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Maslows Hierachy of Needs (Churchill, 2011)
Student Want and Need
Students need teachers who accommodate their own learning style (Gardner, 1999). Therefore needing the curriculum adjusted to suit them, to meet their priorities, to prepare them for life after school and to allow them to demonstrate their abilities (Foreman, 2008). When students feel important, valued and respected they are more likely to form trust, which is an essential element of being able to share meaningful contributions to content relevant to their lives (Ennis & McCauley, 2002).
Social capital is an intangible recourse that emerges from social relations and is an essential element in the advancement of individuals (Plagens, 2011). Students who have high social capital are more likely to be socially cooperative, interested in the community, genuinely care and are more likely to engage in community enhancing behavior.
Students need to experience a sense of belonging with a group (Osterman, 2000). A common trend for disengaged students is that they have lost a sense of community and connectedness (Chmelynski, 2005). Building community through respectful and inclusive dialogue is a major tool of learning, development and growth (Crick, McCombs, Haddon, Broadfoot, & Tew, 2007). Students find collaboration as extremely valuable in enhancing their learning experience (Randolph, 2000), which supports the notion that individuals learn best when working together with others in joint collaboration (Shabani, Mohamad, & Saman, 2010; Cambourne, 1995; Tovani, 2004). Both Piaget and Vygotsky agree that social interaction is a vital part of cognitive development (Woolfolk, A. & Margetts, 2010).
Address Student Wants and Needs The most effective approach to meeting the wants and needs of such a diverse social environment is by differentiating the curriculum. To understand how to differentiate the curriculum one must understand Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. This will assist in the use of Blooms Taxonomy to differentiate the curriculum by providing teachers with the understanding of how to scaffold activities that meet the needs of multiple intellectual capabilities with the aim of exploring the Zone of Proximal Development (Shabani et al., 2010). The diversity of knowledge and beliefs about pedagogy are significantly influenced by personal experiences, beliefs and values about life and learning, as well as personal beliefs and knowledge of content and how to teach content (Moje, 1996).
Student centered learning provides opportunity for students to develop a deeper understanding of content and promotes meaningful learning (Churchill, 2011). Students who find relevance in content and who are able to make a connection to a real life situation are more likely to have a long-term engagement with the content. Teachers who practice authentic pedagogy provide students with the ability to utilize prior knowledge to shape their beliefs about the world (Splitter, 2009). Teachers who focus on; student learning, facilitate social interactions, care for students, and insist on respect contribute significantly to student motivations (Adkins-Coleman, 2010). Motivationally active participants of their own learning process will have internal locus of control (Zimmerman, 1989). By giving students choices, power and fun enhances ownership and internal motivation (Erwin, 2003), intrinsically motivated students are engaged in their learning (Ryan & Deci, 2010).
Classroom community and culture plays a significant role in shaping the students attitudes about their own identity and learning (Major, 2009). Students who are able to develop a social identity with classroom community are more likely to promote interdependence with the community and behave cooperatively (Lane, Australian, & Services, 2006). The social constructivism of knowledge allows students to learn more by building on their prior knowledge with someone who is comparative to them. Teachers, who respect and get to know their students, create classroom ambience in which strong relationships and positive classroom community are formed (Lichtenstein, 2005). When feedback is combined with effective instructions in classrooms, it can be very powerful in enhancing learning and achievement (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). Discussions provide immediate feedback from ones own ideas (Scott, 2009; Hattie & Timperley, 2007).
Conclusion As a teacher be, clear, use cues, consistent, interactive and engaging, organized and have routines, aware of students needs, flexible, encouraging, able to identify behavioral triggers, aware of group dynamics, respectful towards students, and able to create a comfortable environment (Babkie, 2006). To conclude teachers need to consider their teaching style and its affect on student diversity. In my experience I have sculpted and molded my teaching practice to an interactive, yet assertive style. Promoting a democratic learning environment in which students have a degree of authority and opinion. Behavior Management, Structure, and Routine are fundamental if this approach is to succeed. Self - actualization Self-esteem Belonging and love Safety Physiological needs Introduction There is a significant diversity that exists in schools in relation to students and how they learn. This may be due to the economical class they belong to, the culture and community surrounding them. This diversity of lifestyle, living conditions, values, beliefs and life views inevitably leads to the divers learning styles evident in each classroom. Students are themselves diverse and the variety of their wants and needs are numerous and detailed (Churchill, 2011). Curriculum Differentiation Teacher Approach Learning Styles Diversity Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering Students Want and Need Unknown Knowledge Adapted from the Zone of Proximal Development (Churchill, 2011) Visual implimentation of curriculum differentiation (By Author, 2012) Visual adaptation from the Blooms Taxonomy (Churchill, 2011)
Classroom-Ready Resources for Student-Centered Learning: Basic Teaching Strategies for Fostering Student Ownership, Agency, and Engagement in K–6 Classrooms