Youtube Guide
Youtube Guide
Youtube Guide
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians
How to Turn Your YouTube
Channel Into an Engine That
Makes You Money
The Beginners Glossary of Basic
YouTube Terminology
How to Make a YouTube Channel That
Engages Your Audience and Encourages
Music Sales
10 Kinds of Music Videos to Promote
Your Music
Promote Your Music with
YouTube Playlists
Enhance Your Video with
YouTube Annotations
5 Tips to YouTube Promotion
Stream Your Songs Every Single One!
Earn Money from Your Music Videos
Earn More Money from YouTube: Host a
Video Contest
YouTube: home to cute cats, inane
memes, and the most revolutionary
music-discovery platform in history!
YouTube is quickly becoming the worlds most popu-
lar search engine for music. Think about it: whenever
your friend recommends a new band, whenever you
have a craving to hear a rare oldie, whenever you want
to see if a musician can put on a good live show, where
do you turn? YouTube.
At least thats where millions of people are turning
every day.
For todays independent musician, having a strong
video presence is practically a requirement for a
successful DIY music career. YouTube videos are
easily accessible and easily shareable across blogs,
websites, and social networks. But its not always clear
how a YouTube view translates into albums sales or
concert attendance. This guide addresses some of
those mysteries.
YouTube is one of the most effective music promotion
machines ever, and we want you to use it to its fullest.
CD Baby has put together this guide to help you with
the nuts and bolts, from coming up with a great video
concept to collecting the check for your musics usage
on YouTube!
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians 2
The Beginners Glossary of Basic
YouTube Terminology
(If youre an old pro, feel free to skip ahead. If youre a
newbie or neophyte, read on!)
Share Click the share button beneath the video if you
want to share it with friends on your social media proles,
view the direct URL link, or embed the HTML code on your
blog, website, or email newsletter.
Tagging This is the process of listing words that relate to
the video content youve posted. Usually, those words are
the names of people appearing in the video, related artists,
keywords corresponding to the topic, locations, etc. Once
youve tagged the video, YouTube viewers who search for
matching words and similar phrases will have an easier
time nding YOUR videos!
Video Statistics Click the show video statistics button (to
the right of the total views count) and check out how your
video is trending, where it is most popular, and the demo-
graphics of your viewers.
Viral Unlike a disease, you WANT your videos to spread
across the internet through social media, blogs, and email
until theyre as popular as Chocolate Rain or Keyboard
Cat. Videos that catch on in this way are said to have
gone viral.
YouTube Account Anyone can watch videos on YouTube,
but in order to upload your own videos youre going to need
an account. Click HERE to sign up for a YouTube account.
Also, since Google owns YouTube, if youre signed into a Gmail
account, you can log into YouTube without going through all
that username and password ballyhoo.
YouTube Annotations Video Annotations allow you to
add interactive content to your videos. Thought bubbles,
notes, links! Oh my! Use annotations to add extra info about
the video, create a choose-your-own-adventure series of
videos all linked together, and much more. You determine
what the annotations say and where, when, and how they
appear (and disappear) while the video plays.
YouTube Channel A YouTube channel allows you to cus-
tomize the presentation of selected videos and engage your
fans through social interaction features. You can name the
channel (after your band or artist name), select a theme,
choose a color palette, and upload a background image to
create a unique experience. Your fans can subscribe to your
channel and you can also communicate with them through
posts. Basically, your channel gives you the opportunity to
brand your band the way you want, control the content, and
share it with the world from one simple location.
YouTube Partner Program YouTubes partners program
provides content creators with the opportunity to build
a larger audience (through some extra promo tools), en-
hance their skills with additional production features, and
earn more money.
YouTube Playlist A YouTube playlist is a collection of vid-
eos (any videos on YouTube not just your own) that is titled
according to a chosen theme (my favorite music videos
with dentists, best concert mishaps, etc.) and given its own
URL. You can arrange the videos in a particular sequence
and the viewer has the option to play all the videos in or-
der without pause. Its like the video equivalent of a mixtape!
Remember those?
YouTube Post Posts (or bulletins) allow you to con-
tact your channel subscribers and link them to a new video,
share a message, or request feedback. But make sure youre
sending out posts with worthwhile stuff, otherwise you might
lose a few subscribers.
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians 3
How to Create a YouTube Channel
That Engages Your Audience
Your YouTube channel is a reection of you its your
bands home-base for broadcasting videos on YouTube.
From your channel, you can feature your own uploaded
content, highlight favorite videos by other folks, and create
personalized playlists.
A YouTube channel allows you to customize the presentation
of selected videos and engage your fans through social in-
teraction features. Basically, your channel gives you the op-
portunity to brand your band the way you want, control the
content, and share it with the world from one simple location.
Here are a few pointers to help you get the most of your
YouTube channels customization options:
1 Give your YouTube channel a good name. This is the name
that appears at the top of the channel. Choose something
that makes sense (like your band or artist name!) and
dont be too clever unless EVERYBODY gets the reference.
2 Choose a great background image to customize your
YouTube channel. When you are logged into your YouTube
account, you can style your YouTube channel page by
clicking My Channel. From the main channel page, click
the Settings button. From there you can upload a
background image.
3 Select a background color. Set your background color to
something that blends well with your photo. The color
customization options are on the same page as the
background picture uploader.
4 Set the default tab display (in the Settings section).
This will determine what people view when they rst visit
your YouTube channel. Choose between a feed setup
that displays recent YouTube activity, a video page that
shows your uploaded videos in reverse chronological
order, or a featured tab which you can select in Settings
to display specic playlists.
5 Fill out descriptions and tags for the channel. The Info
and Settings tab inside the Settings section allows you
to tag and describe your YouTube channel. Use good
keywords related to your music (including musician names,
band location, genre descriptions, etc.) that will help
viewers locate your channel in a YouTube search.
6 Use posts to update your channel subscribers of new
content. YouTube channel posts allow you to com-
municate directly with your subscribers. Alert them
of new videos and playlists, but dont get carried away
no one likes SPAM.
Choose a picture that is more panoramic than
close-up. Think: wide angle shots of your band
on stage, or something scenic.
The center of your picture will be somewhat
obscured by videos and text, so if the focus of
the pic is on the left or right all the better.
Use a picture taken in landscape rather than
portrait. This will work best for modern wide-
screen monitors.
Use a photo that is wider than 970 px in width.
This way your picture will extend beyond
the edges of the main content area on YouTube
(which is 970 px). Otherwise your picture
will be tiled horizontally, vertically, or both
(your choice).
In most cases, it doesnt look that great to tile
your image. Its probably better to avoid tiling
by choosing a larger image.
Tips for choosing and
uploading your background:
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians 4
10 Kinds of Videos to Promote
Your Music
These days, you dont have to have a giant budget to make
a great video. Affordable video and editing technology now
allows DIY artists to get creative when it comes to making
content for YouTube. Here are ten different approaches you
can explore:
1 The standard story-oriented music video Ya know,
like Michael Jacksons Thriller something scripted with
actors, props, costumes, and sets.
2 Live concert footage Just like it sounds: a video of
you playing a single song live. You can even shoot it on
your iPhone!
3 Takeaway show Think of it like eld recording.
Your band goes to a strange location and performs un-
amplied for the camera, for the passersby, for whomever.
Usually done with one or two cameras and minimal gear.
4 Interviews and mini-documentaries Give your fans
the stories behind the music! Have someone conduct an
interview with you (or interview yourself). Try to document
the story of your band in 5 minutes or less.
5 Video press kit A quick movie about your latest release
or tour that you can use for PR purposes.
6 Behind the scenes Behind-the-scenes snippets of
your band writing, recording, putting up posters, xing
your gear, eating at your favorite taco cart, or practicing.
7 Encourage fans to record covers of your songs
Why not? It worked for Steve Winwood!
8 Animation Tools YouTube has a number of easy
animation tools you can use for free.
9 Stock/archival footage If you have video editing
abilities, this is a great option when you want to create
a video quickly and cheaply. Just make sure the footage
is in the Public Domain rst!
10 Video songs The viewer hears the nished song,
but all of the visuals are of individual tracks being
recorded, all edited together at a fast pace to keep
things interesting.
Promote Your Music with
YouTube Playlists
A YouTube playlist is a group of videos that play in succes-
sion. You can add any YouTube video to a playlist, not just
your own videos. This comes in handy when multiple people
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians 5
have uploaded content that relates to your band (concert
footage, interviews, mini-documentaries, etc.) and you want
to herd it all together for fans.
When the viewer plays a video from within a playlist, the rest
of the videos are displayed in a queue below the video player.
Playlists are easy to create and edit in the Video Manager
section of your YouTube account. Here are a few things to
keep in mind when creating playlists:
1 Be strategic and create themed playlists. Remember that
YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world. By taking
advantage of similar videos on a particular subject, you
can create playlists that will harness the power of related
keywords, and potentially gain some cross-promotion
with other bands. Let them know their videos have been
included in your playlist and ask them to share it on their
social networks.
For instance, do you have a video where you offer touring
advice? Pair it with some other informational videos on
touring by other bands or industry professionals. Do you
have an amazing time-lapse music video? Create a playlist
of The Top 10 Time-Lapse Music Videos.
2 Use your playlists to organize your own videos. Just
because youre a musician doesnt mean everything you
upload is a straightforward music video. You can use play-
lists to organize your content into specic themes tour
videos, behind-the-scenes recording videos, documentary
clips, concert footage, music videos, etc.
3 Embed your playlists on your blog or website. Dont
make your fans who visit your website keep clicking on
video after video. Instead, embed a playlist, and suddenly
its like theyre watching a TV station dedicated to
your music.
Enhance Your Videos with
YouTube Annotations
One of the easiest ways to make your videos more engaging
on YouTube is to use annotations. Video annotations allow
you to add comments, notes, and also link viewers to other
YouTube videos, channels, and playlists. You control what the
annotations say, where they appear on the video, and when
they appear and disappear (though viewers CAN opt to
watch the video without annotations).
You can choose between a speech bubble, note, title, spot-
light, or label format for each annotation, and add as many
as you like per video. Simply upload your edited video, click
the Video Manager button, select annotations next to the
edit button, and then click edit. You can easily add and
customize annotations from there.
When used sparingly, annotations are a great way to encour-
age your fans to take additional action. Here are a few poten-
tial uses for YouTube annotations:
1 Let your fans know where they can buy your music:
Get my album on CD Annotations wont link
to sites outside of YouTube, so viewers will have to note the
URL and type it into their browser. But hey, its better than
a mystery!
2 Link to related videos: Click to check out my brand
new video.
3 Add a message that says, Find out about new concert
dates. Then link to a short video that lists your tour dates.
4 Add lyrics to your song, or translate lyrics into an-
other language.
5 Offer a discount code at the end of the video.
6 Ask viewers to like your video and subscribe to
your channel.
7 Add commentary on your own music video.
8 Add thought bubbles to characters in your video.
9 Create interactive videos (like choose-your-own-ad-
ventures) by giving viewers options to link to/
bewteen various other related videos that build a story
with multiple outcomes.
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians
5 Tips to YouTube Promotion
Here are a few extra things to keep in mind to help you make
the most of your video presence.
1 Add links at the top of the description eld for each
video. Let your fans know where they can purchase your
music; simply enter the URL to your blog or website (or
to your artist page) at the very beginning of
the video description eld (to ensure that its visible to all
viewers). YouTube will hyperlink it automatically.
2 Make the rst 15 seconds count. As the saying goes,
Dont bore us. Get to the chorus. Youve got to hook
them upfront. YouTube videos are like pop songs; theyre
best enjoyed and shared when short and catchy. YouTube
is proving theres some truth to Andy Warhols saying, in
the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.
Only now, 15 seconds may be all you get.
To help you capture your audiences attention, the Ofcial
YouTube Blog has offered some good advice on how to
make the rst 15 seconds of your video irresistible:
Make compelling content rst
Start off with something that will immediately grab
attention, whether its what you say or a stunning visual.
Make it clear what your video is about early on, so view-
ers arent confused about what theyre watching.
Tease the rest of the video so the audience is intrigued
to see where you take them.
share your channel branding later.
A ashy intro may look cool, but its not the star of the
video let them see you, or your great content, rst.
Make your branding compelling by making it entertain-
ing or unique to each video
3 Add tags to your channel and videos. Tags are important.
Tags are keywords that help people nd your video in
YouTubes search engine. What will your fans type into
YouTube to nd your video? Tag your videos with venue
names, your band name (correct spelling and misspell-
ings), song names, city, state, genre and other relevant
keywords. Then when someone types in a search for your
song or band, you have a much better chance of coming
up rst.
HELPFUL HINT: the spotlight function allows
you to highlight something within the existing
video content as a link, so you can include more
attractive text, images, and links in the video
editing process itself then upload it to You-
Tube and highlight those elements using the
annotations tool.
The cool thing about annotations is that you can
add, change or remove them at any time. This way
you can add time-sensitive announcements like
concert daters, contests and limited time offers
right in the video.
The band Strangeletter edited a 51-minute video
that paired their entire albums music with differ-
ent still images for each song. When they posted
it on YouTube, they added static Annotations with
track numbers and song titles that would skip to
that particular part of the video. If this sounds at
all confusing, check out the linked video and it will
make perfect sense.
If the thought of uploading a different video for
each of your songs sounds like a pain, this method
is an easy alternative. You can make it fancy (with
different stills or video chapters for each song) or
you could keep it simple (and just have one still
photo for the whole album.)
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians 7
4 Choose great titles for your videos. Not many people on
YouTube are going to be searching for sadsong-ver.2
w/o vocals recorded at Johns. Include your band name,
song name, the venue or location (if relevant) and
maybe even a few specic keywords that accurately
describe your music.
For instance: Tommy Jug Band plays Silly Girl at Sunnyside
Tavern, Portland, OR Country Funk and Bluegrass
5 Respond to every comment. Responding to comments
will not only make your fans feel appreciated, it will also
inspire others to comment on your videos. Try sparking
conversation by asking a question, or by pointing out
something interesting in the video.
Stream Your Songs Every
Single One!
Since YouTube is one of the rst places people turn to hear
music nowadays, you want to make sure all your music can be
found there. But you dont have the time or budget to make
videos for every song; instead, create a stock slideshow of
band photos and album art; use a program like iMovie to pair
that same slideshow to every song youve recorded then
post them on YouTube.
Earn Money from Your Music Videos
YouTube has turned into an essential vehicle for driving in-
dependent artist revenue. In addition to sales you generate
through your video promotion, there are now two more ways
you can earn money directly from your music on YouTube:
CD Babys sync licensing program and YouTubes Partner
Program, both of which pay artists ad-share revenue.
YouTubes Partner Program allows you to monetize the
videos uploaded to your YouTube channel.
CD Babys Sync Licensing Program pays you ad-share
revenue for ANY video on YouTube that uses your music
(not just the videos youve uploaded yourself). Plus, your
music will be included in a catalog of pre-cleared songs
available to music supervisors for sync placement in lm,
commercials, TV, video games, and more.
With CD Babys Sync Licensing Program, youll get paid
for the usage of your music on YouTube and not just in
your own videos; over 60 hours of new video is uploaded
to YouTube every minute. Thats a lot of people who need
good tunes to match up with the cuddly cat videos and wed-
ding slideshows theyre posting. Our partnership with music
licensing rm Rumblesh will make your music available for
these new income-generating opportunities on YouTube.
CD Babys partnership with music licensing rm Rumblesh
makes it possible for all CD Baby artists to make money from
YouTube at no additional cost. Learn more.
Earn More Money from YouTube;
Host a Video Contest
Since CD Babys Sync Licensing Program pays you money
whenever your music is used on YouTube, one of the obvious
ways to boost your YouTube income is to get people to make
more videos using your music!
Consider hosting a series of contests where fans upload
videos with your music as the soundtrack, including:
The Ultimate YouTube Promotion Guide for Musicians
1 Fan-made music video contest Enlist your fans to make
a music video or slideshow FOR you. Let them pick their
favorite song, give them creative license to interpret the
song their way, tell them to post it to YouTube, and then
choose your favorites. Give out prizes like free CDs, free
house-shows, custom-written songs, etc. Create a You-
Tube playlist for all these entries.
2 Personal/family videos contest Encourage your fans to
use your music as the soundtrack to their family videos
and slideshows, their weird pet tricks caught on tape, or
whatever else they want to post to YouTube. You can
award similar prizes for your favorites, or feature them on
your website and social media proles.
3 Upload your songs to YouTube I know we mentioned
this once already, but now that you can earn money from
your music on YouTube, its worth mentioning twice. Now
is the time to create a simple video for ALL your songs; and
by simple, we mean VERY simply just a static still photo
or slideshow of stills. Basically, this is for the benet of
everyone who uses YouTube as their listening platform.
If someones going to be streaming your music, better it
be from YOUR YouTube channel that you control.
Whether youre going to spend thousands of dollars making professional videos or just plan on edit-
ing some iPhone footage of your last concert, YouTube is one of the most effective ways to promote
your music. We hope the tips in this guide help you make the most of your video presence. For more
information and tips, visit CD Babys DIY Musician Blog.
CD Baby, the worlds largest digital distributor of independent music, is a company run BY musicians FOR musicians. Weve paid
out more than $250 million to DIY artists all over the world. From our humble beginnings in 1998 as a small, one-man operation
in a garage, to our current standing as one of the most trusted names in independent music, weve developed a host of services
to help artists, including physical and digital distribution, warehousing and shipping of CDs, DVDs, and vinyl, promotional tools
including our MusicStore on Facebook and Music Store widget, affordable web-hosting and design, download cards, disc duplica-
tion, and a credit card swiper program to increase your live merch sales.