, health, sickness and accident
coverage and 401(k) savings program with
Company matching contribution.
Northern Engraving
Spring Grove Division
202 4th Avenue NE
Spring Grove, MN 55974
Equal Opportunity Employer
Apply in person at...
Full-Time Production
3rd Shift Maintenance Technician
Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative, an established Midwest dairy
manufacturer has an immediate opening for a Maintenance
Technician in our Luana, IA location. Responsibilities include
maintaining and troubleshooting plant equipment in conformance
to specications, safety, sanitation and quality requirements.
Requirements for the position include:
Plant maintenance experience or equivalent technical training.
Strong electrical experience along with refrigeration and welding.
Must have math and mechanical aptitude.
Ability to read/understand blueprints/schematics.
Willing to work weekends and be exible.
Must have full range of motion and be able to lift 50 pounds.
Must be able to successfully pass a background check.
Must be able to verbally communicate, understand, and write in
the English language.
In return, Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative will offer:
Salary Range $20.00/hr. to 24.00/hr. based on skill set
Paid Time Off/Holidays
If you are interested in this excellent opportunity please mail or fax
your resume with salary requirements to:
Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative
Attn: Human Resources
P.O. Box 4493
Davenport, IA 52808
Fax: 563-468-6614
Lab Technician
Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative, an established Midwest dairy
manufacturer has an immediate opening for a
full-time Lab Technician Technician in our Luana, IA location.
Shiftwork and weekends are part of the normal schedule.
Requirements for the position include:
Prefer Associates Degree with 1 year of experience in quality
systems or lab technician in the food industry.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Must be able to operate lab equipment and adjust machine settings.
M ust have procient skills with Microsoft Ofce software
Must be able to demonstrate hand-eye coordination and dexterity to
handle precision instruments in a lab setting.
Responsibilities of this position include:
Complete required quality testing of raw materials, in-process
products, nished products or other Materials per Company or
regulatory standards.
Execute sampling of products throughout the process to determine
compliance to specications.
Monitor temperatures throughout the process.
Maintain clear and accurate laboratory recordkeeping
In return, Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative will offer:
Paid Time Off/Holidays
Competitive Wage
If you are interested in this excellent opportunity please mail or fax
your resume with salary requirements to:
Swiss Valley Farms Cooperative
Attn: Human Resources
P.O. Box 4493
Davenport, IA 52808
Fax: 563-468-6614
Good Samaritan Society - Waukon is hiring:
EOE, Drug-Free Workplace.
Various shifts available.
Please apply online at
Help Wanted Help Wanted
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 The Standard Page 9B
Statewide Classifieds
Advertise your product or
Competitive Wages
Weekend Differential
Prorated Benefts
(Vacation, Sick Pay &
Christmas Bonus)
Uniforms & Shoes Provided
Free Meals
Pick up an application at:
11:30 A.M.-7 P.M.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Northgate is a part of ABCM
Corporation, a recognized leader in
health care services in Iowa.
960 4th St. NW
Waukon, IA 52172
Competitive Wages
Weekend Differential
Prorated Vacation Pay, Sick
Pay & Christmas Bonus
Holiday Pay
Uniforms & Shoes Provided
Free Meals
10:00 PM - 6:00 AM
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Northgate is a part of ABCM
Corporation, a recognized leader in
health care services in Iowa.
960 4th St. NW
Waukon, IA 52172
Pick up an Application at:
Competitive Wages
Weekend Differential
Prorated Benefts
(Vacation, Sick Pay &
Christmas Bonus)
Free Meals
Pick up an application at:
8:30 A.M.-5 P.M.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Northgate is a part of ABCM
Corporation, a recognized leader in
health care services in Iowa.
960 4th St. NW
Waukon, IA 52172
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