This document provides guitar chords and tabs for three songs:
1. Bryan Adams - Heaven, with chords C, Am, G, F and a strumming pattern.
2. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, using chords Am, C, G, D and describing the song's lyrics and rhythm.
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball, detailing the chord progression of Bm, D, A, Em, G and lyrics over multiple verses and choruses.
This document provides guitar chords and tabs for three songs:
1. Bryan Adams - Heaven, with chords C, Am, G, F and a strumming pattern.
2. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, using chords Am, C, G, D and describing the song's lyrics and rhythm.
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball, detailing the chord progression of Bm, D, A, Em, G and lyrics over multiple verses and choruses.
This document provides guitar chords and tabs for three songs:
1. Bryan Adams - Heaven, with chords C, Am, G, F and a strumming pattern.
2. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, using chords Am, C, G, D and describing the song's lyrics and rhythm.
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball, detailing the chord progression of Bm, D, A, Em, G and lyrics over multiple verses and choruses.
This document provides guitar chords and tabs for three songs:
1. Bryan Adams - Heaven, with chords C, Am, G, F and a strumming pattern.
2. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, using chords Am, C, G, D and describing the song's lyrics and rhythm.
3. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball, detailing the chord progression of Bm, D, A, Em, G and lyrics over multiple verses and choruses.
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Lyric and Chord Guitar Bryan Adams - Heaven
>> TUESDAY, !"E#BE$ %&, '&&(
Liri), *unci +itar, Chords Gitar, *ord Gitar Bryan Adams - Heaven , Introduo: C , Am , G , F (2X) C Am G Oh, thinking about all our younger year !m Am "here #a only you and me, $b G #e #ere young and #ild and %ree C Am G &o#, nothing 'an take you a#ay %rom me !m Am (e)*e been do#n that road be%ore $b G $ut that) o*er no#, you kee+ me 'omin) ba'k %or more ,tart-o%-'horu. F G Am $aby you)re all that I #ant C F (hen you)re lying here in my arm F G Am G I)m %inding it hard to belie*e #e)re in hea*en F G Am And lo*e i all that I need C F And I %ound it here in your heart F G Am G It in)t too hard to ee #e)re in hea*en ,end-o%-'horu. C Am G Oh, on'e in your li%e you %ind omeone !m Am (ho #ill turn your #orld around $b G $ring you u+ #hen you)re %eeling do#n C Am G /eah, nothing 'ould 'hange #hat you mean to me !m Am Oh there) lot that I 'ould ay $b G $ut 0ut hold me no#, )'aue our lo*e #ill light the #ay ,': 'horu. !m 1 F I)*e been #aiting %or o long G Am For omething to arri*e G For lo*e to 'ome along C !m 1 F &o# our dream are 'oming true G C "hrough the good time and the bad G /eah, I)ll be tanding there by you 2olo: F , G , Am , C , F , G , Am , G She -i.. Be Loved- #aroon / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ta00ed 0y, Guitar1ic)ed' Emai., Guitar1ic)ed'2ao.3com Tunin+, standard 4-Ca5o %st 6ret-4 Chords Used Bm- 7'8897 A- 7&'''& D/- 7&&'97 G/- 97&&97 The reason 6or the mutes on most o6 the chords are 0ecause that:s ho; the son+ is 5.ayed3 Bm A Beauty <ueen o6 on.y ei+hteen Bm A She had some trou0.e ;ith herse.6 Bm A He ;as a.;ays there to he.5 her Bm A She a.;ays 0e.on+ed to someone Bm A = drove 6or and Bm A And ;ound u5 at your door Bm A =:ve had you so many times 0ut Bm A someho; = ;ant more D/ A = don:t mind s5endin+ everyday Bm G/ !ut on your corner in the 5ourin+ rain D/ A Loo) 6or the +ir. ;ith the 0ro)en smi.e Bm G/ As) her i6 she ;ants to stay a;hi.e D/ A And she ;i.. 0e .oved Bm G She ;i.. 0e .oved >$e5eat same rythm? Ta5 on my ;indo; )noc) on my door = ;ant to ma)e you 6ee. 0eauti6u. = )no; = tend to +et insecure =t doesn:t matter anymore =t:s not a.;ays rain0o;s and 0utter6.ies =t:s com5romise that moves us a.on+ #y heart is 6u.. and my door:s a.;ays o5en You can come anytime you ;ant = don:t mind s5endin+ everyday !ut on your corner in the 5ourin+ rain Loo) 6or the +ir. ;ith the 0ro)en smi.e As) her i6 she ;ants to stay a;hi.e And she ;i.. 0e .oved She ;i.. 0e .oved = )no; ;here you hide in your car *no; a.. o6 the thin+s that ma)e you ;ho you are = )no; that +ood0ye means nothin+ at a.. Comes 0ac) and 0e+s me to catch her every time she 6a..s --There it is, sim5.e and accurate--
$adioactive @ ima+ine dra+on AmaAin+ son+ 0y an amaAin+ 0and, $adioactive 0y =ma+ine Dra+ons Ca5o on the ' 6ret standard tunin+ ,D Chords used, Am C G D Am C G =:m ;a)in+ u5 to ash and dust D Am = ;i5e my 0ro; and = s;eat my rust C G D =:m 0reathin+ in the chemica.s Am C G D =:m 0rea)in+ in, sha5in+ u5, then chec)in+ out on the 5rison 0us Am C G This is it, the a5oca.y5se G -hoa D Am C =:m ;a)in+ u5, = 6ee. it in my 0ones G D Enou+h to ma)e my systems +ro; Am C -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e G D -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive Am C G = raise my 6.a+s, don my c.othes D Am =t:s a revo.ution, = su55ose C G -e:re 5ainted red to 6it ri+ht in G -hoa Am C G D =:m 0rea)in+ in, sha5in+ u5, then chec)in+ out on the 5rison 0us Am C G This is it, the a5oca.y5se G -hoa D Am C =:m ;a)in+ u5, = 6ee. it in my 0ones G D Enou+h to ma)e my systems +ro; Am C -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e G D -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive 4Sin+.e Strum4 Am4 C4 G4 D4 A.. systems +o, sun hasn:t died Am4 C4 G4 D4 Dee5 in my 0ones, strai+ht 6rom inside D Am C =:m ;a)in+ u5, = 6ee. it in my 0ones G D Enou+h to ma)e my systems +ro; Am C -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e G D -e.come to the ne; a+e, to the ne; a+e Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive Am C G D -hoa, ;hoa, =:m radioactive, radioactive Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball Chords Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball Guitar Chords Music Ca5o 9 B"erse %C Bm D -e c.a;ed, ;e chained our hearts in vain A Em -e Dum5ed, never as)in+ ;hy Bm D -e )issed, = 6e.. under your s5e.. A Em A .ove no one cou.d deny B1re-ChorusC G Bm DonEt you ever say = Dust ;a.)ed a;ay D A = ;i.. a.;ays ;ant you G Bm = canEt .ive a .ie, runnin+ 6or my .i6e D A = ;i.. a.;ays ;ant you BChorusC D A = came in .i)e a ;rec)in+ 0a.. Bm G = never hit so hard in .ove D A A.. = ;anted ;as to 0rea) your ;a..s Bm G A.. you ever did ;as ;rec) me Bm G Yeah, you ;rec) me B"erse 'C >same chords as a0ove? = 5ut you hi+h u5 in the s)y And no;, youEre not comin+ do;n =t s.o;.y turned, you .et me 0urn And no;, ;eEre ashes on the +round B1re-ChorusC >same chords as a0ove? DonEt you ever say = Dust ;a.)ed a;ay = ;i.. a.;ays ;ant you = canEt .ive a .ie, runnin+ 6or my .i6e = ;i.. a.;ays ;ant you BChorusC >same chords as a0ove? = came in .i)e a ;rec)in+ 0a.. = never hit so hard in .ove A.. = ;anted ;as to 0rea) your ;a..s A.. you ever did ;as ;rec) me = came in .i)e a ;rec)in+ 0a.. Yeah, = Dust c.osed my eyes and s;un+ Le6t me crouchin+ in a 0.aAe and 6a.. A.. you ever did ;as ;rec) me Yeah, you ;rec) me BBrid+eC G Bm = never meant to start a ;ar D = Dust ;anted you to .et me in FGm And instead o6 usin+ 6orce G = +uess = shou.dEve .et you in Bm = never meant to start a ;ar D = Dust ;anted you to .et me in FGm = +uess = shou.dEve .et you in G Bm DonEt you ever say = Dust ;a.)ed a;ay D A = ;i.. a.;ays ;ant you BChorusC >same as a0ove? = came in .i)e a ;rec)in+ 0a.. = never hit so hard in .ove A.. = ;anted ;as to 0rea) your ;a..s A.. you ever did ;as ;rec) me = came in .i)e a ;rec)in+ 0a.. Yeah, = Dust c.osed my eyes and s;un+ Le6t me crouchin+ in a 0.aAe and 6a.. A.. you ever did ;as ;rec) me Yeah, you ;rec) me = miss you %I' !), so this is my 6irst ta0, and its a.. 0y ear and isn:t %&&J accurate, 0ut i thin) it sounds +ood, so .on+ as your +uitar is in tune3 Great son+, 0y one o6 the a.. time +reatest 0ands, i:ve 0een ;aitin+ 6or an acoustic versioon so hear it is3 EnDoyKKK Ca5o % G D Em He..o there, the an+e. 6rom my ni+htmare the shado; in the 0ac)+round o6 C' G D Em the mour+e,the unsus5ectin+ victim o6 dar)ness in the va..ey,;e can .ive C' G .i)e Lac) and Sa..y i6 ;e ;ant, ;ere you can a.;ays 6ind me D and ;e:.. have Ha..o;een on Christmas Em C' And in the ni+ht ;e:.. ;ish this never ends, ;e:.. ;ish this never ends3 G D Em C' G D Em C' = miss you, i miss you G D Em C' -here are you, and i:m so sorry, i cannot s.ee5, i cannot dream toni+ht, i G D Em need some0ody and a.;ays, this sic) stran+e dar)ness Comes cree5in+ on C' So hauntin+ every time G And as = stared = counted D The ;e0s 6rom a.. the s5iders Em C' Catchin+ thin+s and eatin+ their insides G Li)e indecision to ca.. you D And hear your voice o6 treason Em C' -i.. you come home and sto5 this 5ain toni+ht, sto5 this 5ain toni+ht Chorus G D Don:t ;aste your time on me Em C' Your a.ready the voice inside my head G D Don:t ;aste your time on me Em C' Your a.ready the voice inside my head Demons-ima+ine dra+on htt5,MM;;;3ima+inedra+onsmusic3comM Ca5o on %st 6ret D -hen the days are co.d And the cards a.. 6o.d Bm And the saints ;e see G Are a.. made o6 +o.d D -hen your dreams a.. 6ai. And the ones ;e hai. Bm Are the ;orst o6 a.. G And the 0.oodEs run sta.e D A = ;ant to hide the truth Bm = ;ant to she.ter you G But ;ith the 0east inside ThereEs no;here ;e can hide D A o matter ;hat ;e 0reed Bm -e sti.. are made o6 +reed G This is my )in+dom come This is my )in+dom come BCH!$USC D A -hen you 6ee. my heat Bm Loo) into my eyes G =tEs ;here my demons hide =tEs ;here my demons hide D A DonEt +et too c.ose Bm =tEs dar) inside G =tEs ;here my demons hide =tEs ;here my demons hide BCH!$USC D -hen the curtainEs ca.. =s the .ast o6 a.. Bm -hen the .i+hts 6ade out G A.. the sinners cra;. D So they du+ your +rave And the mas<uerade Bm -i.. come out G At the mess you made D A DonEt ;ant to .et you do;n Bm But = am he.. 0ound G Thou+h this is a.. 6or you DonEt ;ant to hide the truth D A o matter ;hat ;e 0reed Bm -e sti.. are made o6 +reed G This is my )in+dom come This is my )in+dom come BCH!$USC D A They say it:s ;hat you ma)e Bm = say it:s u5 to 6ate G =t:s ;oven in my sou. = need to .et you +o D A Your eyes, they shine so 0ri+ht Bm = ;ant to save their .i+ht G = can:t esca5e this no; Un.ess you sho; me ho; A thousand ontributor Difficulty mAIkI92 novice $ F3 4aking my #ay do#nto#n 1 (alking %at F3 Fa'e +aed $ F3 And I)m home bound $ F3 2tarring blankly ahead 1 5ut making my #ay F3 4aking my #ay $ F3 "hrough the 'ro#d $ F3 And I need you $ F3 And I mi you $ F3 1 F3 And no# I #onder6666 F3 $ I% I 'ould %all F3 1 Into the ky F3 $ !o you think time F3 1 (ould +a me by F3 1 )Caue you kno# I)d #alk $ F3 A thouand mile I% I 'ould 1 $ F3 5ut ee you "onight $ F3 ame a in *ere 7 It) al#ay time like thee (hen I think o% you And I #onder I% you e*er "hink o% me )Caue e*erything) o #rong And I don)t belong 8i*ing in your 9re'iou memorie )Caue I need you And I mi you And no# I #onder6666 I% I 'ould %all Into the ky !o you think time (ould +a me by )Caue you kno# I)d #alk A thouand mile I% I 'ould 5ut ee you "onight F3:1 F3:1 And I, I F3 $ !on)t #ant to let you kno# F3:1 F3:1 I, I F3 $ !ro#n in your memory F3:1 F3:1 I, I F3 $ !on)t #ant to let thi go F3:1 F3:1 I, I F3 !on)t6666 *ere 7 again 4aking my #ay do#nto#n (alking %at Fa'e +aed And I)m home bound 2taring blankly ahead 5ut making my #ay 4aking my #ay "hrough the 'ro#d And I till need you And I till mi you And no# I #onder6666 I% I 'ould %all Into the ky !o you think time (ould +a u by )Caue you kno# I)d #alk A thouand mile I% I 'ould 5ut ee you666 I% I 'ould %all Into the ky !o you think time (ould +a me by )Caue you kno# I)d #alk A thouand mile I% I 'ould 5ut ee you I% I 'ould 5ut hold you "onight Air5.anes - B3o3B3 Li)e !ur Band !n Face0oo)K ,? ;;;3Face0oo)3comMS)y6erdLa)e And Chec) Us !ut !n Youtu0eK ,? ;;;3youtu0e3comMS)y6erdLa)e Don:t For+et T;itterK ,? ;;;3T;itter3comMS)y6erdLa)e Ca5o 'nd Chords - E A D G B E Em - & ' ' & & & Csus' - 7 9 / / 9 9 C - 7 9 ' & % & G - 9 ' & & 9 9 Strummin+ 1attern For The "erses N % a ' a 9 a 8 e O a N % a ' a 9 O a 8 e O a N EN-&-P-&-P-&-P-&-&-&-&-N-9-P-9-P-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-N BN-&-P-&-P-&-P-&-&-&-&-N-9-P-9-P-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-N GN-&-P-&-P-&-P-&-&-&-&-N-/-P-/-P-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-N DN-'-P-'-P-'-P-'-'-'-'-N-/-P-/-P-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-N AN-'-P-'-P-'-P-'-'-'-'-N-9-P-9-P-'-'-'-'-P-P-P-N EN-&-P-&-P-&-P-&-&-&-&-N---P---P-9-9-9-9-9-'-&-N Em Csus' G =ntro, Em EN-&---------N-------N--------N---------N--&---------N-9-'-&-N--------&-N-9---'---N BN---&-----&-N-----&-N-------%N-------&-N----&-----&-N-------N----------N---------N GN-------&---N---&---N-----&--N-&---&---N--------&---N-------N-----&----N-&-&---&-N DN-'---'-----N-'-----N---'----N---&-----N--'---'-----N-'-----N---'------N---------N AN-----------N-------N-9------N---------N------------N-------N-9--------N---------N EN-----------N-------N--------N---------N------------N-------N----------N---------N Chorus, Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? G Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C G Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? "erse %, Em = cou.d use a dream or a +enie or a ;ish Csus' G To +o 0ac) to a 5.ace much than this Em Cause a6ter a.. the 5artyin: and smashin: and crashin: Csus' G And a.. the +.itA and the and the 6ashion Em And a.. the 5andemonium and a.. the madness Csus' G There comes a time ;here you 6ade to the Em And ;hen you:re starin+ at that 5hone in your .a5 Csus' G And you ho5in+ 0ut them 5eo5.e never ca.. you 0ac) Em But that:s Dust ho; the story un6o.ds Csus' G You +et another hand soon a6ter you 6o.d Em And ;hen your 5.ans unrave. and they sayin: Csus' G -hat ;ou.d you ;ish 6or i6 you had one chance Em So air5.ane air5.ane sorry =:m .ate Csus' G =:m on my ;ay so don:t c.ose that +ate Em =6 = don:t ma)e that then =:.. s;itch my 6.i+ht Csus' G And =:.. 0e ri+ht 0ac) at it 0y the end o6 the ni+ht Chorus, Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? G Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C G Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? "erse ', Em Some0ody ta)e me 0ac) to the days Csus' G Be6ore this ;as a Do0, 0e6ore = +ot 5aid Em Be6ore it ever mattered ;hat = had in my 0an) Csus' G Yeah 0ac) ;hen = ;as tryin: to +et into the su0;ay Em And 0ac) ;hen = ;as ra55in: 6or the he.. o6 it Csus' G But no; a days ;e ra55in: to stay re.evant Em =:m +uessin that i6 ;e can ma)e some ;ishes outta air5.anes Csus' G Then may0e yo may0e =:.. +o 0ac) to the days Em Be6ore the 5o.itics that ;e ca.. the ra5 +ame Csus' G And 0ac) ;hen ain:t no0ody .istened to my miP ta5e Em And 0ac) 0e6ore = tried to cover u5 my Csus' G But this is 6or the Cada, ;hat:s u5 Bo00y $ay Em So can = +et a ;ish to end the 5o.itics Csus' G And +et 0ac) to the music that started this sh-t Em So here = stand and then a+ain = say C >Tacet? =:m ho5in: ;e can ma)e some ;ishes outta air5.anes Chorus, Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? G Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C G Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? Chorus, Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? G Em Can ;e 5retend that air5.anes, =n the ni+ht s)y C G Are .i)e shootin+ stars G Em = cou.d rea..y use a ;ish ri+ht no; C >;ish ri+ht no;, ;ish ri+ht no;? Lyric and Chord Guitar 3 Doors Down - ere !ithout "ou >> TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2009 =ntro, Am G "erse, Am A hundred days have made me o.der, G Am F G Since the .ast time that = sa; your 5retty 6ace, Am A thousand .ies have made me co.der, G Am F G And = don:t thin) = can .oo) at this the same, Am And a.. the that se5arate, G F G They disa55ear no; ;hen =:m dreamin: o6 your 6ace3 Chorus, C G =:m here ;ithout you 0a0y, Am But you:re sti.. on my .one.y mind, F G = thin) a0out you 0a0y and = dream a0out you a.. the time, C G =:m here ;ithout you 0a0y, Am But you:re sti.. ;ith me in my dreams, F G And toni+ht, it:s on.y you and me, Second verse, Am G Am F G The Dust )ee5 as the 5eo5.e .eave their ;ay to say he..o, Am G Am F G =:ve heard this .i6e is overrated, 0ut = ho5e it +ets 0etter as ;e +o, ;oah, yeah Chorus Brid+e, Am Everythin+ = *no;, C And every;here = +o, G F =t +ets hard 0ut it ;on:t ta)e a;ay my .ove, Am C And ;hen the .ast one 6a..s, G F C G Am F G -hen it:s a.. said and done, it +ets hard 0ut ;on:t ta)e, a;ay, my .ove, oh, oh, yeah3 Chorus =:m here ;ithout you 0a0y, 0ut your sti.. on my .one.y mind, = thin) a0out you 0a0y and = dream a0out you a.. the time, =:m here ;ithout you 0a0y, 0ut your sti.. ;ith me in my dreams, F G C G Am F G Am But toni+ht, it:s on.y you and me, yeah, oh yeah, oh oh oh, no3333
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