AEI Public Opinion Studies: Polls On Patriotism and Military Service
AEI Public Opinion Studies: Polls On Patriotism and Military Service
AEI Public Opinion Studies: Polls On Patriotism and Military Service
5i3en e3ery"'in> "'a" 'a! 'appened in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! and aro+nd "'e world do yo+
"'inH Ameri&an! >enerally are more or le!! pa"rio"i& "oday "'an yo+ did %i3e year! a>o4
More Le!!
$+n1 ,--; #o2 6;7 8.7 97
Are people "oday a! pa"rio"i& a! "'ey were w'en yo+ wen" "o !&'ool4
Ye! No
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& ,<7 ;=7
No31 .9=8 ?@& 8. ;8
Do yo+ "'inH Ameri&an! are be&omin> more or le!! pa"rio"i&4
More pa"rio"i& Le!! pa"rio"i&
Abo+" "'e !ame
$+l1 ,--9 )conomist:Yo+5o3 .87 /87
May ,-.. )conomist:Yo+5o3 ./ 88
$+n1 ,-.. )conomist:Yo+5o3 .. /8
(ow pa"rio"i& wo+ld yo+ !ay mo!" Ameri&an! are4 Io+ld yo+ !ay e2"remely pa"rio"i&
3ery pa"rio"i& !omew'a" pa"rio"i& or no" e!pe&ially pa"rio"i&4
E2"remely Very Somew'a"
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i&
$an1 ,--, 5all+p:(arwood =7 /<7 /.7
(ow pro+d do yo+ "'inH mo!" people in "'i! &o+n"ry are "o be Ameri&an! J e2"remely
pro+d 3ery pro+d modera"ely pro+d only a li""le pro+d or no" a" all4
E2"remely Very Modera"ely Only a
American Enterprise Institute compilation 8;
pro+d pro+d pro+d pro+d
$+n1 ,--8 5all+p /,7 867 ,-7 ,7
Do yo+ "'inH yo+ are more pa"rio"i& le!! pa"rio"i& or abo+" a! pa"rio"i& a! mo!" o"'er
people in "'i! &o+n"ry4
More pa"rio"i& Le!! pa"rio"i& Abo+" a!
Mar1 ,-.- Pew 887 ;7 697
$+l1 ,-.. Pew 66 , /.
Sep1 ,-.. Pew 8< .- /9
CDemographic breakdown3 geF
Mar1 ,-.-
.=J,9 ,87 ..7 ;87
8-J/9 8/ < 69
6-J;/ 8/ / 69
;6K /, 8 6,
$+l1 ,-..
.=J89 6;7 <7 8;7
/-J69 6= . /.
;- and o3er 6/ , /,
Sep1 ,-..
.=J8/ ,;7 .<7 6/7
86J// 8< .- /9
/6J;/ // ; /;
;6K /< 8 /6
Mar1 ,-.-
LT (S >rad ,<7 ;7 ;.7
(S >rad 8, ; ;-
Some &olle>e 8; ; 6;
Colle>e pl+! 86 ; 6=
Sep1 ,-..
LT (S >rad 887 .,7 /<7
(i>' !&'ool >rad /. = /;
Some &olle>e 8< ., /9
Colle>e pl+! 86 9 6/
Mar1 ,-.-
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Male 8;7 67 6<7
#emale 8- < ;-
$+l1 ,-..
Male 6;7 ,7 /.7
#emale /9 < //
Sep1 ,-..
Male 897 97 /=7
#emale 8; .- 6-
CParty #DF
Mar1 ,-.-
Rep+bli&an /87 ,7 6/7
Demo&ra" ,; = ;/
Independen" 8, = 6=
Sep1 ,-..
Rep+bli&an 6;7 87 897
Demo&ra" 8-7 ..7 667
Independen" 887 ..7 6.7
Mar1 ,-.-
I'i"e 867 67 697
Bla&H ,; = ;-
(i!pani& ,9 9 ;-
$+l1 ,-..
I'i"e 6<7 ,7 897
Bla&H 8; . ;.
(i!pani& ;- ; 88
Sep1 ,-..
I'i"e 897 =7 6-7
Bla&H 8/ = 6-
(i!pani& 88 .< /;
Io+ld yo+ de!&ribe yo+r!el% a! more or le!! pa"rio"i& "'an "'e a3era>e Ameri&an4 I! "'a" a
lo" or a li""le4
A lo" A li""le Same A li""le
A lo"
more more pa"rio"i& le!!
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i& )Vol10 pa"rio"i&
$+n1 .99= #o2 ,<7 887 ,67 97
$+n1 .999 #o2 ,< 88 ,; 9
O&"1 ,--. #o2 8. ,= 8- =
$+n1J$+l1 ,--8 #o2 8, ,9 ,= ;
$+n1 ,--/ #o2 8< ,< ,/ =
$+n1 ,--6 #o2 8. ,; 8- =
American Enterprise Institute compilation 8=
$+n1 ,--; #o2 8/ 8, ,- ..
CDemographic breakdown3 8un. 144E3 Party #DF
Demo&ra"! ,=7 ,=7 ,.7 .97
Rep+bli&an! // 8/ .; /
Independen"! ,= 8< ,8 <
International Comparisons
(ow pro+d are yo+ "o be T!+b!"i"+"e own na"ionali"yU4 ).999J,--/ Iorld Val+e! S+r3eyV
,--6J,--9 Iorld Val+e! S+r3eyV ,-.-J,-./ Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey0
,-.-J,-./ ,--6J,--9 .999J,--/
Ba"ar 9=7 NA NA
5'ana 9; 987 NA
P+er"o Ri&o NA NA 9,7
E&+ador 9. NA NA
VeneL+ela NA NA 9-
Mali NA == NA
5+a"emala NA =< NA
Trinidad and Toba>o =< 9- NA
*LbeHi!"an =< NA NA
$ordan =6 <- ;;
P'ilippine! =6 NA =<
Me2i&o =/ =8 <9
Yemen =, NA NA
T'ailand =, =6 NA
B+rHina #a!o NA =. NA
Rwanda =. <= NA
TanLania NA NA =.
Colombia =- 9- NA
Vie"nam NA =- <<
PaHi!"an <9 NA =.
Libya << NA NA
K+wai" <; NA NA
Mimbabwe <; NA <=
5eor>ia NA <6 NA
T+rHey <6 <; ;6
Sa+di Arabia NA NA </
Ban>lade!' NA NA <8
ALerbaiWan <, NA NA
Albania NA NA <,
Armenia <. NA NA
A+!"ralia <- ;9 NA
E"'iopia NA <- NA
Canada NA ;= ;6
India NA ;9 ;<
Ni>eria ;< NA <,
Moro&&o ;; 6= 9.
American Enterprise Institute compilation
*>anda NA NA ;;
Malay!ia ;6 ;9 NA
Pale!"ine ;6 NA NA
E>yp" ;/ <8 =,
New Mealand ;8 ;; NA
Iran NA ;8 9-
Per+ ;, NA <;
KaLaH'!"an ;, NA NA
So+"' A%ri&a ;, <= <6
Mambia NA ;, NA
Poland ;- ;, NA
Al>eria 69 NA <,
Ma&edonia NA NA 6=
T+ni!ia 6< NA NA
*n!ted States #$ $+ (1
Indone!ia NA 6; /=
#inland NA 66 NA
Spain 66 6= ;-
I!rael NA NA 6/
Kyr>yL!"an 6/ NA /8
Norway NA 6. NA
IraA 6- =. <<
*r+>+ay 6- <8 NA
5rea" Bri"ain NA 6- NA
Ar>en"ina /9 ;. ;6
C'ile /9 69 <,
Cypr+! /< /9 NA
Sin>apore /= NA //
Slo3enia /9 66 NA
Romania /8 8< NA
(+n>ary NA /8 NA
Serbia and Mon"ene>ro NA /, CC
I"aly NA /. NA
Sweden /- /- 89
BraLil NA 89 NA
B+l>aria NA 89 NA
Andorra NA 8< NA
Lebanon 8< NA NA
Bo!nia NA NA 86
Belar+! 8. NA NA
Swi"Lerland NA 8. NA
R+!!ia ,9 // NA
#ran&e NA ,= NA
*Hraine ,; 8- NA
$apan ,6 ,. ,.
5ermany ,/ ,- NA
So+"' Korea ,/ .9 .<
C'ina ,, ,, ,6
E!"onia ,. NA NA
Ne"'erland! ,. ,; NA
Moldo3a NA .9 ,8
Taiwan .6 .8 NA
No"eD NA X No" A!Hed1 CCSerbia and Mon"ene>ro were "wo !epara"e &o+n"rie! in "'i!
a!Hin>1 SerbiaN! per&en"a>e wa! 8= and Mon"ene>roN! per&en"a>e wa! ,/1
American Enterprise Institute compilation /-
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"!111I wo+ld ra"'er be a
&i"iLen o% )&o+n"ry0 "'an o% any o"'er &o+n"ry in "'e world4 ),--8J,--/ Iorld Val+e!
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"4 5enerally !peaHin>
)&o+n"ry0 i! a be""er &o+n"ry "'an mo!" o"'er &o+n"rie!4 ),--8J,--/ Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey0
JJJJRa"'er be a &i"iLen o% myJJJJ JJJJJJJJJMy
&o+n"ry i!JJJJJJ
JJJJ &o+n"ry "'an any o"'erJJJJ JJJJJJJa be""er
S"ron>ly S"ron>ly
a>ree A>ree a>ree
P'ilippine! /=7 8;7 ,,7
*n!ted States (% 1# %,
Ireland /- /. .-
So+"' A%ri&a /, /, ,;
Me2i&oC NA NA NA
Poland /. 8< ;
Ni>eriaC NA NA NA
New Mealand 68 ,= ,= /;
Canada 6= ,< 8-
C'ile // 89 .;
I&elandC NA NA NA
Ar>en"inaC NA NA NA
Por"+>al 8; /; 9
Slo3enia 89 8. ;
(+n>ary 6. 86 <
A+!"ria 6- ,< ,/
Bri"ain /- 8. .8
Spain ,- 6/ .-
#inland 6; ,6 ,-
American Enterprise Institute compilation
RomaniaC NA NA NA
Norway /6 8, ./
B+l>aria 6/ ,6 .6
DenmarH 6; ,< ,9
Nor"'ern IrelandC NA NA NA
I"alyC ,9 8/ <
Sweden ,9 8, 9
#ran&e 86 ,6 ..
La"3ia ., 8. 8
So+"' Korea 8< 88 .-
Swi"Lerland ,- 86 8
Slo3aHia ,6 ,= 8
Belar+!C NA NA NA
R+!!ia // 88 .9
CLe&' Rep+bli& 8. 8= ;
Bel>i+mC NA NA NA
$apan ;. ,6 89
Li"'+aniaC NA NA NA
E!"oniaC NA NA NA
5ermany .= /. 8
Ne"'erland!C .; 8, =
NOTED NA X No" A!Hed1 C mean! "'a" "'e re!+l"! are %rom NORCN! .996 da"a %or "'e
!e&ond and "'ird A+e!"ion1 B+e!"ion wordin> i! "'e !ame1
American Enterprise Institute compilation /,
The U.S. ersus Elsewhere! Is America E"ceptional#
Do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"D T'e *ni"ed S"a"e! i! "'e >rea"e!"
&o+n"ry in "'e 'i!"ory o% "'e world1
A>ree Di!a>ree
$+n1 ,--<#o2 =-7 .;7
Do yo+ belie3e "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! i! "'e be!" &o+n"ry in "'e world "o li3e in or i! "'ere
ano"'er &o+n"ry "'a" i! be""er4
*1S1 Ano"'er &o+n"ry
#eb1 ,--< #o2 =;7 <7
#eb1 ,--9 #o2 9- <
Apr1 ,-..C #o2 =/ .,
NOTED B+e!"ion a!Hed o% re>i!"ered 3o"er!1 CB+e!"ion wordin> read ?G"o li3e in or no"4@
Some people !ay "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! 'a! a +niA+e &'ara&"er "'a" maHe! i" "'e >rea"e!" &o+n"ry
in "'e world1 O"'er! !ay "'a" e3ery &o+n"ry i! +niA+e and "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! i! no >rea"er
"'an o"'er na"ion!1 I'i&' 3iew i! &lo!er "o yo+r own4
5rea"e!" &o+n"ry No
>rea"er "'an
in "'e world o"'er
,-., C'i&a>o Co+n&il on 5lobal A%%air! <-7
INm >oin> "o read a %ew !"a"emen"!D %or ea&' one plea!e "ell me i% yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree
wi"' i"111I'a"e3er i"! %a+l"! "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! !"ill 'a! "'e be!" !y!"em o% >o3ernmen" in "'e
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Apr1 .99, ABC =67 ./7
Sep1 .99/ ABC =/ .8
May .99; ABC =8 .6
De&1 ,--- ABC:Wash Post =9 ..
De&1 ,--<S ABC:#a&ebooH =. .<
Sep"1 ,-.-C Kai!er:(ar3ard:Wash Post << ,.
A+>1 ,-.. Wash Post << ,.
NOTED CB+e!"ion wordin> read ?Plea!e "ell me w'e"'er yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e
%ollowin> !"a"emen"1 I'a"e3er i"! %a+l"! "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! !"ill 'a! "'e be!" !y!"em o%
>o3ernmen" in "'e world1 Do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree4@ S O3er!ample o% .=J,9 year old!1
I'i&' o% "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"! be!" de!&ribe! yo+r opinion abo+" "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!4
T'e *S !"and! abo3e T'e *S i! one o% "'e >rea"e!"
T'ere are o"'er
all o"'er &o+n"rie! in &o+n"rie! in "'e world alon>
&o+n"rie! "'a" are
"'e world wi"' !ome o"'er!
be""er "'an "'e *S
Mar1 ,-.. Pew 8=7 687
Sep1 ,-.. Pew /= /,
Mar1 ,-./ Pew ,= 6=
NOTED An!wer %orma" 3arie! !li>'"ly be"ween "'e "wo A+e!"ion!1
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"!111a>ree !"ron>ly a>ree
nei"'er a>ree nor di!a>ree di!a>ree or di!a>ree !"ron>ly4 5enerally !peaHin> Ameri&a i! a
be""er &o+n"ry "'an mo!" o"'er &o+n"rie!1
!"ron>ly A>ree Nei"'er Di!a>ree
#eb1 .99; NORC 897 /.7 .,7 67
Sep"1 ,--. NORC 6/ 8. 9 6
De&1 ,--. NORC 68 88 < ;
A+>1 ,--/ NORC /- 89 ./ /
American Enterprise Institute compilation //
No"eD ,--/ S+r3ey a!Hed o% 'al% !ample1
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"!111a>ree !"ron>ly a>ree
nei"'er a>ree nor di!a>ree di!a>ree or di!a>ree !"ron>ly4 T'e world wo+ld be a be""er
pla&e i% people %rom o"'er &o+n"rie! were more liHe Ameri&an!1
!"ron>ly A>ree Nei"'er Di!a>ree
#eb1 .99; NORC ./7 ,/7 887 ,.7
Sep"1 ,--. NORC ,; ,8 .= ,6
De&1 ,--. NORC ,. ,< ,. ,6
A+>1 ,--/ NORC .; ,; 8/ .=
No"eD ,--/ S+r3ey a!Hed o% a 'al% !ample1
Do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"D "'e Ameri&an way o% li%e i! !+perior
"o "'a" o% any o"'er &o+n"ry4 )I% A>ree0 Do yo+ !ay yo+ a>ree !"ron>ly or wo+ld yo+ a>ree
S"ron>ly Somew'a"
a>ree a>ree
$an1 .9<6 YanHelo3i&' 6=7 ,,7 ,-7
$+n1 .9=, YanHelo3i&' <- ,- .-
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& 6< ,. .<
Do yo+ %eel "'a" "'e A+ali"y o% li%e i! be""er in Ameri&a "'an in mo!" o"'er ad3an&ed
ind+!"rial &o+n"rie! abo+" "'e !ame or do yo+ %eel "'a" people are be""er o%% in mo!" o"'er
ad3an&ed ind+!"rial &o+n"rie! "'an "'ey are in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!4
Be""er in Abo+" Be""er in
Ameri&a "'e !ame
.99/ NORC <97 .67 /7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"!Ga>ree !"ron>ly a>ree
nei"'er a>ree nor di!a>ree di!a>ree or di!a>ree !"ron>ly4 I wo+ld ra"'er be a &i"iLen o%
Ameri&a "'an o% any o"'er &o+n"ry in "'e world1
a>ree A>ree Nei"'er Di!a>ree
#eb1 .99;S NORC <-7 ,-7 <7 ,7
Sep"1 ,--. NORC =9 = , . J
Sep1JO&"1 ,--.CF ISR =, ., , , .
De&1 ,--. NORC == 9 , . J
Mar1JApr1 ,--,F ISR ;6 ,< / 8 .
A+>1 ,--/S NORC </ .6 < , .
No"eD CPoll &ond+&"ed Sep"ember .8J,< ,--.1 SA!Hed o% 'al% !ample1 FB+e!"ion wordin>
read ?(ow m+&' wo+ld yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"D I wo+ld ra"'er
be a &i"iLen o% Ameri&an "'an o% any o"'er &o+n"ry in "'e world4 Do yo+ !"ron>ly a>ree
a>ree nei"'er a>ree or di!a>ree di!a>ree or di!a>ree !"ron>ly4@
All "'in>! bein> eA+al wo+ld yo+ pre%er "o li3e in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! or wo+ld yo+ pre%er "o
li3e in !ome o"'er &o+n"ry4
*1S1 &o+n"ry
Mar1 ,--/ #o2 987 67
$+n1 ,--6 #o2 98 ;
CDemographic breakdown3 8un. 144"3 Party #DF
Demo&ra" =97 .-7
Rep+bli&an 9= .
Independen" 9, ;
I% yo+ &o+ld be a &i"iLen o% any &o+n"ry in "'e world w'i&' one wo+ld yo+ &'oo!e4
*1S1 O"'er
#eb1 ,--8 ORC =87 .67
No"eD O% "'o!e w'o an!wered ?O"'er@ "'e "op &o+n"rie! men"ioned were Canada and
A+!"ralia bo"' a" 8 per&en"1
I% yo+ were %ree "o do !o wo+ld yo+ liHe "o >o and !e""le in ano"'er &o+n"ry4
Ye! No
Mar1 .9/= 5all+p 87 987
Mar1 .9/9 5all+p ; 98
#eb1 .96- 5all+p 6 98
$an1 .9;- 5all+p ; 9.
#eb1 .9<. 5all+p .. =;
Apr1 .9<, 5all+p .8 =<
De&1 .9<, 5all+p .. =;
American Enterprise Institute compilation /;
$an1 .9</ 5all+p .- =<
$+n1 .9<; 5all+p 9 =9
May .99. 5all+p 9 9-
Apr1 .996 5all+p ., =<
No"eD CB+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?Plea!e "ell me w'e"'er yo+ !"ron>ly a>ree !omew'a" a>ree
!omew'a" di!a>ree or !"ron>ly di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"111I% I were %ree "o do
!o I wo+ld liHe "o >o and !e""le in ano"'er &o+n"ry4@ Re!+l"! are &ombined1
I% yo+ &o+ld do+ble yo+r in&ome by >e""in> a >ood Wob in ano"'er &o+n"ry wo+ld yo+ "aHe
"'e Wob e3en i% i" mean" yo+ wo+ld 'a3e "o li3e away %rom "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! %or !e3eral
Ye! No
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& ,/7 <-7
I% yo+ &o+ld impro3e yo+r worH or li3in> &ondi"ion! 'ow willin> or +nwillin> wo+ld yo+
be "o mo3e o+"!ide Ameri&a1113ery willin> %airly willin> nei"'er willin> nor +nwillin>
%airly +nwillin> or 3ery +nwillin>4
Very #airly #airly
willin> willin> Nei"'er
#eb1 .99; NORC ;7 97 ..7 .;7
I% yo+ 'ad "'e oppor"+ni"y "o lea3e "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! and permanen"ly li3e in ano"'er
&o+n"ry wo+ld yo+ "aHe i"4
Ye! No
May ,--; #o2 .<7 <;7
No"eD I'en broHen down by par"y = per&en" o% Rep+bli&an! and ,/ per&en" o% Demo&ra"!
!aid "'ey wo+ld lea3e
*ni"ed S"a"e!
Do yo+ "'inH "'a" mo!" people li3in> in o"'er &o+n"rie! wo+ld liHe "o li3e in "'e *ni"ed
S"a"e! i% "'ey &o+ld4
Ye! No
#eb1 ,--< #o2 </7 .87
Do yo+ "'inH "'a" mo!" people li3in> in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! wo+ld liHe "o li3e !omew'ere el!e
i% "'ey &o+ld4
Ye! No
#eb1 ,--< #o2 97 <=7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Since 144;3 6allup has asked people around the world if they would like to mo(e to
another country or stay in the country in which they currently li(e. Of those who would like to mo(e
to another country3 6allup asks which country in which they would prefer li(ing. &he 'nited States
consistently ranks as indi(iduals! first choice among countries to which they would like to mo(e3
with the 'nited Hingdom as a distant second and $anada as a distant third. #n 144%3 appro+imately
1- percent of those who wanted to migrate chose the 'nited States as their desired destination. #n
14.13 appro+imately 11 percent did.
When the same 7uestion was last asked of people in the '.S. in 14.13 .. percent of
mericans said they would like to lea(e the country. &his response has not changed much since
6allup first asked mericans this 7uestion in 144%. )le(en percent of mericans responded
affirmati(ely in that first asking. &en percent did so in the inter(ening 1 years.
BD Ideally i% yo+ 'ad "'e oppor"+ni"y wo+ld yo+ liHe "o mo3e permanen"ly "o ano"'er &o+n"ry or
wo+ld yo+ pre%er "o &on"in+e li3in> in "'i! &o+n"ry4 To w'i&' &o+n"ry wo+ld yo+ liHe "o mo3e4
JJJJJN+mber o% ad+l"! in million! w'o wo+ld liHe "o mo3e &o+n"rie!JJJJJ
*ni"ed S"a"e! *ni"ed Kin>dom Canada
,--<J,--9 .;6 /6 /6
,-.-J,-., .8= /, 8<
No"eD ProWe&"ed n+mber! ba!ed on per&en"a>e! w'o wo+ld liHe "o mo3e1
Septem$er %%th Effects
Do yo+ "'inH li%e in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! will e3er &omple"ely re"+rn "o normal "'a" i! "'e way
i" wa! be%ore 9:..4
Ye! already Ye! i" will
'a! e3en"+ally
$+n1 ,--, #o2 .-7 ,67 ;,7
T'inHin> ba&H "o "'e Sep"ember ..
,--. a""a&H! on "'e Iorld Trade Cen"er and "'e
Pen"a>on did yo+ %eel a" "'e "ime "'a" yo+r li%e 'ad &'an>ed in any way or didnN" yo+ %eel
"'a" way4 )I% &'an>ed a!HD0 In >eneral do yo+ %eel yo+r li%e i! &omple"ely ba&H "o normal
!omew'a" ba&H "o normal b+" no" &omple"ely or no" ye" ba&H "o normal40 )I% &'an>ed b+"
!omew'a" ba&H "o normal:no" ye" ba&H "o normal a!HD0 Do yo+ "'inH yo+r li%e will e3er
&omple"ely re"+rn "o normal a" !ome poin" in "'e %+"+re or donO" yo+ %eel "'a" way4
Ba&H "o normal :
Did no" &'an>e Iill be normal Ne3er
A+>1 ,--, &ime:CNN:(arri! /,7 ,/7
Sep1 ,--8 &ime:CNN:(arri! // ,=
A+>1 ,--6 5all+p:CNN: 8< .9
'S &oday
T'inHin> ba&H "o "'e Sep"ember ..
,--. a""a&H! on "'e Iorld Trade Cen"er and "'e
Pen"a>on did yo+ %eel a" "'e "ime "'a" yo+r li%e 'ad &'an>ed in any way or didnN" yo+ %eel
"'a" way4 )I% C'an>ed a!HD0 In >eneral do yo+ %eel yo+r li%e i! &omple"ely ba&H "o normal
American Enterprise Institute compilation /=
!omew'a" ba&H "o normal b+" no" &omple"ely or no" ye" ba&H "o normal40 )I% Li%e &'an>ed
and i! !omew'a":no" ba&H "o normal a!HD0 Do yo+ "'inH yo+r li%e will e3er &omple"ely
re"+rn "o normal a" !ome poin" in "'e %+"+re or donO" yo+ %eel "'a" way4
Ba&H "o normal Iill be normal Ne3er
normal No &'an>e
A+>1 ,--; CNN .87 ,87 /-7
No"eD A!Hed o% 'al% !ample1
Do yo+ "'inH Ameri&an! are more PPPPPPP "oday "'an "'ey were be%ore Sep"ember ..4
$+n1 ,--, #o2
Ye! No
Pa"rio"i& =67 .,7
Carin> << .9
De"ermined <; .<
(one!" /- /;
I'i&' o% "'e %ollowin> be!" de!&ribe! yo+r le3el o% pa"rio"i!m a%"er Sep"ember ..4 Io+ld
yo+ !ay yo+ %eel m+&' more pa"rio"i& !omew'a" more pa"rio"i& or do yo+ 'a3e abo+" "'e
!ame le3el o% pa"rio"i!m4
M+&' more Somew'a" more
Abo+" "'e
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i&
$an1 ,--, TIPP:IBDJCSM 8;7 ,/7
Ri>'" a%"er Sep"ember .. many people no"ed in&rea!ed %eelin>! o% pa"rio"i!m and
nei>'borline!!1 Sin&e "'en do yo+ "'inH "'o!e %eelin>! 'a3e %aded a li""le !ome b+" no" a lo"
a lo" b+" no" &omple"ely or 'a3e "'o!e %eelin>! &omple"ely %aded4
#eelin>! o% pa"rio"i!m Some b+" A lo" b+" no"
%aded a li""le no" a lo" &omple"ely
Comple"ely All )Vol10
Mar1 ,--, #o2 8,7 887 .-7
,7 .97
$+n1 ,--, #o2 8/ 8< .8
. .,
Sep1 ,--, #o2 8/ 8- .-
8 .9
T'e ne2" A+e!"ion! are abo+" "'e Sep"ember .."' "errori!" a""a&H! on "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!1 A!
%ar a! yo+ &an "ell did ea&' o% "'e %ollowin> a&"+ally 'appen or no"4 )I% Ye!0 Do yo+ "'inH
"'i! will probably la!" %or a lon> w'ile %or only a %ew mon"'! or i! i" already o3er4
$an1 ,--, P+bli& A>enda:Pew C'ari"able Tr+!"!
Ye! No did no" Lon>
American Enterprise Institute compilation
'appened 'appen "ime
Some people "'o+>'" "'a" Ameri&an!
wo+ld appre&ia"e "'eir &o+n"ry more
in "'e a%"erma"' o% "'e "errori!" a""a&H!1 =<7 .,7 6/7 8=7
Some people "'o+>'" "'a" people wo+ld
be&ome more &arin> and "'o+>'"%+l
"oward one ano"'er a! a re!+l" o% "'e
"errori!" a""a&H! </ ,/ 8/ /;
Some people "'o+>'" "'a" Ameri&aN!
ele&"ed o%%i&ial! wo+ld p+" poli"i&!
a!ide and pay more a""en"ion "o w'a"
wa! >ood %or "'e &o+n"ry a! a re!+l"
o% "'e "errori!" a""a&H! 66 89 8- /6
Plea!e "ell me w'e"'er or no" yo+ 'a3e done ea&' o% "'e %ollowin> "'in>! in re!pon!e "o la!"
weeHN! e3en"!1 (a3e yo+ di!played an Ameri&an %la>4
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--. PSRA:?ewsweek <97 ,.7
Ii"'in "'e pa!" "wo weeH! 'a3e yo+ per!onally done any o% "'e %ollowin> a! a dire&"
re!+l" o% Sep"ember ..
4 (ow abo+" di!play an Ameri&an %la>4
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--.C 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday =,7 .=7
Mar1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;= 8,
Sep1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;; 8/
No"eD C B+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?A! a re!+l" o% "'e "errori!" a""a&H! "'i! pa!" T+e!day 'a3e
yo+ per!onally done or plan
"o do any o% "'e %ollowin>4 (ow abo+"1114@
In "'e pa!" weeH 'a3e yo+ made a !pe&ial e%%or" "o di!play "'e %la>4
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--. #o2 =-7 ,-7
O&"1 ,--. #o2 <9 ,-
Mar1 ,--, #o2 ;. 89
American Enterprise Institute compilation 6-
(a3e yo+ p+r&'a!ed an Ameri&an %la> in "'e la!" .- mon"'! "'a" i! !in&e Sep"ember ..
Ye! No
$+n1 ,--, #o2 667 /67
Sin&e Sep"ember ..
'a! "'ere been "oo m+&' "oo li""le or "'e ri>'" amo+n" o% !'owin> "'e
Ameri&an %la>4
Too Ri>'" Too
m+&' amo+n" li""le
O&"1 ,--. Pew =7 <87 .<7
Mar1 ,--, Pew .; ;; .;
Plea!e "ell me w'e"'er ea&' o% "'e!e i! !ome"'in> yo+ 'a3e or 'a3e no" done a! a re!+l" o%
"'e "errori!" a""a&H!111San> 5od Ble!! Ameri&a4
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--. (arri! In"era&"i3e <-7 8-7
Plea!e "ell me w'e"'er ea&' o% "'e!e i! !ome"'in> yo+ 'a3e or 'a3e no" done a! a re!+l" o%
"'e "errori!" a""a&H!111San> "'e S"ar Span>led Banner4
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--, (arri! In"era&"i3e ;87 8<7
Sin&e Sep"ember .. 'a3e yo+ been more or le!! liHely "o wear red w'i"e and bl+e4
More liHely Le!! liHely Same
O&"1 ,--. #o2 ;-7 =7 8-7
Iill yo+ per!onally be doin> any"'in> "'i! #o+r"' o% $+ly a! a remembran&e o% "'e e3en"!
o% Sep"ember ..
or no"4
Ye! No
$+n1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday 867 ;-7
T'inHin> ba&H do ea&' o% "'e %ollowin> de!&ribe or no" de!&ribe yo+r rea&"ion! in "'e
weeH! and mon"'! %ollowin> "'e Sep"ember ..
"errori!" a""a&H4 I %el" more pa"rio"i&1
Ye! No
A+>1 ,--; &ime:SRBI ;=7 8-7
Doe! "'i! de!&ribe 'ow yo+ %eel "oday %i3e year! a%"er "'e Sep"ember .."' a""a&H4 I %eel
more pa"rio"i&1
Ye! No
A+>1 ,--; &ime:SRBI ;67 887
A%"er "'e "errori!" a""a&H! on Sep"ember .. ,--. i" wa! !aid "'a" Ameri&an! be&ame more
pa"rio"i& and +ni"ed1 Do yo+ "'inH Ameri&an! are W+!" a! pa"rio"i& and +ni"ed now a! "'ey
were immedia"ely %ollowin> "'e 9:.. "errori!" a""a&H! or are "'ey more pa"rio"i& and +ni"ed
now or le!! pa"rio"i& and +ni"ed now4
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Same More Le!!
A+>1 ,-.. CBS:?@& .=7 8.7 /<7
&l'in( the &la(
Do yo+ own an Ameri&an %la>4
Ye! No
$+n1 ,--< #o2 =;7 ./7
Do yo+ di!play "'e %la> a" yo+r 'ome in yo+r o%%i&e or on yo+r &ar4
Ye! di!play "'e %la> No
A+>1 ,--, Pew <67 ,67
$+n1J$+l1 ,--8 Pew ;9 ,9
Mar1 ,--6 Pew ;/ 8;
$an1 ,--< Pew ;, 8=
Apr1 ,--9 Pew 69 /-
Mar1 ,-.- Pew 6= /,
$+n1 ,-.- Pew 69 /.
Mar1 ,-.. Pew <6 ,6
Apr1 ,-.. Pew // 6;
A+>1 ,-., PRRIC 6= /,
No"eD CP+bli& Reli>ion Re!ear&' In!"i"+"e1
Are yo+ di!playin> an Ameri&an %la> on a daily ba!i! "'e!e day!JJei"'er a" yo+r 'ome on
yo+r &ar or anyw'ere el!e or no"4
Ye! No
Mar1 ,--, ABC:Wash Post ;67 867
Sep1 ,--, ABC ;= 8,
)I% Ye!0 Did yo+ !"ar" di!playin> "'e %la> on a daily ba!i! a%"er Sep"ember ..
or were yo+
doin> i" be%ore "'en4
Be%ore A%"er
Mar1 ,--, ABC:Wash Post 8=7 ;,7
Sep1 ,--, ABC /6 66
A! re!+l" o% "'e be>innin> o% "'e war in "'e Per!ian 5+l% 'a3e yo+111di!played an Ameri&an
Ye! No
Mar1 ,--8 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday 6;7 //7
(a3e yo+ %lown an Ameri&an %la> a" any "ime d+rin> "'e pa!" year4
Ye! No
$+n1 ,--< #o2 ;=7 8,7
And a>ain "'inHin> abo+" yo+r own &omm+ni"y are "'ere a lo" !ome or 'ardly any
di!play! o% pa"rio"i!m !+&' a! %la>! b+mper !"i&Her! and !i>n!4
A lo" Some
American Enterprise Institute compilation 6,
A+>1 ,--, Pew <=7 .=7 /7
I'i&' o% "'e %ollowin> i% any do yo+ "'inH yo+ will do "'i! #o+r"' o% $+ly4 (ow abo+"
di!play an Ameri&an %la>4
Ye! No
$+n1J$+l1 ,--. 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;;7 887
$+n1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday =8 .;
May ,--; ICR ;= 8-
./AT DOES IT MEAN TO 0E A PATRIOT?! Pollsters don!t often ask people what
it means to be a patriot. round E4 percent told New YorH Time! inter(iewers in .%/3 that it was
enough to lo(e your country to be patriotic. third said you needed to 9do something.: More than
se(en in ten said ser(ing in the military was a demonstration of patriotism.
#n ugust 144/3 6reenberg <uinlan Gosner Gesearch asked how patriotic se(eral acti(ities
were. Voting C;/ percentF3 saying the Pledge of llegiance C;4 percentF3 working hard at your 5ob CE1
percentF3 (olunteering in your community CE. percentF and paying your fair share of ta+es CE. percentF
ranked at the top as (ery patriotic acti(ities. ccepting what go(ernment officials say without
7uestioning ranked last3 with only .. percent saying it was (ery patriotic.
few other pollsters ha(e e+plored obligations of citi=enship3 and their data are reproduced
Doe! !omeone a&"+ally 'a3e "o do !ome"'in> "o be pa"rio"i&JJor i! i" eno+>' "o lo3e yo+r
Do !ome"'in> Eno+>'
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& 887 ;.7
No31 .9=8 ?@& 8/ 69
(ere are !ome "'in>! "'a" people "'inH o% a! pa"rio"i&1 O"'er people "'inH "'a" pa"rio"i!m
really doe!nN" 'a3e m+&' "o do wi"' "'e!e "'in>!1 I'a" do yo+ "'inH4 I! PPPPPPP a !i>n o%
pa"rio"i!m or doe!nN" pa"rio"i!m 'a3e m+&' "o do wi"' i"4
Si>n o% No" a !i>n
pa"rio"i!m o% pa"rio"i!m
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& =87 ./7
No31 .9=8 ?@& =. .;
Ser3in> in "'e armed %or&e!
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& <,7 ,.7
No31 .9=8 ?@& ;8 8.
Doin> W+ry d+"y
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& ;<7 ,=7
No31 .9=8 ?@& ;8 8.
American Enterprise Institute compilation
$oinin> in "'e !in>in> o% "'e S"ar Span>led Banner
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& <<7 .97
Payin> "a2e! 'one!"ly
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& ;.7 887
IorHin> in "'e Pea&e Corp!
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& 667 8/7
B+yin> only Ameri&an prod+&"!
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& 6,7 /87
IorHin> in a poli"i&al &ai>n
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& /97 //7
Ie all Hnow "'a" Ameri&an! 'a3e &er"ain ri>'"! !+&' a! "'e ri>'" "o %ree !pee&' and "o a
%ree p+bli& ed+&a"ion1 Now INd liHe yo+ "o &on!ider w'a" obli>a"ion! or re!pon!ibili"ie! i%
any we 'a3e "oward! o"'er!1 #or ea&' o% "'e %ollowin> do yo+ %eel i" i! an ab!ol+"ely
e!!en"ial obli>a"ion %or +! a! Ameri&an! a 3ery impor"an" obli>a"ion or i! en"irely a ma""er
o% per!onal pre%eren&e1114
$an1JApr1 .99; 5all+p:*VA
Ab!ol+"ely Very Somew'a" Per!onal
e!!en"ial impor"an" impor"an" pre%eren&e
Trea"in> all people eA+ally re>ardle!! o%
ra&e or e"'ni& ba&H>ro+nd 6<7 887 ;7 /7
Repor"in> a &rime "'a" one 'a! wi"ne!!ed 6/ 8; < /
TaHin> a&"ion "o 'elp i% yo+ 'ear !omeone
!&reamin> or !ee "'em bein> a""a&Hed 6/ 8/ < ;
Bein> able "o !peaH and +nder!"and En>li!' 68 88 .. /
Vo"in> in ele&"ion! 68 ,9 9 9
IorHin> "o red+&e ineA+ali"y and inW+!"i&e /. /, ., ;
Bein> &i3il wi"' o"'er! wi"' w'om we
di!a>ree 86 /6 ./ ;
Keepin> %+lly in%ormed abo+" new! and
p+bli& i!!+e! 8- /, .9 .-
Dona"in> blood or or>an! "o 'elp wi"'
medi&al need! ,- 8< .= ,;
Vol+n"eerin> "ime "o &omm+ni"y !er3i&e .; /, ,; .;
Do yo+ %eel "'e %ollowin> i! a 3ery impor"an" obli>a"ion a !omew'a" impor"an" obli>a"ion
or no" an obli>a"ion "'a" a &i"iLen owe! "o "'e &o+n"ry1114
#eb1 .999 Penn:S&'oen:Berland )D0
Very Somew'a" No" an
impor"an" impor"an" obli>a"ion
Repor"in> a &rime yo+ may 'a3e wi"ne!!ed 9-7 <7 ,7
A""endin> paren" "ea&'er &on%eren&e! =9 9 ,
Vo"in> in ele&"ion! =< .- 8
Bein> able "o !peaH and +nder!"and En>li!' =6 ., 8
Ser3in> in "'e mili"ary i% dra%"ed <; .8 .-
Keepin> %+lly in%ormed abo+" new! and p+bli& i!!+e! <8 ,/ ,
Ser3in> on a W+ry i% &alled <8 ,8 8
Con"rib+"in> "o 'elp "'e le!! %or"+na"e <. ,, ;
Pro"e!"in> +nW+!" p+bli& poli&ie! ;. ,, .,
American Enterprise Institute compilation 6/
Par"i&ipa"in> in ?Town (all@ &omm+ni"y de&i!ion
maHin> mee"in>! 69 8. <
Par"i&ipa"in> in nei>'bor'ood or>aniLa"ion! 6; 8= 6
Vol+n"eerin> !ome "ime "o &omm+ni"y !er3i&e! 66 /- 8
Vol+n"eerin> %or "'e mili"ary /= 86 .;
Pa"rio"i!m mean! many "'in>! "o many people1 I am >oin> "o read a n+mber o% a&"i3i"ie!
"'a" !ome people belie3e are impor"an" par"! o% pa"rio"i!m1 #or ea&' a&"i3i"y I wo+ld liHe
yo+ "o !ay i% yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree "'a" "'e a&"i3i"y i! an ?impor"an" par" o% pa"rio"i!m1@
(ow abo+"1114
$an1 ,--, 5all+p:(arwood
Vo"in> 9<7 87
Vol+n"eerin> in "'e &omm+ni"y =9 ..
Di!playin> an Ameri&an %la> =; ./
IorHin> %or "'e &ommon >ood e3en w'en i" r+n!
&o+n"er "o oneN! immedia"e !el%Jin"ere!"! =6 .8
En>a>in> in &on3er!a"ion! wi"' o"'er people abo+"
impor"an" poli"i&al i!!+e! o+r na"ion %a&e! =/ .6
Rai!in> oneN! 3oi&e in oppo!i"ion "o pre3ailin> p+bli&
opinion in "ime! o% na"ional &ri!i! i% one belie3e!
&ore demo&ra"i& 3al+e! a" !"aHe =8 .;
Dona"in> money "o a &omm+ni"y or>aniLa"ion "'a" 'elp!
"'o!e in need =, .<
B+e!"ionin> "'e de&i!ion! o% o+r na"ionN! leader! e3en
w'en "'ey are "ryin> "o rally "'e &o+n"ry << ,.
Demon!"ra"in> on be'al% o% a &a+!e one belie3e! in
!"ron>ly e3en w'en "'e &a+!e i! +npop+lar <6 ,/
A""endin> a parade &elebra"in> Ameri&a </ ,;
Now INm >oin> "o read yo+ !ome "'in>! people do in Ameri&a1 #or ea&' one plea!e ra"e
'ow pa"rio"i& a "'in> i" i! wi"' one '+ndred meanin> "'a" "'in> i! 3ery pa"rio"i& Lero
meanin> 3ery +npa"rio"i& and %i%"y meanin> nei"'er 3ery pa"rio"i& or 3ery +npa"rio"i&1 Yo+
&an +!e any n+mber %rom Lero "o one '+ndred "'e 'i>'er "'e n+mber "'e more pa"rio"i& yo+
"'inH "'a" "'in> i!1 I% yo+ 'a3e no opinion plea!e !ay !oG
A+>1 ,--= 5reenber> B+inlan Ro!ner Re!ear&'
Very Somew'a" Ne+"ral
Somew'a" Very
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i& )6-0
+npa"rio"i& +npa"rio"i&
)<;J.--0 )6.J<60 ),;J
/90 )-J,60
Vo"in> <=7 =7 <7 ,7
Sayin> "'e Pled>e o% Alle>ian&e <- ., .. ,
IorHin> 'ard a" yo+r Wob ;, .; ., .
Vol+n"eerin> in yo+r &omm+ni"y ;. ,- .- .
Payin> yo+r %air !'are o% "a2e! ;. .8 .6 ,
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Iearin> an Ameri&an %la> pin /; .9 .= ,
Prayer /, < ,, ,
Pro"e!"in> bad >o3ernmen" de&i!ion! 8= ,, .< ;
A>reein> wi"' "'e pre!iden" in a "ime
o% war no ma""er w'a" ,, ./ ,< ;
A&&ep"in> w'a" >o3ernmen" o%%i&ial!
!ay wi"'o+" A+e!"ionin> i" .. ., ,- 9
No"eD S+r3ey &ond+&"ed o% a 'al% !ample1
I! i" po!!ible %or !omeone "o do "'e %ollowin> "'in>! and !"ill be &on!idered pa"rio"i&4
Ye! No
Re%+!e "o !er3e in a war "'a" "'ey oppo!e
$+l1 ,--9 6;7 //7
$+n1 ,-.. 69 /.
Di!obey a law "'a" "'ey "'inH i! immoral
$+l1 ,--9 ;,7 8=7
$+n1 ,-.. ;, 8=
Cri"i&iLe o+r leader! "o %orei>ner!
$+n1 ,--9 687 /<7
$+l1 ,-.. 66 /6
Re%+!e "o pay "a2e!
$+n1 ,--9 //7 6;7
$+l1 ,-.. 8; ;/
B+rn an Ameri&an %la> in pro"e!"
$+l1 ,--9 ,,7 <=7
$+n1 ,-.. ,- =-
Some people !ay "'e %ollowin> "'in>! are impor"an" %or bein> "r+ly Ameri&an1 O"'er! !ay
"'ey are no" impor"an"1 (ow impor"an" do yo+ "'inH ea&' o% "'e %ollowin> i!111"o re!pe&"
Ameri&aN! poli"i&al in!"i"+"ion! and law!1113ery impor"an" %airly impor"an" no" 3ery
impor"an" or no" impor"an" a" all4
Very #airly No" 3ery No" impor"an"
impor"an" impor"an" impor"an" a" all
#eb1 .99; NORC ;87 ,=7 67 ,7
A+>1 ,--/ NORC </ ,8 , .
No"eD ,--/ S+r3ey a!Hed o% 'al% !ample1
Do yo+ "'inH "'a" Ameri&an! !'o+ld !+ppor" "'i! &o+n"y in war"ime e3en i% "'ey belie3e "'a"
i"! a&"ion! are wron>4
Ye! No
$+n1 .9=8 ?@& <-7 ,87
No31 .9=8 ?@& <, ,.
American Enterprise Institute compilation 6;
Do yo+ "'inH !omeone &an be pa"rio"i& i% "'ey donN" !+ppor" "'e IraA war4
Ye! No
Mar1 ,--; CBS =87 .,7
Do yo+ belie3e i" i! +npa"rio"i& "o pro"e!" any a&"ion! "'e *1S1 may "aHe in re!pon!e "o "'e
"errori!" a""a&H! or no"4
No" +npa"rio"i& *npa"rio"i&
Sep1 ,--. 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday 6-7 /<7
Do yo+ "'inH "'e Ameri&an! w'o are pro"e!"in> a>ain!" "'e war are a&"in> +npa"rio"i& d+rin>
a "ime o% na"ional &ri!i! or a&"in> appropria"ely by e2pre!!in> "'eir opinion!4
E2pre!!in> A&"in>
opinion! +npa"rio"i&ally
O&"1 ,--. #o2 697 887
(ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e %ollowin> !"a"emen"!111a>ree !"ron>ly a>ree
nei"'er a>ree nor di!a>ree di!a>ree or di!a>ree !"ron>ly4 People !'o+ld !+ppor" "'eir
&o+n"ry e3en i% "'e &o+n"ry i! in "'e wron>4
!"ron>ly A>ree Nei"'er Di!a>ree
#eb1 .99; NORC ..7 ,.7 .=7 8<7
A+>1 ,--/ NORC ., ,/ ,, 8.
MILITARY SERVICE! #n the New YorH Time! poll in the section abo(e3 a
substantial ma5ority of mericans said ser(ing in the military was a sign of patriotism. &he
tables below pro(ide some idea of how many people ha(e ser(ed and are ser(ing in the
military. &he military is also one of the most positi(ely (iewed institutions in the country. #n
6allup!s 8une 14.3 sur(ey3 ;E percent had a great deal or 7uite a lot of confidence in the
military. #t was the highest ranked institution in the poll.
(a3e yo+ e3er !er3ed a! a member o% "'e armed %or&e! o% "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!4
Ye! No
De&1 .9=/ Roper 5%KJNOP .97 =.7
Are yo+ a &+rren" member or 3e"eran o% "'e *1S1 Armed #or&e!4
C+rren" Ve"eran No
May .999 #o2 ,7 ./7 =/7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
No31 ,--8 #o2 8 .; =.
Apr1 ,--/ #o2 8 ., =6
A+>1 ,--/C #o2 , ./ =/
Sep"1 ,--/C #o2 , .8 =6
No"eD C B+e!"ion a!Hed o% liHely 3o"er!1
(a3e yo+ e3er !er3ed in "'e mili"ary4 )NEP0
(a3e yo+ e3er !er3ed in "'e *S )*ni"ed S"a"e!0 mili"ary4 )CNN:ORC0
Ye! No
No31 ,--/ NEP .=7 =,7
O&"1 ,-.- CNN:ORC ./ =;
No"eD Na"ional Ele&"ion Pool )NEP0 !+r3ey o% 3o"er! lea3in> pollin> pla&e!
(a3e yo+ yo+r!el% e3er !er3ed in "'e *1S1 armed %or&e! or "'e *1S1 re!er3e!4
Ye! No
A+>1 .99- CBS:?@& ,,7 <=7
$an1 .99. CBS:?@& .= =,
$an1 .99. CBS:?@& ,. <9
#eb1 .99. CBS:?@& .9 =.
#eb1 .99. CBS ,. <9
#eb1 .99, CBS:?@& .= =,
Mar1 .99, CBS:?@& ,- =-
De&1 .99, CBS ,- =-
De&1 .99, CBS:?@& .= =,
$an1 .998 CBS:?@& ,- =-
#eb1 .998 CBS:?@& ,- =-
May .998 CBS .= =,
Sep1 .99/ CBS:?@& .9 =.
Mar1 .996 CBS:?@& .9 =.
A+>1 .99; CBS:?@& .; =/
A+>1 .99; CBS:?@& .= =,
Sep1 .99; CBS:?@& .= =,
O&"1 .99; CBS .9 =.
#eb1 .99= CBS:?@& .9 =.
#eb1 ,--- CBS:?@& .< =8
Apr1 ,--- CBS:?@& .= =,
$+l1 ,--- CBS:?@& .< =8
O&"1 ,--- CBS:?@& .= =,
Mar1 ,--. CBS:?@& .9 =-
Sep1 ,--. CBS:?@& .< =8
O&"1 ,--. CBS .; =/
Apr1 ,--8 CBS .< =8
Apr1 ,--8 CBS:?@& .6 =/
No31 ,--8 CBS .6 =6
Mar1 ,--/ CBS .< =8
A+>1 ,--/ CBS .; =/
Sep1 ,--/ CBS .; =/
Sep1 ,--/ CBS:?@& .; =/
Sep1 ,--/ CBS .9 =.
O&"1 ,--/ CBS:?@& .< =,
O&"1 ,--/ CBS .; =/
American Enterprise Institute compilation 6=
O&"1 ,--/ CBS:?@& .; =/
O&"1 ,--/ CBS:?@& .6 =6
No31 ,--/ CBS:?@& .6 =6
De&1 ,--6 CBS:?@& .; =/
O&"1 ,--= CBS .. =9
No31 ,--= CBS .8 =<
A+>1 ,-.- CBS .9 =.
No31 ,-.. CBS .; =/
$an1 ,-., CBS:?@& .6 =6
#eb1 ,-., CBS ./ =;
Do yo+ or doe! any member o% yo+r immedia"e %amily now !er3e in "'e *1S1 Armed #or&e! or in
"'e *1S1 re!er3e!4
Ye! !el% Ye! o"'er No
A+>1 .99- CBS:?@& ,7 .;7 <97
$an1 .99.K CBS:?@& 8 ,8 </
$an1 .99.K CBS:?@& , ,/ </
$an1 .99.K CBS 8 ,. <;
#eb1 .99.K CBS:?@& , ,6 </
#eb1 .99. CBS:?@& . ,< <.
#eb1 .99. CBS . ,/ <6
Mar1 .99.K CBS:?@& 8 .9 <=
#eb1 .99,C CBS:?@& NA ,. <9
Mar1 .99,C CBS:?@& NA .9 =.
Sep1 .99/C CBS:?@& NA ,. <9
O&"1 .99/C CBS:?@& NA .6 =6
$an1 .99; CBS:?@& 8 .< <9
#eb1 .99= CBS:?@& 8 .8 =8
Sep1 ,--.C CBS:?@& NA ./ =;
Sep1 ,--. CBS:?@& 8 .9 <<
O&"1 ,--. CBS 8 ,. <;
Sep1 ,--, CBS:?@& , ,9 ;9
#eb1 ,--8 CBS:?@& 8 ,- <<
Mar1 ,--8 CBS:?@& , .< =.
Apr1 ,--8 CBS , ,, <;
Apr1 ,--8K CBS:?@& , ,. <<
$+l1 ,--8 CBS:?@& , .< =-
CBS , ,- <<
CBS:?@& , .9 <=
CBS:?@& . .= =-
CBS:?@& , .= =-
CBS:?@& . .= =-
CBS:?@& . .= =-
De&1 ,--6 CBS:?@& . .; =.
May ,--;S CBS:?@& . ,; <,
$+l1 ,--; CBS:?@& , ,, <;
O&"1 ,--; CBS:?@& . ,8 <6
Apr1 ,--< CBS:?@& , ,-
May1 ,--< CBS:?@& , .9
Sep"1 ,--< CBS:?@& , ,-
May ,-.- CBS , ,.
May ,-.. CBS:?@& . ,8
American Enterprise Institute compilation
No"eD CRe!+l"! %or ?Ye! !el%@ were no" &oded1 K Re!+l"! %or ?Ye! !el%@ and ?Ye! !el% and
o"'er@ are &ombined1
S S+r3ey &on"ained an o3er!ample o% "'o!e ;6 and o3er1
(a3e yo+ or 'a! any member o% yo+r 'o+!e'old e3er !er3ed in "'e *1S1 mili"ary4
Ye! !el% Ye! o"'er
Ye! bo"' No:Nei"'er:
'o+!e'old member
$+n1 ,--6 5all+p .67 ,.7
87 ;-7
#eb1 ,--= 5all+p:'S &oday .8 .=
, ;6
Apr1 ,--=C 5all+p:'S &oday .6 .6
, ;<
Ye! !el% Ye! o"'er member
or bo"' o% 'o+!e'old
#eb1 ,-.- 5all+p:'S &oday .87 ,,7
Mar1 ,-.- 5all+p:'S &oday .8 ,-
May ,-.- 5all+p ./ ,/
$+n1 ,-.- 5all+p ./ ,.
$+l1 ,-.- 5all+p ./ ,,
A+>1 ,-.- 5all+p .8 ,<
Sep1 ,-.- 5all+p ./ ,8
No31 ,-.- 5all+p ,- ,6
#eb1 ,-.. 5all+p .< ,.
Mar1 ,-.. 5all+p .; ,.
$+l1 ,-..C 5all+p:'S &oday ./ .=
A+>1 ,-..C 5all+p:'S &oday .. ,,
O&"1 ,-.. 5all+p:'S &oday ., .<
No31 ,-.. 5all+p:'S &oday ., ,,
De&1 ,-..C 5all+p .- ,-
$an1 ,-., 5all+p .8 ,,
#eb1 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday ./ ,-
Mar1 ,-., 5all+p .8 .9
American Enterprise Institute compilation ;-
Apr1 ,-., 5all+p .8 .9
May ,-., 5all+p ., .9
$+n1 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday ./ ,-
$+l1 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday .8 ,-
A+>1 ,-., 5all+p .8 .=
Sep1 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday .8 .9
O&"1 ,-., 5all+p .8 ,.
No31 ,-., 5all+p .8 ,-
De&1 ,-., 5all+p .. ,,
$+l1 ,-.8 5all+p ./ .9
A+>1 ,-.8 5all+p .6 .=
Sep1 ,-.8 5all+p .8 ,.
O&"1 ,-.8 5all+p .6 ,-
CDemographic breakdowns3 Mar. 14.1F
Rep+bli&an .97 ,87
Demo&ra" 9 .=
Independen" ./ .<
Con!er3a"i3e .<7 ,-7
Liberal = ./
Modera"e ., ,,
.=J,9 67 .=7
8-J/9 ., ./
6-J;/ .8 ,.
;6K ,6 ,=
Colle>e pl+! .67 .<7
Some &olle>e .; ,-
(S or le!! .. ,.
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Ea!" .,7 .97
Midwe!" .- .=
So+"' .; ,,
Ie!" .8 .<
No"eD CA!Hed o% 'al% !ample1
Did yo+ !er3e in a &omba" Lone d+rin> "'e PPPPP war4
No" in
Ye! No No !er3i&e
in war"ime
De&1 .9=/ Roper 5%KJNOP <7 ;7 =;7
No"eD A!Hed o% "'o!e w'o were in !er3i&e d+rin> war"ime1
Did yo+ or did any &lo!e rela"i3e !er3e in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! Armed #or&e! d+rin> Iorld
Iar II4 )I% Ye!0 Ia! "'a" yo+ or !omeone el!e in yo+r %amily4
Ye! !el% Ye! o"'er No
No31 .99. CBS:?@& 97 687 867
$an1 .99/C CBS NA ;; 88
$+l1 .996 CBS:?@& 9 6; 8/
No"eD C?Ye!@ re!pon!e! were no" !epara"ed in"o ?Ye! !el%@ and ?Ye! o"'er1
Do yo+ 'a3e any &lo!e per!onal %riend! or %amily member! w'o are &+rren"ly !er3in> in
IraA or el!ew'ere in "'e Middle Ea!" a! par" o% *1S1 %or&e! "'ere4
Ye! No
Apr1 ,--8 ABC:Wash Post ,97 <-7
$+l1 ,--<C ABC:Wash Post // 66
No"eD C (a3e yo+ or any o% yo+r &lo!e per!onal %riend! or %amily member! !er3ed in "'e
*1S1 mili"ary in IraA !in&e "'e war be>an in Mar&' ,--84 In $an+ary and #ebr+ary ,--/
"'e Washington Post:Kai!er #amily #o+nda"ion:(ar3ard *ni"y poll &ond+&"ed a !+r3ey o%
mili"ary %amilie!1 T'e re!+l"! &an be %o+nd a" '""pD::www1wa!'in>"onpo!"1&om:wpJ
Do yo+ per!onally Hnow anyone in "'e Armed #or&e! or Na"ional 5+ard w'o 'a! been or i!
bein> !en" "o "'e Middle Ea!" %or mili"ary a&"ion in IraA4
Ye! No
No31 ,--8 #o2 /;7 6/7
A+>1 ,--/C #o2 ;. 89
No"eD C B+e!"ion a!Hed o% liHely 3o"er!
I! "'ere anyone yo+ yo+r!el% Hnow on a per!onal ba!i!JJa %amily member %riend or
a&A+ain"an&e in "'e mili"aryJJw'o 'a! !er3ed in IraA !in&e "'e war be>an in Mar&' ,--84
American Enterprise Institute compilation ;,
Ye! No
A+>1 ,--6 ABC:Wash Post ;,7 8=7
INd liHe "o >e" yo+r opinion o% !ome >ro+p! and or>aniLa"ion! in "'e new!1 I! yo+r o3erall
opinion o% "'e mili"ary 3ery %a3orable mo!"ly %a3orable mo!"ly +n%a3orable or 3ery
Very Mo!"ly Mo!"ly
%a3orable %a3orable +n%a3orable
$+n1 .9=6 Pew ,/7 687 .87 67
$+l1 .9=; Pew 8, 68 < 8
$an1 .9=< Pew .9 6/ .. 6
Apr1 .9=< Pew .< ;8 ., /
$an1 .9== Pew ,- 6< ./ 8
May .99- Pew .= 66 .6 ;
Mar1 .99. Pew ;- 8/ , ,
May .998 Pew 8, 68 = ,
$+l1 .99/ Pew 8- 6< = 8
#eb1 .99; Pew 88 /9 ., /
May .99< Pew ,8 6< .. 6
O&"1 .99< Pew ,, 6; .8 6
Sep1 .99= Pew ,9 6< < 8
$+n1 .999 Pew 8; /< .. ,
$an1 ,--. Pew 8, 6- 9 8
$+l1 ,--. Pew ,9 6, < /
Sep1 ,--. PSRA:?ewsweek 6= 8; , ,
May ,--, PSRA:?ewsweek 69 8/ 8 ,
$+n1 ,--/ Pew /= 8< < 8
Mar1 ,--6 Pew /9 8= ; 8
O&"1 ,--6 Pew // 8= = /
De&1 ,--;J
$an1 ,--< Pew /< 8< = 8
Mar1 ,--< Pew /8 8/ .. ;
$+l1 ,--< Pew /< 8. 9 ;
Apr1 ,--= Pew /9 86 =
De&1 ,-., Pew /. /, 9
Now I am >oin> "o read yo+ a li!" o% in!"i"+"ion! in Ameri&an !o&ie"y1 Plea!e "ell me 'ow
m+&' &on%iden&e yo+ yo+r!el% 'a3e in ea&' one E a >rea" deal A+i"e a lo" !ome 3ery li""le
or none a" all1 T'e mili"ary4 )NBC:WS80 )5all+p0
Now I am >oin> "o li!" !ome in!"i"+"ion! in Ameri&an !o&ie"y and INd liHe yo+ "o "ell me
'ow m+&' &on%iden&e yo+ yo+r!el% 'a3e in ea&' one E a >rea" deal A+i"e a bi" !ome 3ery
li""le or none a" all1 T'e mili"ary4 )CNBC0 )NBC:IS$0
5rea" deal: Very
A+i"e a lo" Some
$+n1 .9<6 NBC:WS8 6=7 ,67
American Enterprise Institute compilation
$an1 .9<< NBC:WS8 6< ,6
No31 .9=. NBC:WS8 6- ,9
O&"1 .9=; NBC:WS8 ;8 ,/
De&1 .9== NBC:WS8 /; 88
De&1 .99. NBC:WS8 <= .6
$an1 .99; NBC:WS8 <- ,,
May .99; NBC:WS8 ;; ,6
$+n1 .99= NBC:WS8 ;/ ,6
De&1 ,--- NBC:WS8 ;8 ,6
$an1 ,--, NBC:WS8 =6 ..
$+l1 ,--, NBC:WS8 =, ./
$+l1 ,--< NBC:WS8 ;< ,,
$an1 ,--9 NBC:WS8 ;9 ,,
De&1 ,--9CCC CNBC << .;
A+>1 ,-.-CCC NBC:WS8 <, ,.
$an1 ,-..CCC NBC:WS8 <. ,8
May ,-.,CCC NBC:WS8 <; .<
May ,-.8CCC NBC:WS8 ;< ,<
Apr1 ,-./CCC NBC:WS8 ;9 ,/
May .9<6 5all+p )AIPO0 6=7 ,67
American Enterprise Institute compilation ;/
$an1 .9<< 5all+p 6< ,6
Apr1 .9<=C 5all+p /= 8-
Apr1 .9<= 5all+p /= 8-
Apr1 .9<9 5all+p )AIPO0 6/ ,9
O&"1 .9=- 5all+p )AIPO0 68 ,=
$+l1 .9=. S 5all+p )AIPO0 68 8-
No31 .9=. 5all+p )AIPO0 6- ,9
A+>1 .9=8 5all+p 68 ,9
O&"1 .9=/ S 5all+p:?ewsweek 6= ,/
May .9=6 5all+p ;. ,=
$+l1 .9=; 5all+p ;8 ,/
$+l1 .9=< 5all+p )AIPO0 ;. ,=
Mar1 .9== S 5all+p /; 88
Sep"1 .9== 5all+p 6= 8-
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Sep"1 .9=9CC 5all+p ;8 8<
Mar1 .99- S 5all+p 6, 8,
A+>1 .99- 5all+p ;= ,,
#eb1 .99. 5all+p =6 ..
Mar1 .99. 5all+p:?ewsweek == =
O&"1 .99. 5all+p ;9 ,-
Mar1 .998 5all+p ;< ,8
Mar1 .99/ 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;/ ,;
Apr1 .99/ S 5all+p /9 8/
Apr1 .996 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;/ ,<
May .99; 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;; ,6
$+n1 .99= 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;/ ,6
$+n1 .999 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;= ,;
$+n1 ,--- 5all+p ;/ ,;
De&1 ,--- 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday <, ,-
$+n1 ,--. 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;; ,/
$+n1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday <9 .;
$+n1 ,--8 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday =, ./
May ,--/ 5all+p <6 .9
May ,--6 5all+p </ .=
$+n1 ,--; 5all+p <8 .9
$+n1 ,--< 5all+p ;9 ,.
$+n1 ,--= 5all+p <. ,-
$+n1 ,--9 5all+p =, .,
$+l1 ,-.- 5all+p <; .=
American Enterprise Institute compilation ;;
$+n1 ,-.. 5all+p <= .;
$+n1 ,-., 5all+p <6 .=
$+n1 ,-.8 5all+p <; .<
No"eD C5all+p *n&'+r&'ed Ameri&an! S+r3ey1 CC 5all+p 5i3in> and Vol+n"eerin> in "'e
*S S+r3ey1 CCC A!Hed o% a 'al% !ample1 S #or "'e!e !+r3ey! "'ere wa! no YNoneN &a"e>ory1
I" wa! no" in&l+ded1
Oppor"+ni"ie! e2i!" %or yo+n> ad+l"! "o !er3e "'eir &o+n"ry "'ro+>' mili"ary or nonJmili"ary
!er3i&e1 NonJmili"ary &i3ilian !er3i&e in&l+de! "+"orin> and men"orin> di!ad3an"a>ed yo+"'
impro3in> 'eal"' !er3i&e! b+ildin> a%%ordable 'o+!in> &leanin> parH! and !"ream! and
'elpin> &omm+ni"ie! re!pond "o di!a!"er!1 I% bo"' mili"ary and nonJmili"ary !er3i&e o%%ered
!imilar ed+&a"ional and 'eal"' bene%i"! 'ow m+&' do yo+ a>ree or di!a>ree wi"' "'e
%ollowin> !"a"emen"!4
#eb1 ,--< ABC:Wash Post
I "'inH i" i! impor"an" %or yo+n> people "o !er3e "'eir &o+n"ry
b+" "'i! !er3i&e !'o+ld be 3ol+n"ary <87 .97
Be!ide! "'e mili"ary and nonJmili"ary op"ion! men"ioned abo3e
"'ere !'o+ld be ano"'er op"ion %or yo+n> people "o !er3e
"'eir &o+n"ry ;8
I wo+ld !+ppor" a dra%" w'ere yo+n> ad+l"! &an &'oo!e be"ween
mili"ary and nonJmili"ary !er3i&e /8
I wo+ld !+ppor" a dra%" b+" only %or mili"ary !er3i&e ,/
I wo+ld !+ppor" a dra%" b+" only %or nonJmili"ary !er3i&e ./
I donN" "'inH i" i! impor"an" %or yo+n> people "o !er3e "'eir &o+n"ry ./ <<
.ILLIN1NESS TO SERVE AND 2I1/T! #n the 14.4-14.- World Values Sur(ey3
"/ percent of mericans said they would be willing to fight for their country3 down from ;4 percent
in .%%4. n pril 14.1 7uestion from Pew that uses a part of Stephen Decatur!s formulation 9my
country right or wrong: finds ". percent completely or mostly agreeing that we all should be willing
to fight for our country whether it is right or wrong. &wenty-fi(e percent mostly disagreed with the
statement and .; percent completely disagreed.
#n October and ?o(ember 144.3 when 0o+ ?ews asked whether the country should reinstate
the draft if more soldiers were needed in the war against terrorism3 about three-7uarters fa(ored the
idea. When the 7uestion was repeated in pril 144-3 -. percent appro(ed of reinstating the draft. #n
144;3 when 6allup inter(iewers asked whether the country should return to the draft3 only ./ percent
said that it should. #n a 14.. Pew update of the 7uestion3 14 percent said it should.
O% &o+r!e we all 'ope "'a" "'ere will no" be ano"'er war b+" i% i" were "o &ome "o "'a"
wo+ld yo+ be willin> "o %i>'" %or yo+r &o+n"ry4
Ye! No
$an1 .9=. 5all+p:CARA <.7 ,-7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Apr1 .9=. 5all+p ;= ,,
$+l1 .9=9 5all+p << ./
O% &o+r!e we all 'ope "'ere will no" be ano"'er war b+" i% i" were "o &ome "o "'a" wo+ld
yo+ be willin> "o %i>'" %or yo+r &o+n"ry4
Ye! No
$+n1 .99- Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey <-7 .97
Sep1 .996 Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey ;= ,-
.999J,--/ Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey ;6 ,/
,--6J,--9 Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey ;. 8;
,-.-J,-./ Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey 6= /.
,--6J,--9 Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey 6, 88
,--6J,--9 Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey 8< /=
,--6J,--9 Iorld Val+e! S+r3ey 8- 6.
I% yo+ were "wen"y year! old and o+r &o+n"ry were a" war wo+ld yo+ be willin> "o %i>'"
+nder any &ondi"ion +nder !ome b+" no" all &ondi"ion! or +nder no &ondi"ion4
Any Some No
&ondi"ion &ondi"ion!
Apr1 .99; 5all+p:*VA 8.7 /=7
#or>e""in> any i!!+e! o% a>e or 'eal"' i% i" were "o be&ome ne&e!!ary "o de%end Ameri&a
wo+ld yo+ be willin> "o %i>'" and i% need be die in "'i! war a>ain!" "errori!m4
Ye! No
$+n1 .99=C #o2 </7 .=7
O&"1 ,--. #o2 <; .6
$+n1 ,--, #o2 </ .<
Sep1 ,--, #o2 </ .;
NOTED C B+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?I% "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! were +nder a mili"ary "'rea" %rom a
%orei>n &o+n"ry wo+ld yo+ be willin> "o %i>'" and i% need be die %or yo+r &o+n"ry4
I% "'e *1S1 wen" "o war wi"' IraA wo+ld yo+ yo+r!el% 3ol+n"eer "o !er3e or en&o+ra>e an
immedia"e %amily member !+&' a! a bro"'er !i!"er !po+!e &'ild or >rand&'ild "o !er3e in
"'e armed !er3i&e!4
Ye! No
O&"1 ,--, TIPP:IBDJCSM /97 /;7
#eb1 ,--8 TIPP:IBDJCSM /. 6/
INm >oin> "o read yo+ !ome pair! o% !"a"emen"! "'a" will 'elp +! +nder!"and 'ow yo+ %eel
abo+" a n+mber o% "'in>!1 A! I read ea&' pair "ell me w'e"'er "'e %ir!" !"a"emen" or "'e
!e&ond !"a"emen" &ome! &lo!er "o yo+r own 3iew!Ee3en i% nei"'er i! e2a&"ly ri>'"111Ie
!'o+ld all be willin> "o %i>'" %or o+r &o+n"ry w'e"'er i" i! ri>'" or wron> )or0 i"N! a&&ep"able
"o re%+!e "o %i>'" in a war yo+ belie3e i! morally wron>4 Do yo+ %eel !"ron>ly abo+" "'a" or
S'o+ld be S'o+ld be A&&ep"able A&&ep"able
American Enterprise Institute compilation ;=
willin> willin> "o re%+!e "o re%+!e
)!"ron>ly0 )no" !"ron>ly0 )no"
$+l1 .99/ PSRA:Time! Mirror /87 97 .-7 867
Apr1 .996 PSRA:Time! Mirror 89 .- 9 8=
No31 .996 PSRA:Time! Mirror 8= .. .- 8=
$+l1JSep1 .999 Pew 89 = 9 8=
A+>1JSep1 ,--- Pew /. < = 8<
De&1 ,--/ Pew 89 < = 8=
#eb1JMar1 ,-.. Pew 8; 9 89
#or ea&' !"a"emen" plea!e "ell me w'e"'er yo+ &omple"ely a>ree wi"' i" mo!"ly a>ree wi"'
i" mo!"ly di!a>ree wi"' i" or &omple"ely di!a>ree wi"' i"111Ie all !'o+ld be willin> "o %i>'"
%or o+r &o+n"ry w'e"'er i" i! ri>'" or wron>4
Comple"ely Mo!"ly Mo!"ly Comple"ely
a>ree a>ree di!a>ree di!a>ree
Apr1JMay .9=< 5all+p:Time! Mirror .<7 8<7
,<7 .87
May .9== 5all+p:Time! Mirror ,8 8/
,/ ./
$an1J#eb1 .9=9 5all+p:Time! Mirror ,, 86
,8 .6
May .99- PSRA:Time! Mirror ,, 88
,/ .;
O&"1JNo31 .99. PSRA:Time! Mirror 8- 8-
,. .;
MayJ$+n1 .99, PSRA:Time! Mirror ,/ 88
,6 ./
May .998 PSRA:Time! Mirror ,. 8/
,9 .8
$+l1 .99/ PSRA:Time! Mirror ,6 ,=
,6 ,-
No31 .99< Pew ,. 8.
,; .9
Sep1JO&"1 .999 Pew ,. ,=
,= .=
A+>1 ,--, Pew ,, 8-
,< .;
A+>1 ,--8 Pew ,8 ,9
,6 .=
De&1 ,--;J
$an1 ,--< Pew ,- 8-
,; .9
Mar1 ,--= Pew ,= ,9
,. .;
O&"1 ,--= Pew ,9 86
.9 .,
Apr1 ,--9 Pew ,/ ,9
,6 .;
Apr1 ,-., Pew ,< ,/
,6 .<
No"eD Si2"y per&en" o% "'o!e in 3e"eran 'o+!e'old! a>reed w'ile /= per&en" in nonJ3e"eran
'o+!e'old! a>reed in ,--<1
American Enterprise Institute compilation
People %eel di%%eren"ly abo+" 'ow %ar a >o3ernmen" !'o+ld >o1 (ere i! a li!" o% "'in>! w'i&'
!ome people belie3e in and !ome donN"1 Le"N! "aHe "'em one a" a "ime1 Do yo+ "'inH "'e
>o3ernmen" !'o+ld or !'o+ld no"111maHe e3ery ad+l" male !pend a" lea!" "wo year! in "'e
S'o+ld S'o+ld no"
Mar1 .989 Roper .=7 <;7
Do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld &on"in+e "o dra%" yo+n> men %or "'e Army or !'o+ld we rely on
3ol+n"eer! %or o&&+pa"ion %or&e!4
Dra%" Vol+n"eer
A+>1 .9/6 5all+p /87 /<7
T'e Sele&"i3e Ser3i&e Law end! in May1 Do yo+ "'inH Con>re!! !'o+ld or !'o+ld no" 3o"e
"o &on"in+e "'e Dra%" Law %or ano"'er year4
S'o+ld S'o+ld no"
Apr1JMay .9/; 5all+p ;87 ,97
Do yo+ "'inH Con>re!! !'o+ld pa!! a law "'a" wo+ld permi" "'e >o3ernmen" "o dra%" yo+n>
men "o !er3e in "'e Armed #or&e!4
S'o+ld S'o+ld no"
Mar1 .9/= 5all+p ;87 ,87
T'e Sele&"i3e Ser3i&e Law end! in $+ne1 Do yo+ "'inH Con>re!! !'o+ld or !'o+ld no" 3o"e
"o &on"in+e "'e Dra%" Law %or ano"'er "'ree year!4
S'o+ld S'o+ld no"
$an1 .96- 5all+p 6<7 887
Do yo+ "'inH "'e "ime 'a! &ome w'en "'i! &o+n"ry !'o+ld do away wi"' "'e dra%" or no"4
Ye! No
O&"1 .96; 5all+p ..7 <67
Do yo+ "'inH "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! !'o+ld re"+rn "o "'e dra%" a" "'i! "ime or no"4
Ye! No
#eb1 .9<<C 5all+p 8;7 6/7
Mar1 .9<9C 5all+p /; /;
$+l1 .9=- 5all+p 6= 8/
$+l1 .9=. 5all+p /= /6
O&"1 .9=. ABC:Wash Post /8 6.
Sep1 .9=8 ABC:Wash Post 8= 6<
Mar1 .9=6 ABC:Wash Post ,6 <8
$+n1 .99= 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday .; =.
$an1 ,--8 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ,< ;9
O&"1 ,--8 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday .< =.
O&"1 ,--/ 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ./ =6
A+>1 ,--< 5all+p .= =-
De&1 ,--9S CBS ,- <;
$+l1 ,-..F Pew 8- ;=
American Enterprise Institute compilation <-
Sep1 ,-.. Pew ,- </
No"eD CB+e!"ion wordin> be>an ?A! yo+ may Hnow "'ere i! no lon>er a mili"ary dra%" and
"'o!e w'o !er3e in "'e
armed %or&e! are 3ol+n"eer!1 Re&en"ly 'owe3er "'e armed %or&e! 'a3e 'ad "ro+ble in
>e""in> eno+>' 3ol+n"eer! "o
mee" manpower need!111@ SB+e!"ion wordin> read ?do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld re"+rn 1 1 1@
FA!Hed o% na"ional ad+l" 3e"eran!1
Do yo+ %a3or or oppo!e "'e rein!"a"emen" o% "'e dra%" %or "'e Armed #or&e!4
#a3or Oppo!e
$an1 .9=- NBC:AP ;,7 ,97
$an1 .9=. NBC:AP ;6 ,=
$+l1 .9=. NBC:AP 69 88
De&1 .9=. NBC:AP 6, 8=
De&1 .99-C NBC:WS8 6= 8=
$an1 ,--8K NBC:WS8 89 6,
No"eD C B+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?111rein!"a"in> "'e dra%" i% "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! >oe! "o war in "'e
Per!ian 5+l%4@ K B+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?rein!"a"in> "'e dra%" i% "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! >oe! "o war
a>ain!" IraA4@
I% "'ere were a na"ional emer>en&y do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld re"+rn "o a mili"ary dra%" or
!'o+ld we &on"in+e "o rely on 3ol+n"eer!4
Dra%" Vol+n"eer!
#eb1 .9=, NORC =-7 .67
#eb1 .9=/ NORC =. .<
Do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld re"+rn "o a mili"ary dra%" a" "'i! "ime or !'o+ld we &on"in+e "o rely
on 3ol+n"eer!4
Dra%" Vol+n"eer!
#eb1 .9=8 NORC ,97 ;<7
#eb1 .9=/ NORC ,8 <8
Mar1 ,--;C NORC .6 =8
No"eD CA!Hed o% par"ial !ample1
I am >oin> "o read a %ew !"a"emen"!1 A%"er ea&' plea!e "ell me i% yo+ a>ree wi"' "'a"
!"a"emen" or di!a>ree wi"' i" or i% per'ap! yo+ 'a3e no opinion abo+" "'a" !"a"emen"111"'e
mili"ary dra%" !'o+ld be reJin!"i"+"ed4
A>ree Di!a>ree
$+l1 .9=/ ABC:Wash Post /97 /87
$+l1 .9== ABC:Wash Post 8< 66
Do yo+ %a3or a 3ol+n"eer mili"ary or do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld rein!"a"e "'e dra%"4
Vol+n"eer Dra%"
$an1 .99. 'S &oday ;97 ,-7
I% i" be&ome! &lear "'a" more !oldier! are needed in "'e war a>ain!" "errori!m wo+ld yo+
appro3e or di!appro3e o% rein!"i"+"in> "'e mili"ary dra%"4
Appro3e Di!appro3e
O&"1 ,--. #o2 <;7 .;7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
No31 ,--. #o2 </ .=
May ,--, #o2 6< 8/
$an1 ,--8 #o2 6; 8;
Apr1 ,--/ #o2 /. 6.
I% a mili"ary in3a!ion o% ano"'er &o+n"ry +!in> >ro+nd "roop! be&ome! ne&e!!ary "o p+ni!'
"'o!e re!pon!ible %or T+e!dayN! a""a&H wo+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e "'e rein!"a"emen" o% "'e
Ye! No
Sep1 ,--. (arri! In"era&"i3e:
CNN:&ime ;;7 ,=7
I% "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! %ind! i"!el% a" war and needin> many more a&"i3eJd+"y per!onnel in "'e
armed %or&e! wo+ld yo+ pre%er "'e reJe!"abli!'men" o% "'e dra%" or only 3ol+n"ary
re&r+i"men" %or "'e mili"ary4
Dra%" Vol+n"ary
O&"1 ,--, TIPP:IBDJCSM ,;7 ;97
#eb1 ,--8 TIPP:IBDJCSM ,; ;9
Do yo+ !+ppor" or oppo!e rein!"i"+"in> "'e dra%"4
S+ppor" Oppo!e
$an1 ,--8 Mo>by In"erna"ional 887 ;,7
T'ere 'a! no" been a mili"ary dra%" in "'i! &o+n"ry !in&e "'e .9<-!1 (ow wo+ld yo+ %eel
abo+" rein!"a"in> "'e dra%" and reA+irin> yo+n> men "o !er3e in "'e mili"ary a" "'i! "ime4 Do
yo+ %a3or rein!"a"in> "'e mili"ary dra%" or "'inH i" !'o+ld be &on!idered or "'inH i" !'o+ld
no" be &on!idered4
#a3or S'o+ld be S'o+ld
no" be
dra%" &on!idered
$an1 ,--8 PSRA:?ewsweek .87 8<7
Sep1 ,--/ PSRA:?ewsweek < ,=
Do yo+ %a3or or oppo!e rein!"a"in> "'e mili"ary dra%"4
#a3or Oppo!e
Apr1 ,--/ B+innipia& ,;7 ;<7
Mar1 ,--; CBS New! ,6 ;=
No31 ,-.. CBS New! ,= ;6
Do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld re"+rn "o "'e mili"ary dra%" a" "'i! "ime or no"4
Yes No
1998 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 16% 81%
2003 Early Gallup/CNN/USA Today 27 69
2003 Late Gallup/CNN/USA Today 17 81
American Enterprise Institute compilation <,
2004 Gallup 14 85
2007 Gallup 18 80
T'e *ni"ed S"a"e! 'a! no" 'ad a mili"ary dra%" !in&e "'e .9<-!1 I% more !oldier! are needed
in IraA or in o"'er pla&e! wo+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e rein!"a"in> "'e dra%" "'a" reA+ire!
yo+n> people "o !er3e in "'e mili"ary4
#a3or Oppo!e
O&"1 ,--/ SRBI:&ime 8.7 ;/7
No"eD Sample i! re>i!"ered 3o"er!1
Do yo+ %a3or or oppo!e reJin!"a"emen" o% "'e dra%"4
#a3or Oppo!e
O&"1 ,--/ Mari!" ,<7 ;=7
Io+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e in!"a"in> a mili"ary dra%"4
No" No"
S"ron>ly !o !"ron>ly !o !"ron>ly
%a3or %a3or oppo!e
$an1 ,--6 Mar"illa Comm1:
Se&+ri"y Z Pea&e In!" .67 .87 .;7
Do yo+ %a3or or oppo!e "'e rein!"a"emen" o% "'e mili"ary dra%" in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!4
S"ron>ly Somew'a"
Somew'a" S"ron>ly
appro3e oppo!e
oppo!e oppo!e
$+n1 ,--6 AP:Ip!o! ..7 .67
,87 /<7
Do yo+ "'inH i" i! 3ery liHely liHely no" 3ery liHely or no" liHely a" all "'a" "'e dra%" will be
rein!"a"ed in "'e ne2" year4
Very No" 3ery
No" a" all
liHely LiHely liHely
O&"1 ,--/ Mari!" ..7 ,.7 /-7
(ow liHely do yo+ "'inH i" i! "'a" "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! will rein!"a"e "'e mili"ary dra%" in "'e
ne2" %ew year! E 3ery liHely !omew'a" liHely no" "oo liHely or no" a" all liHely4
Very Somew'a" No" "oo
No" a"
liHely liHely liHely
all liHely
$+n1 ,--< CBS:MTV:?@& .87 ,97 897 .<7
American Enterprise Institute compilation
I% a mili"ary dra%" i! rein!"a"ed do yo+ "'inH yo+n> women !'o+ld be reA+ired "o !er3e a!
well a! yo+n> men4
Ye! No
$an1 ,--8 PSRA:?ewsweek /97 /;7
*NITED OR DIVIDED34 We ha(e found a small number of 7uestions on national unity
from the past3 starting in the Vietnam War. &hey are displayed below. #n ?o(ember 144- and
8anuary 144"3 large ma5orities of around ;4 percent said the country was more deeply di(ided than
it had been in the past se(eral years. fter President Obama!s election3 those who said the country
was more deeply di(ided declined to "; percent. #n May 14.33 -; percent said President Obama was
uniting the country3 while a similar -" percent belie(ed he was di(iding it.
8une study from the Pew Gesearch $enter e+amines political polari=ation in the merican
electorate. &he researchers argue that the 9&he o(erall share of mericans who e+press
consistently conser(ati(e or consistently liberal opinions has doubled o(er the past two
decades from .4I to 1.I. nd ideological thinking is now much more closely aligned with
partisanship than in the past.:
T'ere i! a lo" o% di!&+!!ion "oday abo+" w'e"'er Ameri&an! are di3ided or +ni"ed1 Some !ay
"'a" Ameri&an! are +ni"ed and in a>reemen" abo+" "'e mo!" impor"an" 3al+e!1 O"'er! "'inH
"'a" Ameri&an! are >rea"ly di3ided w'en i" &ome! "o "'e mo!" impor"an" 3al+e!1 I'a" i!
yo+r 3iew abo+" "'i!4
*ni"ed Di3ided
#eb1JApr1.998 NORC 8,7 ;87
I'i&' !"a"emen" &ome! &lo!er "o yo+r own 3iew!D Ameri&an! are +ni"ed and in a>reemen"
abo+" "'e mo!" impor"an" 3al+e! or Ameri&an! are >rea"ly di3ided w'en i" &ome! "o "'e
mo!" impor"an" 3al+e!4
*ni"ed Di3ided
.998C 5SS 8,7 ;87
A+>1 .99= Kai!er:Wash Post:(ar3ard 8. ;;
De&1 .99= Wash Post 8/ ;,
No31 ,--. 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday </ ,/
Sep"1 ,--, 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;9 8-
$an1 ,--/ 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday /6 68
No31 ,--/ 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday 8/ ;6
A+>1 ,-.. CNN:ORC ,< <8
No31 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday ,9 ;9
#ebJJMar1 ,-./ Pew ,; <.
No"eD CT'e .998 5eneral So&ial S+r3ey A+e!"ion a!HedD ?T'ere i! a lo" o% di!&+!!ion "oday
abo+" w'e"'er Ameri&an! are di3ided or +ni"ed1 Some !ay "'a" Ameri&an! are +ni"ed and in a>reemen"
American Enterprise Institute compilation </
abo+" "'e mo!" impor"an" 3al+e!1 O"'er! "'inH "'a" Ameri&an! are >rea"ly di3ided w'en i" &ome! "o
"'e mo!" impor"an" 3al+e!1 I'a" i! yo+r 3iew abo+" "'i!4@
CDemographic breakdowns3 geF
ug. 14..
.=J,9 8.7 ;=7
8-J/9 ,/ <;
6-J;/ ,= <.
;6K ,; </
?o(. 14.1
.=J,9 8/7 ;;7
8-J/9 ,/ <8
6-J;/ ,< <.
;6 and o3er 8, ;6
ug. 14..
LT (S >rad JJ JJ
(S >rad 8-7 ;97
Some &olle>e ,9 <.
Colle>e pl+! ,- <9
?o(. 14.1
LT (S >rad JJ JJ
(S >rad ,<7 <.7
Some &olle>e ,= <-
Colle>e >rad ,= ;9
ug. 14..
Male ,;7 <87
#emale ,= <,
?o(. 14.1
Male ,<7 <.7
#emale 8. ;<
ug. 14..
Liberal ,67 </7
Modera"e ,< <,
Con!er3a"i3e ,= <.
?o(. 14.1
Liberal 867 ;87
Modera"e 8. ;<
Con!er3a"i3e ,8 <6
CParty #DF
ug. 14..
Demo&ra" ,;7 </7
Independen" ,< <8
Rep+bli&an ,9 <.
?o(. 14.1
Demo&ra" 8;7 ;87
Independen" 8- ;<
Rep+bli&an .= =-
Io+ld yo+ !ay "'a" Ameri&a i! >rowin> "o>e"'er or >rowin> apar"4
5rowin> 5rowin>
"o>e"'er apar"
$+l1JA+>1 .99= YanHelo3i&':#ord #o+nda"ion 887 6=7
Do yo+ "'inH "'e &o+n"ry i!Eor i! no"Emore deeply di3ided "'i! year on "'e maWor i!!+e!
American Enterprise Institute compilation
%a&in> "'e &o+n"ry "'an i" 'a! been in "'e pa!" !e3eral year!4
Ye! more No no"
deeply di3ided di3ided
De&1 ,--- 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;/7 887
$an1 ,--. 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ;8 88
No31 ,--/ 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday <, ,;
$an1 ,--6 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday <- ,<
No31 ,--= 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday 6< /-
O&"1 ,--9 5all+p:'S &oday ;= ,9
I'a"N! yo+r 3iew4 Do yo+ "'inH "'e &o+n"ry i! more poli"i&ally di3ided "'e!e day! "'an in
"'e pa!" or no"4
More No" more
poli"i&ally di3ided di3ided
De&1 ,--/ Pew ;; ,;
Sep1 ,--; Pew <- ,/
$an1 ,--< Pew ;; ,=
$an1 ,--9C Pew /; /6
Mar1 ,--9C Pew ;. 8/
Sep":O&"1 ,--9 Pew ;/ 8-
De&1 ,-., Pew =- .<
No"eD $an+ary ,--9 and Mar&' ,--9 !+r3ey! were a!Hed o% 'al% !ample!1
T'inHin> abo+" "'e people yo+ Hnow are "'ey more di3ided o3er poli"i&! "'e!e day! "'an in
"'e pa!" or no"4
More No" more
di3ided di3ided
De&1 ,--/ Pew 687 /-7
$an1 ,--< Pew 6. /.
$an1 ,--9 Pew /< /<
De&1 ,-., Pew ;- 86
Do yo+ belie3e "'a" "'e &o+n"ry 'a! be&ome more +ni"ed or more di3ided in "'e pa!" %o+r
More +ni"ed More di3ided
O&"1 ,--/ &ime:SRBI /.7 /<7
Today do yo+ "'inH Ameri&an! are more di3ided o3erGpoli"i&! "'an "'ey were in "'e pa!"
le!! di3ided or are "'ey abo+" "'e !ame4
More Le!! Same
No31 ,-.- PRRI 697 67 887
CDemographic breakdowns3 geF
.=J,9 JJ JJ JJ
8-J/9 ;,7 67 ,<7
6-J;/ ;8 ; 8-
;6K ;. / 8.
LT (S >rad JJ JJ JJ
American Enterprise Institute compilation <;
(S >rad /97 97 /-7
Some &olle>e ;; 8 ,9
Colle>e pl+! ;8 / ,9
Male ;87 67 8-7
#emale 6/ ; 86
CParty #DF
Rep+bli&an 6,7 ;7 /-7
Demo&ra" ;. = 8-
Independen" ;/ / 8.
Nor"' Ea!" 687 /7 897
Midwe!" 69 < 8-
So+"' ;/ ; ,=
Ie!" 66 6 8<
I'i&' o% "'e!e !"a"emen"! &ome! &lo!er "o yo+r own 3iew111i" i! e!!en"ial "'a" Ameri&a
remain! one na"ion or par"! o% Ameri&a !'o+ld be allowed "o be&ome %+lly !epara"e na"ion!
i% "'ey &'oo!e "o4
Remain Allow "o
one na"ion be&ome
#eb1 .99; NORC =;7 67
Ie 'a3e !ome A+e!"ion! abo+" w'ere yo+ li3eD yo+r nei>'bor'ood or 3illa>e yo+r "own or
&i"y yo+r &o+n"y and !o on1 By ?nei>'bor'ood@ we mean "'e par" o% "'e "own:&i"y yo+ li3e
in1 I% yo+ li3e in a 3illa>e we "aHe "'i! a! yo+r ?nei>'bor'ood1@ (ow &lo!e do yo+ %eel "o
Ameri&a1113ery &lo!e &lo!e no" 3ery &lo!e or no" &lo!e a" all4
Very No" 3ery No"
&lo!e Clo!e &lo!e a"
.99; NORC 867 /67 .67
,--/ NORC 6. 8< 9 ,
No"eD ,--/ S+r3ey a!Hed o% a 'al% !ample1
Vietnams Effect in the U.S.
(ere are !ome !"a"emen"! w'i&' 'a3e been made abo+" "'e war in Vie"nam1 #or ea&' "ell
me i% yo+ "end "o a>ree or di!a>ree111T'e real "ra>edy o% "'e war in Vie"nam i! "'a" i" 'a!
di3ided +! 'ere a" 'ome4
Di!a>ree A>ree
American Enterprise Institute compilation
O&"1 .9;9 (arri! In"era&"i3e ,97 ;/7
Do yo+ "'inH "'i! &o+n"ry remain! deeply di3ided o3er "'e Vie"nam Iar or no"4 )I% Ye!0
Do yo+ "'inH "'o!e di3i!ion! are in "'e pro&e!! o% 'ealin> or no"4
No" Di3ided: Di3ided:
di3ided (ealin> No" 'ealin>
No" !+re
o3er Vie"nam
Mar1 .996 J.. &imes 8=7 8/7 .67
O$ama and )iisions
T'inHin> abo+" "'e %ollowin> &'ara&"eri!"i&! and A+ali"ie! plea!e !ay w'e"'er yo+ "'inH i"
applie! or doe!nO" apply "o Bara&H Obama111Iill +ni"e "'e &o+n"ry and no" di3ide i"1
Applie! Doe! no" apply No opinion
De&1 ,--= CNN:ORC <<7 ,.7 ,7
O&"1 ,--9 CNN:ORC 6. /= .
$an1 ,-.- CNN:ORC /9 6- .
May ,-.. CNN:ORC 6- /= ,
No"eD B+e!"ion wordin> &'an>ed !li>'"ly %rom ?Iill +ni"e@ "o ?Can +ni"e@ be>innin> in
So %ar do yo+ "'inH Bara&H ObamaO! pre!iden&y 'a! bro+>'" di%%eren" >ro+p! o% Ameri&an!
"o>e"'er or do yo+ "'inH i" 'a! di3ided "'em4
Bro+>'" >ro+p! "o>e"'er Di3ided "'em DonN"
Hnow:no an!wer
$an1 ,-.- CBS 6-7 8<7
De&1 ,-.. CBS 8< /= .6
In "'e ne2" %o+r year! do yo+ "'inH Bara&H Obama will do more "oJJ+ni"e "'e &o+n"ry )or
more "o0 di3ide "'e &o+n"ry4
*ni"e "'e &o+n"ry Di3ide "'e &o+n"ry DonN"
Hnow Re%+!ed
No31 ,-., 5all+p:'S &oday 667 /,7
87 .7
O3erall do yo+ "'inH Bara&H Obama 'a! done more "o +ni"e "'e &o+n"ry or 'a! done more
"o di3ide "'e &o+n"ry4
*ni"e Di3ide No
May ,-.8 ABC:Wash Post /<7 /67
American Enterprise Institute compilation <=
Now INm >oin> "o read yo+ !ome di%%eren" >oal! "'a" yo+n> people mi>'" 'a3e1 *!in> a
!&ale %rom . "o .- plea!e ra"e ea&' one in "erm! o% i"! impor"an&e "o yo+ per!onally1 I% a
par"i&+lar >oal i! ?e2"remely impor"an"@ "o yo+ pi&H a n+mber &lo!er "o .-1 I% i" 'a! a3era>e
impor"an&e pi&H a n+mber aro+nd 6 or ;1 And i% a par"i&+lar >oal i! no" really impor"an" "o
yo+ pi&H a n+mber &lo!er "o .1 Yo+ &an !ele&" any n+mber be"ween . and .- dependin> on
'ow !"ron>ly yo+ %eel1 (ere i! "'e %ir!" oneEbein> a >ood Ameri&an w'o &are! abo+" "'e
>ood o% "'e &o+n"ry4
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .6 "o ,/
.J, 8J/ 6J;
<J= 9J.-
No31 .99= Tarran&e: LaHeJSnell:NASS ,7 87 .67
8<7 /87
And +!in> "'e !ame !&ale wi"' . meanin> no" impor"an" a" all and .- bein> "'e mo!"
impor"an" "'in> in yo+r li%eE'ow impor"an" i! bein> an Ameri&an "o yo+ per!onally4
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .6 "o ,/
.J, 8J/ 6J;
<J= 9J.-
No31 .99= Tarran&e: LaHeJSnell:NASS 87 ,7 97
,67 ;,7
I'en i" &ome! "o yo+r %eelin>! abo+" bein> an Ameri&an do yo+ &on!ider yo+r!el% 3ery
pa"rio"i& !omew'a" pa"rio"i& no" 3ery pa"rio"i& or no" a" all pa"rio"i&4
Very Somew'a" No" 3ery
No" a"
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i&
O&"1 ,--. (ar3ard IOP /=7 //7 ;7
O&"1 ,--, (ar3ard IOP 88 6< =
Apr1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP /8 /9 <
O&"1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP 89 6- 9
American Enterprise Institute compilation
ATTIT*DES O2 YO*N1 PEOPLE! #n his book S+rpri!e Se&+ri"y and "'e Ameri&an
E2perien&e3 historian 8ohn Jewis 6addis relates a story about a classroom e+perience after %>...
9Would it be OH now for us to be patriotic,: a student asked the professor. 6addis replied3 9@es3 #
think it would.: lthough we don!t ha(e a(ailable to us historical data on college students! patriotism3
a near ma5ority of them C-/ percentF in a poll taken soon after %>.. described themsel(es as (ery
patriotic and another -- percent as somewhat patriotic. #n October 144/3 those responses were 33 and
-" percent3 respecti(ely.
@oung people3 like their elders3 are not enthusiastic about reinstating the draft3 although they
seem recepti(e to other forms of community and national ser(ice.
Mar1 ,--/ (ar3ard IOP 8, 66 .-
O&"1 ,--/ (ar3ard IOP 89 /9 9
O&"1 ,--= (ar3ard IOP 88 /6 .<
No"eD IOP !"and! %or In!"i"+"e o% Poli"i&!1
(ow pa"rio"i& are yo+4 Io+ld yo+ !ay111e2"remely pa"rio"i& 3ery pa"rio"i& !omew'a"
pa"rio"i& or no" e!pe&ially pa"rio"i&4
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .= "o ,9
E2"remely Very
Somew'a" No" e!pe&ially
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i&
pa"rio"i& pa"rio"i&
A+>1 ,--, Wash Post:Kai!er:(ar3ard .=7 887
8;7 ..7
$+n1 ,--6 5all+p:CNN:'S &oday ,. /.
,< .,
No"eD Amon> "'o!e in "'e 8-J/9 a>e bra&He" <. per&en" !aid "'ey were ?e2"remely@ or
?3ery@ pa"rio"i&V in "'e 6-J;/
a>e breaHdown <9 per&en" !aid "'ey were ?e2"remely@ or ?3ery@ pa"rio"i&V in "'e ;6K a>e
bra&He" <; per&en" !aid "'ey
were ?e2"remely@ or ?3ery@ pa"rio"i&1
I'i&' o% "'e %ollowin> do yo+ mo!" a>ree wi"'111Bein> a >ood &i"iLen mean! 'a3in> !ome
!pe&ial obli>a"ion! or bein> a >ood &i"iLen! !imply mean! bein> a >ood per!on4
JJJJJA!Hed o% &olle>e +nder>rad+a"e!JJJJJ
Spe&ial 5ood
obli>a"ion! per!on
Apr1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP 6,7 /;7
In yo+r opinion w'i&' o% "'e %ollowin> i! "'e mo!" impor"an" Hind o% a&"i3i"y a &i"iLen &an
en>a>e in4
$an1 ,--, CIRCLE
year old!JJJJJ
5e""in> in3ol3ed in poli"i&! and >o3ernmen"
Par"i&ipa"in> in na"ional or>aniLa"ion! "ryin> "o &'an>e o+r !o&ie"y
Vol+n"eerin> in lo&al &omm+ni"y a&"i3i"ie! "o addre!! lo&al problem!
No" !+re
No"eD CIRCLE !"and! %or Cen"er %or In%orma"ion and Re!ear&' on Ci3i& Learnin> and
En>a>emen"1 CIRCLE !"+die! yo+"' &i3i& and poli"i&al par"i&ipa"ion and prod+&e! an Ann+al
Yo+"' S+r3ey1
American Enterprise Institute compilation =-
Now I am >oin> "o read yo+ !ome "'in>! people 'a3e !+>>e!"ed "o %o&+! more on
&i"iLen!'ip and do more %or "'eir &omm+ni"y and &o+n"ry1 #or ea&' !+>>e!"ion plea!e "ell
me w'e"'er yo+ %a3or or oppo!e i"1
$an1 ,--, CIRCLE
JJJJJJ.6J,6 year
#a3or Oppo!e
ReA+irin> all >rad+a"in> 'i>' !&'ool !"+den"! "o &omple"e a
&er"ain amo+n" o% &omm+ni"y !er3i&e "o re&ei3e "'eir diploma
/87 667
In!"i"+"in> a new Hind o% dra%" "'a" >i3e! people "'e &'oi&e be"ween
&i3ilian or mili"ary !er3i&e
;. 8-
MaHin> &la!!e! on &i3i&! and >o3ernmen" a reA+iremen" %or 'i>' !&'ool
>rad+a"ion ;; 8.
O%%erin> e3ery yo+n> per!on a &'an&e "o do a %+ll year o% na"ional or &omm+ni"y
!er3i&e and earn money "oward &olle>e or ad3an&ed "rainin>
=. .<
Io+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e reA+irin> all yo+n> men:women "o >i3e one year o% !er3i&e "o
"'e na"ion ei"'er in "'e mili"ary !er3i&e! or in nonJmili"ary worH 'ere or abroad !+&' a!
worH in 'o!pi"al! or wi"' elderly people4
JJJJJJJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .8 "o .< year! oldJJJJJJJJJ
Yo+n> men Yo+n> women
%a3or %a3or
.9<< 5all+p /<7 8=7
.9=/ 5all+p ;, 6.
.9=; 5all+p ;, 6;
.9=9 5all+p /9 //
.99, 5all+p 6, /<
Io+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e reA+irin> all yo+n> Ameri&an! "o >i3e one year o% !er3i&e "o "'e
na"ion ei"'er in "'e mili"ary !er3i&e! or in nonJmili"ary worH 'ere or abroad !+&' a! worH
in 'o!pi"al! or wi"' elderly people4
JJJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .8 "o .< year! oldJJJJJJJ
,--- 5all+p 6.7
,--/C 5all+p /,
No"eD C B+e!"ion wordin> wa! ?Io+ld yo+ %a3or or oppo!e reA+irin> all men and women "o
>i3e one year o% !er3i&e
"o "'e na"ion ei"'er in "'e mili"ary or in nonJmili"ary worH !+&' a! worH in 'o!pi"al! or
wi"' elderly people4@
Do yo+ !"ron>ly !+ppor" !omew'a" !+ppor" !omew'a" oppo!e or !"ron>ly oppo!e a
na"ional law "'a" wo+ld reA+ire one year o% na"ional !er3i&e %rom all yo+n> Ameri&an! wi"'
"'e op"ion o% ei"'er mili"ary or nonJmili"ary !er3i&e4
S"ron>ly Somew'a" Somew'a"
!+ppor" !+ppor" oppo!e
Apr1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP .-7 ,.7 ,87
American Enterprise Institute compilation
Do yo+ "'inH we !'o+ld re"+rn "o "'e mili"ary dra%" a" "'i! "ime or no"4
JJJJJJA!Hed o% per!on! .8 "o .< year! o% a>eJJJJJ
.9=- 5all+p 8=7
.9=6 5all+p .6
.9=; 5all+p .,
.9== 5all+p .,
.9=9 5all+p 9
Io+ld yo+ !+ppor" or oppo!e rein!"a"in> "'e mili"ary dra%"4
S"ron>ly Somew'a" Somew'a"
!+ppor" !+ppor" oppo!e
O&"1 ,--. (ar3ard IOP =7 ,,7 ,;7
O&"1 ,--, (ar3ard IOP ; ,. ,9
(ow liHely do yo+ "'inH i" i! "'a" a dra%" will be ena&"ed be&a+!e o% "'e war in IraA4
JJJJJJJJJRe!ponden"! be"ween a>e! .=J,9
Very Somew'a" Somew'a"
No" a" all
liHely liHely +nliHely
May ,--/ Ip!o!:?ewsweek ..7 ,67 ,=7
O&"1 ,--/ Ip!o!:?ewsweek = ,; 88
Do yo+ %a3or or oppo!e rein!"a"in> "'e mili"ary dra%" in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e!4
JJJJ.<J,9 year old!JJJJ
#a3or Oppo!e
$+n1 ,--< CBS:MTV:?@& 97 =<7
No"eD Sample i! .< "o ,9 yearJold!1
I% "'e dra%" wa! rein!"a"ed and yo+ were !ele&"edEwo+ld yo+ ea>erly !er3e !er3e wi"'
re!er3a"ion or wo+ld yo+ "ry "o !eeH an al"erna"i3e4
JJJJJJJJA!Hed o% &olle>e +nder>rad+a"e!JJJJJJJ
Ea>erly Ser3e wi"' SeeH an
!er3e re!er3a"ion al"erna"i3e
O&"1 ,--. (ar3ard IOP ,97 8.7 8=7
O&"1 ,--, (ar3ard IOP ,/ 8- /8
I% ano"'er mili"ary &on%li&" !imilar "o "'e IraA !i"+a"ion ari!e! in "'e near %+"+re 'ow liHely
American Enterprise Institute compilation =,
wo+ld yo+ be "o Woin "'e *1S1 mili"ary1113ery liHely !omew'a" liHely no" 3ery liHely or no"
a" all liHely4
Very Somew'a" No" 3ery
No" a" all
liHely liHely liHely
Apr1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP /7 ..7 ,8
I% i" were de&ided "'a" more "roop! were ne&e!!ary "o &arry on "'e mili"ary &ai>n! in
IraA A%>'ani!"an and o"'er pla&e! in "'e war on "error and a dra%" were rein!"a"edEwo+ld
yo+ Woin "'e mili"ary a&&ep" "'e dra%" or a3oid "'e dra%"4
JJJJJJA!Hed o% &olle>e +nder>rad+a"e!JJJJ
$oin A&&ep"
mili"ary dra%" dra%"
O&"1 ,--8 (ar3ard IOP ..7 8=7
I% yo+ were dra%"ed in"o "'e mili"ary wo+ld yo+ !er3e4
JJJJJJJJJRe!ponden"! be"ween a>e! .=J,9 onlyJJJJJJJJJJJ
Ye! No
May ,--/ Ip!o!:New!weeH ;,7 8;7
O&"1 ,--/ Ip!o!:New!weeH ;; ,9
Many poll!"er! in "'e *ni"ed S"a"e! re>+larly !+pply +! wi"' "'eir da"a1 T'i! repor" &o+ld no" 'a3e been
done wi"'o+" "'eir a!!i!"an&e and we "'anH "'em %or i"1 T'e da"a in "'i! repor" &ome %rom "'e ar&'i3e
o% p+bli& opinion poll! a" "'e Ameri&an En"erpri!e In!"i"+"e and %rom "'e Roper 5%KJNOP Cen"erN!
ar&'i3e a" "'e *ni3er!i"y o% Conne&"i&+" in S"orr! Conne&"i&+"1 T'e Roper 5%KJNOP Cen"er i! "'e
olde!" and lar>e!" ar&'i3e o% p+bli& opinion da"a in "'e world1 To learn more abo+" "'e Roper 5%KJ
NOP Cen"er 3i!i" '""pD::roperweb1roper&en"er1+&onn1ed+
.#or &ommen"! or A+e!"ion!
&on"a&" Karlyn Bowman a" Hbowman[aei1or> or $enni%er Mar!i&o a"
Compiled by Karlyn Bowman )Senior #ellow0
$enni%er Mar!i&o )Senior Re!ear&' A!!o&ia"e0 and
American Enterprise Institute compilation
(ea"'er Sim! )Re!ear&' A!!i!"an"0
American Enterprise Institute compilation =/