Voa Ed Center Winter Newsletter - 2014
Voa Ed Center Winter Newsletter - 2014
Voa Ed Center Winter Newsletter - 2014
African American Family Involvement Dinner &
Conferences: February 13
Family Involvement & School Improvement
Parent Meeting: February 13
Senior Grad Night Parent Meeting: February 13
Make-up School Day: February 14
Make-up School Day: March 28
End of 3rd Quarter: March 28
SPRING BREAK: March 31April 6
Quarter 4 Begins: April 7
- VOA H i g h S c h o o l F a mi l y N e w s l e t t e r P h o e n i x S A L T O p p o r t u n i t y
Spring is Upon Us and so is Testing Season!
(Assessing Comprehension and
Communication in English State-to-State
for English Language Learners)
March 5th
March 18th (ALL 11th Graders)
MCAs: Reading, Math, & Science
Reading & Math: Mar. 10May 9
Science: Mar. 17May 16
While we all hope Spring comes
quickly, Phoenix-SALT and Opportunity
students will be looking forward to com-
pleting their graduation credit require-
ments and testing this Spring.
In early March, our English Language
Learner (ELL) population will be taking
the ACCESS for ELL test. This test
sheds light on the language skills of our
students, and helps teachers assess what
supports are necessary to help these stu-
dents reach graduation.
In March, for the second time, Min-
neapolis will be offering the ACT test to
all Junior students attending Phoenix-
SALT and Opportunity high schools.
The ACT test is generally required for
students who are going to college in the
Midwest. The SAT test is for students
who will be attending school on the East
or West coast.
In April, students will see state stand-
ardized tests known as the MCAs. Soph-
omore students will tackle the reading
test for the first time, and Junior stu-
dents will attempt the math test. Alt-
hough we recognize that results from
these standardized tests do not show the
whole picture of what our students have
learned and the academic strengths they
possess, they are required by Minneap-
olis Public Schools and Minnesota De-
partment of Education. They also give
teachers a snapshot of student strengths
and areas of focus moving forward.
At Phoenix SALT and Opportunity,
we take the tests very seriously. As a staff,
we do our best to prepare students for
test content and provide them with test
taking strategies such as note taking and
techniques for reading on the computer.
Please check the test dates listed in
this newsletter and make sure your stu-
dent is on time to school on testing days.
As is true every day, ATTENDANCE
is very important! If your child misses
school because of illness, appointments,
or due to a family emergency, please call
or send a note so their absence may be
excused. Poor attendance continues to
be the biggest obstacle to earning credit
for many of our students. Excused ab-
sences, at the very least, allow students to
make up missed work and stay on track
with credit earning.
The staff at Phoenix SALT and Op-
portunity high schools thank you for
being involved, and supporting our stu-
dents, your children. With positive en-
couragement at home, and hard work at
school, your student can have great suc-
cess and envision a bright future beyond
high school!
VOA Education Center
Parent Night!
Please join us Thursday, February 13th at 4:30 pm for
Dinner and Spring Conferences!
We will celebrate Black History Month, African-American
Family Involvement Day and the hard work your students
have put into the 2013-2014 school year!
The first day I started school at Phoenix-
SALT high school I felt like I had been
there for years. Everyone was really nice
and there wasnt any drama. Every staff
member and teacher wanted me to gradu-
ate on time and to be successful in the
future. Its not the biggest school nor the
fanciest, but it is a school where appear-
ances dont matter. It is the only alterna-
tive school that I have gone to and I have
found that all students fit in. It took me a
little while to adjust since I didnt know
anyone but I gave it a chance and found
that the students and staff are very
welcoming. I got a sec-
ond chance at
Phoenix-SALT high
school and I am grateful
for a school like this.
Marvin Abrego
Senior at Phoenix-SALT