Adult Record Fillable
Adult Record Fillable
Adult Record Fillable
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August 2012
Adult Record
Form to be used by adult volunteers to record their Girl Scout service and learning
opportunities. Form should be maintained by the individual, updated regularly, and a
copy submitted to the council or to service unit, upon request.
Volunteer Name
Phone Numbers: home work cell
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Street City State Zip
Were you in Girl Scouts as a girl? Yes No If yes, how many years?
Membership Year first registered as an adult Lifetime Member? Yes No
Years of Service Pins 5 years ________ 20 years ________ 35 years ________ 50 years ________
10 years _______ 25 years ________ 40 years ________ 55 years ________
15 years _______ 30 years ________ 45 years ________ 60 years ________
Activities involved in and/or awards received other than Girl Scouts (including the Presidents Volunteer Service Award)
Activity/Award Date