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Rav Baruch Simon, Shlita

Hilchos Melicha, Shechita, and Assorted Topics, June Zman !"#
$%lease note& These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the
shiurim+ An) mista-es should 'e attri'uted to me+ Beni /rohn+
#1 - 6.3.08 / 29 Iyar 5768
Issur Dam
,+ Source o0 ,ssur
A+ Gm Krisus 4- psu-im that assur dam& 1am 2hullin, /odshim, /isui, 3ivarim, and
Tamt4is 5'lood that drains out a0ter animal is alread) dead6+
B+ !is"#a Krisus 20$- machlo-es (hether cha)av -areis 0or dam tamt4is+ 2hachamim7
not cha)av+ R* 8ehuda is mecha)ev+ 9e hold li-e chachamim+
7 :nl) cha)av 0or dam shehaneshama is telu)a 'o 5;"< in /esu'os& ,ssur o0 ta-in. 'lood
on sha''os is netilas neshama '=c dam that ta-in. out is shehaneshama telu)a 'a '=c
person is alive6+
2+ Gm Krisus 21$- 1am 3ivarim, Heart, etc+ onl) '*lav, not -areis+
>+ %- '=c not dam hane0esh+
7 R Sheishes- human 'lood isn*t nichlal in an) o0 these issurim+ :nl) time its assur is
(hen its pireish 5on piece o0 'read, in a cup6+ ?ichora, pro'lem o0 maris a)in+
@+ &' !( 6)4- All these other -inds o0 dam 5eivarim, tamt4is, etc+6 not cha)av
-areis, 'ut .et mal-us '=c not dam shehane0esh )ot4ei 'o+
,,+ 1am eivarim shelo piresh= ,s Melicha necessar) even 0or ra( meatA
A+ !is"#a *"u++i# 14(- ,0 shecht on sha''os or 8/, /osher Shechita+ Gm , this is acc
to R* 8ehuda, not R* Shimon, (ho holds that 0ood that isn*t muchan 'e0ore sha''os is
assur on sha''os alt4 mu-t4a+
>+ -.' /isi#- B"CC can*t eat it, so (ho cares that it*s mutarDA
@ Ans(ers&
7 He (as over the issur sha''os o0 mea'eid and salted it+
$$7 He eats it ra( and no need to do melicha i0 (ant to eat meat ra(
'=c onl) issur dam is (hen it*s pireish& Em 2hullin >>>A7 can eat liver Fust ') pourin.
hot (ater on it to -eep dam inside+ And >>@A7 i0 cut meat on 'read and dam comes out,
the 'read is assur 'ut meat is -osher+

B+ Gm *"u++i# 113(- ,0 'rea- the nec- o0 the animal 'e0ore the animal dies, the 'lood
doesn*t come .ushin. out, so .m sa)s )ou are mach'id es ha'asar, .o4el es ha'rios, and
are mavlia dam in the eivarim 5'=c since it*s heavier, (ill sell it 0or more than its (orth
'=c a lot o0 that (ei.ht is dam, not meat6+ Em (ants to -no( is this onl) an issur .e4el or
even an issur to eatA And .m leaves it as a tei-u+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
>+ 0%1 2"- 2alls this dam shepeirish mima-om l*ma-om+ And .m is as-in.
i0 )ou can eat this meat ra(+ Mashma, that in normal situation can eat ra( meat (ithout
melicha, and onl) (hen dam has 'een peirush mima-om lima-om do (e assur it+
Ho(ever, i0 (ould do melicha, 0or sure it (ould 'e mutar+
5:thers have .irsa, that .m (ants to -no( i0 mutar to eat at all, and .m leaves that as a
tei-u, in (hich case this .m isnt tellin. us that .enerall) it*s mutar to eat meat ra(6+

@+ 3%0 , 1av-a dam shepiresh li.amrei is assur, 'ut i0 it moves mima-om
lima-om, not assur+ B=c (hen are moleiach dam, o'viousl) don*t .et all o0 it out+ 3la,
(e are moleiach 'asar to eGtent that a0ter pourin. 'oilin. (ater on it it (ould stop
comin. out 52hec- this6+ And even thou.h 0or sure some dam is travelin. on its (a) out
(hen it is stopped+ 3la vada) dam is onl) assur once its totall) piresh+
H+ %0 *"u++i#) 4 cases that have " based on this yesod.
5a6 2ase I>7 7)11- %iece o0 meat is red '=c the animal had .otten a bruise
mechaim, not called dam evarim shepiresh+
$Assumin. that perish mima-om lima-om is considered piresh+
5'6 2ase I@7 1)197 Tzole basar, no need 0or melicha '=c the dam (ill come
out and 0all to the .round+ And the dam that is le0t inside and moves around inside, that*s
not called dam eivarim shepiresh+
$$Apparentl) holdin. that piresh mima-om lima-om is not called pireshDA 9hat a'out
in pere- !AD
- Dris"a& Ma-es chilu- that i0 it moved me2haim, called dam shepiresh, 'ut i0
happens a0ter death, not called dam shepiresh+
5c6 2ase IH- 8)457 Basar nisbashel without any melicha+ Jeed "K in the
tavshil -ine.ed the dam+ 9hat a'out the ori.inal pieceA
1- 45s" 6mrim& ssur '=c it (as coo-ed (ithout melicha+
2- %0& !utar '=c the dam (as 'atel, and (hatever dam moved around inside the 'asar
isn*t a pro'lem '=c its dam eivarim shelo piresh+
5d6 2ase IL7 8)49- ,0 use "li sheeino menu"av to do melicha (hat*s din o0
1- /imu75i 89 :5r5;<) 9hole chaticha should 'e assur '=c dam can*t come out at all '=c
the (hole area is 'ac-ed up, and dam alread) started movin. and couldn*t .et out, so the
(hole piece is assur+
2- %0& :nl) the part o0 the meat sittin. in the dam=t4ir (ill 'ecome assur '=c has din
-avush, and that (hich moves around inside doesn*t assur the (hole piece '=c it*s
L+ &' !( 6)12 N 2hi)uv Melicha even ') ra( meat+ Em never sa)s that don*t
need melicha ') 'asar umt4a+ Ho(ever, i0 chalto '*chomet4, no( can eat it (=out
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
5a6 &%=- As lon. as the dam has the a'ilit) to 'e piresh, still assur until do
melicha+ :nl) once it loses the a'ilit) to come out, then mutar even (ithout melicha+
1+ Halacha ?imaaseh
> % 67)1 - :nl) dam that*s assur is i0 it is )ot4ei lichut4 or mima-om lima-om
5a.ainst O"P< ,P"O<6+ 2an eat ra( meat (ithout melicha+
Q 69)18- Moleiach 'asar in -li she*eino menu-av&
7 1?&) :nl) part in t4ir is assur+
7 0%&) (hole piece is assur, v*hachi noha.im+
> 69)117 Bishul (=out melicha&
1?&) ever)thin. is mutar i0 there is "K 5O"P<6+
0%&& )esh osrim that piece, 'ut can 'e mei-il l*t4orech orchim or l*-avod
sha''os 5Jimu-ei R* %eret46+

,,,+ 1am she'ishlo
A+ Gm *"u++i# 109(7 not over on dam she'ishlo, onl) issur dira'anan+
B+ R"O< 1enies this halacha in @ places&
>+ *"u++i# 109(7 2oo-ed the heart (ith the dam inside+ R"O<7 2ase (here not
cha)av -areis is (hen it*s oa0 5no -i4a)is6+ But i0 it (as 'eheima, (ould 'e cha)av+ But
B"CC, ho( can )ou 'e cha)av -areish, )ou coo-ed itAD
@+ *"u++i# 120(- Hardened heart R"O<& ') coo-in. it until it .ets .elled, .et
-areis+ S;T& coo-ed it '*chama+
$So (hat*s pshat in R"O<A
2+ !aa@a#5i (s"5r- R"O< thou.ht that .m (as onl) a HA+ But acc to the mas-ana, onl)
tal-in. a'out dam that is -arush, that*s (hen eino over alav '=c can*t dip an)thin. into it
5see inside6+ But Fust 'ein. mivushal is not enou.h+
#2 - 6.04.08 ?% / AiBa# 5768
Ca@aD"a Kamaysa
,+ Source o0 din
A+ Gm *"u++i# 113(- R* Huna& Basar can onl) .et rid o0 its dam (= melicha and
hadacha+ Braisa sa)s to do hadacha 'e0ore and a0ter melicha+ But .m sa)s not a
machlo-es, R* Huna (as tal-in. a'out a case (here the 'utcher alread) did the hadacha
-ama)sa, and i0 he didn*t then )ou have to do it )oursel0+ But " are modim that need
hadacha b4 and after.
B+ &' !( 6)10- sa)s do hadacha 'e0ore and a0ter, and then put it in 'oilin. (ater+
,,+ Reasons 0or this din 5at least %shatim6
A+ E% *"u++i# 42(7 Al(a)s assume that (henever a piece o0 meat is 'ein. poleit, it
cannot 'e 'oleia at the same time+ Uuotes t(o reasons 0or hadacha -ama)sa&
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
>+ V"P<& ,0 didn*t do hadacha -ama)sa, (ould salt it, 'lood is comin. out, 'ut also
'lood ca-ed up, le0t on the sur0ace and nervous that a0ter all the 'lood is done comin.
out, the 'lood that (as on the sur0ace (ill no( melt and come into the chaticha and assur
it '=c onl) (hile 'lood is comin. out the chaticha can*t 'e 'oleia, 'ut once its done, then
the dam on the sur0ace (ill seep in+ There0ore, do hadacha -ama)sa to .et rid o0 the
sur0ace 'lood 'e0ore (e start+
$$W"< doesn*t li-e it '=c sa)s i0 that is )our concern, then Fust do hadacha ri.ht a0ter(ards
'=c chaticha (ill 'e poleit as lon. as there is salt on it 5even a0ter o00icial <SXRO melicha6,
so once do hadacha to .et rid o0 salt, that (ill .et rid o0 the 'lood on the outside as (ell+
@+ W"<& ,n order to so0ten the 'asar, (ill so0ten the outer 'lood, so that it (on*t
prevent the dam inside 0rom comin. out 5reall) Fust sa)s so0ten the 'asar, and this is
eGplanation o0 the %ri Me.adim6+
B+ !6r@5D"ai *"u++i# 721-
>+ ,0 don*t do hadacha, (hen )ou put melach on the chaticha, 0irst encounter (ill
'e (ith the sur0ace dam, (hich (ill 'lunt the potenc) o0 the salt, so then (hen it seeps
into the meat (on*t 'e a'le to 0ull) eGtricate the dam 0rom the chaticha+
@+ Just to so0ten up the meat, so that the dam (ill come out more easil)+ 5%ri
Me.adim is upset (ith Y"O (ho seems to eZuate this shita (ith that o0 the W"<6+
2+ Ama7 205- ,0 don*t do hadacha, 'ut salt it 0irst, the sur0ace 'lood (ill 'e nivla
immediatel) into the chaticha and is never a'le to come out+ So i0 don*t do hadacha 0irst,
the piece (ill 'e assur 0orever a0ter )ou put salt on it+
1+ %0 *"u++i# 8)46- 9hat i0 did melicha (=out hadacha+ 2an )ou recti0) it laterA
Jormall) have -lal that dam is misra- sari- [ since comin. out (ith such a 0orce, .lides
ri.ht o00 the meat, doesn*t .et nivla in meat on its (a) out+ O"P<& there are those (ho
sa) that no ta-ana i0 didn*t do hadacha '=c don*t sa) dam misra- sari- in that scenario
and dam (ill .et nivla 'ac- into the meat+ Ho(ever, the A5F5r "a2ruma thin-s that dam
that .oes in can come 'ac- out (ith melicha, so acc to him the saltin. a0ter(ards can
,,,+ Achronim
7Achronim onl) deal (ith t(o o0 these mehalchim& 3ither the Ama7 or the E% 5ma)'e
pshat in Mordechai6+
A+ :ri !5Ga@im HI5siD"a +9Ci+D"6s !5+iD"aJ - Brin.s siG reasons 0or hadacha rishona&
And Zuotes the O"P< as a separate mehalech+
B+ % 69)1 -
>+ 1?&) Have to do hadacha 'e0ore the melicha 5and i0 'utcher did it, eino t4arich
lihadicho 'a'a)is6+
5a6 K% 1 - Zuotes di00erent reasons& Acc to the 45s" 6mrim i#
!6r@5D"ai and the E% that Fust helps it 'e poleit 'etter, i0 didn*t do it, do a hadacha and
melicha a.ain+ Ho(ever, acc to the Ama7, no ta-ana+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
@+ 1?& continues& i0 cut the meat into pieces a0ter hadacha, need a ne( hadacha+
H+ 0%&) And i0 didn*t do it, -*ilu lo hudach -lal+
5a6 K% 3 - This sha)la depends on the reasons 0or melicha+ ,0 hold li-e the
Sma-, that reason 0or hadacha is '=c o0 the dam on the outside, (hen cut the chaticha
no( have dam on side o0 the ne( chaticha and need to do hadacha a.ain+ Ho(ever, i0
hold li-e W"<= Mordechai, Fust to so0ten 'asar, no( alread) so0tened 5this is (here chilu-
't(n W"< and @
deia in Mordechai starts to come into pla)6+
*. % 69)2 -
>+ 0%&& ,0 onl) did minimal hadacha, onl) (or-s 'idieved+ Also, i0 have "K in
chaticha -ine.ed the outer 'lood, mutar 'idieved 5'=c also depends on machlo-es W"< and
5a6 K% 14 - B=c acc to those (ho (ant to so0ten 'asar (on*t (or-, 'ut acc
to Sma-, to .et rid o0 outer 'lood, even minimal hadacha (ill 'e enou.h+
i+ 0% 69)1 - 9hat i0 the meat is ver) cold, do )ou have to use hot
(aterA Also depends on this machlo-es+
,\+ 2an )ou do hadacha on meat that*s 0ro4enA
7 Y"O, 8am shel shlomo, chavas daas, all discuss this sha)la+
*"aBas Daas 69)5- Hadacha doesn*t (or- i0 it*s 0ro4en+
\+ 2an )ou do hadacha (ith 0ruit Fuice 5also talu) on (hether hold li-e W"< or sma-6A
A+ .% 0%& , ,n Toras 2hatas (rites that can onl) use mei peiros 0or hadacha 'asra)sa,
mashma not 0or -ama)sa, and shoel as-ed (hat*s the di00erenceA Ans(ers that mei
peiros don*t have a'ilit) to so0ten as (ell as (ater+
B+ K% 69)30 P"C< 7 is a.ainst S;T 2hullin HHADA
>+ !is"#a *"u++i# 33(- ,0 shechted 'eheima, cha)a, v*oa0 and no dam comes
out, -sheirim+ And can 'e eaten (ith tamei hands and meat (on*t 'e mi-a'el tuma 5'=c
not muchshar 0rom the dam6+
5a6 -.' @" /55D"a+i#) Must 'e tal-in. a'out t4li '=c i0 (ere doin.
hadacha, (on*t it 'ecome muchshar li-a'el tumaAD And .ives @
teret4, that it (as
hudcha in mei peiros (hich isn*t one o0 ! mash-im+
$$ K% 69)30 sa)s that see 0rom S;T its clear that could do all the hadacha in mei peiros
'=c i0 had to do hadacha -ama)sa (ith (ater then this teret4 doesn*t start+
$$$But limaaseh, the P"C< in X"SO pas-ens that can use mei peiros 0or Hadacha -ama)sa
as (ell, so onl) a pro'lem (ith ;"SO P"C<+
2+ 0%- doin. hadacha on onl) one side+ Also talu) on this sha)la, 'ut sa)s that i0 do
.ood hadacha on one side and hadacha mi-t4as on the other side (ill have covered all
)our 'ases 5(h)A6+
1+ !aa@a#5i (s"5r- 'rin.s >K C"B 'ased on this machlo-es rishonim and discusses ho(
<]C and P"C< each hold+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+

#3 - 6.05.08 / 3 AiBa# 5768

I#ya#5i !5+iD"a
,+ Ho( much salt are (e tal-in. a'outA
A+ Gm *"u++i# 113(- Basar doesn*t .et rid o0 its dam unless )ou salt it ^)a0e )a0eM, 'ut
not clear ho( much that is+
B+ Gm !5#aD"6s 21(- Tal-s a'out the actual <SXRO o0 melicha+ HA& Jeed to heap on a
mound o0 salt li-e the amount o0 teven )ou (ould use 0or ma-in. 'ric-s, a lot+ But then
.m sa)s no, Fust put salt on each side 0or the mi4'each, and A'a)e sa)s ^v*chein
>+ 0%1 ;" 71(-
5a6 1on*t have to ma-e sure that ever) sin.le spot on meat is covered (ith
salt+ But has to 'e so much that its not rau) l*achila '=c o0 all the salt, 'ut not more than
5'6 :nl) mit4va min hamuvchar to put it on 'oth sides, 'ut i0 onl) put it
on one side that*s 0ine too+ 9hen (ant to salt a chic-en on 'oth sides (ould have to 0ill
up in the underside and (on*t stic- so (ell, so i0 can*t do 'oth sides its o-+
.% 0%1 265 7 1o )ou have to 'e moleiach 0rom 'oth sidesA
7 Jot necessar)+ 2onsistent (ith (hat he said in Th'+
@+ %0 *"u++i# 8)43/44- Ar.ues on 'oth points&
5a6 Have to cover the (hole sur0ace+
5'6 2hic-en have to 'e moleiach even inside+
L- Zuotes this as dou'le machlo-es 't(n P"O< and O"P<+
$5is 46s5F- 2ould sa) the)*re not reall) ar.uin. '=c P"O< said don*t have to do it
-*'in)an, and that (hat he means (hen sa)s don*t have to do -ulo+ But B"VP on the 'ase
level ma)'e it does have to 'e totall) covered+ And (hen it comes to tarni.oles, ma)'e
Fust sa)in. 'idieved -osher even i0 he didn*t do it inside, and ma)'e even the O"P<
assumed that (a) 'idieved+
H+ !6r@5D"ai , has to 'e eino neechal machmas molcho+ And Zuotes stor) that
s=one didn*t do melicha on inside o0 chic-en and the) assured+
L+ Issur M9"5;5r- thin-s doin. melicha on 'oth sides is l*i-uva, i0 don*t do it, (ill
assur the meat (hen )ou coo- it, and also 'rin.s the stor) (ith chic-en that (asn*t salted
Missed somethin.+
,,+ Ho( lon. does the Melicha have to 'eA
A+ '& 7 #$%&' mil+ 5># minutes6+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ 2rumas CaD5s"5# HDi#5i Issur B9"5;5rN sima# 167J- (ne hour. Should 'e
dependent on ho( lon. it ta-es to do t4li on that particular piece o0 meat, 'ut that .ets too
complicated, so the minha. 'ecame to do one hour, (hich (ill cover all meat+ And )ou
o0ten 0ind that in the .m the) .ive an hour to .o 'e mila-eit eit4im and that*s (h) added
an hour to issur chamet4+ But ma)'e it onl) ta-es > minutesA 3la the) made a universal
Brin.s another ra)a& ?ast -or'an o0 the da) (as the tamid 'ein ha*ar'aim, and around
@&HK, H&HK the) (ere closin. up shop+ This (as on a re.ular da)+ But on 3rev %esach
the) started ealier, and (as 'rou.ht a0ter the tamid shel 'ein ha*ar'aim, so had to 'rin. it
earlier, >HK or @HK, .ave eGtra time 0or ppl to 'rin. -or'an pesach+ And erev pesach that
(as on _rida), (hen had to roast the %esach 'e0ore sha''os too, so 'rou.ht the 'ein
ha*ar'aim around >@&HK, >&HK+ So he sa)s )ou see that the (hole -or'an pesach onl)
ta-es an hour to 'e nit4le, so 0or sure these small pieces (ould have 'een nit4le in that
amount o0 time+ Ho(ever, i0 runnin. late and Zuestion o0 not havin. meat 0or orchim or
sha''os, can rel) on C<T that its onl) -*<SXRO mil, (hich is ># minutes+ 5This is the source
that <SXRO mil is ># minutes6+
$ X"SO sa)s that davenin. mincha .edola is onl) 'idieved 0or this reason '=c reall) the)
al(a)s 'rou.ht the tamid later, onl) on 3rev %esach 'rou.ht it earlier+ But minha.
Ha8eshivos 'ecame to do this lichatchila so as not to con0lict (ith the middle o0 seder+
,,,+ Halacha ?imaaseh
A+ % 69)4 - salt it enou.h to cover the (hole thin., and has to 'e eino neechal
machmas molcho, 'ut not more than that, and should do 'oth sides, even chic-ens, 'ut i0
onl) do an) meat 0rom one side, mutar+ 0%&) )esh osrim even 'idieved no .ood, and
that*s ho( (e are nohei. unless there*s some t4orech+ Ho(ever, this is onl) i0 )ou (ent
ahead and coo-ed it+ But i0 haven*t coo-ed it )et and it hasn*t 'een >@hrs )et, then do the
other side+ And i0 its alread) 'een >@ hrs Fust do t4li+
>+ O%L- the P"C< in !K sa)s can (ait even @L hrs+ 9h) is this case di00erentA Sa)s
that '=c in this case, since (e have eit4a o0 doin. t4li then no need to 'e as mei-il+
Ho(ever, in !K, alread) 0ell in some other 'lood, t4li is not .oin. to help, so assume that
.et @Lhrs, can 'e poleit 0or that lon. 52an 'e t4ole even a0ter @L hours6+
B+ :ri *"a@as" 69)21N23- Tarni.oles that is onl) salted 0rom one side, even <]C (ill 'e
mode that it doesn*t (or- '=c the chalal o0 the chic-en is a he0se- 'et(een the top and
'ottom and (ill 'e -*ilu didn*t do an) melicha at all on the 'ottom+ Also mentions the
same ans(er as the `"a to the stira 0rom Siman !K+
#4 -
I#ya#5i !5+iD"a II- !6r5 45s6@6s $9i#ya#5i !5+iD"a
,+ /i'olo /ach %olto
A+ Gm :5saD"im 74(- Raba) Mul)isa 5chic-en stu00ed (= unsalted meat and coo-ed6 is
mutar, even thou.h the dam (ill .o into the chic-en+ 9h)A B=c "bolo "ach *olto 5even
thou.h in .eneral (e sa) ein ha.ala '*ochlin '=c can*t 'e sure it all came out, or '=c ein
'itul ela '*techilas hataaroves, nevertheless, (e assume that ') dam as it comes in it also
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
comes out6+ Em tries to 'rin. ra)os 0rom /or'an %esach 5roast (= unsalted insides6 and
lev 5can do -ria a0ter the 'ishul ') heart6 'ut 'oth are reFected+
59hether .lass is 'oleia is machlo-es P"C<=<]C&
<]C7 not 'oleia+
P"C<& ,t is 'oleia and li-e -li cheres+
$$R* A'adie7 thin-s P"C< is tal-in. a'out a di00erent -ind o0 .lass, 'ut most pos-im
assume not this (a)6
,,+ 1am Misra- Sari-
A+ Gm *"u++i# 111(- %ut liver on top o0 'asar on the shish -a'o', -aveid still has dam
inside, mutar+ 9h)A B=c the dam is misra" sari"+
>+ -.' Dama- 9h) (eren*t the) matir simpl) '=c -*'olo -ach poltoA 9h) sa)
this 'i..er chidush that dam is misra- sari-A A& 2ase o0 mul)isa is Fust a piece o0 meat,
can sa) -'-Mp, 'ut (hen it comes to liver, so 0ull o0 dam, can*t sa) -'-Mp, so have to
resort to 'i..er chidush that dam misra- sari-+
B+ Gm 111( HD6#;J , 9hat a'out -chal on top o0 the meatA
>+ Assur '=c chalav ta-es hold (hen it drips do(n onto the piece o0 meat+
@+ R +imi mi,ahardai- Sa)s the opposite, -chal is mutar '=c chalav shechuta is
midira'anan, and -aved is assur '=c dam is dora)sa+
-ilchisa& ,0 these thin.s are on the 'ottom the) are mutar, on top, 'idieved its mutar, 'ut
lichatchila shouldn*t do it+
,,,+ Bein. moleiach di00erent items to.ether
A+ Gm *"u++i# 112$- Bein. moleiach 0ish and chic-en to.ether is assur even in -li
menu-av '=c 0ish has ver) thin outer la)er and melicha process o0 0ish is much shorter
than chic-en so the 0ish is done 'ein. poleit 'e0ore the chic-en is 0inished and the (ill
then 'e 'oleia dam 0rom the chic-en
>+ %- Saltin. man) pieces o0 meat to.ether is no pro'lem '=c the) are poleit at
the same rate, so (on*t 'e 'oleia 0rom one another+
@+ -.' M9@aGim) 7 But (hat a'out (hen the pieces o0 meat aren*t all startin. at
the same timeA Eives L pshatim to eGplain (h) this case is mutar even thou.h its '*4e
achar 4e+
5a6 1am is misra- sari- even ') melicha, Fust li-e ') t4li+ And don*t sa)
same thin. ') 0ish '=c the) have ver) thin s-in, dam can still seep in+
5'6 3ven (hen the dam is not comin. out an)more, there is still t4ir
comin. out, so as its 'ein. poleit the t4ir it (ill 'e poleit the dam that*s comin. in 0rom
the other pieces as (ell+ So (h) doesn*t this (or- ') the 0ishA B=c even a0ter the)*re
done 'ein. poleit their t4ir, the chic-en is still 'ein. poleit the dam+
5c6 % !9Pr+5a#s- As lon. as there*s a time (hen 'oth are 'ein. poleit,
5overlap time6, even thou.h I> is 0inished no(, the tunnels (ill not close until nothin.
ne( is comin. throu.h+ b"POC the 0ish and chic-en, the 0ish is done even 'e0ore the
chic-en starts+ 5But acc to this, have to ma-e sure there*s an overlap 'et(een the 0irst and
last piece6+
5d6 As lon. as it*s 'ein. poleit t4ir, (on*t 'e 'oleia dam+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
,\+ /li Menu-av vs 3ino Menu-av
A+ %0 *"u++i# 8)49- Have to al(a)s use -li menu-av or one made out o0 a material
that i0 )ou (ould pour (ater on it it (ould come ri.ht throu.h 5)ot4ei lachut46+ 9hat i0
did melicha in -li She*eino menu-avA Basar is assur and -li needs shvira+
B+ CaGa"6s !aim6#i6s- also sa)s 'asar and -li are assur i0 its eino menu-av+ And adds
that i0 )ou*re moleiach on a da. *ashut that is mutar+
>+ 2rumas CaD5s"5# 173- doesn*t mean an) smooth sur0ace, rather tal-in. a'out
slanted sur0ace that e=thin. poured on it (ill run ri.ht o00+
2+ %0 *"u++i# 8)287 ,0 (ere moleiach in a -li can*t put 'asar on it, 'ut dealin. (ith -li
she*eino menu-av+ Ho(ever, there are rishonim (ho sa) that even the -li menu-av
'ecomes assur 5"P<6+ O"P< as-s& ,0 that*s true, shouldn*t 'e allo(ed to do another
melicha in that -li, so must not 'e true, rather the dam is misra- sari-+
1+ E%- An) -*ara that nimlach 'a 'asar does 'ecome assur, li-e "P<, (hich is
mashmaus o0 the .m that -*ara shemalach 'a 'asar, (hich implies that )ou did it
-*hilchisa+ So ho( can the) reuse itA B=c since the meat is 'ein. poleit (on*t 'e 'oleia
0rom the -*ara itsel0, and even (hen done 'ein. poleit dam it*s still poleit t4ir, so (on*t
'e 'oleia dam 0rom the -*ara+
3+ 0%1 2" !5+iD"as $asar 76(- Uuotes E%1& (ho a.rees (= "P< '=c sa)s (hen
dealin. (= meliach -*roseiach al(a)s need the issur to 'e maluach, 'ut in this case the
-osher meat is maluach, so (on*t 'ecome assur 0rom 'ein. maluach on a -*ara that is
nivla (= dam+
\+ Halacha ?imaaseh ') /li Menu-av=3ino Menu-av
A+ L- Zuotes machlo-es O"P< and "P<+ And Zuotes 89 :5r5;<) speci0icall) cheres
'ecomes Assur even (hen the -li is menu-av+
B+ % 69)16 1?& - ) ,0 used -li she*eino menu-av, can*t use it 0or roseiach, li-e O"P<+
Y"O7 lichatchila even ') shaar -eilim, and 'idieved heter eGtends even to -li cheres+
_ill in X"SO+
70)1N 2 , Fi++ i#.
Ta0el [ meat that has not 'een salted+

#5 - 6.12.08 / 9 AiBa# 5768
$asar ;"a; Qai;5@ 3 Days R/6u; !5+iD"a/ $asar KaFu
$$This comes into pla) (hen shechita operations are international& ,n 3ret4 8israel, most
o0 the meat is imported 0rom South America+ And '=c shechtin. so man) animals,
di00icult 0or them to do melicha on all the 'asar that (as 'ein. sent, so the) (ould import
the meat, and it ta-es more than !@ hours 0rom time it (as shechted until it reaches 3ret4
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
8israel+ There0ore, the Ra''anut relied on a heter o0 'asar -a0u, that i0 meat is 0ro4en,
time 0ree4es as (ell+ dThe Badat4 have a smaller operation and are a'le to .et their
animals shechted in South America and have melicha done theree+
,+ Source o0 this Minha. and Shitos Rishonim
A+ !6r@5D"ai *"u++i# 722- 89465+ CaS5Bi) /a'ala 0rom rishonim 5Eeonim6 that an)
'asar that .oes H da)s (ithout ni-ur and (=out melicha (ill never 'e poleit the dam '=c
its nis-ashe 0rom chelev and dam+ !a"aram !58u;5#5rG (as nohei. lihatir (hen it
came to t4li '=c can do t4li (=out melicha an)(a)s+
B+ .% 8iBas" Aima# 86- ,n Barcelona the) assured it even 0or t4li, (hich is chumra
)iseira+ Brin.s t(o .m*s he thin-s are a.ainst the ta-ana in .eneral&
>+ Gm *"u++i# 93$- fmt4a d*asmi-& Meat (hich is red 0rom a 'ruise, Fust cut it,
salt it, and can even coo- it+ /eepin. meat 0or H da)s shouldn*t 'e (orse than this+
@+ Gm *"u++i# 113(- ,0 'rea- ma0re-es o0 animal 'e0ore the dam can all come
out, di00erent .irsaos in the .m T%- ^2an )ou eat it ra(AM And .m leaves it as tei-u, 'ut
.m assumes that i0 )ou do melicha and coo- it 0or sure its 0ineD And thin-s i-ar .irsa is
that o0 the g"R<+ 9aitin. H da)s is no (orseDA
$$$,evertheless/ thin"s should .ollow the minha0/ but .or tzli dont have to be choshesh.
5This is ho( R* Simon said it out, 'ut end o0 Rivash sa)s& rauy lachosh ltzli6
2+ A"aar5i Dura HDi#5i !5+iD"a sima# 4J - So (hat that it (on*t come out, it is dam
eivarim shelo pireish (hich is mutarDA But sa)s should 0ollo( the minha., 'ut, can
0ollo( Maharam not to 'e (orried a'out t4li+ Also, sa)s that if could soak the basar
w/in 72hrs, this will allow you to etend the time.
1+ .% %0 H7+a+ 20N 25J , Uuotes the ta-ana and the Maharam+
3+ 2rumas CaD5s"5#)
1. Aima# 160 - Acc to Maharam that )ou can do t4li, can )ou 'e mivashel it a0ter
the t4liA 7 J: 5P"r Uarua6, '=c all the dam (on*t come out 0rom t4li, enou.h comes out
so that its mutar to eat and (hatever doesn*t come out is dam eivarim shelo piresh, 'ut
(hen do 'ishul, even more dam (ill come out+
2. Aima# 191- Jot appropriate to let it sit H da)s and sa), ^,*m .oin. to do t4li
an)(a)sM '=c nervous )ou mi.ht come to 'e mivashel it+
_+ A5F5r Ca9(Gur- There are Eedolim (ho place the meat in (ater, and the mehadrin do
it 0or @ hours and then can (ait another H da)s+
,,+ Halacha ?imaaseh
A+ % 69)12 -
>+ 1?&) Basar that (ent H da)s (=out melicha, melicha (on*t help and can onl)
do T4li, and don*t 'e mivashel even a0ter t4li, 'ut i0 alread) coo-ed it, its mutar+
@+ 0%&) Uuotes din o0 Trumas Hadeshen7 ?ichatchila shouldn*t leave 'asar 0or H
da)s '=c nervous (ill 'e mivashel it+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
5a6 O%L 32 - Uuotes !a"ars"a+ (ho is machmir even bidieved i0 (ere
mivashel a0ter the melicha+ And then Zuotes case (here (aited H da)s and then did
melicha in -li menu-av, then put it in @
-li (hich (as eino menu-av, sittin. in its o(n
salt) dam+ Maharshal (as mei-il '=c mutar B"CC& B=c i0 dam didn*t come out in >

melicha, (on*t come out in @
one either+ And i0 it did come out in >
, then (hat came
out in @
isn*t dam+ And sa)s not compara'le to -li that need li'un and )ou did ha.ala,
(hich .enerall) doesn*t (or-+ B=c ') the -li (hen do ha.ala, some o0 the taam comes
out, 'ut i0 (ould then use it (ith a hot piece o0 meat, more o0 the taam issur (ill come
out+ b"POC ') the 'asar+ B=c can sa) ha.ala pushes the taam to(ards the 0ront and then
the cuttin. (ith the -ni0e (ill cause it more to come out, b"POC ') meat, it*s stuc-
5'6 d/57u@as CaK5s5F- doesn*t understand the Maharshal, thin-s more
dam could come out the @
time and should assur+
5c6 O%L continues& ,0 too- this piece and did 0irst melicha in eino menu-av
then totall) assur '=c have to 'e (orried some dam came out throu.h the melicha+ And i0
(ould 'e moleiach the !@hr piece o0 meat (ith re.ular meat the !@hr piece o0 meat
'ecomes assur '=c have to (orr) that ma)'e its not 'ein. poleit+ ,m -ein, no( it can 'e
'oleia 5'=c (hole heter to 'e moleiach to.ether (as that a)di d*palat lo 'ala6+ But sa)s
he 0ound someone (ho (as matir this case '=c -*'olo -ach polto, (hatever little dam did
come out, that (hich came into it (ill come out as (ell, 'ut doesn*t li-e it+
5d6 /57u@as CaK5s5F- ?i-es the -ula '=c the (hole thin. is onl) a
chumra, and the Rivash reall) hit it hard, so (ill onl) assur the eGact case the) assured
and no more, shouldn*t eGtend it,
5e6 K% 53 - P"C< (rites in Toras 2hatas that lichatchila shouldn*t soa- it to
eGtend the cloc-, 'ut 'idieved it (or-s, and B"VV '*shaas hadcha- and he0sed meru'a 'ut
Y"O sa)s P"C< didn*t mention all o0 this in X"SO '=c there are some places that have the
minha. to do this lichatchila 5/ra-o(6, so he didn*t (ant to come out a.ainst it+ So Y"O
sa)s limaaseh shouldn*t 'e machmir in these halachos '=c its not 0ound an)(here in shas
and Rivash had a lot o0 -oach a.ainst it+ And i0 s=one (ants to soa- the meat should do it
ver) (ell+
B+ % 69)13 7 Bidieved, i0 alread) soa-ed, start countin. H da)s a.ain+
2+ 69)147
>+ 1?&) ,0 piece that (aited H da)s .ot miGed (ith others, 'atel '*rov, even i0
there is chhMl+
@+ 0%& B"VV & i0 coo-ed (ithout melicha and .ot miGed (ith others+
5a6 K% 57 7 3ven thou.h (e said in >Kc that m'seMm needs "K
midira'anan, since this (hole thin. is onl) a 2humras HaEeonim, onl) assured that case,
not more+ And then sa)s ma)'e reall) meant "K, Fust (rote Rov+
,,,+ 9hat a'out 0ree4in.A
A+ :ri !5Ga@im HAD 53J- ,0 its 0ro4en and le0t it 0or three da)s, should assur even
'idieved, '=c the (hole purpose o0 soa-in. it is to so0ten it, and this ma-es it hard as a
roc-, ma-es it even (orse+ AD 60- Uuotes !i#D"as 4aa76B that B"CC its assur+ 3ither its
li-e -avush and its assur, or its not considered -avush, then at least H da)s (=out melicha,
and onl) can do t4li+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ (ruD" CaA"u+D"a# 69)79- 2ould sa) li-e the %ri Me.adim, ho(ever, could sa) the
opposite, the (hole time o0 the -risha the cloc- stops '=c the dam is not 'ein. em'edded,
Fust sta)in. in its place+ Brin.s ra)a 0rom case o0 identi0)in. a dead 'od) 53ven Ha34er
Siman >!, Heter A.unos6, a0ter three da)s, can*t ,1 '=c decomposes too much+ Ho(ever,
i0 in cold climate, nothin. decomposed, man) pos-im allo( ,1in. this 'od) '=c thin.s
sta) still (hen 0ro4en, nothin. happens+
2+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 1)277 1i00icult '=c not in rishonim, Fust achronim, and sa)s since
onl) chumras .eonim 'urden o0 proo0 should 'e on the osrim 5li-e the Y"O6+ Uuotes %ri
Me.adim, doesn*t li-e the B"CC o0 the Minchas 8aa-ov '=c ma)'e even i0 not -avush still
the time could stop+ And ma)'e even the %ri Me.adim onl) (as tal-in. (hen not totall)
0ro4en solid and (ould 'e matir in our case+
,n end, sa)s )esh liha-eil '=c no real svara that machmirim so much stron.er than
the mei-ilim+ Ho(ever, sa)s this is onl) 'idieved, 'ut lichatchila shouldn*t do this unless
have some -ind o0 t4orech .adol (hich (ould 'e li-e 'idieved+ But this is onl) i0 its
0ro4en solid, 'ut Fust in Re0ri.erator is not enou.h+ 5also sa)s similar idea in >&@#6
1+ .% 4aia Pm5r7 Thin-s this is mutar even lichatchila+

#6 - 6.15.08 / 12 AiBa# 5768
:5u+as Ca!5+iD"a/ Ca@aD"a $asraysa
,+ 9hat does melicha reall) accomplish 5Machlo-es Rishonim6A
A+ 3%0 $5@57 Ca$ayis 71() Ar.ues 5a.ainst P"O<6 that can*t sa) dam shepiresh
mima-om lima-om is assur '=c there*s clearl) more dam in the meat a0ter melicha is
over+ ,m -ein, ever) melicha has dam movin. 0rom one place to another in the meat, so
all meat (ould 'e assur a0ter melicha+ 3la mai, onl) the dam that comes all the (a) out
is assur+ :nl) the sur0ace 'lood is removed, and (hen the meat hits hot (ater, it .ets
stunted and no more dam can come out+
B+ 0%1 H!is"m5r5s Ca$ayisJ 73(- Melicha removes all o0 the 'lood, ever)thin.
inside is called chamar 'asar 5meat Fuice6 '=c salt penetrates the (hole piece o0 meat,
even the 'ones 5W"C< sa)s this as (ell6+ Brin.s a num'er o0 cases a.ainst the V"P<&
>+ Tzli 1eidar7 1o melicha, then roast meat in a -deira (= no (ater+ Ma)'e more
'lood (ill come out '=c there*s no chalita, so shouldn*t (e 'e choshesh that this is assurAD
@+ 2hic-en coo-ed in dou.h& 9ater (on*t come into contact (ith the chic-enDA
H+ 2hic-en coo-ed in 0r)in. pan+
L+ ,0 do melicha on meat and then cut it up& 9ill have to do melicha to the ne(l)
revealed part o0 the meatD Also, V"P< also leads to a -ula '=c i0 (ould put piece o0 meat
in -deira (ith (ater and didn*t do an) melicha, don*t have to 'e mishaeir "K -ine.ed the
(hole chaticha, Fust -ine.ed the outer dam, (hich P"O< (ill sa) is totall) incorrect,
have to 'e mishaeir -ine.ed all the dam in the (hole pieceDA
$Jo one ever said this and ma-in. it loo- li-e ever)one is 'ein. over on issurimDA
$$2ould 'e that the V"P< (ould sa) B"VP+ These dinim are ta-a true+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
2+ :ri !5Ga@im :5siD"a S9Ci+D"6s !5+iD"a
Uuotes the machlo-es and 'rin.s C"B&
,0 a0ter the melicha, put meat in cold (ater 0or @Lhrs+ 5/avush /*mevushal6+ ,0 thin-
all the dam is .one, no pro'lem+ But i0 thin- there is dam here, 'ut (on*t come out a0ter
put it in hot (ater, then i0 do 'ishul throu.h -visha, lichora it (ouldn*t (or-+
$$Adds that acc to the V"P<, can*t cut it into small pieces even a0ter melicha, unless leave
salt on there 0or @Lhrs+
,,+ 9hat -ind o0 Salt do (e useA= Hadacha Basra)sa
A+ Gm *"u++i# 113(- R* 1imi (ould use 'i. chun-s o0 salt+ A0ter(ards, he (ould
sha-e the salt o00 '=c it (as Fust sittin. on top 5need salt to come out '=c don*t (ant dam
that is in the salt to .o 'ac- into the meat6+
>+ 0%1 73 (- 2 I6ssi+5 Is"a;im i# 89 Dimi)
5a6 Jeed dav-a 'i. chun-s li-e R* 1imi '=c onl) these chun-s that don*t
penetrate (ill do the Fo'+
5'6 V%107 can use an) salt, even the ver) small pieces '=c can*t sa) R*
1imi (as mechadeish ho( to do melichaA 3la R* 1imi is Fust 'ein. practical, '=c 'L him
ppl (ould use re.ular salt and (ould have to rinse the 'asar o00 in -li menu-av 5so that it
(on*t 'e sittin. in the salt that has the dam there, and .o 'ac- in6+ And since this is
di00icult to do, R* 1imi said Fust use 'i..er chun-s and (on*t have to (orr) a'out 0indin.
-li menu-av+ B=c since there*s onl) a little dam, and no salt, no (orr) a'out meliach
-*roseiach in -li she*eino menu-av+ But not sa)in. that don*t need hadacha 'asra)sa at
all, )ou do need to .et rid o0 that little eGtra dam+
@+ %0 *"u++i# 8)44& Should do hadacha 'asra)sa @G+ :nce to rinse o00 the
'lood and salt, and another time to .et rid o0 the le0tover (ater that still has lachluchis on
B+ % 69)8 1?& - ) ,0 didn*t sha-e o00 the salt, still salt and 'lood on it, and placed 'asar
in -li she*eino menu-av, 'idieved not a pro'lem '=c once place it in a -li, the (ater in the
-li (ill stunt the stren.th o0 the salt+
69)97 But i0 )ou coo-ed it this (a), need "K -ine.ed the salt that is there 5(hich is no(
0ull o0 'lood6+
>+ Ama77 ,s the source this last din '=c acc to R* 3phraim (ould sa) Fust need "K
-ine.ed the 'lood itsel0, and there is H
shita that it should never 'e 'atel '=c it*s no( a
milsa d*avida l*taama v*lo 'atel, 'ut reFects 'oth these opinions 5li-e S;T 2hullin c!A6+
And adds that i0 there is non7Je(ish (or-er in the house and the) tell )ou msl0Mt that the)
did the hadacha 'asra)sa, can 'elieve them+ :r i0 the) -ne( the)*re supposed to do it
and there are ppl around and the)*ll 'e a0raid not to do it, can trust them that the) did it+
Also, can assume the) (ould do it Fust mishum ne-ius, 0or sanitar) reasons, the)*ll (ant
to .et rid o0 the 'lood and salt+
2+ % 69)10 -
>+ 1?&) Eo) (ho is mishameish in Beis 8israel, minha. )israel is to 'e someich
al dvarav i0 there (as a )ot4ei v*nichnas, or some -atan (ho is 'ar daas+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
@+ 0%&) 3ither Msl0Mt or 8ot4ei \*nichnas (or-s+
5a6 K% 42 - The <]C reZuires 'oth msl0Mt and )ot4ei v*nichnas+ 9h)A
B=c he 'rin.s in Beis 8ose0 that msl0Mt is onl) 'elieved ') issurei dira'anan and eidus
isha+ So ho( (ould it (or- hereA Ans(ers that '=c this is dam she'ishlu 5and somethin.
else6, so it*s issur dira'anan+ Ho(ever, since this case is also ischa4ei- issura, (e -no(
there (as dam there, so then msl0Mt ma) not (or- even ') issur dira'anan+ And this is
(h) B8 holds that don*t 'elieve .o) that hechsher -eilim (as done on -eilim '=c it*s
ischa4ei- issura+ So that*s (h) <]C himsel0 (ould onl) 'e mei-il (ith 'oth -ulos
to.ether+ So (hat*s pshat in the P"C<, (ho seems to assume that <]C (ould 'e mei-il
here (ith onl) one -ula, (hat a'out the din 0rom hechsher -eilimA 3Gplains that here
have svara that .o) (ould do it '=c o0 cleanliness+
5'6 O%L 24 - 9oman came to Ra''i and said she coo-ed the meat and
(asn*t sure i0 she did melicha or not+ 9as mei-il '=c it (as sa0ei- dira'anan 5dam
she'ishlu dmeliach -*roseiache, even thou.h some rishonim ar.ue dC< ,R"O<Te,
nevertheless this is the accepted psa-6, so (e .o li-ula+ And even thou.h this is case o0
ischa4ei- issura, have rov -ine.ed the cha4a-a '=c rov ppl do melicha 5rov v*cha4a-a
ru'a adi06+ And also has assumption that she did melicha '=c (oman does it so o0ten, does
it ') rote, could 'e reason to 'e mei-il as (ell+ And sa)s have this ') -rias shema as
(ell, i0 started ^limaan )ir'uM can assume )ou didn*t .o Fust 0rom the 0irst para.raph '=c
mistama )ou .o 'asar )our .eneral (a) )ou sa) -Ms ') rote+
1+ 8aB A6+6B5i;D"iD7- Uuotes `"a that (anted to sa) that even (ithout rov a.ainst the
cha4a-a (ould appl) msl0Mt even a.ainst che4-as issur '=c other(ise ho( could the P"C<
'e mei-il (ith onl) msl0Mt in this case, it*s a case o0 ischa4ei- issura as (ellDA Rav
thou.ht that the case o0 the .o) isn*t a ra)a that in .eneral can use msl0Mt alone (hen
dealin. (ith cha4a-a mei-ara '=c in case o0 .o) Fust loo-in. 0or neemanus, che4-as issur
doesn*t e00ect (hether (e 'elieve this .u) or not+ Ho(ever, in re.ular s0ei-a dira'anan
need to ma-e a hachraa, and can*t 'e machria li-ula in the 0ace o0 a cha4a-a mei-ara+
3+ !6r@5D"ai- ,0 coo- piece in -li sheini a0ter didn*t do hadacha 'asra)sa, ma) also 'e a
pro'lem, ma) need "K+
>+ !aa@a#5i "aA"u+D"a#7 even thou.h -li sheini eino mivashel, (ith
com'ination o0 salt, chari0us, ma)'e (ould 'e machmir+
@+ % 69)9 0%& - ) Zuotes this din that need "K even ') -li sheini+
#7 - 6.16.08 / 13 AiBa# 5768
!aas5" R/ %
,+ The 2ase
A+ -.' *"u++i# 112$ @" M9DaGim- Stor) that happened in R"O<*s house& Melicha done
in -li menu-av then placed the meat in another -li (hich (as eino menu-av and in the
mornin. 0ind meat sittin. in pool o0 Fuice, more stu00 had come out+ 9hat*s the din o0
this meatA
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
R"O<7 Since it had alread) 'een sittin. in salt 0or <SXRO melicha, all 'lood had alread)
come out, so (hatever came out in the @
pot is not dam, Fust maal '*alma+
B+ %0 8)38 - adds that in this case the meat had not had hadacha 'asra)sa done to it+
7Jo( (e have t(o possi'le reasons to assur this meat&
>+ Ma)'e (hat came out overni.ht (as dam and -avush -*mevushal+
@+ 9hat came out (asn*t dam, 'ut meat (as sittin. (ith 'lood) salt on it in Fuice,
meliach -*roseiach and dam on salt (ill come 'ac- into meat and assur it+
$$?ichora V"P< (ould assur '=c (hat*s comin. out is more dam+ P"O< (ould onl) have
to 'e dan on hadacha 'asra)sa t4ad+ R"O< must 'e mei-il ') 'oth+
- %0 as-s (h) don*t (e sa) that the sur0ace 'lood should 'e nivla 'ac- inA @ Ans(ers&
>6 The dam that comes out o0 the meat and is in the salt .ets loc-ed into the salt
and (on*t .o 'ac- into the meat 5lichora, this is onl) as lon. as didn*t do 'ishul '=c (e
sa( )esterda) that i0 didn*t rinse it o00 and are mivashel (= other thin.s it will assur6+
@6 A0ter the salt has 'een used to remove the 'lood 0rom the meat, no( the salt
loses the po(er to 'e poel a.ain to create a resicha and send the 'lood 'ac- into the meat+
2+ 2rumas CaD5s"5# Aima# 159- Sha)la& %reparin. meat and chic-ens 0or 'ris mila,
did melicha in the separate -eilim, and then placed them all to.ether (= salt on them, then
0ind out that one o0 the chic-ens (as trei0a and didn*t have "K -ine.do+
Ans(ers& Since it (as l*t4orech mit4va, hamei-il lo )a0sid+ And even thou.h meliach
-*roseiach, that*s onl) as lon. as it*s doin. its 0irst Fo'+ But once it alread) did the Fo', no
lon.er has its potenc) to 'e roseiach 5<SXRO o0 t4lia and <SXRO o0 melicha are not
necessaril) the same thin., separate halachos+ So Fust sa)in. that (henever the t4lia o0
the salt ends, no( it*s tired out6+
1+ O%L 69)47 - This din onl) applies (hen the salt should 'e 0ati.ued '=c it had removed
'lood+ Ho(ever, i0 , salt meat that has alread) 'een salted= soa-ed to -eep it 0resh, it (ill
still 'e a'le to 'e marsiach '=c didn*t do an) peula )et to tire it out+ And thin-s all
rishonim (ill a.ree to this )esod+
3+ CaGa"6s (s"ri 8)49- ,0 did melicha, and then -ept it around and more oo4ed out, and
another chaticha 0alls in to the t4ir, since t4ir isn*t dam, that piece (ill 'e mutar+
,,+ Those (ho ar.ue (ith R"O< and (h) the) ar.ue
A+ *"i@us"5i 0%1- :nl) need to place meat in -li menu-av at time o0 melicha, 'ut
a0ter(ards no need 5pashtus, Fust li-e R"O<6, 'ut then (rites that ma)'e Shmuel*s din o0
-li menu-av isn*t Fust durin. melicha, 'ut even a0ter melicha '=c (orried that the t4ir is
eino neechal machmas malcho, and (ill cause the dam to .o 'ac- into the meat, and
(ould 'e case o0 -avush -*mevhushal, in (hich case can*t sa) that since its tarud to 'e
poleit (on*t 'e 'oleia 5a.ainst R"O<6+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ 8675aD"- Zuotes same case and sa)s the piece o0 meat (ill 'e assur '=c the t4ir (ill
cause dam on sur0ace to .o 'ac- into the ori.inal piece+
2+ &' lichora (ould ar.ue on R"O< as (ell '=c he thin-s ever)thin. that continues to
come out is dam mamash+ Same 0or the V"P<+
1+ A"aar5i Dura- Zuotes R"O<*s case and sa)s the minha. is to 'e machmir+
,,,+ 1iscussion in the Achronim= X"SO
A+ % 69)20 - meat that is nimlach and sits -dei <SXRO melicha and then put in another
-li (=out hadacha and no( it 0ills (ith t4ir is mutar 5Maaseh d*R"O<6+ And acc to this,
meat that 0alls into the t4ir (hich came out o0 the meat a0ter <SXRO melicha (ould 'e
mutar 5Ha.ahos Ashri6+ Ho(ever, there are those (ho assur both cases 2baze ubaze3.
>+ K% 80 ) This is a 'i. 4hidush '=c i0 Fust (ant to assur the maaseh case, could
'e 0or either reason+ Ho(ever, to assur the Ha.ahos Ashri*s case, (here -osher meat
0alls into t4ir, have to assume that t4ir is dam+ 9hich is a 'i. deal '=c <]C never Zuoted
the V"P< or C<T (hen spo-e a'out melicha 'e0oreD
@+ (ruD" CaA"u+D"a# 69)110- 1isa.rees (ith Y"O '=c (e never assume lihalacha
li-e those (ho assume that t4ir is dam, and thin-s there is a taus so0er in the X"SO and
there is onl) one baze+ B=c i0 (anted to sa) )esh mi she*omer on 'oth cases, (ould have
Fust said ^)esh mi she*omerM stam, 'ut the 0act that he sa)s baze means onl) on the last

B+ % 69)20 HD6#;J - Acc to the machmirim, have to do hadacha )a0e )a0e+
>+ K% 85 - 9h) is this a chidush dav-a acc to these machmirimA 9e alread)
-no( that ever)one holds that )ou have to do hadachaDA 3Gplains that this is acc to the
shita that holds that t4ir is dam mamash, and this is comin. to sa) that have to do hadacha
'e0ore the dam stops comin. out '=c other(ise it (ill .o ri.ht 'ac- in+ Also, (hat a'out
cuttin. o00 the outer la)er o0 the meat instead o0 hadacha 'asra)saA ,0 hold t4ir is not
dam, B"VP this (ould (or-+ Ho(ever, i0 hold that t4ir is dam, hadacha 'asra)sa is li-e the
din o0 chalita acc to the C<T+ ,t closes o00 the pores+ ,n this sense, eGplainin. ho( the
<]C can 'e incorporatin. the shita o0 the 5V"P<=6TC<+ 5Aruch haShulchan is ar.uin. on
this Y"O as (ell6+
2+ L 69)20 - Zuotes 89 46#a in Shaarei Teshuva& 2an*t cut meat (ith a -ni0e 'e0ore
doin. hadacha 'asra)sa, and have to do ha.ala on the -ni0e '=c meliach -*roseiach+
>+ $5is 46s5F) But ho( does this shtim (ith R"O< acc to the )esod o0 the O"P<A
Also, the <Sa does Zuote maaseh o0 R"O<A Sa)s that he 0ound in another .irsa that the <Sa
didn*t Zuote this R* 8ona+
@+ $aD") 1e0ends the <Sa, sa)s the reason don*t sa) meliach -*roseiach ') maaseh
o0 R"O< is '=c the t4ir is not dam, Fust li-e (ater+ And (ater can ta-e a(a) potenc) o0
meliach -*roseiach, so (hatever dam and salt that is there is neutrali4ed ') the t4ir+ Jot
sa)in. the svara o0 the O"P<+ ,m -ein, no( R* 8ona and R"O< can co7eGist '=c (hen cut
that meat (ith a -ni0e and there is salt, and no (ater there, (ill sa) meliach -*roseiach
and (ill assur the -ni0e, and even R"O< (ill 'e mas-im to this+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
7 Ma-es sense, then, that the 1?& doesn*t Zuote this chumra o0 R* 8ona+ Ho(ever, the
0%& mentions that )esh matirim to cut the 'asar (ith -ni0e a0ter the melicha '=c ein
melicha '*-eilim+
K%7 This is '=c dam is misra- sarei-, 'ut not sa)in. that no -li can ever 'ecome
assur throu.h melicha, Fust not in this situation '=c dam is misra- sari-+
#8 - 6.17.08 / 14 AiBa# 5768
2<+ias $asar a#@ 2<+ias KaB5@
Have said man) times that in order to coo- meat, reZuire melicha, 'ut (hen roast over a
0ire, dam (ill drip ri.ht o00 and into the 0ire, and even thou.h it (ill drip on the chaticha,
(ill 'e misra- sari-, so no need 0or melicha+
7 But ho( do (e -no(A
,+ Sources that indicate no need to do melicha i0 roastin.
A+ -.' *"u++i# 14( DC M9#asi#- Just eGplained that dam eivarim shelo piresh is
mutar, so 0or t4li do not need melicha, and even i0 don*t coo- it all the (a) throu.h and
even thou.h it (ill move mima-om lima-om 5;"<6+ And even thou.h have .m (hich
sa)s that (e do melicha 0or t4li, that (as Fust a minha., 'ut mei-ar hadin there is no
B+ P"r Uarua Ci+D"6s !5+iD"a- ,0 in a place (here there is no salt an)(here, can Fust
cut the meat and roast it '=c t4li doesn*t need melicha at all+ And a0ter(ards can coo- it in
(ater+ And there (as a minha. to do 'e moleiach an)(a)s, 'ut no reZuirement+
2+ % :5saD"im 74( D" s"aBya- re0ers to a melicha done ') t4li+
1+ Issur M9"5;5r 8)10- ,0 are t4ole up to hal0 the <SXRO o0 roastin. it, that is enou.h to .et
rid o0 the dam+
3+ A"aar5i Dura Di#5i !5+iD"a 86- ,0 no salt there, 0irst 'e t4ole until the 'lood comes
out and then )ou can coo- it+
,,+ ,0 do melicha 'e0ore t4li, is there still a reZuirement o0 hadachaA
A+ 0%1 $ayis CaKa;<ar 70$- Jo need 0or hadacha 'asra)sa i0 t4ole ri.ht a(a) '=c
eish (ill .et rid o0 the dam+ ,0 (ait too lon., thou.h, dam (ill 'e nivla in the melach, and
then should do hadacha 0irst 'e0ore the melicha+
B+ E% 2 ( *"u++i#- Uuotes that reZuirement o0 hadacha is dav-a 0or -deira, 'ut i0 .oin.
to 'e t4ole, no need 0or hadacha at all+
,,,+ 2ut meat on 'read+ 9hat is status o0 the 'readA
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
A+ Gm *"u++i# 112(- ,0 cut meat on a piece o0 'read, assur to eat i0 have certain
reZuirements+ 9h)A
>+ %- B=c dam comes out onto this piece o0 'read+
@+ E% 41 $- 3Gplains that this case (as one (here the meat (as roasted to
maachal 'en drosa), and there is chashash maris a)in on the 'read '=c loo-s li-e 'lood on
the 'read+ And even i0 choshesh, ma)'e onl) choshesh i0 it reall) soa-ed the 'read all the
(a) throu.h+
B+ % 76)5 - ,0 cut meat on 'read, mutar to eat the 'read as lon. as the meat (as coo-ed
enou.h 0or maachal 'nei adam 5P"C<& this is h roasted6+
,\+ Status o0 the S-e(er on (hich )ou are t4ole
A+ 0%1 2" 35(- V%107 assur '=c there is 'lia o0 dam in it+ Acc to this, can*t leave the
meat on the s-e(er 0or too lon. '=c as lon. as the meat is 'ein. poleit, (on*t 'e 'oleia
0rom the s-e(er, 'ut once its done 'ein. poleit, can 'e 'oleia 0rom the sh0ud, so have to
remove it ri.ht a(a)+
B+ % 76)4 -
>+ 1?&) There are those (ho assur to cut o00 a piece o0 the meat (hile its 'ein.
nit4le '=c dam (ill assur the -ni0e+ Some assur the sh0ud as (ell, and thin- should
remove the meat ri.ht a(a) a0ter the t4lia '=c o0 the dam+ But there are those (ho are
matir all this, v*chein haminha. liha-eil 5O"P<7 all mutar '=c dam is misra- sari-+
Apparentl) "P< didn*t thin- )ou can sa) dam misra- sari- ') sh0ud6
@+ 0%&) 9e are chosheish lichatchila and (e are matir 'idieved+
\+ %lacin. /li under meat (hile it is 'ein. roasted
A+ Gm *"u++i# 112(7 R* Jachman Amar Shmuel7 can*t put -li 5Bei 1u.i6 under the
meat (hile )ou*re 'ein. t4ole, until all the mare admumis is .one '=c other(ise (ill assur
the -li+ And that time is (hen the meat starts to smo-e+ But ma)'e the 'ottom part is
0inished 'ut the top part isn*t 0inished )etA So .m sa)s have to place trei 0alilei milcha/
meanin. place t(o chun-s o0 salt in the -li, so (ill .o ri.ht into the salt and not into the
B+ % 76)6 - Uuotes this din that shouldn*t put -li underneath until its alread) nit4le to
the amount that ppl can eat it+
>+ K% 25 - Uuotes Bach (ho holds that all dam doesn*t come out a0ter h t4li 'ut
proves 0rom other places that this clearl) is the din and reFects the Bach+
\,+ Ho( does one prepare ?iverA ,t*s -ulo damD
A+ Gm *"u++i# 109$- 8alta tells R* Jachman, that e=thin. the Torah assured, there is
somethin. compara'le that is mutar+ And one eGample is that Torah assured dam, 'ut
(as matir ?iver+
B+ Gm 110$- A'a)e as-ed R* Sa0ra, (hen )ou .o to 3ret4 8israel, as- them (hat (e
should do to ma-e liver mutar l*achila+ ,n end, .m sa)s that the) used to do chalita,
'oilin. (ater to stunt the dam 0rom comin. out+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
>+ T% 39 $- Eot messa.e 0rom the mesivta that (e don*t -no( ho( to do chalita+
3la, have to roast it 0irst and then can coo- it+ And the (a) to roast it is to cut it shasi
v*erev 0irst+
@+ -.' @" KaB@a- ;"<& Sa)s our (hole .m is tal-in. a'out -aved (hen didn*t do
melicha, but !""# if would do re$ular melicha that would work on its own. And .m ')
8alta sa)s that Torah matired -aved, impl)in. that midora)sa could eat it even (ith all
the dam inside+ Ho(ever, there is still an issur dira'anan so need melicha or chalita or
t4li+ $$9e don*t assume li-e this ;"<, 'ut rather li-e the g"R<+
\,,+ 9hat a'out coo-in. liver in pot (=out melichaA
A+ Gm 110$- /aved can assur other pieces 'ut never 'ecomes assur itsel0 5'=c al(a)s
'ein. poleit can*t 'e 'oleia6+
>+ 0%1 $ayis Ca7a;<ar 75- ,0 (ould ta-e a -aved and coo- it in a pot, )ira li
that this is mutar '=c it*s oseres 'ut eina neeseres 'idieved+ But lichatchila should 'e
t4ole 0irst+ And even thou.h the C<T ar.ues that the -aved can 'ecome assur, , don*t
@+ &' !( 6)7N8- ,0 ta-e -aved and put in hot (ater or chomet4 until it 'ecomes
(hite, mutar to 'e mivashel+ But no( the minha. is to put it over the 0ire and then are
mivashel it even (ith other meat+ $$But i0 coo-ed it (=out roastin. it 0irst, the liver, the
pot, and e=thin. else inside is assur+
B+ % 73)1 -
>+ 1?&) 2an*t do melicha, ela have to 'e -oreia shesi v*erev and 'e t4ole (ith
openin. open to the 0ire+ Bidieved i0 (ere mivashel alone in the -deira its mutar, 'ut the
-deira 'ecomes assur, and some assur the -aved in this case+
@+ 0%&) :ur minha. is to assur ever)thin. even i0 liver (as salted 0irst+
2+ 73)2- i0 did chalita that (ould (or- 'ut .eonim assured it+ But 'idieved it (or-s+
\,,,+ Ho( can (e ever 'e t4ole liver on a .rateA
1+ !aa@a#5i (s"5r Aima# 21- As-s this Zuestion '=c e= time the 'lood (ill assur the
.rate and (ill have to -asher it, and (ould need li'un chamur and minha. is not to -asher
it ever) timeAD P"C< said (e should 'e ni4har lichatchilaDA
- Has a limud 4chus& 9hen it comes to the .rate, (ants to sa) -*'olo -ach polto
'=c the .rate is 'urnin. 0rom the 0ire so as soon as dam is nivla into the .rate, it (ill come
ri.ht out+ b"POC ') sh0ud (here the 0ire is not in direct contact (ith the sh0ud '=c the
'asar is there surroundin. it+ Has other svaros as (ell+ $$See inside$$
#9 - 6.17.08 / 14 AiBa# 5768
5 :5su+5i A"5D"i;a
!itzva o. Shechita
,+ DBarim 12)21- \*4avachta -a*asher t4ivisicha+ But (here (as He mit4aveA
>+ R"O<7 Hilchos Shechita are halacha limoshe miSinai+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
,,+ Gm *"u++i# 28(- See 0rom this pasu- that Moshe (as nit4tave on cuttin. the /ane
and the \eshes, and Rov echad ') chic-en, and Rov Shnaim ') Beheima+
,,,+ Gm *"u++i# 27(- Mishna sa)s lashon ^HaShocheitM lashon 'idieved (hen it*s
tal-in. a'out shechtin. one siman ') oa0 and t(o ') 'eheima, ho( can t(o ') 'eheima
'e 'idievedDA :ne o0 .m*s ans(ers is that Ru'o shel echad -amohu is onl) 'idieved+
$R* Schachter li-es to point out 0rom here that Ru'o -*/ulo is not lichatchila 5i+e+ Rov
-os ') L -osos6+
The 5ive 6sulim
WW&' A"5D"i;a 3)1- thin.s that are ma0sid the shechita& Shehi)a, 1rasa, 2halada,
Ha.rama, and ,-ar+
,+ Shehi)a
A+ !is"#a 32(- /ni0e 0alls out o0 his hand, or article o0 clothin. 0ell o00 and he pic-ed it
up, or he sharpened the -ni0e and .ot too tired in the middle o0 the shechita, so his 0riend
comes to 0inish+ And the <SXRO o0 shehi)a is amount o0 time it ta-es to shecht+ R* Shimon7
time it ta-es to chec- the -ni0e 5-dei 'i-ur6+
B+ Gm- 9hat*s the <SXRO o0 -*dei shechitaA Machlo-es (hether each animal .ets <SXRO
that it (ould ta-e 0or itsel0, or even <SXRO 'eheima 0or an oa0+
2+ % 23)2 -
>+ 1?& <SXRO shehi)a is amount o0 time it ta-es to pic- up the animal, place it
do(n 0or the shechita, and it*s each animal li-e it is, 'eheima da-a 0or da-a, and .asa 0or
.asa, and then t(o opinions ') oa0, either li-e 'eheima da-a, and )esh omrim li-e oa0+
And sa)s should 'e machmir, 'ut '*shaas hadcha- could 'e mei-il+
@+ 0%&) 9e are nohei. to 'e torei0 all shehi)a, even mashehu+
+. Shehia bmiut Basra
>+ Gm *"u++i# 32(- Shaha '*miut simanim, (hat*s the dinA Alread) shechted
rov and then paused and then 0inished o00 the (hole thin.+
5a6 %- even thou.h the shehi)a is in the miut 'asra (hich )ou didn*t
even need, could 'e that once )ou tr) to do the (hole thin., no( )ou ruined it+ And it*s
le0t as a tei-u and (e should 'e machmir misa0ei-+ 3Gplains that .m must 'e tal-in.
a'out miut 'asra '=c i0 it (as miut -ama in the -ane, -*ilu did nothin. 5'=c need to cut rov
o0 -ane to ma-e the animal a trei0a6+ And miut -ama in veshes (ould vada) 'e trei0a '=c
onl) need ni-uv -ol shehu to 'e mitarei0 it+
5'6 -.' CiD"+i@ 30$- .% has the opposite pshat, tal-in. a'out miut -ama+
7 But ho( is he .oin. to deal (ith R"O<*s points a'out miut -amaA
B=c there are t(o aspects to shechita& >6 Heter Achila @6 MiThaeir midei neveila+ So even
thou.h AAAAAAA _,?? ,J+
5c6 '& 3)4 - ,0 (ere shohe the amount o0 time it ta-es to shecht miut
simanim, that*s sa0ei- neveila+ ?earnin. a ne( pshat, not a'out 'e.innin. or end, a'out
ho( lon. )ou (ere shohe+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
@+ % 23)5 -
5a6 1?&) Rov echad ') oa0 and ') 'eheima, shehi)a does not pasul
a0ter(ards+ And acc to this, there*s never shehi)a ') -ane o0 oa0 at all+ And then Zuotes
shitas R"O< to assur, and sa)s should 'e machmir lichatchila+
5'6 0%&) minha. is lihatri0 even 'idieved+
,,+ 1rasa 5%ressin. do(n instead o0 .lidin. across6
A+ !is"#a 30$- ,0 cut o00 the head o0 animal in one 0ell s(oop, i0 -ni0e isn*t the len.th
o0 t(o heads 5-*t4avar umalei t4avar6, pasul+ But i0 it is, then can assume that cut o00 the
(hole head in one motion (=out 'ein. doreis+ And i0 shechtin. @ animals at once, has to
'e len.th o0 H heads+ Ho(ever, i0 )ou are molich and meivi, then even i0 -ni0e is a tin)
da..er, -sheira+
>+ ?%- Heter o0 small -ni0e is onl) ') an oa0 (hich has so0t nec-+ But ')
'eheima, al(a)s need a 'i. -ni0e+
@+ E%- Zuotes this ]"< and sa)s .m never said such a thin.+
B+ % 24)1 -
>+ <]C Zuotes din as 'rou.ht in the .emara+
@+ P"C<& But there are those (ho are machmir ') 'eheima to al(a)s need 'i.
-ni0e and this is the minha. even bidieved 5lashon o0 li0sol6+
2+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 1)20- 2an sic-l) person ShechtA
7 Gm 4uma 66(- ,sh ,ti, the person (ho (as desi.nated to ta-e the seir hamishtaleiach,
too- it even on sha''os+ And chidush that can do it even on sha''os is that even i0 the
animal (as sic-, the ish iti is allo(ed to carr) the animal to the cli00 on sha''os+ This is
a.ainst R* Josson (ho holds chai nosei es at4moAD Em ans(ers, no, chole shani+ 1on*t
sa) chai nosei es at4mo i0 the animal is sic-+
7 -.' A"a6s A"5*"ai 94() 9hen carr)in. a live animal=person (hich is li.hter, the
heter is '=c it*s not dum)a d*mish-an '=c ') the mish-an onl) carried inanimate o'Fects+
See that a chole is mach'id+
$$89 !6s"5& Ma)'e have to 'e (orried that the chole is heavier and mi.ht 'e dories+
nswers) 9hen it comes to shechita, thou.h, doesn*t mean he is al(a)s mach'id,
Fust chashash, so i0 he is sure that he (asn*t dories, can 'e mei-il+
dThere is opinion that chai nosei es at4mo is onl) (hen animal='a') can (al-+
7 9hat*s the chilu-A R* Moshe eGplains that hot4aa itsel0 is a chidush '=c not reall) a
creative act+ :nl) considered a melacha i0 a0ter(ards it (ill 'e noticea'le that it (as
done+ ,0 des- is sittin. in the street, must 'e someone carried it out there+ But i0 see an
adult outside, don*t sa) must have 'een someone carried him there+ That*s (h) no issur
hot4aa on chai nosei es at4mo i0 'a')=animal can (al-+e
,,,+ 2halada
7 %lace -ni0e in'et(een the simanim so that (hen cut the 'ottom the -ni0e (as covered
') the top siman+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
A+ Gm 30$- sha)la a'out 'ein. covered ') the s-in, or 'ein. covered ') hand-erchie0,
under the (ool, and leaves these all as tei-u+ And then has hechlid '*miut simanim, also
>+ %0 2)5 - i0 Fust put a tallis over the animal and shechted, that*s not chalada, it
has to 'e 0astened to the animal+
@+ &' A"5D"i;a 3)9- ,0 )ou shecht underneath the tallis, that is chalada '=c the
-ni0e is not out in the open+
B+ % 24)7-11 )
>+ 1?&) 2halada is puttin. -ni0e 'et(een simanim+ Uuotes machlo-es O"P< and
C<T, sa)s to 'e chosheish lichatchila li-e C<T+ And Zuotes machlo-es a'out hechlid '*miut
simanim, and sa)s to 'e machmir lichatchila+
@+ 0%& 8 ) Be care0ul to remove thic- (ool on sheep so that don*t come lidei
H+ 0%& 10 & Minha. lihatri0 -ol chalada 'ein miut -ama, 'asra, -ane, or veshes+
,\+ Ha.rama
7 Shechtin. outside the shechita 4one+
A+ !is"#a 18(- Shechtin. in top rin. o0 the nec-, have to leave over a small sliver to
ma-e sure that sta)ed in the 4one+ And Em has discussion (hat a'out i0 veered out o0 the
4one at the end o0 the shechita+
>+ '& 3)13 - shechted rov and then 0inished ') 'ein. doreis or ha.rama, -sheira
'=c alread) did appropriate amount o0 .ood shechita+ ,0 did >
>=H out o0 the 4one and @=H
in the 4one, .ood+ Also, i0 shechted >=H and did >=H out o0 the 4one, and then >=H in 4one,
also -sheira+ But i0 (ere doreis or hechlid in >
or middle H
(ould 'e pasul 5last din not
@+ E%1& 5Zuoted in W"<6 - need either @=H in 'e.innin. or @=H in the end, can*t 'e
mit4arei0 >
and last H
(ith pro'lem in the middle+
H+ 0%1 ar.ues on 'oth o0 them that have to have 0irst @=H .ood, other(ise hit
rov point and don*t have .ood shechita+
B+ % 24)12-14
>+ 1?& %as-ens li-e the C<T+
@+ 0%&) Minha. ?ihatri0 all ha.rama+
\+ ,-ur
A+ &'- ,0 -ane and veshes are dislocated instead o0 'ein. shechted+
B+ % 24)15 - 0%& ) Minha. to poseil all i-ur+
2+ Gm 9(- S;T Zuotes R"O< (ho Zuotes shachat es haveshet upasa- es ha.ar.eres and
eGplains that he holds that i0 shecht (ith sa-in pe.uma, (on*t cut the animal*s siman, 'ut
(ill tear it+ This is i-ur+
1+ (ruD" CaA"u+D"a# 24)28- 3Gplains R"O<, not that the siman (as dislocated (hen
)ou shechted it+ 3la, durin. the maaseh shechita, the -ni0e pulls the siman apart instead
o0 Fust slicin. it+ Ho(ever, most o0 the rishonim didn*t learn this (a)+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
#10 - 6.19.08 / 16 AiBa# 5768
A"5D"i;as (7um
,+ %urposes o0 Shechita
Shechita accomplishes t(o thin.s& Ma-es the animal -osher to eat and it ma-es the
animal tahor '=c other(ise neveila is mitamei 5\a)i-ra >>&Hc6+ And even a trei0a is
mitaheir midei neveila+
A+ Gm *"u++i# 72$- Ho( do , -no( that shechtin. a trei0a is mitaheir midei neveilaA
And .m eGplains '=c it has a shaas -osher, etc+
>+ &' (B6s Ca2uma 2)6- eGplains ho( shechita is mitaheir even trei0a (hich is
assura to eat+
,,+ 9hat a'out shechita o0 a non7Je(A
A+ !is"#a *"u++i# 13(- Shechita o0 :ved /ochavim is neveila and mitamei '*masa+
>+ -.' *"u++i# 37 ^\*4avachtaM, that (hich )ou can shecht )ou can eat+ :nl)
someone (ho is a 'ar 4evicha '=c he himsel0 reZuires shechita in order to eat, lia0u-ei an
oved avoda 4ara+ And even a mumar l*echol neveilos l*hachis 589 A"aD";5r7 he (ould
choose the non7-osher meat even i0 there is -osher meat ri.ht there6 (ill 'e considered
lav 'ar 4evicha+
@+ &' (B6s "a2uma 2)10- 1in that mitamei '*masa is onl) midivrei so0rim '=c
tuma o0 AZ and ti-roves AZ is onl) midivrei so0rim 5(e*ll assume that means dira'anan
0or no(6+ And it (as on account o0 AZ that the -usim (ere pushed a(a) and pasuled
0rom shechita+ And even thou.h the issur achila is dora)sa, not ever)thin. that*s assur
'*achila is mitamei '=c trei0a is assura and its tehoraD %ashtus is that C<T doesn*t learn li-e
S;T+ _ocusin. more on AZ aspect+
,,,+ %shat in shitas C<VT&
A+ A"5m6s 34)11- Have to .et rid o0 the ! Jations '=c other(ise (ill end up 0ollo(in.
a0ter their minha.im and eatin. their shechita+
B+ &' A"5D"i;a 4)11- A-um (ho shechts, shechita is neveila, etc+ B=c pasu- (arns us
^v*achalta mi4ivchoM+ 4)12- a 'i. .eder (as made that even shechita o0 a-um that isn*t
oved AZ shechitaso neveila+ 5Ho(ever, onl) a real oveid AZ*s shechita creates issur
achila midora)sa6+
>+ &%=- see 0rom here that C<T thin-s that i0 not oved a4 onl) issur dira'anan
5ma)'e even the achila6+ But B"VP the shechita o0 a real oveid AZ (ould 'e issur dora)sa
to eat+
See that could 'e that the) are 'arei 4evicha, it*s Fust that the Torah tells us their
shechita is not a .ood shechita '=c (e treat their shechita as i0 its che0t4a shel AZ+ And
AZ is also mitamei+ Jo( (e can understand (h) C<T thin-s the tuma o0 shechitas a-um
is onl) midira'anan '=c it comes alt4 the tumas AZ (hich is onl) midira'anan+
2+ But (hat*s the C<T*s sourceA
>+ !5D"i+;a D98as"i- Zuotes this issur o0 shechitas A-um ') the pasu- in
shemos+ But never sa)s here that the tuma is onl) dira'anan, that is the C<T*s assumption
that since the tuma is '=c o0 AZ, should onl) 'e midira'anan+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
,\+ Halacha ?imaaseh
A+ % 2)1 - Shechita o0 A-um is neveila even i0 he*s not an oved AZ mamash+
>+ K% 2 - Thin-s C"b had 0ault) nusach o0 C<T+ 2orrect .irsa is that even a "usi
(ho isn*t oved AZ, his shechita is dira'anan+ B=c /usim (ere reall) Je(ish and 2ha4al
(ere ma0-ia their -edushas )israel 52hullin "A6, so issur o0 their shechita is onl)
midira'anan, and that*s (hat the C<T (as tal-in. a'out+ But B"VP all shechita o0 non7Je(s
is issur dora)sa+
@+ O%L 1 - a.rees (ith the pshat o0 the C"b+ And there is a C"B l*in)an .er toshav '=c
the) are not Je(ish 'ut a.ree not to 'e oved AZ+
B+ !i:5#i#5i Ca8aB H89 AD"aD";5rJ ,2"5 8aB used to sa) in the name o0 iRR] T<& asu
s)a. l*Torah, ma-e .edarim li-e the Torah did+ That sometimes there are dinim dora)sa
(hich themselves are dinei dora)sa+ ,m -ein, could understand the C<T o0 .eder .adru
could Fust 'e a .eder dora)sa that even a .o) (ho doesn*t (orship AZ his shechita is
assur+ 5could 'e possi'le teretG to -asha o0 Y"O6+
\+ Another C"B 't(n C<T and S;T& :so v*es '*no
A+ *"i@us"5i 0%- ,0 .o) shechted the mother co(, is there din oso v*es 'no 0or )ou not
to shecht the 'a')A
>+ &'- Eo)*s shechita had chalos shechita, (ould 'e assur
@+ -.'- Eo)*s shechita is not a shechita at all, no issur+
\,+ Je( and Eo) holdin. the -ni0e to.ether 5T(o Je(s& .ood shechita6A
Mi.ht have said that acc to S;T, .o) is nothin., ma)'e e=thin. is .ood+ But acc to C<T,
he ma-es ne.ative contri'ution, pasul+
A+ 26s5F;a) Shechita is -sheira in that case+
B+ !is"#a *"u++i# 39$) T(o ppl shechtin., one (= .ood -avana, one (= -avana to AZ,
no .ood+
2+ 1?& 2)11 - 8israel and %asul shechtin. to.ether, shechita is pasul+
>+ K% 30 - Uuotes !a"ars"a+ that case o0 Mishna 2hullin is di00erent '=c one
person has speci0ic -avana l*shem AZ, b"POC (hen dealin. (ith re.ular .o) (ho is pasul
onl) '=c he*s lav 'ar 4evicha 5S;T6, so i0 a 'ar 4evicha is (= him then it should 'e mutar+
1+ A5F5r !is"7a# ("r6#) presents this discussion as (ell+
WW$ris75r 8aB- 9hat*s the C<T*s proo0 that the tuma o0 this animal is onl) midira'anan
0rom trei0a 5(hich also isn*t tamei midora)sa, and not even midira'anan6A Trei0a isn*t
tamei '=c it has a .ood shechita, 'ut this animal is a neveila, has a psul in the shechita
Ans(ered& Trei0a means there is a chisaron in the chi)us o0 the animal+ ,t*s not that the
shechita )ou did is a .ood shechita and it happens to 'e a trei0a, ela, the 0act that it
doesn*t have 0ull chi)us ma-es the shechita incomplete+ There0ore, it is .ood ra)a
that even thou.h there is a chisaron in the shechita C"C it*s not mitamei, so, too,
shechitas a-um (hich has chisaron in the shechita itsel0 and nevertheless not
mitamei+ 5Based on C<T MA L&>!6+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
#11 - 6.19.08 / 16 AiBa# 5768
A"5D"i;as Ka;a#
,+ Source o0 the 1in and Svaros
A+ !is"#a *"u++i# 2(- 3ver)one can shecht, eGcept cheresh, shote, and -atan shema
)i-al-ilu es haShechita+ Mashma that the) are 'arei 4evicha, Fust (orried he*ll mess it
B+ Gi;;i# 45$- /atan cannot (rite te0illin '=c onl) those (ho are mechu)av in u-shartem
are -osher 0or u-savtem 5mashma not sha)ach to the mit4va at all6+
>+ %0 *"u++i#- :nl) -atan (ho is pasul 0or shechita is i0 he*s lo hi.ia
l*chinuch, so he can*t do it appropriatel), doesn*t have the proper s-ill+
@+ % 1)5 - /atan (ho doesn*t have appropriate s-ills necessar) 0or shechita
shouldn*t shecht lichatchila, even (ith someone (atchin. him, 'ut 'idieved its .ood+
But i0 he -no(s ho(, then (ith others (atchin. it*s mutar even lichatchila+ Jo one
(atchin., pasul even 'idieved, even i0 )ou -no( he -no(s hilchos shechita+
5a6 K% 27 - This is '=c -atan doesn*t have neemanus, so can*t trust him
that his shechita (as .ood i0 no one else sa( it+ Jot li-e the Ateres Zahav 5?ivush6 (ho
said that since he hasn*t )et reached a.e to have chi)uv shechita, he*s a lav 'ar 4evicha,
in a sense+
5'6 SiBus"- 3ven thou.h he*s not a 'ar 4evicha, i0 .adol is omed al .a'av,
he*s shechtin. al daas the .adol, (ho is mit4uve+ Jot Fust standin. there to ma-e sure he
does it correctl), ela ma-in. use o0 the daas o0 the .adol, (hich ma-es it -*ilu he is
5c6 K% 27 - But -atan is di00erent 0rom a .o) '=c a .o) has no sha)chus to
din o0 shechita, 'ut -atan cannot 'e 0ed maachalos assuros+ So he is connected to -ashrus
in a sense, so in that sense he is a 'ar 4evicha, Fust no neemanus+
H+ :ri !5Ga@im :5siD"a CaK6++5+5s- also as-s this -asha, (hat*s the di00erence
't(n -atan and .o)& B) mit4vas asei, -atan is not mechu)av, that*s (h) not sha)ach to
te00ilin at all+ 1oesn*t (ear te0illin and cannot (rite te0illin+ But ') lo saasei, not that
he*s mu0-a, Fust lav 'ar deia+ ,m -ein, he has sha)chus to shechita+ Eo) has no sha)chus
to an) o0 this+
,,+ More discussion o0 chilu- 't(n aseis and l*s (hen it comes to chi)uv o0 -atan
A+ Mayi7ra 19)20- parsha o0 shi0cha charu0a+ Starts out as not Je(ish, 'ou.ht ') t(o
o(ners, and are mi.a)eir her lishem shi0chus, .oes to mi-va+ Jo( one o(ner 0rees her,
one doesn*t, so she*s chat4i 0ull Je(, chat4i shi0cha+ And no( a man is mi-adesh her, so
part o0 her has 0ull -iddushin, 0or part o0 her -iddushin isn*t to0eis+ So she is partial
eishes ish+ So i0 she*s mi4ane, (hat do (e doA She 'rin.s a -or'an, and (e read psu-im
to her, .ive her a mussar schmoo4e, meanin. .ive her mal-us+ This is al pi the .m as
>+ &' A"GaG6s 9)3- ,0 c )r old is mi4ane (ith a shi0cha charu0a, she .ets mal-us
5'=c his 'ia is real 'ia 0or her6, and he is cha)av -or'an, 'ut should onl) 'rin. it (hen he
'ecomes a .adol+
$$See chi)uv 0or maaseh aveira o0 the -atanD
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
@+ &' A6;a 2)4- -itana .ets married at a.e o0 >K and is then mi4ane+ He sa)s she
is neeseres li'aala, li-e an) eishis ish she4insa+
5a6 V%10- .m sa)s in 8evamos that (hen -itana is seduced its considered
5'6 !is"75#6s 4aa76B , Zuotes Gm Aa#"5@ri# 55$- i0 person is
shocheiv (= 'eheima, -ill the person, and (e -ill the 'eheima+ 3ither '=c it 'rou.ht a
ta-ala or '=c it (ill 'rin. em'arrassment '=c ppl (ill see this animal and tal- a'out (hat
happened+ Em as-s i0 need 'oth reZuirements, tries to ans(er that (hen -itana or -atan
is (ith 'eheima, still -ill it, even thou.h em'arrassment, 'ut no ta-ala, 'ut ans(ers, no,
there is ta"ala/ but rachmana was chas on the "atan/ not on the 'eheima+
Mish-enos 8aa-ov eGplains that the C<T in sota pas-ens li-e the su.)a in
Sanhedrin that the -atan did have a chi)uv, Fust the Torah had rachmanus on him+ See
that meizid o. "atan is considered meizid+ And ') sho.ei. o0 the -atan C<T sa)s don*t -ill
the 'eheima+ So see that he thin-s the mei4id o0 -atan is mei4id. 7m "ein/ i. "itana is
mizane should be neeseres libaala b8c considered meizid/ not ones.
B+ Gm Gi;;i# 2$7 Ha-ol -sheirim to (rite a .et, even a -atan, even thou.h he*s not 'ar
daas '=c .adol omed al .a'av+
>+ R"O<7 B=c no lishma ') -atan, so .adol (ill tell him to do it lishma+
@+ S;T7 But -itanim are lav 'nei -risusDA 2an*t .ive a .et, shouldn*t 'e a'le to
(rite oneDA Ans(ers& 9hen -atan is older, he (ill 'e a'le to .ive a .et, so ri.ht no(
considered 'ar -risus 5.adol omed al .a'av is onl) there 0or the lishma aspect6+
5a6 $i#as (@am 1)1- As-s (h) the Mish-enos 8aa-ov and Y"O didn*t Fust
sa) this -lal o0 S;A 3Gplains that u-shartem and u-savtem means that )ou have to 'e
a'le to 'e involved in it no(, b"POC to 'e a 'ar -risus Fust means )our sha)ach to the
5'6 89 Ua+ma# /5D"5mia G6+@5rG- 9hen its mit4va chi)uvi, onl)
considered in the parsha (hen )ou are actuall) nit4tave, 'ut (hen its simpl) a mit4va
-i)umis, (on*t necessaril) ever do it, never a t4ivui, can 'e considered in the parsha even
i0 not nichlal )et+ This is (h) .et and shechita are 0undamentall) di00erent and -atan can
'e included, 'oth mit4vos -i)umi)os+
,,,+ /atan 'ein. considered 'ar 4vicha '=c he*s mi-a'el tuma and shechita (or-s to 'e
mitaheir midei neveila&
A+ K6B5;< I#ya#im H89 X+D"a#a#J - mentions this possi'ilit) 5see inside6+
B+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 1)3- fses this eGplanation to eGplain (h) -atan is 'ar 4evicha as
opposed to an a-um+ Be0ore this, discusses sha)chus '=c can*t 0eed him trei0us, 'ut sa)s
this is onl) true i0 )ou assume that is an issur dora)sa and it ma) not 'e+ Also sa)s, since
-atan is sha)ach to issurim, then v*4avachta can 'e spea-in. to the -atan as (ell+ Similar
to the C<T= .m sanhedrin, has issur Fust Torah is chas on the -atan+ Ho(ever, ')
f-shartam, Torah is not spea-in. to the -atan+
$$*"5+7as 46aB PY*" 1)17 B) mit4vos asei, -atan has no chi)uv+ And ') lo
saaseis, -atan*s maaseh is not a maaseh+ /*ilu its done '*misasei-+ ,0 it*s chalavim and
ara)os, so then -atan is 'ar chi)uva '=c (hen misasei- in these issurim is cha)av she-ein
nehene 5this (ould ans(er the C<T ') shi0cha charu0a6+ And B"VV 0or issurim that are lav
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
she*ein 'o maaseh+ Also 'rin.s that there is issur o0 chamet4 she*avar alav ha%esach ')
chamet4 o0 a -atan+
$5# :a7ua
,+ Source o0 the 1in
A+ Gm *"u++i# 69$- T(o lishonos o0 'eheima, .m learns 'eheim '*'eheima, one (=in
the other 5dvarim >L&"6, mutar '*achila+
B+ !is"#a 68(- ,0 animal alread) stuc- its head out, even thou.h .oes 'ac- in, not nitar
'*shechitas ha*eim, 'ut i0 that happens (ith the arm it is nitar (= shechita o0 the mother+
>+ Gm- ,0 0etus stuc- out an arm, even thou.h it (ent 'ac- in, and rest o0 animal
is nitar v*shechitas ha*eim, the arm (on*t 'e nitar (= the shechita+ ?earned 0rom pasu- o0
^'asar 'asade trei0a lo socheiluM not Fust trei0a, 'ut an)thin. that comes out o0 the
mechit4os 5basade6 (ill have din o0 trei0a+ So i0 eat this arm o0 the animal (ill 'e over
on this lav, even thou.h not a ^trei0aM at all+
,,+ ,0 0etus 0ound inside is alread) nine months old
A+ !is"#a 74(- R !eir) Jot nitar '*shechitas ha*eim+ 4hachamim) ninth month is same
as ever)thin. else, nitar '*shechitas ha*eim+ R Shimon Shezuri) can even 'e )rs old
and choreish 'asade still the shechita o0 the mother is mitaheir+
>+ Gm 75$- 9hat*s C"B 't(n 2hachamim and R* Shimon She4uriA Hi0ris al
.a'ei -ar-a i-ar 'einahu+ Acc to chachamim, as lon. as the animal has (al-ed on the
.round no( have to shecht it mishum maris a)in+ Ho(ever, acc to R* Shimon She4uri no
such .4eira+
7 Uuestion o0 (hat the status o0 that shechita is (hen its onl) mishum maris a)inA 5W"<
Brachos& don*t ma-e 'racha on neiros chanu-a lit mishum chashad6+
B+ Gm continues& baye) ,0 'en pa-ua*s hooves are not split, e=one a.rees that its still
mutar, din maris a)in (on*t appl), e=one (ill reco.ni4e that this is that 'en pa-ua '=c
stands out so much, others sa) it has to 'e that the mother and child have such a siman,
onl) then e=one (ill -no( and no (orr) a'out maris a)in+
,,,+ 2hildren o0 Ben %a-ua
A+ Gm 75$& 9henever have halachos o0 oso v*es 'no, some sa) onl) applies to mother
and child and animal 0ather not considered related+ :thers sa) choshishin lzera haav
and even he is related+ So acc to @
deia, i0 'en pa-ua is 'a on re.ular 'eheima, the child
has no ta-ana '=c the 0ather is alread) considered shechted+ 5Ben pa-ua and 'as pa-ua,
child has din pa-ua as (ell, and B"VV i0 mother is pa-ua and not choshesh 0or 4era ha*av,
'ut i0 onl) 0ather is pa-ua and choshesh to his relation, no ta-ana6+
>+ %- -*ilu each parent .ives each siman to the child, 0ather .ave a shechted
siman and mother .ave non7shechted siman+ ,m -ein, (hen do shechita this (ill 'e
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
shehi)a, and ein shehi)a .adol mi4u '=c one siman (as .*shochted 0rom time it (as
created and this neGt siman isn*t shechted till much later+
@+ -.'- as i0 each parent .ave h o0 ever) siman, so 'en pa-ua .ave Kj o0
shechted simanim, so (hen shecht the neGt Kj not enou.h, need rov, and can never .et
B+ Gm 75( 'ottom& ,0 shecht the mother and it*s a trei0a, and 0ind 'en c alive& Acc to R*
Meir (ho sa)s it*s a separate unit, it*s mutar+ Acc to 2hachamim (ho said it is nichlal in
shechitas ha*eim, no( the 'en pa-ua (ill 'e considered trei0a as (ell+ Rava) 3ven acc to
the chachamim it (ill 'e mutar '=c 4 simanim achsher bei rachmana. Meanin., Ben
pa-ua has t(o (a)s to 'e mutar, either the mother*s t(o simanim or it*s o(n t(o
This (ill 'e relevant to the su.)a o0 'en pa-ua she'a al 'eheima m*al)asa+ B=c i0 hold
L simanim achshirei rachamana (h) should there 'e no ta-an 0or the vladA This is (h)
R"O< there (rites that that this man d*amar doesn*t hold 0rom L simanim achshirei
rachmana+ -.', on the other hand, holds that L simanim (as onl) said in the case (here
the mother is a trei0a, 'ut never applies to re.ular case, so has nothin. to do (ith that
other su.)a+
2+ \ort in /ovet4 Beis Hatalmud& Ben %a-ua shechted as /or'an %esach not a .ood
/or'an %esach+
>+ R"O<7 pasul '=c it*s a )ot4ei do0en and -or'an %esach has to 'e yivaleid
@+ S;T7 shechted shelo lishma
9ants to sa) R"O< and S;T lishitasam& Acc to R"O<, could have said L simanim so no
pro'lem o0 lishma+ But acc to S;T, onl) sa) L simanim (hen mother is a trei0a, not
sha)ach here, so can sa) simple teret4 that shechted shelo lishma+
,\+ 9hat a'out the other issurim inside the 'en pa-ua 5dam, chelev, .id hanashe6A
A+ Gm 74$- R !eir- .id hanashe and chelev are nohei. even in 0etus+ R ;ehuda- Eid
HaJashe is not nohei. in 0etus and chelev is mutar+ R* :sha)a7 this machlo-es is onl) ')
'en c alive 5(here have machlo-es T- and R* Meir (hether considered 'en pa-ua or
not6+ Ho(ever, ') an) other 'en pa-ua, e=one a.rees it (ill 'e mutar+
>+ &' !( 5)14- %as-ens li-e T- a.ainst R* Meir, that even c month old 0etus
doesn*t need shechita, 'ut once starts to (al- on the .round, no( needs shechita
dmidira'anan alt4 maris a)ine+ So would e<*ect #= to *as"en li"e R ;ehuda when it
comes to chelev and 0id hanashe.
@+ !( 7)3- shecht 'eheima and 0ind a 0etus, the chelev is mutar+ Ho(ever, i0
shalmu lo chadashav 5'en c6, issur chelevD Sa)s same thin. in I5irus" mis"#ay6s
*"u++i# 4)5.
5a6 - &%= C< T is clearl) a.ainst the .m '=c the issur chelev is onl) R* Meir
lishitaso (ho holds that the 'en c is animal 'i0nei at4moAD Ans(ers that C<T thou.ht this
.m (as not the onl) possi'ilit) as to (h) the chelev could 'e mutar, don*t have to hold
li-e R* Meir to assur the chelev+
7 But (here does this idea come 0rom that the chelev should 'e mutar '=c o0 the shechitas
ha*eimA And even i0 it is, (h) should that onl) 'e up until 'en cA
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ U5ra (Bra"am H89 !5#aD"5m U5m5J - 2lassic cha-ira ') 'en pa-ua& ,s it that
(hen shecht the mother no( -*ilu )ou shechted the 'a')+ :r no, vlad is an ever o0 the
mother, so (hen mother 'ecomes mutar, e=thin. in the mother is mutar, includin. the
'a')+ ,0 considered shechted, no reason to matir the chelev o0 the 'a')+ But i0
considered ever imo, so matir 0or the 'a') in .eneral, can come to 'e matir even its
chelev and .id hanashe+
7 9ants to sa) that the C<T thou.ht 'oth t4dadim (ere correct& ,0 'a') is less than c
months, considered an ever o0 the mother, special matir, e=thin. is mutar+ Ho(ever, once
its 'en c, no( 0ull animal on its o(n, (ill sa) the shechita is chal on 'a'), 'ut not a
special matir, so treat 'a') as shechted animal and chelev and .id hanashe are still assur+
\+ 1oes din Ben %a-ua matir Trei0usA
A+ P"r Uarua- Uuotes machlo-es rishonim+
B+ 0%1 2" H$9mu;ari# 9+6 s"5D"i;a 49(J- Thin-s no issur '=c not a live animal to
have din trei0a, considered shechted alread), alread) dead+ And onl) reason 0or shechita
on this animal is alt4 maris a)in, and in those cases even i0 are over on the psulei shechita
still mutar '=c as lon. as do somethin. that loo-s li-e shechita no lon.er (orried a'out
maris a)in+ B"VV, no (orr) a'out maris a)in i0 the animal is a trei0a+
2+ 3%0- upset (ith this last point in P"O< '=c i0 allo( ppl to use sa-in pa.um in this
case (orried this (ill spread+
\,+ 3=one a.rees that the dam o0 'en pa-ua is assur+ 9h)A
A+ %0 4)6 - .4hM- that chelev is mutar+ And dam is assur '=c considered li-e dam
eivarim shepiresh 0rom the mother to the 'a')+
B+ E%- the (hole drasha in the 0irst place (as beheima bbeheima socheilu, and this isn*t
achila, this is shesi)a+
2+ A5F5r P;<r6s 46s5F H89 46s5F X#G5+ 6# 4DJ , dam in animal is assur all over the
animal+ 2helev is onl) assur in certain places o0 the animal+ So an) chelev in the u'ar is
.oin. to 'e considered chelev shelo 'im-omo+ b"POC all dam is assur no matter (here it
1+ 0%1 2"Y H9!u;ari# 9+6 s"5D"i;a 49(J , 9ants to eGplain (h) machlo-es ')
chelev is lishitasam in mach R* Meir=R* 8ehuda& %asu- sa)s v*4avachta mi'*-archa
v*t4oncha, has to have shem animal+ Uuestion is in c months does it .et that shem+ B)
chelev it sa)s ^shor v*chesevM, has to 'e chelev o0 an animal+ So i0 thin- 'en c needs its
o(n shechita then considered shor v*chesev and its chelev has issur chal on it+ b"POC, i0
not nitar '*shechitas ha*eim, not included in that pasu-, not called chelev shor v*chesev
'=c not a shor )et, so no issur chelev+ Thin-s this is pshat in the g"R< (ho thin-s the
chelev o0 these animals are mutar and their dam is assur 5'=c dam doesn*t have to 'e o0
shor v*chesev, etc+6

#13 - 6.23.08 / 20 AiBa# 5768
I#ya#5i AF5i7 AF5i7a 5Reall) 0ound in Taaroves >>K6
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
,+ T(o ,mportant 8esodos a'out (hen a S0e- S0ei-a can 'e made
A+ Gm K5su6s 8$- Man ta)nas 6esach 6asuach !atzasi 5(oman (as not a 'esula6,
he*s neeman in order to assur her to himsel0+ Em as-s& 9h) is she assura, isn*t it a s*sA
Sa0ei- (hether this happened 'e0ore she 'ecame mi-udeshes, and even i0 (as durin. that
)ear, sa0ei- ones sa0ei- '*rat4onAD Em .ives t(o teirut4im&
5>6 3ishes /ohein 5even i0 neensa still assura6, so onl) one sa0ei-+ But B"VP i0 (ould
have had a sMs (ould have 'een a'le to 'e matir+ 5@6 Eirl 'ecame arusa at H )rs old, at L
)rs old there (as nisuin 5no sMs '=c (oman (ho loses 'esulim 'e0ore a.e H, the) (ill
.ro( 'ac-, so 0act that the) are not here, must 'e it happened a0ter(ards6+
>+ -.' M955 ayis 5ima- ,sn*t there still sMs '=c sa0ei- ones, sa0ei- rat4on, and
even i0 its rat4on, ma)'e it (as (hen she (as a -itana and pitui -itana is al(a)s
considered onesAD $$Ans(ers& Shem ones chad hu. This isn*t considered a s0ei- s0ei-a
'=c 'oth s0ei-os come 0rom the same t4ad 5:nes vs Rat4on6+ %eal sfek sfeika has to be
two totally se&arate sfeikos.
B+ Gm K5su6s 9- sa)s that i0 she*s mi4ane she loses her -esu'a+
>+ -.' X5 S9m5isiB Sa- 9h) don*t (e sa) sMs& >6 Ma)'e he doesn*t -no( (hat it
0eels li-e correctl) 5eino 'a-i6+ @6 Sa0ei- ones=rat4onA
S;T 8ishanim on the side& This isn*t reall) a sMs '=c s's has to be able to be said in both
directions and this one )ou can*t sa) '=c once sa) sa0ei- '*rat4on, doesn*t matter that he*s
not a 'a-i in pesach pasuach '=c alread) assumin. it happened+
,,+ Source 0or 1in o0 S0e- S0ei-a ?i-ula 5even in doraysas 6
A+ :#5i 45"6s"ua K5su6s 9(- Em assumes it, 'ut never .ives us the ma-or 0or this
din+ Brin.s t(o sources&
>6 .% 0%1- S0e- S0ei-a is 'asicall) a4linan 'asar rov, at least in terms o0
t4dadim+ Have @&> in possi'ilities 5Ma)'e mutar ma)'e assur, and even i0 thin- assur,
ma)'e mutar 0or another reason, even i0 in terms o0 percenta.es not that (a)6+
@6 &' 2umas !5is 9)127 Tumos that (e have 'een spea-in. a'out, (hen the) are
mishum sa0ei-, onl) midira'an, '=c onl) tumas vada) is midora)sa+ And all s0ei-os, 'ein
') tuma, maachalos assuros, ara)os, sha'asos, are onl) midira'anan 5sa0ei- dora)sa
lichumra is din dira'anan6+ Since (e sa) that sa0ei- dora)sa l*chumra is onl)
midira'anan, then (hen , have a sa0ei- on that din dira'a'anan, i+e+ a sMs, (e sa) sa0ei-
dira'anan li-ula+
dBrac-ets in the &TC< C< T seems li-e he*s a.ainst a pasu- in Torah a'out -or'an asham
talu), (hich sa)s that (hen , have a sa0ei- i0 , (as over on an issur dora)sa , 'rin. a
-or'an+ But ho( could H/BH tell )ou that i0 not sure i0 the meat is -osher or trei0, )ou
can eat it 5'=c sa0ei- dora)sa li-ula midora)sa6, 'ut 'rin. a -or'an shema )ou (ere over
the issurDA ,t ma-es no senseAD So C<T (rites that there is special din ') -areis, that (e
assume sa0ei- dora)sa lichumra midora)sa (hen it comes to -areis '=c this din o0 asham
talu) is onl) ') somethin. 0or (hich (ould 'e cha)av -areis+ $:nl) pro'lem is that C<T
(rites -*.on sha'asos and ara)os, (hich are also chi)uvei -areis+ 2ould sa) the 'rac-ets
aren*t there and case (here cha)av asham talu) is acc to other opinion in .m that onl)
sa) asham talu) (hen ischa4ei- issura 5have @ pieces, one mutar one assur, ate one, don*t
-no( (hich one it (as6+e
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ Gi#as Mra@im H:ri !5Ga@imJ I.32- 'rin.s C"B 't(n these t(o mehalchim&
Sa0ei- -areis '=c C<T (as machmir ') -areis, P"O< (as not, or ischa4ei- issura, (here
C<T (ill 'e machmir as (ell+
,,,+ Re0inin. o0 the /lalei S0e- S0ei-a 0ound in the Eedolei Achronim
A+ K% 110 - 'rin.s all the -lalim o0 s*s&
- Uuotes 2rumas CaD5s"5# H:sa7im a#@ KsaBimJ 129)
T(in animals are 'orn, don*t -no( (hich (as 'orn 0irst 5even an issue '*4man
ha4e7 minha. is to ma-e a shut0us (ith a .o) 'e0ore '*chor is 'orn, so he*ll have a chele-
in the animal, and (on*t have its -edushas '*chor+6, does the issur dora)sa to use this
'echor, .et an) hanaa, etc+ appl) to these t(insA
9anted to sa) a sMs that ma)'e animal B (as 0irst and even i0 A came 0irst, ma)'e the
mother had alread) had another 'a') 'e0ore hand 5'=c mother alread) had mil- 'e0ore
.ivin. 'irth to these children and rov 'eheimos onl) .ive mil- a0ter havin. a child,
assumption that there had 'een some 'a') 'e0ore these6+ But sa)s, isn*t this a.ainst S;T*s
-lal that need shtei shemos '=c in this case al(a)s Fust as-in. is this the >
or (as there a
previous 'irthA
Ans(ers& (f one of the sfeikos is more o)erarchin$, its sco&e of leniency is $reater,
e)en if it*s from the same reason, not called +hem ,chad. Meanin., i0 there (as a
previous 'irth 'e0ore these t(ins, then that (ould patur 'oth these animals in one 0ell
s(oop+ So that*s not considered another sa0ei- 0rom the same t4ad+
$$Ho(ever, i0 t(ins are 'o)=.irl, then this (on*t (or- '=c no lon.er more overarchin.
'=c sa)in. there (as some other earlier 'irth onl) paturs the 'o), and sa)in. the .irl is
0irst also onl) paturs the 'o), so that (ould 'e shem echad, and (e (ouldn*t have a s0ei-
s0ei-a 5mentions that could pro'a'l) still 0ind a heter 0or this case6+
>+ -.' (U 38$- Stam -eilim are e'*)+ Ho( do (e -no( thisA S*s, sa0ei- used
toda) or )esterda), and even toda), ma)'e used 0or somethin. that (ould 'e po.eim )our
0ood+ ,sn*t this shem echad '=c 'oth heterim are alt4 ntMlA
@+ K% H#12 i# ;"5 7+a+imJ eGplains that the )esod o0 Trumas ha1eshen is in
e00ect here, '=c 0irst heter o0 e'M) is more overarchin. '=c no matter (hat 0ood the) used
it (ill 'e mutar+
B+ :+5isi HKu#;rus $5is CaAaF5i7J , 3ver)one ma) not hold 0rom this -lal that can*t 'e
mishem echad+ And im -ein, don*t need these 0anc) teirut4im+ Sa)s the C<T disa.rees
(ith S;T*s )esod that can*t 'e mishem echad+ B=c S;T had to sa) this '=c (anted to -no(
(h) no s*s ') the naara meurasa that (as mi4ane '=c o0 pitui -itana ones hu+ And C<T
holds that this isn*t s0ei- s0ei-a '=c he holds pitui -itana is not ones+ ,m -ein, C<T
(ouldn*t have to hold that s*s has to 'e said mishtei shemos+
2+ .% %0& Ho( can (e drin- 'eer, ma)'e its chadash 52hadash is assur even in
2hut4 ?a*Aret46A
Ans(ers& SMS+ Ma)'e 0rom this )ear*s produce, ma)'e last )ear*s+ And even i0 0rom this
)ear, ma)'e (as hishrish 'e0ore %esach, in (hich case it also 'ecomes mutar
immediatel) (= ha-ravas ha*omer+
>+ 0%& 4D 293)3 Zuotes this din+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
5a6 0%& This is shem echadDA
@+ *"aD"mas (@am H2aar6B5s 7+a+ 63)17J - Ta-es Trumas Ha1eshen a step
0urther+ -s lon$ as one of the heterim is more o)erarchin$, e)en .ust in theory, also not
+hem ,chad 5(ould 'e matir even 'o)=.irl6+ ,0 the >
sa0ei- ma-es it as i0 there (as no
sha)la at all, and @
sa0ei- sa)s there*s a sa0ei-, 'ut (e have a sa0ei- liha-eil, that*s also
a .ood s0ei- s0ei-a+ Havin. a previous 'irth ma-es it as i0 there is no sha)la at all, so that
(or-s as SMS even thou.h mi.ht have said it (as Shem 3chad+ ,+e+ ,0 the produce is 0rom
last )ear, no sha)la at all, so not Shem echad+
7 But as-s, (hat a'out S;T*s sa0ei-A Sa0ei- ones=rat4on, and even i0 rat4on, ma)'e
-itana+ 2ouldn*t (e sa) that i0 she (as a -itana then no sha)la at all and this is reall)
overarchin.DA Ans(ers that this is still called shem echad+ 9h)A Since -itana can*t have
rat4on, ela "itana > ones, not 'ein. mechadeish an)thin. ne(, not considered more
overarchin. 5not totall) clear to me6+
1+ IGr6s !6s"5 PYD" 4)62- *"i@us" y $5i# CaA"mas"6s 5'a') 'orn min a0ter
- 1iscusses shitos ') Bein haShmashos&
>+ 0%Z7 A0ter sh-ia, >H+ 5H=L mil6 min is BhMs, then t4eis, (hich is la)la
@+ .%7 Sh-ia until #+ min a0ter sh-ia is )om .amur, and #+ min until !@ min
5L mil6 is BhMs, and !@ min, la)la mamash+
$$Most assume that the times are lon.er in America than ;"<=P"<k '=c the) (ere tal-in.
a'out 3ret4 )israel and Bavel, (hich is closer to the eZuator than J82, so assume its
more+ 5L@ min in fS is Fust to ma-e one uni0orm time 0or all )ear acc to P"<k+6
89 !6s"57 K min in J82 is most )ou (ould ever have to (ait, even acc to ;"<+ B=c
Minchas /ohein sa)s that the 4man o0 ;"< is a time at (hich i0 don*t see an) stars can
assume the)*re all out, and in J82 thou.ht a0ter K min, no more stars+ But acc to R*
Moshe, the P"<k is onl) c min a0ter sh-ia 5'=c K min is L mil, then l o0 a mil is c min6+
And sa)s can*t 0ollo( P"<k, impossi'le+
7 2ontinues this chidush& _or 0irst c min a0ter sh-ia, have s*s is this vada) )om or 'h*s+
And even i0 the P"<k is ri.ht, Bh*s itsel0 mi.ht 'e 1a)+ So 0or 0irst c min a0ter sh-ia can
assume its still that da)+ Ho(ever, in terms o0 this causin. a 'ris to come out on
Sha''os, doesn*t (ant to 'e mei-il, 'ut sa)s those (ho (ant to 'e someich on this
l*in)an sha''os, ein limchos '*)adam+ And R* Moshe sa)s this isn*t Shem echad '=c i0
;"< is ri.ht, 0irst c min are vada) )om, 'ichlal no sha)la, li-e the 2hachmas Adam
R Simon) B) Bris Mila, scar) psa- '=c i0 do 'ris mila earl) not 'ris mila at all+ But ppl
use this as (ell ') davenin. mincha up until c min a0ter sh-ia and he0se- tahara as (ell+
5, have heard that R* Tendler uses this to allo( people to 'e.in Shalosh Seudos up to c
min a0ter sh-ia as (ell6
3+ .% 8a@Ba< 1N353 H282J - Sha)la o0 the 'a') 'orn sa0ei- a0ter #+ min 'ut 'e0ore
!@+ Sa)s ma)'e s*s, ma)'e 'orn 'e0ore 'h*s and even i0 'orn 'h*s ma)'e 'h*s is )om+
Sa)s can*t use this S*S+ B=c sa)s can*t 'e mit4arei0 sa0ei- o0 'hMs to a s*s+ B=c Bh*s is not
Fust sa0ei- )om sa0ei- la)la, ela there*s H
possi'ilit) that part o0 'hs is )om, part is la)la,
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
so there are t(o t4dadim to ne.ate the claim that this is )om+ ,m -ein, not a sa0ei- that is
raui to 'e used in a s*s+ This (ould 'e a.ainst R* Moshe+
#14 - 6.24.08 / 21 AiBa# 5768
KaBua/ $asar A"5#isa+5im !i# "a9ayi#
,+ Source o0 1in that /ol /avua /*mecht4e al mecht4e 1ami
A+ DBarim 19)11N 12- %remeditated murder+ ^\*arav lo \*-am AlavM+
B+ Gm K5su6s 15(- 9hat is the chidush o0 this phraseA 2omes to include
premeditated murder, and eGcludes a case (here he Fust thro(s roc- into the cro(d,
(hich he*s patur 0or, '=c (asn*t mechavein to -ill an) particular person+
7 Em (ants to -no( (hat the case is& Eenerall), -avana 0ollo(s the rov, as lon. as aren*t
rov Je(s not cha)av misa, pasu- comes to teach me that even i0 there are c Je(s and >
.o), still patur This is -avua [ K=K 5Eo) is the miut, 'ut since he*s sittin. in the
cro(d, don*t 0ollo( rov 'ut consider it K=K6+
,,+ 9hen do (e appl) Rov and (hen (e appl) /avuaA
A+ Gm K5su6s 15( H;6IJ - c stores sell /osher meat, > sells trei0 meat+ ,0 0ind meat in
the street, can eat that meat '=c since rov o0 'utcher stores are -osher, assume it*s 0rom
the -osher store 5-ol d*parish meru'a parish6+ Ho(ever, i0 )ou (ent into the store
)oursel0, )ou 'ou.ht it, and no( )ou don*t remem'er i0 )ou 'ou.ht it 0rom the -osher or
non7-osher store, then (e don*t sa) rov '=c leidas haSa0ei- .oes 'ac- to the ma-om
ha/vius 5the store6, consider this -avua, so no( it*s K=K+
+ >+ 0%1 2" 4)1N 14- eGplains this )esod+ But i0 )ou see him 'rin. it out o0 the
store, that*s considered -avua '=c )ou 0irst come into contact (ith the meat at its ma-om
@+ [%&L K5su6s7 1oesn*t matter that )ou -no( that ori.inall) it (as ta-en
0rom the store, we only care about where you initially come into contact with it. 5A"5B
A"maa;<a Zuotes this )esod as (ell6+
B+ Gm :5saD"im 9- have >K piles, c mat4a, > chamet4, and mouse came and too- one
and don*t -no( (hich one he too-+ This is the same din as the c stores+ ,0 0ound it on
the street considered meru'a parish, i0 0ound in the store, considered -avua
2+ Gm /a<ir 11$- Man ma-es shliach to 'e mi-adesh a (oman 0or him stam, this man is
no( assur to all (omen in the (orld '=c mi.ht marr) her relative '=c (e have a cha4a-a
that shliach is ose shlichuso+ 5Shliach died and (e can*t 0ind out (ho he (as mi-adesh6+
>+ -.' (ssur- 3Gplains that e=one else can 0ollo( rov that the (oman )ou*re
'ein. mi-adesh is not the mi-udeshes (oman, Fust special -nas on the mi-adesh 0or
doin. such a sill) thin.+
U+ 3= .irl )ou*re .oin. to 0ind should 'e considered -avuaAD
Ans(ers& /nly say ka)ua when the issur and heter are nikarim l*at0man. Meanin., in
-osher 'utcher store, ni-ar that this is -osher store+ And in trei0 store, -no( it*s a trei0
store+ Just no( once (e*re outside, have to 'e dan on the piece+ Here it*s never ni-ar
(ho the eishes ish is and (ho is the muteres .irl+ So (hole din o0 -avua doesn*t appl)+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
d-.' Gi;;i# 64( D" (ssur 5parallel .emara6 - has a di00erent eGplanation& :ther
ppl .ettin. married not a pro'lem '=c she -no(s i0 she (as nis-adeshes alread) and
(on*t accept -iddushin a.ain+ But this .u) mi.ht 'e mi-adesh a -arov and neither o0
them (ill -no(+ e
@+ E% Gi;;i# H\J- 1oesn*t hold 0rom this )esod that -avua has to 'e ni-ar
H+ A5F5r CaKrisus H8a5i#u A"ims"6# !iKa#6#J 5)199- Ho( can )ou plant
an)(here in 3ret4 8israel, shouldn*t )ou 'e (orried that e.la aru0a (as 'rou.ht in that
areaA 3Gplains that even thou.h mi.ht have said this is -avua, it*s not ni-ar 'im-omo,
there*s no siman that e.la aru0a (as 'rou.ht here, so 0ollo( re.ular rov that this (asn*t
place that e.la aru0a (as 'rou.ht+
,,,+ /avua ?ima0reia
A+ E% *"u++i# 33$/ 0%12" 29$) Have discussion a'out ni-ar 'im-omo lima0reia&
7 All the 'utcher stores (ere -osher and 0ind out there (as non7-osher deliver) that
mornin. in one o0 the stores, 'ut )ou*re not sure (hich store )ou (ent to+ 1o Jot
have to 'e (orried that )our piece is assur alt4 -avua '=c since there (as no
sha)la at time )ou 'ou.ht it, don*t consider that -avua+ 1on*t say ka)ua
B+ 3%0 2" 4)2N 29- 1isa.rees, the sa0ei- (as there at the time , too- it, , Fust didn*t
-no( a'out it+ ,m -ein, the sa0ei- (as there and should have re.ular din o0 mi-omo+
2+ % 4D 110)5-
>+ 1?&) ,0 too- 'asar 0rom store, and then 0ound out later that there (ere trei0os
in that store, can eat the piece )ou have no( 5don*t sa) -avua lima0reia, P"O<=W"<6, 'ut
can*t 'u) 0rom that store a.ain, even chaticha she*eina reu)a l*his-a'eid+
1+ 110)7-
>+ 1?&) S=thin. that isn*t 'atel '=c o0 its chashivus 52hhMl, 'ir)a, ds)lMm, etc+6
and s=one ate it '*sho.ei., or it 0alls out, no( can 'e tole that he ate the assur piece and
the rest (ill 'ecome mutar 5i0 its '*mei4id (on*t allo( chotei nis-ar6+ But this is onl) to
eat t(o at a time, so that al(a)s have at least one -osher+
5a6 K% 47 7 and then can sa) since this one is mutar, the other is mutar as
(ell6+ 5R* Simon never understood the svara 'ehind this din+6
@+ 0%&) And even eatin. them t(o at a time is onl) o- 0or more than one person,
and even t(o people shouldn*t eat them all at once+
,\+ :ther people 'rin.in. the meat out o0 the store 5.o)=-atan6A
A+ Gm *"u++i# 95a- 9hat i0 .o) too- it 0rom the store and )our 0irst connection is
outside the store, )ou didn*t see him leaveA Since he*s not 'ound ') mit4vos, so no
leidas haSa0ei- 0or him '*-viuso, so the leidas haSa0ei- 'e.ins in the street+ So called
>+ :ri *"a@as" 110)16- 9hat i0 a -atan 'ou.ht it at a storeA Thin-s this is not
the same case, ela this is called -avua '=c he is 8israel and sha)ach 0or him to have a
leidas haSa0ei-+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
\+ Basar Shenisaleim min ha*A)in
7 3ven i0 the meat is mutar '=c it*s parish, 'ut shouldn*t it 'e a pro'lem o0 'asar
shenisaleim min ha*A)inA
A+ Gm *"u++i# 95(- Brin.s this halacha, and as-s, (hat a'out the case o0 0indin. piece
o0 meat in the street (ith c -osher stores and > non7-osherA Em sa)s that*s case (here it
(as nimt4a ') a non7Je(+ And at end o0 the .m, ?evi sa)s Basar shenisaleim min haA)in
is mutar+
>+ &' !( 8)12- Midora)sa, 'asar 0ound in hands o0 .o) is mutar i0 rov sellers are
-osher stores, 'ut chachamim (ere .o4er on all 'asar 0ound (hether in shu- or '*)ad
A-um+ And not onl) that, 'ut i0 'ou.ht it and le0t it out in )our house assur unless there
is a siman or there is tvias a)in 5)ou -no( (hat it loo-s li-e6, or -no( '*vadaus that it*s
the same piece+
B+ % 4D 63)1N 2-
>+ 1?&& Uuotes C<T+ At end o0 sei0 @& 8esh omrim that 'asar shenisaleim min
ha*a)in is mutar i0 0ind it in place (here )ou le0t it+
@+ 0%&) And minha. is to 'e mei-il li-e this last svara even i0 (as '*)ad a-um in
a place (here all the mochrim are 8israelim+
$And even the machmirim (ill a.ree that it*s mutar as lon. as have a siman on it or tvias

5:nl) .et involved in these sha)la i0 someone else is in )our house and )ou le0t the meat
there+ But i0 no one else is in the apartment, o'viousl) nothin. to (orr) a'out6+

#15 - 6.25.08 / 22 AiBa# 5768
2Bi+as K5i+im
:nl) tal-in. a'out Metal and Elass+ Elass is lo(er level 5dira'anan or lo(er6+ Also,
onl) (hen 'u) it 0rom a non7Je(+ But (hen usin. a .o)ishe -li 5as lon. as no other
-ashrus issues6 no need to 'e tovel the -li+
,+ Source o0 the 1in
A+ $ami@ar 31)22N 23- 9hen de0eated Mid)an, had to do ha.ala and li'un, 'ut pasu-
also sa)s place them in Mei Jida+ 9h) the need to place them in Mei JidaA
>+ %)
a6 %uttin. %ara Aduma (ater on them to 'e mitaheir 0rom tuma+
'6 Ra''oseinu 1arshu7 have to do a tvilas -eilim in a mi-va, (hich is mei
nida '=c it*s ma)im that a nida is toveles in+
$%pl ma-e mista-e and thin- -eilim mi-va and 9omen*s mi-va are halachicall)
di00erent+ The) are eGactl) the samem Fust o0ten loo- di00erent 0or sanitar) reasons+ Both
Fust need LK Seah o0 rain (ater+ The onl) -ind o0 mi-va that is di00erent is a men*s mi-va
0or ta-anas 34ra, (hich onl) needs LK Seah o0 ma)im sheuvim+
7 R* Soloveitchi- thou.ht that men shouldn*t .o to a men*s mi-va on erev 8/ '=c
ma) not Fust 'e 0or ta-anas 34ra, 'ut '=c ^li0nei Hashem TitharuM and no tahara in
LK Seah o0 ma)im sheuvim+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
B+ Gm (U 75$- Em has this drasha+ That*s (here R"O< (as Zuotin. 0rom+ Em then has
HA to even reZuire tvila ') scissorsA Em ans(ers& The din is only by kli seuda+
2+ !6r@5D"ai *"u++i#- /ni0e used 0or shechita is not considered -li seuda, so doesn*t
need tevila+
1+ % 4D 120)5- -ni0e 0or shechita doesn*t need tevila P"C<& 8esh chol-in, so should
'e tovel (=out a 'racha+
3+ 45rus"a+mi (U 37$ , Someone .ot silver 0rom a .o), and R* 8irmi)ahu said have to
'e tovel+ 9h)A B=c it le0t the tuma o0 the nachri and is nichnas to -edushas 8israel+
>+ Issur M9"5;5r 58)76- Have to 'e tovel them to 'rin. them into the hi.her level
o0 -edusha, li-e a .o) that is 'ein. mi.a)eri throu.h .oin. to the mi-va 5R* Schachter7
?i-e a .eirus on the -eilim6+
,,+ 1ora)sa or 1ira'ananA
A+ E%1& $ami@ar 31)23- Asmachta '*alma, onl) dirabanan '=c pasu- is reall) tal-in.
a'out para aduma (ater+
B+ &' !( 17)5- Thin-s this din is not '=c o0 tuma, ela !idivrei So.rim+ ,0 thin- that
means dira'anan, then the C<T a.rees (ith the W"C<+
2+ 0%1 2"N C5;5r M9issur K5i+im 35(- Uuotes case o0 .m there ') mash-on+ And
sa0ei- there (hether assume the .o) is .oin. to come 'ac- and .et it, or does it 'elon. to
me+ C<T thin-s that mash-on doesn*t need tevila, 'ut sa)s ho( can he sa) thatA ,t*s
dora)sa and should sa) sa0ei- dora)sa lichumraDA He thin-s this is din doraysa.
,,,+ ,s there issur hishtamshus (=out tevila or is it a mit4va to do 'ut (=out it no lavA
@ -inds o0 mit4vas asei&
>6 !atza& Should eat it, i0 don*t, mivatel mit4vas asei
@6 Shechita& ,0 (ant to eat meat, have to do it in a certain (a)+
A+ A5F5r 8675aD"- uses lashon o0 Assur (hen don*t do tevila+ But could Fust mean )ou
(ere mivatel the mit4va+
B+ 8aaBya- case o0 mash-on is le0t as tei-u, 'ut not tei-u o0 issura '=c no issur, and also
not mit4va li-e mat4a '=c no chi)uv per se '=c could Fust use one -li all the time and not
use these other -eilim+ 3la, it*s -ind o0 mit4va that i0 (ant to use the -li have to do a
$$C"B& 9hat a'out a -li that can*t 'e tovel (=out destro)in. itA
7 ,0 it*s an issur, then have no ri.ht to use it (=out tevila, 'ut i0 it*s a mit4va, ma) have
room to sa) )ou are patur 0rom the mit4va+
2+ !6r@5D"ai ') t4it4is& 2an*t (ear 'e..ed that has L -an0os (=out t4it4is, 'ut since it is
Fust a mit4va and , can*t 'e mi-a)eim the mit4va on sha''os 5can*t ma-e the -nots6, then
no issur o. wearin0 4 cornered 0arment on shabbos even w8out tzitzis.
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
,\+ Tevilas /eilim Temeim '*sha''os and implications to Re.ular Tevilas /eilim
A+ Gm $5i;<a 17$- 2an*t 'e tovel -eilim temeim on sha''os, and .m .ives L reasons&
>+ Mi.ht carr) it
@+ Mi.ht come to sechita 5shirt, etc+6
H+ Ma) (ait to do it until sha''os and a"SR and not do it durin. the (ee- and
mi.ht come to ta-ala '=c leavin. tamei -eilim around the house+
L+ /*misa-ein -li+
B+ T% $5i;<a 10(- Zuotes @ reasons& >6 Sechita @6 %rocrastination 5shema )ishe6+
>+ %0-
5a6 9h) is he tal-in. a'out this at allA :nl) deals (ith Halacha
limaaseh and this is tuma=taharaA
5'6 9h) didn*t he 'rin. the other t(o reasonsA
3Gplains that this could 'e no.eia limaaseh (hen it comes to doin. re.ular tevilas
-eilim 'i4man ha4e+ T% Zuotes onl) the reasons to assur (hich are sha)ach ') tuma
5sechita and shema )ishe6, 'ut not sha)ach to re.ular tevilas -eilim+ ,m -ein, see that
tevilas -eilim 'i4man ha4e is mutar on Sha''os+ %0 doesn*t li-e it, thin-s should 'e
(orried a'out E4eira d*Ra'a 52arr)in. L amos in RhMr6 and even -eilim chadashim are
assur to 'e tovel on sha''os+
2+ % PYD" 323)7- Mutar to 'e tovel ne( -eilim on sha''os, some assur, and )irei
shama)im (ill .ive it to a .o) and then 'orro( it 0rom him+
>+ $5iur Ca+aD"a- Zuotes the (hole discussion+
1+ (B#5i /5<5r ties this discussion o0 Mit4va vs+ ,ssur&
Uuotes A"aaGas (ry5") :nl) have .4eira d*Ra'a ') chi)uvim, li-e ?ulav and Sho0ar,
(hich ppl (ill 'e (orried a'out, so have this ver) serious .4eira (hich removes the
mit4va+ But ') somethin. (hich has no pressure, no a'solute reZuirement, then (e have
no ri.ht to ma-e a .4eira to -noc- out the mit4va+ Ho(ever, ') -eilim temeim, onl)
ta-in. a(a) a little, '=c can Fust do the tevila tomorro(, so can have .4eira d*Ra'a in that
Ho(ever, sa)s the (B#5i /5<5r, (hen it comes to -eilim chadashim, i0 (ould
appl) .4eira d*Ra'a, ppl (ould ma-e mista-e and thin- that this is li-e t4it4is, and that
since can*t 'e mi-a)eim it on sha''os, could use the -eilim on sha''os (=out tevila+
There0ore, in e00ect the .4eira d*ra'a in this case (ill end up ta-in. a(a) a 'i. din 0rom a
small chashash+
\+ 3lectric Appliances
7 2ould assume that it*s a mit4va and don*t need tevila at all '=c onl) a mit4va and i0 it
(ould ruin the -li ma)'e no chi)uv+
7 Another option is to 'e tovel it and let it dr)+ But this ans(er (on*t al(a)s 'e nis-a'el+
So there are other options&
A+ Gi@u+5i 2a"ara& Ma)'e an) -li that can onl) 'e used (hen its mechu'ar l*-ar-a
doesn*t have the din o0 a -li that needs tevila+ Tal-s a'out -eilim that the) used to attach
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
to the oven+ Sa)s that he thin-s that l*.a'ei halachos that reZuire status as a -li, has to 'e
used '*talush to 'e considered a -li+
B+ (ruD" CaA"u+D"a# 120)39N40- 1iscusses these thin.s as (ell that used (hile
attached 'ut are detacha'le and sa)s ppl aren*t tovel them+ And sa)s 'ut don*t (e -no(
that talush and so0 chi'ro still has din talush l*.a'ei man) other halachosAD Sa)s C"C not
considered "li seuda b8c its not moved .rom *lace to *lace/ rather called a "li otzar. Also
sa)s ') tevilas -eilim (ould 0ollo( rov tashmish+ So even i0 once in a (hile use the -li
0or an apple even thou.h usuall) used to cut paper, no need 0or tevila+
2+ 89 (a@i5- Ma-e a shut0us (ith an a-um 5'ut have to -no( ho( to ma-e this
1+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 3)24- Toasters don*t reZuire tevila '=c an)thin. put in toaster is
alread) read) to 'e eaten and doesn*t reall) do an)thin. to the 0ood+ 5Bi. chidush6+
\,+ 9hat a'out eatin. at someone*s house (ho isn*t tovel their -eilimA
A+ Gm (U 75$- tevilas -eilim is onl) (hen )ou 'u) it, 'ut i0 sheulim, don*t need to 'e
>+ -.' (Ba+- Zuotes R* Shmuel that i0 Je( 'orro(s 0rom a 8israel (ho 'ou.ht it
0rom a .o), then Je( still has chi)uv '=c (as 'a lidei chi)uv in hands o0 the ori.inal Je(+
This is (h) this heter o0 eatin. at someone else*s house (ho isn*t tovel is sha-)+
@+ 89 (a@i5 thin-s those (ho (ant to 'e matir are totall) incorrect+
H+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 3)22 , ,n a place (here the) (eren*t tovel the -eilim, can use
the plate onl) (hen )ou*re eatin. somethin. that doesn*t reall) need the plate, li-e
chic-en '=c don*t reall) need the -li, so there is a heter to pic- it up and eat (ith )our
hands+ But thin.s that actuall) need the -li 5i+e+ Soup6, 0or sure assur to use i0 (eren*t
\,,+ Restaurant :(ners
A+ <Sa >@K&# Zuotes din o0 Je( 'orro(in. 0rom Je( (ho 'ou.ht 0rom .o), have chi)uv
tevila '=c (as chi)uv tevila (hen Je( 'ou.ht it+
>+ $5is 46s5F 120)8- ,0 Je( 'ou.ht -ni0e 0rom .o) to cut paper and another Je(
'orro(s 0rom him to use 0or seuda, no chi)uv tevila '=c there as no ori.inal chi)uv on the
Je( (ho 'ou.ht it 0rom the .o)+ This is 0rom the Ha.ahos Ashri+ And the Beis 8ose0
adds that i0 a Je( 'ou.ht 0rom .o) 0or 'usiness purposes and then Je( 'u)s it 0rom him
0or seuda, no chi)uv tevila '=c (as never cha)av in tevila '*)ad 0irst Je( (ho 'ou.ht
0rom the .o)+ And thin-s this (ould 'e true 'ased on the ha.ahos Ashri+ But then sa)s
ma)'e not '=c ma)'e that -ula (as onl) ') shoel, 'ut i0 , 'u) it m)sel0 then , should 'e
@+ 89 PBa@ya H4iD"aB5 Daas 4)44J) A Restaurant is called Sechora, Fust 0or
'usiness+ Restaurant o(ner 'ou.ht the -eilim strictl) 0or sechora and the people (ho
come into the restaurant are li-e shoalim at 'est, so no chi)uv tevila 0or them to eat (ith
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
those -eilim+ And sa)s same thin. ') a Fuice store and 'u) .lasses to .ive the people,
don*t need tevila+
H+ 120)8 0%&- The ori.inal 'u)er is 0or sure assur to use it 0or himsel0 0or seuda
even i0 he 'ou.ht it 0or sechora even derech ara)+ ,m -ein, the o(ner o0 the restaurant
himsel0 (ouldn*t 'e allo(ed to use the -eilim in the restaurant+
\,,,+ Snapple Bottle
A+ !a"ari+ Dis7i#- i0 'u) drin- 0rom a .o) and in a 'ottle, can drin- 0rom the 'ottle '=c
no di00erence 'et(een empt)in. it out into a cup or empt)in. it out into )our mouth, so
no chi)uv tevila '=c onl) have the chi)uv ') -um v*asei+
89 (a@i5 thin-s that Maharil 1is-in is correct me,-ar ha1in+
7 Added that an) time someone pours )ou into )our .lass that (asn*t toveled can no(
drin- it, 'ased on this Maharil 1is-in, onl) a pro'lem -um v*asei+
B+ 89 AD"aD";5r disa.rees, 0eels that even to drin- 0rom the Snapple 'ottle (ould 'e a
2+ IGr6s !6s"5 4D 2)40 , 2an even use the 'ottle a.ain+ Uuotes mishna Maaser Sheini
that (hen 'u) (ine (ith maser sheini mone) and part o0 that is 'u)in. the 'arrel, 'ut
that*s mutar+ B=c the 'arrel is considered 'atel to the (ine+ ,m -ein, (hen 'u) the
Snapple, the 'ottle is 'atel to the drin- that is inside, so not considered li-e )ou 'ou.ht a
-li 0rom a .o), and no chi)uv tevila, even i0 (ant to use them a.ain+ B=c once )ou (ant
to reuse it, its naaseh -li al )idei )israel, and that doesn*t reZuire tevila+
]P"r 45rus"a+ayim R5si;5) 89 (s"5r $a+5#s6#- R* Shlomo Zalman (as mei-il to
allo( ppl to use non7toveled -eilim in s=one else*s house '=c the 'aal ha'a)is (ouldn*t
allo( )ou to ta-e his -eilim to the mi-va+ Also heard that R* Jeu'er.er Zuoted in Tevilas
/eilim Shiurim that P"S`] thou.ht the chi)uv (as onl) on the 'aal ha'a)is, 'ut R* Simon
did not mention these -ulas+^
#16 - 6.26.08 / 23 AiBa# 5768
4ayi# /5s5D" a#@ A;am 45i#am
,+ Source o0 the ,ssur o0 8a)in Jesech
A+ DBarim 32)38- Fust li-e )ou*ll eat the chelev o0 their 4evach, )ou*ll also drin- )a)in
B+ Gm (U 29$- Has limud 0rom this pasu- that not onl) is their 4evach assur, 'ut even
their )a)in is assur+ Em AA also sa)s the) (ere .o4er all o0 their (ine mishum 'noseihem
2+ &' !( 11)1- Sa)s )ou .et mal-us 0or drin-in. )a)in nesech+
>+ &%= not sure ho( C<T -no(s )ou .et mal-us and ends up sa)in. learn it 0rom
^pen tichros 'ris, etc+M
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
1+ &' !( 11)3- stam )einam is (ine that don*t -no( i0 it (as nisnaseich l*AZ, assur
'*hanaa as (ell, 'ut this is onl) miE4eiras So0rim+ And .et ma-as Mardus+
,,+ 9hen did this .4eira startA
A+ :ir75i D989 X+i5<5r- started (ith %inchas+
B+ Da#i5+ 1)8- Seems to impl) that 1aniel made this .4eira+
>+ E%1& (U 36$- (hat do , need special din, Fust sa) sa0ei- dora)sa l*2humraA
Ans(ers, '=c Ru'a 1*Ru'a are not nisnaseich, so too 0ar a chashash to 'e .o4er alt4
sa0ei- Torah+
2+ L 123)1 - 8a)in nesech is assur '*hanaa, and assured stam )einam mishum
'noseihem, 'ut assured it even '*hanaa '=c it is connected to )a)in nesech as (ell (hich
is assur '*hanaa, so assured this '*hanaa midira'anan+ And assur even i0 the) Fust touch
our (ine+ But Eeonim held that no(ada)s stam )einam is not assur '*hanaa '=c .o)im
no(ada)s are not nisnaseich to AZ so much+ So Fust issur shtia+
1+ % 123)1 -
>+ 1?& Stam (ine is assur '*hanaa and even i0 the) Fust touch it+
@+ 0%&) But no(ada)s not assur '*hanaa, (hether the) touch ours, and even Fust
to have theirs+ And can 'e mei-il, especiall) in case o0 he0sed meru'a+ Ho(ever,
shouldn*t 'u) it lichatchila to sell it 0or 'usiness, and there are mei-ilim even on this, 'ut
rau) lihachmir+
,,,+ 8a)in Mevushal
A+ Gm (U 30(- 2ase (here there (as a .o) (ho touched (ine and the amora didn*t
(ant to .o near it, and the) tell him don*t (orr), no din o0 stam )einam on )a)in
>+ %0- ,0 issur is '=c 'noseihem, (hat does 'ein. mivashel it doA ,0 its '=c
the) (on*t 'rin. that on their mi4'each, so then should have same -ula (hen (ater it
do(nA Ans(ers that mevushal is not mat4ui, so (eren*t .o4er on davar she*eino
shchiach+ Also Zuotes C<T that i0 miGed hone) or se*or in it, also not stam )einam '=c not
rau) 0or mi4'each, 'ut sa)s ein lismoch alav+ And sa)s W"C< a.rees as (ell not to 'e
somech on this '=c i0 (orried a'out their nisuch, the) do 'rin. s(eet (ines on their
@+ *"i@us"5i 0%- sa)s doesn*t understand the -asha o0 the O"P< in terms o0
)a)in ma4u. '=c ma)'e the .o)im do 'rin. )a)in mevushal on their mi4'each+
$%ashtus is that (hen )ou are mivashel the (ine that is mi-al-el it, and that*s (h) it
(ouldn*t 'e 'rou.ht on the mi4'each, so (asn*t 'ichlal the .4eira at all+
9hat is the <SXRO 'ishulA
A+ % 123)3 - ,0 8a)in mevushal, no .4eira, and need resicha al .a'ei haMeish+
>+ K% 7 - some o0 the (ine has to evaporate+
5a6 IGr6s !6s"5 4D 3)31- 8ad soledes 'o7>"K*s+ And pasteuri4in. .ets
that hi.h+
5'6 2<5+5m5r 8aB) Boilin. mamash7 @>@+
$9hen the) put mivushal on a 'ottle, that*s onl) (hen it*s the hi.her <SXRO+
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
5c6 89 A"+6m6 Ua+ma# H!i#D"as A"+6m6 25J - Also thin-s me*i-ar
hadin, pasteuri4ed is o-+ And sa)s 'ased on this, man) are mei-il+ Ho(ever, R* Shlomo
Zalman thin-s the heter o0 )a)in mevushal doesn*t appl) 'i4man ha4e '=c the idea is that
as a result o0 the 'ishul, the 0umes come up and the taste o0 (ine 'ecomes in0erior+
That*s (hen the) did it in an open area and 0umes (ould come out+ But no(ada)s the)
do it in these pipes (hich are closed and no loss o0 taam 5R<RPC thou.ht it (as din in the
taam6+ So sa)s, 'ut am , ma-in. a ne( .4eiraA And ans(ers no, '=c there (as nothin.
a'out 'ishul per se, it (as al(a)s a'out shinui taam, and this (asn*t the 'ishul the)
spo-e a'out+ There0ore, holds that pasteuri4ation is not 'ishul 5not clear (hat he (ould
sa) ') 'ishul that isn*t pasteuri4ation, could depend on (hat the met4ius o0 that 'ishul
@+ &' Issur5i !i<5aD" 6)9- Sa)s that psulei o0 )a)in mi4'each, seems to have
separate psul o0 'ishul and that o0 'ishul that ruins the taam+ But X"n+
,\+ Ho( does the .o) assur the (ineA 52ontainers6
A+ Gm (U 60(- .o) is carr)in. (ine in a pouch+ ,0 it (as 0ull, (on*t move around
inside, mutar, i0 it*s not so 0ull, assur '=c moves around+ 9hen it comes to a 'arrel, i0
0ull, assur '=c .o) mi.ht have touched it, and not so 0ull, mutar+ And R* Ashi sa)s even ')
the pouch al(a)s mutar '=c not derech nisuch '*-ach+
B+ &' !( 12)4- a -li that is closed has no pro'lem o0 .o) carr)in. it even thou.h the
(ine (ill move around+
2+ 0%1- it doesn*t have to 'e closed, as lon. as holdin. it in a (a) that he (on*t touch
it, holdin. the top so no chashash ne.ia, and not derech nisuch '*-ach+
1+ '& 12)1 - ,n order 0or (ine to 'e assur, the .o) has to touch the (ine itsel0, ') puttin.
hand in the (ine and move it around, 'ut i0 puts his hand in and doesn*t move it around
and then ta-es it out, no pro'lem+ Ho(ever, i0 he pours it, didn*t touch it 'ut 'a mi/ocho,
that*s a pro'lem+ But i0 Fust pic-ed it up and (asn*t sichseich mutar+
% 123)18 N 8-11 - _i++ i#.
All -ocho has to 'e '*-avana+
5Also, mistama once the .o) pours (ine 0rom the 'ottle all the (ine in the 'ottle is assur
'=c had -avana to move it around and all the (ine in the 'ottle moves6+
\+ 9hat*s the <SXRO 'itul ') 8a)in nesech and Stam )einamA
78a)in nesech is assur '*mashehu, 'ut 'ut stam )einam is 'atel+
A+ % 4D 134)5- :nl) need "&> and then mutar even '*shtia '=c at this point taam is no
lon.er nir.ash+
B+ 114)4-
>+ 1?&& Assur to 'u) man) -inds o0 'evera.es 0rom .o)im
@+ 0%&& '=c ma) not have "K -ine.ed the )a)in+
5a6 O%L- 9h) is he mentionin. "KA 1idn*t (e Fust sa) onl) need "&>A
3Gplains that the P"C< is Zuotin. a shita that holds that need "K, 'ut B"VP i0 (e hold li-e
P"C< onl) need "+
5'6 /57u@as CaK5s5F- 0%& reall) meant "K '=c <SXRO o0 " is onl) ')
(ater, 'ut shaar mash-im (on*t 'e mivatel the taam (=out "K+

$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+
2omes out (ith 'i. C"B (hen it comes to 9his-e)&
2+ 89 $+5iD" H*6#;5mI6rary "a+aD"iD :r6+5ms M6+. 5J- Uuotes R* Teit4 (ho 0ound out
that 9his-e) o0ten has up to @+j sherr) (ine, and don*t have to put that on the la'el+
>+ IGr6s !6s"5- (rote a teshuva to R* Teit4 that he thou.ht it (as o- '=c there
(as "&>, relied on the `"a+
@+ 89 AD"aD";5r- thou.ht mei-ar hadin its 0ine, 'ut 'rin.s reasons to 'e machmir+
5a6 Uuotes .% 0%1- 2ould 'e that 'itul is onl) (hen its derech mi-re+
But i0 put thin.s in as in.redients, part o0 the recipe 'ut so little that (ould 'e 'itul,
ma)'e don*t have din 'itul on such a thin.+
\,+ ,ssur o0 1rin-in. in the Beis Jachri
A+ *"aD"mas (@am- 'rin.s .4eira not to drin- 'eer in .o)*s house+ Matirs (hen
sta)in. at a non7Je(ish inn to drin- there, and matirs drin-in. co00ee+ But at then end
sa)s that an)one (ho has reiach Torah should distance himsel0 0rom .oin. to their houses
to drin- an)thin.+
B+ 89 AD"aD";5r thin-s this applies even to commercial settin.s 5hotel loun.e,
$ These notes have not 'een revie(ed ') R* Simon+ The) are the notes , too- durin. the shiurim+

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