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Proof: The Bible Is True
Proof: The Bible Is True
Proof: The Bible Is True
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Proof: The Bible Is True

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The Bible is composed of 66 books penned by 40+ people over 2,000 years. Since the Bible was penned by these people over several thousands of years, some skeptics cast suspicions that it was not integrated or true. The Bible can be proven, it is integrated and literal and authored by someone outside of our time domain. Every letter and every number was dictated by deliberate design of Elohim (God).
Prophecies are not to scare you or anyone else. They are to prepare the Believer for events when they occur.
To be a Christian should be a challenge. If you are not being persecuted, you are not walking closely with Yeshua (Jesus). We are told YHVH does not give us the Spirit of Fear in 2 Tim 1:7. Yeshua tells us in Luke 21:12, that before the start of the last 7 years, Daniel's 70th week or as commonly know as the Tribulation, Christians will be persecuted. Do not fear persecution, expect persecution if you are being righteous in YHVH's eyes.
Release dateJul 23, 2015
Proof: The Bible Is True

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    Proof - Timothy Duke

    Proof: The Bible Is True

    Copyright © 2015 by Timothy Duke

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. 

    First Printing: 2015

    ISBN: 978-1-329-40770-1

    Published at

    Timothy Duke

    POB 1091

    Marion, IN  46952

    [email protected]

    Cover image by Linda D Moore titled Jesus wept for unbelief and what was coming upon the world.  Luke 19:41-44

    Poems by Linda Moore at

    Table of Contents

    The Holy Bible

    The Old Testament

    Genesis – The Beginning

    Chapters 1-5  Creation

    Chapters 6-11  Noah's Flood

    Chapter 10 – Nimrod the world's first dictator

    Chapters 12-13 - Abram becomes Abraham

    Chapter 15 – Elohim's prophecy about America

    Chapters 19-27 - Sodom and Gomorrah

    Chapter 28-36  Jacob earns a wife which is a substitute for the one he loves.

    Chapters 37-50  Israel's son Joseph is sold as a slave by his 11 brothers


    Chapters 1-2  The Birth of a Nation and Moses birth

    Chapters 3-6 Burning bush

    Chapters 7-10 Elohim does 10 wonders to the people of Egypt to convince the Pharaoh

    Chapters 11-15  The firstborn child in each family dies – Passover

    Chapter 14 - Moses parts the Red Sea

    Chapters 16- The Wilderness

    Chapter 19 – Foreshadow of the Rapture

    Chapters 20-30 - The Mosaic Covenant

    Leviticus – The Law of the Nation

    Chapter 13 – Ebola ?

    Numbers- The Hebrew translation of the name is Wanderings

    Chapter 16 – The first Sink Hole

    Deuteronomy  - The Laws Reviewed

    Joshua – The Promised Land

    Chapters 1–5 Entering the Land

    Chapters 6-12  Overcoming the Land

    Chapters 13-24  The Victory of Faith

    Judges  450 years of doing what was right in their own eyes

    Chapter 1 – Could not defeat people with iron chariots - Nephilim?

    Chapter 2-21 – Joshua dies at 110 years old

    Ruth A love story

    Samuel Last of the Judges and the first King – rejecting Elohim as their King

    2 Samuel – David, the Greatest of Kings

    1 Kings – Solomon and splitting of Israel into Northern and Southern Kingdoms

    2 Kings – The end of the Jewish Kingdoms and rule

    Chapter 2 – Elijah raptured – Elisha parable of the first half of Daniel's 70th week

    1 Chronicles – Reign of David

    Chapter 12 –Issachars to understand the times in a Biblical sense

    2 Chronicles – History of the Southern Kingdom

    Ezra –The rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem

    Nehemiah – The rebuilding of Jerusalem

    Esther – Something Hidden

    Job – Unknown writer – dated as probably the first book written in the Bible

    Chapter 19 – Resurrection

    Chapter 26 - Is God's throne in the Northern skies?

    Chapter 37 - Heaven comes out of the North


    Chapter 18 - Details of Daniel's 70th week or Tribulation

    Chapter 22 – Prophecy of Jesus' last words on the cross

    Chapter 37 – Meek means very strong but humble maybe Heroic

    Chapter 50 – Day of the Lord

    Chapter 51 – Salvation

    Chapter 82 - Great White Throne Judgment

    Chapter 83 – Israel has a war with bordering countries

    Chapter 105 – Elohim's unconditional covenant with Abraham for the land of Israel

    Proverbs - penned by Solomon

    Chapter 25 – Honor of Elohim to conceal, Honor of Kings to reveal

    Ecclesiastes – written by Solomon

    Chapter 12 – Description of Daniel's 70th week

    Song of Solomon

    Isaiah –The Messianic Prophet

    Chapter 2 – Prophecy of the Last Days – New Jerusalem

    Chapter 3 – The End Times will be like Sodom

    Chapter 4 – After Armageddon

    Chapter 5 - 6– Israel before 70 AD – the Dispersion to all nations

    Chapter 7 – Prophecy of Immanuel

    Chapter 8 – Prophecy of Isaiah's second son

    Chapter 9 – Prophecy of Israel falling and USA falling

    Chapter 10 – Prophecy providing more details about the Psalms 83 war

    Chapter 11 – 7 Gifts from Elohim

    Chapter 13 – Start of the Great Tribulation

    Chapter 14 – Israel restored and Lucifer thrown down to earth

    Chapter 16 – The earth moans or makes sounds

    Chapter 17 – Complete destruction of Damascus, Syria

    Chapter 19 – Egypt

    Chapter 24 – Earth Pole shift - Details of the Great Tribulation in Revelation, the last 3 1/2 years

    Chapter 26 – Rapture before the Great Tribulation

    Chapter 29 - Elohim fights all nations and kingdoms/principalities for Jerusalem

    Chapter 50 – Prophecy of Jesus on His day of crucifixion

    Chapter 53 – Prophecy about the coming Messiah

    Chapter 62 – Watchmen on the walls

    Chapter 66 –Israel born in a day prophecy

    Jeremiah – The Divine Judgment Upon the Nation

    Chapter 5 – The last days will have unrepentant leaders

    Chapter 9 – Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and Babylon captivity

    Chapter 10 – Prophecy of Christmas Trees

    Chapter 23 – Prophecy of Elohim bringing Israelis back to the Promised Land

    Chapter 25 – Events occurring in the end times –noises from the earth

    Chapter 49 – prophecies of Psalms 83 war and destruction of Elam (Iran)

    Chapter 50 – prophecies about Ezekiel 38-39 war

    Chapter 50:41 – Babylon (Iraq) prophecy being fulfilled today by ISIS

    Lamentations – written by the Prophet Jeremiah

    Chapter 1 –ISIS and the setting of Psalms 83 war, Churches being rented as Mosques

    Ezekiel – Major Prophet- The Coming Restoration

    Chapter 1 – Elohim appears to Ezekiel in a living chariot

    Chapter 2 – Tough ministry to rebellious people & eat scroll as in Rev 10:9

    Chapter 3 – Ezekiel appointed as prophet to Israel

    Chapter 28 – Lucifer or satan's description and creation

    Chapter 32 – Water turning red

    Chapter 37 – Valley of Dry Bones

    Chapter 38-39 – War of Gog and Magog

    Chapter 40 – Millennial Temple

    Daniel –Beloved by Elohim- Times of the Gentiles

    Chapter 1 – Babylonian siege of Jerusalem – takes Daniel captive

    Chapter 2 - begins with Nebuchadnezzar having a dream.

    Chapter 3 – Fiery Furnace foreshadow of Revelation Chapter 13

    Chapter 4 – Written by Nebuchadnezzar

    Chapter 5 – The Fall of Babylon to Cyrus without a battle

    Chapter 6 - The Lion's Den

    Chapter 7 – Daniel's dream similar to Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Ch 1

    Chapter 8 – Dream changing to Open vision or 4 empires

    Chapter 9 –prophecy of 70 weeks (weeks of years or 490 years, also called Sabbatical Weeks or Shemitah weeks).

    Chapter 10 - Angel messenger delayed 21 days because of fight with Prince of Persia

    Chapter 12 - The Last Days

    Hosea – prophecy of animal and fish deaths

    Chapter 1 – Prophecy of the scattering of Jews and reuniting in Israel

    Chapter 4 – prophecy of mass animal and bird deaths

    Chapter 5 – Elohim announces His presence on earth and return to Heaven


    Chapter 2 – Day of the Lord & Armageddon: Signs of His return.

    Chapter 3 – Prophecy of the USA in the End Times ?


    Chapter 1 - Prophecy about Gaza which is in a war with Israel today.

    Chapter 2 – Height of Nephilim

    Chapter 4 – Drought

    Chapter 7 – Gog revealed


    Jonah – attempting to flee from Elohim's command

    Chapter 2 - Jonah was foreshadowing Jesus


    Chapter 4 - Prophecy of making the nation of Israel

    Chapter 5 – Jesus 2nd coming

    Nahum - Prophet

    Habakkuk – Prophet

    Chapter 1 – Prophecy of ISIS

    Chapter 3 – Prophecy of the Latter Days


    Chapter 1 – Warnings from Elohim

    Chapter 2 – Prophecy of Gaza and Ashkelon, Israel

    Chapter 3 – the end of Daniel's 70th week description

    Haggai – Prophet to Kings Ezra and Zerubbabel 450 BC

    Chapter 2 – Prophecy of Muslims killing each other as ISIS is doing

    Zechariah – Prophet for the Kingdom of Judah after Babylon captivity with the prophet Haggai about 450 BC

    Chapter 3 – Elohim's gift to Joshua a stone with 7 eyes.

    Chapter 4 – Prophecy that Elohim would protect Israel

    Chapter 5 – Description of the Woman who Rides the Beast in Revelation 17 & 18

    Chapter 11 – Two prophecies with one fulfilled

    Chapter 12 – details of the Psalms 83 war

    Chapter 13 – Prophecy of 2/3 of Jews die in WWII

    Chapter 14 – End of the Great Tribulation- Neutron Bomb?

    Malachi – Prophet to King Neherriah in 400 BC

    Chapter 3 – Opening to Heaven

    Chapter 4 – Elijah is one of the two witnesses in Daniel's 70th week

    New Testament

    7 types of Prayers in Bible and location of Jacob's Ladder


    The Design of the Gospels

    Matthew – longest gospel as he was trained in shorthand

    Chapter 5 – Meek means very strong and self controlled

    Chapter 8 – Demons know the signs of the end days

    Chapter 12 – desecration of Jonah in Mosul, Iraq

    Chapter 13 - parables

    Chapter 16 - Jesus warning us about the Pharisees and Sadducees

    Chapter 22 – Jesus corrects the translation of the 1st and 2nd Commandments

    Chapter 24 – Olivet Discourse or end times prophecy

    Chapter 25 – Parables of the 10 virgins and Servants entrusted with money

    Chapter 27 – Judas fulfills prophecy of 30 pieces of silver

    Mark – talking to the Romans

    Chapter 7 – The only way to nullify the word of YHVH

    Chapter 10 - Jesus confirms earth was created circa 4,000 BC

    Chapter 13 - The Olivet Discourse

    Luke – talking to the Gentiles

    Chapter 1, - John the Baptist born 6 months before Jesus

    Chapter 2 – Birth of Yeshua on Passover

    Chapter 3 - Genealogy of Jesus from the first man on earth, Adam

    Chapter 8 – Man possessed by Legion of demons – Demons know the signs of the end times

    Chapter 9 – Is John one of the 2 witnesses in Revelation?

    Chapter 16 – Abraham's Bosom

    Chapter 19 - The Jewish people are blinded because they did not know the day Jesus arrived

    Chapter 21 – confused with the Olivet Discourse

    John – the Beloved

    Chapter 3 – Jesus talks with Nicodemus, a Pharisee

    Chapter 8 – adulteress, Jesus writes with His finger in the stone floor

    Chapter 17 – Judas called son of perdition

    Chapter 21 – John is a Revelation witness?

    Acts – Lukes 2nd epistle

    Chapter 17 –Elohim points out the Bereans as good examples

    Chapter 19 – non-Christians trying to drive out evil spirits and fail

    Paul's Epistles- letters to Gentile Churches


    Chapter 11 – Fullness of Gentiles is a number known only to Elohim

    1 Corinthians – Paul's letter explaining the Gifts from Elohim

    Chapter 6 - Sins defined including Homosexual behavior

    Chapter 12 – 9 Gifts from Elohim

    Chapter 13 – Speaking in tongues of man and speaking in tongues of angels

    Chapter 14 – Gifts of the Spirit - Speaking in Tongues

    Chapter 15 – The Resurrection

    2 Corinthians – Paul impassioned self-defense

    Chapter 12 – Having an Out of Body experience

    Galatians – Letter from Paul to the Church in Galatians

    Chapter 5 – Spirits of the Flesh and Elohim's fruits of Spirits

    Ephesians –

    Chapter 2 - Hope of His Calling

    Chapter 3 - A Mystery Revealed

    Chapter 6 – Our fight is not against humans, it is a fight against satan


    Chapter 3 – Resurrection and out of the resurrection ?

    Colossians -

    1 Thessalonians – Pauls' response to Nero's persecutions

    Chapter 1- Salutation or Introduction

    Chapter 4 – Rapture of the Dead and then the Living

    Chapter 5 – Children of the Light

    2 Thessalonians – Pauls' response to the next letter from Thessalonian Church

    Chapter 1 – Salutation / Introduction

    Chapter 2 –Sequence of events to start Daniel's 70th week

    1 Timothy – Pastoral Epistle – Paul's instructions to his protégé to organize the home churches

    Chapter 4 - Scenario of the Last Days or Hours before He returns

    2 Timothy –Challenge to Faithfulness

    Chapters 1 & 2 – True Pastor under Testings

    Chapters 3 & 4 – End Time Troubles – Crown of Righteousness



    Hebrew Epistles


    James – Half-brother of Jesus

    1 Peter

    2 Peter

    Chapter 2 – The lowest hell reserved fallen angels

    Chapter 3 - Signs of the End Days or Hours

    1 John

    Chapter 4 – Difference between Muslins and Christians

    2 John

    3 John

    Jude – Warnings of last days

    Revelation – Prophetic

    Chapter 1 - Elohim gives the book to Jesus

    Chapter 2 & 3  -The 7 types of Churches and the church history

    Chapter 4 – Our future

    Chapter 5 – Scroll with 7 seals

    Chapter 6 – The opening of 6 of the seals

    Chapter 7 – Sealing 144,000 Jews of 12 Tribes

    Chapters 8-9– 7th seal and 7 trumpets

    Chapter 10 – John ate the book – the Last Rapture

    Chapter 11 – Temple and two witnesses

    Chapter 12 – The woman, the Man Child & the Dragon

    Chapter 13 – The 2 beasts

    Chapter 14 – Rapture of 144,000 Jewish people

    Chapter 15 –Seven bowls of Elohim's Wrath

    Chapter 16 – Elohim's bowls of wrath poured out

    Chapters 17 & 18 – Mystery Babylon

    Chapter 19 - Return of our King

    Chapter 20 – Millennium - Great White Throne judgment

    Chapter 21 – New Heaven and Earth

    Chapter 22 – Eternity

    Church History - State Churches

    A.D.        Event

    The Reformation

    11th - 15th Century

    16th Century

    17th Century

    18th & 19th Century

    The Holy Bible

    The Bible is composed of 66 books penned by 40+ people over 2,000 years.  Since the Bible was penned by these people over several thousands of years, some skeptics cast suspicions that it was not integrated or true.  The Bible can be proven, it is integrated and literal and authored by someone outside of our time domain.  Every letter and every number was dictated by deliberate design of Elohim (God).  A really good introduction is given by Dr. Chuck Missler titled Chuck Missler End Times Scenario (part 1/6) at . 

    The 3rd commandment of YHVH (God) is

    Deu 5:11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.[KJV]

    I grew up believing that it was about language or cursing using the Lord's name.  Dr. Chuck Missler proposed a different meaning that I now embrace.  I believe it means that if you say you are a Christian or believe in YHVH, then you should be a Christian or YHVH's child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You should not have to tell people that you are a Christian or wear a sign saying you are a Christian. People around you should be able to tell that you are a Christian without you telling them.  They should be able to discern that you are a Christian by your fruits and acts and words.  If you say you are a Christian because you are a member of a church or attend a Christian service once or twice a year or every week, but if you act like a child of satan the rest of the time, you are taking His name in vain.

    To be a Christian should be a challenge.  If you are not being persecuted, you are not walking closely with Yeshua (Jesus).  We are told YHVH does not give us the Spirit of Fear in 2 Tim 1:7.  Yeshua tells us in Luke 21:12, that before the start of the last 7 years, Daniel's 70th week or as commonly know as the Tribulation, Christians will be persecuted.  Do not fear persecution, expect persecution if you are being righteous in YHVH's eyes.

    Many skeptics have argued that specific books do not contain prophecy as they claim the books were written after the events and thus were historical books.  Archaeologists have found proof that the books containing prophecies were written hundreds or even thousands of years before the prophecy was fulfilled.  Professor Lawrence Mykytiuk confirmed 50 biblical figures in the bible and published in the March/April 2014 Biblical Archaeology Review from Purdue University.  What does the Bible say about prophecy?  It is the most important gift of Elohim [1 Cor 14:1].  Prophecy in the Bible is more important than witnessing Jesus on earth as it proves the Bible is the Truth. [1 Pe 1:19]  Only Elohim can prophecy with preciseness the events that will occur in the future, sometimes thousands of years in the future.  Biblical Scholars count over 8,000 prophecies in the Bible.  About 70% of them have been fulfilled, precisely.

    Prophecies are not to scare you or anyone else.  They are to prepare the Believer for events when they occur. The last prophecy fulfilled is the return of Jewish people to the Promised Land [Isaiah 43:5-6 and Zechariah 8:7-8].  There are 2 other prophecies that have been partially fulfilled, Is 17 (Damascus)and Is 19 (Egypt).  Some of the most astonishing prophecy fulfillment were the 300+ prophecies that Jesus fulfilled.

    The more you study the Bible; you will discover new meanings for various verses through asking wisdom from Elohim (God of Israel).  Is prophecy being fulfilled today?  Yes it is.  While most of the prophecies are related to the middle eastern nations, some prophecy is being fulfilled in America, today.  Remember the verse Ecc 1:9  The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. We commonly paraphrase this verse as History repeats itself.  A Messianic (Jewish person who believes in Jesus /Yeshua) Rabbi Jonathon Cahn wrote a book called the Harbinger.  He has made a movie that captures the essence of how America is repeating an old Jewish kingdom.  It is very good and relates to America's warning of September 11, 2001 or 9/11.  Collapse of AMERICA - September 2015 - Will The Stock Market Crash? Is This Real? WATCH NOW!

    Some of the prophecies being fulfilled today are Gen 3:15, Gen 19, Is 9, Is 17, Is 19, Ez 32, Jer 49, Jer 50, Amos 4:7 and Hosea 4. Luke 21:11 prophecy's the increase and intensity of earthquakes and pestilences on earth.  The Elam prophecy is about to be fulfilled Jer 49:36-39.  The prophecies in Psalms 83 and Ez 38-39, current events show how the enemies of Israel are being put in place to fulfill these prophecies.

    Augustine discovered "The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed; The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed". 

    Most attacks on the authenticity of the Bible concern prophesy contained in the various books, more than 8,000 prophecies.  Daniel, Isaiah, and other books by prophets have been under heavy attack by atheists and agnostics.  In 2 Peter, YHVH (Hebrew name for the unpronounceable name of the God of Israel) dictates these words for Peter to write that tells us the prophecy in the Bible is more sure than witnessing YHVH speaking to His son during baptism and Jesus (Yeshua) being resurrected and ascending into heaven.  Today we see many magicians performing impossible acts and thus their eyewitness accounts of Jesus being crucified would be diminished.  Elohim is saying that foretelling future events (prophecy) that are proven hundreds or thousands of years after the prophecy is made is more important or sure than witnessing the life of Jesus or seeing His crucifixion.  No other book has ever had the accuracy of prophecy fulfilled and certainly not the number of predictions.

    The King James Version (KJV) does not use the various names of Elohim that were contained in the original Hebrew text.  Perhaps the translators thought it would be easier for the average reader of the Bible to use the word God instead of all the various titles.  I agree with this concept as it does reduce confusion and makes the Bible easier to read.  We do not have to refer to a reference to find out what each name means nor if the scripture is talking about Elohim.  As I study the Word more, I get a richer meaning by knowing which Elohim's title is used.  The only English version that gives the original Hebrew/Aramaic title in the scriptures is the version named Halleluyah Scriptures.  This version is only for the dedicated person seeking more from the Word.  You can get it at .  It does come with a reference book to look up the various names and their meanings. 

    Gods names-150c

    2Pe 1:15  Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. ¹⁶  For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. ¹⁷  For he received from Elohim the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ¹⁸  And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. ¹⁹  We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

    Some prophesy has already been fulfilled.  Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies during His life, crucifixion and resurrection.  Some of the prophecies were written a thousand + years before His birth.  Enoch stated the first prophecy.  Some of the prophecies are being fulfilled in our lifetime.  Hal Lindsey is a bible scholar of high renown.  Dr. Lindsey has researched the prophecies of the Bible and has counted over 70% of all prophecies have occurred.  All of the prophecies fulfilled are precisely fulfilled, just like Judas taking 30 pieces of silver to betray his friend and the 30 pieces of silver ends up in the Potter's hand [Zec 11:12-13].

    Daniel 9:25 prophecies the exact day that Jesus would come to Jerusalem and be proclaimed King.  That day was over 500 years from the date of the prophecy.

    Prophecies fulfilled, authenticate the Bible.  Peter tells us that prophecy is the more sure way of faith.  The Bible is the only book in the world that makes predictions/prophecies hundreds of years in advance and some are thousands of years before the event occurs.  The fulfillment of prophecy authenticates the Bible and proves that Elohim is outside of our time dimension. 

    Some agnostic/atheist scholars have argued about the time certain books of the Bible were written.  The most attacked book is the Book of Daniel as it contains very detailed prophesy that has been partially fulfilled.  Many of the arguments are dismissed once the Septuagint (LXX) was authenticated as being written in 270 B.C.  The Septuagint was commanded to be written by the Greek empire and is well documented.  Archaeologists, many were atheists,  have authenticated the translation.  The Septuagint was a Greek translation of all the Old Testament books written in Hebrew and Aramaic and contained the book of Daniel.

    The Muslims call Muhammad The Prophet.  I have searched the Quran and did not find even one prophecy from Muhammad.

    J. Barton Payne in his Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy lists all the prophecies, predictive verses and how many predict different matters.  The separate matters is consistent with other subjects in the Bible.  There is not a book on baptism.  The understanding and practice and meaning of baptism is spread throughout the Bible.  In the same manner, there are more than one instance of a prophecy on an important subject.  Payne lists 8,362 predictive verses, 1,817 predictions and 737 separate matters. 

    Elohim knew that people would try to remove verses, as the Gnostics did in Alexander, Egypt, so all major doctrines are spread throughout the Bible.  The Gnostics in Alexandra, Egypt were the first to remove verses and insert their own words.  Some churches today teach that they have replaced Israel in the Bible.  To avoid embarrassing questions, they do not teach the book of Revelation.  Revelation is the only book in the Bible that claims a blessing to all that read and understand it.

    Others attack the Bible since it contradicts Darwin's theory of evolution.  The Darwinians have never proven the concept of evolution, yet it still is being taught in schools.  DNA was discovered and mapped.  Thereafter, because of the complexity of DNA, mathematicians and physicists quickly dismissed the Darwin theory of evolution as being impossible to occur as a random occurrence, as Darwin's theory proposes.  Human DNA has over 3 billion possible combinations.  The probability of a human DNA strand being formed in a random/Darwin process is 1 x 10⁶⁵⁰.  To put this probability into non-mathematics terms, it would be like winning every Powerball drawing, each drawing, twice a week, 52 weeks a year, for the next 10,000+ years.  Mathematicians and physicists consider any probability this large to be absurd to be done by random chance just as a person winning so many consecutive Powerball lotteries.

    Astronomers have many problems to prove their theory of the Big Bang Theory which is simply put from nothing, a big explosion occurred and created the universe.  Some of the problems are due to time.  Time was first being proven by Einstein as being another dimension and was constant in its speed using light as his basis.  Now time/light has been shown that it is slowing down.  Some of the theories used to determine the distance of stars depended on the speed of light and the shift of certain colors of light versus time.  There are many quotes in the Bible as to Elohim stretching the heavens and now astronomers are beginning to believe in the heavens being stretched which would account for the jumps in the shift of the light spectrum rather than a smooth, continuous change. 

    This change is familiar to us as a Doppler shift in sound.  When we are standing still, the sound of a police siren on a car coming towards us changes continuously and as it passes us and goes farther away it smoothly changes again.  What astronomers are seeing would be similar to us listening to a siren coming towards us and jumping pitches suddenly, multiple times, as it approaches us.  This would be accounted for by the police car moving in excess of the speed of sound for a block, slowing down to normal speed, then moving faster than the speed of sound again for a block, then slowing down repeatedly.  The same effect that astronomers are observing could be caused by someone, Elohim, stretching the fabric of the heaven instantaneously, thus jumps in the color spectrum of light. 

    The scientific established community is fighting these proven theories, because accepting the theory would upset all the established beliefs or axioms.  A very similar reaction from the established scientific community occurred when Galileo, in the 17th century, when he published his findings that the earth revolved around the sun which was just the opposite that scientists and the Catholic Church believed.  They tried to burn Galileo at the stake for these theories which have been proven.

    A quick analogy of Elohim's view of time is like us watching a long parade from a helicopter and being able to see the beginning and the end at the same time.

    God place in time-150

    Geologists are having similar problems with their theories that date earth formations millions of years.  The depth of the silt at the delta of the Mississippi River indicates thousands of years of deposit and not millions of years. 

    Dinosaur bones have been found in Montana and North Dakota.  Bones were found and dissected.  Upon dissection, blood and blood vessels were found in the bones which indicate the bones were at most 20,000 years old and probably a lot younger.  Archaeologists claim that dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago.

    The Grand Canyon formation is another problem.  The geological column used to date layers of earth has never been observed in nature.  In fact, layers have been observed in nature out of the order predicted.  The Grand Canyon is an example.  They had a major problem when dinosaur and man footprints were found in the same rock strata.  Archeologists and geologists have maintained that the times dinosaurs were on earth and died out were 10s of millions of years before man appeared.  These footprints on the same strata of rock create a big problem for them.  They have a problem when petrified trees are found extending through several layers of rock that represent 20 to 100 million years of growth if the trees were growing and alive during the formation of the various rock layers.

    The chart below shows how the English versions of the Bible were created.  The Tyndale Bible was the first English version of the Bible in 1526.  The King James Version of the Bible was not created until the printing press was invented and the middle ages were over that suppressed laymen having copies of the Bible. 

    The acronyms used in the chart are;

    LXX = Greek Septuagint, completed in 270 B.C. after the Greeks conquered the world and made everyone speak and write in Greek, the text contains all the Old Testament plus some books that are not included, this was used by the apostles in spreading the word of Elohim after Jesus ascended

    MT = Masoretic Text, is a Hebrew text and is currently used in the Jewish faith.  There are some 6,000 differences between the older Hebrew texts and the Septuagint, with 1,000+ being significant.  The original text is at the Leningrad Library.  It was created to differentiate the Jewish Bible from the Christian use of the LXX.

    TR = Textus Receptus is the Latin version used to create the German translation for the Luther Bible.

    NIV = New International Version uses modern English and is more topical in its translation.  This Bible interprets verses as the editors believe.  They give only their interpretation and scholars have criticized some of their interpretations. 

    OL = Old Latin.  The Romans were conquers of the world and wanted everyone to speak their language, Latin.  As a result, they translated the Greek language Septuagint into Latin about the 3rd century A.D. 

    Vulgate = The Old Latin version was updated as the Roman language of Latin evolved.

    History of English Bible-150c

    The English version of our Bible's genealogy is:

    English Versions progressions-150c

    The early editions of the English Bible were written knowing if they were caught, they would be burned at the stake.  Lay people were not allowed to have a copy of the Bible.

    Which version is the best?  The one you like to read is the answer and know how it differs from the original text.  The differences are not only the translation of words or transliteration of names, some versions omit verses.  You should be aware that some versions are not as accurate as others and some leave verses out of the scriptures.  The King James Version [KJV] is the most widely read and has been in print over 400 years.  It does have a few translation problems, but these few instances are well known and documented.  So whatever version you like to read, check some verses and chapters occasionally with the KJV especially if your version does not make sense or feel right to you.  Also refer to commentaries of that version.  By reading several versions of the same verse, sometimes you will gain a deeper understanding of the verse.  Of course the best route to understanding a chapter or verse is to pray for Elohim to give you understanding.

    A new version called the International Standard Version or ISV is not in print yet, only digital via an eBook at for download to your electronic reader/tablet/iPad. At e-Sword, you will download the basic information or KJV and then update/increase the versions downloaded by clicking on the Download tab and chose Bibles.  The big advantage of eSword is that you can switch between version easily for the same verse.  The other feature is that it is downloaded to your reader or laptop, you do not need to have an internet connection to read the e-Sword Bible.  If you prefer just an on-line Bible, there are several to choose.  I like the Blue Letter Bible the best as it makes it easy to switch to different version and has a vast library of commentaries on each book and chapter of the Bible.  You can access it at 

    Some of the others like displays several versions of a verse on the same page.  This is the link to it 

    You might notice that Elohim was a mathematician as numbers are used to describe certain things. 

    Numerics of God-150c

    The number 7 is sometimes related to Elohim but more accurately I believe it is

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