: 1. Space Oddity: = = !!" #$ " = % &' ( = !!" )"*: +,!" #$ " - &' (:
Intro: Fmaj7 Em Fmaj7 Em
C (C/G) Em C Em Ground control to Major Tom Ground control to Major Tom Am Am/G Am/F# D Take your prote n p ll! and put your "elmet on C Em C Em Ground control to Major Tom commenc n# countdo$n en# ne! on Am Am/G D %%%% C"eck #n t on and may God&! lo'e (e $ t" you C E F ! #round control to Major Tom you&'e really made t"e #rade Fm C F And t"e paper! $ant to kno$ $"o!e !" rt you $ear Fm C F )o$ t&! t me to lea'e t"e cap!ule * you dare C E F T" ! ! Major Tom to #round control I&m !tepp n# t"rou#" t"e door Fm C F And I&m *loat n# n a mo!t pecul ar $ay Fm C F And t"e !tar! look 'ery d **erent today T" !
Fmaj7 Em Fmaj7 Em For "ere am I ! tt n# n a t n can *ar a(o'e t"e $orld +( Am G F ,lanet eart" ! (lue and t"ere&! not" n# I can do -C F G A A./0 F C D E C E F T"ou#" I&m cro!! one "undred t"ou!and m le! I&m *eel n# 'ery !t ll Fm C F And I t" nk my !pace!" p kno$! $" c" $ay to #o Fm C F Tell my $ *e I lo'e "er 'ery muc" !"e kno$! G E Ground control to Major Tom G Can you "ear me Major Tom1 Am your c rcu t! dead 2epeat%%%%%%% C t"ere&! !omet" n# $ron#
+. ,it- ./ ,it-.0t 1.0 : #$ ": 2 '( ): !!" 3"4: %&!" #$ " * '( ):
Intro3 G D Em C G /4 Em n your eye! G n your ! de C
5. ,e a/e 6.i76 t. 8e 9/ie7d: : : !!" ;$" "<)=> :?@ #$ ": %&!" #$ ":
G Fall ! "ere: "ear t"e yell
(ack to !c"ool:r n# t"e (ell C (rand ne$ !"oe!:$alk n# (lue! G cl m( t"e *ence:(ook! and pen! D Cadd; G I can tell t"at $e&re #o n# to (e *r end! D Cadd; G I can tell t"at $e&re #o n# to (e *r end!
+r d#e: C G And $e don&t not ce any t me pa!! C G $e don&t not ce anyt" n# A $e ! t ! de (y ! de n e'ery cla!! C teac"er t" nk! t"at I !ound *unny D (ut !"e l ke! t"e $ay you ! n#
A: ?ai7t Bt CDacE : : !!" #$ " ;907Ey@: !!" #$ " ;) @: %&!" #$ " ;907Ey@:
F#m C# I !ee a red door and I $ant t pa nted (lack%
F#m C# )o colour! anymore I $ant t"em to turn (lack% F#m E A E I !ee t"e # rl! $alk (y dre!!ed F#m n t"e r !ummer clot"e!%
#( (...
F. SGeet H/eaI: : '"&"J !!" : !!" #$ ": %&!" '( ): !!" #$ " * '( ):
Cm G# G 5$eet dream! are made o* t" ! Cm G# G ="o am I to d !a#ree1 Cm G# G Tra'el t"e $orld and t"e !e'en !ea! Cm G# G E'ery(ody&! look n# *or !omet" n# Cm G# G 5ome o* t"em $ant to u!e you Cm G# G 5ome o* t"em $ant to #et u!ed (y you Cm G# G 5ome o* t"em $ant to a(u!e you Cm G# G 5ome o* t"em $ant to (e a(u!ed
#( (...
7. Zombie : : : : !" # :
Em C G D/F# Another head hangs lowly child is slowly taken Em C G D/F# And the violence caused such silence who are we mistaken Em C But you see it's not me, it's not my amily, G D/F# !n your head, in your head, they are ighting Em C G D/F# "ith their tanks and their #om#s in your head, in your head, the are crying$
R. Le/e S.Ie: t-e S07 : : !!" #$ ": 2 3"4: %&!" '( ): !!" '( ):
c"oru! D Gmaj7 >ere come! t"e !un% >ere come! t"e !un% E7 D H GI Dadd; And I !ay J t&! allr #"t%J 'er!e K D F ttle darl n#: D F ttle darl n#: GI A7 t&! (een a lon#: cold lonely $ nter Gmaj7 A7 t *eel! l ke year! ! nce t&! (een "ere%
GI H Dadd;
A7 H
m ddle !ect on: repeat 4C a*ter la!t repeat play: LK F 5un: C !un: G !un: "ere D A7 :H t come!% HA7 H A7!u! H A7 H A7 H
9. Creep : : : : ! :
C When you were here before E Couldn't look you in the eyes F You look like an angel Fm Your skin makes me cry C You float like a feather E In a beautiful weather F I wish I was special Fm You're so fucking special Chorus: C But I'm a creep E I'm a wierdo F What the hell am I doin' here Fm I don't belong here
11. The Man Who Sold The World : : ! ". #$!: #$!: % &!': ()!
(Em)................B..........................Em We passed upon the stair, we spoke in was and when .................. B............................G Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend .............. ..D....................... B Whi h ame as a surprise, I spoke into his e!es .....................Em.....................D I thought !ou died alone, a long long time ago
Dhorus" D..........G #h no, not me ....D$..............D We ne%er lost ontrol D...............G &ou're fa e to fa e D$ With 'he (an Who )old 'he World
,erse -" (Em)......... ..........B..........................Em I laughed and shook his hand, and made m! wa! .a k home .......................B.............................G I sear hed a foreign land, for !ears and !ears I roamed ......................D.........................B I ga/ed B ga/eless stare, we walked a million !ears ............Em...........................D I must ha%e died alone, a long long time ago Dhorus" D.............G Who knows0 1ot me ..D$...............D I ne%er lost Dontrol D..............G &ou're fa e to fa e D$ With 'he (an Who )old 'he World
Dhorus" D.............G Who knows0 1ot me ...D$...............D We ne%er lost ontrol D..............G &ou're fa e to fa e D$ With 'he (Bn Who )old 'he World
Dhorus" D.............G Who knows0 1ot me ...D$...............D We ne%er lost ontrol D..............G &ou're fa e to fa e D$ With 'he (Bn Who )old 'he World