Digambar Jangam: Work Experiance

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DI0'M-'1 2'30'M

C/O Gosavi Krishna Bhawoo D/403 Shri Sai Park, Navnit Bharat Society, Near Sai Anand !a"a, cast!e #i!!, $hane %&' ( 400)0* E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 8 212!331 Work Experiance &orkin+ with "#$ ,ro- 12 $ep 2%11 to ti!! date 1& $'( )arranty "esting :- *rom +ctober 2%13 on,ard *. /0nctiona! S ei,ication va!idation 1.test cases e2ec0tion 2&. $'( -(# !.5 1 year and 8 mont. e2 erience. Detai!s3 4 *.5nd to end a !ication Con,i+0ration, 1. #aintainin+ -aster data di-ension -e-6ers !ike acco0nt, entity, 3. Con,i+0ration o, data -ana+er acka+e, 4. #aintainin+ B0siness r0!es and writin+ scri t !o+ic, 7. Data !oadin+ 6y 0sin+ in 0t sched0!e, trans,or-ation and conversion ,i!e, ). Ca!c0!ation o, 8etained earnin+, 9. Standa!one and conso!idated 6a!ance sheet and ro,it : !oss state-ent re ort +eneration 6y 0sin+ 5;D85 ,0nction, 7. &orked as s0 ort ,or SAP BPC 9.7 ,or c!ient $ata rea!ty and in,rastr0re !td. Employee ID :- 523812

3&. $aken 1 mont. trainin+ on $'( /I at <=P Ah-ada6ad in $ata cons0!tancy services ,ro- *1 Se 10** to *4 Oct 10**.


$o !earn and ,0nction e,,ective!y in an or+ani"ation and 6e a6!e to de!iver to the 6otto-4!ine. $o constant!y 0 +rade -y know!ed+e and ski!!s and -ake a di,,erence in whatever < do.


$r. 3o. *. 1. 3. 4.

45ali*ication #.#.S. B.$ech B.S.C. S.S.C

$pecialisation 6ni7ersity /inance A+ric0!t0ra! 5n+ineerin+ Science Science #0-6ai >niversity #.P.K.;. 8ah0ri ShivaCi >niversity ShivaCi >niversity

8ear (assing 100?4** 10044100A 1003404 100*41001

o* (ercentage )4.93@ 9*.10 @ )A.70@ 9?.4)@

Co- !eted ##S roCect work tit!ed #omparati7e 'nalysis o* 69I( and M5t5al /5nd at :ota; 9i*e ins5rance St0dy o, 3on-(er*orming 'ssets in Bank Ex#rac$rric$%ar ac#i&i#ie' Nationa! Service Sche-e d0rin+ 100)40A

Good Ana!ytica! Ski!!s. /ast !earner. Se!, Con,ident. A6i!ity to ada t to chan+e Good ,inance and acco0ntin+ know!ed+e

Date o, Birth Gender /ather na-e

3 3 3

*4 DAN *?A9 #a!e Chandrakant

Nationa!ity #arita! Stat0s =an+0a+es Per-anent address

3 3 3 3

<ndian Sin+!e #arathi, 5n+!ish, Bindi A/P ( Pi- ari, $a! ( Kore+aon, Dist4Satara


< do here6y dec!are that the artic0!ars o, in,or-ation and ,acts stated herein a6ove are tr0e, correct and co- !ete to the 6est o, -y know!ed+e and 6e!ie,.

P=AC53 DA$53 DI0'M-'1 #. 2'30'M

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