Med First Solved
Med First Solved
Med First Solved
The facility is
considering offering an additional service, mammography screening test. The facility
estimates the annual fixed cost of the equipment and skills necessary to be $!" """."".
#ariable cost for each patient processed are estimated at $$%."" per patient. &f the clinic
plans to charge $%%."" for each screening test, ho' many patients must it process a year
in order to break-even(
)reak-even formula * Fixed +ost
,elling -rice-#ariable +ost
,o. !" """/0%%-$%1 * 2 """ patients/year to break-even.
)3456 4#47 57589,&, +58+:85T;3
7ote. -oint of &ndiference, is 'here the cost of t'o processes is equal. &f demand is
expected to be less than the point of indiference value then the process 'ith the lo'est
fixed cost should be selected.
&f demand is expected to be greater than the point of indiference value, then the process
'ith the lo'est variable cost should be selected.
$. Tasty &ce +ream is a year round take out ice cream restaurant that is considering
offering an additional product, hot chocolate. +onsidering the additional machine it
'ould need plus cups and ingredients it estimates.
Fixed +ost. $!""."" per year <
#ariable +ost. $ ".!"
&t charges. ,elling -rice $ ."" per =ot +hocolate. =o' many chocolates does it need to
sell in order to break-even(
)reak-even * >>>F>>> * !""/ - ".!" * !%" =ot +hocolate.
,- - #+
?. ,lick -ads is a company that manufactures 8ap Top notebook computers. The
company is considering adding its o'n line of computer printers.
Fixed +ost. $ %"" """.""
#ariable +ost. $ !"".""
a1 &f the company plans to offer the -rinter at
,elling -rice. $$%"."". =o' many -rinters does it have to sell to )reak-4ven(
b1 @escribe the types of operations considerations that the company needs to consider
before making the final decision.
a1 )reak-even * %"" """/$%" - !"" * $$$$.$$ or $$$? -rinters.
b1 ;perations +onsiderations.
-roduct. @esignA MaterialsA 8ookA Market
-rocess. ,election. +ontinuous or )atch etc. FacilityA 8ocationA &nventory etc.