Rakesh Goud Kandunuri is seeking a challenging position to utilize his skills and help an organization grow. He has a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from MS Ramaiah College of Pharmacy in Bangalore. He played hockey in school and college, winning several tournaments. His technical skills include Windows, MS Office, SQL, and programming languages. He is hard-working, dedicated, sincere, and eager to learn.
Rakesh Goud Kandunuri is seeking a challenging position to utilize his skills and help an organization grow. He has a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from MS Ramaiah College of Pharmacy in Bangalore. He played hockey in school and college, winning several tournaments. His technical skills include Windows, MS Office, SQL, and programming languages. He is hard-working, dedicated, sincere, and eager to learn.
Rakesh Goud Kandunuri is seeking a challenging position to utilize his skills and help an organization grow. He has a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from MS Ramaiah College of Pharmacy in Bangalore. He played hockey in school and college, winning several tournaments. His technical skills include Windows, MS Office, SQL, and programming languages. He is hard-working, dedicated, sincere, and eager to learn.
Rakesh Goud Kandunuri is seeking a challenging position to utilize his skills and help an organization grow. He has a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from MS Ramaiah College of Pharmacy in Bangalore. He played hockey in school and college, winning several tournaments. His technical skills include Windows, MS Office, SQL, and programming languages. He is hard-working, dedicated, sincere, and eager to learn.
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Email: rakeshgoud1310g!a"#$%o! Phone: &'1 ( ')))*))'+' CAREER O,-ECTIVE : To obtain a challenging and responsible position in a professionally managed organization to utilize and help the growth of the organization. EDUCATION .UALI/ICATION: A0ARDING ,OD1 TITLE O/ E2AMINATION 3ERCENTAGE INSTITUTION AREA O/ S3ECIALI4ATION CBSE BO!" S.S.C. #$% &ignan's Prabodhananda Prashanti (i)etan *+yderabad Science* ,athematics CBSE BO!" +.S.C. #-% &ignan's Prabodhananda Prashanti (i)etan *+yderabad Physics* Chemistry* Biology !./+S Bachelore of Pharmacy ggregate 0#% ,.S !amaiah College of Pharmacy* Bangalore Pharmaceuticals E2TRA CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES5 Participated in 1arious cultural and sports e1ents at schools and college le1el 2on the $ rd place in +oc)ey CBSE (ational Tournament held at &ignan's Prabodhananda Prashanti (i)etan* .hat)esar. 2on the South 3one CBSE +oc)ey Tournament for $ Consecuti1e years. ll rounder of the year 4Std.56 th 7 and got many medals in the 1arious games. TECHNICAL SKILLS5 Sk"##s De6a"# Operating System 2indows8*2indows#*2indows&ista*2indows 9P !eporting Tool SS :.;*SS :.$* 2indows e<cel SS S)ills SS=BSE* SS=S>?* SS=,C!O* SS=.!P+*SS=!EPO!T* SS=C?@(@C? "T @(TE.!T@O(. Programming ?anguage SS.A Other tool ,S Office. STRENGTHS5 +ard 2or)ing *"edicated *Sincere Positi1e thin)ing bility to adBust to the situations 3eal to learn and interact 3ERSONAL DETAILS5 Na!e 5 !a)esh .oud DO, 5 5$ th Oct 5:8# La7guages K7o87 5 English* +indi C Telugu. Mar"6a# S6a6us 5 Single Address 5 $ADA065=06;*06$* &ittalwadi* (arayanguda* +yderabadAD666;: @ hereby certify that all the information pro1ided abo1e is true to the best of my Enowledge Da6e 5 5#=60=;65- 3#a%e 5 +F"E!B" RAKESH GOUD KANDUNURI