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Ready or Not Ready?

Preparedness Quiz

Emergencies such as natural disasters, an influenza pandemic, or terrorist event have the
potential of disrupting thousands of lives. One may affect you and your family. Are you prepared
for an emergency to strike? Take the Ready or Not Ready? Preparedness Quiz to find out!

1. As long as I have all the necessary supplies for an emergency kit somewhere in my
house, I am prepared for an emergency.

2. If local authorities told me to evacuate, I would:
Refuse to leave. Most emergencies dont turn out to be a big deal.
Wait to see if the situation worsened, then decide.
Follow the advice of local responders to ensure my safety and theirs.
Call my ombudsman and see what she thinks I should do.

3. Our emergency supply kit has enough materials to sustain myself and my family:
For at least four hours.
Through the night.
Until we get to a shelter.
For at least three days.

4. As long as one person in my family knows what our emergency plan is, our family is

5. My family and I have:
An emergency kit at home.
An emergency kit in the car(s).
An emergency kit at work.
All of the above.

6. Since my spouse is in the Coast Guard and is a first responder, he/she will be able to
make sure our family is safe if an emergency strikes.

7. In terms of water, our emergency supply kit has:
A small bottle for each member of the family.
A gallon a day for each family member for three days.
One gallon for the family to share.
More water for the adults than the kids.

8. Our familys emergency plan contact person is:
Our next door neighbor.
Our family friend who lives two blocks away.
Grandma and Grandpa Smith who live in another state.
The Governor of our state.

9. The three aspects of being prepared for an emergency are:
Get a kit, make a plan, be informed.
Call a friend, go to the hospital, go home.
Make a plan, practice the plan, ignore the plan.
Water, batteries, map.

10. Including children in the family emergency planning process will only scare them,
so it should be avoided at all costs.

Now see how prepared you are!
Just click out of this screen (X in upper right corner of page) and click on
"Find Out How You Did?" on the right hand side of the next screen below
the "Other Readiness Resources" heading.

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