This document outlines the curriculum and syllabus for the B Sc Programme in Physics at Mahatma Gandhi University for the 2011 admissions onwards. The fifth semester covers Classical and Quantum Mechanics in one course worth 4 credits. The course provides an introduction to advanced theoretical studies and covers topics like Lagrange and Hamilton equations, emergence of quantum concepts, the Schrodinger equation, propagation of wave packets, and the time independent Schrodinger equation. References for further reading on classical and quantum mechanics are also provided.
This document outlines the curriculum and syllabus for the B Sc Programme in Physics at Mahatma Gandhi University for the 2011 admissions onwards. The fifth semester covers Classical and Quantum Mechanics in one course worth 4 credits. The course provides an introduction to advanced theoretical studies and covers topics like Lagrange and Hamilton equations, emergence of quantum concepts, the Schrodinger equation, propagation of wave packets, and the time independent Schrodinger equation. References for further reading on classical and quantum mechanics are also provided.
This document outlines the curriculum and syllabus for the B Sc Programme in Physics at Mahatma Gandhi University for the 2011 admissions onwards. The fifth semester covers Classical and Quantum Mechanics in one course worth 4 credits. The course provides an introduction to advanced theoretical studies and covers topics like Lagrange and Hamilton equations, emergence of quantum concepts, the Schrodinger equation, propagation of wave packets, and the time independent Schrodinger equation. References for further reading on classical and quantum mechanics are also provided.
This document outlines the curriculum and syllabus for the B Sc Programme in Physics at Mahatma Gandhi University for the 2011 admissions onwards. The fifth semester covers Classical and Quantum Mechanics in one course worth 4 credits. The course provides an introduction to advanced theoretical studies and covers topics like Lagrange and Hamilton equations, emergence of quantum concepts, the Schrodinger equation, propagation of wave packets, and the time independent Schrodinger equation. References for further reading on classical and quantum mechanics are also provided.
B Sc Programme in Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University
Curriculum and syllabus 2011 admissions onwards
52 SEMESTER V PH5B01U Classical and Quantum Mechanics Credits 4 (Theory 3+ Practical 1) No. of contact hours 54 Scope: This course is a prelude to advanced theoretical studies in Condensed Matter Physics, Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, Electrodynamics and Nuclear Physics. Prerequisites: Student should have essential knowledge of Algebra, Calculus and Newtonian Mechanics. Module I Lagrange and Hamilton Equations (18 hours) Constraints and degrees of freedom - Generalized coordinates Classification of a dynamical system Principle of virtual work DAlemberts Principle - Lagranges equations for general systems - Applications one dimensional harmonic oscillator planetary motion Hamiltons equations of motion Application - One dimensional harmonic oscillator - Hamiltons Principle for a conservative system Principle of least action Calculus of variations - Lagranges equation from Hamiltons Principle Classical Mechanics K. Sankara Rao, Prentice Hall of India. Chapter 6 Module II Quantum Mechanics I. Emergence of quantum concepts (9 hours) Black body radiation - Plancks law - Particle nature of radiation Photoelectric effect - Compton effect - wave nature of matter deBroglie hypothesis Davisson and Germer experiment - Uncertainty principle probabilistic interpretation of wave function. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Ajoy Ghatak, Macmillan India Ltd. Chapter 3 II. Time dependent Schrodinger Equation (8 hours) The Schrodinger equation Operators - The commutator - Physical Interpretation of wave function Normalisation probability current density - B Sc Programme in Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University Curriculum and syllabus 2011 admissions onwards 53 expectation value General eigen value equation eigen value for momentum operator. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Ajoy Ghatak, Macmillan India Ltd. Chapter 4 Module III I. Propagation of wave packet (4 hours) General solution of one dimensional Schrodinger equation for a free particle group velocity and phase velocity. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Ajoy Ghatak, Macmillan India Ltd. Chapter 5 II. Time independent Schrodinger Equation (15 hours) Stationary state - Time independent Schrodinger equation boundary and continuity condition for wave functions degeneracy orthogonality of wave function particle in a box (one dimensional) One dimensional harmonic oscillator energy eigen value and zero point energy Orbital angular momentum commutation relations Eigen values of L 2 , L z - Energy eigen values of rigid rotator Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Ajoy Ghatak, Macmillan India Ltd. Chapter 9 Reference: 1. Classical Mechanics - 3 rd Edition: Herbert Goldstein, Charles Poole & John Safk, Pub. Pearson Education (Indian Edn.) 2. Mechanics, Hans & Puri, TMH 3. Classical Mechanics Rana & Joag, TMH 4. Classical Mechanics Greiner, Springer International Edn. 5. Classical Mechanics- Vimal Kumar Jain Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 6. Quantum Physics Stephen Gasirowicz Pub. Pearson Education (Indian Edn.) 7. Quantum Mechanics - Greiner, 4 th Edition, Springer International Edn. 8. Quantum Mechanics G. Aruldhas, Premtice Hall of India. 9. Concepts of Modern Physics - Arthur Beiser, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 10. Applied Quantum Mechanics, A F J Levi, Cambridge Univ. Press.