The Hebrew Solar Year Expanded Final
The Hebrew Solar Year Expanded Final
The Hebrew Solar Year Expanded Final
For more than twenty years, I have been
researching the great and small pieces of
the original Biblical calendar.
This topic is immense, complex and
has many moving parts that cut across
Scripture, history, astronomy and other
related disciplines. That scope and the
fact that expertise on so many levels is
required to understand it explain why
answers have been so elusive until now.
It was also due to this topics scope
that I had to tell its story in many parts,
from a full book (Wheel of Stars) to about
two dozen separate Powerpoint
presentations, including this one.
By 2013, three years after the release of
my book, I had taught on this topic enough
times to distill the original calendar into 4
simple rules.
Those 4 Calendar Laws in turn led to
other specialized topics based on the
many great questions I received when
lecturing on them.
Of these laws, the most controversial
one by far was that the Hebrew month
was reckoned or counted from the Dark
Moon, from the sunset after lunar
conjunction. However, I dont plan on
revisiting those particular details here.
From that controversy came a
consistent and important question: If
the moon is dark and I cant see it, how
do I know the month has begun?
The answer to this question has already
taken many forms in my research. I have
proven that certain mathematical
patterns and formulae were known,
based on Scripture math and always
worked to predict the NM from calculation.
It was not that observation was
irrelevantfar from it!rather calculation
was a process that was needed in the
event that observation failed.
Every single Biblical formula however,
was based on math patterns or
instructions given in the Torah; many
were based on the number 50and this
one today is no exception, the most
beautiful 50 pattern of them all!
And so this study today can basically be
divided into four parts
First, we need to see the broad
requirements of the Hebrew Solar Year
as recorded directly in the Scripture.
However, the rules in Scripture as it turns
out can be carried out through a variety of
different techniques, so we need the help
of first century historians to tell us
which method was chosen.
Two of these first century Jewish
historiansJosephus and Philowere
each descended from the families of
priests and kings.
Scripture also tells us that priests and
kings were the ones who kept and
administered the public and secret rules of
the original Biblical calendar (Leviticus
23:4). Therefore, showing the chosen
methods is our second part.
The third part of this study then will be
combining all of these requirements
and mechanisms from Scripture and
the historical record into one over-
arching master system.
This system is actually what I call the
Hebrew Solar Year, so in the fourth and
final part we will use this system to
predict our Abib New Moons 50 years
in advance perfectly, every time.
Also by the time this study ends, I will
demonstrate that there is only one way to
piece all the data together into that master
As a result, we can actually recover the
lost system of the Hebrew Solar Year to
a historical and mathematical
certaintyfor the first time since the
Temple was destroyed in 70 CE.
With those ideas in mind, let me preview
Part 1 with 5 broad headlines for how the
Hebrew Solar Year was supposed to work. I
will then give the complete documentation of
those headlines in the next section.
1) The four seasons, divided by
equinoxes and solstices, are created by
Abba YHWH to divide the solar year
(Genesis 8:22).
2) Turns of the year described as only
in spring or in fall, are referring to
equinoxes (Exodus 34:22, 1 Kings 20:22,
26; 2 Chronicles 24:23; 36:10). The year is
evenly divided by equinoxes rather than by
3) Abba YHWH commands the year will
after Exodus run spring to spring
(Exodus 12:1-2).
4) The solar year was in turn divided
into 12 equal sections, just as the period
from sunrise to sunset was divided into 12
equal parts (Genesis 37:1-11, John 11:9).
5) The year was reckoned by fixed
stars, what we today call sidereal time
by 12 stars or constellations tied to the
solar year (also Genesis 37:1-11). The
Pleiades, Orion and others announced
the start of spring (Job 38:31-33).
With these broad concepts in mind, I
will show how the Scripture ties these
ideas together in a larger structure that
will, in turn, be further clarified in the
historical record.
At the risk of over-repetition, our next
step is to, for the sake of clarity, to
repeat these 5 concepts again and give
fuller details on each one. We begin
The First Rule
1) The four seasons, divided by
equinoxes and solstices, are created by
Abba YHWH to divide the solar year
(Genesis 8:22).
While the earth remains, seedtime and
harvest, and cold and heat, and summer
and winter, and day and night shall not
cease. (Genesis 8:22 NAU)
These terms are understood as
The First Rule
Seedtime = Fall Equinox, when we sow
crops for the next spring.
Harvest = (Three times):Spring Equinox,
when we begin the agricultural year with
barley (Passover), then wheat (Feast of
Weeks), then figs, pomegranates, olives
and finally grapes (Tabernacles).
Summer = June Solstice, when the sun
reaches its northernmost point in the sky.
Linked also to hot season.
The First Rule
Winter = December Solstice, when the
sun reaches its southernmost point in the
sky. Also linked to cold season.
Day = yom in Hebrew, in this case not the
full 24 hour day, but the interval between
sunrise and sunset. Messiah Yshuas
comment in John 11:9 that there are 12
hours of daylight suggests that the solar
yearwhich Genesis 8:22 is describing
is also divided into 12 equal parts.
The First Rule
Night = laila in Hebrew, or the time
between sunset and sunrise. Without the
sun, ancient Hebrews divided the night
into four watches of about 3 hours each
(Matthew 14:25; Mark 16:48). In later
times like Daniel, the watch would
become the word iddan (moment/hour) or
1/3 of a night watch, from where we would
eventually get 12 hours (shaeta) of night
as well. AENT: watch = 1/4
of the night.
The First Rule
The First Rule
In another sense though the full 24 hour
day-night cycle was well understood by
the ancient Hebrews.
Both the priests and Levites were divided
into 24 divisions, or courses (1 Chronicles
24 and 25), one for every hour of the solar
day. Furthermore, the Hebrew word for
ministera synonym for the
priestsis the exact same word as the
The Second Rule
2) Turns of the year described as only
in spring or in fall, are referring to
equinoxes (Exodus 34:22, 1 Kings 20:22,
26; 2 Chronicles 24:23; 36:10). The year
is evenly divided by equinoxes rather
than by math.
If we divided the solar year
mathematically, its halfway point or turn
would be 182.5 days from our start point.
The Second Rule
But because the Scripture says the year
turns rather than ends at the start of
spring and fall, that means the
equinoxes mark the halfway
boundaries of the circle of the year.
That is why the Scripture always uses
Hebrew words for these turns of spring
and fall that mean cycle, completing a
circuit, returning to a fixed point, as we
see here
The Second Rule
Strong 8666 [ ] teshuvah n.f. return,
answer;1. sf. 1 S 7:17 and
his return was (= he returned) to Rama. 2.
esp. cstr. at the return of the
year, i.e. of spring, 2 S 11:1, 1 K 20:22,
20:26, 2 Ch 36:10, : : 1 Ch 20:1 (||
2 S 11:1). 3. answer, pl. abs. Jb 34:36,
sf. 21:34
Brown Driver Briggs
The Second Rule
[ ] n.f coming round, circuit;cstr.
Ex 34:22 (JE), adv., at the circuit
(completion) of the year, so : 2 Ch
24:33; = pl. cstr. 1 S 1:20; sg.
sf. of finished circuit of sun Psalm 19:7 (opp.
; cf. of moon, Ecclus 43:7).
Brown Driver Briggs
The Second Rule
The heavens are telling of the glory of
Elohim; and their expanse is declaring the
work of His hands. Day to day pours forth
speech, and night to night reveals
knowledge. There is no speech, nor are
there words; their voice is not heard. Their
line has gone out through all the earth,
and their utterances to the end of the world.
In them He has placed a tent for the sun,
which is as a bridegroom coming out
The Second Rule
of his chamber; it rejoices as a strong
man to run his course. Its rising is from
one end of the heavens, and its circuit
(tekuwfa) to the other end of them; and
there is nothing hidden from its heat.
(Psalm 19:1-6 NAU)
Notice the Psalm never talks about sunset,
only the sun rising from one end of the
heavens to the other? And the strong
man to run his course = solar orbit!
The Second Rule
Also the line that has gone out from
the ends of the earth indicates the
earth is tethered to the sun while the
sun goes on its orbit.
And not only is the earth called a sphere
(Isaiah 40:22), the entire universe is said
to be a circle and space is curvedthe
Scripture anticipating the work of Albert
Einstein by more than 3,000 years.
The Second Rule
Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot
see, and He walks above the circle of
heaven.' (Job 22:14 NKJ)
In these and many other verses, the word
used for circle in Hebrew is choog ().
This word is also sometimes rendered as
vault or vaulted but that amounts to the
same thing, referring to an arch design
which is itself circular. Heres some more:
The Second Rule
He {YHWH} has set a seal upon the stars
(Job 9:9).
7682 Seal(780b) (htemet) a signet
seal. The basic meaning of this root is "to
seal." Various kinds of documents were
authenticated by affixing seal impressions
from stamp or cylinder seals. The one
was stamped into clay or wax while the
other was rolled across it, leaving an
impression. Brown Driver Briggs
The Second Rule
It looks like thisseal on the stars!
The Second Rule
And a great wonder was seen in heaven; a
woman clothed with the sun, and the
moon under her feet, and on her head a
crown of twelve stars.-Revelation
He {YHWH} sits enthroned above the
circle of the Earth. (Isaiah 40:22)
So far then the deep (matter), the stars
and the earth have circles, but thats far
from the whole story.
The Second Rule
[Samuel] used to go annually on circuit
(shana bshana vesaviv/ ) to
Bethel and Gilgal and Mizpah, and he
judged Israel in all these places.
(1 Samuel 7:16 NAU)
The word saviv literally means to go
around in a circle. And in addition to that
the year has two turnsor half circles
given by two separate Hebrew words!
The Second Rule
You shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that
is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and
the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the
year (tekuwfat ha shana/ )-
Exodus 34:22 NAU
The two turns of the year, or
equinoxes/half circles are in spring and
fall. The one in fall, for Sukkot, is
mentioned above. Here is the other one, in
The Second Rule
Then the prophet came near to the king of
Israel and said to him, "Go, strengthen
yourself and observe and see what you
have to do; for at the turn of the year
(teshuvat ha shana/ ) the king of
Aram will come up against you."
(1 Kings 20:22 NAU; see also: 1 Kings
20:26, 2 Chronicles 24:23; 36:10)
Heres more circle proof
The Second Rule
And all the host of heaven will wear
away, and the sky will be rolled up like a
scroll; all their hosts will also wither away as
a leaf withers from the vine, or as one
withers from the fig tree. (Isaiah 34:4 NAU)
The Second Rule
One of the words for scroll is megilla,
which is from a root that means to roll up.
But if the universe itself will be rolled
back up like a scroll, as if it were a book
to be closed and put back on the shelf,
then we must understand this: scrolls,
unlike modern books, open from and
close to a central point!
Therefore, Creation represents a kind of
rolling out and destruction a kind of
rolling back. Heres another one
The Second Rule
He has inscribed a circle on the surface
of the waters at the boundary of light and
darkness. The pillars of heaven tremble and
are amazed at His rebuke.
(Job 26:10-11)
The Second Rule
When he fixed the heavens firm, I was
there, when he drew a circle on the
surface of the deep, when he thickened
the clouds above, when the sources of the
deep began to swell, when he assigned the
sea its boundaries -- and the waters will not
encroach on the shore -- when he traced
the foundations of the earth, I was beside
The Second Rule
the master craftsman, delighting him day
after day, ever at play in his presence, at
play everywhere on his earth, delighting to
be with the children of men.
(Proverbs 8:27-31)
So it is beyond dispute that the heavens
the visible Universe with all its stars,
planets and galaxiesis accurately called
a circle. Later on we will see Scriptural
proof on how to divide that circle.
The Third Rule
3) Abba YHWH commands the year will
run spring to spring after the Exodus.
Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt,
'This month must be the first of all the
months for you, the first month of your
year. (Exodus 12:1-2 NJB)
In order for this lunar month (Abib) to be at
the right time of year for the barley and
Pesach, it must belong to the correct solar
cycle, or season, as shown by this word
The Third Rule
This word eth () means season and
is often a synonym for moedim or
appointed times/feasts that must coincide
with those seasons, such as here
Therefore, I will take back My grain at
harvest time and My new wine in its
season ( ). I will also
take away My wool and My flax given to
cover her nakedness. And then I will
The Third Rule
uncover her lewdness in the sight of her
lovers, and no one will rescue her out of My
hand. (Hosea 2:9-10 NAU)
In addition, eth actually refers to the
seasons themselvesdirectlywhich the
moedim technically must be attached to in
order to be relevant. In other words, you
cannot have Pesach without barley,
Sukkot without grapes, etc. Lets see
The Third Rule
If you walk in My statutes and keep My
commandments so as to carry them out,
then I shall give you rains in their season
( ), so that the land will yield its
produce and the trees of the field will
bear their fruit. (Leviticus 26:3-4 NAU)
Eth clearly means the agricultural year,
and this is far from the only example I
have to share with you
The Third Rule
He will give the rain for your land in its
season ( - ), the early and late
rain, that you may gather in your grain
and your new wine and your oil.
(Deuteronomy 11:14 NAU)
They all wait for You To give them their food
in due season ( ).
(Psalm 104:27 NAU)
The Third Rule
Therefore, since the stars bring in the eth
per Job 38:32
and the eth are either synonyms for the
moedim or the structure to which the
moedim are inextricably attached to the
eth in which they occur (i.e. you cant have
Pesach in summer, etc.)
it must be the case then that the stars
bring in the eth and the moedim!
The Fourth Rule
4) The solar year was in turn divided into
12 equal sections, just as the period from
sunrise to sunset was divided into 12 parts.
(Genesis 37:1-11, John 11:9).
This is what I sometimes call the Joseph
Principle since that patriarch was the
author. Joseph has two visions at age
17, showing the heavens and the
agricultural year are inextricably
The Fourth Rule
Now Joseph had a dream, and he repeated
it to his brothers, who then hated him more
than ever. 'Listen', he said, 'to the dream I
had. We were binding sheaves in the field,
when my sheaf suddenly rose and stood
upright, and then your sheaves gathered
round and bowed to my sheaf.
(Genesis 37:5-7-NJB)
The timing of the dream is late spring,
towards the wheat harvest.
The Fourth Rule
In a later time, Moshe will memorialize
these harvests as Passover for barley and
the Feast of Weeks for wheat.
But this dream of Josephs is far more
than just an innocent harvest scene, as
his brothers and parents knew
'So you want to be king over us,' his
brothers retorted, 'you want to lord it over
us?' And they hated him even more.
(Genesis 37:8-NJB)
The Fourth Rule
But this subsequent and inter-related
second dream was truly an amazing vision
filled with advanced astronomy!
Before showing this part, please bear in
mind that the dreams Joseph
interprets always come in related pairs
that support the same events.
The dreams about the baker and the
cupbearer said each would be released in
3 days, one to life and the other to death.
The Fourth Rule
Two years later, Joseph foretold
Pharaohs separate dreams of seven
strong stalks followed by seven weak
stalks and seven fat cows followed by
seven starving cows and said
Pharaoh's dreams are one and the same:
Elohim has confirmed to Pharaoh what
he is going to do. (Genesis 41:25 Matara)
The Fourth Rule
Therefore these two dreams must also
be linked by common theme and
First, the sheaves that are being bound set
the general time of year, and then the
confirming dream will show how the times
behind those seasons are counted.
Lets see this fact clearly as we continue
with the story
The Fourth Rule
He had another dream which he recounted
to his brothers. 'Look, I have had another
dream,' he said. 'There were the sun, the
moon and 11 stars, bowing down to me.
He told his father and brothers, and his
father scolded him. 'A fine dream to
have!' he said to him. 'Are all of us then,
myself, your mother and your brothers,
to come and bow to the ground before
you? (Genesis 37:9-10 NJB)
The Fourth Rule
The astronomical message could not be
clearer. Although Jacobs favorite wife
Rachel had died before this time, giving birth
to the last son, Benjamin (Genesis 35),
Jacob says your mother which includes
her. So the 11 stars are Josephs 11 other
brothers, the sun is Jacob and the moon is
Rachel. Joseph must also have a star,
completing the 12 star division of the
heavenly circle!
The Fourth Rule
Another clear proof of this rule relates to
data that directly comes from Solomon
And Shelomoh had 12 governors over all
Yisral, who provided food for the sovereign
and his household each one made
provision for 1 month of the year.
(1 Kings 4:7-TS 1998)
The only way to guarantee 12 months each
year is reckoning to solar time!
The Fourth Rule
Next, we see this same pattern with
As regards those twelve stones, which
they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set
them up at Gilgal. (Joshua 4:20 NJB)
YHWH then said to Joshua, Today I have
rolled away the shame of Egypt from you,
and so the place has been called Gilgal
ever since. (Joshua 5:9-Matara)
The Fourth Rule
The place called Gilgal literally
means sacred stone circle and it was
at that place Joshua set up exactly that
kind of structure.
When he does this and one other
command, Abba YHWH responds by
literally rolling away the disgrace of
Egypt, so obviously He approved. Here is
the other command to cut in a circle
The Fourth Rule
At this time Yahweh said to Joshua,
'Make flint knives and circumcise the
Israelites again (a second time). Joshua
made flint knives and circumcised the
Israelites on the Hill of Foreskins. The
reason why Joshua circumcised them was
this. All the males of the people who had
come out of Egypt of age to bear arms had
died in the desert on their journey after
The Fourth Rule
leaving Egypt. Now, all the people who
came out had been circumcised; but none
of those born in the desert, during the
journey, after leaving Egypt, had been
circumcised; for the Israelites walked the
desert for forty years, until the whole nation
had died out, that is, the men who had come
out of Egypt of age to bear arms; they had
not obeyed the voice of Yahweh, and
Yahweh had sworn to them never
The Fourth Rule
to let them see the land which he had sworn
to their ancestors that he would give us, a
land flowing with milk and honey. But in
place of these he set their sons, and
these were the ones whom Joshua
circumcised: they were uncircumcised
because they had not been circumcised
during the journey. When the circumcising
of the whole nation was finished, they
The Fourth Rule
stayed resting in the camp till they were well
again. (Joshua 5:2-8 NJB)
Like Abraham, Joshua had Israel enter
into the covenant circle of life through
incising a circle in their flesh.
And like Moses, Joshua also built a
stone circle-clock comprised of 12
stones, one for each tribe of Israel
(Exodus 28:21; 39:14)! And speaking of
The Fourth Rule
And you shall be circumcised in the flesh
of your foreskin, and it shall be the sign
of the covenant between Me and you. And
every male among you who is 8 days old
shall be circumcised throughout your
generations. (Genesis 17:9-12)
Once again we see a circle
(circumcision) which is divided by 12
(tribes of Israel). In fact, the reason there
are 12 tribes is to mirror the heavens!
The Fourth Rule
And heres one final reminder from before
The Fifth Rule
5) The year was then reckoned by fixed
stars in what we call sidereal time by 12
stars or constellations that were tied to the
solar year (also Genesis 37:1-11). The
Pleiades, Orion and other stars were
used to call the start of spring (Job 38:31-
Lets see the Scripture data up close
The Fifth Rule
Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion? Can you bring
out Mazzaroth
in its season? Or can you
guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Do you
know the ordinances of the heavens? Can
you set their dominion over the earth?
(Job 38:31-33 NKJ)
Mazzaroth is a very rare Hebrew word
that actually has its origins in ancient
Babylonian Aramaic
The Fifth Rule
The stars, their images, as the stars of the
zodiac he fixed. He ordained the year, and
into sections (mizrata) he divided it. For
the twelve months he fixed three stars.-
Babylonian Creation Epic, Tablet #5
(International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
Therefore, the mazzaroth are the 12
sections the sun passes through on its
annual journeythe Zodiacand these
are also referred to here
The Fifth Rule
He has made the Bear and Orion, the
Pleiades and the Mansions of the South.
(Job 9:9 NJB)
The Great Bear (Ursa Major), Orion and
Pleiades constellations are all critical in
marking the seasons and they will be
described doing just that.
The Mansions of the South or
chambers are defined this way
The Fifth Rule
Yet again when Job 9:9 is compared with
Job 38:31,32, it is seen that the place of the
word mazzaroth in the latter passage is held
by the expression "the chambers of the
south" (chadhre theman) in the earlier.
Mazzaroth therefore is equivalent to "the
chambers of the south," and clearly
signifies the twelve constellations of the
zodiac through which the sun appears to
The Fifth Rule
pass in the course of the year, poetically
likened to the "inns," the "chambers" or
"tabernacles in which the sun
successively rests during the several
monthly stages of his annual journey.-
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia,
Astronomy section
Now remember the words of Psalm 19:4-6
The Fifth Rule
In them He has set a tabernacle for the
sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out
of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong
man to run its race. Its rising is from one
end of heaven, and its circuit to the other
end; and there is nothing hidden from its
(Psalm 19:4-6 NKJ)
The Fifth Rule
But there is also another ancient version of
Job 38:31-32and it is in Aramaicand it
has a very interesting understanding apart
from the Hebrew
Can you stop the movement of the Pleiades
or have you seen the path of Orion? Can
you bring forth the Mazzaroth in its season
or stand in the paths of Aldebaran?
(George Lamsa translation of the Aramaic
OT/Peshitta Tanakh)
The Fifth Rule
So what exactly are the paths of
Put simply, Aldebaran means the
follower in Arabic, and one of its paths is
to follow the Pleiades.
When the Pleiades sets in the afternoon
and is no longer visible at night, spring is
near. Aldebaran then follows the
Pleiades, and will also disappear at
night right before spring!
The Fifth Rule
But Aramaic Job actually says paths of
Aldebaran, so what is the other path?
The clue is with the phrase, can you
stand in the paths of Aldebaran?
This is because Aldebaran is one of two
stars that are super bright and nearly
opposite from one another in the night sky.
If you connect the dots it literally
draws a straight line, or a PATH, and if
you could stand there, you could walk it.
The Fifth Rule
The straight line that starts getting drawn
from Aldebaran in the constellation of
Taurus, terminates at the exact opposite
end with the super bright star Antares in
the constellation of Scorpio.
That line will literally divide the sky in
north-south halves. Imagine cutting an
apple horizontally (east-west) but the
halves split top to bottom (north-south). It
looks like this
The Fifth Rule
The Fifth Rule
Next we should see that the Scripture is
well familiar with what we call circumpolar
stars, (a.k.a. pole stars) or stars that
appear not to set and have other
constellations shift around them.
These pole stars are kind of like
milestone markers on a map and are
extremely important for navigating the
heavens with the naked eye. They are
mentioned here
The Fifth Rule
For you have said in your heart: `I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne
above the stars of God; I will also sit on the
mount of the congregation On the farthest
sides of the north; I will ascend above the
heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most
High. Yet you shall be brought down to
Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.
(Isaiah 14:13-15 NKJ)
The Fifth Rule
the farthest sides of the north =
extremely close to the North Pole, is
exactly where these Pole Stars are
And these are the stars of Elohim which
are called distant, high here
Is not God in the height of heaven? and
behold the height of the stars, how high they
are! {height of the stars: Heb. head of the
stars} (Job 22:12 KJV)
The Fifth Rule
So the highest, and northernmost and
head of the stars are all extremely
accurate astronomical descriptions of
these pole stars, and one other critical
detail about them is given here
Though you soar like an eagle, though you
set your nest among the stars, I shall
bring you down from there!-declares
Yahweh. (Obadiah 1:4 NJB)
The Fifth Rule
If we imagine that stars are like birds
and have a nest, then once the birds
are put in that nest, they never drop, or
set, another accurate description of the
pole stars!
So just as Aldebaran and Antares divided
the sky in half, any pole star we choose to
use will now cut the sky in half again---into
quartersas we draw a line from the pole
star to the horizon, which looks like this
The Fifth Rule
To Albebaran
To Antares
Stars near the
pole never set
Imaginary line
from Pole to
South horizon
divides sky in
Imaginary ring
from Aldebaran
to Antares
divides sky in
The Fifth Rule
The constellations, in ancient times, the March (Vernal) Equinox
was revealed by Aldebaran, and the September (Autumnal)
Equinox revealed by Antares!
(To Pole
The Fifth Rule
From this point, skilled observers would
notice that roughly three lunar or solar
cycles align with each quarter of sky, or
season, again dividing that sky ultimately
into a circle with 12 equal parts of 30
degrees each (30 x 12 = 360).
As a result, Job gives us a complete
astronomical system for accurately
calculating the solar year according to the
stars. It looks like this
The Fifth Rule
3 months
3 months
3 months
3 months
(Here, the constellations
are shown in modern
times. But the observed
conditions today are the
same as in ancient times
only the constellation
marking the equinoxes
and solstices have
changed. Refer back to
slide 81.)
The Fifth Rule
And all that star data leads to this
The Historians Speak
So at this point, we have delved deep into
the 5 Rules directly drawn from Scripture,
but this is only part of the story.
Reason being, these rules can be
achieved through a variety of methods
in many cases, so we need to hear from
the witnesses to tell which method was
used by the Hebrew astronomer-
The Historians Speak
So now we are going to see these 5 Rules
one more time, but this time I will follow
them up with explanatory quotes from
Josephus and/or Philo. When we are
finished, we will have two sets of data:
Scriptural and historical.
Our task will then be to show the one
and only Master Method that works with
all the data in placethe one, true, lost
system of the Hebrew astronomer priests!
The Historians Speak
1) The four seasons, divided by
equinoxes and solstices, are created by
Abba YHWH to divide the solar year
(Genesis 8:22).
On the 4
day he adorned the heaven with
the sun, the moon, and the other stars; and
appointed them their motions and
courses, that the changes of the seasons
might be clearly signified. (Josephus,
The Historians Speak
Moses puts down the beginning of the
vernal equinox as the first month of the
year, attributing the chief honor, not as
some persons do to the periodical
revolutions of the year in regard of time, but
rather to the graces and beauties of nature
which it has caused to shine upon men; for it
is through the bounty of nature that the
seeds which are sown to produce the
The Historians Speak
necessary food of mankind are brought to
perfection. And the fruit of trees in their
prime, which is second in importance only to
the necessary crops, is engendered by the
same power, and as being second in
importance it also ripens late; for we always
find in nature that those things which are not
very necessary are second to those which
are indispensable. (Philo, On Moses, 2:222)
The Historians Speak
2) Turns of the year described as only in
spring or in fall, are referring to
equinoxes (Exodus 34:22, 1 Kings 20:22,
26; 2 Chronicles 24:23; 36:10). The year is
evenly divided by equinoxes rather than by
From the spring equinox to the summer
solstice, day receives an addition to its
length, and night, on the other hand,
submits to a diminution; until the longest
The Historians Speak
day and the shortest night are both
completed. And then after the summer
solstice the sun, turning back again the
same road, neither more quickly nor
more slowly than he advanced, but
always preserving the same difference in
the same manner, having a constantly
equal arrangement, proceeds on till the
autumnal equinox; and then, having
The Historians Speak
made day and night both equal, it begins
to increase the length of the night,
diminishing the day until the time of the
winter solstice. And when it has made
the night the longest night, and the day
the shortest day, then returning back
again and adopting the same distances
as before, he again comes to the spring
equinox. Thus the differences of time which
appear to be unequal, do in reality possess
The Historians Speak
a perfect equality in respect of magnitude,
not indeed at the same seasons, but at
different seasons of the year.
(Philo, Who is The Heir of Divine Things,
The Historians Speak
And the sun, the ruler of the day, making
two equinoxes every year, both in spring
and autumn. The spring equinox in the
constellation of Aries, and the autumnal
one in Libra, gives the most evident
demonstration possible of the divine
dignity of the number 7. For each of the
equinoxes takes place in the 7
month, at
which time men are expressly
commanded by law to celebrate the
The Historians Speak
greatest and most popular and
comprehensive festivals; since it is owing
to both these seasons, that all the fruits of
the earth are engendered and brought to
perfection; the fruit of corn, and all other
things which are sown, being owing to the
vernal equinox; and that of the vine, and of
all the other plants which bear hard berries,
of which there are great numbers, to the
autumnal one. (Philo, On Creation, 1:116)
The Historians Speak
3) Abba YHWH commands the year will
after Exodus run spring to spring (Exodus
In the month of Xanthikos, which is by us
called Nisan, and is the beginning of our
year, on the fourteenth day of the lunar
month, when the sun is in Aries, (for in
this month it was that we were delivered
from bondage under the
The Historians Speak
Egyptians,) the law ordained that we should
every year slay that sacrifice which I before
told you we slew when we came out of
Egypt, and which was called the Passover;
and so we do celebrate this Passover in
companies, leaving nothing of what we
sacrifice till the day following.
(Josephus, Antiquities, 3:248)
The Historians Speak
Now there are 10 festivals in number, as
the law sets them down. The 1
is that
which any one will perhaps be astonished to
hear called a festival. This festival is every
day. The 2
festival is the seventh day,
which the Hebrews in their native language
call the Sabbath. The 3
is that which
comes after the conjunction, which happens
on the day of the new moon in each month.
The 4
is that of the Passover which is
The Historians Speak
called the pascha. The 5
is the first fruits of
the corn -- the sacred sheaf. The 6
is the
feast of unleavened bread, after which that
festival is celebrated, which is really the 7
day of 7
days. The 8
is the festival of the
sacred moon, or the feast of trumpets. The
is the fast. The 10
is the feast of
tabernacles, which is the last of all the
annual festivals.
(Philo, The Special Laws, 2:41)
The Historians Speak
4) The solar year was in turn divided into
12 equal sections, just as the period from
sunrise to sunset was divided into 12 parts.
(Genesis 37:1-11, John 11:9).
And for the 12 stones, whether we
understand by them the months, or whether
we understand the like number of the
signs of that circle which the Greeks call
the Zodiac, we shall not be mistaken in their
meaning. (Josephus, Antiquities, 3:186)
The Historians Speak
Now, the 7 lamps signified the 7 planets; for
so many there were springing out of the
lampstand. Now, the 12 loaves that were
upon the table signified the circle of the
zodiac and the year.
(Josephus, The Jewish War, 5:217)
[Joseph] saw then," says the scripture, "a
second dream, and he related it to his
father, and to his brethren, and he said, I
saw that the sun, and the moon, and the
The Historians Speak
11 stars worshipped me. And his father
rebuked him, and said, What is this dream
that thou hast dreamed? Shall I, and thy
mother, and thy brethren, come forward and
advance, and fall down to the earth and
worship thee? And his brethren were jealous
of him; but his father regarded his words."
[Genesis xxxvii. 9.] The studiers of
sublime wisdom now say that the zodiac,
the greatest of all the circles in heaven, is
The Historians Speak
studded with 12 animals ('zodia'), from
which it has derived its name. And that the
sun and the moon are always revolving
around it, and go through each of the
animals, not indeed with equal rapidity, but
in unequal numbers and periods; the one
doing so in thirty days, and the other in as
near as may be a twelfth part of that time,
that is in two days and a half; therefore, he
who saw this heaven-sent vision, thought
The Historians Speak
that he was being worshipped by 11 stars,
ranking himself among them as the 12
so as to complete the whole circle of the
(Philo, On Dreams, 2:111-113)
Then on his chest there are 12 precious
stonesbeing fashioned so as an emblem
of the zodiac. For the zodiac also consists
of 12 animals, and so divides the 4
seasons. (Philo, The Special Laws, 1:87)
The Historians Speak
5) The year was then reckoned by
fixed stars in what we call sidereal
time by 12 stars or constellations that
were tied to the solar year (also Genesis
37:1-11). The Pleiades, Orion and other
stars were used to call the start of
spring (Job 38:31-33).
And besides the stars above mentioned
the band of the Pleiades is also made up
of 7 stars, the rising and occultation
The Historians Speak
of which are the causes of great benefits
to all men. For when they set, the furrows
are ploughed up for the purpose of
sowing; and when they are about to rise,
they bring glad tidings of harvest; and
after they have arisen, they awaken the
rejoicing husbandman to the collection of
their necessary food. And they with joy store
up their food for their daily use.
(Philo, On Creation, 1:115)
The Historians Speak
And when he had burnt the country, he
besieged Hyrcanus in the city, which he
surrounded with seven encampments; but
did just nothing at the first, because of the
strength of the walls, and because of the
valor of the besieged, although they were
once in want of water which yet they were
delivered from by a large shower of rain,
which fell at the setting of the Pleiades.
(Josephus, Antiquities, 13:237)
The Historians Speak
The constellation Orion also is a major
factor in accurately predicting the time of
spring. Specifically, the brightest star,
following Orion, Sirius, was
absolutely critical in this process.
Sirius is in a totally unique situation to any
other stars ancient astronomers would
have used.
To begin with, other than our sun, Sirius is
the brightest star in the night sky.
The Historians Speak
Sirius is also both very large and very
close to our position on earth, so it is
nearly impossible to miss it.
Sirius alone rises the same day every
year because its natural motion is so
great, that it pulls in the opposite
direction of normal precession,
which is the natural drift of stars by 1
degree every 72 years.
The Historians Speak
Imagine you are an ancient astronomer.
With most other stars, if you observed their
position in the sky and carefully marked it
down as X degreesbefore the next
century was done your son or grandson
would mark that same stars position as X
minus 1 degree (was 90, now 89). Not true
of Sirius. Precession pulls it one way and
the stars motion in the other direction
compensated so it does not appear to drift.
The Historians Speak
As a result, Sirius will return exactly to
same part of the sky at exactly the solar
anniversary date from when it last was
This is why the ancient Egyptians used
this star to regulate their calendar---a
calendar a certain Prince of Egypt named
Moshe was very familiar with. However,
Moshe was not going to use that star the
exact same way the Egyptians did
The Historians Speak
The reason was a combination of Torah
commands he himself wrote down as well
as for practical considerations.
Leviticus 18:3 specifically warned of not
following the practices of the
Egyptiansbut this was probably more
about the illicit sex they did, which was the
focus of the entire 18
chapter. On the
other hand, stars generally were
commanded to bring in the seasons.
The Historians Speak
And so, even if Moshe was concerned that
he would be using the same star as his
adopted homeland, other considerations
would weigh heavily on his decision to
use Sirius in a different way from the
For one thing, the Egyptians began their
day at sunrise while the Hebrews did their
day starting at sunset.
The Historians Speak
Another issue was the Egyptian year
began at summer solsticewhen Sirius
returned after 70 days of not being visible.
The 19
century astronomer J. Norman
Lockyer estimated that going solstice to
solstice, the Egyptians had calculated the
actual length of the solar year to within a
minute of our modern estimates. I believe
Moshe wanted to tweak Sirius to point to
spring, his new calendar start.
The Historians Speak
Philo also says Sirius accurately pointed to
the other Hebrew New Year in fall
For there is a terrestrial barking animal
called a dogthere is also the star in
heaven, which the poets calls the
autumnal star, because it rises at the
beginning of autumn, for the sake of
ripening the fruits and bringing them to
perfection. (Philo, On Noahs Work as a
The Historians Speak
Exactly how Sirius will be employed by
Moshe to point to spring is a topic for later.
Right now, we need to look at the third and
final constellation mentioned in Job 38the
Great Bear, or Ursa Majorand see how it
also helped bring in the seasons. Here is
how a professional astronomers website
explained Ursa Major, from
The Historians Speak
In the Northern hemisphere Ursa Major
never sets below the horizon, and is visible
the whole year round. It is also circumpolar
in the UK and Northern USA and is seen to
complete a whole counterclockwise rotation
every 24 hours around the North Star
(Polaris) located in neighboring Ursa Minor.
This motion has been used as an
excellent star clock throughout history.
Polaris is located very close to the north
The Historians Speak
celestial pole and has also been extremely
useful as a directional compass, as well as
determining location. The North Star is
always elevated as many degrees above the
horizon as the observer is north of the
equatorPolaris (The North Star) is located
in the constellation of Ursa Minor and can be
used to either measure time, or tell the time
within 30 minutes of accuracy. Polaris lies
just opposite The Plough (Big Dipper) in the
The Historians Speak
constellation of Ursa Major with a line drawn
from the pointer stars (Dubhe and Merak) in
the Big Dipper and five times their distance
from each other then leading to Polaris. It is
located 434 light-years from Earth and is a
yellow supergiant 2,500 times brighter than
our Sun. Ursa Major along with
neighboring Cassiopeia never set below the
horizon and completes a whole counter-
clockwise (east to west) rotation around
The Historians Speak
Polaris every 24 hours. Therefore, pointer
star Merak for example, would revolve all
the way around Polaris and return to its
original place within a 24 hour period. Now
imagine Polaris as the center of a celestial
24 hour clock (24 separate hours) and a line
drawn from Polaris to Merak as an hour
hand with each 15 degree rotation by Merak
equaling 1 hour of time passing (360
degrees/24hrs). When, say, four hours
The Historians Speak
have elapsed draw a new hour line running
60 degrees counter-clockwise from your
original hour hand and note where it would
intercept the horizon. When the line
eventually reaches that point four hours
have elapsed.
So using Ursa Major, the ancient
Hebrews had a very accurate clock to
help them confirm the hours of the day,
along with tracking the path of the sun.
The Historians Speak
These observations, combined with those
of the Pleiades and Sirius/Orion, allowed
for extremely precise observational
astronomy to correlate star, sun and moon
And while the Hebrew nameAyish
does not mean anything close to Great
Bear, there can be no doubt the
Hebrews were aware the nations
around them called Ayish Great Bear.
The Historians Speak
That being the case, is it a coincidence that
bears stop hibernating exactly as spring
startsanother clue for the season? I dont
think so!
The Master Method
We now enter our third part of this study,
to combine all the details from Scripture
and history, as we mentioned before
Once done, I will show how the
Hebrews used their solar calendar to
accurately predict New Moons 50 years
in advance.
From there, every lunar cycle within that
50 solar year period can also be
predicted with perfect accuracy!
The Master Method
We begin by looking at a circle of time
The Master Method
So as we saw, Philo and Scripture tell us
that the solar year is not divided by an
equal number of days but by the turns or
equinoxes which represent half-way points
of the suns journey.
Therefore, to represent the solar year as a
circle means that each 1/12
slice is 30
degrees and each 1/12
of time is 30.44
solar days (30 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes
and 3 seconds).
The Master Method
Like the lunar month, the solar month of
30.44 days is not a whole number, but
one with a decimal remainder.
And also like the lunar month, we need to
use whole days to represent those months
throughout the year, but instead of
having 30 and 29 day lunar months we
have 30 and 31 day solar months.
However, while we would typically
alternate 29 and 30 days for the moon.
The Master Method
we would not do this for the solar year.
Reason being, we also saw earlier how
the requirement is that each equinox
month counts as seventh and has a
Great Feast attached to it.
In other words, you start your lunar
year with the 1
day of Abib and 2
weeks later you have Passover. But the
solar year is also set because Abib 1
NM was nearest the start of spring!
The Master Method
But since the equinoxes are the halfway
points where the solar year turns, that
means the fall equinox must hit on the
day of the 7
solar month. You
complete 6 months and get to an equinox,
and then you complete another 6 months
and get to the other equinox as Philo said.
From spring to fall then it is exactly 187
days and from fall to spring it is 178
days, so the months should reflect that.
The Master Method
There is then only one way to arrange the
months so they come out in this manner.
First from the start of spring (call it March
), count 6 consecutive 31 day (solar)
months, for a total of 186 days. The
very next day, day 1 of month 7, will be
the day of the fall equinox!
Starting then with day 1/month 7, count 5
more 30 day solar months in a row, for
a total of 150 days: 11 months are done.
The Master Method
The 12
and final month is the one we
adjust to align with the year according
to the fixed stars (sidereal time). It can
be either 29 or 30 days long.
Basically when the 28
day ends at
sunset, one of the next two sunsets
could be marked as the new solar year,
also known as the first day of spring
(again, say March 21
on our calendar
The Master Method
The astronomer priests will look at sunset
on the 29
day of solar month 12 (not
lunar months like Tishri or Abib) and see if
the Pleiades is still hanging low on the
horizon or not.
If it is, then spring has not happened
yet, and we automatically add the 30
day and declare that next sunset the
time of equinox. If the Pleiades is not
there, then another procedure is triggered.
The Master Method
The astronomer priests will then look for
the paths of Aldebaran and see where it
falls in relation to the horizon at sunset.
This is completely consistent with Torah
rulesAbba YHWH does not want us to
follow/bow down to stars (Deuteronomy
4:19), so all His cycles are in darkness,
when sun, moon and stars have gotten
out of the way.
The Master Method
If Aldebaran has disappeared, they should
also see the super bright star Spica rising on
the other side of the heavens, and these
three signs together absolutely prove
that spring has started, and we would not
therefore add a 30
day but call sunset
on the 29
month New Years
Day. As a result, this method will allow
perfect alignment with the sun and stars
each year!
The Master Method
Lets look at that circle again
Calendar balances
perfectly by the return of
the sun to 0 point (Spring
Equinox) and fixed by the
stars (sidereal)
Solar Months 7, 8, 9,
10, and 11 are all 30
days long
month is 29 days
if Pleiades/Aldebaran
are not seen the
night Spica rises;
otherwise its 30
Solar Months 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 and 6, are all 31 days
long. Spring Equinox
starts Month 1
Spring to Fall, 187 days
Fall to Spring, 178 days
The Master Method
However, as good as this ancient method
with Pleiades and Aldebaran was,
reckoning by Orion/Sirius was even
better, and this fact could not have
been lost upon Moshe, again because
the Egyptians centered their astronomy
around this unique star.
After the Egyptians noted the rising of
Sirius just before dawn on summer
The Master Method
Sirius would continue to dominate the
night sky throughout summer and well into
fall, as Philo also observed. Such is also
borne out in modern research as we see
However, fortuitously, Sirius position in the
sky is such that the Julian date of the
heliacal rise does not change much over the
entire range of Egyptian history, up until
around the birth of Christ.
The Master Method
Bradley E. Schaefer (Yale University), The
Heliacal Rise of Sirius and Ancient Egyptian
Chronology, JHA xxxi (2000), p. 152.
Copyright Science History Publications, Ltd.
Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data
The range that Dr. Schaefer gives is from
about 3100 to 5 BCE, and the words of
Philo may extend this even a bit further for
Sirius amazing reliability and durability.
The Master Method
So this is how Sirius helped establish the
timing of spring
1) Sirius returned from solar conjunction at
the time of summer solstice.
2) Then it would have been dominating the
night sky throughout summer, help call the
start of fall (again, according to Philo) and
continue to be seen well past the start of
the fall.
The Master Method
3) But while the Egyptians tracked the
return of Sirius just before sunrise, the
Hebrews were more concerned with the
disappearance of stars near sunsetthe
start of their day. With the solar grid of
their calendar determined by 31 and 30
day months, this gives a certain day of
Sirius setting near sundown.
The Master Method
4) In our Gregorian calendar, the heliacal
setting of Sirius happens about November
but whatever that Gregorian day is
it is also fixed to 102 days before
Vernal Equinox!
5) Using the solar grid system then, the
Hebrews would have seen the day Sirius
set according to a fixed pattern. For 3
years, Sirius would set say on Day X and
then the 4
year set on Day X +1.
The Master Method
6) Then the 4 year cycle would repeat
back to 3 years of Day X and a 4
of Day X +1over and over again for
thousands of years!
7) That pattern is part of the Sothic Cycle
used throughout the entire length and
breadth of Egyptian history, the most
reliable and stable way to use the stars
to track the years known to exist!
The Master Method
8) Therefore the double check or
backup system was this: Look at Day
29, Month 12 and see if it coincides
with the fixed number of days after the
setting of Sirius.
9) If it does, that sunset begins the
Hebrew Solar Year/Vernal Equinox day. If
it doesnt, adding that 30
day will most
certainly produce the right sunset/start of
spring every year!
The Master Method
10) However, there was still yet another
backup system in place to ensure the
year started on time, and it had to do
with calculation from a fixed event.
11) That fixed event was the Summer
Solstice. In ancient Egypt, this was New
Years Day, and the time that the Nile
began its annual flood. Managing that
flood properly was literally a matter of life
and death.
The Master Method
12) The Summer Solstice was also a very
easy event to predict and observe. Unlike
equinoxes which required tracking several
key groups of stars, the Summer Solstice
only needed tracking sunrise each day.
When the sun rose at its highest point
all year longwhich is to say when it
rose at dawn at the level of a noon-day
sun and literally appeared to stand still for
several hoursthe solstice had arrived.
The Master Method
13) The other easy method involved
inserting a stick called a gnomon into level
ground. Because the sun is at its highest
level it will be all year, the noon-day sun
that happened after Summer Solstice
will cast the shortest shadow of the
entire year. (And the noontime after
Winter Solstice will cast the longest
shadow of the year against that same
The Master Method
14) As a result, the day of Summer
Solstice could very easily be determined,
and over many centuries of observation,
100% certain mathematical calculations
would arise, showing the precise interval
between equinoxes and solstices. So,
once the Summer Solstice happened,
count the days until the 29
day of the 12
month. If that # = 271, the last month
stayed at 29, if 270, we added a 30
The Master Method
In any case, these are the Hebrew Solar
Months correlated approximately to our
current Gregorian calendar
Month 1Mar 21
to Apr 20
(31 days)
Month 2Apr 21
to May 21
(31 days)
Month 3May 22
to Jun 21
(31 days)
Month 4Jun 22
to Jul 22
(31 days)
Month 5Jul 23
to Aug 22
(31 days)
Month 6Aug 23
to Sep 22
(31 days)
The Master Method
Month 1 starts at Vernal Equinox and Month
7 starts at Fall Equinox
Month 7Sep 23
to Oct 22
(30 days)
Month 8Oct 23
to Nov 21
(30 days)
Month 9Nov 22
to Dec 21
(30 days)
Month10Dec 22
to Jan 20
(30 days)
Month11Jan 21
to Feb 19
(30 days)
Month12Feb 20
to Mar 20
(29/30 days)
The Master Method
Once the Hebrew day for the start of spring
was called, the astronomer-priests could
begin to correlate the solar and lunar cycles
into predictable mathematical patterns. They
would have had to, by necessity,
recorded that day in both lunar (e.g. 10
Abib) and solar (Day 1, Month 1) terms.
Similar references have been found among
the Dead Sea Scrolls, from Zadokite and
Essene groups
The Master Method
On the 5
day of the (solar) month, 12
fourteenths of the moons surface was
covered and thus it enters the day. On the
day, 13 fourteenths of the moon are
covered and thus it enters the day. On the
day of it, 14 fourteenths of its surface is
covered and thus it enters the day.- 4Q317,
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English,
p. 360.
The Master Method
On the 4
day of the week of the sons of
Gamul in the first month of the first year. On
the 5
day in the week of Jedaiah
corresponding to the 29
day of the lunar
month, which falls on the 30
day of the
solar month.
Mishmarot A (4Q320), as translated by
Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea
Scrolls in English, p. 336
The Master Method
IVand on 13 and 14 Pisces; and on 15
and 16 Aries; on 17 and 18 Taurus; on 19
and 20 and 21 Gemini; on 22 and 23
Cancer; on 24 and 25 Leo; on 26, 27 and 28
Virgo; on 29 and 30 LibraTishri. On 1 and
2 Scorpio4Q318, The Complete Dead Sea
Scrolls in English, p. 361
The Master Method
The completeness and beauty of the
imagery (in Job 38) will now be apparent.
The Pleiades stood for the East, since by
their rising just before daybreak, they
heralded the morning of the year and the
"delights" of springtime. Orion stood for the
West, since his appearing just after nightfall
heralded the evening of the year, and the
bands of winter cold. Mazzaroth, the 12
The Master Method
constellations of the zodiac, the
"chambers of the south," each "led forth"
from the underworld in its own "season,"
stood for the South. And the "Bear with
her train," "guided" in their unceasing
course round the pole, stood for the
circumpolar constellations in the North.
-International Standard Bible Encyclopedia,
The Master Method
Along with all these methods, Moshe then
took one more astronomical technique from
Egypt, as Josephus explains here
And when he ordered 12 loaves to be set on
the table, he denoted the year, as
distinguished into so many months. By
branching out the lampstand into 70
parts, he secretly intimated the Decani,
or 70 divisions of the planets. (Antiquities,
The Master Method
The 70 divisions of the planets as
Josephus call them, is a bit of a misnomer,
as the part of the system that deals with
the planets comes much later in Egyptian
history, well after Moshes time.
However, both the ancient and modern
versions of the Decani system use a
system of stars to mark the hours of
the night and the days of the year.
The Master Method
The term decani or decans refers to 36
groups of 10 stars each, hence the name,
from where we get decimal and related
Each group of 10 stars was on duty
in the heavens for 10 days, for a total of
360 days in all. When a group was on
duty each star in in that group would rise
one at a time after sunset. The time it took
each star to rise gave us our modern hour.
The Master Method
In other words, star #1 rose an hour
after sunset, star #2 then rose 2 hours
after sunset, and so on, until all 10
stars finished rising before dawn.
When the 10
night was concluded, the
next set of ten stars would then appear in
the eastern sky just before sunrise,
starting the next cycle all over again that
next evening. Later the 70 faces of the
planets were added, as Josephus says.
The Master Method
In any case, the reason I bring the decans
up is because they would eventually
become part of a system of four watches
of the night (Matthew 14:25, Mark 6:48).
If people were charged with these
watches, as Yshuas disciples were in
Mark 14:34-37, their job would have
been to stay up for about 3 hours, which
is why Yshua rebukes them for sleeping
after only 1 hour.
The Master Method
To be more precise, after the first two
stars of the night rose, 2 hours would have
passed since the shift started at sunset.
Then, sometime between then and the
appearance of the 3
star, the current
watchman was relieved and the new
one was put in place.
So the watches would be replaced before
the appearance of the 3
, 6
and 9
yielding 4 shifts
The Master Method
Shift 1: From sunset to before the
appearance of the 3
Shift 2: From the appearance of the 3
star to before the appearance of 6
Shift 3: From the appearance of the 6
star to before the appearance of the 9
Shift 4: From the appearance of the 9
star to dawn.
The Master Method
Whether this system was known to nearly
all in Israel or just a learned elite, it is clear
that Yshua knew it and probably many
leading Pharisees and priests as well
because Josephus who is telling us about
it was also a priest.
Either way, when the Temple was
destroyed and the priesthood
abandoned, the secret began to die
from mainline Judaism.
The Master Method
However, when the Jews began compiling
the Talmud starting around 180 CE, they
were faced with a dizzying array of
traditions that were done in Israel, but
their meaning had been lost. These
traditions became known as minhagim or
in the singular minhag.
Desperate to save whatever they could
from their tradition, the Rabbis made up a
rule: A minhag in Israel equals Torah.
The Master Method
In other words, if a custom (minhag)
can be proven to have been done in
Israel, but we have no idea why it was
done, we must still do it anyway,
because our ancestors must have had
a good reason for doing it.
And so it was with this Decans
systemthough almost all of its details
were lost, the Rabbis remembered
sighting stars after sunset.
The Master Method
As a result, the Rabbis took that extremely
fragmentary memory of sighting stars after
sunset and turned it into an instruction that
says to never end a Shabbat or moed until
three twilight stars appear after sunset,
signaling the start of the new Hebrew day.
It is therefore my hope that the day will
come when the Rabbis realize the true
origins of many of their fragmentary
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
In a previous teaching we talked about
an amazing 600 year cycle for
predicting the New Moon.
The historian Josephus called this 600
year cycle the Great Year and used it as
an explanation for why the patriarchs lived
such long livesin part to make accurate
geometric and astronomical calculations.
The reason this works is due to simple
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
7,421 lunar months (29.530588 days) =
219,146.493548 days.
600 x tropical year (365.242187 days) =
219,145.3122 days.
Now SUBTRACT the bottom from the top
for the difference: The 7,421 lunar months
1.181345 days = 1 day, 4 hours, 21
minutes and 8 seconds longer than
the 600 solar-tropical years. But the two
figures are close enough to predict NMs!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
But my main point about this cycle is not
predicting new moons 600 years in
advance, but that 600 solar years
comprises 12 Jubilees (50 year
periods), 1 for every tribe of Israel!
This in turn is a direct analogy to the solar
year, which we have seen is also divided
up by 12 equal portions of 30.44 days
each, and the same is true for 12 hours of
daylight & 12 hours of night (John 11:9)!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Therefore, since the 600 year solar
whole is keyed to 12ths, that fraction
of 12, whether 30 degrees of a circle,
30.44 days per solar month or 50 solar
years (Jubilee), must also present a
predictable patternand boy does it
The first step to seeing this Grand Design,
it to understand that the Jubilee itself is a
lunar-solar counting device
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
"You will count 7 weeks of years 7 times 7
years, that is to say a period of 7 weeks of
years, 49 years. And on the 10
day of the
month you will sound the trumpet; on the
Day of Expiation (Atonement) you will sound
the trumpet throughout the land. You will
declare this 50
year to be sacred and
proclaim the liberation of all the country's
inhabitants. You will keep this as a jubilee:
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
each of you will return to his ancestral
property, each to his own clan. This 50
year will be a jubilee year for you; in it you
will not sow, you will not harvest the
grain that has come up on its own or in it
gather grapes from your untrimmed vine.
The jubilee will be a holy thing for you;
during it you will eat whatever the fields
produce. (Leviticus 25:8-12 NJB)
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
So since the 50
year begins in the spring,
when we would let the crops go unsown
and un-harvested until the next spring
this can only happen with a solar year in
However, the announcement of the
coming Jubilee is from the previous
years Yom Kippur (10
day of the 7
month) which also involves the cycles
of the moon.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Furthermore, the harvest festivals for
barley (Passover) and grapes
(Tabernacles) are required precisely at
the time of full moon in the seasons
they occur.
This is because it has been scientifically
proven that the full moon is the best time
of the lunar month to harvest cropsbut
Moshe knew that 3,000+ years ago
because Abba YHWH told him so!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Then our friend and hero Philo begins to
suggest that math is at the heart of all of
these concepts for 50
But the universe consists of a combination
of equality and inequality, on which
account the Creator himself, even amid
the destruction of all earthly things,
placed a sort of fixed pattern of stability
in the ark. This then is enough to say
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
about the number 300. We must now
proceed to speak of the 50 cubits, on the
following principle; for in the first place it is
composed of the right angle of the
quadrangular figures; for a right angle is
compounded of 3, 4, and 5; and the square
of these is 9, 16, and 25, the sum total of
which when added together is 50; in the
second place, the perfect number 50 is
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
composed of these 4 triangles linked
together, 1, 3, 6, 10; and again of these 4
equal quadrangles also united together, 1, 4,
9, 16; therefore these triangles when
collected together make 20; and the
quadrangles make 30; and 20 and 30 added
together make 50. But if the triangle and the
quadrangle are added together, they make a
heptangular figure: so that it is contained
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
by its virtue in the number of 50, that
divine and holy number; to which the
prophet had regard when he proclaimed
the jubilee festival.
(Philo, Questions and Answers on Gen, 2:5)
However, in addition to being an amazing
mathematician skilled in geometry, Philo
was (IMHO) an even greater astronomer,
and the math works above as well!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And this period of 49 solar years was
astronomically a period of restitution, for
the sun and moon returned nearly to
their original positions relative to each
other, since 49 solar years are 606 lunar
months with an error of only 32 hours. So
that though the Jubilee period is not a
perfect lunar cycle, it was quite exact
enough to guide the Jewish priests in
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
drawing up their calendar in cases where
the failure of observation had given rise
to some doubt. The beginning of each
month was marked by the blowing of the two
silver trumpets (chatsotserah: Nu 10:2,10).
The beginning of the civil, that is to say, of
the agricultural year, was marked by a
special blowing of trumpets (teru`ah), giving
the name "Feast of Trumpets" to that new
moon (Lev 23:24; Nu 29:1)
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And the beginning of a new cycle of 49
years was marked by the Jubilee, the
loud trumpet (shophar: Lev 25:9). Thus
the cycle of the Jubilee made
symmetrical, completed, and welded
together all the mo`adhim of the Lord--
the two great lights were set "for
seasons.-International Standard Bible
Encyclopedia, Astronomy
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
But there is one further astronomical-
Jubilee ramification that the editors of
ISBE didnt pick up
In spite of the overwhelming Scriptural and
historical evidence that counting the month
forward from the waxing crescent was
pagan and un-Scriptural, some Biblical
authorities cling to the crescent as a
fragmentary historical memory.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
My research though has pinpointed two
possible sources for this confusion.
First, 1 Samuel 20 says that it was normal
to mark the New Moon over a 2 day
festivalSaul expected David to attend
one day or the other, but David didnt
The only way you can count 2 new moon
days is from Dark Moon to Crescent,
anything else is not part of being new.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
By the time the Rabbis then compiled the
Talmud, they recordedaccuratelythat
it was normal to sanctify the new moon
over 2 days.
The problem was, they forgot which
day was the right one to start the
month, and so the opinions flew all over
the place. They also hated Philo, who had
the right info and was an eyewitness that
day 1 (Dark Moon) was the day.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
The other issue was that for a period of
about 120 years, the Pharisees and the
Sadducees were fighting for dominance in
Sometimes kings or pagan rulers
favored one sect and sometimes the
otherthe Sadducees were crescent
reckoners and the Pharisees used
calculation and observation for the
Dark Moon.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
So confusion crept into the calendar
memories of the later Rabbis, and
what they remembered depended on what
source they had for the fragmentary
According to the Talmud (and detailed
in other presentations), a high priest
died on Yom Kippur each year for 300
years. In all likelihood, this number was
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
However, that doesnt mean there wasnt a
real problem or long standing controversy
with different calendar schools.
Josephus lists land Sabbaths in Israel
that no scholar has been able to
reconcile by a single set of calendar
The Land Sabbaths were said to take
place in the years 164, 135 and 37 BCE,
and then again in 37 CE (or AD).
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
There was only one way to reconcile these
years: Sometime after the ascension of
John Hyrcanus as High Priest, the rabbis
forgot the 50
year and proclaimed
Jubilee at the start of the 49
rather than at the end.
In essence, 164 and 135 BCE were
correct Land Sabbath years, but 37 BCE
was 2 years too early; should have
been 35 BCE instead.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
The 2 year discrepancy though is easy to
account for once the rabbis switched from
counting 50 year cycles to 49 instead for
about a century.
But the last Land Sabbath, in 37 CE,
was back on a restored 50 year cycle!
So what happened in between the years
37 BCE and 37 CE?
According to the Talmud, the answer was
Hillel the Elder.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Our Rabbis taught: Since the death of the
last prophets, Haggai, Zechariah and
Malachi, the Holy Spirit [of prophetic
inspiration] departed from Israel; yet they
were still able to avail themselves of the
Bath-kol. Once when the Rabbis were met
in the upper chamber of Gurya's house at
Jericho, a Bath-kol was heard from Heaven,
saying: 'There is one amongst you who is
worthy that the Shechinah should rest
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
on him as it did on Moses, but his
generation does not merit it.' The Sages
present set their eyes on Hillel the Elder.
And when he died, they lamented and said:
'Alas, the pious man, the humble man, the
disciple of Ezra [is no more].'
Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin, 11a
And Ezra was a high priest, in full
knowledge of the calendar secrets (Ezra
6:14-18)! But getting back to Hillel
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Legend says that after so many priests
had died on Yom Kippur that Hillel the
Elder called a meeting of the most
important leaders in Israel, in 10 BCE.
Though he was 110 years old, like Moses,
Hillels eye was not dim nor was his
natural spirit abated. He did the ancient
equivalent of reading them the riot
act and shamed everyone into
agreement to get on his calendar.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Josephus then says around that same
time, the Pharisees finally won power
and influence permanently over their
rivals the Sadducees; a deal was struck
giving the latter the high priesthood and
Sanhedrin, but forcing them to follow
Pharisaic practice.
From then on, the Pharisaic calendar ruled
in Israel, until the destruction of the
Second Temple on August 2
, 70 CE.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
This was the calendar that both Josephus
and Philo said was authoritative in Israel.
Even though secretly the Sadducees
still believed they were right, politics
forced them to accept their rivals
That is why Yshua says in Matthew 23:1-2
that the scribes and Pharisees sit on the
throne of Moshethe Sadducees are not
on the throne of Moshe & dont rule!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
But the doctrine of the Sadducees is this:--
That souls die with the bodies; nor do they
regard the observation of anything besides
what the law enjoins them, for they think it
an instance of virtue to dispute with those
teachers of philosophy whom they frequent;
but this doctrine is received but by a few,
yet by those still of the greatest dignity;
but they are able to do almost nothing by
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
themselves; for when they become
magistrates, as they are unwillingly and
by force sometimes obliged to be, they
addict themselves to the notions of the
Pharisees, because the multitude would
not otherwise bear them.
(Josephus, Antiquities,18:16-17)
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Nevertheless, when one reads about the
frequent arguments between Yshua and
the Pharisees, its easy to lose sight of
where they agree with one another
100% of the time.
And the one place that Yshua and the
Pharisees are always on the same page is
the calendar! Not once does Yshua ever
chide them for doing Shabbat or a Feast
on the wrong day!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And the opposite must also be true: If the
Pharisees could charge Yshua with being
on the wrong calendar, wouldnt they
have done so? And wouldnt 2000 years of
rabbinic tradition mentioned it, even once?
So they can call him a Samaritan, the
bastard child of a Roman soldier who
raped his mother, a sorcerer and a
demon but shirk from saying Yshua
kept the wrong calendar if he did so?
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
That is why I believe the conclusion is
inescapable and beyond dispute: When it
came to the calendar Yshua and the
Pharisees kept the exact same one with
the exact same rules, as did Josephus
and Philo as well.
And Yshua said in Matthew 23:1-2 that
their/his calendar went back to Moshe,
because they are now sitting on his
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Getting back to the main point though, this
is also the calendar Hillel the Elder fixed in
10 BCEthere is no other explanation.
And right after that fix, all of a sudden the
Jubilees are coming in 50 year increments
again, because I believe Hillel could
prove his case not just from Scripture,
but from mathematics that cannot be
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
But the reason Hillel intervened and the
reason the priests kept dying on Yom
Kippur, was because the crescent crept
in as a way to determine the start of the
In some years, the Dark Moon and the
crescent would agree on the 1
day of the
month, in which case, the priest goes into
the Holy of Holies on the right day and
doesnt die.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
But if the crescent pointed to the wrong start
1 day too late, then the priest would have to
Yahweh spoke to Moses and said: 'Tell
Aaron your brother that he may not enter
the sanctuary inside the curtain in front
of the mercy-seat on the ark whenever he
chooses, in case he incurs death, for I
appear in a cloud on the mercy-seat.
(Leviticus 16:2 NJB)
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And into the outer tabernacle the priests at
all times entered and performed their
ministration. But into the inner tabernacle,
once a year only, the high priest entered,
with the blood which he offered for
himself and for the sins of the people.
(Hebrews 9:6-7-AENT)
So if the high priest enters that
innermost shrine a day too late, he
dies, exactly as the Talmud says.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Granted, and as I already alluded to, the
high priest wouldnt die every year, but it
happened enough times to stick in the
memory of the Jewish people and create
the legend.
Ironically however the two best sources
for showing that the numbers were
inflated were the two sources most
ignored by the rabbis: Josephus and
the NT!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
The NT also lists two high priests who each
served for a long time and, by definition, did
not die on their 1
and only Yom Kippur
(Finally) during the high priesthood of
Khanan and Qayapa, the Word of Elohim
came upon Yochanan, the son of
Zakharyah, in the wilderness.
(Luke 3:2-AENT)
Is it coincidence then that both ruled after
Hillel fixed the calendar in 10 BCE???
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And so it is only now, with all these tons of
data points given, that we can finally zoom
out and glimpse the Grand Design of the
Jubilee Code, which works this way
1) Begin the 1
year of the new 50 year
cycle with the New Moon nearest spring,
which is always the first Hebrew month
(Abib). In this example lets make it March
for that new moon, so on VE day
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
2) After you finish the 1
solar year,
complete 6 more years to get your first
week or set of 7 years (the Land
Sabbath marked the start of year 7).
3) Count 6 more complete units of 7 year
increments (42), for a total of 49 years, but
during Yom Kippur of year 49, announce
that the next spring is Jubilee. Then the
following will be true at the end of year
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
The New/Dark Moon of Year 1 will again
be New/Dark at the start of year 50 (i.e.,
within 32 hours of the end of the 49
solar year).
The Dark Moon will establish the end of
year 49; the Crescent will establish the
start of year 50, the 1
NM of Jubilee!
This is truly an amazing convergence of
math and observational astronomy!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
In other words, as the last month of the
year ends by the Dark moon, the 50
year begins by the Crescent moon
4) So this is a perfect 50 year solar
clock framed by the 2 day process of
Dark Moon to Crescent! From this point,
with the Solar Grid of all the days
recovered, all the moon cycles in that
Jubilee time can also be predicted!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
5) Furthermore, going back to the single
Hebrew Solar Year which will add a 30
day to its 12
month at a regular interval
6) The Hebrew astronomer-priests over
many centuries of careful observations
would be able to predict if that last month
had 29 or 30 days by looking at those
records. Then their calculations would
match perfectly the fixed cycles of the
stars always and never go out of date!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
7) Finally, because it was customary to
blow the shofar at the start of the Jubilee,
and because that day or the day after
coincided with the appearance of the
waxing crescent at evening, it goes a
long way to explaining the false
memory of directly blowing the shofar
at the crescent, even though Psalm 81
specifically said for the month to blow it at
the Dark Moon!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
What emerges then is a 50 year
calendar that is a perfect clock, not just
of calling the day of the Abib NM 50
years in advance, but also the exact
alignment of that Abib moon with the
solar anniversary from where you
began counting!
In the last example, we used a NM date of
March 21
deliberately to align with the
Vernal Equinox, the star signs of spring.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
The Hebrew Solar Year ran perfectly from
the sunset after VE to the sunset after the
next VE, where each moment could be put
on a grid of solar days or a perfectly
accurate table of 50 years worth of lunar
When the skies were cloudy, all the priests
needed to do was look at their charts for
the last 50 years
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Or, as we saw before, they could look at
smaller chunks of data of 50 weeks or
50 months and predict the exact day by
calculation for times when the moon
could not be sighted.
So once again, 50 is the perfect number
for all cycles in Torah, for omer (50
days), 1 year prediction (50 weeks), 4
year prediction (50 months) and Jubilee
prediction (50 years)! O Amazing Yah!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Finally, all these math predictions were
married with these observations of the
fixed stars and the moon
So that if, for example, the New Moon
was on VE day, they would notice that
beginning of spring exactly 19 solar
years later, would also present a New
Moon, within 2 hours of 235 complete
lunar months, the so-called Metonic
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
That pattern would then give rise to
another method for checking and honing
the priests calculations
The absolute rule is that Pesach can never
start the day before Vernal Equinox, and
that the New Moon nearest VE is always
But that means that sometimes Pesach
can start ON the day of VE, though most
times it will be at least 1 day later.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Since the Hebrew Solar Year called VE
Day 1 of Month 1, they would know what
we generally call today as March 21
, to
perfect precision.
Therefore a full moon on Day 1, Month
1/Passover, would come back to that
exact solar day 19 years laterin which
case they would know the Abib NM was
hitting as early as it could, around March
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
A March 6/7 Abib NM then would have to
be treated differently, if it was the start
point of a fresh 49 year count.
If that happened, the astronomer priests
would have had to count the following New
Moon (say around April 6
) as the start
point for 606 lunar months/49 complete
lunar years. If not, then any New Moon
starting later (about March 8
) would be
the start point for the next 49 years.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And so, todays method of adding leap
months every 2-3 years of the Hebrew
calendar is based on that 19 year cycle
Though todays calendar is not based on
the moons phase, the 19 year cycle
reveals how over 19 years a Lunar phase
of X comes back to that same phase 19
years later, which is yet another way to
predict the New Moon without seeing it!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
One last thought on this topicit has to do
with Yshuas birth. Liberal scholars have
insisted that Luke is wrong on several of
his details (hes not but thats a topic for
and one of these details is that
Joseph and Mary would not have been
forced by Roman rules to return to
Bethlehem. (Census records show this
was done in Egypt however!)
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Regardless of that issue though, there were
other rules in place that would have required
Joseph and Mary to return to Bethlehem
"Land will not be sold absolutely, for the land
belongs to me, and you are only strangers
and guests of mine. You will allow a right
of redemption over any ancestral
property. If your brother becomes
impoverished and sells off part of his
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
ancestral property, his nearest male relative
will come and exercise his family rights over
what his brother has sold. The man who has
no one to exercise this right may, once he
has found the means to effect the
redemption, calculate the number of years
that the alienation would have lasted, repay
to the purchaser the sum due for the time
still to run, and so recover his ancestral
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
property. If he cannot find the sum in
compensation, the property sold will
remain in the possession of the
purchaser until the jubilee year. In the
jubilee year, the latter will vacate it and
return to his own ancestral property.
(Leviticus 25:23-28 NJB)
So if Joseph and Mary happened to be
expecting a child during a Jubilee year
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
then the rules of the Jubilee ALSO
would have required Joseph and Mary
to return to Bethlehem if Joseph was
getting his property back at that time,
census or no census!
As it turns out, my previous research has
proven that Mary was pregnant with
Yshua during a Jubilee year. Here are
the headlines, since I have documented
this elsewhere
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
1 Kings 6:1 and 2 Chronicles 3:1 tell us
Solomons 4
year, when he began
building the Temple, was 480 years and
about 1 month after Exodus.
1 Kings 14:25 tells us that the Egyptian
Pharaoh Shishak invaded Jerusalem
(did not enter the city itself and took a
bribe instead) in the 5
year of
Rehoboam, 5 years after Solomon died.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Egyptian records give us a certain date for
the invasion: 926 BCE.
926 BCE then is 41 years after Solomon
began building the Temple, because he
started it in his 4
year and died in his 40
year (36 years), plus the 5 years of his
successor brings us to that total.
Therefore, 926 + 41 = 967 BCE for
Solomons 4
year and 1447 BCE for
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
This timing is confirmed in the most widely
accepted Biblical chronology, The
Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings,
by E.R. Thiele, and the subsequent
validation and tweaking of Thieles work
done by scholar Leslie Mcphall.
They put Davids death at 971 BCE, and
so Solomons 4
year is again 967 BCE
and Exodus 1447 BCE.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
From Exodus then it is 92 years to the
first Jubilee, 42 from Exodus to the
Jericho campaign and 50 more from
Jericho to Jubilee, bringing us to 1356
BCE for Jubilee 1.
As we count in 50 year intervals on
forwards, this means in BCE time, any
year ending in -56 or -06 MUST be a
Jubilee, and so it is with 6 BCE as a
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Other presentations also attack the
issue of determining the precise time of
Yshuas birth as being in mid
September of 5 BCE.
This is the timing of the Star of
BethlehemJupiter the kings star/planet
pausing over Jerusalem-Bethlehem at that
moment. Another marker is that Herod
died late March to early April in 4 BCE,
so Yshua was born just before this.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
For more information on this topic, please
consult Nativity in the Stars in this same
calendar section.
Meanwhile, please consider that a mid
September 5 BCE birth means that
Mary would have been pregnant around
December 6 BCE, perhaps conceiving
at Hanukkah. Joseph came to Bethlehem
to claim his land a few months after the
renter vacated it, and for census too!
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
Also in 7 BCE, Josephus (Antiquities,
16:290; 17:42) tells us Herod lost his tax-
free status by angering Augustusand this
along with a forced loyalty oath were clear
signs that a census was ordered
immediately, for the following year. The
Romans, having been informed by the
Jewish leaders, knew Jubilee would be
an excellent time to get their pound of
flesh and scheduled accordingly.
Master Method Part 2:
The Jubilee Code
And finally, this research also aligns with
our previous discussion on Hillel the Elder
reforming the calendar by putting the Land
Sabbaths back in the proper years and
restoring the proper Jubilee count.
Since this happened in 10 BCE, 6 BCE,
which is only 4 years later, would have
been the first Jubilee that Israel would
have recognized and kept on time since
the reforms happened!
The Final Pattern
But there is still one more amazing pattern
to tell ofthe proof that Torah math is
both perfect and exquisite at every level.
The Exodus happened at a precise
convergence of astronomical cycles,
specifically that of the vernal equinox and
the full moon hitting on Shabbat, a Friday
night. Everything about that night was
frozenrecorded in Israelite memory.
The Final Pattern
When it came time though for Israel to
settle down as a nation, they were
counting their days by New Moon, not Full
Moon cycles, so this pattern was adapted
At some point in their long history, the
precise timing of a New Moon hitting close
to the time ofdefinitely on the day of
VE would have been recorded.
The Final Pattern
That convergence of VE and New Moon
would have been considered the
starting point of a special cycle,
because this is mirroring the Exodus
and, as we will soon see, the priestly
cycles as well.
In a year (1939 CE) when we have a New
Moon around March 21
, we will begin
counting time forwards with great
The Final Pattern
The New Moon on March 21
, 1958 then
represents the 606
lunar cycle from
where we started counting in 1939.
This is significant because it helps
explains one of the most curious time
keeping statements in Tanakhone that
no one has offered up a satisfactory of
explanation for up until now.
We read about the most Set Apart day of
them all in Leviticus 25
The Final Pattern
'You are also to count off 7 sabbaths of
years for yourself, 7 times 7 years, so
that you have the time of the seven
sabbaths of years, namely, 49 years. You
shall then sound a ram's horn abroad on
the 10
day of the 7
month; on the day
of atonement you shall sound a horn all
through your land. 'You shall thus
consecrate the 50
year and proclaim a
release to all (Leviticus 25:8-9)
The Final Pattern
inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and
each of you shall return to his own property,
and each of you shall return to his family.
'You shall have the 50
year as a jubilee;
you shall not sow, nor reap its after growth,
nor gather in from its untrimmed vines. 'For it
is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall
eat its crops out of the field.
(Leviticus 25:8-12 NAU)
The Final Pattern
At this time then I would like you to
recall our recent discussion on the 600
year solar cycle that is very close to
7,421 lunar months.
That predictive mechanism also contained
12 50 year jubilees, one for every tribe of
Now it seems the 50 month periods are
also being thought of as mini-jubilees
in this clock.
The Final Pattern
Having seen also that 606 lunar months =
49 complete solar years
and having just set that clock to start
counting time from a New Moon that aligns
with the first day of spring/VE
what will happen now is we need to
count backwards from month 606, to Yom
Kippur in the previous fall. When we do
that, the 7
month will always be month
The Final Pattern
In other words, when we complete 12 50
month mini-Jubilees, one for each tribe
of Israel, it brings us to the exact 7
where we will announce the full Jubilee,
the start of the 50
solar year.
So one 50 x 12 cycle brings you to count
towards the 50
solar year (Jubilee) and
50 jubilees x 12 counts to 600 years, when
the solar and lunar cycles align again!
The Final Pattern
But one nagging question still must be
answered: Why announce the Jubilee at
Yom Kippur, the 10
day, rather than at
New Moon Day (Yom Teruah) or Full
Moon Day (Sukkot)?
Why in fact is Yom Kippur on the 10
day of the 7
month at allthe most
important day of all not being on new
or full moon day? It seems very odd
even arbitraryuntil we do the math!
The Final Pattern
The key to the answer is counting time
from a New Moon hitting at spring/VE.
When that happens, a March 20-21 New
Moon which is also 1 Abib will point back
to Yom Kippur in a very particular way.
We will begin counting days from Tishri 10
to Abib 1, alternating between 30 and 29
day months, which works perfect in math
samples this large. Lets count the
The Final Pattern
1) From Tishri 11 to 30 inclusive: 20 days
2) All of Heshvan: 29 days
3) All of Kislev: 30 days
4) All of Tevet: 29 days
5) All of Shevat: 30 days
6) All of Adar: 29 days
7) 1 to get to 1 Abib: 1
The Final Pattern
168 is a very special calendar number
Recall how the priestly courses were
divided into 24 groups, as were the
Levites, by David himself (1 Chronicles 24
and 25).
We are also told in 1 Chronicles 24:19
that this division was based according
to the ordination given to them by
Aaron their father, so David is simply
following instructions left by Aaron.
The Final Pattern
But why would the number 24 be so
important to both Aaron and David
unless they understood the period from
sunset to sunset was 24 hours long
and therefore understood the need to
divide that day into 24 equal hours!
Further proof is that the word for
minister, which is a synonym for priest, is
shamash and this is the same word in
Hebrew for shemeshthe sun!
The Final Pattern
And the service cycle of the priests was also
meant to mimic the sun as well
So the Levites and all Judah did according
to all that Yehoiada the priest commanded.
And each one of them took his men who
were to come in on the Shabbat, with
those who were to go out on the Shabbat,
for Yehoiada the priest did not dismiss any
of the divisions. (2 Chronicles 23:8)
The Final Pattern
So we see clearly that each course served
Shabbat to Shabbat, meaning that a
course came and went on a Friday
Each Friday, the new course would
come in the afternoon to begin
relieving the old course that had been
on duty from the previous Shabbat.
Therefore, each course served 7 days
The Final Pattern
So heres where the math comes in
24 hours x 7 days = 168 hours
168 hours = 1 week = 1 courses service
24 courses x 7 days = 168 days for all 24
courses to serve one week!
And 168 days is the exact length of time
between Yom Kippur and 1 Abib when we
begin a count 50 years earlier, when 1
Abib NM hit on the first day of spring!
The Final Pattern
In other words, the amount of days for
all 24 priest courses to serve is
deliberately meant to match exactly the
same amount of days from when the
Jubilee is announced (Yom Kippur) to
when it begins (1 Abib)! It is keyed to
priestly time!
Not only does this explain perfectly why
Yom Kippur was chosen to announce
Jubilee, it also shows other great patterns!
The Final Pattern
In other words, the amount of days for
all 24 priest courses to serve is
deliberately meant to match exactly the
same amount of days from when the
Jubilee is announced (Yom Kippur) to
when it begins (1 Abib)! It is keyed to
priestly time!
Now some may at this point protest
because if there is a leap year2 Adar
then this is more than 168 days.
The Final Pattern
My answer of course is that such a
statement is totally true and valid.
However, the figure of 168 days will
always remain exactly that when
counting the other way, from 1 Abib to
10 Tishri, every year, and the priestly
year begins in spring going towards fall.
That, plus the fact many other years will
have this be true counting the other way
too, tells us the pattern is intentional.
The Final Pattern
It also explains why Moshe was told to
put the Day of Atonement on the 10
Tishri in the first place, for only by doing
so could we have the perfect
convergence of priestly time and Jubilee
time! The other alignment is that of 1 Tishri.
Again starting from 49 years earlier, when
the 1
day of spring and Abib NM
aligned, we come to that last 7
when Jubilee is announced
The Final Pattern
So if Yom Kippur (10 Tishri) is 168 days
before 1 Abib, then 10 days earlier when
Elul ended is 178 days.
It is exactly 178 days from fall equinox
to spring equinox, and both the start
and end of this 49 year cycle are also
on spring equinox.
It is, in other words, the perfect alignment
of lunar, Hebrew and solar calendars.
The Final Pattern
It is also a seamless expression of Torah
principles at every level, as the Torah
encodes the procedures and numbers that
balance every aspect of the calendar, from
the sun, moon and the stars. The fact that
this same clock is tracking solar years
precisely from VE to VE, predicting NMs and
balancing on 50 month mini-Jubilees at the
same time is beyond amazing.
Jeremiah was right
The Final Pattern
Yahweh says this, "If I have not created
day and night and fixed the laws governing
heaven and earth, why, then I shall reject the
descendants of Jacob and of David my
servant and cease to choose rulers from his
descendants for the heirs of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob! For I shall bring back their
captives and take pity on them." '
(Jeremiah 33:25-26 NJB)
abr hdwt
Todah Rabbah
Andrew Gabriel Roth
Completed on my 50
Birthday/Jubilee Year
April 7
, 2014