The document discusses background jobs in SAP systems. It provides details on how to increase the number of work processes, define job steps, different job statuses, tables related to jobs, how to suspend and resume jobs, and analyzing long running jobs.
The document discusses background jobs in SAP systems. It provides details on how to increase the number of work processes, define job steps, different job statuses, tables related to jobs, how to suspend and resume jobs, and analyzing long running jobs.
The document discusses background jobs in SAP systems. It provides details on how to increase the number of work processes, define job steps, different job statuses, tables related to jobs, how to suspend and resume jobs, and analyzing long running jobs.
The document discusses background jobs in SAP systems. It provides details on how to increase the number of work processes, define job steps, different job statuses, tables related to jobs, how to suspend and resume jobs, and analyzing long running jobs.
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1.All the work processes are occupied.
How can you increase
the instance number There are two ways of increasing the instance number.Either with RZ10 transaction or through RZ04(operation modes). 2.What is the background Work process parameter name? Rdisp/wpnobtc!" 3.What are the start conditions? #hoose the type of start condition you want to use ($mmediate% &ate/Time% 'fter (ob% 'fter e)ent% or 't operation mode) and comp*ete the start time definition in the screen that appears.The (ob cannot be started un*ess it is re*eased.The schedu*ed (ob can on*y be re*eased by an system administrator or by an user with appropriate authori+ations 4.What are the background job steps? ca** T,code -./0%1i)e a name to the (ob%set the priority('%2or #).*ea)e the target ser)er fie*d empty for the *east *oaded ser)er to be used.*ist the spoo* receipents who want the output.&efine when the (ob is to be*ect wether the (ob to be repeated or periodic.&efine the (ob steps by chosing step%then specify the '2'3 program%e4terna* command or e4terna* and re*ease the (ob to get started. .What is the background job scheduler !or e"ery #$sec? ' parameter which reads rdisp/btcwptime!00sec is responsib*e for the abo)e said condition #.%n %perating system le"el &ack ground process will be stored in which location? /usr/sap/sid/$nstance,wor5,(de)w0%de)w1%de)w6...) '.What are the di!!erent job status? -chedu*ed%re*eased%ready%acti)e%finished%cance**ed. (.What is the background job )able? T2T#7,this tab*e get updated whene)er there is a change in (ob staus. T2T#3,the (ob step tab*e T2T#-,the contro* tab*e for the time dri)en (ob 2T#E8T972,(obs schedu*ed to wait for an e)ent *.What is the di!!erence between +A3( and +,3(? -'/: ,here we can run %see or e4ecute a program((obs in dia*og or bac5ground mode) -E/: ,here we can create or change the source code apart from e4ecuting(most*y assingned to '2'3ER-) 1$.Waht are the steps to suspend and resume all the &ackground jobs at once? 2T#TR;-1,for unschedu*ing(through -E/:)howe)er R&&$.3&3(program which run for transport) wi** not be affected 2T#TR;-6,for reschedu*ing(through -E/:) 11.How to analy-e a long running .ob? 12./i!!erence between standard and house keeping jobs 13.A background job is cancelled.What are the issues? 14.How to kill a background job which is not showing any 01/ in +2$? 1.3ariants are stored in which table?
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