Csa Fodrea 2014 - 2015 Student Handbook Final

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2014 - 2015 Handbook

The staff of Columbus Signature Academy welcomes you to your school. We come together as
a school community to focus on growth and education through project-based-learning, our
pathway to knowledge in a technology-rich environment. Students work in teams to explore
real-world problems and create presentations to share whats learned. The academy is driven by
core beliefs that guide the academic curriculum as well as create the culture of the school.
Columbus Signature Academy provides this learning community, while striving for a diverse
student body that is a true representation of Bartholomew County.

The information in this handbook is to acquaint our CSA (Columbus Signature Academy)
families with the programs, services, procedures, and policies of CSA.

The student and the parent/guardian must sign the signature page at the end of
this handbook and return the form within one week.

SCHOOL OFFICE 812-376-4321
FAX 812-376-4501
www.bcsc.k12.in.us/schools/CSA Fodrea/

Table of Contents
BCSC Mission Statement; Vision Statement; High Expectation Objectives;
CSA Fodrea Vision; CSA Fodrea Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Car Riders; Change of Dismissal Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Introduction; Procedures to Report; Excused/Unexcused; Highly Extenuating
Circumstances; Tardies; ATTEND, Emergency School Closings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .5-6
Life Skills and Lifelong Guidelines, Personal Appearance; What to Leave At Home; Treats at
School; Rules-bus, classroom, hallway, cafeteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 7-10
SCHOOL DISCIPLINE PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 11
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) STUDENT HAZING & BULLYING,
to Equal Educational Opportunity, EPA, Animals on School Corporation Property . . . . . . . . . . .12-14
Health Information; Health Services; Immunizations; School Clinic; Medicines;
Physical Exams; Health Screenings; Lice; BCSC Search and Seizure; Substance Abuse,
Bullying Incident Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
Breakfast; Lunch; Lunch Assistance; Visitors for Lunch; Wellness Policy . . . . . . . . .. . . 18-19
Homework; Recommended Minutes of Homework; Parent Involvement; Incomplete Assignments;
Project Connect; Ideas for Helping Your Child; Report Cards; Grading Scale; Honor Roll; Study Trips;
Library; Library Usage and Care; Book Rental Fees; Textbooks; and Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22
Before/After School Programs; Student Council; Counselor; Parent Portal;
Change of Student Information; Kindergarten Screenings; Policies for Athletic,
Extra Curricular & Co-curricular Activities; Instructional Consultation Assistance
Team (ICT), Convocations, Parties; PTO; Recess. . . . . . . . . . . . ..23-24
Change of Student Information; Lost and Found; School Property;
Distribution of Materials; Telephones and cell phones;
Interruptions; Parent/Visitors; Volunteers/Field Trip Chaperones;
What to Do When Moving; Use of Building; AHERA Annual Report; Parties and Treats; Pets;
Textbooks; Assignment Books; Bookstore; Checks; Smoking; School Pictures and Yearbook; Free
Speech; Fund Raiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-29
Emergency Drills; Safe Schools Emergency Planning;
Parent Receiving Site; Student Evacuation Site; Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET USE POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-32
CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
STAFF PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
PERMISSION PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35


Deeper Learning Works


Deeper Learning is our individualized approach for preparing all learners to succeed in a competitive
global economy and democratic society and to tackle the complex issues they will encounter.


BCSC demonstrates a community commitment to deeper learning for oneand all.

BCSC will ensure a balanced, intentional and forward looking approach to meet
the following objectives:
Enable achievement of core academic knowledge and varied levels of critical thinking
Advance a deep community commitment to all learners health, personal and academic
Provide multiple pathways that intellectually engage all learners
Promote and support modern, collaborative learning environments
Foster multiple perspectives to develop global citizens
Provide a welcoming and diverse learning culture of respect, fairness and trust
Cultivate a commitment to a life-long learning process for all

A revolutionary pathway for learning

Our mission is to prepare socially engaged citizens who
excel in an information and technology rich society.

Columbus Signature Academy Outcomes

Our students will:
Know themselves and their talents well, identify areas for personal growth, and create and
identify paths that will fulfill their own destinies.
Learn through collaboration with family, business, and community.
Possess a strong sense of civic responsibility.
Embrace and celebrate differences and appreciate individuality.
Think critically and practice 21
century skills.
Think creatively to solve authentic, real world problems.
Sustain healthy, trusting relationships that support a safe learning environment.

CSA Fodrea Expectations Respectful, RespOnsible, Cooperative, Kind, and Safe

Core Beliefs
The following core beliefs drive our goal setting and guide our decisions.


We believe in learning-centered
communities, in which all members
are known, respected and valued,
differences honored, and student voice
is heard. We celebrate the successes
of all learners.


We believe students thrive when they
experience relationships with peers,
staff, and families that generate
honest, respectful, and trusting


We believe students learn by actively
engaging in relevant, authentic, and
flexible project-based instruction.
Content for learning is immediately
applicable and balanced with
reflection. Teachers guide learning in
a technology-rich environment, which
emphasizes 21
century skills.

Habits of Mind

We believe school community
members who practice critical
thinking and socially engaged
intelligence are using their minds well.


We believe community partnerships
provide learners with a sense of
responsibility, inspiring them to
become immersed in the community.


We believe learners prioritize, plan,
and manage their work. Growth and
achievement are assessed from many
perspectives including performance
of real tasks, self and peer critique,
projects, and portfolios.


We believe procedural, curricular,
cultural, and fiscal decisions reflect
the core beliefs and the voice of the
people directly affected by the
decisions. All educators are
committed to the decision-making
process and model participation in a
democratic society.

1. Students are admitted to the building no earlier than 7:45 A.M. and may go either to the cafeteria for
breakfast or to the gym. All students will remain in the gym with a staff member until dismissed to go to
their classrooms. All students in the cafeteria should be eating breakfast; upon completion of breakfast,
students will go to the gym or directly to their classrooms, depending upon the time.
2. Car riders must be dropped off in the FRONT circle in the morning.
3. Visitor parking is available on the Illinois Ave. and East sides of the building.
4. Students are considered tardy at 8:05 A.M.
5. Dismissal time is 3:00 P.M.
6. Your child must have a note if he/she will use a different mode of transportation to go
home at the end of the school day. If there is not a note, the child will be dismissed from school
in the usual manner. Please notify the school office before 2:00 if there is a change in
transportation for your child.
7. BCSC offers a before and after-school supervision and enrichment program called I-Care at CSA Fodrea.
This is a fee-based service with a limited number of scholarships available. I-Care may be provided in the
morning between 6:30 AM and the beginning of school. I-Care will be provided after school until 6:00 PM.
Call Kate Garrity at (379-2319) for additional information about services and charges.

1. Morning Drop Off -- Students brought in cars must be dropped off in the front circle and enter the gym
door. Students may go to the gym or the cafeteria, and they will be dismissed to their classrooms at 7:55.
2. Afternoon Pick Up -- Drivers are to use the process outlined below.
Students being picked up by car will go to the gym if their parent gets out of their car and comes to the gym to
pick them up. The remaining car riders will be dismissed to the hallway outside the main office until you pull
up, at which time the students will be sent out to you. Each family picking up their students will be given
materials to create a sign that has your students last name on it. This sign should be displayed in your car
window when you are picking up your student, and the sign should be given to anyone else who picks up your
student. Students will not be released to anyone who does not display their sign in their front window.

Students must stay behind the white line until dismissed to you in your car. Children will not be allowed to run
to cars in the parking lot. Please DO NOT park in the circle drive at arrival or dismissal times. Use the visitor
parking lot on the East side of the building if you leave your car to drop off or pick up your child. Please use
caution when driving through the parking lot during the school day. Speeding cars endanger our staff and
students. Thank you for your help!

Students who walk or ride a bike will go to the gym or hallway outside of the main office at dismissal and stay
there until the buses leave the back of the building. They will then be dismissed. Bikes must be walked off the
grounds before riding home.

CHANGE OF DISMISSAL PLANS All arrangements for after school transportation must be made before
the student arrives at school. Students will follow their daily transportation plans to go home after school
unless there is a note from their parent/guardian stating that other arrangements have been made.
Changes in the students usual form of transportation must be in writing and signed by the
parent/guardian. The note must be specific. EX: Johnny will be a car rider with Sally Smithnot Johnny
will go home with Sally. This note must be taken to the office to be stamped. If there is no note, the child will
be dismissed from school in the usual manner. Parents should only call school to change transportation plans in
emergency situations. Emergency calls must be received before 2:00 p.m. to ensure your childs facilitator
receives the change before dismissal.

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation and CSA Fodrea Elementary School believe that regular
school attendance is critical to a student's ability to derive the full benefits provided in the school.
Maximum learning occurs through teacher instruction, class participation, and interaction among
students. Therefore, any school absence, excused or unexcused, places the student at a disadvantage.
Regular school attendance further prepares students to assume their roles as productive members of the
work force and society. Our goal is an average of 98% for the school year. If there are problems that
may limit your childs ability to attend school, please be sure to contact us. The ATTEND Team,
composed of BCSC elementary and middle schools and service organizations in our county, developed
and created our attendance guidelines. Those guidelines are as follows:

1. If your child is absent, contact the school (376-4321) by 9:00 AM. If you cannot telephone, please
send a note with a sibling stating the reason for the absence. If neither is possible, send a note with
your child on his/her return to school.
2. If you wish your child to be excused from school for highly extenuating circumstances or for
participation in a non-school sponsored state, multi-state or national competition, please obtain a
special request form from the schools administrative assistant. This request should be submitted and
discussed at least two weeks before the scheduled absence. Absences not approved will be considered
unexcused. Some assignments may not be accepted and/or applied for a grade.
3. If your child misses more than five days of school in a semester because of illness, you may be
asked to provide a statement from your doctor.
4. Following excused absences, facilitators will work with students to ensure missed work is made up.
Parents may pick up assignments during the period of a students extended absence (two or more
days). Students do not receive academic credit for any work missed during an unexcused
absence, but they still need to make up the work in order not to fall behind their classmates.
5. If a student is to be released during school hours, a note should be sent to the facilitator explaining
the reason(s).
6. A BCSC form must be filled out and returned to the office to confirm medical and dental
appointments made during the school day.
7. Morning Work begins as soon as students enter the classroom at 8:00 a.m. and is followed by
Classroom Meetings/Work Station Time until 8:40 a.m. These are important parts of our day at
CSA. All classrooms participate. Please make every effort to have your child arrive by 7:55 a.m.
Try to avoid scheduling appointments during the school day.

It is imperative that children arrive at school on time. From 8:05-8:40 a.m. students will focus on
Classroom Morning Meetings/ Town Hall Meetings/Morning Work. Tardiness disrupts your childs
education and the education of other students. Please help him/her avoid this problem. If a student
arrives after the 8:05 a.m. tardy bell, he/she will be counted tardy and will be required to obtain a tardy
slip from the office to be presented to the students facilitator. Parents should notify the school by
phone or written note when a child is late. After five tardies, students will walk at recess each time they
are tardy. After ten tardies, students will serve after school detention to make up for the minutes missed
in class.

ATTEND is a coalition of schools, law enforcement agencies, community organizations, and service
agencies in Bartholomew County. Their task is to respond to violations of BCSCs attendance policy
and the Indiana Compulsory Attendance Law (I.C. 20-8.1-3).



For the safety of the children during inclement weather, schools may be closed, dismiss early, or have
a two-hour delay in starting. Families should be prepared for any of these situations. The school will
send home a form to complete regarding your emergency plan. This form should be returned to your
child's facilitator. Children and staff must know the alternative plan for your child in case of an
emergency school closing. Emergency closings are announced by radio stations WCSI (1010 AM),
WKKG (101.5 FM), WWWY (104.9 FM), AND WRZQ (107.3 FM). Parents are asked to listen to the
radio for announcements and to not call the school. When there is a two-hour delay, buses will pick
students up two hours later than their scheduled time, and school will begin at 10:05 a.m. You may
visit the BCSC web site to sign up to have a text message or e-mail sent to you about delays,
cancellations, or early dismissals.

In the first quarter of school, a Plan B Emergency Plan sheet will be sent home with each student.
This is for a rare occasion that school may be released early. Please think about what your child would
do should school be dismissed early. This may or may not be different than a usual dismissal day for
your child. The sheet is to be filled out and returned to the teacher to keep on file for the school year.

Check the BCSC website for latest bus information: www.bcsc.k12.in.us Inclement weather such as
snow, icy roads or other Local Weather Alerts may delay all buses. When this is the case, you can
expect delays on most routes. If the reason for the delay is due to a serious problem while your child is
on the bus, you will receive a phone call.


The primary requirement for the appropriateness of any dress for children is the cooperation of the
parents. If a child's clothing is so unusual that it attracts excessive attention to himself/herself, it may
distract from the educational process. No rule will suffice for all occasions.
Printing, patches, or badges, which are profane or suggestive, must never be worn on clothing.
Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, wrestling, gang emblems or insignias, or
displays obscene/objectionable language or graphics is prohibited.
Sleeveless is okay, however, no spaghetti straps, tank tops, muscle shirts or halter-tops should
be worn. Undergarments and torso should not be visible.
Pants must come to the waist and stay up. Clothing must also be a safe fit. Clothes that are too
tight may restrict movement during PE or a safety drill.
Shorts must pass the fingertip test. Shirts must cover the midriff/torso and be modest. Shirts
must keep the entire torso covered when students raise their hand.
Sensible shoes are to be worn at all times to assist in student safety on the playground, during
PE classes, and during the instructional day. Shoes should be ones that do not restrict physical
activities. Such shoes that may restrict activities include high heels, flip flops, shoes with tall
soles/heels, and clogs. Shoes with built in wheels/rollers may not be worn.
No student participating in interscholastic sports is permitted to wear any type of jewelry during
practices, games, or competitive events.
All children must be clean and come to school in clean clothing.
Hats, caps, bandanas or any other headwear, unless it is a designated hat day, are not
Painted or colored hair is strongly discouraged. This disrupts the learning environment.
Students are not to wear coats in the classroom.
Students are not to wear heavy chains or necklaces that resemble dog collars.
Students inappropriately dressed will be sent home to change or have appropriate attire brought
to them by parents.

Anything not needed for class should be left at home; iPods, MP3 players, CDs, CD players,
cameras, radios, recorders, skateboards, pets, knives, matches, electronic games, guns, card
collections, etc. Toys should not be brought to school without prior facilitator permission.
Students are not to bring candy or gum to school. Fireworks, tobacco products, alcohol and illegal
drugs violate state and local laws. Possession under any circumstances will result in serious penalties.
Electronic paging devices or cellular telephones used on school grounds during school hours in a
situation not related to a school purpose, or an educational function, may also be grounds for suspension
or expulsion from school. CSA Fodrea is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items.

For the safety and welfare of all children, treats that are brought to school should be stored purchased
and individually wrapped. Please contact your childs facilitator before sending any treats to
school. The Food Services make available a birthday party package and pizza party package should you
want to use this. You may call our cafeteria to find out details.


The current Positive Behavior Instructional System (PBIS) for student behavior/discipline is one that
is school-wide. It is a color-coded system. Each student in the school has a set of colored (Green,
Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple) cards in their classroom. The colors indicate the seriousness and frequencies
of a students behavior each day. Every day students start on green and then turn the cards themselves at
a facilitators or staff members direction if a negative behavior is exhibited. The following information
outlines the guidelines students are expected to follow, the consequences for not using appropriate
behavior, and the system of rewards available to students who do follow the behavior guidelines.
Appropriate Behavior Guidelines
All students at CSA Fodrea School are expected to be:
Kind, and
CSA Fodrea Expectations Respectful, RespOnsible, Cooperative, Kind, and Safe

All classroom and general rules school-wide relate back to our ROCKS, as we refer to them. Most students are
able to follow rules most of the time. Action will be taken to assist students who have problems following rules.
These actions may include withholding of privileges, conferences, detention after school, in-house or at-home
suspension, or modified scheduling.
Our ultimate goal is for each student to become self-disciplined. These disciplinary steps have been created to
assist students in meeting this goal and allowing teachers to spend as much time as possible in instruction. Your
assistance and support will help to guarantee success.

School bus drivers are to have complete control of all school children while students are on the
buses. Drivers will keep order, maintain discipline, and treat everyone in a civil manner. The driver
will see that no child is imposed upon or mistreated, and use every care for the safety of the children.
Buses are equipped with audio visual equipment. The school bus is an extension of the classroom, and
students are expected to abide by the bus rules and regulations.
Before Bus Arrives
1. Leave home on time each day.
2. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic.
3. Arrive at bus stop 5 minutes prior to pick up time.
4. Wait off the roadway, not in the street.
5. Respect private property.
Boarding the Bus
1. Wait for the bus to come to a full stop.
2. Be polite and take your turn getting on the bus.
3. Use the handrails.
Conduct on the Bus

1. Go straight to assigned seat and stay seated. Do not move around the bus while the bus is in
motion. (Driver has the right to assign seats as he/she deems necessary.)

2. Do not distract the driver unless it is an emergency. (Drivers need to keep their minds on driving
and eyes on the road.)
3. Loud, profane language or yelling is not permitted. (Talk quietly so the driver can hear traffic
4. Keep arms, feet, and personal items out of the aisles, to yourself, and inside the bus.
5. Eating, drinks, and gum are not permitted.
6. Do not open or close windows without drivers permission.
7. Carry-on bags or personal items should not infringe on the space of others.
8. All toys, games, balls, or personal items should be kept inside a contained bag and are not for use
on a bus.
9. Use of alcohol, drugs of any kind, tobacco, matches, or lighters is not permitted.
10. Firearms or weapons of any kind are not permitted.
11. Do not litter or deface the bus in any way.
12. Do not tamper with any safety device or any other equipment on the bus.
13. Rude, discourteous, or annoying behavior is not permitted.
14. Physical or verbal abuse of another student will not be tolerated.
15. Any behavior that is deemed to be a danger in relation to safety, well-being, or respect for others
will not be tolerated.
Leaving the Bus
1. Do not leave your seat until the bus comes to a complete stop.
2. Take your turn; dont crowd in front of others.
3. Use the handrails and watch your step.
4. Follow the directions of the driver when crossing the street, at all transfer points.

In accordance with Indiana Law, RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE! Failure to follow the
rules may result in suspension of transportation privileges.
School Bus Disciplinary Action Guideline:

Warning: Driver will talk with student to try to resolve the issue.

First Offense: Driver will talk with student and assign student to another seat. If the
students behavior warrants; the driver may suspend riding privileges for
one day.

Second Offense: The driver will notify the principal who may take action to suspend the
pupil from riding the bus for up to ten days.

Third Offense: The bus driver will notify the principal who will take action to suspend the
student from riding the school bus for the remainder of the school year.
The above is a guideline; severe issues may result in immediate suspension of bus privileges.
CSA Fodrea bus detention will be conducted once each month for students who have repeatedly
received consequences for bus infractions.

1. Stay on the right side of the hall, and walk in a single file line.
2. After 8:05 walk in the halls without talking.
3. Keep hands and feet to oneself.

4. Walls and displays should not be disturbed

Guidelines for Breakfast
1. After getting your tray, sit at tables nearest the door by the gym. Fill these tables first.
2. Keep book bags and coats on the back of your chair NOTHING should be on the steps.
3. NO trading food.
4. Unopened milk or juice is placed on the desk next to the return window.
5. Students may ASK for an extra milk or juice.
6. When finished eating, students are to carry trays to trash can.
7. Then all students go to the gym until dismissed by a staff member to go to the classroom.
Cafeteria Guidelines for Lunch
1. Talking is permitted but should be done with a Level 2 voice.
2. Trading food is not allowed due to a Board of Health Policy.
3. Food should either be eaten or left as is on the tray.
4. Soft drinks and fast food are not permitted in the cafeteria.
5. Students are expected to use good table manners.
6. Students should remain seated until dismissal, unless he/she has been given permission by the staff
member on duty.
7. Juice in cans or boxes is permitted. No glass is permitted.
8. For the cost of an adult lunch, family members are welcome to eat with students in the cafeteria.

Consequences for not using appropriate behavior in school:
A chart is provided to each student and family that outlines the range of consequences for
inappropriate behavior both in the classroom and throughout the school. This chart serves as a guide to
both students and families about the expectations for student behavior. The consequence will be
determined by the seriousness of the behavior. More than one consequence may apply. (Example:
Change a color card and receive a lunch detention.)

Students start each day over with a clean slate.
All cards will go back to green at the beginning of each day.
At the end of each day, behavior for the day will be noted (example: in the assignment
notebook, chart in classroom, etc.).
It is important that parents be aware of students behavior at CSA Fodrea. (Parents/guardians
might be asked to sign daily notification of color changes).
At the beginning of the year, facilitators and students will determine special activities that will serve
as rewards for following CSA Fodreas PBIS guidelines. Such activities might include attending an
extra recess, receiving special privileges such as a homework pass, first in line to lunch, wear hat to
school, receive sticker, etc. ROCKS papers will be given to students to recognize appropriate behavior
and following the CSA Fodrea Expectations. Students receiving ROCKS papers will be recognized at
Town Hall Meetings, on the school monitors, and in the Parent Newsletters. Students consistently
following the PBIS guidelines will be recognized at the end of each grading period with a Citzenship


CSA Fodrea School Citizenship Guidelines

FODREA can be a GREAT school if everyone follows the citizenship guidelines every day. We are
here to LEARN and when everyone behaves, facilitators can FACILITATE and students can LEARN.
As a student at Columbus Signature Academy Fodrea Campus, I will be:
Kind, and
I will follow these guidelines in the classroom, hallways, restrooms, library, cafeteria, playground, on the bus,
and at programs in the gym. Student Name ___________________________________________


Unkind behavior towards others:
Calling names, being unkind or rude
to other children
detention 1
Lunch and
1 day
1 day

After this color
change for
disruptive behavior
students will be sent
to the office for a
conference with the
principal or
Inappropriate Language and/or
Gestures: verbal, drawn or
Possession of Electronic Devises:
Radios, CD players, pagers, hand
held games are NOT permitted on
school grounds
Possession of Nuisance Items:
Chewing Gum, candy, toys, water pistols,
trading cards, other play items that
distracts student learning
Throwing Items tossing pencils,
paper, paper wads, books, erasers,
bookbags, food, other items such as
rocks, ice or snowballs, mulch
Leaving Class without permission
allowed ONLY if child is sick, hurt,
or for an approved self time-out
(per IEP)
Disruptive Behavior: Any noises,
sounds or behavior that disrupts
instruction and learning for others.

Cheating copying others work,
taking tests for others on paper or
Student will turn a color and receive a failing grade on the assignment, work, or project that is the focus of
the cheating.
Inappropriate Dress: Clothing not
fitting the dress code.
Classroom facilitators may evaluate students dress per the student handbook. If inappropriate, students
will be asked to change. Student will remain in office area until a change has been made. If appropriate
clothing is not available through nurses office, parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing.
If a child is sent to the office a second or third time in the same day for inappropriate classroom behavior, one additional day of after school
detention will be automatically given for each trip to the office.

Discipline notices need to be signed and returned the following day. Detentions for these behaviors will
be served the next school day from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Arrangements for returning home will need to
be made for students attending after school detentions. Please let your childs teacher or the office know
about these arrangements.

Guidelines for Major Inappropriate Behaviors
Display of Disrespectful Behavior:
Any verbal or written language and/or
gestures that are putdowns and highly
disrespectful to anyone
1 Lunch/Recess detention.
*Referral to Counselor.
3 Lunch/Recess detention.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 week Lunch/Recess detention.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day in-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
Aggressive Behavior: Physical agitation
including pushing and shoving, unprovoked
physical contact, causing injury to someone
Lunch/Recess detention 3 days.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 detention after-school.
*Referral to Counselor.
3 detentions after-school.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day in-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
Leaving School Grounds without
Parents & Officials will be notified
In-school suspension for rest of day.
Referral to Counselor.
Conference with parents, principal, Student Assistance Director and proper authorities to determine seriousness of
situation and to determine further action and consequences, plus, 2
offence 1 full day in-school suspension, 3

offence 1 day out of school suspension, 4
offence 2 days out of school suspension.
Bullying: Direct or Indirect-Teasing,
taunting, threatening, and/or intentionally
excluding others, sexual harassment.
3 days after-school detention.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day in-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day out-of-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
2 days out-of-school suspensions.
*Referral to Counselor.
Possession of: Cigarettes, matches, lighters,
or other harmful substances.
Conference with parents, principal and Student Assistance Director and proper authorities to determine further action and consequences. Student and parent
may be required to attend classes with local authorities.
Vandalism: Damage to and/or destruction of
school or personal property of others.
Detention after school and Counselor
(Payment for damage will be the
responsibility of the parents)
1 day in-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
(Payment for damage will be the
responsibility of the parents)
2 days in-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
(Payment for damage will be the
responsibility of the parents)
1 day out-of-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
(Payment for damage will be the
responsibility of the parents)
Fighting: Aggressive behavior, involving both
parties hitting with hands or fists, spitting,
hair pulling. Seriousness to be determined by
principal & appropriate officials.
1 day out-of-school suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
2 days out-of school-suspension.
*Referral to Counselor.
3 days out-of-school suspensions and
meeting with principal, parents, and
5 days out-of-school suspensions and
referral for help with outside
Misuse of Technology 1 week suspension from the netbooks.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 month suspension from the
*Referral to Counselor.
Suspension for the rest of the
semester from the netbooks.
*Referral to Counselor.
1 year suspension from the netbooks.
*Referral to Counselor.
Theft: Stealing of any item belonging to
school, student or staff member.

3 after-school detentions and
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day in-school suspension and
*Referral to Counselor.
2 days in-school suspension and
Law Enforcement Authorities will be
*Referral to Counselor.
1 day out-of-school suspension and
Law Enforcement Authorities will be
*Referral to Counselor.
Disruptive Behavior: Continued behavior that
disrupts the instruction and learning of
2 days after school detention day in-school suspension 1 day in-school suspension 1 day out of school suspension
Possession of electronic Devices: Radios, CD
players, pagers, hand held games are NOT
permitted on school grounds.
Item confiscated and returned to
student at the end of the day if cost
of item is less than $50.00.
Item will be confiscated and a parent
will need to pick it up.
Item will be confiscated and a parent
will need to pick it up.
1 day after school detention
Item will be confiscated and a parent
will need to pick it up.
3 days after school detention
Possession of a weapons/look alike
weapons/explosives: Knife, gun, firecrackers,
bullets, etc.
Conference with parents, principal and Student Assistance Director and proper authorities to determine seriousness of situation and to determine further action
and consequences.
Student and parent may be required to attend classes with local authorities.
**Facilitators should contact the office via email or phone to update the office of students behavior. Facilitator should also send down the behavior folder with the student as well as something for the student to work on while visiting the
Parents will be notified of all major behavior incidents through a telephone call from the principal or Counselor. A conference and attendance at after-school sessions will be required if a student has two incidents of the same type of
inappropriate behavior.
Appropriate enforcement agencies will be contacted when any incident occurs which would be a crime if committed by an adult. For example, a fight in which injury occurs, theft, and possession of any
weapons. Parents will be called to school immediately to conference with principal, staff members and/or appropriate officials. Students not able to behave in an in-school suspension will be given an out-of-
school suspension the next school day.


Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools

The family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 year of
age (eligible students) certain rights with respect to the students education records. These rights are:

1. The right to inspect and review the students education records within 45 days of the day the
school receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit the school (or appropriate school official) a written
request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school official will make
arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected.

2. The right to request the amendment of the students education records that the parent of reliable
student believes are inaccurate.
Parents or eligible students may ask the school to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate.
They should write the school principal (or appropriate school official), clearly identify the part of
the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the school decides not to
amend the record as requested by the parent of eligible student, the school will notify the parent
or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the
request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be
provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the
students education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with
legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff
and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or
company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney,
auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee,
such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing
his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education
record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S/ Department of Education concerning alleged failures
by the School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the
office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Disclosure of Student Directory Information
FERPA allows disclosure of appropriately designated directory information without written consent
from a parent or eligible student. Directory information is information that generally is not considered
harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. BCSC has designated the following information as
directory information: Students name, photograph, date of birth, dates of attendance, grade level,
participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic
teams, degrees, honors, and awards received, and school attending.

BCSC shall limit the purpose of releasing directory information. BCSC can allow, within their
discretion, release of directory information from your childs education records only to BCSC school or
community publications, media or organizations that report or produce articles or information regarding
the following: school events; yearbook; graduation; senior projects; academic honor roll, awards,
scholarships, achievements and accomplishments or other recognition lists; athletic, performing arts and
other school club information, activities, and accomplishments. Directory information can also be
released to a students health care provider/office.

In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request,
with the following information names, addresses and telephone listings unless parents have advised
the LEA that they do not want their students information disclosed without their prior written consent.
(Section 9528 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (20 U.S.C. 7908) and 10 U.S.C.

If you do not want BCSC to disclose any or all of the above listed directory information from a students
education records without your prior written consent, you may opt out by notifying the principal (or
appropriate school official) of the school the student is attending, in writing by August 31 of each school
year, of the specific directory information that should not be disclosed.

Student Hazing & Bullying (Overview) (Policy 5516)
Hazing and bullying activities of any kind are inconsistent with the educational process and are
prohibited at anytime. Hazing shall be defined as performing any act of initiation into any class, group,
or organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental, emotional or physical harm.
Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual shall not lessen the hazing prohibition.
Bullying means intentional, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications
transmitted by and/or physical acts committed by a student or group of students against another students
with intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate or harm the other student. A copy may be found

Anti-Harassment (Overview) (Policy 5517)
All students, administrators, facilitators, and staff share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and
reporting harassment issues. This commitment applies to all School Corporation operations, programs,
and activities. The School Corporation will enforce its prohibition against harassment based on gender,
age, race, color, national origin, including limited English language and other differences,
religious/creed, disability, and any other unlawful basis (i.e. sexual harassment, bullying, etc.)
Allegations of harassment will be investigated immediately, and appropriate action will be based on the
results of that investigation. (A copy of policy 5517 can be found online.)


Non-Discrimination Policy (Policy 3122)
Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation is committed to equal opportunity and does not
discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, handicapping conditions, or national origin
including limited English proficiency, in any employment opportunity. No person is excluded from
participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination on such basis
under any educational programs or activities, written inquiries about procedures that are available and
for consideration of complaints alleging such discrimination should be directed to:
Dr. Linda DeClue, Assistant Superintendent
1200 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47201

Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity (Policy 2260)
The following person has been designated to handle inquires regarding the non-discrimination
policies of the corporation or to address any complaint of discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Officer
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
1200 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47201
Telephone: 812-376-4472

In accordance with the US EPAs AHERA Standard (ref: 40 CFR 763.80), all information
concerning asbestos-containing materials in the schools of the Bartholomew Consolidated School
Corporation is available for review and copying by students, staff and guardians during normal business

The Board recognizes that there are many occasions when animals are present on School Corporation
property and many reasons for those animals' presence. Animals are commonly utilized by teachers
during classroom presentations and are often housed in classrooms and other locations on campus.
Additionally, employees, students, parents/guardians, vendors, and other members of the public may be
accompanied at school by a service animal in accordance with Federal and Indiana law and this policy.
This policy shall apply to all animals on School Corporation property, including service animals.
Copies of the full policy can be viewed online.


A nurse is available to all students during the school day for first aid and emergency care, to assist in the
management of care for chronic health conditions and as a healthcare resource. Please update the school
nurse during the school year if your child has any health changes. If your child is diagnosed with a
communicable disease like chicken pox, strep throat, impetigo, conjunctivitis or fifths disease please
report it to the school nurse as soon as possible.

1. Immunizations (Policy #5320): Indiana law and BCSC policy requires written documentation of
immunizations from a physician or the Health Department for all students. This law provides that no child
shall be permitted to attend school beyond the day of his enrollment without furnishing proof of the
required immunizations.
A full list of all school immunization requirements can be found online on the website for Indianas state
immunization registry (CHIRP): https://chirp.in.gov/. If you have a religious or medical exemption, we
must have a parents and/or doctor signature every year.

2. Emergency Care. Blue information cards will be used to contact a parent/guardian in the event of an
emergency. The parent/guardian signature on the nurse emergency card signifies permission for the
student to receive emergency treatment.

3. Illness: Students experiencing illnesses at school notify the teacher. The student is then assessed by the
nurse. If the student is too ill to remain in the classroom, the parent/guardian is called and expected to
arrange for the childs care.
Criteria for sending a student home or when to keep the student at home:
Temperature of 100 degrees or more Vomiting and/or diarrhea
Inflammed eye with drainage Severe pain
Persistent cough Open, draining sores
Return to school when fever free for 24 hours without medication or when vomiting/diarrhea has stopped.
A student that develops reddened eyes with thick, yellow drainage may return after being seen by a
physician and may return when eyes are clear after 24 hours with a note from the physician.

4. Disease Management: Students with chronic health conditions such as asthma, allergies, diabetes,
seizures, etc should notify the nurse each year at the beginning of school. The nurse, parent/guardian and
student should meet to create an individualized health plan for the school year. Supplies can be kept for
the student in the nurses office.

5. Medication (Policy #5330): In order to protect the health and welfare of children, Indiana law requires
that schools observe certain safeguards in administering medication to pupils. All medication must be
registered and stored in the Nurses office. If the nurse is to administer medicine to a student, the following
procedures will be observed:
An order from the physician is required for prescription medications to be given at school.
Medication should be in the original and properly labeled container.
Written permission from a parent/guardian is required for an over the counter medication to be
given at school.
Prescription or non-prescription medications must be renewed each school year.
Any medications not picked up at the end of the school year will be destroyed.
Medications cannot be transported on the bus. Please drop them off at the nurses office.
A physician order is required for a student to self carry medication.
Cough drops are not permitted in elementary school due to the potential risk of choking.


6. Lice: The most common symptom of lice is itching. Parent/Guardians will be notified if a student is
found to have live lice. The student will be sent home for treatment; bus transportation is not available
in this situation. Head lice are not a sign of poor hygiene and they do not transmit disease.

7. Health Screenings: The state required health screenings are listed below. Parents are notified
by letter of the hearing and vision failures in order for the student to receive further medical
assistance. If you do not wish to have your student screened, written notification must be
provided to the school nurse.
Service: Administered by:
Speech & Hearing Test School Nurse/Speech/Hearing Therapist
(Grades 1, 4)
Vision Test School Nurse/Optometrists
(Grades 1, 3, 5)
Height & Weight School Nurse
(Grades K-6)
Blood Pressure Screening School Nurse
(Grade 1, 3, 5)
Dental Screening County Dental Hygienist
(Grades 2, 5)

8. Appointments: It is recommended to schedule medical and dental appointments after the school
day. If a student has an appointment during the day, the appointment must be confirmed by
written documentation from the medical/dental office and returned to the office.

Suspicion of controlled substance, use or possession, can result in a canine search by law
enforcement officials. Possession of controlled substance, illicit substance (tobacco products/alcohol),
or weapons (knives, guns, chains, etc.) may result in suspension or expulsion.

A student shall not use or consume, have in his or her possession, buy, sell, or give away any paraphernalia,
illicit chemical or product or any substance represented to be a controlled substance.

Paraphernalia Without Residue

Violation 1: In-school suspension and a letter/parent contact from the Student Assistance Director.
Violation 2: Out of school suspension and a meeting with the Student Assistance Director
Violation 3: Expulsion
(Paraphernalia with residue may result in immediate suspension or expulsion.)

Any BCSC principal may request a canine search. To support this search, the principal shall provide facts and
circumstances to the Superintendent or designee, which would support a reasonable suspicion, to believe there is a
controlled substance use or possession in the school building or vehicle in the school parking lot.
When there is reasonable suspicion that any BCSC student is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
while in attendance at school or a school function, the student will be referred to the principal or
designee who will determine whether or not a school administered drug test is required. Refusal to
submit to a drug/alcohol test will be considered an admission of being under the influence of alcohol or other
drugs. A positive test will be considered a violation of the BCSC Substance Abuse Policy 5-7-3-7 and will
receive consequences as listed herein.

The Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation maintains a CRISIS HOTLINE throughout
the school year. If you know of a student in crisis, please call 379-7710. Unless you choose to identify
yourself, this is an anonymous call.

The staff at CSA Fodrea Elementary School take bullying very seriously. To be a true bullying
situation, the following must be present:
o Intentional acts
o An imbalance of power between the bully and victim
o Repeated over time
o Causes others embarrassment, pain, or discomfort
If you have witnessed or are the victim of the above, please complete the online form on the
school website or contact the school immediately.
Bullying means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications transmitted
in any manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression, or any other
behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass,
ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted student and create for the targeted student an
objectively hostile school environment that:
(1) places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the targeted student's person or property;
(2) has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student's physical or mental health;
(3) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student's academic performance; or
(4) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student's ability to participate in or benefit
from the services, activities, and privileges provided by the school.
BULLYING Policy 5517.01
Bullying behavior toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties, is strictly
prohibited and will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse
as provided herein. The Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions which cause
or threaten to cause bodily harm or personal degradation. Engaging in bullying behavior through the use
of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system or computer network
also is prohibited. This policy applies when a student is on school grounds immediately before or during
school hours, immediately after school hours, or at any other time when the school is being used by a
school group; off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event; traveling to or from school or a
school activity, function, or event; or, using property or equipment provided by the school.
Bullying as defined in State law means overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or
written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically),
physical acts committed, aggression, or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students
against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student
and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment. See the policy in full


CSA Fodrea serves breakfast daily beginning at 7:45 a.m. The price of a student breakfast is $1.25
for students not on assistance. Adults may join their child for breakfast. The price for an adult
breakfast is $1.85.

Students may either bring a sack lunch or purchase a school lunch. Students who bring lunches from
home will store them in their cubbies. Do not send carbonated drinks (Colas, 7-Up, etc.), food in glass
containers, or knives with your child for lunch.

Lunch purchasing procedures
1. The lunch payment program is computerized. With this system each student has his/her own
account so money can be added to the account at any time. The price of the lunch will be deducted
as students get their lunch each day. Parents may pay for meals for any length of time. Lunch
prices are $2.35 daily or $11.75 a week for students and $3.00 daily for adults. Reduced price
lunches are 40 cents per day or $2.00 per week. Milk is 45 cents per carton. (Prices subject to
change each year). Milk is 45 cents per carton. (Prices subject to change each year). Student
breakfast is free for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Breakfast is $1.25 for students
not on assistance. You may pay for lunches using VISA or MASTERCARD using
www.mylunchmoney.com. It is recommended that one pays for more than one week at a time when
using a credit card.
2. Parents can bring money to the cafeteria to add money to their childs account any school day
between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Questions about your childs account can be handled by calling the
cafeteria between 7:30 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
3. Please send your childs lunch money on Monday in an envelope with his/her first and last name,
facilitators name and amount of money written on the front. You can send money for more than one
child in an envelope as long as all names are on the front of the envelope with the amount of money
to put in each account.
4. We will only allow students to have two emergency lunches. After that, we will offer a peanut
butter sandwich and milk. Notes are sent home from the cafeteria if your child has depleted his/her
account and have charged a lunch.


Lunch Assistance: Forms for lunch assistance are sent home on the first day of school each year. If you
need lunch assistance, please complete the form and return it to school. You will be notified if you meet the
criteria. If at any time during the school year problems arise that might entitle your child to a free or
reduced lunch, please call the school office at 376-4311. The lunch status of all students is confidential.

Visitors for Lunch: Parents are always welcome to eat lunch with their child in the cafeteria. In order to help
our kitchen staff with their preparations, please send a note to your childs facilitator the day you plan to eat
with us or call the school cafeteria no later than 9:00 a.m. to let our kitchen staff know. The price for an
adult lunch is $3.00. You will be eating with your child at our guest table. REMEMBER YOU MUST
disruptions to a minimum, we must ask parents to wait either in the office hallway, or in the cafeteria, until
the children are dismissed for lunch. Due to insurance regulations, only students ENROLLED at CSA
Fodrea may play on the playground during school hours.



The Child Nutrition & WIC Re-authorization Act of 2004 mandates that all school corporations with a
Federally Funded Meal Program develop and implement wellness policies that address nutrition and physical
activity. The Wellness Policy for the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation (pending BCSC board
approval) is located in its entirety in the office area of the school.

The Board recognizes that good nutrition and regular physical activity affect the health and well being of the
Corporations students. Furthermore, research suggests that there is a positive correlation between a students
health and well-being and his/her ability to learn. Moreover, schools can play an important role in the
development process by which students establish their health and nutrition habits by providing nutritious meals
and snacks through the schools meal programs, by supporting the development of good eating habits, and by
promoting increased physical activity both in and out of school.

The Board, however, believes this effort to support the students development of healthy behaviors and
habits, with regard to eating and exercise cannot be accomplished by the schools alone. It will be necessary for
not only the staff, but also parents and the public at large to be involved in a community-wide effort to promote,
support, and model such healthy behaviors and habits.

Homework assignments provide the opportunity for students to practice, reinforce, apply and/or extend the
skills they are learning during the regular school day. Homework can also help develop good work/study skills
and a sense of responsibility. The assignments help communicate to parents which skills students are working
on during the school year and reinforce the partnership between school and home.
Assignments will be given orally by the facilitator and/or written on the SMARTBoard with the assignments
adapted to meet the needs of individual students. Children should write their assignments in their homework
assignment books or bring home their assignments in folders depending upon facilitators choice. The facilitator
will explain the assignments fully; allow time for questions; and either demonstrate examples or allow students
to begin the assignment in class. It is the responsibility of the student to record assignments and gather
necessary materials for the assignment. Students are responsible for returning assignments on time.

Recommended Minutes of Homework:
Since students work at varying rates, some students will be able to complete their assignments during the
school day. We ask that parents please check their students homework each day. All students may not have
homework every evening.
On average, students in grade 1 should be able to complete their homework in 10 minutes, grade 2 in 20
minutes, grade 3 in 30 minutes, grade 4 in 40 minutes, grade 5 in 50 minutes and grade 6 in 60 minutes (with
the child working for the designated period of time without any interruptions). If a student is frequently
requiring much more than the allotted time to complete assignments, parents should contact the
All facilitators have a web page connected to the CSA Fodrea website. Homework is posted weekly.
Research indicates that parents can have a very positive influence on their childs education by reading to
them. In addition to their regular nightly assignments, students are encouraged to read either independently or
with a parent on a regular basis for 20-30 minutes. If students have completed their daily assignments, they
can fill their allotted study time by practicing math facts, spelling words, vocabulary lists, or other long-term
CSA Fodrea facilitators maintain web pages that include homework assignments, information on projects,
and a wealth of resources to assist your student with their academic progress.

Parent Involvement: Students are expected to complete assignments independently unless the teacher gives
other instructions. Parents can provide support by providing a time and place for students to work. Parents can
also help by answering student questions and checking the first part of the assignment to make sure the student
understands the task. Parents may be asked to initial assignment notebooks or work and respond to teacher
memos. Parents are asked to make sure that their childs homework is completed and help the child form habits
in getting the homework back to school.

Incomplete Assignments:
Facilitators will notify the parents (phone call, notes in assignment notebook, interim reports) if a student is
frequently not completing assignments. Facilitators may require the students to lose recess time, or with parent
consent, come before or stay after school for homework help if the problem persists. The homework help is
designed to replace detention for students who are having difficulty submitting assignments on time due to
failure to comprehend or certain poor study habits. An adult will supervise the homework time and provide help
with assignments.
Parent or student concerns about homework assignments should first be discussed with the facilitator. A
conference should be scheduled if necessary.

Parent Portal:
Power School Parent Portal is designed to link parents and schools together via the internet. It enables
parents to access their childrens school records. You may view health and immunization, assignments, grades,
attendance, and discipline. Grades and missing assignments can be found through PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Please contact CSA Fodreas main office at 376-4321 to apply for a username and password.

Parents can do their part to improve homework when they:
1. Cooperate with the school to make homework effective.
2. Provide the student with suitable study conditions (desk, table, lights, books, supplies, etc.).
3. Reserve a regular time for homework and turn off the television and video games.
4. Encourage the student, but avoid undue pressure.
5. Show interest in what the student is doing, but do not do the work for him/her.
6. Understand that facilitators expect homework to be completed neatly and returned on the date

Children can improve their study habits if they:
1. Record each assignment in an assignment book.
2. Understand each assignment completely. Ask questions when necessary.
3. Form the habit of setting a regular time and place for study. The location should offer
adequate lighting, ventilation, and a quiet atmosphere.
4. Have necessary materials at hand.
5. Try to develop the skill of working independently.
6. Spend enough, but not too much time, on each subject.
7. Use time wisely. Concentrate on the task at hand and get it done!

At CSA Fodrea, students learn to set their own learning goals and to chart their progress in the key areas of
reading, writing, math, attendance, and discipline. Students in grades K-6 will receive report cards at the end of
each nine weeks. Dates report cards will go home are: October 24
, January 9
, April 3
and June 2
Parents will be notified halfway through each grading period if their child is having serious problems in any
subject area. Students will receive grades in art, music, and physical education at the end of each semester.


Grades and missing assignments can be found through Power School Parent Portal. Please contact CSA Fodreas main
office at 376-4321 to apply for a username and password.
As part of the implementation of the continuous improvement process, all classrooms are encouraged to use data
folders. Parents are encouraged to schedule meetings with your childs facilitator whenever you have questions or
High academic achievement does not occur without hard work and sacrifice on the part of students and their families.
In acknowledgment of this dedication and hard work, CSA Fodrea recognizes students in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 who have
demonstrated high academic achievement during each grading period. The recognition program distinguishes high
academic achievement on two levels: Gold Honor Roll (all As) and Silver Honor Roll (A/B).
Students are recognized for perfect attendance and citizenship in addition to the Gold and Silver Honor
Rolls for their academic achievements at the Town Hall meeting immediately following receipt of their report
cards. Students are given certificates for each of these areas, as well as, pencils and food coupons. A breakfast
for each grade level celebrates making the Gold Honor Roll, Silver Honor Roll or the Academic Improver

Kindergarten through 2
grade participate in a standards based grading and report card system in an effort to more
effectively communicate what students know and are able to do aligned to grade level standards.
The grading scale is as follows:

Kindergarten 2
Grade 3rd 6
C+ = 77 79%

Level of Mastery A+ = 100% C = 73 76%
4 EXCEEDS grade-level standards A = 93 99% C- = 70 72%
3 MEETS grade-level standards A- = 90 92% D+ = 67 69%
2 APPROACHING grade-level standards B+ = 87 89% D = 63 66%
1 BELOW grade-level standards B = 83 86% D- = 60 62%
B- = 80 82% F = 59% or below
Gold Honor Roll requires a student to receive a grade of A or higher in all classes. Consequently, the grade point
average (GPA) would have to be at least 10.0 on a 12 point scale for the grading period. If a student has the 10.0 GPA but
receives a grade lower than A-, the student would not qualify for Gold Honor Roll.
Silver Honor Roll requires a student to earn a grade point average of at least 9.0 on a 12 point scale with no grades
lower than B-. If a student has the 9.0 GPA, but receives a grade lower than B-, the student does not qualify for Silver
Honor Roll.
Handwriting will not be included on Honor Roll. Music, Art, and PE will not be included on Honor Roll.
Students in grade 6 may also qualify for the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence given at the end of the school
Gold Honor Roll requires a student to receive a grade of A or higher in all classes. Consequently, the grade point
average (GPA) would have to be at least 10.0 on a 12 point scale for the grading period. If a student has the 10.0 GPA but
receives a grade lower than A-, the student would not qualify for Gold Honor Roll.
Silver Honor Roll requires a student to earn a grade point average of at least 9.0 on a 12 point scale with no grades
lower than B-. If a student has the 9.0 GPA, but receives a grade lower than B-, the student would not qualify for Silver
Honor Roll.
Handwriting will not be included on Honor Roll. Music, Art, and P.E. will not be included on Honor Roll. Students in
grade 6 may also qualify for the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence given at the end of the school year.

STUDY TRIPS (field trips)
Study trips are part of the curriculum and are designed to fulfill educational goals. We hope you will encourage your
children to participate in these activities. Facilitators will notify you of study trips. If the field trip is outside of
Bartholomew County, facilitators will obtain your written permission. Signing the permission form on the back of the
handbook covers all in-county trips. Facilitators will request parent chaperones for many study trips. Students siblings
are not permitted to accompany parent chaperones on field trips. School rules are enforced on all field trips (this includes
BCSCs No Smoking Policy). Chaperones must have completed and passed a criminal history check prior to the field
trip. 21

It is our goal to fill the library with quality books and materials to meet the needs and interests of all our students. It is
very important that students learn how to take care of the books they borrow. Sometimes, however, books do get lost or
damaged. If this should happen, please check very carefully for the book, and if it is not found, see that it is paid for
quickly so that it can be replaced for use by other students.
Students at CSA Fodrea visit the library on a weekly basis accompanied by the classroom facilitator. At different
times throughout the year, new books are introduced and discussed. At the beginning of the year, each class receives
instruction on library procedures, processes, and care of library materials. Students also check books out throughout the
week when given a pass by their classroom facilitator. The computers are available for students use when accompanied
by a staff member.

Returns and Renewals - All materials that are due from a student must be returned prior to checking out more. Books
may be renewed 2-3 times if no one else is waiting for them. Students must have the book(s) with them in order to
renew them.

Overdue and Lost/Damaged Materials - It is a privilege and a responsibility to borrow Media Center materials.
Students are expected to properly care for and return promptly all borrowed materials. Overdue lists are issued
periodically. Overdue fines are not charged, but students having an item overdue for three weeks or more will receive a
parent note with a replacement cost in case the item cannot be found. Parents are responsible to pay for lost or damaged
materials. Some exceptions such as house fires, floods, etc. are made. We can accommodate installment payments if
the entire amount cannot be paid at one time. A refund will be given if a book is later found and returned. Students with
habitually late or lost materials may be given a delinquent status, which allows only one book to be checked out.

Book rental fees may change. The fee rates will be announced at the beginning of each school year. Parents will be
notified of changes. Last year our fees were as follows: The materials fee for kindergarten per semester is $20.00, $8.20
consumable fee, $2.50 technology fee, and $7.50 student activity/science fee or $38.20 per semester. This would be
$76.40 per year for kindergarten. For grades one six the fee per semester is $47.47, $7.50 student activity/science fee,
$5.29 technology fee, and $.50 science fee or $60.76 per semester or $121.52 per year. Applications for assistance will
be provided in the first day of school packet of information and are also available in the office. These should be
completed and turned in as soon as possible. You will be billed twice a year, once each semester. You may make
arrangements with us t
o pay the fee in payments. If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, your textbook rental fee is waived. Fees are
subject to approval by the school board.

Textbooks and library books are the property of the school corporation. These items are checked out to students by a
name/number system. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of these items and to return them in satisfactory
condition. Students and parents are responsible to pay for books that are lost, stolen or damaged.

Students in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 will participate each year in the statewide ISTEP+ testing each spring. Student
writing is assessed quarterly using BCSCs district wide writing rubric. Additional assessments are completed
throughout the year consisting of STAR Reading, timed math facts, and Individual Reading Inventories. A state
assessments called I-READ is given in the spring each year to all third grade students.
Students in grades k, 1, and 2 will participate in mCLASS Dibels Reading and Math assessments three times per year.
Kindergarten students participate in formal and informal screening periodically throughout the year. Should a teacher feel
that a student requires a full battery of individual testing, the school psychologist will provide such a service.



BCSC offers a before and after-school supervision and enrichment program called i-Care at CSA Fodrea.
This is a fee-based service with a limited number of scholarships available. If there are enough families
interested, i-Care may be provided in the morning between 6:30 AM and the beginning of school. I-Care will
be provided after school until 6:00 PM. Call Kate Garrity at (418-0924) for additional information about
services and charges.

There is also a summer program offered as a part of i-Care. Teachers recommend students for this program.
If you are interested in more information, please contact the office.

The Foundation for Youth provides a bus for after-school programs at the Boys and Girls Club. Please
contact Boys and Girls Club for more information.


A Student Council representative and an alternate will be selected from each homeroom in grades 4-6. The
Student Council will communicate positive ideas between all students and staff and help organize school-related
projects to improve citizenship and responsibility.


CSA Fodrea has a counselor to help students achieve the highest growth mentally, emotionally, and socially.
The student may participate in individual, small group or classroom activities in order to help meet these goals.
Parent conferences are also offered when a parent, facilitator, or student feels it is necessary. The counselor is
available to meet with the parent to discuss anything that may affect a students performance at school.


All students (with emphasis on students in grades 5 and 6) have the opportunity to participate in Project
Connect. Through a community initiative, families receive a computer to utilize as long as the student is
enrolled in BCSC.


Please notify the office as soon as possible of any change of address and/or phone number (home or
emergency). If this move takes you out of the school district:
- make the facilitator and office aware.
- return all textbooks and library books.
- notify the bus driver.
If the school does not have updated information, school personnel might be unable to reach you should an
emergency occur.

Kindergarten Screenings
Kindergarten students participate in formal and informal screening periodically throughout the year. Should
a facilitator feel that a student requires a full battery of individual testing, the school psychologist will provide
such a service.


To be eligible as a member of a BCSC elementary team, a prospective player and/or cheerleader must have a
completed physical examination form and a completed/signed Consent and Waiver form on file at the school
prior to team tryouts. This procedure brings the BCSC Elementary Basketball League into compliance with the
athletic procedure of the BCSCs secondary schools.

Academics are always our first priority; therefore, all participants must maintain a minimum of a C average.
Individual schools may have higher grade requirements to be eligible to participate in their extracurricular
programs. The effort grade must not be below a 4 in any graded subject area.

A player becomes ineligible if his/her 13th birthday occurs before August 1.

If your child is planning on participating in/attending an after-school event(s), he/she must be in school for
half of the school day. He/She may not have been sent home by the school nurse for any medical reason. If
your child has been sent home with a lice issue, the child must be treated and brought back to school by the
parent for the nurse to recheck before returning to class. If your child has a doctors appointment and can
produce a doctors slip, he/she may attend the evening event.


Students struggling academically or behaviorally may be referred to a member of the CSA Fodrea ICT.
The ICT facilitator meets for an initial meeting with the classroom facilitator where the academic concerns are
indentified. An analysis of the concerns is completed and a plan of action is developed. The ICT facilitator and
the classroom facilitator will continually monitor the progress and make adjustments as needed.

Throughout the year, school-wide convocations are held in the gym. All students are expected to behave
according to the CSA Fodrea Behavior Guidelines when attending presentations and demonstrations. Regularly
scheduled convocations include: Yearly Open House; Veterans Day presentation; and Student musical
presentations. Other convocations are scheduled as needed to support classroom activities and Indiana State

The CSA Fodrea PTO is a very active committee that provides many opportunities for family activities each
year. The committee meets monthly to review the budget, plan activities, and determine needs of the families
and the building. Parents and staff members work together to design opportunities that will encourage family
participation and student academic growth. Parents are welcome to attend the meetings, see school newsletter
for meeting dates.

Fresh air and outdoor play activity are beneficial to students. We do go outside for recess whenever the
weather permits. In the winter a combination of the wind chill factor and temperature is looked at using twenty
degrees as our cut-off for outdoor play. All students should have appropriate clothing for outdoor play. Contact
our school nurse if you need assistance in obtaining warm clothing. Students with health conditions that do not
allow outside play must provide a doctor's statement. All students must participate in outdoor recess, unless a
doctor's statement is on file.



Please notify the office as soon as possible of any change of address and/or phone number (home or
emergency). If this move takes you out of the school district:
Make the facilitator and office aware
Return all textbooks and library books
Notify the bus driver
Please report any change of telephone numbers to the office. This is very important in the event of an

A lost and found site for large items (i.e. coats, backpacks, lunchboxes, etc.) is located in the cafeteria.
Smaller items such as jewelry, toys, money, etc. may be turned in to the school office. Students should check
both places for lost items. Items not claimed will be disposed of at the end of each semester. The school
assumes NO liability for lost items. Please help your child keep track of his/her belongings. Parents can assist
by placing the childs name on lunch boxes, notebooks, and articles of clothing, especially outerwear such as
coats and jackets.


Destruction of school property will not be tolerated. Any student caught damaging the building or school
materials (including computer netbooks) will be expected to repair the damaged property, clean the soiled area,
or be financially responsible for the damages.
CSA Fodrea is the property of tax-paying citizens. Parents are asked to encourage their children to take
pride in their school. Students should respect the school and be responsible for keeping our building clean and


Printed matter and other materials, student invitations, etc. shall not be distributed through the schools except
for educational purposes as approved by the Superintendent of Schools.

Parents are asked to plan ahead with their students so it will not be necessary for them to use the school
phone. Plans to go home with friends must be arranged in advance. Students may use phones only with teacher
permission for emergency situations. Telephone messages for teachers may be left on the teachers voice mail.
There is no need for students to have cell phones at school. However, if parents feel that it is absolutely
necessary, phones should be turned off and unless using for educational purposes with facilitator permission.
Students who bring cell phones to school run the risk of having them stolen or damaged. The school is not
responsible for them. Should the phone go off and disrupt class, or if the student has the phone on his/her
person during the school day, it will be taken to the office and parents will need to pick it up
E-readers, tablets, ipad, or any other device used in the classroom should only be brought to school with the
facilitators permission and only used in the classroom for educational purposes. Parents should contact the
facilitator to verify permission. These devices will be used without network connection or support. The
student should not share their personal device with others, and the school cannot accept responsibility for lost or
damaged items.



School time should be devoted to instructional purposes. We must all try to avoid interruptions, unless
absolutely necessary. Parents may contact facilitators after dismissal by telephone, voice mail, or make an
appointment to see them at a later date. Any important messages will be delivered to a student through the
school office. Items intended for your children should be labeled and left at the office.
Disciplinary action may be taken when issues from social networks, such as myspace or facebook, cause a
disruption at school that interrupts the educational environment.

Parents are always welcome to visit CSA Fodrea School. For the safety and security of the students,
by board policy, parents should make arrangements in advance with the childs facilitator.
Facilitators must focus on the business of teaching. Unless arrangements have been made,
visits to the classroom will need to be made outside class time. All visitors must sign in at the
school office before proceeding to classrooms. Visitor badges must be worn.
Children who are not enrolled in CSA Fodrea School will not be permitted to spend any portion of
the school day in the building unless given permission by the principal and facilitator. This does not
apply to children who are accompanying parents for a visit.
Since you are helping us set the proper example for our students, we expect ALL parents and visitors
to dress appropriately (follow the student dress code) when visiting the school and/or accompanying
a class on a field trip.
For safety purposes, all exterior doors will remain locked during the school day including the main
entrance doors. The panic hardware on the doors allows them to be used as exits at any time. All
people entering the building must sign in at the office and wear a name tag while in the building.
You are always welcome at CSA Fodrea, but we feel it is our responsibility to know who is in our
building so we can ensure the safety of our children.
Parking for parents and visitors is available on the north and east side of the building. The bus
parking area is only to be used for extracurricular activities.


All volunteers at CSA Fodrea School must obtain a criminal history and sex offender registry check. This
includes volunteers in the classroom and for special events. Forms are available in the office at no cost to the
volunteer. If you think you may want to accompany your childs class, volunteer on a regular basis, or for
special events, please fill out a form. They will be good for the entire school year and must be renewed
yearly. Chaperones going on field trips out of state must have returned criminal history checks in order to
accompany the class.

Please notify the office and teacher as soon as possible of any change of address or phone number. If your
move takes you out of the school district:
Make teacher and office aware.
Return all textbooks and library books.
Notify your bus driver.
Please report any change of phone numbers to the office. This is very important in the event of an

Any group wishing to use the school building must call John Johnson at Columbus North High School (376-
4236) and complete an online school usage form.

March 2014
This information is being published to comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 763 Subpart E
Containing Materials in Schools. This regulation, commonly known as the "AHERA" rule, requires
education agencies, such as this one, to perform certain tasks in regards to the presence and control
asbestos containing materials in the buildings under the jurisdiction of the local education agency.
These include but are not limited to:
1. Developing an asbestos management plan which is designed to outline procedures and
guidelines for
the initial inspection, triennial reinspections, and 6 Month Periodic Surveillance of asbestos-
materials that are present in the buildings.
2. Provide awareness training and additional training to selected school employees.
3. Periodically notify all workers and occupants, or their local guardians, parent teacher
and collective bargaining organizations of the availability of asbestos management plans, the
of same and the times that the plans may be reviewed.
This notification is to advise all patrons, occupants, or their legal guardians, collective bargaining
organizations, and parent-teachers organizations, that the asbestos management plans required
this act are available for review upon request. The plans can be viewed by any person during normal
business hours of the particular school. Interested parties wishing to inquire about the plans should
contact the individual school office. Master copies of the plans for all buildings under the jurisdiction of
this local education agency are available in the Maintenance Building, which is located at 1260 North
Marr Road, Columbus, Indiana 47201; telephone number (812) 376-4231. Inquiries regarding any
of the regulation or the management plans should be directed to Mr. Steve Forster at the above
telephone number during regular business hours.
The Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation school facilities and buildings which contain
asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and must comply with the 40 CFR 763 Subpart E (AHERA)
regulations include:
Columbus North and Columbus East High Schools; Northside Middle School; Clifty Creek;
Mt. Healthy; Parkside; W D Richards; Rockcreek; L C Schmitt, L F Smith, CSA-Fodrea
Campus; Taylorsville; and Southside Elementary Schools; the Administration Building;
Richard L.
Johnson Early Education Center; McDowell Adult Education Center; CSA-New Tech and the
Transportation/Maintenance Building
Listed is a brief description of asbestos projects currently ongoing and completed at our facilities this
school year, as well as activities currently scheduled for the 2014/2015 school year. Detailed reports
each activity will become a part of each school's asbestos management plan and may be reviewed in
school office.

* The triennial reinspection will be conducted in March of 2014
* Six month periodic surveillance: Completed in September 2013
* Completed asbestos abatement projects: McDowell: Summer/Fall 2012 and Lincoln CSA:
Summer/Fall 2013
* Six month periodic surveillances: Scheduled for March and September each year
* Projects scheduled for 2014 asbestos abatement: Richard L. Johnson Early Education
Center, Columbus
East High School, Mt. Healthy Elementary School
The new Central Middle School is asbestos free and requires no surveillance or reinspections.
We would suggest that you consider printing the following:
In accordance with the US EPA's AHERA Standard (ref: 40 CFR 763.80), all information
concerning asbestos-containing materials in the schools of the Bartholomew Consolidated
School Corporation is available for review and copying by students, staff and guardians
during normal business hours.

Each year, a class will have no more than three parties. Contact your childs facilitator if you would like to provide a
classroom birthday treat. Please advise the classroom facilitator in advance if your child is not to participate in any of
these parties for medical or other reasons. All treats are to be commercially prepared or individually wrapped. Do
not supply hard candy or any other item that could result in choking. Birthday invitations for personal parties will
not be distributed at school.
PETS (Animals)
Pets or other animals of any kind should not be brought to school. If a classroom project requires a live animal, the
classroom facilitator will make special arrangements for the care and supervision of the animal. Students must gain
permission from the facilitator prior to bringing in any non-service animal. See policy 8390

The Board recognizes that there are many occasions when animals are present on School Corporation property and many
reasons for those animals' presence. Animals are commonly utilized by teachers during classroom presentations and are
often housed in classrooms and other locations on campus. Additionally, employees, students, parents/guardians,
vendors, and other members of the public may be accompanied at school by a service animal in accordance with Federal
and Indiana law and this policy.
This policy shall apply to all animals on School Corporation property, including service animals.
Copies of the full policy can be viewed online.

Textbooks and library books are the property of the school corporation. These items are checked out to students by a
name/number system. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of these items and to return them in satisfactory
condition. Students and parents are responsible to pay for books that are lost, stolen, or damaged.

CSA Fodrea students in grades one through six are encouraged to have a CSA Fodrea Assignment Book. Students
write their assignments in the book every day. Facilitators may include comments in the assignment book. The
assignment book is taken home daily and shared with the parents or other important people. The parent/important person
must sign the book and the student must return the assignment book to school every day. Facilitators may check the
assignment book each morning for the signature and to read any notes that have been included. The assignment book is a
great tool for helping our students with organization and for communication between home and school.

Each year our CSA Fodea sixth graders operate a bookstore. The students sell school items in the gym before school
starts each morning. The money earned will support the sixth grade field trip to Chicago.


All checks issued to our school must have your current name and address. Please include your childs name in the
memo section. There will be a $20.00 fee on all checks returned for insufficient funds.

The BCSC Board prohibits the use of tobacco by visitors in school buildings at all times. Such prohibition also
applies on school grounds, on school buses, and/or at any school-related event.

Individual pictures will be taken in the fall and in the spring. In addition to individual pictures, group pictures and
activity pictures will be taken in January. Class pictures and yearbooks will be available to purchase. Information will be
sent home with each student prior to each picture day.

Freedom of speech can take different forms. The U.S. Dept. of Education gives students the right to pray,
organize groups, express ones faith in classwork, homework, or at a school event. Parents are advised that the U.S.
Department of Education publishes annually guidance on constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary
and secondary schools. You will be provided the latest copy from the principal upon request.

Fundraiser sponsors must follow BCSC procedures and guidelines before permission is given. The purpose for
each fundraiser at CSA Fodrea will be published in the Parent Newsletter, classroom newsletters, CSA Fodrea web page
and Facebook page. All funds raised must be accounted for and turned in to the schools Administrative Assistant; who
then counts and documents all money. Funds are deposited into specific accounts as dictated by the State Board of
Accounts. Final results for each fund raiser are reported to the principal upon completion of the event or project.

Drills are held regularly to help ensure the safety of the students at CSA Fodrea School. During fire, tornado,
earthquake, and code blue drills, students are expected to:
- follow directions of their facilitators.
- go to designated safe areas with no running or pushing.
- remain quiet at all times so that directions can be heard.

The safety of students and staff must be a priority in schools today. Each school has developed a comprehensive
plan for response to emergency situations. To provide students and staff members the opportunity to practice the outlined
procedures, drills are held regularly for fire, tornado, earthquake and Code Blue (lock down of school and classrooms).
The complete document, BCSC Crisis Plan & CSA Fodrea School Emergency Situations Procedures, is available
for parent review in the school office.

Student Evacuation Site Columbus East High School
230 S. Marr Road
Columbus, IN 47201
Parent Receiving site Central Middle School
725 7
Columbus, IN 47201

The size of our building and the numerous entrances has prompted us to be concerned about the safety of our
students and staff. Therefore, all outside entrances, except for main entrance will be locked. The panic hardware on the
doors allows them to be used as exits at any time. All people entering the building while students are present must sign
in at the office and wear a nametag while in the building. You are always welcome at CSA Fodrea, but we feel it is our
responsibility to know who is in our building so we can ensure the safety of our children.


Each building principal shall ensure that a daily opportunity is provided for students to voluntarily recite
the Pledge of Allegiance in each classroom or on school grounds. A student is exempt from participation and
may not be required to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or students parent chooses for the
student not to participate. Students who are exempt from reciting the pledge shall remain quietly standing or
sitting while others recite and shall make no display that disrupts or distracts other students who are reciting the
pledge. Students who participate shall stand and recite while facing the United States flag with their right hand
over their hearts or in an appropriate salute if in uniform. The student code of conduct applies for disruptive
behavior during the recitation of the pledge in the same manner as provided for in other circumstances of such

MOMENT OF SILENCE (Policy 8801.02)

In order that the right of each student to the free exercise of religion is guaranteed and the freedom of
each student is subject to the least possible coercion from the state either to engage in or refrain from religious
observation on school grounds, there shall be a daily observance of a moment of silence. During the moment of
silence the facilitator responsible for a classroom shall ensure that all students remain seated or standing and
silent. The facilitator will ensure that the students make no distracting display so that each student may, in the
exercise of the students individual choice, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that does not
interfere with, distract, or impede another student in the exercise of the students individual choice. This
moment of silence is not intended to be and shall not be conducted as a religious exercise. This policy
precludes students from using the occasion to pray audibly or otherwise speak singly or in unison. Building
principals and facilitators must not allow or tolerate any coercion or overbearing by anyone to force other
students to engage in or refrain from prayer or any other permitted activity under this policy. The student code
of conduct applies for disruptive behavior during the moment of silence in the same manner as provided for in
other circumstances of such behavior.



Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation (BCSC) will be providing your child with access to current technologies
including the Internet and access to the BCSC computer network. With this educational opportunity comes responsibility
to use these networks in a productive and ethical manner. When your child receives an account number and password, it
is extremely important that s/he abide by the enclosed agreement which is to be signed by both the child and the parent.

Our goal is to provide an Internet environment that is safe and appropriate for all of our students. Bartholomew
Consolidated School Corporation currently uses a commercial Internet screening product that filters Internet content and
does not allow access to pages and/or sites with objectionable material. In addition, district personnel monitor Internet use
to ensure that students are using the resources appropriately and design use according to their grade level.

At the beginning of each school year, your childs facilitator will discuss the appropriate use of technology including the
use of the Internet. The districts Technology Acceptable Use Policy, Web Publishing Guidelines, and Safe Use of the
Internet Guidelines will be reviewed. Students will be expected to follow the rules established in these guidelines. Your
local school may implement additional Internet and computer use procedures to make the experience safe and engaging
for students. Any inappropriate use of the computer networks will result in the loss of the privilege to use this educational
tool and possibly to disciplinary action as well.

Since you are legally responsible for your son/daughters actions, you may want to stress the importance of using only
his/her own account number and password and the necessity of guarding against their use by others. Under NO
circumstances should anyone else be given the information to access your childs account.

Because the use of the Internet is becoming an integral part of learning and our society at large, all students are granted
access when they are enrolled in our schools. If you DO NOT want your student to have access to the Internet, please
contact your childs facilitator(s) and access will be declined. If assignments require the use of the Internet, alternatives
will be provided.

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation is using all of the strategies described above to ensure the safety of
students and restrict access to inappropriate material. However, access to the Internet brings with it the potential
availability of material that is of no educational value, abusive, racially biased, or is otherwise offensive. While district
personnel are putting great effort into ensuring appropriate access, we cannot guarantee that students will not locate
material that may be objectionable. We continue to rely on a students judgment to use the Internet ethically, responsibly,
and in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the district.

If you would like to review the district Internet guidelines with your child, they can be reviewed at the Bartholomew
Consolidated School Corporations By-laws and Policies website http://www.neola.com/bartholomew-in/ under policy
7540.03 - INTERNET SAFETY POLICY or you can request a copy from the CSA Fodrea School office and they will
be mailed to you. Your cooperation in helping students understand appropriate use of the Internet is greatly appreciated.

Proper use of the Internet is a joint responsibility of students, parents, and employees of the school corporation. BCSC
retains the right to review and edit any materials downloaded, stored, or used on school computers. Before connecting to
the Internet, students must first notify their facilitator, teacher assistant or librarian. Violations of the policies will be dealt
with seriously. Violators will be subjected to the loss of computing privileges and the normal disciplinary procedures of
BCSC, including referral to police authorities. Use of information obtained via the Internet is at the students own risk.
Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation denies any responsibility for any unauthorized financial obligations
resulting from the use of school resources and accounts to access the Internet.


Access to the BCSCs electronic communications system(s) and technology resources is provided without charge to
students for instructional purposes and is a privilege, not a right. All students shall be required to acknowledge receipt
and understanding of the administrative regulations governing use of the system(s) and shall agree in writing to comply
with such regulations and guidelines. Noncompliance with applicable regulations will result in disciplinary action
consistent with BCSC policies and regulations.

Violations of law may result in criminal prosecutions as well as disciplinary action by the District.

Users MAY use the technology and Internet access provided by BCSC to research and complete assigned classroom
projects, and to send electronic mail for educational purposes using BCSC-provided email accounts to others users, both
inside and outside of BCSC.

Users MAY NOT:
1. Circumvent or attempt to circumvent any technology protections and/or filters installed by BCSC.
2. Use technology and Internet access provided by BCSC for any illegal purpose, including but not limited to the
violation of copyright laws.
3. Use technology and Internet access provided by BCSC to harass or bully others, vandalize, or disable programs,
or download or upload any inappropriate or destructive materials (viruses, worms, copyrighted material, etc.)
4. Use technology and Internet access provided by BCSC to transmit or receive any inappropriate materials.
5. Use technology and Internet access provided by BCSC to access, use or modify anothers materials regardless of
whether the operating system allows this.
6. Use or attempt to retrieve and/or use another persons ID or password including but not limited to the use of
packet sniffers and key logging software to gain access to technology and Internet access provided by BCSC.
7. Forge or attempt to forge electronic mail messages.
8. Attempt to read, delete, copy, or modify the electronic mail of other system users or deliberately interfere with the
ability of other system users to send/receive electronic mail.
9. Waste materials/resources.
10. Engage in any activity, including the playing of games, that is not part of an approved educational program.
11. Access chat rooms, instant messaging services, or social networking sites/service without permission from a
facilitator or administrator.
12. Upload or install programs on BCSC computer(s) without appropriate authorization from the Technology
13. Knowingly bring prohibited materials into BCSCs electronic communication system(s).
14. Harm, destroy school equipment or materials, data of another user of the BCSCs system(s), or any of the
agencies or other networks that are connected to the Internet
15. Attempt to compromise, degrade, or disrupt system performance
16. Modify or reconfigure the software, data, or hardware of any BCSC resource (e.g., system/network
administration) without appropriate authorization or permission.
Please also refer to the BCSC Technology Handbook for further information. It can be found on the district's
homepage or at www.bcsc.k12.in.us/TechnologyHandbook

Responsible Use of Equipment : CSA Fodrea students need to use technology nearly every day in order to be successful
in our program. Students receive extensive instruction regarding the care and procedures for taking care of the equipment.
In order for a student to be allowed to use the equipment, they must follow the expectations for responsible use.

Any damage to the equipment as a result of intentional or careless misuse is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and
they will be responsible for the cost of repair/replacement. Damaged caused as a result of an
accident when following correct procedures will NOT be the responsibility of the parent/guardian for the 1
Any subsequent accidents are considered a pattern and costs for repair will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

A student who repeatedly, intentionally misuses or damages the equipment will be restricted from access to that
equipment and may be removed from the Columbus Signature Academy.

2014-2015 School Year

First Teacher Day Friday August 1
First Student Day Monday August 4
Labor Day Holiday (no school) Monday September 1
Fall Break (2 weeks) Mon-Fri October 6-17
Thanksgiving Break Thurs-Fri November 27, 28
First Semester Ends Friday December 19
Christmas Break Monday Dec 22-Jan 5
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Records Day for Teachers Monday January 5
Classes Resume for Students Tuesday January 6
PreK Registration Thurs-Fri January 8-16
Martin Luther King Holiday (no school) Monday January 19
Kindergarten Registration Mon-Fri March 9-13
Spring Break Mon-Fri March 16-20
Snow Make-up Days #2-#6 Mon-Fri March 23-27
(starting with 3/27 and going backwards)
Good Friday Holiday/Snow Make-up Day #1 Friday April 3
Memorial Day Holiday (no school) Monday May 25
Last Student Day Tuesday June 2
Last Teacher Day (half day) To follow last student day
Graduation: New Tech High School Friday June 5
Graduation: East High School-10:00 a.m. Saturday June 6
North High School-1:00 p.m. Saturday June 6
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Summer School To be determined
BCSC Independence Day Holiday Friday July 3
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Grading Periods
Student Days Teacher Days
First Semester:
1st 9 weeks: August 4 October 3 44 45
9 weeks: October 20 December 19 43 43

Second Semester:
9 weeks: January 6 March 13 48 49
9 weeks: March 30 June 2 45 45.5

December 2014 Winter ECA Test/Retest (secondary)
March 2-11, 2015 ISTEP+ Applied Skills
March 2015 (exact date to be determined) IREAD-3
April - June 2015 Spring ECA Test/Retest (secondary)
April 2015 ACT, Explore, Plan (secondary)
April 27 May 15, 2015 ISTEP+ Multiple Choice
May 2015 ACT, Explore, Plan Make-up Date (secondary)

Board Approved: August 8, 2011



Dr. Diane M. Clancy Principal
Mrs. Jackie Cain Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Charity Nordyke Kindergarten
Ms. Kate Neal Kindergarten
Mrs. Jodi Koors Grade One
Ms. Stephany Kiel Grade One
Mrs. Sherry Hashman Grade Two
Ms. Alyssa Calhoun Grade Two
Mrs. Kim Kennedy Grade Three
Mr. Matthew Klein Grade Three
Mrs. Suzanne Diehn Grade Four
Mr. Shane Yates Grade Four
Mrs. Raven Gill Grade Five
Mrs. RuthAnn Lane Grade Five
Mrs. Caroline Arbuckle Grade Six
Mrs. Kelly Warner Grade Six
Mrs. Kristin Chitty LRC
Mrs. Debbie VanDeventer ICT/UDL
Mrs. Alyssa Dempsey Art
Mr. Nicholas Kohne Music
Mrs. Jill Garris Physical Education
Mr. Jay Hood Counselor
Mrs. Kelleher Speech Therapist
Mrs. Linda Darr Psychologist
Mrs. Connie Eppley Health Nurse
Mrs. Tina Purtlebaugh LRC Assistant
Mrs. Rita Brodfuehrer Media Tech Support
Ms. Anna Jacobson Technology Support
Mrs. Darla Cox Prime Time TA/ Project Manager
Mrs. Jennifer Malone Prime Time TA
Mrs. Angie Mahoney Kindergarten TA
Mrs. Debbie Lukas Kindergarten TA


CSA Fodrea Elementary School

Within our curriculum we give our students as many opportunities as possible for being there experiences. These
experiences help the children connect ideas and relationships for a better understanding of the world around them. This
permission form allows your child to participate in these activities. This form will serve as a permission slip for trips
within Bartholomew County. The teachers will send notes prior to the trip giving the specific dates, times, and cost of
trips. All trips outside of Bartholomew County will require an additional permission form.

We also want to recognize the accomplishments of our children when they receive awards, create projects, participate in
school events, etc. This is done in ways such as including the names of students in the school and classroom newsletters,
using pictures on bulletin boards, and displaying student work. Sometimes the newspaper will come into school to do a
story and pictures on events at CSA Fodrea. This form also includes permission for this recognition.

The Internet is used in the classroom and Media Center for research and to provide students with another kind of being
there" experience. Internet use information is included in the Student/Parent Handbook. This form includes permission
for Internet use.

Please sign the permission form below and return it to the classroom teacher. If there are any activities in which you do
not want your child to participate, please check the item as listed below:

Please initial next to each item below and sign at the bottom, giving your child permission to participate.
Then return it to the classroom teacher.


______ I have read the handbook, understand, and agree to the technology policy.


______ Study trips (field trips) within Bartholomew County
______ BCSC district educational programs such as the Symphony and Outdoor Lab
______ Events at other BCSC Schools


______ I have read the handbook regarding disclosure of directory information under FERPA. I
understand and agree to the disclosure.

Student Name: ____________________________________ Homeroom Teacher: ________________

Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________


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