Monokote Field App Manual - LR

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To Our Valued Customers,

We at Grace would like to welcome you to the most recent edition of the Monokote

Application Manual. The frst edition of the Application Manual was published in 1975 with
the goal of compiling, in one document, recommendations that provided for the most effcient
application of Monokote Fireproofng products. While much has changed since the frst edition,
the goal remains the same; to provide a comprehensive resource dedicated to helping our
customers succeed.
This Application Manual contains many ideas and practices that will be of value to your
business. Some ideas may appear new while others will serve as reminders that could improve
both safety and proftability. Most importantly, the information will serve as a guide for
improving the overall performance of your feld operations. We encourage you to review the
contents of the manual and adapt the information to your operations. Furthermore, we suggest
you view the manual as a reference tool that would remain on each of your job sites.
We are honored to be of service to you and the freproofng industry. We trust the information
contained in this updated edition of the Monokote Field Application Manual will be of value to
your company.
Best Regards,
Grace Construction Products
Section 1 Product Information
Data Submittal sheets






MK 10/HB

Spattercoat Type SK-3


Type RG

Z106 and Z106HY



Z146 and Z156


Type Z-3306 Thermal Barrier


MK-6/HY Extended Set

Section 2 Planning
Pre set-up Planning
Preparation and Clean Up
Heat and Ventilation
Material Storage
Section 3 Set Up
Station Set Up
Pump Station Location
Pump Station Set Up
Pump Station Requirements
Conveying Systems
Delivery Systems
Floor Hose Reduction
Delivery System Winter Procedures
Section 4 Application
Mixing Procedures
Measuring Mix Water
Nozzle set up & adjustments
Nozzle Components
Orifce Selection
Nozzle Air Pressure
Air Stem Adjustment
Hand Held Nozzles
Ridged and Rubber Nozzle Assemblies
Nozzle Swivels
Pole Gun Assemblies
Monokote, Topkrete, Retro-Guard and Zonolite are registered trademarks and Spatterkote is a trademark of Grace Construction Products,
W. R. Grace & Co. Conn., 62 Whittemore Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140. We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based
on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users consideration, investigation and verifcation but we
do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of
sale which applyu to all goods suppled by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe
any patent or copyright.
Section 4 Application (continued)
Pumping and Spraying
Pump In and Pump Out Procedures
Spraying Basics
Beam Application
Column Application
Bar Joist Application With Scrim
Bar Joist Application Without Scrim
Pole guns
High Production Pole Gun Spray Technique
Introduction to Injection
Inline Injection
Injection System Troubleshooting Guide
Deluxe Yield Kit
Yield Charts
Winter Procedures
Fire Bond Application
Spatterkote Application
Section 5 Equipment
Equipment Safety
Pumps and Mixers
Super Pumps
High Production Pumps
Patch Pumps
Continuous Mixers
Conventional Batch Mixers
Injection Units
Injection Pumps
Scaffolding Recommendations
Water Meter systems
Timers/Temp gauges
Section 6 Miscellaneous
Testing and Inspection
ASTM Technical Manual 12A Third Edition
Frequently Asked Questions
Filling Flutes
Misc. Steel Application
Hand Patching
1/2 Flange Tip Application
Painted deck
Steel Columns at Walls
Dissimilar Materials
Introduction to Estimating
Color Coded Drawings
Monokote, Topkrete, Retro-Guard and Zonolite are registered trademarks and Spatterkote is a trademark of Grace Construction Products,
W. R. Grace & Co. Conn., 62 Whittemore Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140. We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based
on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users consideration, investigation and verifcation but we
do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of
sale which applyu to all goods suppled by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe
any patent or copyright.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 1
Grace Fireproofing Products


, MK-6/HY

and MK-6s
Product data and application instructions
Product Description



and MK-6s are single

component, spray applied, mill-mixed fire resistive
plasters. MK-6/HY and MK-6s have approval for use
on structural steel members and fluted decking to
provide up to four hours of fire protection, and on
flat plate cellular decking for up to three hours with

Note: Monokote MK-6/HY and MK-6s afford the
same level of the fire protection at identical protec-
tion thicknesses. By simply specifying Monokote
MK-6, the fireproofing subcontractor can select the
product that will provide the most efficient fire
protection for the specific project conditions.
Features & Benefits
Monokote cementitious fireproofing offers many
significant advantages to the architect, owner, appli-
cator and building occupant. These include:
Proven in-place performance
Low in-place cost
Fast, efficient application
UL fire tested and factory inspected
Building Code compliant
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper UL labels for fire hazard and fire resistance
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
Packages of material shall be kept off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use shall be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Monokote MK-6, an
inspection shall be made to determine that all steel
surfaces are acceptable to receive fireproofing. The
steel shall be free of oil, grease, rolling compounds
or lubricants, loose mill scale, excess rust,
noncompatible primer, lock down agent or any
other substance that will impair proper adhesion.
Where necessary, the cleaning of steel surfaces to
receive fireproofing shall be the responsibility of
the general contractor.
b. The project architect shall determine if the
painted/primed structural steel to receive fireproof-
ing has been tested in accordance with ASTM
E119, to provide the required fire resistance rating.
c. Many Fire Resistance Designs allow the use of
painted metal floor or roof-deck in place of galva-
nized decking. Painted decking must be UL listed
in the specific fire resistance designs and must
carry the UL classification marking. Consult your
local Grace sales representative for details.
d. Prior to application of Monokote MK-6, a bonding
agent, approved by the fireproofing manufacturer,
shall be applied to all concrete substrates to
receive MK-6.
e. Fireproofing to the underside of roof deck assem-
blies shall be done only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
f. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to comple-
tion of concrete work on steel decking.
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specification Typical Values Test Method
Dry density, minimum average 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength 200 psf (9.6 KPa) 339 psf (16.2 KPa) ASTM E736
Compression, 10% deformation 1,200 psf (51 KPa) 1,483 psf (71.0 KPa) ASTM E761
Air erosion Max 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) ASTM E859
High velocity air erosion No continued erosion after 4 hours No continued erosion after 4 hours ASTM E859
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E937
Bond impact No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E760
Deflection No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E759
Resistance to mold growth No growth after 28 days No growth after 28 days ASTM G21
Surface burning characteristics Flame spread = 0 Flame spread = 0 ASTM E84
Smoke developed = 0 Smoke developed = 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m
total, Less than 5 MJ/m
total, ASTM E1354
20 kw/m
peak heat release 20 kw/m
peak heat release
Impact penetration Max 6 cm
abraded 3.9 cm
City of San Francisco
Abrasion resistance Max 15 cm
abraded 8.3 cm
City of San Francisco

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 2
g. Other trades shall not install ducts, piping, equip-
ment, or other suspended items until the
fireproofing is completed and inspected.
h. Other trades shall install clips, hangers, support
sleeves, and other attachments that penetrate the
fireproofing, prior to application of the fireproofing.
a. Monokote Fireproofing shall be mixed by machine
in a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a continu-
ous mixer specifically modified for cementitious
fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept clean and
free of all previously mixed material. The mixer
speed in a conventional mixer shall be adjusted to
the lowest speed which gives adequate blending of
the material and a mixer density of 4045 pcf
(640720 kg/m
) of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, all water shall be first added to the
mixer as the blades turn. Mixing shall continue
until the mix is lump-free, with a creamy texture.
All material is to be thoroughly wet. Target density
of 43 1 pcf (688 16 kg/m
) is most desirable.
Overmixing Monokote will reduce pumping rate.
a. Application of Monokote Fireproofing can be
made in the following sequence:
1. For thicknesses of approximately
2 in. (13 mm)
or less, apply in one pass.
2. For thicknesses of
8 in. (16 mm) or greater, apply
subsequent passes after the first coat has set.
b. Spatterkote SK-3 shall be applied to all cellular
steel floor units with flat plate on the bottom and
to roof decking where required prior to application
of Monokote. Spatterkote shall be applied in
accordance with manufacturers application
c. Monokote Fireproofing material shall not be used
if it contains partially set, frozen or caked material.
d. The minimum average density shall be that
required by the manufacturer, listed in the UL Fire
Resistance Directory for each rating indicated,
ICBO Evaluation Report, as required by the
authority having jurisdiction, or minimum average
15 lbs/ft
(240 kg/m
), whichever is greater.
e. Monokote shall be mixed with water at the job site.
f. Monokote Accelerator is to be used with
Monokote Fireproofing* to enhance set character-
istics and product yield. The Monokote
Accelerator is injected into the Monokote Fire-
proofing at the spray gun. Monokote Accelerator
shall be mixed and used according to manufactur-
ers recommendations.
g. Monokote is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/pump units. Aspray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(38 KPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance. NOTE: If freshly sprayed
Monokote does not adhere properly, it is probably
due to a too wet mix, poor thickness control, or an
improperly cleaned substrate.
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum
of 24 hours after application of Monokote.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation
and ventilation must be provided to achieve a
minimum total fresh air exchange rate of 4 times
per hour until the material is substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605, Standard Test Method for Thickness
and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material
Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Build-
ing Code Standard No. 7-6 Thickness and Density
Determination for Spray Applied Fireproofing.
b. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
randomly sample and verify the bond strength of
the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions
of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to
all parties at the completion of pre-designated
areas which shall have been determined at a pre-
job conference.
a. Monokote is slippery when wet. The general
contractor and applicator shall be responsible for
posting appropriate cautionary SLIPPERYWHEN
WET signs. Signs should be posted in all areas in
contact with wet fireproofing material. Anti-slip
surfaces should be used on all working surfaces.
b. Material Safety Data Sheets for Monokote
MK-6/HY and MK-6s are available on our web
site at or by calling
* Use of accelerator with MK-6s will provide rapid set but will not
result in yield increase.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote, MK-6, HY and Spatterkote are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2010. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-515G Printed in U.S.A. 06/10 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 3
Grace Fireproofing Products


Product data and application instructions
Product Description


GF is single component, spray

applied, mill-mixed fire resistive plasters. MK-6 GF
has approval for use on structural steel members and
fluted decking to provide up to four hours of fire
protection, and on flat plate cellular decking for up
to three hours with Spatterkote

Features & Benefits
Monokote cementitious fireproofing offers many
significant advantages to the architect, owner, appli-
cator and building occupant. These include:
Proven in-place performance
Low in-place cost
Fast, efficient application
UL fire tested and factory inspected
Building Code compliant
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper UL labels for fire hazard and fire resistance
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
Packages of material shall be kept off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use shall be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Monokote MK-6 GF, an
inspection shall be made to determine that all steel
surfaces are acceptable to receive fireproofing. The
steel shall be free of oil, grease, rolling compounds
or lubricants, loose mill scale, excess rust,
noncompatible primer, lock down agent or any
other substance that will impair proper adhesion.
Where necessary, the cleaning of steel surfaces to
receive fireproofing shall be the responsibility of
the general contractor.
b. The project architect shall determine if the
painted/primed structural steel to receive fireproof-
ing has been tested in accordance with ASTM
E119, to provide the required fire resistance rating.
c. Many Fire Resistance Designs allow the use of
painted metal floor or roof-deck in place of galva-
nized decking. Painted decking must be UL listed
in the specific fire resistance designs and must
carry the UL classification marking. Consult your
local Grace sales representative for details.
d. Prior to application of Monokote MK-6 GF, a
bonding agent, approved by the fireproofing manu-
facturer, shall be applied to all concrete substrates
to receive MK-6 GF.
e. Fireproofing to the underside of roof deck assem-
blies shall be done only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
f. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to comple-
tion of concrete work on steel decking.
g. Other trades shall not install ducts, piping,
equipment, or other suspended items until the
fireproofing is completed and inspected.
h. Other trades shall install clips, hangers, support
sleeves, and other attachments that penetrate the
fireproofing, prior to application of the fireproofing.
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specification Typical Values Test Method
Dry density, minimum average 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength 200 psf (9.6 KPa) 339 psf (16.2 KPa) ASTM E736
Compression, 10% deformation 1,200 psf (51 KPa) 1,483 psf (71.0 KPa) ASTM E761
Air erosion Max 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) ASTM E859
High velocity air erosion No continued erosion after 4 hours No continued erosion after 4 hours ASTM E859
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E937
Bond impact No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E760
Deflection No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E759
Resistance to mold growth No growth after 28 days No growth after 28 days ASTM G21
Surface burning characteristics Flame spread = 0 Flame spread = 0 ASTM E84
Smoke developed = 0 Smoke developed = 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m
total, Less than 5 MJ/m
total, ASTM E1354
20 kw/m
peak heat release 20 kw/m
peak heat release
Impact penetration Max 6 cm
abraded 3.9 cm
City of San Francisco
Abrasion resistance Max 15 cm
abraded 8.3 cm
City of San Francisco

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 4
a. Monokote Fireproofing shall be mixed by machine
in a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a continu-
ous mixer specifically modified for cementitious
fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept clean and
free of all previously mixed material. The mixer
speed in a conventional mixer shall be adjusted to
the lowest speed which gives adequate blending of
the material and a mixer density of 4045 pcf
(640720 kg/m
) of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, all water shall be first added to the
mixer as the blades turn. Mixing shall continue
until the mix is lump-free, with a creamy texture.
All material is to be thoroughly wet. Target density
of 43 1 pcf (688 16 kg/m
) is most desirable.
Overmixing Monokote will reduce pumping rate.
a. Application of Monokote Fireproofing can be
made in the following sequence:
1. For thicknesses of approximately
2 in. (13 mm)
or less, apply in one pass.
2. For thicknesses of
8 in. (16 mm) or greater, apply
subsequent passes after the first coat has set.
b. Spatterkote SK-3 shall be applied to all cellular
steel floor units with flat plate on the bottom and
to roof decking where required prior to application
of Monokote. Spatterkote shall be applied in
accordance with manufacturers application
c. Monokote Fireproofing material shall not be used
if it contains partially set, frozen or caked material.
d. The minimum average density shall be that
required by the manufacturer, listed in the UL Fire
Resistance Directory for each rating indicated,
ICBO Evaluation Report, as required by the
authority having jurisdiction, or minimum average
15 lbs/ft
(240 kg/m
), whichever is greater.
e. Monokote shall be mixed with water at the job site.
f. Monokote Accelerator is to be used with
Monokote Fireproofing* to enhance set character-
istics and product yield. The Monokote
Accelerator is injected into the Monokote Fire-
proofing at the spray gun. Monokote Accelerator
shall be mixed and used according to manufactur-
ers recommendations.
g. Monokote is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/pump units. Aspray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(38 KPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance. NOTE: If freshly sprayed
Monokote does not adhere properly, it is probably
due to a too wet mix, poor thickness control, or an
improperly cleaned substrate.
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum
of 24 hours after application of Monokote.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation
and ventilation must be provided to achieve a
minimum total fresh air exchange rate of 4 times
per hour until the material is substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605, Standard Test Method for Thickness
and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material
Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Build-
ing Code Standard No. 7-6 Thickness and Density
Determination for Spray Applied Fireproofing.
b. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
randomly sample and verify the bond strength of
the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions
of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to
all parties at the completion of pre-designated
areas which shall have been determined at a pre-
job conference.
a. Monokote is slippery when wet. The general
contractor and applicator shall be responsible for
posting appropriate cautionary SLIPPERYWHEN
WET signs. Signs should be posted in all areas in
contact with wet fireproofing material. Anti-slip
surfaces should be used on all working surfaces.
b. Material Safety Data Sheets for Monokote
MK-6 GF is available on our web site at or by calling
* Use of accelerator with MK-6 GF will provide rapid set but
will not result in yield increase.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote, MK-6 and Spatterkote are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2011. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-515I Printed in U.S.A. 01/11 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 5
Grace Fireproofing Products

Product data and application instructions
Product Description

MK-10 HB is single component, spray

applied, mill-mixed fire resistive plasters. MK-10
HB has approval for use on structural steel members
and fluted decking to provide up to four hours of fire
protection, and on flat plate cellular decking for up to
three hours with Spatterkote

It has been designed to obtain bond strengths in
excess of 430 psf making it an attractive material
for meeting the 2006 IBC building requirements for
bond strength for buildings in excess of 75 tall but
less than 420 feet tall. The capability of meeting the
bond strength requirements with a high yielding
spray applied fire resistant material makes Monokote
MK-10 HB a cost effective option.
Features & Benefits
Monokote cementitious fireproofing offers many
significant advantages to the architect, owner,
applicator and building occupant. These include:
Proven in-place performance
Low in-place cost
Fast, efficient application
UL fire tested and factory inspected
Building Code compliant
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper UL labels for fire hazard and fire resistance
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
Packages of material shall be kept off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use shall be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Monokote MK-10 HB,
an inspection shall be made to determine that all
steel surfaces are acceptable to receive fireproof-
ing. The steel shall be free of oil, grease, rolling
compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale, excess
rust, noncompatible primer, lock down agent or
any other substance that will impair proper adhe-
sion. Where necessary, the cleaning of steel
surfaces to receive fireproofing shall be the
responsibility of the general contractor.
b. The project architect shall determine if the
painted/primed structural steel to receive fireproof-
ing has been tested in accordance with ASTM
E119, to provide the required fire resistance rating.
c. Many Fire Resistance Designs allow the use of
painted metal floor or roof-deck in place of galva-
nized decking. Painted decking must be UL listed
in the specific fire resistance designs and must
carry the UL classification marking. Consult your
local Grace sales representative for details.
d. Prior to application of Monokote MK-10 HB, a
bonding agent, approved by the fireproofing manu-
facturer, shall be applied to all concrete substrates
to receive MK-10 HB.
e. Fireproofing to the underside of roof deck assem-
blies shall be done only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specification Laboratory Test* Values Test Method
Dry density, minimum average 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength 600 psf (28.7 KPa) 1,337 psf (63.9 KPa) ASTM E736
Compression, 10% deformation 4,500 psf (215 KPa) 5,601 psf (267.7 KPa) ASTM E761
Air erosion Max 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) ASTM E859
High velocity air erosion No continued erosion after 4 hours No continued erosion after 4 hours ASTM E859
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E937
Bond impact No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E760
Deflection No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E759
Resistance to mold growth No growth after 28 days No growth after 28 days ASTM G21
Surface burning characteristics Flame spread = 0 Flame spread = 0 ASTM E84
Smoke developed = 0 Smoke developed = 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m
total, Less than 5 MJ/m
total, ASTM E1354
20 kw/m
peak heat release 20 kw/m
peak heat release
*Actual laboratory tested values meet or exceed Graces recommended value. Test reports are available on request from your Grace sales representative.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 6
f. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to comple-
tion of concrete work on steel decking.
g. Other trades shall not install ducts, piping,
equipment, or other suspended items until the
fireproofing is completed and inspected.
h. Other trades shall install clips, hangers, support
sleeves, and other attachments that penetrate the
fireproofing, prior to application of the fireproofing.
a. Monokote Fireproofing shall be mixed by machine
in a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a continu-
ous mixer specifically modified for cementitious
fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept clean and
free of all previously mixed material. The mixer
speed in a conventional mixer shall be adjusted to
the lowest speed which gives adequate blending of
the material and a mixer density of 4045 pcf
(640720 kg/m
) of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, all water shall be first added to the
mixer as the blades turn. Mixing shall continue
until the mix is lump-free, with a creamy texture.
All material is to be thoroughly wet. Target density
of 43 1 pcf (688 16 kg/m
) is most desirable.
Overmixing Monokote will reduce pumping rate.
a. Application of Monokote Fireproofing can be
made in the following sequence:
1. For thicknesses of approximately
2 in. (13 mm)
or less, apply in one pass.
2. For thicknesses of
8 in. (16 mm) or greater, apply
subsequent passes after the first coat has set.
b. Spatterkote SK-3 shall be applied to all cellular
steel floor units with flat plate on the bottom and
to roof decking where required prior to application
of Monokote. Spatterkote shall be applied in
accordance with manufacturers application
c. Monokote Fireproofing material shall not be used
if it contains partially set, frozen or caked material.
d. The minimum average density shall be that
required by the manufacturer, listed in the UL Fire
Resistance Directory for each rating indicated,
ICBO Evaluation Report, as required by the
authority having jurisdiction, or minimum average
15 lbs/ft
(240 kg/m
), whichever is greater.
e. Monokote shall be mixed with water at the job site.
f. Monokote Accelerator is to be used with Monokote
Fireproofing to enhance set characteristics and
product yield. The Monokote Accelerator is
injected into the Monokote Fireproofing at the
spray gun. Monokote Accelerator shall be mixed
and used according to manufacturers recommenda-
g. Monokote is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/pump units. A spray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(38 KPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance. NOTE: If freshly sprayed
Monokote does not adhere properly, it is probably
due to a too wet mix, poor thickness control, or an
improperly cleaned substrate.
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum
of 24 hours after application of Monokote.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation
and ventilation must be provided to achieve a
minimum total fresh air exchange rate of 4 times
per hour until the material is substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605, Standard Test Method for Thickness
and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material
Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Build-
ing Code Standard No. 7-6 Thickness and Density
Determination for Spray Applied Fireproofing.
b. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
randomly sample and verify the bond strength of
the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions
of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to
all parties at the completion of pre-designated
areas which shall have been determined at a pre-
job conference.
a. Monokote is slippery when wet. The general
contractor and applicator shall be responsible for
posting appropriate cautionary SLIPPERY WHEN
WET signs. Signs should be posted in all areas in
contact with wet fireproofing material. Anti-slip
surfaces should be used on all working surfaces.
b. Material Safety Data Sheets for Monokote
MK-10 HB is available on our web site at or by calling 866-
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote, and Spatterkote are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for
the users consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements,
recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement,
recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright.
W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2012 . W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-660 Printed in U.S.A. 07/12 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 7
Grace Fireproofing Products


Product Information


SK-3 is a mill-mixed
Portland cement based cementitious spray applied
fireproofing accessory product. It is designed to
be used with Monokote MK-6

, Z-106/G and

RG Replacement Fireproofing on
cellular steel decking with flat plate on the bottom
and some roof-ceiling designs. Cement based
Spatterkote bonds tenaciously to flexible
galvanized flat plate steel surfaces used in many
of todays most advanced structural steel deck
designs. When used in conjunction with Monokote
MK-6, Z-106/G and/or Retro-Guard Fireproofing,
Spatterkote provides the most reliable fireproofing
systems available to the spray fireproofing industry.
Spatterkote SK-3 shall be applied to all cellular
steel floor units with flat plate on the bottom before
the application of Monokote MK-6, Z106/G or
Retro-Guard Replacement Fireproofing. Spatterkote
is also required in some roof-ceiling and concrete
floor-ceiling designs and is optional on other steel
surfaces. The thickness of Spatterkote is included
in the total final fireproofing thickness.
a. Material shall be Spatterkote, Underwriters
Laboratories designation Type SK-3, as
manufactured by Grace Construction Products,
W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. or its processing
b. Mixing water shall be clean, fresh and suitable
for domestic consumption and free from such
amounts of minerals or organic substances as
would affect the set of the fireproofing.
c. Retarder material shall be Red Top Plaster
Retarder as manufactured by United States
Gypsum or approved equal.
Application procedure shall conform to the mate-
rial manufacturers application instructions.
Spatterkote shall be spray applied at the approxi-
mate rate of 1 lb/20 ft
(1 kg/4.9 m
) [nominal
960 ft
/46 lbs (100 m
/21 kg) bag]. Spatterkote
should be sprayed as its name suggests. After
application, the deck areas should look lightly
textured and when viewed directly from below,
1030% of the galvanized surface should remain
exposed. Acontinuous coverage with no deck
showing through is NOT acceptable.
Surface Preparation
All surfaces to receive Spatterkote shall be free of
oil, grease, paints/primers, loose mill scale, dirt or
other foreign substances which may impair proper
adhesion of the fireproofing to the substrate.
Spatterkote is not intended for application over
alkali sensitive primers.
Job Set-Up, Equipment &
Spray Instructions
Spatterkote can be pumped through the main
system directly from the main pump to a smaller
pump on the floor or can be applied using a separate
mixer/pump set up on the floor. The use of only a
main system is considered most cost effective.
For simplest application, start with Spatterkote
first thing in the morning before application of
Monokote has begun. Pumping will begin with
Spatterkote and be immediately followed with
retarded Monokote (see caution for sandwich
Monokote-Spatterkote-Monokote alternate).
Predetermine the number of bags of Spatterkote
needed to spray the entire floor and place near the
mixer. UL requires a minimum waiting period of
30 minutes after Spatterkote application before
overspraying with Monokote or Retro-Guard. A
single floor or several floors may be sprayed with
Spatterkote at one time.
Job Set-Up
Set-up detailed below is based on pumping
through the main Monokote system to an FM-9
(2L4 Rotor Stator) pump on the floor.
Alarge plaster pump, TM-30, A-3.75 or other
(presently being used for Monokote application) is
used to pump Spatterkote through main system to
the hopper of a small pump (FM-9 or other 2L4
Rotor Stator Pump) placed on spray floor. FM-9 is
fitted with 100 ft (30.5 m) max of 1
4 in. (31 mm)

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 8
plaster hose with 6 ft (1.8 m) pole gun. Pole gun to
be 1 or 1
4 in. by 5 ft (25 or 31 mm by 1.5 m)
aluminum pipe with hose swivel and nozzle fitted
8 in. (10 mm) tough boy orifice. The
8 in.
(10 mm) tough boy orifice is essential to obtain
best pattern and throw to the steel surface, FM-9
to be fitted with front wheel to increase floor
mobility. Monokote floor (main system) hose to be
fitted with 2 in. (50 mm) KamLoc Brass (quick fit)
fitting at the 2 in. x 1
2 in. (50 mm x 38 mm)
reducer. 2 in. (50 mm) hose to be disconnected
and placed near hopper of FM-9. Large pump
must be able to be shut off from spray floor, 10 gal
(38 L) of water should be brought to the spray
floor to allow for cleanout of the floor pump.
Mixing Procedures
Spatterkote is formulated to be mixed with water
in a mechanical plaster mixer to form a cohesive,
uniform slurry of 4455 lb/ft
(700880 kg/m
Water nominal 8
4 gal (31.233.1 L) per bag
should be added to the mixer followed by addition
of Spatterkote. Mixing should continue and water
adjusted to create a wet, creamy mix with the
consistency of medium thick tomato/rice soup.
Mixing a wet mix at 35 rpm for a period of
23 minutes will produce proper consistency.
Mix will be significantly wetter than Monokote.
a. Large plaster pump (TM-30, A3.75 or equal)
and hoses should be primed with a small amount
of water. Pump should be placed in a low gear
and when the hopper is empty the mixer can be
dumped and Spatterkote pumping begun. When
all the Spatterkote has been mixed and dumped
into the pump hopper, the mixer must be
dumped and allowed to empty completely. The
first 3 bag batch of Monokote MK-6 can then be
mixed with the addition of 2.5 oz (74 mL)
[one half of a 5 oz (148 mL) dixie cup] of
plaster retarder. Retarder must be added or fast
setting will occur. When all the Spatterkote has
been pumped and the hopper is empty, the
retarded Monokote can be dumped and regular
Monokote mixing/pumping can continue.
b. On the spray floor the 2 in. (50 mm) hose
(open mouth with quick fit) should be held in
the hopper of the FM-9 and the Spatterkote
allowed to flow into the hopper. The FM-9
(soap the night before, see section c, which
follows) should be placed in third gear. When
the hopper of the FM-9 is approximately
2 full,
start the pump and immediately begin Spat-
terkote application. Experience will dictate the
proper speed of the large main pump to match
the output of the FM-9 floor pump.
c. When Monokote appears at the mouth of the 2 in.
(50 mm) hose, the main pump can be shut off
and the 1
2 in. (38 mm) Monokote floor hose
attached with the quick fit and laid aside until
completion of Spatterkote application. When all
the Spatterkote has been pumped, 5 gal (19 L)
of water can be used to wash down the pump
and clean the hoses. When this is complete, an
additional 5 gal (19 L) of water pumped through
the system will complete the cleanout. When the
system is clean, a small amount of liquid dish
soap can be dribbled over the end of the
turning stator tube in hopper. This will lubricate
the stator and prevent sticking of the tube and
rotor during start up at a later date.
1. If Spatterkote is sandwiched between Monokote
MK-6, Z-106/G or Retro-Guard (i.e., Monokote
pumping-change to Spatterkote-change back to
Monokote) the Monokote batches in front of and
following Spatterkote MUST BE RETARDED.
One half of a 5 oz (148 mL) dixie cup of plaster
retarder added to the mixing water of a 3 bag
batch of Monokote MK-6 or Retro-Guard is
2. Whenever changing products, the pump hopper
should be allowed to completely empty and the
sides scraped clean. Where mixing blades do not
clean the mixer, a small amount of water should
be added to the mixer and dumped into the full
pump hopper to help empty the mixer completely.
3. Caution: Spatterkote is cement-based. It will
stain aluminum curtain walls, car finishes, and
other surfaces which are attacked by alkali (lime).
4. Always review the information on the bag and in
the MSDS before using the product. This product
is manufactured for professional use only.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote, MK-6, Retro-Guard and Spatterkote are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-513G Printed in U.S.A. 12/07 FA/LI/1M

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 9
Grace Fireproofing Products

Replacement fireproofing
Product Description

RG replacement fireproofing is a single

component, mill-mixed gypsum plaster based product
which requires only the addition of water on the job site
to form a consistent, pumpable slurry. RG can be used
on structural steel columns, beams, joists, trusses, flat
plate cellular and fluted decking.
Features & Benefits
Retro-Guard Cementitious Fireproofing has been specif-
ically developed by Grace Construction Products to
meet the needs of the fireproofing respray contractor.
Retro-Guard offers the following advantages:
Quick setin 7 to 10 minutes with the use of

Accelerator and Injection System

Low water ratioreduced drying time
Less overspraywork close to steel, less cleanup
No noxious fumes or irritating particulates released
during or after application
Hard durable surface
Extra-strength bags for handling and storage ease
Fully ULfire tested and classified for use with the
most post-removal lock downs in the industry
Dries to a light blue coloreasily identified and
a. Material shall be Retro-Guard RG replacement
fireproofing as manufactured by Grace Construction
b. Mixing water shall be clean, fresh and suitable for
domestic consumption, and free from such amounts
of mineral or organic substances as would affect the
set of the fireproofing material.
c. Lock down agents shall be UL Classified for use with
Retro-Guard RG. Refer to the ULI Fire Resistance
Directory current edition for products listed with
Retro-Guard under Classification Category CBUI.
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be deliv-
ered in original unopened packages bearing the name
of the manufacturer, the brand and the proper Under-
writers Laboratories Inc. identification.
a. Retro-Guard shall be mixed by machine in a conven-
tional plaster type mixer or a continuous mixer
specifically modified for cementitious fireproofing.
The mixer shall be kept clean and free of all previously
mixed material. The mixer speed in a conventional
mixer shall be adjusted to the lowest speed which
gives adequate blending of the material and a mixer
density of 4045 pcf (640720 kg/m
) of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conventional
mixer, all water shall be first added to the mixer as
the blades turn. Where possible, the mixer blades
shall then be stopped and all the Retro-Guard fire-
proofing added. The mixer blades shall then be
restarted. If the mixer blades are left running, Retro-
Guard should be added to the mixer as quickly as
possible. Mixing shall continue only until all material
is thoroughly wet and no lumps remain. Target
density of 43 1 pcf (688 16 kg/m
) is most desir-
able. Overmixing Retro-Guard will reduce pumping
rate and will adversely affect final in-place density
and hangability. Undermixing Retro-Guard will nega-
tively affect in-place density and yield.
Steel Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Retro-Guard an inspection
shall be made to determine that all steel surfaces are
acceptable to receive fireproofing. The steel to be
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specification Typical Values Test Method
Dry density, minimum average 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength 200 psf (9.6 KPa) 339 psf (16.2 KPa) ASTM E736
Compression, 10% deformation 1,200 psf (51 KPa) 1,440 psf (68.9 KPa) ASTM E761
Air erosion Max 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) ASTM E859
High velocity air erosion No continued erosion after 4 hours No continued erosion after 4 hours ASTM E859
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E937
Bond impact No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E760
Deflection No cracking, spalling or delamination No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E759
Resistance to mold growth No growth after 28 days No growth after 28 days ASTM G21
Surface burning characteristics Flame spread = 0 Flame spread = 0 ASTM E84
Smoke developed = 0 Smoke developed = 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m
total, Less than 5 MJ/m
total, ASTM E1354
20 kw/m
peak heat release 20 kw/m
peak heat release
Impact penetration Max 6 cm
abraded 3.3 cm
City of San Francisco
Abrasion resistance Max 15 cm
abraded 8.3 cm
City of San Francisco

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 10
fireproofed shall be free of oil, grease, excess rolling
compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale, rust or any
other substance that will impair proper adhesion.
Where necessary, the cleaning of steel surfaces to
receive fireproofing shall be the responsibility of the
abatement contractor, or general contractor.
b. The project architect shall determine if the painted/
primed steel or lock down agent on the steel to receive
fireproofing have been tested in accordance with ASTM
E119, to provide the required fire resistance rating.
c. Many Fire Resistance Designs allow the use of
painted metal floor or roof deck in place of galva-
nized decking. Painted decking must be UL listed in
the specific fire resistance designs and must carry the
UL classification marking. Consult your local Grace
sales representative for details.
d. Prior to application of Retro-Guard, a bonding agent,
approved by the fireproofing manufacturer, shall be
applied to all concrete substrates to receive Retro-Guard.
e. In advance of the application of the fireproofing, a
bond test shall be conducted on all painted/primed
steel surfaces or steel that has been covered with a
lock down agent to determine if the paint or lock down
agent will impair the ambient bond of the fireproofing.
f. Where cellular steel decking is present, both cellular
and fluted decking requires the application of Spat-

SK-3 before application of Retro-Guard RG.

The thickness of SK-3 is incorporated into the total
fireproofing thickness.
g. Fireproofing to the underside of steel roof deck
assemblies shall be done only after roofing applica-
tion is complete and roof traffic has ceased.
a. Application of Retro-Guard Fireproofing can be made
in the following sequence:
1. For thicknesses of approximately
2 in. (13 mm) or
less, apply in one pass.
2. For thicknesses of
8 in. (16 mm) or greater, apply
second passes after the first coat has set.
The use of the Monokote Accelerator Injection
System is required to obtain optimal job site appli-
cation performance. The use of the Monokote
Accelerator Injection System will provide quick set
material (usually seven to ten minutes after appli-
cation), greater in-place yield, and the ability to
spray an area in essentially one continuous opera-
tion. Second coat can be applied as soon as first
material applied has set.
b. Prior to application of Retro-Guard, a bonding agent,
approved by the fireproofing manufacturer, shall be
applied to all concrete substrates to receive Retro-Guard.
c. Spatterkote SK-3 shall be applied to all deck areas
when flat plate cellular steel decking is present, and
as specified in some roof deck designs. Consult
current UL Directory for specific use. Spatterkote
shall be applied in accordance with manufacturers
application instructions.
d. Retro-Guard Fireproofing material shall not be used
if it contains partially set, frozen or caked material.
e. Retro-Guard shall have a minimum average dry
in-place density of 15 lbs/ft
(240 kg/m
f. Retro-Guard shall be mixed with water at the job site.
g. Monokote Accelerator when used shall be mixed and
used according to the manufacturers recommendations.
h. Retro-Guard is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or continu-
ous mixer/pump units. Aspray gun, with a properly
sized orifice and spray shield and air pressure at the
nozzle of approximately 20 psi (38 KPa), will provide
the correct hangability, density and appearance.
NOTE: If freshly sprayed Retro-Guard does not adhere
properly, it is probably due to a too wet mix, poor
thickness control, or an improperly cleaned substrate.
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.5C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum or
24 hours after application of Retro-Guard.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation and
ventilation must be provided to achieve a minimum
total fresh air exchange rate of 4 times per hour until
the material is dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing labo-
ratory (for which the owner will pay) to sample and
verify the thickness and density of the fireproofing in
accordance with the provisions of ASTM E605-93,
Standard Test Method for Thickness and Density of
Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural
Members or Uniform Building Code Standard
No. 7-6, Thickness and Density Determination for
Spray Applied Fireproofing.
b. The architect will select an independent testing labo-
ratory (for which the owner will pay) to randomly
sample and verify the bond strength of the fireproof-
ing in accordance with the provisions of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to all
parties at the completion of pre-designated areas which
shall have been determined at a pre-job conference.
a. Retro-Guard is SLIPPERYWHEN WET.
The General Contractor and Applicator shall be
responsible for posting appropriate cautionary
b. AMaterial Safety Data Sheet for Retro-Guard is
available on our web site at
or call toll free at 866-333-3SBM.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Retro-Guard, Monokote and Spatterkote are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
RG-121K Printed in U.S.A. 12/07 FA/LI/1M

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 11
Grace Fireproofing Products

Z-106 AND Z-106/HY

Portland cement based, medium density,

cementitious fireproofing
Product Information

Z-106 and Z-106/HY

are Portland cement

based cementitious fireproofing designed to meet
specific commercial and industrial fire protection
requirements on structural steel members, floor/ceiling
and roof/ceiling assemblies.
Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY are hard, moisture
resistant and suitable for interior areas where resistance
to moisture and abrasion is needed. Formulated for use
with Graces patented Injection System, Monokote
Z-106/HY offers high-yield and improved application
characteristics while providing resistance to repeated
physical contact and/or high humidity.
Note: Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY afford the same
level of fire protection and physical performance.
Specifying both Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY allows
alternatives to provide the most cost effective installa-
tion while assuring the specifier of the same high
in-place performance characteristics.
Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY can be used for interior,
exposed applications where abrasion, high humidity and
damage resistance are desired such as:
Special use areas in commercial buildings
Transportation terminals
Convention centers
Parking garages
Elevator shafts
Light manufacturing areas and facilities
Mechanical rooms
Gymnasiums and pool areas
Correctional facilities
Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY offer the following
advantages to the architect, owner, applicator and build-
ing occupant.
Durability100% Portland cement binder provides
increased durability in interior environments where
high-traffic resistance to physical abuse is required.
Moisture resistantProvides excellent resistance to
high humidity and condensation.
Quick setHY formulation allows use with Grace
patented Injection System for high-yield and quick set.
Applicator friendlyLow pumping pressures allow
use of small diameter hoses for increased maneuver-
ability and greater pumping distances.
Non-toxicThe factory-mixed blend of common
Portland cement and inert materials require only the
addition of water for mixing and application.
Delivery and Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be deliv-
ered in original unopened packages bearing the name
of the manufacturer, the brand and proper Underwrit-
ers Laboratories Inc. labels for fire hazard and fire
resistance classifications.
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
Packages of material shall be kept off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and other
damp surfaces. All bags that have been exposed to
water before use shall be discarded. Stock of material
is to be rotated and used before its expiration date.
Steel and Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Monokote Z-106 or
Z-106/HY Fireproofing, an inspection shall be made
to determine that all steel and concrete surfaces are
acceptable to receive fireproofing. The steel to be
fireproofed shall be free of oil, grease, excess rolling
compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale, excess
rust, non-compatible primer, lock down agent or any
other substance that will impair proper adhesion.
Recommended SpecificationsMedium Density Products
Physical Properties Z-106 Z-106/HY Test Method Laboratory Test* Value
Minimum density 22 pcf (350 kg/m
) 22 pcf (350 kg/m
) ASTM E605 See note below**
Minimum bond strength 2,000 psf (94.5 kN/m
) 2,000 psf (94.5 kN/m
) ASTM E736 Greater than 2,000 psf
(94.5 kN/m
Minimum compressive 100 psi (680 kPa) 100 psi (680 kPa) ASTM E761 Greater than 100 psi
strength @ 10% deformation (680 kPa)
Deflection and No cracking No cracking ASTM E759 Pass
bond impact No delamination No delamination ASTM E760 Pass
Air erosion 0.000 gr/ft
(0.000 gr/m
) 0.000 gr/ft
(0.000 gr/m
) ASTM E859 0.000 gr/ft
(0.000 gr/m
Mold inhibitor Yes Yes ASTM G21 Pass/No growth
Standard color Gray Gray NA
* Actual laboratory tested values meet or exceed Graces recommended value. Test reports are available on request from your
Grace sales representative.
** ASTM test methods modified where required, for high density, high performance products.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 12
Where necessary, the cleaning of steel surfaces to
receive fireproofing shall be the responsibility of the
general contractor.
b. Prior to application of Monokote Z-106, a bonding
agent approved by the manufacturer shall be applied
to all concrete surfaces to receive Z-106.
c. Prior to application of Monokote Z-106/HY, a bonding
agent approved by the fireproofing manufacturer shall
be applied to all substrates to receive Z-106/HY.
d. The project architect shall determine if the
painted/primed structural steel to receive fireproofing
has been tested in accordance with ASTM E119, to
provide the required fire resistance rating.
e. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to completion
of concrete work on steel decking.
f. Fireproofing to the underside of roof deck assemblies
shall be done only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
a. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY Fireproofing shall be
mixed by machine in a conventional, plaster-type
mixer or a continuous mixer specifically modified for
cementitious fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept
clean and free of all previously mixed material. The
mixer speed in a conventional mixer shall be adjusted
to the lowest speed which gives adequate blending of
the material and a mixer density of 3843 pcf
(610690 kg/m
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conventional
mixer, all water shall be first added to the mixer as
the blades turn. Mixing shall continue until the mix is
lump-free, with a creamy texture. All material is to
be thoroughly wet. Target density of 3843 pcf
(610690 kg/m
) is most desirable. Overmixing
Monokote Z-106 or Z-106/HY will reduce pumping
rate and will negatively effect in-place density and
mechanical properties.
a. Application of Monokote Z-106 or Z-106/HY Fire-
proofing can be made in the following sequence:
1. Required fire rating thickness will determine if a
multi-pass operation is required. If the first pass can
be applied at a thickness sufficient to obtain the
required rating a second pass will not be required.
2. Where the full required thickness can not be
applied in a single pass, subsequent passes can be
applied only after the first coat has set.
b. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY Fireproofing mate-
rial shall not be used if they contain partially set,
frozen or caked material.
c. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HYshall have a minimum
average dry, in-place density of 22 pcf (350 kg/m
d. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY are formulated to be
mixed with water at the job site.
e. Monokote Accelerator may be used with Monokote
Z-106/HY to enhance set characteristics and product
yield. The Monokote Accelerator is injected into the
Monokote Z-106/HY at the nozzle of the spray gun.
Monokote Accelerator shall be mixed and used
according to manufacturers recommendations.
f. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HY are applied directly
to the steel, at various rates of application which will
be job dependent, using standard plastering type
equipment or continuous mixer/ pump units. Aspray
gun, with a properly sized orifice and spray shield
and air pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(0.14 MPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance.
Temperature and Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum of
24 hours after application of Monokote Z-106 or
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation and
ventilation must be provided to achieve a minimum
total air exchange rate of 4 times per hour until mate-
rial is substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing labo-
ratory (for which the owner will pay) to sample and
verify the thickness and density of the fireproofing in
accordance with the provisions of ASTM E605
(current edition), Standard Test Method for Thickness
and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material
Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Building
Code Standard No. 7-6 Thickness and Density Deter-
mination for Spray Applied Fireproofing. Where
samples are of irregular shape (or sprayed texture),
the displacement method (ASTM E605 published in
AWCI Technical Manual 12-A) shall be used to deter-
mine in-place fireproofing density.
b. The architect will select an independent testing labo-
ratory (for which the owner will pay) to randomly
sample and verify the bond strength of the fireproof-
ing in accordance with the provisions of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to all
parties at the completion of pre-designated areas which
shall have been determined at a pre-job conference.
a. Monokote Z-106 and Z-106/HYare slippery when wet.
The general contractor and applicator shall be respon-
sible for posting appropriate cautionary SLIPPERY
WHEN WET signs. Signs should be posted in all
areas in contact with wet fireproofing material. Anti-
slip surfaces should be used on all working surfaces.
b. Material Safety Data Sheets for Monokote Z-106 and
Z-106/HY are available upon request by writing:
Grace Construction Products, Attn: Environmental
Health & Safety Dept., 62 Whittemore Ave.
Cambridge, MA02140.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote and HY are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z106-13N Printed in U.S.A. 3/07 FA/LI/2M

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 13
Grace Fireproofing Products

Gypsum based, medium density, cementitious
Product Description

Z-106/G is a gypsum based cementitious

fireproofing designed to meet commercial and
industrial fire protection requirements on structural
steel members, floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling, and
wall assemblies.
Z-106/G is designed to meet interior exposed product
requirements where the superior durability and water
resistance of Portland cement based products is
not required.
Z-106/G can be used for interior, exposed applica-
tions where light abrasion, and damage resistance
are desired:
Elevator shafts
High bay light manufacturing areas
High bay mechanical rooms
Monokote Z-106/G offers the following advantages to
the architect, owner, applicator and building occupant.
Low costZ-106/G is a low cost, medium density
product for interior, dry environments subject to
intermittent traffic and physical contact.
DurabilityHigher gypsum binder content
improves damage resistance and helps maintain the
fire resistance for the design life of the building.
Quick setMay be used with our patented Injec-
tion System for quick set and fast double on
multiple pass applications.
Applicator friendlyLow pumping pressures
allow use of small diameter hoses for increased
maneuverability and greater pumping distances.
AestheticsCan be spray applied to a fine
texture finish.
Non-toxicThe factory-mixed blend of common
gypsum, Portland cement and inert materials
requires only the addition of water for mixing and
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper Underwriters Laboratories Inc. labels for
fire hazard and fire resistance classifications.
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
Packages of material shall be kept off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use shall be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Monokote Z-106/G Fire-
proofing, an inspection shall be made to determine
that all steel and concrete surfaces are acceptable
to receive fireproofing. The steel to be fireproofed
shall be free of oil, grease, excess rolling
compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale, excess
rust, noncompatible primer, lock down agent or
any other substance that will impair proper adhe-
sion. Where necessary, the cleaning of steel
surfaces to receive fireproofing shall be the
responsibility of the general contractor.
b. Prior to application of Monokote Z-106/G, a
bonding agent approved by the manufacturer shall
be applied to all concrete surfaces to receive
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specifications Test Method/Notes Laboratory Tested* Value
Dry density Min. 22 pcf (350 kg/m
) ASTM E605 See note below**
Bond strength Min. 500 psf (23.6 kN/m
) ASTM E736 797 psf (37.6 kN/m
Compressive strength 50 psi (340 KPa) ASTM E761 60.8 psi (413.6 KPa)
@ 10% deformation
Deflection and No cracking or ASTM E759 Pass
bond impact delamination ASTM E760 Pass
Air erosion 0.000 gr/ft
(0.000 gr/m
) ASTM E859 0.000 gr/ft
(0.000 gr/m
Resistance to mold growth No mold growth after 28 days ASTM G21 Pass/No growth
* Independent laboratory tested value. Report available upon request.
** All in-place performance tests should be conducted at or below the minimum recommended specication density.
Test reports here were conducted at 22 pcf (350 kg/m
) or below.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 14
c. The project architect shall determine if the
painted/primed structural steel to receive fireproof-
ing has been tested in accordance with ASTM
E119, to provide the required fire resistance rating.
d. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to comple-
tion of concrete work on steel decking.
e. Fireproofing to the underside of roof deck assem-
blies shall be done only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
a. Monokote Z-106/G Fireproofing shall be mixed by
machine in a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a
continuous mixer specifically modified for cemen-
titious fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept clean
and free of all previously mixed material. The
mixer speed in a conventional mixer shall be
adjusted to the lowest speed which gives adequate
blending of the material and a mixer density of
3843 pcf (610690 kg/m
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, all water shall be first added to the
mixer as the blades turn. Mixing shall continue
until the mix is lump-free, with a creamy texture.
All material is to be thoroughly wet. Target density
of 3843 pcf (610690 kg/m
) is most desirable.
Overmixing Z-106/G will reduce pumping rate and
will negatively effect in-place density and mechan-
ical properties.
a. Application of Z-106/G Fireproofing can be made
in the following sequence:
1. For thicknesses of approximately
2 in. (13 mm)
or less, apply in one pass.
2. For thicknesses of
8 in. (16 mm) or greater,
apply subsequent passes after the first coat
has set.
b. Z-106/G Fireproofing material shall not be used if
it contains partially set, frozen or caked material.
c. Z-106/G shall have a minimum average dry,
in-place density of 22 pcf (350 kg/m
d. Z-106/G is formulated to be mixed with water at
the job site.
e. Monokote Accelerator may be used with
Monokote Z-106/G to attain fast set and speed
multiple pass application. The Monokote Accelera-
tor is injected into the Monokote Z-106/G at the
nozzle of the spray gun. Monokote Accelerator
shall be mixed and used according to manufactur-
ers recommendations.
f. Z-106/G is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/ pump units. A spray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(0.14 MPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance.
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
application, during application and for a minimum
of 24 hours after application of Z-106/G.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to prop-
erly dry the fireproofing after application. In
enclosed areas lacking natural ventilation, air
circulation and ventilation must be provided to
achieve a minimum total air exchange rate of
4 times per hour until material is substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605 (current edition), Standard Test
Method for Thickness and Density of Sprayed
Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural
Members or Uniform Building Code Standard
No. 7-6 Thickness and Density Determination for
Spray Applied Fireproofing. Where samples are of
irregular shape (or sprayed texture), the displace-
ment method (ASTM E605 published in AWCI
Technical Manual 12-A) shall be used to determine
in-place fireproofing density.
b. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
randomly sample and verify the bond strength of
the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions
of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available to
all parties at the completion of pre-designated
areas which shall have been determined at a pre-
job conference.
a. Z-106/G is slippery when wet. The general contrac-
tor and applicator shall be responsible for posting
appropriate cautionary SLIPPERY WHEN WET
signs. Signs should be posted in all areas in contact
with wet fireproofing material. Anti-slip surfaces
should be used on all working surfaces.
b. A Material Safety Data Sheet for Monokote
Z-106/G is available upon request by writing:
Grace Construction Products, Attn: Environmental
Health & Safety Dept., 62 Whittemore Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote is a registered trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate
and is offered for the users consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be
obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which
apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would
infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z106-19E Printed in U.S.A. 12/07 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 15
Grace Fireproofing Products

High density, cementitious fireproofing
Product Description

Z-146 high density cementitious fire-

proofing has been developed by Grace Construction
Products to meet specialty, commercial and industrial
fireproofing requirements.
Z-146 is a Portland cement-based, factory-mixed
material requiring only the addition of water on the
job for application. It is spray applied directly to
structural steel (beams and columns), providing up to
4 hours of fire resistance. Its physical characteristics
are excellent for areas exposed to environmental or
climatic conditions.
Z-146 may be used in areas where high durability is
required such as parking garages. This product is
ideal for use in clean room environments where issues
such as particle emissions and off gassing are critical
to the interior environment within the building.
Features & Benefits
Z-146 offers the following advantages to architects,
engineers, and applicators:
Factory pre-mixedReady to use. No job site
proportioning required. Simply add water in a
standard paddle-type plaster mixer and apply with
conventional plastering equipment.
Non-toxicThe factory-mixed blend of common
Portland cement and other inert materials requires
only the addition of water for mixing and application.
Attractive finishesZ-146 may be sprayed or
hand troweled after spraying to achieve a lightly
textured appearance.
Equipment versatilityZ-146 can be mixed in
standard plaster mixer. After mixing, Z-146 may
be spray-applied with commonly available
pumping and spraying equipment.
Moisture resistantThe Portland cement base
affords excellent fire protection characteristics in
areas subjected to high humidity.
DurableHardness and durability help resist
accidental physical damage.
WeatherableAble to withstand freeze/thaw,
wind, rain and other climatic conditions.
Z-146 may be used in parking garages, exterior
areas, mechanical rooms and other areas where a
highly durable product is required.
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing should be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper Underwriters Laboratories Inc. labels for
fire hazard and fire resistance classifications.
b. The material should be kept dry until ready for
use. Keep packages of material off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
Performance Characteristics
Physical Recommended* Test Method/Notes**
Properties Specifications
Dry density Min. 40 pcf (640 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength Min. 10,000 psf (478 kN/m
) ASTM E736
Compressive strength 500 psi (3.45 MPa) ASTM E761
@ 10% deformation
Hardness 40 ASTM D2240
Yield Theoretical maximum
Color Natural concrete gray
Volatile Organic Content Less than 1 PPMW Dynamic headspace
(off gassing) at 122F (50C) (part per million by weight) (Thermal desorbtion gas chroma-
organic compounds C6-C28 tographymass spectrometry)
Leachable ammonia Less than 50 PPB, Leachable ion
50 nanograms/mg by ion chromatography
* Independent test values exceed recommended specification limits. Report available upon request
** ASTM International test methods modified for Bond Strength and Compressive Strength, where required,
for high density, high performance products.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 16
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use should be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Z-146, an inspection
should be made to determine that all steel surfaces
are acceptable to receive fireproofing. The steel to
be fireproofed should be free of oil, grease, excess
rolling compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale,
excess rust, noncompatible primer, lock down
agent or any other substance that will impair
proper adhesion. Where necessary, the cleaning of
steel surfaces to receive fireproofing will be the
responsibility of the general contractor.
b. Prior to application of Z-146, a bonding agent,
approved by the fireproofing manufacturer, should
be applied to all concrete substrates to receive
c. The project architect will determine if the
painted/primed steel to receive fireproofing has
been tested in accordance with ASTM E119, to
provide the required fire resistance rating.
a. Z-146 should be mixed by machine in a conven-
tional, plaster-type mixer or a continuous mixer
specifically modified for cementitious fireproof-
ing. The mixer should be kept clean and free of all
previously mixed material. Adjust the mixer speed
in a conventional mixer to the lowest speed which
gives adequate blending of the material and a
mixer density of 50 to 60 pcf (800 to 961 kg/m
of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, add all water to the mixer as the
blades turn. Mixing should continue until the mix
is lump-free, with a creamy texture. All material is
to be thoroughly wet. Overmixing Z-146 will
reduce pumping rate and will negatively effect
in-place density and mechanical properties.
a. Z-146 material should not be used if it contains
partially set, frozen or caked material.
b. Z-146 should have a minimum average dry,
in-place density of 40 lbs/ft
(640 kg/m
c. Z-146 is formulated to be mixed with water at
the job site.
d. Z-146 is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/pump units. Aspray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(0.138 MPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance.
Note: If freshly sprayed Z-146 does not adhere prop-
erly, it is most likely due to a too wet mix, poor
thickness control, or an improperly cleaned substrate.
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.5C)
minimum should be maintained for 24 hours prior
to application, during application and for a
minimum of 72 hours after application of Z-146.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605-77, Standard Test Method for
Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive
Material Applied to Structural Members or
Uniform Building Code Standard No. 438,
Thickness and Density Determination for Spray
Applied Fireproofing.
Note: No recognized field bond strength test proce-
dure exists for sprayed fireproofing materials with
bond strengths greater than 1,000 psf (4,882 kg/m
such as Monokote Z-146. Where bond strength
specifications exceed 1,000 psf (4,882 kg/m
) it is
recommended that independent laboratory test data
based upon a modified version of ASTM E736 be
submitted to verify specification compliance.
a. Z-146 is slippery when wet. Signs reading
SLIPPERYWHEN WET should be posted in
all areas in contact with wet fireproofing material.
Anti-slip surfaces should be used on all
working surfaces.
b. AMaterial Safety Data Sheet for Monokote
Z-146 is available on our web site at or call toll free at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote is a registered trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z146-2R Printed in U.S.A. 3/10 FA/DSG/1M

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 17
Grace Fireproofing Products

Ultra high density, cementitious fireproofing
Product Description

Z-156 ultra high density cementitious

fireproofing has been developed by Grace Construc-
tion Products to meet specialty, commercial and
industrial fireproofing requirements.
Z-156 is a Portland cement-based, factory-mixed
material requiring only the addition of water on the
job for application. It is spray applied directly to
structural steel (beams and columns), providing up to
4 hours of fire resistance. Its physical characteristics
are excellent for areas exposed to environmental or
climatic conditions.
Z-156 may be used in areas where superior durability
is required such as parking garages. This product is
ideal for use in clean room environments where issues
such as particle emissions and off gassing are critical
to the interior environment within the building.
Features & Benefits
Z-156 offers the following advantages to architects,
engineers, and applicators:
Factory pre-mixedReady to use. No job site
proportioning required. Simply add water in a
standard paddle-type plaster mixer and apply with
conventional plastering equipment.
Non-toxicThe factory-mixed blend of common
Portland cement and other inert materials requires
only the addition of water for mixing and application.
Attractive finishesZ-156 may be sprayed or
hand troweled after spraying to achieve a lightly
textured appearance.
Equipment versatilityZ-156 can be mixed in
standard plaster mixers. After mixing, Z-156 may
be spray-applied with commonly available
pumping and spraying equipment.
Moisture resistantThe Portland cement base
affords excellent fire protection characteristics in
areas subjected to high humidity.
DurableHardness and maximum durability help
resist accidental physical damage even in the
toughest exposures.
WeatherableAble to withstand freeze/thaw,
wind, rain and other climatic conditions.
Z-156 may be used in parking garages, exterior
areas, mechanical rooms and other areas where a
superior durable product is required.
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing should be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper Underwriters Laboratories Inc. labels for
fire hazard and fire resistance classifications.
b. The material should be kept dry until ready for
use. Keep packages of material off the ground,
under cover and away from sweating walls and
other damp surfaces. All bags that have been
exposed to water before use should be discarded.
Stock of material is to be rotated and used before
its expiration date.
Performance Characteristics
Physical Recommended Test Method/Notes** Laboratory Tested*
Properties Specifications Value
Dry density Min. 50 pcf (800 kg/m
) ASTM E605 See note below***
Bond strength Min. 10,000 psf (478 kN/m
) ASTM E736 >26,536 psf (>1265 kN/m
Compressive strength 850 psi (5.86 MPa) ASTM E761 1059 psi (7.32 MPa)
@ 10% deformation
Hardness 40 ASTM D2240 91
Yield Theoretical maximum 13.3 board feet
(Target 12.0 bdf per bag) (1.24 m
at 25 mm) per bag
Color Natural concrete gray
Volatile Organic Content Less than 1 PPMW Dynamic headspace Less than 1 PPMW
(off gassing) at 122F (50C) (part per million by weight) (Thermal desorbtion gas chroma- (Below detectable limits)
organic compounds C6-C28 tographymass spectrometry)
Leachable ammonia Less than 50 PPB, Leachable ion Less than 50 PPB
50 nanograms/mg by ion chromatography (Below detectable limits)
* Independent laboratory tested value. Report available upon request.
** ASTM International test methods modified for Bond Strength and Compressive Strength, where required, for high density,
high performance products.
*** All in-place performance tests should be conducted at or below the minimum recommended specification density.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 18
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Z-156, an inspection
should be made to determine that all steel surfaces
are acceptable to receive fireproofing. The steel to
be fireproofed should be free of oil, grease, excess
rolling compounds or lubricants, loose mill scale,
excess rust, noncompatible primer, lock down
agent or any other substance that will impair
proper adhesion. Where necessary, the cleaning of
steel surfaces to receive fireproofing will be the
responsibility of the general contractor.
b. Prior to application of Z-156, a bonding agent,
approved by the fireproofing manufacturer, should
be applied to all concrete substrates to receive
c. The project architect will determine if the
painted/primed steel to receive fireproofing has
been tested in accordance with ASTM E119, to
provide the required fire resistance rating.
a. Z-156 should be mixed by machine in a conven-
tional, plaster-type mixer or a continuous mixer
specifically modified for cementitious fireproof-
ing. The mixer should be kept clean and free of all
previously mixed material. Adjust the mixer speed
in a conventional mixer to the lowest speed which
gives adequate blending of the material and a
mixer density of 65 to 70 pcf (1040 to 1120 kg/m
of material.
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conven-
tional mixer, add approximately 3 gallons of water
per bag to the mixer as the blades turn. Mixing
should continue until the mix is lump-free, with a
creamy texture. All material is to be thoroughly
wet. Overmixing Z-156 will reduce pumping rate
and will negatively effect in-place density and
mechanical properties.
a. Z-156 material should not be used if it contains
partially set, frozen or caked material.
b. Z-156 should have a minimum average dry,
in-place density of 50 lbs/ft
(800 kg/m
c. Z-156 is formulated to be mixed with water at
the job site.
d. Z-156 is applied directly to the steel, at various
rates of application which will be job dependent,
using standard plastering type equipment or
continuous mixer/pump units. Aspray gun, with a
properly sized orifice and spray shield and air
pressure at the nozzle of approximately 20 psi
(0.138 MPa), will provide the correct hangability,
density and appearance.
Note: If freshly sprayed Z-156 does not adhere prop-
erly, it is most likely due to a too wet mix, poor
thickness control, or an improperly cleaned substrate.
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.5C)
minimum should be maintained for 24 hours prior
to application, during application and for a
minimum of 72 hours after application of Z-156.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select an independent testing
laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to
sample and verify the thickness and density of the
fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM E605-77, Standard Test Method for
Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive
Material Applied to Structural Members or
Uniform Building Code Standard No. 438,
Thickness and Density Determination for Spray
Applied Fireproofing.
Note: No recognized field bond strength test proce-
dure exists for sprayed fireproofing materials with
bond strengths greater than 1,000 psf (4,882 kg/m
such as Monokote Z-156. Where bond strength
specifications exceed 1,000 psf (4,882 kg/m
) it is
recommended that independent laboratory test data
based upon a modified version of ASTM E736 be
submitted to verify specification compliance.
a. Z-156 is slippery when wet. Signs reading
SLIPPERYWHEN WET should be posted in all
areas in contact with wet fireproofing material.
Anti-slip surfaces should be used on all working
b. AMaterial Safety Data Sheet for Monokote
Z-156 is available on our web site at or call toll free at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote is a trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z156-01A Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/1M

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 19
Grace Fireproofing Products

Thermal barrier
Product Description

Z-3306 Thermal Barrier is a

cementitious fire protective coating specifi-
cally formulated for application over rigid,
urethane and polystyrene foam plastics. Spray
applied to interior foam surfaces on walls and
ceilings, Z-3306 forms a hard, durable, mono-
lithic thermal barrier against heat and fire.
Z-3306 is a mill-mixed product requiring only
the addition of water. It can be easily applied
to required thickness in a single pass resulting
in an efficient, low cost method of meeting
building code and insurance requirements.
In developing Z-3306, Grace Construction
Products has utilized its experience and tech-
nology as the producer of Monokote spray
applied fireproofing productsthe most
widely used structural steel fireproofing brand
in North America. Sales and technical person-
nel located throughout the United States and
Canada provide close technical support to
contractors, owners and specifiers.
While specific requirements differ from local-
ity to locality, the use of foam plastics for
most building occupancies is permitted only
when they are protected by an approved
thermal barrier. Z-3306 has been successfully
fire-tested and listed by Underwriters Labora-
tories Inc. and Factory Mutual. Z-3306 has a
proven field and laboratory record of
performance, reliability, ease of application
and low in-place cost.
Proven fire test performanceZ-3306
has successfully passed UL requirements as
a thermal barrier over foam plastics.
EconomicalEase of installation makes
Z-3306 a low cost way to protect foam
WorkableAfter being spray applied,
Z-3306 may be lightly trowelled.
Damage resistantZ-3306 dries to a hard,
durable surface which resists damage.
Testing Agency Test Method Substrate Thickness of Z-3306 Test Result
Underwriters UL 1715 Urethane foam
8 in. (10 mm) Z-3306 approved
Laboratories Inc. (ULI) (Room fire test)
(UBC 26-3) Styrene foam
8 in. (10 mm) Z-3306 approved
ULI (USA) ASTM E119 Exposure Urethane foam
4 in. (19 mm) 15 minute rating
(UBC 26-2) 1
8 in. (29 mm) 30 minute rating
ULI (USA) ASTM E84 Urethane foam
2 in. (13 mm) Flame spread 10
(Tunnel test) Smoke developed 0
Styrene foam
2 in. (13 mm) Flame spread 5
Smoke developed 0
ULC (Canada) CAN4-S124M Urethane foam
8 in. (21 mm) Classification A
Urethane foam
4 in. (17 mm) Classification B
Urethane foam
16 in. (20 mm) Classification C
Urethane foam
4 in. (17 mm) Classification D
Factory Mutual System

FM 4975 Urethane foam

8 in. (22 mm) Delay ignition
1015 minutes
Styrene foam 1
8 in. (29 mm) Delay ignition
1015 minutes

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 20
Humidity resistantZ-3306 can be used
in high humidity conditions and reduces
sweating often experienced in vegetable
storage areas.
WashableWhen trowelled and painted,
Z-3306 can be washed and cleaned.
Physical Properties
Bond strength500 lbs/ft
ColorGrey or off-white
Theoretical yield25 bd ft/bag
(50 ft
2 in. thickness)
Z-3306 is packaged in poly-lined bags for
easy handling and storage.
Firebond Concentrate (bonding agent) must
be applied to all surfaces before application
of Z-3306.
Z-3306 is mixed with water in a plaster-type
mixer to form a consistent, pumpable slurry.
This slurry is then spray applied.
Where desired, the natural sprayed texture of
Z-3306 can be lightly trowelled to form a
semi-smooth, paintable surface. Athin
16 in.) latex stucco overspray may
be applied to form a hard eggshell finish,
capable of withstanding significant physical
contact and surface abrasion.
Typical Applications*
Z-3306 may be used to protect foam plastics
in many types of buildings. The following is a
brief list of typical applications:
Breweries, freezers and coolers
Controlled atmosphere apple, potato and
vegetable storage
Ice arenas and recreation centers
Indoor tennis courts and swimming pools
Pig and dairy barns
Seed storage and processing
Water treatment plants
* NOTE: Many food processing applications
require local inspection agency approvals in
advance of installation.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote and Topkrete are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2010. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
TB-106O Printed in U.S.A. 5/10 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 1: Product Information | 21



Product performance data and information
Grace Fireproofing Products
fireproofing during product application. In addi-
tion, a dye marker material should be added when
Extended Set is introduced per mixing and appli-
cation instructions. This product can be used on
structural steel columns, beams, joists, trusses and
floors and roof decking.
Features & Benefits
Monokote MK-6/HY Extended Set fireproofing
offers the following features and benefits to fire-
proofing applicators:



Extended Set
ing is a single component, mill-mixed fireproofing
plaster (cementitious) which has a delayed set
feature. Extended Set is the same as MK-6/HY,
except this product can be left unattended in the
delivery system for up to 4 days. The Extended
Set product requires the addition of water to form
a consistent, pumpable slurry. To achieve proper
setting time, Monokote Accelerator must be
injected into Monokote MK-6/HY Extended Set
Feature Benefit
Delayed set time Allows applicator to significantly reduce or eliminate time consuming pump-in/pump-out procedure
Allows applicator to increase daily productivity rate (bags/day) up to 20%
Allows applicator to reduce waste water disposal and material scrap
Allows applicator to complete fireproofing jobs in less time
Same in-place Durable
performance and fire UL listed (MK-6/HY)
rating performance Factory inspected to ensure product performance
as MK-6/HY Compliance with UBC, NBC, SBC and IBC Building Codes
Superior technical Provides application training and support
service & support Provides timely troubleshooting and follow up service
Delivery & Storage
a. All material to be used for fireproofing shall be
delivered in original unopened packages bearing
the name of the manufacturer, the brand and
proper Underwriters Laboratories Inc. labels for
fire hazard and fire-resistance classifications.
b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for
use. Packages of material shall be kept off the
ground, under cover and away from sweating
walls and other damp surfaces. All bags that
have been exposed to water before use shall be
discarded. Stock of material is to be rotated and
used before its expiration date.
Steel & Concrete Surfaces
a. Prior to the application of Extended Set, an
inspection shall be made to determine that all
steel surfaces are acceptable to receive fire-
proofing. The steel to be fireproofed shall be
free of oil, grease, excess rolling compounds or
lubricants, loose mill scale, excess rust,
noncompatible primer, lock down agent or any
other substance that will impair proper adhe-
sion. Where necessary, the cleaning of steel
surfaces to receive fireproofing shall be the
responsibility of the general contractor.
b. The project architect shall determine if the
painted or primed structural steel to receive fire-
proofing has been tested in accordance with
ASTM E119, to provide the required fire-resis-
tance rating.
c. Many fire-resistance designs allow the use of
painted metal floor or roof deck in place of
galvanized decking. Painted decking must be UL
listed in the specific fire-resistance designs and
must carry the ULclassification marking. Consult
your local Grace sales representative for details.
d. Prior to application of Extended Set, a bonding
agent approved by the fireproofing manufac-
turer shall be applied to all concrete substrates.
e. Apply fireproofing to the underside of roof deck
assemblies only after roofing application is
complete and roof traffic has ceased.
f. No fireproofing shall be applied prior to
completion of concrete work on steel decking.

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Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Recommended Specification Typical Values Test Method
Dry density, minimum average 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) 15 pcf (240 kg/m
) ASTM E605
Bond strength 200 psf (9.6 KPa) 339 psf (16.2 KPa) ASTM E736
Compression, 10% deformation 1,200 psf (51 KPa) 1,483 psf (71.0 KPa) ASTM E761
Air erosion Max 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) 0.000 g/ft
(0.00 g/m
) ASTM E859
High velocity air erosion No continued erosion No continued erosion ASTM E859
after 4 hours after 4 hours
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E937
Bond impact No cracking, spalling No cracking, spalling ASTM E760
or delamination or delamination
Deflection No cracking, spalling No cracking, spalling ASTM E759
or delamination or delamination
Resistance to mold growth No growth after 28 days No growth after 28 days ASTM G21
Surface burning Flame spread = 0 Flame spread = 0 ASTM E84
characteristics Smoke developed = 0 Smoke developed = 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m
total, Less than 5 MJ/m
total, ASTM E1354
20 kw/m
peak heat release 20 kw/m
peak heat release
Impact penetration Max 6 cm
abraded 3.3 cm
Developed by City
of San Francisco
Abrasion resistance Max 15 cm
abraded 8.3 cm
Developed by City
of San Francisco
Temperature & Ventilation
a. An air and substrate temperature of 40F (4.4C)
minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior
to application, during application and for a
minimum of 24 hours after application of
Monokote MK-6/HY Extended Set Fireproofing.
b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to prop-
erly dry the fireproofing after application. In
enclosed areas lacking natural ventilation, air
circulation and ventilation must be provided
to achieve a minimum total air exchange rate of
4 times per hour until the material is
substantially dry.
Field Tests
a. The architect will select and the owner will pay
for an independent testing laboratory to
randomly sample and verify the thickness and
density of the fireproofing in accordance with
the provisions of ASTM E605, Standard Test
Method for Thickness and Density of Sprayed
Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural
Members or Uniform Building Code Standard
No. 7-6 Thickness and Density Determination
for Spray Applied Fireproofing.
b. The architect will select and the owner will pay
for an independent testing laboratory to
randomly sample and verify the bond strength
of the fireproofing in accordance with the provi-
sions of ASTM E736.
c. Results of the above tests will be made available
to all parties at the completion of pre-designated
areas which shall have been determined at a
pre-job conference.
a. Monokote Extended Set is slippery when wet.
The general contractor and applicator shall be
responsible for posting appropriate cautionary
SLIPPERYWHEN WET signs. Signs should
be posted in all areas in contact with wet fire-
proofing material. Anti-slip surfaces should be
used on all working surfaces.
b. AMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for
Monokote Extended Set is available upon request
by calling 866-333-3SBM (3726) or by visiting
our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote, MK-6 and HY are registered trademarks and Extended Set is a trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2010. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-605D Printed in U.S.A. 06/10 FA/PDF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 2: Planning | 1
Section 2: Planning
Pre-setup Planning
1. Review the specifcations and drawings and be sure the general contractor and inspectors have the same interpretation as
you do.
2. Arrange with the general contractors representative to meet and walk the site to establish the location of your permanent
pumping station.
a. Select a primary and an alternative setup location. Where possible, pump up the outside or through the core of the
building from a single site. During the winter, the core will provide some heat and help prevent line freeze-up.
b. Be sure of adequate space for unloading and handling of material for the duration of the job. Space and access
routes often change as the project progresses.
c. Find a water source with adequate volume and pressure. Also check on washout procedures and local water
regulations. For example a settling tank may be required.
3. Determine if any protection of interior surfaces (exposed foors) is required.
4. Check to see if tarps are necessary for overspray protection outside the building.
5. With the general contractor, carefully plan the means for maintaining proper temperature and ventilation for your phase of
the work in all weather conditions.
6. Be certain steel and concrete are suffciently clean for the proper freproofng application. Remove loose rust or mill scale
with a burlap rag, heavy brush, or high pressure compressed air. Oil on steel or concrete must be removed with trisodium
phosphate or other cleaners. On concrete, check closely for form oils and curing compounds. A bonding agent is required
on all concrete surfaces.
7. Arrange your application schedule with the job superintendent.
a. Insist that you be on the foor as soon as the concrete is poured but before the plumbing and ductwork have
Working around obstacles such as stacked wall boards, pipes, and hanging ducts can cut your application rate in
half and drastically increase labor cost and material waste.
b. When freproofng steel roof decks. the roof system ( insulation and membrane ) must be 100% complete and
water tight. All roof traffc must be prohibited during and after the Monokote application and until the freproofng
has dried and full bond strength is attained.
Items 7a and 7b should be included in your bid and production commitment. Tell the superintendent that clear work areas
mean you will be out of the way a lot faster and scheduling of other trades will be easier.

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Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 2: Planning | 3
Preparation and Clean Up
The freproofng operation should start shortly after the concrete has been poured, before other trades begin stocking materials
and cluttering up the work space. Working around material that has been stocked prior to the freproofng operation hinders
production and increases labor cost. This is costly and becomes even more expensive if installations by other trades have
started before the completion of the freproofng. Additional cost such as extra over-spray protection, additional material
waste and overspray, and lower daily production rates can be expected due to these obstacles. Particular attention should be
paid in the preplanning phase of the job to eliminate these conditions.
If this happens, normally materials are moved to one side of the foor, that area is sprayed and cleaned, and then material is
shifted back releasing the remainder of the foor to the spray crew.
Floor clean up
Scraping foors is the traditional method of clean up. In this section we will discuss this and alternate methods which have
been proven successful with some of our applicators. Covering foors before the application starts and methods such as
prewetting foors have aided in the clean up process and has been a proven method of minimizing cost.
Scraping Floors
Scraping foors is one method of clean up. Different types and sizes of scrapers are available. A sharp metal blade mounted
with bolts to a handle frame is common. The blades are replaceable and it is advisable to keep them straight and sharp to
ease the cleaning process. The key to cleaning foors and not leaving material behind when scraping are:
1. Observe the fnish of the concrete. Smooth concrete fnish can be easily scraped clean with a new/sharp blade. Rough
unfnished foors will require additional attention. Cleaning overspray off of unprotected rough surfaces can be very costly
and may require the use of mechanical washers. Preplanning the proper cleanup procedures or protection methods can be
vital to job proftability.
2. The correct size (width) scraper for person scraping is recommended, to large of scraper for a person to physically scrape
correctly results in leaving the foors in an unacceptable condition. The most common size scrapers used are 18, 24 and
48. Scraping the product while it is still wet, fresh and unset (before drying or setting) is recommended.
3. Properly manning the crew is also important. Normally the person moving the scaffold for the sprayer cleans the foor
during the application process. Some jobs may require an additional person cleaning behind the application. This occurs
in cases such as thin thickness job, or beam only applications, where the focus is to move the scaffold quickly and doesnt
allow ample time for proper clean up. All overspray should be at least scraped into piles by the end of the working day and
best if removed from the spray area and discarded before wind and other trades spread the debris.
Covering Floors
Covering foors is highly recommended for multiple pass operations, rough concrete fnishes and when foor cleanup cannot
be scraped before it dries. When covering foors on new construction jobs a 7ml reinforced poly is highly recommended.
This can be bought in many different sizes. The most common sizes range in width from 20 to 40 wide x 100 length.
The cost is approx. $0.12 per square foot. The advantages of the 7 ml reinforced poly are:
1. It can be reused many times which cuts the cost down by 50% every time it is reused.
2. It is very durable and hard to tear.
3. It is not as slippery as smooth poly, better traction for scaffold pusher or the wheels of a mechanical lifts.

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The amount of poly needed for a job is normally estimated at 25% of foor area being sprayed. This allows the overspray to
dry on the poly before it has to be moved ahead to the next area and makes cleanup of the dry overspray much easier. (see
diagram below)
The covering is done on a quantity -vs.-quality type. This means there will be some miscellaneous scraping. When starting
with new poly it is rolled out the full length which is 100. The edges should be over lapped approx. 2 with the next roll.
After the initial use it is best to cut the 100 roll into 3 pieces each approx. 33 in length. The 33 section is then moved by
grabbing the two corner ends walking toward the other ends of the poly which rolls the overspray into a narrow row when it
reaches the end of the poly. The piece is now empty can be moved to prepare the next area to be sprayed. The poly is then
laid out with each piece overlapping the next by approx. 2. This is a continuous cycle moving poly forward ahead of the
spray operation
Abatement and Re-spray
In Abatement and re-spray work, covering of foors is normally done with a 6 ml unreinforced poly and requires quality
protection and covering. Normally all seams are overlapped and duct taped or spray glued to aid in containment. When
spraying is completed it is rolled up and thrown out. The poly is not normally reused. If over spray is excessive it usually is
swept off the poly frst into piles and picked up before poly is rolled and thrown out.
Pre wetting foors to aid in clean up with scrapers can be used on some jobs when wetting the foors is not an issue. Caution
should be used as water damage can be costly. The concrete foor is pre-wet and kept wet in the immediate spray area the
concrete foor should have a thin layer of water prior to the spray operation. This breaks material bond, and creates easier
scraping conditions. It also gives you more time to scrape by delaying the drying and setting of the freproofng. This can be
done by using your delivery system. Initially while pumping in at the start of each days application, use the pump in water
to pre-wet the foor. By using the spray nozzle with the cap & orifce installed and the air turned on, wet down the area to be
sprayed for that day. Additionally, use a garden hose with spray nozzle and keep the area ahead of the spray operation wet as
needed. If normal density product has dried on the foor you can wet it down, let soak for a while, then scrape clean.
Medium and high density products must be scraped while wet or the foor should be protected by covering.
See covering section.

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Protection of Walls & Pre-installed Products
It is recommended to review the specifcations and fnish schedules for walls and exposed foor fnishes, to help identify areas
where additional protection may be required. A job may only require scraping while others may require poly protection on
everything except what is getting sprayed. In these cases a light weight poly (1 to 2 mil in thickness) is normally used. In
most cases the cost of the poly is less than cleanup cost and normally does a good job. Spray glue is a very fast and effective
method for installing poly on walls, ducts, piping, units, etc. Some glues will leave a residue so be sure you spray directly
on the poly, or above ceiling heights on walls that wont require any cleaning. Depending on the installation of the poly
each manufacture of spray glues have their own recommended application procedures, which determines the amount of glue
necessary for different types of installations. Other methods that are also used to install poly are: duct tape, wire, magnets,
rope, wood slats with nails, etc.
A minimum air and substrate temperature of 4.4 degrees C (40 degrees F ) shall be present before application of spray-
applied freproofng and must be maintained during and for 24 hours after application of the spray-applied freproofng. When
temperatures are near or below freezing an enclosure must be provided to maintain this heated temperature.
Caution: When spraying deck in extremely cold weather, if the foor above is not heated the concrete will make the
decking too cold to begin spraying. You must heat 24 hours prior to spraying, during application and 24 hours after
Note: For Monokote MK 6HY application in marginal cold conditions, please refer to the Frequently Ask Questions section.
Provisions must be made for ventilation to properly dry the freproofng materials after application. In enclosed areas that
lack natural ventilation and proper air circulation; mechanical ventilation must be provided to achieve a minimum total air
exchange rate of 4 times per hour until the material is substantially dry.
Note: Fans may be needed to circulate air. Enclosures used to maintain the foor temperature may need to be opened up to
provide the proper amount of air exchanges per hour. When heating the foor areas with propane gas, you must remember
that when you burn propane gas for heating it gives off water vapor and will add to the drying time if the area is not properly
Caution: If the air exchanges are not suffcient during the heating process, you will need to heat for a longer period of

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Material Storage
All material to be used for freproofng shall be delivered in original unopened packages bearing the name of the
manufacturer, the brand and proper Underwriters Laboratories Inc. labels for fre hazard, fre resistance classifcation and
Grace expiration dates with identifcation lot numbers.
Material must be kept dry until ready for use. Material must be stored off the ground, under cover and away from sweating
walls and construction site fooding problems. All bags that have been exposed to water before use must be discarded. Stock
of material is to be rotated and used prior to its expiration date. Material storage should be close to the mixer for easy access
by the mixer man and well protected from the weather.
Note: 1. When material is delivered and stored in trailers, the trailers should be inspected for possible water leaks. The
easiest way is to see that there is no daylight coming through the roof or walls of the trailer. Trailer doors should be closed at
the end of the work day to protect the material from the weather.
Note: 2. Contractors that use Grace/Independent delivery trailers as drops and move material from trailer to pump should
make the mixing station platform large enough to hold a days production . This will allow some fexibility during delivery
day if there are any unplanned problems that arise.
Note: 3. Contractors that unload Grace/Independent delivery trailers should plan on about 4 hours unloading time with
three or four men when unloading material by hand. If you use a jobsite fork truck to unload your material you must make
arrangements ahead of time. Because the fork truck has limited reach into the trailer, a pallet puller and chains are normally
needed to pull the skids of material from the nose of the trailer. The storage area should be close to the mixing area and a
pallet jack should be available for moving them around on site. Once the material is unloaded take the necessary precautions
to protect it from the weather and possible damage from other trades working on site.

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Section 3: Set Up
Station Set Up
Pump Station Location
The pump station location should be permanent for the duration of the project. The area should have good drainage so that
the area will not become wet and muddy during bad weather or wash out procedures. Overhead protection should be looked
at and the necessary safety precautions taken to avoid injury or downtime. The pump station should be located close enough
to the center of the building to minimize the length of the delivery system and positioned to accommodate a 3 aluminum
riser delivery system when necessary. The area should be adequate in size to accommodate the pump, mixer, injection unit,
job box, (fuel), and a working material platform. The removal of the empty bags should be taken into consideration when
determining the logistics for your pump station location. In many cases a disposal container is set close enough to the pump
room to discard the empty bags easily. Proper protection should be included to protect the material and equipment during bad
Pump Station Set Up
Construct a sturdy work platform to keep the equipment elevated out of the water and mud. Set the pump into position. With
standard mixers, set up the mixer over the pump hopper so that rotation into the complete dump (mixer empty) position is
possible. Pay special attention to height requirements when using continuous mixers. The mixer will need to be elevated to
allow the material to fow smoothly out of the mix tube, but not so high that the material spatters outside the hopper. Position
the fow of material from the mix tube so that the material in the hopper is continually rotated with new material. Positioning
the fow directly over the pump intake will cause the material on the sides of the hopper to become dry and in some case set
up over time.
Construct a sturdy elevated work platform behind the mixer. The platform should be at a height that makes the mixer mans
waist even with the top of the mixer. It should be large enough to move around easily with room for a days supply of
material. This will aid in material trailer switches when applicable, and it will also aid in undisturbed pumping if the pump
operator is not traveling a great distances for the material.
Roller conveyors and platform trucks have been used successfully to quickly move material from the storage area to the
Pump Station Requirements
Select a pump station location that will be close to your work and have independent:
a. Access to clean water with suffcient volume and pressure (20 GPM per nozzle).
b. Adequate electrical service for electric pumps and a 30 amp independent service for the Injection Units.
NOTE: Motors draw signifcant amperage on start up and in cold weather. The wire size must be suffcient to
accommodate the amperage draw, and the distance from the power supply source to the equipment. Insuffcient
wire size and /or excessive distance will result in voltage drop and overheating of the motor.
c. Access for easy material delivery and an adequate material storage area that is protected from the elements
d. A suitable area for washout and clean up.
e. Access to a disposal container for empty bags and pallets.

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Conveying Systems
The conveying system should always be matched in size and pressure rating to the volume and distance being pumped. The
large hydraulic pumps and high production pumps are capable of generating high pumping pressures. For this reason care
must be taken in choosing the components for the conveying system.
Manifold. A 3 manifold is best for high volume pumping. On pumps requiring balls and seats the 2 1/8 balls and high
production seats are recommended when pumping Monokote Products. The manifold should also consist of a Safety blow out
valve and Pressure relief valve. (See the equipment safety section)
Surge Hose. A 25 foot 3 wire braided high pressure hose is recommended. It should be connected to the manifold using a 3
boss ftting or a high pressure two bolt ftting. Important factory installed high pressure (3000 psi) full fow fttings are also
available. The surge hose should be supported off of the ground to prevent abrasion due to the pumps surge. Placing old tires
under the surge hose or suspending it with ropes are two common methods of avoiding abrasion.
Safety warning: Surge hoses operate under high pressure and should be tethered
to the pump frame with a chain or other restraining device. In addition it is
prudent to avoid standing in or around the surge hose during pumping operation.
(See equipment safety in Section V).
3 Ball Valve. Closes the system and allows the surge hose to be removed from
the pump after releasing the pressure. The ball valve allows a sponge to be inserted
into the surge hose during washout. This also permits working on the pump without
having to empty the conveying system.
Pipe Elbow. The elbow should be a long radius, 3 diameter rigid aluminum pipe, with no angle less than 90o. A 10 foot
section of pipe formed into a gradual curve creates the least back pressure. All aluminum pipes should be securely fastened
from this point forward to prevent movement. If the pipe is allowed to move, a weak point will form and the pipe will
burst usually at an elbow or joint. Another option is to allow the surge hose to make the 90o turn up the riser in place of an
aluminum elbow.
Standpipe. High pressure 3 aluminum pipe is recommended. Galvanized couplings with full tapered thread, ground unions
or vitaulic couplings should be used to join sections. Construction Forms heavy duty snap couplings with raised end pipe
fttings are easy to assemble and disconnect. Vertical and horizontal pipe must be well anchored and supported to prevent
movement due to pump surge. Construction Forms makes easy to install column support brackets that clamp the pipe to a
column. Aluminum pipe can be used for horizontal runs to reduce pressure. Be sure to slope the pipe so that washout water
will drain freely and completely. Failure to slope the pipe will allow material to build up in the pipe and restrict material
fow, increasing back pressure on the pump. Steel pipes can be used in high pressure situations please consult your Grace
Representative for more information.
Floor Hose Reinforced 2, high pressure, fabric braided plaster
hose with full fow fttings should be used. Due to the relatively
lower pumping pressures with Monokote products 1 1/2 foor hose
is now being used in place of the 2 foor hose.
Floor Hose Reduction. With the reduction in pumping pressures
the following is a demonstration of a typical foor hose assembly.
This assembly should be compatible with most pump set ups and
enable the application of most typical jobs. When tested this system
showed no signifcant increase in line pressure, and no dramatic loss
in pumping rate.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 3: Set Up | 3
Typical foor hose assembly 25 3 Surge Hose
50 2 material hose
200 1 1/2 material hose
50 1 1/4 material hose
25 1 material hose
17 3/4 whip
TOTAL = 367
a. Some of the advantages to reducing the foor hose size are that it will reduce pump in and pump out time due to
less volume of material required to fll the system.
b. Every day foor hose movements are easier due to the reduction in overall weight.
c. Transferring hose from foor to foor is easier and less time consuming with smaller diameter lighter weight hoses.
d. Replacement cost of new hoses are reduced when replacing 2 with 1 1/2 foor hose.
In all hoses, fttings should be pressure rated, full fow and compatible with the rated hose pressure. They should also be
checked regularly for wear or damage.
Connectors. Double female swivels, Victaulic
couplings, Kamlok, or Hanson quick disconnect are all
means of joining or coupling the hoses. Hanson quick
disconnects work well on the smaller diameter hoses
where changing nozzles for different applications is
required. The change over from hand held nozzle to
pole gun assemblies is quick and easy, resulting in less
downtime time.
Reducers. When assembling risers the reducers
should be long tapered and full fow. The use of
swage reducers on the foor hoses is the most common
General Notes:
On projects up to 14 stories, 2 pump hose can be substituted for the 3 riser pipe. First, the pump should be equipped with
a hydraulic pressure gauge or an inline pressure gauge must be installed to monitor material line pressure. This results in
lower labor cost to assemble and disassemble the delivery system and also saves on equipment purchasing if the pipe is not
previously owned.
Pumping Pressures will increase as additional height and hoses are added to the system. By noting these additional increases
a better understanding of delivery system can be accomplished and potential problems will be noticed easier. Hydraulic
pumps are equipped with pressure gauges built into the hydraulic system, on smaller pumps an inline pressure gauge is
recommended, and is easily installed into the material delivery lines.
Longer pumping distances and pumping heights require the addition of more water to the mix. These adjustments in water
should be made each time signifcant additional riser pipe or foor hose are added to the delivery system.
Periodical inspection of reducers and hose is highly recommended Material hoses can wear from abrasion and reducers can
generate build up over a period of time. Daily / weekly inspection can reduce risk of personal injury and reduce equipment
maintenance cost.
Thorough washing and fushing of the conveying system is necessary to prevent material from settling and accumulating in
the fttings. The importance of this step cannot be over-emphasized.
After the last mix for the day has cleared the hopper, the pump should be slowed and water pumped through the system. A
sponge should be pumped through the line by removing the hose at the pump manifold and placing the sponge directly into
the hose.
At least 2 minutes of clean, clear water must pass through the nozzle before the pump is shut off.
Periodically, all fttings should be disassembled, inspected for build up, and cleaned as necessary.
For more specifc details refer to the Pump in and Pump out portion of the manual.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 3: Set Up | 4
3/4 whips
3/4 whip hoses are the latest improvement in the conveying systems. These light weight, fexible (1500 psi) hoses allow
the sprayer to move the nozzle easily thereby increasing thickness control and reducing waste. The lighter weight hoses also
reduce fatigue, which increase daily productivity. The 3/4 Whip hoses should have a 1500 psi pressure rating and be ftted
with compatible, full fow Scovil type fttings. Hanson quick disconnects are particularly useful at the 1 1/4 or 1 connection
end of the hose, as this facilitates removal of the 3/4 whip during pump in procedure, eliminating morning start up packing
at this reducer.
Draining the Delivery System (Winter Procedures )
When assembling the delivery system special attention should be paid to installing aluminum pipe and hoses so that they
are able to be drained easily. The best method is to slope the delivery system back to the pump. Floor hoses should be
disconnected and thoroughly drained of all water to prevent freezing in the lines and packing hoses the next morning. When
draining the delivery system the following procedure should be followed:
1. After the sponge out procedure has been completed, with the pump turned
off. Open the ball valve at the nozzle.
2. Close the ball valve at pump station, and then relieve the pressure on surge
hose at the pump by opening the pressure relief valve on the manifold.
Disconnect surge hose and reattach to a secured discharge hose which
should be safely fasten down to prevent the hoses from whipping. Slowly
open the ball valve and relieve the water (pressure) and drain thoroughly.
Depending on the height and length of the delivery system, relieving the
water can be at higher than expected pressures. Use Caution.
3. Open the ball valve at pump station, when draining is completed, reconnect
the surge back on the pump and close pressure relief valve. The discharge
hose should drain the water to a suitable collection point.
Additional Winter Procedures
The Pump/Manifold, pump hopper, and manifold system need to be drained to prevent water from freezing and causing
pump damage. At temperatures below 32 0 F (0 0C) these cautions must be taken to prevent the balls and seats from freezing
into place and to prevent other damage to the system. W R. Grace recommends having a heated pump station during winter
operations. Even with heat, the following recommendations should be closely followed.
Option 1. Remove the manifold from the pump entirely and drain. Precautions should be taken to make sure that water does
not get trapped in the upper and lower manifold parts by the balls and seats.
Option 2. The addition of windshield washer fuid can be added to the pumps manifold to prevent freezing. The following
direction must be followed.
a. With the hopper empty, delivery system drained, and the surge line disconnected.
b. Add one / two gallons of windshield washer fuid into the pump hopper.
c. Place a container (5 Gal Bucket) at the discharge point of the manifold to collect the fuid.
d. Run pump until the fuid is exiting the pump manifold.
The fuid can be left in the manifold and recollected the following morning for reuse.
* Specifc equipment manufacturers have installed draining devices on other parts of their pumping equipment. i.e.: heat
exchangers, water flters etc. Refer to the manufactures manual for the best recommendations on winter precautions.
Pump Hoses: The water will need to be removed from the pump hoses each night. Such methods as disassembling the hoses
and walking from end to end, or blowing back the pump hose with a large air compressor and special fttings have been
successfully used. This preventive measure will minimize downtime related to freezing. To walk the hoses, two methods
have been successfully used. The frst is to disassemble each hose when quick disconnects are used (vitaulic, Kamlocks),
and slowly elevate one end of the hose and walk towards the other end, keeping the hose elevated while the water drains out
the other end. Continue to walk the entire length of each individual hose until you are comfortable all the water has been
removed from all the hoses. The second is a similar method to the frst but treating all the hoses as one hose assembly. This
is normally quicker and easier to accomplish than disconnecting and reconnecting all the hoses, but caution must be used to
assure ALL the water has been removed. Repeating this process will increase the odds there will be no remaining water.

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Air Lines: The air compressor operating in cold conditions creates condensation in air lines that can freeze into ice crystals
and restrict airfow. By having an air compressor on the heated spray foor the potential risk is greatly reduced. When this is
not an option and the air fow comes from the pumps compressor precautions such as condensation separators can be installed
to remove excess moisture. The addition of dry gas into the airline can also reduce moisture build up.
Caution should be taken when additives are used as a solution.
Water delivery system: All water must be thoroughly drained from these systems. Where appropriate, additional steps
should be taken, such as. placing timed sump pumps and water hose into heated areas for overnight storage. Both at night and
during daytime operations it may also be necessary to insulate and or heat trace water feed lines to prevent freezing.
Accelerator: refer to the Winter Injection Procedures portion of this manual.

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Section 4: Application
All types of Monokote Fireproofng can be mixed by machine in a conventional, plaster - type mixers with paddle or ribbon
blades. Many Continuous mixers, specifcally modifed for cementitous freproofng can also be used. Check with your area
salesperson or technical advisor to confrm the required modifcations. Conventional plaster mixers should empty completely
between batches and the mixer should be kept clean and free of all previously mixed material.
Caution: Do not mix any Monokote Fireproofng material that contains partially set, frozen or caked material. Do not use
hot water when mixing any Monokote Fireproofng materials.
Monokote Fireproofng material needs to be mixed to a consistent slurry to maximize yield and hangability during
application. There are several factors governing the quality of the mix for all materials. The key is being consistent from
batch to batch by maintaining the proper water ratio and mixer density for the product being mixed. Refer to the specifc
products yield chart for proper density ranges. Mix water, mix time and mixer rpm will dictate the product density.
The mixer blade speed should be between (35-40 rpms ). Using the product yield charts set in the targeted amount of water to
be used per batch. The water may varied within the published range to give the sprayer the best possible spraying scenario for
thickness, steel size, sprayers ability, and job conditions.
Once you have established a given water amount per batch, you should maintain that amount batch to batch by some type of
water metering system. Timed Sump Pump with a 55 gallon drum or some type of In-Line Water meter such as the (Neptune
or Fill Rite ) are the most commonly used . (Refer to Water Metering Systems in section V of this manual for additional
Mix time for gypsum based products should be 1 1/2 minutes +/-15 seconds. Cement based products should be mixed 2-3
minutes. There are digital and mechanical timers available to help your mixer person maintain a consistent mixing time.
Note: Adding water increases yield and raises mixer density. Use enough water to create a creamy, fuid mix while
maintaining good hangability. Mix material long enough to achieve target mixer density (longer mix times will reduce mixer
Caution: Short stroke piston pumps do not pump material well that is over mixed (mixer densities below 39 pcf). Over
mixing will dramatically reduce the pumping rate with these short stroke piston pumps. Increasing the RPM of the mixing
blades (within the 35 - 45 rpm range) will reduce the length of mix time necessary to achieve the target mixer density.

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Mixing Procedures
Conventional Mixers
1. Prior to mixing Monokote Fireproofng materials in a mechanical mixer, set the blade speed to 35-40 RPM.
2. With the blades turning, begin flling the mixer with water. Keep the blades turning until at least three-quarters of the water
has been added. Important; Filling the mixer with water while the blades are turning will help keep the blades clean and
prevent dry material clumps from hanging up balls or plugging seats.
3. Turn off the blades.
4. With the blades off, empty two bags of freproofng into the mixer.
5. Place the unopened third bag of freproofng over the dust cover opening or mixer grate. This will reduce the dust that exits
the mixer when you engage the mix blades.
6. Engage the mix blades while adding the third bag of Fireproofng.
7. Start timing the mix.
8. Mix the material for a set length of time to achieve a material target mix density. It is recommended the mixer person use
some kind of timer, to keep the mix time the same from batch to batch.
9. After mixing material for a set mixing length, disengage the mixing blades.
10. Empty the mixer into the pump hopper.
Periodically, it may be necessary to use a wash down hose to clean the mixer of residue material.
Continuous mixers
The mixing procedure for continuos mixers is simply fll the mix hopper with dry material and use the on /off switch to keep
the pump hopper full. Water and material are automatically delivered in proportional amounts. The water should be adjusted
to the maximum possible, consistent with a hangable mix matching steel size to the sprayers skill level.

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Measuring Mix Water:
Conventional mixers
Timed Sump Pump and 55 Gallon Drum; To use the attached calculations the drum must measure 22.5 inches in diameter.
1. With the drum full of water , hold the foat valve in the up (off) position to prevent water from entering the drum during the
entire measuring process.
2. Measure the distance from the top of the drum to the water level and record.
3. Have the mixer man turn on the sump pump to fll the mixer with water from the drum. When the sump pump as stopped
measure the distance from the top of the drum to the water level and record. Remember to hold the foat valve up at all
times so that no new water enters the drum.
4. Subtract the height of the water before turning on the pump (frst measurement) from the height of the water after the pump
had stopped (second measurement ). This is the water drop in inches.
5. Multiply the water drop in inches by 1.72 to determine gallons per batch. Divide gallons per batch by the number of bags
per batch to determine gallons per bag.
Important Note : If you do not have a drum measuring 22.5 in diameter than you can use the formula below to determine
gallons per inch of drop:
Gallons / Inch = r2 /73.5
Gallons per inch of drop is equal to (Radius of the drum squared, divided by 73.5).
Continuous mixers
When using Continuous mixers; an electronic digital fow meter must be used.
1. Fill the continuous mixer to the top with dry material.
2. Zero the fow meter by depressing the ON button for 3 seconds.
3. When the continuous mixer is started keep count of the number of bags being emptied into the mixer hopper. Run the
mixer until approximately 10 or more bags have been used. Start and stop operation is OK. At a point after the 10 bags
have been used, Stop the continuous mixer. Continue to add dry material and count the number of bags added until the
continuous mixer hopper is flled to the top as in step 1.
Note: The more bags put through the mixer the more accurate your gallons will be.
4. Read the number of gallons on the fow meter. Divide the number of gallons by the number of bags emptied into the
hopper. This is the gallons per bag used.
Example: Eighteen bags emptied into hopper and 153 gallons of water used from the meter reading, so 8.5 gallons of
water are being used per bag.
Te Benefts Of A Proper Mixed Material Using
a Conventional or Continuous Mixer:
Consistent pumping rate.
Variation in material mix when using mechanical pumps can change the pumping rate in bags per hour. Consistent material
eliminates pumping rate variation.
Improved hangability and thickness control.
With a consistent mix, sprayers get into a productive rhythm that is not possible if the quality of the mix varies. The sprayer is
now free to concentrate on improving his spray technique and controlling in place thickness.
Properly mixed material is self-feeding.
Material slides down the walls of the pump hopper and into the pump intake.
Fully activates the materials air entrainment.
This reduces material pumping pressures since it lubricates the conveying system. Helps improve material yield, spray
pattern and hangability.

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Nozzle Set Up and Adjustments
Orifce Selection
The orifce should be as large as possible while still maintaining a proper spray pattern. The faster the pumping rate the larger
the orifce size needs to be. This will aid in increasing yield while still maintaining a proper spray pattern. When matching the
orifce size to the pumping rate, the following chart can be used as a guideline for most spray applications.
For 10 to 30 bags per hour use a 1/2 orifce with a Short Mini Shield
For 25 to 35 bags per hour use a 9/16 orifce with a Medium to Long Mini Shield
For 35 to 45 bags per hour use a 5/8 orifce with a Medium to Long Mini Shield
For 25 t 35 bags per hour use a 1/2 Super Shield
For 35 to 45 bags per hour use a 9/16 Super Shield
For 40 to 55 bags per hour use a 5/8 Super Shield
A special 7/16 orifce is available for Z146 and Z 156 products.
The use of an orifce shield is highly recommended. The orifce shield ( Mini or Super) decreases the size of the spray pattern
and provides a well defned spray pattern. The mini shield comes in different lengths 3/4 short, 7/8 medium, or 1 long. The
longer the shield the narrower the spray pattern. On jobs with small beams the narrower pattern works better for thickness
control and reducing waste and overspray.
While the use of either spray shield is highly recommended the Super Shield has several advantages.
1. The spray pattern is more defned, and allows for more accurate placement of material thus dramatically reducing waste
and overspray.
2. The spray pattern is more uniform which aids in the application of the fange tips. The material is more uniformly
distributed across the spray pattern eliminating volume of material and air pressure in the center of the pattern seen more
often with the mini shield.
Nozzle Air Pressure
The nozzle air pressure should be set as low as possible (approximately 15-20 psi ) while still maintaining a well defned
spray pattern. The air pressure should make a dull buzzing noise rather than a high pitched whine. The higher the air pressure
the more diffcult it is to obtain maximum yield. The gaseous air bubbles generated in the mix, and with the injection process,
can break when hit with high air pressure at the nozzle. This results in a higher density material and a reduction in material
yield. The lowest possible air pressure while maintaining a controlled spray pattern is the best practice. The use of an air
valve at the nozzle is highly recommended to make the necessary adjustments during the application process. The factory set
pressure relief valve on the pumps air compressor is set higher than the pressure needed at the nozzle. The air valve at the
nozzle is the best way to regulate the proper amount of air pressure needed. The pressure relief valve on the compressor will
go into relief when excessive air pressure is built up within the system.

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Air Stem Adjustment
The nozzle is equipped with a thumb set screw for locking down the air stem when the proper adjustments have been made.
The tip of the air stem should be back approximately 1/4 from the orifce. This is a good starting point from which to make
fne adjustments. It is advisable to remove and clean the air stem daily to prevent it from getting frozen into place. When it is
necessary to change orifce size, the air stem will also have to be adjusted. Without proper maintenance the air stem freezes
and proper adjustment are impossible. There can also be a material build up on the inside of the air stem. A 1/8 round fle or
rigid piece of wire should be used to clean out the air stem daily.
Caution: Take extreme caution and use protective eyewear when cleaning the air stem as pressure may be built up
Hand Held Nozzles
When spraying Monokote selecting the proper type of nozzle assembly to match job site conditions, is critical to the outcome
of the project. The major difference today is the reduction from the standard 1 nozzle assemblies to 3/4 nozzle assemblies.
The reduction in weight and fexibility allows the sprayer to move the nozzle easily, there by increasing thickness control and
reducing waste. While the selection of a nozzle assembly is the sprayers preference, the two most popular hand held nozzles
are: ( refer to drawing #002 for nozzle components)
3/4 Rigid Nozzle assembly: This is the most commonly used nozzle assembly. The 3/4 assembly consist of a Goodyear
Gauntlet 1500 psi whip, brass full fow material shut off valve , 3/4x 2 close nipple, E Z swivel, 12 to 16 3/4 rigid
aluminum pipe, 3/4 x 1 reducing bushing, connected to a 1 short injection gun head. The rigid aluminum pipe length
should be matched to the dimension between steel beam members and scaffold size, allowing the sprayer to comfortably
apply the material without reaching or bending. The pipe should be short enough to allow the sprayer to spray and gauge
during the application process. The option of different swivel connector exist refer to the swivels portion of this section.
3/4 Rubber Nozzle assembly . This 3/4 assembly consist of a Goodyear Gauntlet 1500 psi whip, brass full fow material
shut off valve , 3/4x 2 close nipple, E Z swivel, 12 to 16 Goodyear Gauntlet 1500 psi rubber nozzle hose, 3/4 x 1
reducing bushing, connected to a 1 short injection gun head. The hand held rubber nozzle is ideal for applications when the
sprayer has easy access to the steel members. The majority of the applications are from the scaffold where the sprayer is close
to the steel and does not require the added reach obtained from the rigid aluminum pipe extension. Sprayer fatigue is reduced
and allows for direct application to the steel while gauging for thickness.
The fexibility of the nozzle also allows for application of hard to reach areas such as the backs of outside perimeter columns
where a rigid nozzle experiences some diffculty.
3/4 Nozzle Swivels
Nozzle bearing swivels are a must in spray applications. They allow for the easy rotation of the nozzle assembly when
spraying various shapes and sizes of steel members. Most E Z swivels are ftted with a grease ftting to assure smooth easy
rotation of the nozzle. It should be greased on a daily basis and replaced when worn. The three most popular swivels are:
Hanson Quick Disconnect: This unit is a two component unit of brass construction. The unit swivels on stainless steel ball
bearings for a smooth easy rotation of the nozzle. The Hanson quick disconnects also works well where changing nozzles for
different applications is required. The change over from hand held nozzle to pole gun assemblies is quick and easy, result in
less downtime. Special attention should be paid to the assembly for proper direction when installing.
1 E Z Nozzle Bearing Swivel: This unit is a single component unit of steel or aluminum construction. The steel units tend
to weigh a little more than the aluminum unit but last up to 50% longer. The unit swivels on stainless steel ball bearings for
a smooth easy rotation of the nozzle. The unit is ftted with a grease ftting to assure smooth easy rotation of the nozzle, and
should be greased on a daily basis. The 1 E Z swivel will require two 1x 3/4 aluminum or PVC reducing bushings to allow
for the reduction to 3/4 assemblies.
3/4 Barrel Swivel: This unit is a single component unit of aluminum construction. This unit is the lightest weight unit
available and tested today. The unit swivels on stainless steel ball bearings for a smooth easy rotation of the nozzle. This is
the recommended swivel when it is not necessary to switch nozzles during the spraying operation. The Barrel swivel is ftted
with a grease ftting to assure smooth easy rotation of the nozzle and should be greased on a daily basis.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 7
3/4 Light Weight Pole Gun Assemblies
The use of a pole gun has some limitations. It is recommended for more experienced crews, when applying a scratch coat in
multi pass application situations, Small Projects, and hard to reach areas on typical jobs. Refer to these application directions
for specifc information pertaining to when to use a pole gun.
The components of the pole gun assemblies can be found on drawing # 010 and should be referred to when assembling a pole
gun to meet your specifc needs.
Pole Gun assembly with special 3/4 x 1 Articulating Swivel: This nozzle assembly is recommended when on small
projects and hard to reach areas on typical jobs. The Articulating Swivel enables the sprayer to adjust the nozzle spray pattern
to achieve the up and down shot in most beam applications. The nozzle can be set up with either a 1 short injection gunhead
or a standard nozzle with an inline injection module. The inline injection module allows for the easy on /off operation of
the injection process. If the inline injection module is not available, the 1 short gunhead is recommended to minimize the
distance between the deck and the top of the lower beam fange. This gives the sprayer more fexibility in achieving the desire
distance the nozzle should be held from the steel. The use of Hanson quick disconnects is highly recommended for quick
changes if a hand held nozzle assembly is required. i.e. column application. The articulating swivel is equipped with thumb
set screws to lock the gunhead into the desired location. The length of the 3/4 pole gun assembly should be designed to
comfortably reach the spray area
Pole Gun assembly with a 1 x 1 x 4 45o Aluminum Nipple: This nozzle assembly is recommended for more
experienced crews, when applying a scratch coat in multi pass applications. The 45o Aluminum Nipple enables the rotation of
the gunhead which enables the sprayer to adjust the nozzle spray pattern to achieve the upshot, and the proper angle for deck
and joist applications. The nozzle can be set up with either a 1 short /long injection gunhead or an inline injection module,
which allows for the easy on /off operation of the injection process. The use of the injection module is highly recommended
to minimize the weight of the nozzle and also removes the accelerator line from the pole assembly. The use of Hanson Quick
Disconnects is highly recommended for quick changes when a hand held nozzle assembly is required. Pay particular attention
to material line, air line, and accelerator line connections as they will need to be installed properly for the quick change over
of the nozzle assemblies

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Pump In & Pump Out Procedures for the 1 & 3/4 whip assemblies
With Continuous, and Conventional Batch mixers
When using the 3/4 Whips the following Pump In and Pump Out procedures are highly recommended:
Pump in Procedure
1. With the water in the hose from the previous night, pump in an additional 1/2 - 3/4 of a hopper of
clean water. Start the pump and pump the water through the delivery system. (Make sure all material
line valves are in the open position). When the hopper almost empty STOP the pump (do not let it
suck air.) Note: In winter conditions refer to cold weather procedures Section 3 Conveying systems
2. For continuous mixers, Start the mixer with a bag placed under the end of the mix tube, and mix mate-
rial until a uniform mix is achieved.
2a. With conventional batch mixers mix the Monokote per manufactures recommendations and
continue with the following steps.
3. Fill the pump hopper with Monokote
4. Start the pump and begin pumping material.
5. When water fows freely form the nozzle. STOP the PUMP, and disconnect the last 1 1/4 hose from
the 11/4x 1 reducer and the 1x 3/4 reducer.
6. Restart the pump and continue pumping until uniform Monokote material has reached the end of the
last 1 1/4 hose.
7. STOP the PUMP.
8. Reconnect the 1 1/4 hose to the 11/4 x 1 reducer.
9. Restart the pump, and pump in the 1 whip assembly.
10. STOP the PUMP
11. Reconnect the 1 pump hose to the 1 x 3/4 reducer.
12. Restart the pump, and pump in the 3/4 whip assembly.
13. Stop the pump, reassemble the nozzle and begin spray application.

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Spraying is the single most important aspect of freproofng. Ideally the freproofng should be applied at its highest yield, at
the correct thickness, with the least amount of waste and overspray. Keep the pumping rate at a manageable level. Adjusting
the pumping rate to sprayers skill levels and job site conditions is critical in thickness control and managing waste and
overspray. A pumping rate that is too slow causes proft losses in labor, and pumping rates that are too fast generate proft
losses from excessive waste in thickness control and waste in overspray
Particular attention should be paid to the following areas that affect the daily proftability of freproofng applications.
Spraying basics
Nozzle set up and adjustment are critical to achieve a uniform spray application. The proper air stem adjustment, air pressure,
orifce selection, and nozzle assembly all aid in this process. ( refer to Nozzle set up and Adjustments portion of the
Tickness Control
The ability to gauge and spray while allowing for material swell is crucial to achieving proper thickness control. Refer to
spraying diagrams for specifc directions for application of Beams, Columns, and Joist. Setting the thickness gauge slightly
lower than the required thickness allows sprayers to judge the correct thickness, allowing for the swell of injected Monokote.
Waste & Overspray
The use of an orifce shield is highly recommended. The orifce should be as large as possible while still maintaining a well
defned spray pattern. Using the proper spray technique also aids in minimizing waste and overspray. A simple a thing as
keeping the nozzle aimed at the substrate can dramatically reduce waste and overspray and minimize clean up cost ( refer to
Nozzle set up and Adjustments portion of the manual).
Labor Productivity
Productivity is a function of planning, material allocation, equipment procedures and management. Productivity is a function
of how long people work not how hard they work. The Monokote elapsed time meter has been successfully used to monitor
how long the pump is actually pumping and by logging in the reason for downtime, corrective action can be taken to increase
pumping time per day.
Changes in the system will affect the yield at the nozzle. Yield can be one of the most proftable components of a job bid if
managed correctly. Using the Simplifed Yield Kit, nozzle yield can be checked periodically throughout the day. W. R. Grace
recommends checking the nozzle yields at least twice daily, and as adjustments are made in water ratios, pumping rates, or
when freshly mixed batches of accelerator are used.

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Beam Application Technique
Then following application technique is recommended for single pass beam applications which include thickness up to 9/16
inches for multiple pass applications greater than 9/16 refer to multiple pass applications techniques.
The following steps are recommended to obtain a uniform thickness with minimal waste and overspray.
Set up
Position your body facing the steel member making sure scaffold height is adequate to spray and gauge during the
application process. Scaffold to low or too far away from the steel, increases overspray and waste and inhibits the sprayer
from maintaining a quality application for thickness control. Normal recommended working height is 4 to 6 from the top of
the sprayers hard hat to the decking. Decking is used as the reference point as beams tend to vary in height.
Application preparation should have the sprayer (right handed) starting the application from left to right this enables the
sprayer to keep the nozzle pointed at unfnished work while he/she is gauging the completed application. Left hand sprayers
should work right to left for the same reasons.
Single Pass Application Technique
Step 1. Application should start at the bottom fange with the nozzle pointed up, angled slightly, into the member (See step
1. While using only 25% of the spray pattern, spray the bottom fange tip while spraying only 1/2 of the bottom
beam. Let the overspray fow onto the upper beam web, this can then be incorporated into the fnal thickness in
step 2. After the bottom fange is at full thickness:
Step 2. Raise the nozzle slightly, maintaining the same angle to bring the web area and upper fange to full thickness as
illustrated in step 2. Working left to right and gauging as you go bring the area to full thickness.
Upon completion rotate the nozzle 180o to the full down position:
Step 3. Start the down shot application. Bring the lower fange to full thickness by holding the nozzle tight enough to the
steel and rolling the material over the lower fange tip.
Step 4. After visual inspection of the beam for proper thickness of the lower fange, web., upper fange fll the futes with a
side by side motion approximately 3/4s of the way full to allow for the swell of injected MK 6 HY material.
REPEAT steps 1-4 on the reverse side of the beam paying particular attention to the underside of the beam for potential light
areas down the center of the beam where the material meets.
Note: In some cases an additional pass on the center of the web may be required when larger beams are being sprayed.
Multiple Pass Application Technique
When multiple pass applications are be used the decision of how much thickness to spray on the initial scratch coat has be
asked. The recommendation is to normally spray 1/2 of the desired thickness. By applying lighter thickness this enables the
sprayer to have more time to spray and gauge which aids in better thickness control and less waste and overspray. Caution
must be taken not to underspray in thickness and try to hang more material than recommended on the following passes.
Under normal conditions material hanability per pass is increased on the second coat compared to spraying on bare steel
Reducing the water ratio and drying up the material to hang heavier thickness comes with a reduction in yield. Lower water
ratios reduce the effciency of the injection process and make it harder to achieve high yields.
The option of spraying the lower fange to full thickness exists when spraying heavier thicknesses. This step should be
included on the frst pass in step 3 and when repeating steps on the opposite side of the beam.
With the initial application complete and set (10 - 15 minutes with injection) , repeat Steps 1 through 3 for thickness greater
than 9/16. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining a uniform application to build subsequent passes more easily.
The recommended thickness per pass is 1/2 to 7/8 per application, for best hangabilty results. The following number of
passes is recommended for these thicknesses:
up to 1 1/4 2 passes
up to 1 7/8 3 passes
for 1 7/8 or greater 4 passes
The fute fll operation (step 4) should be completed on the fnal pass in
multiple pass applications.

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Column Application Technique
The following application technique is recommended for single pass column applications which include thickness up to 9/16
inches for multiple pass applications greater than 9/16 refer to multiple pass applications techniques.
The following steps are recommended to obtain a uniform thickness with minimal waste and overspray.
Set up.
Position your body facing the web side of the steel column to enable spraying and gauging during the application process.
Make sure hose length is adequate to enable you to move freely around the column. Debris and other obstacles should be
cleared ahead of time to enable free movement from column to column during the application process. It is recommended that
the base of the column be applied up to a comfortable working height before the top of the column application to minimize
possible slides and drop offs of material. Application coordination should include all the column bottoms within the daily
work area. This will minimize labor cost, reduce waste and overspray, and increase daily production.
Note: A light scratch coat on the column top during the bottom application will enhance material hangability when applying
the material to the top of the column. In some cases this can eliminate the need to double back for column top application.
Single Pass Application Technique
Step1. While standing facing the web of the column start the application by holding the nozzle 90o tight to the steel
and running a bead of material up the center of the fat side of the column ( see step 1 ). This bead should be
approximately 1/3 of the width of the column and sprayed to the desired thickness.
Step2. The bead then acts as a restraint to enable the sprayer to start building the material out to develop the fange tip.
(See Step 2). The material should be built up in numerous, long sweeping, light coats, starting from the bottom and
working towards the top of the column and back again. The application should start against the bead rotating the
nozzle towards the inside web of the column. The nozzle should be held at a 45o angle to the column while focusing
on rolling the fange tip. Roll the material around the fange tip to the inside of column. The overspray should go into
the web portion of the column and later will be incorporated into the overall thickness.
Step 3. Flip the nozzle over and Repeat step 1 on the opposite side of the column.
Step 4. Move the nozzle out. Repeat step 2 to develop the fange tip
Step 5. Holding the nozzle at a 45o angle to the inside column web (See Step 5 ), build up thickness in numerous, long
sweeping, light coats, starting from the bottom and working towards the top of the column. The nozzle should
be held tight enough to the column to roll the material out on to the fange tip. As the material is building on the
fange tip, special attention should be paid to the overspray going out from the column. The overspray should be
minimized by maintaining the proper distance from the column. The distance the nozzle is held from the fange
depends on the width of the column. The smaller the column the closer the nozzle will need to be held.
Step 6. Repeat step 5 on the opposite side of the column.
The opposite side of the column is complete in the same application technique with the exception of steps 1 and 3
On some wider columns an additional pass down the center of the inside column web may be necessary to achieve a
uniform application.
Multiple Pass Application Technique
When multiple pass applications are be used the decision of how much thickness to spray on the initial scratch coat has be
asked. The recommendation is to normally spray 1/2 of the desired thickness.
By applying lighter thickness this enables the sprayer to have more time to
spray and gauge which aids in better thickness control and less waste and
overspray. Caution must be taken not to underspray in thickness and try to
hang more material than recommended on the following passes. Under normal
conditions material hangability per pass is increased on the second coat
compared to spraying on bare steel
On multiple pass applications the placement of the bead up the center is not
required. In step 2 & 4 the nozzle is held a little further back from the column,
the spray pattern should be wide enough to spray half of the side of the column.
Particular attention should be paid to maintaining a uniform application to build
subsequent passes more easily.

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The recommended thickness per pass are 1/2 to 5/8 per application, for best hangabilty results. The following numbers of
passes are recommended for these thicknesses:
up to 1 1/4 2 passes
up to 1 7/8 3 passes
for 1 7/8 or greater 4 passes
Bar Joist Application Technique (with Scrim)
Then following application technique is recommended for single pass joist applications which include thickness up to 9/16
inches, for multiple pass applications greater than 9/16 refer to multiple pass applications techniques.
Bar Joist bridging is address in each particular UL design, refer to your specifc design for coverage and thickness
The following steps are recommended to obtain a uniform thickness with minimal waste and overspray.
Set up
Position your body facing the joist member making sure scaffold height is adequate to spray and gauge during the application
process. Scaffolds to low or too far away from the steel, increases overspray and waste and prohibits the sprayer from
maintaining a quality application for thickness control. Normal recommended working height is 4 to 6 from the top of the
sprayers hard hat to the decking. Decking is used as the reference point as beams tend to vary in height.
Application preparation should have the sprayer (right handed) starting the application from left to right, this enables the
sprayer to keep the nozzle pointed at unfnished work while gauging the completed application. Left hand sprayers should
work right to left for the same reasons.
Single Pass Application Technique (with Scrim )
Step 1. Application should start on the scrimmed side of the joist. With the nozzle pointed up, angled slightly, into the
member (See step 1). Start the application on the diagonal support members (bars / angles) angling the nozzle at a
45o angle to minimize blow through of the material. This will start the material bridging on the scrim and minimize
waste and overspray. Follow the contour of the diagonals to within comfortable reach (approx. 4 5 feet). The
distance the nozzle is held from the joist is critical in controlling waste as excessive thickness. The further the nozzle
is held away from the joist the wider the spray pattern and the more waste. The width of the spray pattern should
enable the sprayer to achieve the desired thickness required on the joist. As an example a 1 1/2 requirement should
have a 3 spray pattern. This will minimize the excessive wasted material on the open joist portion of the scrim
Note on metal lath a minimal coverage on the lath is required in all UL designs..
Step 2. Holding the nozzle tight to the bottom chord, spray the bottom fange while focusing on rolling the fange tip.
The nozzle needs to be held close enough to minimize material waste off the backside of the joist and also on the
scrimmed netting. Continue spraying within comfortable reach until you meet the end of the spray area.
Step 3. Rotate the nozzle 180o and start the down shot on the top of the chord. Again paying close attention to the distance
from the chord to minimize waste and overspray. At the end of the down shot again rotate the nozzle 180o and roll
the fange tip again to assure proper thickness.
Step 4. Raise the nozzle up to the top chord and begin application by holding the nozzle tight enough to establish a spray
pattern that will enable the application of the top chord will flling the futes.

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Multiple Pass Application Technique (with Scrim)
When multiple pass applications are be used the decision of how much thickness to spray on the initial scratch coat has be
asked. The recommendation is to normally spray 1/2 of the desired thickness. By applying lighter thickness this enables the
sprayer to have more time to spray and gauge which aids in better thickness control and less waste and overspray. Caution
must be taken not to underspray in thickness and try to hang more material than recommended on the following passes.
Under normal conditions material hanability per pass is increased on the second coat compared to spraying on new joist.
Step 1 For multiple passes repeat Steps 1 through 4 for thickness greater than 9/16. Particular attention should be paid to
maintaining a uniform application to build subsequent passes more easily.
The recommended thickness per pass is 1/2 to 5/8 per application, for best hangabilty results. The following number of
passes is recommended for these thicknesses:
up to 1 1/4 2 passes
up to 1 7/8 3 passes
for 1 7/8 or greater 4 passes
The fute fll operation should be inspected and completed on the fnal pass in multiple pass applications. Working left to right
and gauging as you go bring the area to full thickness.
Bar Joist Application Technique (Open without Scrim)
The Open Joist application technique is only recommended to the more experienced applicator when the follow conditions
can be met. On jobs where the decking requires spray on fre protection ,and the thickness is 1 1/2 or less on the bar joist
The intention is to utilize the overspray from the joist application and convert it into the thickness required for the deck
application. It is our recommendation that cost comparisons be done between scrimmed joist applications, and open joist
applications, to determine the most economical means of the application.
For more information on open joist application please consult your local Grace Representative.
Pole Guns for use on Small Projects and Hard to Reach Areas
The use of a special lightweight 3/4 pole gun assembly is recommended for Small Projects and hard to reach areas on typical
jobs. In the past many sprayers objected to the use of pole guns due to the weight and awkwardness. The new pole gun
assembly is lighter weight due to the 3/4 aluminum construction, and needs to be ftted with a special 3/4 x 1 Articulating
Swivel, or a 1 x 1 x 4 45o aluminum nipple. These fttings enable adjustments of the nozzle, to achieve the proper nozzle
direction tom properly coat steel surfaces.
The upshot and downshot can be easily adjusted to spray the entire steel member. The pole gun application technique for
spraying a beam will differ from the normal beam application technique. The sprayer must focus on maintaining a quality
application and achieving the minimal thickness requirement. Material waste in over thickness and overspray should be
understood as a trade of against reduced labor. This savings should be carefully evaluated before this method of application is
chosen. The trade off of using extra material for reducing labor and scaffolding cost can be proftable, based on labor wages
and material cost. The higher your labor cost, the more appealing this option will be.
Below is an example of a cost analysis which demonstrates a reduction from a 3 man crew and an increase in material waste.
Waste is described as additional thickness and overspray. Production rates in the 25 bag per hour range have been used to
maintain nozzle control and reduce sprayer fatigue. Higher production rates are possible but are restricted to the sprayers
experience and skill level. Pumping in the 40 plus bag per hour range is not recommended as normal practice when trying to
spray the entire application. Refer to High production pole gun application portion of this manual for recommendations and

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Cost Analysis 500 bag job
Bag Pricing: Monokote At $12.00 a bag
Lets assume an additional waste factor due to a pole gun application and a 2 man crew
25 bags per hour 100 bags per day 500 bags per week
Percent Bags Dollars Percent Bags Dollars Percent Bags Dollars
3% = .75 = $ 9.00 3% = 3 = $ 36.00 3% = 15 = $180.00
5% = 1.25 = $15.00 5% = 5 = $ 60.00 5% = 25 = $300.00
10% = 2.5 = $30.00 10% = 10 = $120.00 10% = 50 = $600.00
Per Hourly rate Per 8 hour Day Per 5 day Week
$ 15.00 $ 120.00 $ 600.00
$ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ 1000.00
$ 30.00 $ 240.00 $ 1200.00
$ 35.00 $ 280.00 $ 1400.00
$ 40.00 $ 320.00 $ 1600.00
As you can see a Small Project is LABOR INTENSE. Lets take a look at a worst and best case scenario:
$40.00 Hourly rate at a 3% waste increase = A contractor weekly savings of $1,420.00
$ 40.00 X 8 hrs X 5 days = $ 1600.00
500 bags per week X 3% = 15 bags $12.00 = $180.00
Weekly savings $ 1420.00
$15.00 Hourly rate at a 10% waste increase = Even Money
$ 15.00 X 8 hrs X 5 days = $ 600.00
500 bags per week X 10% = 50 bags $12.00 =$ 600.00
weekly savings $ 0.00
( but the opportunity to improve on waste factors and production exist ).
Pole Gun Application Technique
The concern of achieving the downshot on the lower beam fange has to be addressed to maintain a quality application. Refer
to the pole gun photos for the necessary components to fabricate the pole gun assembly. You will notice two substantial
differences in the pole gun assembly. The frst is the 3/4 x 1 Articulating Swivel or a 1 x 1 x 4 x 45o aluminum nipple,
which is rotated to achieve the proper nozzle direction. The second is the inline injection module which replaces the injection
nozzle. This eliminates the need for the accelerator hose to be run up the length of the pole gun assembly (minimizing
the weight) and places the injection shut off controls at a convenient location for the sprayer. The following application
techniques must be followed to assure a quality application.
Step 1. The Down Shot
The nozzle should be held at a reasonable distance away from the steel to enable the complete application of the
downshot to the top of the bottom beam fange. This sprayers focus should be on watching the material roll over
the fange tip. This step may require some practice depending on the sprayers skill level and in all cases should be
visually checked to assure the entire lower fange has received the proper coverage and thickness. In most cases
additional material will be applied (i.e. Heavy thickness) but will improve with practice. The sprayer should select
a large enough area that will enable suffcient application time between nozzle rotations, and complete the lower
fanges for all beams in this area.
Step 2. Upshot on Bottom Beam
Rotating the nozzle (See Note below) to the up position will enable the sprayer to spray the upshot on the lower
fange with the material overspray going into the web portion of the beam. This is similar to the standard beam
application technique.
NOTE: When columns are available on the project they can be used as a spray location to rotate the nozzle
direction to switch from the lower fange application to the upshot and fute fll nozzle direction. This will
eliminate the necessity to stop the pump, and rotate the nozzle while controlling overspray.

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Step 3. Spraying the Beam Web ( When using the 45o aluminum nipple step 4 is completed before step 3).
The pole gun can then be rotated 180o to spray the web portion of the beam. Utilizing the overspray from the upshot
into the overall thickness of the beam complete the web and upper fange portion of the beam. The distance the
nozzle needs to be held from the steel will vary with beam size.
Step 4. The Flutes
Fill the futes using a side to side motion approximately 3/4s full to allow for material swell. This step may require
additional practice due to the increase in the sprayers distance from the steel. The Nozzle angle will vary on
depending on foor to ceiling heights and fute size.
Note: An additional pass over the upper fange and web area is advisable to assure proper coverage and material
High Production Pole Gun Application Technique (scratch coat)
For some more experienced crews, pole guns have be have been found to be a cost effective method of applying a scratch
coat in multi pass application situations.
The fnal pass is always done from a scaffold with the gun and sprayer near the steel to accurately measure thickness and
achieve a quality application without excess waste.
Pole Gun High Production Application
Where multiple passes are required, the daily production rate can be dramatically increased when the scratch coat operation
is applied with the pole gun application procedures. The objective is to spray at a higher productivity rate than your normal
spraying operations. This will eliminate the necessity of a scaffold for the initial pass. The fnal application is applied with a
hand held version of the nozzle assembly from a scaffold where the sprayer can control thickness and maintain the quality
of the application. The intention of the high production pole gun operation is not to spray the entire member from the foor.
These applications include: beam only jobs, beam & deck, and roof decks with open bar-joist. There are limitations such
as foor heights that exceed 13 (4 meters) and is not recommended for the less experienced sprayer who has diffculty with
nozzle control.
Equipment Selection
Refer to the equipment portion of the manual for photos and components to fabricate the pole gun assembly. (Optional
equipment selections are available). The pole-gun assembly should be 6-7 (approx. 2 meters) long when spraying a typical
foor height 12 - 13 (4 Meters). The pole gun will need to be fabricated for a quick change over to a short nozzle assembly
to complete the application process. Pay particular attention to material line, air line, and accelerator line connections as
they will need to be installed properly for the quick change over of the nozzle assemblies. Shorter versions of the pole gun
assembly can be used when foors are lower than 12 - 13 feet (4 Meters).In such cases as parking garages etc, the objective is
to design the nozzle assembly to comfortably reach the spray area.
The following procedure should be followed closely to maximize production and minimize waste and overspray.
Material Application on Typical Floors
1. The pole gun application would include the up-shot only, applying approx. 3/8 to a 1/2 of material per pass when
working with standard foor heights. Production in bags per hour should be increased to enable the application to be done
at a comfortable pumping rate with the material, but not to exceed the sprayers capabilities so that excessive waste and
overspray become costly. As an example a sprayer who would normally spray at 35-40 bags per hour should increase the
pumping rate to 45 -50 bags per hour on the scratch coat.
The material hose should be laid out down the middle of the bays to be sprayed. The hose should be behind the sprayer with
enough additional hose to move freely. The person moving the hose for the sprayer should communicate the sequencing
of the application before the start of the application. For safety reasons obstacles or debris should be removed before the
application starts to prevent accidental trips or falls. The following application sequences should be followed for:

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Pole Gunn Beam Only application
Starting in end section of a bay start the upshot application on either the left or right side and spray around the entire section.
By following the beam line around the section this will minimize the overspray on the decking. Upon completion move to
the next section of the bay and complete in the same sequence, until the bay(s) are complete. Doubling back for heavier
thickness can be accomplished in 10 - 15 minutes if the proper injection process is followed. Enough work can be scratch
coated in 1 to 2 hours with the pole gun, to enable the sprayer to return to the hand held nozzle for the remainder of the day.
This will minimize sprayer fatigue while maximizing production.
Pole Gun Beam And Deck Applications
A slightly different approach will be necessary when spraying beams and decking. Spray the beams in the same manners as
described in beam only application. When spraying the deck the sprayer will need to position himself in the center of the
section and walk away from the sprayed portion. The nozzle should be held close enough to the deck to minimize overspray
but far enough away to spray 2 - 4 sides of deck. The nozzle should be held at an angle that will enable the sprayer to cover
the deck from the center of the bottom crest to the center of the top valley with a side to side sweeping motion. ( see diagram
A.) Complete one side of the deck turn around and repeat to complete other side. ( see diagram B.) The production rate in
bags per hour will determine the speed at which the sprayer must move and the distance the nozzle is held from the decking.
Caution should be used not to overspray the beams that have been previously sprayed. The use of an orifce shield or
Super shield will aid in a well defned spray pattern.
Pole Gun (Non scrimed) Joist and Roof Deck Application
On scrimed joist projects the pole gun is not recommended.
Pole Gun is recommended for scratch coat only. Finish coat to be done from a scaffold, with the sprayer and gun close to
the work.
The joist will need to be sprayed in a similar fashion as a beam. The angle of the spray pattern is critical in achieving the
proper application of a joist and deck. The nozzle angle will need to be pointed up at the bottom of the joist angled slightly
to the top of the joist to allow the spray pattern to achieve a full uniform application of the joist. Particular attention should
be paid to sequencing as timing, and set time of the material play, a vital role in the success of the application. The fnal pass
is always done from a scaffold with the gun and sprayer near the steel to accurately measure thickness and achieve a quality
application without excess waste. The following sequence should be followed
Start in the corner of the bay. Begin by spraying a scratch coat of 1/4 to 3/8of material to only one side of the joist. Working
from left to right and right to left as diagrammed below.
Be sure to select an area large enough to allow suffcient set time of the material (10-15 minutes) before the backside of the
joist is applied. The material will build up easier and the possibility of drop outs will be reduced if the initial application is set
before applying the material to the backside of the joist.
After the material has set spray the backside of the joist, starting in the same initial location. This will allow the last portion
of the spray area to set while the application continues.
Repeat this process until the desired thickness is achieved. Numerous passes can be applied when spraying heavy thickness
applications. Allow enough remaining thickness to achieve a quality application from the scaffold with a hand held nozzle.
As an example a 1 5/8 joist thickness can be scratched coated in 3 passes 1/4
+ 3/8 + 3/8 with the remaining 5/8 from the scaffold.
The overspray from the joist application will be used in the deck thickness.
Upon completing the area or, when spraying the fnal scratch coat in a section,
address light areas in the center of the deck area. The decking should be
brought to a uniform thickness but the application should not exceed the
required thickness. Allow enough remaining thickness to achieve a quality
application from the scaffold with a hand held nozzle.
Thickness should be checked periodically to assure a quality application.
Diagram A. Diagram B.

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Introduction to Injection
Injection refers to the patented process developed by W.R. Grace where by Monokote Accelerator is injected into the fow
of the Monokote slurry near the nozzle, which causes Monokote MK-6/HY. Retro-Guard Type RG Monokote MK-10/HB
to foam and set soon after being sprayed into place.
The injection process is also used to reduce the set time of Monokote Z 106/HY,
Z- 106/G, and MK-6s. Yield is not a beneft of the injection process with these products.
The foaming is due to the reaction between Monokote Accelerator and ingredients specifcally added to Monokote. The
principal beneft of this foaming is to increase the yield of Monokote as it leaves the nozzle. Additional benefts include
improved hangability and set. When properly injected Monokote yield increases 30-40% and set time is reduced to
approximately 10 minutes, longer in colder climates. The fast set allows scratch and double operations in one continuous
The key to achieving the Maximum Walk Off yield is the proper use of the Deluxe High Yield Kit. The components of this kit
allow the applicator to maximize the yield at the nozzle and then to minimize the waste left on the steel in the form of excess
thickness. The kit includes yield charts which detail parameters for setting water and accelerator, cups and scale to quickly
measure results, and thickness gauges with written measurement procedures to accurately monitor and control in place
Proper and regular monitoring of nozzle yield (at least twice per day) and the continual use of a thickness gauge by the spray
man is a major component of meeting the proft goals on all Monokote Fireproofng projects.
In-line Injection
In-line Injection is the most common application method for injecting Monokote MK6 HY and Monokote Retro Guard. In-
line injection is accomplished by removing the injection gun head from the nozzle and replacing it with a standard spray
nozzle. A special 1 injection body needs to be purchased and installed into the delivery system between the 1 hose and the
3/4 whip hose or between the 1-1/4 and 1 hoses depending on the whip system being used. Special attention should be
paid to location of the injection shut off valve so that it is easily accessible when it becomes necessary to turn off the injection
In-line Injection should not be attempted by anyone not familiar with the Standard Injection Method or those not willing to
spend the extra time and effort required to install and develop the skills to use the In-line Injection process.
There are several advantages as well as disadvantages to In-line injection:
Increased hangability of material due to reduction in density
Increased yield due to better accelerator dispersion into material
Reduced bulk at nozzle by removing injection unit and alum line from whip hose
Decreases sprayer fatigue
Increased use of accelerator
Increase chance of violating density
Possibility of fash setting material in hose
Please consult your local GraceTechnical Service Representative to fnd out more about the In Line Injection Process.

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Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
ACCELERATOR 1270 12601280
MIXER 720775 640795
NOZZLE 540 520555
WATER (Gal/Bag) 8.5 8.09.0
NOTE: To use the above chart, water should be between 8.09.0 gallons (3034 liters)
per bag. For water ratios other than 8.5 gallons (32 liters) and 540 grams, the water ratio
MUST first be determined BEFORE selecting a target cup weight for nozzle yield.
WARNING: For water ratios and cup weights outside the above ranges, see inside.
DO NOT exceed 45.7 bf per bag or the density will be below 15.0 pcf.
See inside for details.

M K - 6

/ H Y

Fireproofing Products
Simplified Yield Chart
Target Water and Cup Weights
to Achieve 44 BF/Bag

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Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

10 gal/bag
Mix time 10 to 15 minutes
Freshly mixed solution contains small air bubbles.
Target 1260 grams for freshly mixed solution.
Mix time 1 to 2 minutes
(4050 pcf)
High production piston pump performance is optimized in the upper
portion of the target range. For rotor stator pumps and lower
production rates, where possible, target the lower portion of the range.
Yield Water
(see Mix Water Chart on back page)
@ 25.4 mm 7.5 U.S. gal 8 U.S. gal 8.5 U.S. gal 9 U.S. gal 9.5 U.S. gal
thick 28 L 30 L 32 L 34 L 35.5 L
3.9 m
42 BF 525 545 565 580 600 16.2
4.09 m
44 BF
500 520
4.25 m
45.7 BF 480 500 520 535 555 15 UL min. avg.
4.55 m
48.9 BF 450 465 485 500 515 14 UL min. ind.
Dry Density

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This simplified method requires the use of a one liter Grace precalibrated container and a gram scale
capable of weighing two thousand grams. An optional hydrometer may also be used to adjust the
accelerator concentration. These simplified methods allow the applicator to adjust accelerator
concentration, mixer density, and nozzle density to maximize in place yield with MK-6/HY.
These charts are based on proper mixing in the range of 89 gallons per bag.
For water ratios outside this range or for other Grace products, contact your Grace representative.
1270 grams/liter (specific gravity)
1. Mix Monokote accelerator in a Grace injection system as directed on the accelerator bag.
2. Place an empty one liter container on scale and press on/tare to tare the container.
3. Fill the container level (flat) to the top with accelerator.
4. As an alternate to 13 above, place a hydrometer in the solution and determine the
specific gravity.
If the weight of the accelerator (or hydrometer reading) is below 1260 grams/liter (sp. gr.)
add additional accelerator to the mix. If the weight (or reading) is over 1290 grams/liter
(sp. gr.) add additional water.
Note: Freshly mixed solution contains small air bubbles. Target 1260 grams (sp. gr.).
720775 grams
1. Mix Monokote as directed.
2. Place Grace one liter container on the scale and press on/tare to tare the container.
3. Fill the container with Monokote.
If the weight is over 795 grams, mix longer or speed up the mixing blades. If the weight is
below 640 grams mix a shorter time or slow the mixer blades.
See attached charts for optimizing pump performance.
540 grams
1. Set the accelerator flow rate to a fast trickle.
2. Start spraying and spray for about one minute until the system stabilizes.
3. After about one minute spray Monokote directly into the container. Position the nozzle
above the container so that there is no overspray outside the container. Overfill the container.
4. Cut the Monokote level with the top of the container. Wait approximately one minute or until
no further swelling is apparent. Again cut the Monokote flush with the top of the container.
5. For accurate readings cut to a smooth surface before the MK begins to set.
6. Place an empty container on the scale and press on/tare.
7. Replace the tared container with the identical container filled with Monokote and record
the net weight.
Check the attached charts to determine yield and adjust the injection rate to yield 44 board
feet per bag.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 25
W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. 62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140
Monokote, MK-6 and HY are trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users consideration, investigation
and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale,
which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright.
W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2008. W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn.
MK-460B Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/500
Visit our web site at:
Mix Water Chart (Timed Sump Pump Water Meters)
This is valid for 55 gallon drums with a 22.5 in. diameter and for 3 bag batches
Water Drop Inches Gallons per Batch Gallons per Bag
13 22.4 7.5
2 23.2 7.8
14 24.0 8.0
2 24.9 8.3
15 25.8 8.6
2 26.7 8.9
16 27.5 9.2
2 28.4 9.5
When using a continuous mixer an electronic digital flow meter must be used.
1. Fill the continuous mixer to the top with dry material.
2. Zero the flow meter by depressing the ON button for 3 seconds.
3. When the continuous mixer is started keep count of the number of bags being emptied
into the mixer hopper. Run the mixer until approximately 10 or more bags have been
used. Start and stop operations are OK. At a point after the 10 bags have been used, stop
the continuous mixer. Continue to add dry material and count the number of bags added
until the continuous mixer hopper is filled to the top as in Step 1.
Note: The more bags put through the mixer the more accurate your gallons will be.
4. Read the number of gallons on the flow meter. Divide the number of gallons by the
number of bags emptied into the hopper. This is the gallons per bag used.
Example: Eighteen bags emptied into the hopper and 153 gallons of water used from the
meter reading, so 8.5 gallons of water are being used per bag.
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 26
Grace Fireproofing Products

MK-10 HB
Target Ranges to Achieve 44 BF/Bag
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
ACCELERATOR 1270 12601280
MIXER 720775 640795
NOZZLE 540 520555
WATER (Gal/Bag) 8.5 8.09.0
NOTE: To use the above chart, water should be between 8.09.0 gallons (3034 liters)
per bag. Water usage should be well understood when taking cup weights.
WARNING: For water ratios and cup weights outside the above ranges, see inside.
DO NOT exceed 45.7 bf per bag or the density will be below 15.0 pcf.
See inside for details.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 27
MK-10 HB
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

10 gal/bag
Mix time 10 to 15 minutes
Freshly mixed solution contains small air bubbles.
Target 1260 grams for freshly mixed solution.
Mix time 1 to 2 minutes
(4050 pcf)
High production piston pump performance is optimized in the upper portion
of the target range. For rotor stator pumps and lower
production rates, where possible, target the lower portion of the range.
Yield Water
(see Mix Water Chart on back page)
@ 25.4 mm 7.5 U.S. gal 8 U.S. gal 8.5 U.S. gal 9 U.S. gal 9.5 U.S. gal
thick 28 L 30 L 32 L 34 L 35.5 L
3.9 m
42 BF 525 545 565 580 600 16.2
4.09 m
44 BF
500 520
4.25 m
45.7 BF 480 500 520 535 555 15 UL min. avg.
4.55 m
48.9 BF 450 465 485 500 515 14 UL min. ind.
Dry Density

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 28
This simplified method requires the use of a one liter Grace precalibrated container and a gram scale
capable of weighing two thousand grams. An optional hydrometer may also be used to adjust the
accelerator concentration. These simplified methods allow the applicator to adjust accelerator
concentration, mixer density, and nozzle density to maximize in place yield with MK-10 HB.
These charts are based on proper mixing in the range of 89 gallons per bag.
For water ratios outside this range or for other Grace products, contact your Grace representative.
1270 grams/liter (specific gravity)
1. Mix Monokote accelerator in a Grace injection system as directed on the accelerator bag.
2. Place an empty one liter container on scale and press on/tare to tare the container.
3. Fill the container level (flat) to the top with accelerator.
4. As an alternate to 13 above, place a hydrometer in the solution and determine the
specific gravity.
If the weight of the accelerator (or hydrometer reading) is below 1260 grams/liter (sp. gr.)
add additional accelerator to the mix. If the weight (or reading) is over 1290 grams/liter
(sp. gr.) add additional water.
Note: Freshly mixed solution contains small air bubbles. Target 1260 grams (sp. gr.).
720775 grams
1. Mix Monokote as directed.
2. Place Grace one liter container on the scale and press on/tare to tare the container.
3. Fill the container with Monokote.
If the weight is over 795 grams, mix longer or speed up the mixing blades. If the weight is
below 640 grams mix a shorter time or slow the mixer blades.
See attached charts for optimizing pump performance.
540 grams
1. Set the accelerator flow rate to a fast trickle.
2. Start spraying and spray for about one minute until the system stabilizes.
3. After about one minute spray Monokote directly into the container. Position the nozzle above
the container so that there is no overspray outside the container. Overfill the container.
4. Cut the Monokote level with the top of the container. Wait approximately one minute or until no
further swelling is apparent. Again cut the Monokote flush with the top of the container.
5. For accurate readings cut to a smooth surface before the MK begins to set.
6. Place an empty container on the scale and press on/tare.
7. Replace the tared container with the identical container filled with Monokote and record the
net weight.
Check the attached charts to determine yield and adjust the injection rate to yield 44 board feet
per bag.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 29
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726)
Monokote is a trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for
the users consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements,
recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement,
recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.,
62Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. InCanada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6.
This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2012. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-661 Printed in U.S.A. 07/12 FA/PDF
Mix Water Chart (Timed Sump Pump Water Meters)
This is valid for 55 gallon drums with a 22.5 in. diameter and for 3 bag batches
Water Drop Inches Gallons per Batch Gallons per Bag
13 22.4 7.5
2 23.2 7.8
14 24.0 8.0
2 24.9 8.3
15 25.8 8.6
2 26.7 8.9
16 27.5 9.2
2 28.4 9.5
When using a continuous mixer an electronic digital flow meter must be used.
1. Fill the continuous mixer to the top with dry material.
2. Zero the flow meter by depressing the ON button for 3 seconds.
3. When the continuous mixer is started keep count of the number of bags being emptied into
the mixer hopper. Run the mixer until approximately 10 or more bags have been used. Start and
stop operations are OK. At a point after the 10 bags have been used, stop the continuous mixer.
Continue to add dry material and count the number of bags added until the continuous mixer
hopper is filled to the top as in Step 1.
Note: The more bags put through the mixer the more accurate your gallons will be.
4. Read the number of gallons on the flow meter. Divide the number of gallons by the number
of bags emptied into the hopper. This is the gallons per bag used.
Example: Eighteen bags emptied into the hopper and 153 gallons of water used
from the meter reading, so 8.5 gallons of water are being used per bag.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 30


Target Ranges
Manufacturing Plant Santa Ana, CA
Water must be between 7.58.5 gallons (2832 liters) per bag
Target Range
Mixer 650 610690
Nozzle 780 750810
Yield 28 2630
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 31


Target Weights and Yields
Manufacturing Plant Santa Ana, CA
610 650 690
Mix Time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
7.5 gal 8 gal 8.5 gal
(28 liters) (30 liters) (32 liters)
2.42 26 810 840 870
28 BF
2.79 30 700 730 760
Monokote and MK-6 are trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-453D Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/500
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
25.4 mm BF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 32


Target Ranges
Manufacturing Plants Ajax, ON and Irondale, AL
Water must be between 8.09.0 gallons (3034 liters) per bag
Target Range
Mixer 650 600700
Nozzle 680 650700
Yield 34 3236
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 33


Target Weights and Yields
Manufacturing Plants Ajax, ON and Irondale, AL
600 650 700
Mix Time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
8.0 gal 8.5 gal 9.0 gal
(30 liters) (32 liters) (34 liters)
2.97 32 690 720 740
34 BF
3.34 36 620 640 660
Monokote and MK-6 are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
MK-454 Printed in U.S.A. 11/07 FA/LI/500
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
25.4 mm BF

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 34

Note: Water must be between 5.56.5 gallons (2125 liters) per bag
Target Range
Mixer 650 610690
Nozzle 730 700760
Yield 25 24.525.5
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 35
Target Nozzle Cup Weights
Measure water accurately
Mix time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
1 Bf. equals 1 ft
@ 1 in. thick
5.5 gallon 6 gallon 6.5 gallon
21 liters 23 liters 25 liters
@25.4 mm Bf.
2.28 24.5 715 745 780
2.32 25 700
2.37 25.5 685 715 750

Nozzle Weights and Yields
Monokote is a registered trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z106-16C Printed in U.S.A. 11/07 FA/LI/200
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 36


Accelerator 1270 12601280
Water must be between 8.258.75 gallons (3133 liters) per bag
Nozzle injection only. Do not use inline injection.
See reverse side for details.
MIXER 650 610690
NOZZLE 805 790820
YIELD 30 2931
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 37
Mix time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
1 Bf. equals 1 ft
@ 1 in. thick
Wet Mix & Yield Nozzle Cup Weights
8.25 gallon 8.5 gallon 8.75 gallon
31 liters 32 liters 33 liters
@25.4 mm Bf.
2.69 29 820 835 845
2.79 30 790 805 820
2.88 31 765 780 790
Lower cup weights will violate product dry density specifications.
*Net weight in grams accumulated in the cup during 15 seconds taken at nozzle (at constant flow).
Z-106/HY Net wt. of Accelerator
Pumping Rate (15 seconds)*
20 bags per hour 210220 grams
30 bags per hour 320330 grams
40 bags per hour 430440 grams
50 bags per hour 540550 grams
60 bags per hour 650660 grams
Net weight in grams per 1 liter cup


Accelerator Mixing: One 60 lb bag/10 gallons of water

(Concentration 1270; see chart on front)
Flow Rate: Set according to Z106/HY pumping rate!

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 38


Supplemental Field Application Information

Use with the Simplified Yield Chart
WARNING: Z-106/HY fast sets with injected Accelerator. When injected, Firebond

bonding agent must be applied to the substrate at 500 SF per gallon prior to Z-106/HY
application. When Z-106/HY is not injected Firebond is optional.
A bonding agent, Firebond, IS REQUIRED to be applied to all substrates prior to the
application of injected Z-106/HY.
NOTE: Firebond is NOT REQUIRED if the injection process is not used during the
application of Z-106/HY.
Container size 5 gallon bucket or 55 gallon drum.
Grace recommendeds using an airless pump for Firebond application.
The hanging and set characteristics of injected Z-106/HY are superior to standard
cement-based products and may allow application at yields in excess of 31.5 bf. per bag.
Yields in excess of 31.5 bd. ft per bag will result in dry densities below the 22 pcf
minimum published in the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Fire Resistance Directory.

Z-106/HY MIXING PROCEDURES (paddle mixers)
Blade RPM 3540
Water Starting Range: 8.5 gallons per bag
4 gallon. SEE YIELD CHART.
Mix Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds.
DO NOT USE in-line injection!
DO USE the Grace Injection Gun Head (injection port at the nozzle).
Alum concentration 1,2601,280 gms/1 liter cup.
Flow rate has to be set according to production rate. A watch showing seconds and
Grace Simplified Yield Kit (including 1 liter cup, and gram scale) are required.
Use recommended injection rates
Set time varies due due to job site conditions.
With Injection 12 Hours
Without Injection 68 Hours
Product Mix Ratio Coverage
Firebond Concentrate Undiluted 500 SF per gallon

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 39
Monokote, HY and MK-6 are trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z106-18E Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/300
Same as MK-6/HY (hoses and pumps: piston, hydraulic or rotor stator)
WARNING: This is a medium density product with a minimum dry density of 22.0 pcf.
DO NOT exceed 31.7 bf. or the dry density limits will be violated!!
Target nozzle density injected SEE YIELD CHART.
Suggested starting point: 800 grams 25 grams/1 liter cup at 8.5 gal/bag.
When injecting ONLY THE MINI-SHIELD is recommended! With
16 in. orifice 3040 bph
2 in. orifice 4050 bph. This is very important for same day multiple pass operation!
Super-shields can be used when not injecting: 3545 bph:
16 in.
4555 bph:
8 in.
1st pass:
2 in.1 in.
2nd pass:
2 in.1
2 in.
Without Injection
2 in.
8 in. per pass
We recommend the use of 5 ounces of retarder/3 bag mix, with Monokote on the first three
batches when switching EITHER TO or FROM Z-106/HY (cement) to gypsum-based
Monokote products.
SKIP TROWEL FINISH approximately 60 bags per day. (Call for more information).
High yields. Fewer bags. May be used with Grace patented Injection System
Achieve multiple passes in the same day!
Increased hangability (less passes to achieve thickness)
Increased daily production (multiple passes and greater thickness)
Less fall-outs (virtually none if applied correctly)
Production Rate Accelerator Injection Rates
(grams per 15 seconds)*
20 bags per hour 210220 grams
30 bags per hour 320330 grams
40 bags per hour 430440 grams
50 bags per hour 540550 grams
60 bags per hour 650660 grams
*Net weight in grams accumulated in the cup during 15 seconds
taken at nozzle after Alum has traveled through the check valve
at gun head.
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 40

Target Range
Accelerator 1060* 10551065
Water must be between 8.258.75 gallons (3133 liters) per bag
*Accelerator is optional. If used, do not exceed listed concentration.
Do not over inject.
Mixer 650 610690
Nozzle 800 775825
Yield 30 2931
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 41
Monokote is a trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z106-21C Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/100
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).
This is a medium density product with a minimum dry density of 22.0 pcf.
(Lower cup weights will violate product dry density specifications)
DO NOT exceed 31.7 bf. or the dry density limits will be violated!!
Measure water accurately
Z-106/G mix time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
1 Bf. equals 1 ft
@ 1 in. thick
Target (Z-106/G) Nozzle Cup Weights
8.25 gallon 8.5 gallon 8.75 gallon
31 liters 32 liters 33 liters
@25.4 mm Bf.
2.74 29.5 805 820 830
2.79 30 790
2.93 31.5 755 770 780

Accelerator Mixing: One 60 lb bag/40 gallons of water
(Concentration 1060; see chart on front)
Flow Rate: Set according to Z-106/G pumping rate!
*Net weight in grams accumulated in the cup during 15 seconds taken at nozzle (at constant flow).
Z-106/G Net wt. of Accelerator
Pumping Rate (15 seconds)*
20 bags per hour 100110 grams
30 bags per hour 150160 grams
40 bags per hour 210220 grams
50 bags per hour 260270 grams
60 bags per hour 315325 grams
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 42

Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
Water must be between 3.54.5 gallons (1317 liters) per bag
For increased hangability target 3.5 gallons (13 liters) per bag
Target Range
Mixer 890 835945
Nozzle 1005 9551055
Yield 15.75 15.2516.25

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 43
Target Nozzle Cup Weights
Measure water accurately
Mix time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
1 Bf. equals 1 ft
@ 1 in. thick
3.5 gallon 4 gallon 4.5 gallon
13 liters 15 liters 17 liters
@25.4 mm Bf.
1.42 15.25 985 1040 1090
1.47 15.75 955
1.51 16.25 925 975 1025

Nozzle Weights and Yields
Monokote is a trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn. registered in the United States and other countries.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z146-23D Printed in U.S.A. 11/09 FA/DSG/600
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 44

Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
Water must be between 34 gallons (1115 liters) per bag
For increased hangability target 3 gallons (11 liters) per bag
Target Range
Mixer 1080 10401120
Nozzle 1205 11401265
Yield 12.5 1213

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 45
Target Nozzle Cup Weights
Measure water accurately
Mix time 1
2 to 2
2 minutes
1 Bf. equals 1 ft
@ 1 in. thick
3 gallon 3.5 gallon 4 gallon
11 liters 13 liters 15 liters
@25.4 mm Bf.
1.11 12 1185 1255 1320
1.16 12.5 1140
1.21 13 1095 1155 1220

Nozzle Weights and Yields
Monokote is a registered trademark of W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
We hope the information given here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users
consideration, investigation and verification but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or
suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is
intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. Grace Construction Products, W. R. Grace & Co.Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02140-1692.
Copyright 2007. W. R. Grace & Co.Conn.
Z156-02 Printed in U.S.A. 11/07 FA/LI/600
Net Wt. (grams) per 1 liter cup
Visit our web site at
For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 46
Winter Injection Procedures
When using injection in winter conditions the affect of cold temperatures on the system must be considered. The ways in
which an injection system is affected by winter conditions are explained below so that the importance of the recommended
precautions are fully understood.
The following concerns arise as a result of exposure to temperatures of 32*F ( 0* C) and below.
1. The solubility of the Monokote Accelerator is reduced, requiring longer mixing time
2. Accelerator solution can freeze in the accelerator lines and injection units during the day or evening.
3. The viscosity of grease in the electric motors ( transfer pump, mixer, metering pumps ) will increase thus reducing
mechanical effciency making them diffcult to start and increasing their power demand
4. The viscosity of the oil in the metering pump will increase making the system draw more current during start up
Accelerator Solution
Winter Time Accelerator Mixing Instructions:
1. The accelerator solution needs to be mixed on weaker side of the standard concentration levels. This allows the accelerator
to mix faster, dissolve better, and will not freeze as quick. Use the Simplifed Yield Kit and mix to the following:
Standard Mixing Targets
10 US Gallons
1260 1270 1280
Winter Mixing Targets
11 US Gallons
1240 1250 1260
Note: By allowing the accelerator level in the barrel to drop until 3 bags can be mixed, will create a hotter mixing
solution and the accelerator will dissolve much quicker. In lab test the addition of 3 bags into a mix raised the mix
temperature by 300 - 400 deg. ( -10 to 50 C.)
2. Increase the accelerator fow rate to achieve the desired 44+ b.f. (4.1 m2 @ 25mm) and adjust nozzle yields with the
Deluxe Simplifed Yield Kit.
Note: When weighting the Monokote 1 liter cup to determine the nozzle yield, keep in mind that in colder weather the
Monokote swelling occurs slower. Allow additional time (up to 2/3 minutes) to confrm that the swelling process is
complete, and the yield cup numbers are accurate.

Field Application Manual

January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 4: Application | 47
Accelerator Lines
For very cold (night and day) environments, heat tracing has been used to prevent both the Monokote accelerator hose and
the conveying system from freezing. For high rise pumping where many foors are directly exposed to the very cold and
windy conditions, heat tracing cable may be wrapped around the standpipe, accelerator hose and air hose to prevent freezing.
All three lines then wrapped in fberglass insulation.
Below are the specifcations for the heat tracing from one manufacturer as an example. You will need approximately 1.5 feet
of tracing cable for every one foot of standpipe for spiral wrapping.
Manufacturer: Raychem Corporation
Process Division
300 Constitution Drive
Menlo Park, Ca 94025
(415) 361-4900
Part Name: Chemelex Auto-Trace Self
Regulating Heaters
Catalog No: 3BTV, 5BTV, 8BTV, 10BTV.
Warning: Not all hoses are compatible with heat tracing and Monokote Accelerator. Pay particular attention to the
specifcation with respect to pressure rating and hose lining. A hose consisting of an acrylonitrile inner
core with a rayon fber reinforcement and a minimum rating of 800psi is suitable for this application. It is
available from Grace or can be purchased through hose distributors under the generic label SAE100R3. The
manufacturer is insignifcant as long as SAE100R3 is used to describe the hose.
If the temperature will remain above 20 F ( -70 C.) the solution may stay in the lines overnight, ready for use the next day.
If heat trace is not used and temperatures are expected to fall below 20 F ( -70 C.), then at the end of the work day, draining
the accelerator from the lines is recommended.
This can be accomplished by:
1. Turning OFF the accelerator pump.
2. Make sure the bleed hose is securely inside the mixing barrel
3. Make sure the accelerator solution line shut off valve is open, then OPEN the fow rate valve on the Injection unit.
4. At the nozzle, open the accelerator shut of valve.
5. By using quick disconnects and a shut off valve, connect the airline to the accelerator line
6. Slowly open the shut off valve and blow back the accelerator solution into the barrel. (This takes approximately 5 - 10 min.
depending on the length of accelerator line in use).
7. Leave the air running as long as possible to allow all the accelerator solution to be blown back.
Restarting the next morning:
1. Close the fow rate valve, Make sure the accelerator solution line shut off valve is open.
2. Reconnect the air and accelerator lines for normal operation
3. Turn on the accelerator pump and repurge the system.
4. The knurled knob can be increased in pumping capacity to minimize the purging time but must be returned to normal
operations settings upon completion. Verify your yield with the Simplifed Yield Kit.

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Firebond Application
Firebond Concentrate is a UL listed acrylic latex that is designed to be used as either a bonding agent or as a surface sealant.
Firebond is available in 5 gallon pails or in 55 gallon drums. Firebond may be applied with a Hudson Sprayer, an airless
sprayer (i.e. Graco Encapsulator II), a roller or brush.
On larger projects when an airless sprayer (i.e. Graco EM 590 or 495st) is used, the use of a pole gun assembly greatly
reduces installed cost. This eliminates the need for scaffolding and additional manpower in most cases. Proper selection of
orifce size and type of nozzle tip can also aid in a quality application. Gracos Reverse-A-Clean with Drip Less Guard tip
is highly recommended to minimize clean up and decrease production loss due to tip clogging. The tapered orifce is simply
rotated 180o and the clog is blown back out of the orifce, rotated back, and production continues. (refer to the equipment
selection in this manual for more information on Graco equipment.)
For application procedures, coverages, and types, refer to the Firebond Product Data Sheet
Spatterkote Application
Spatterkote SK -3 is a portland cement - based, textured product designed for use in conjunction with Monokote and
Retroguard Fireproofng on all cellular steel decking with fat plate bottom and on many UL listed roof deck assemblies.
Spatterkote can be applied by two methods: through the main Monokote pumping system or by using a small separate pump
on each foor. Job site conditions and experience will determine which method is best for you.
Spatterkote is designed to create a rough, discontinuous texturing of the surface with approximately 10 - 30 percent of the
decking left exposed between spots of spatterkote. Completely covering the steel deck is not acceptable.
Spatterkote should be applied with a pole gun assembly consisting of a standard nozzle, E Z swivel, and an aluminum pipe
long enough to place the gun head within 2 -3 feet of the steel deck.. Orifce size should be 1/2 to 9/16 maximum. Air
pressure and air stem should be set to create an evenly textured application.
The hoses on the spray foor should be set up so spraying will start farthest from the source and work back toward the
standpipe or pump. The sprayer will start in the far corner and walking backward applies Spatterkote to the underside of
the deck. To maximize productivity, a laborer should walk with the sprayer at all times to pull the hose and help direct the
One bag of Spatterkote will cover approximately 950 square feet of deck. The total square foot of deck area will determine
the number of bags of Spatterkote required.
Mixed Spatterkote is a very wet, loose mix that will pump much faster than Monokote. Due to Spatterkotes characteristics, it
is necessary to pump at a low rpm and in a lower gear. This will enable the sprayer to apply the correct amount of material on
the deck. Pump speed should be set so that the sprayer will be able to move with the pole gun at a walking speed.
Many applicators pump Spatterkote frst thing in the morning and then switch to a Monokote application. Making the switch
from Spatterkote to Monokote is not diffcult but does require the addition of gypsum retarder to the frst batch of Monokote.
Approximately one fve oz. cup of gypsum retarder should be added to the mix water of the frst batch of Monokote following
Spatterkote. The retarder must be used in this situation.

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Mixing Procedure
Spatterkote is designed to be mixed with water in a mechanical plaster mixer. This requires the addition of 10 to 12 gallons of
water per bag. At this water ratio Spatterkote will be signifcantly wetter than Monokote; do not make the mix stiff. Mix time
is approximately 2 1/2 to 3 minutes with the blade speed at 35 - 40 rpm.
1 In a plaster mixer, add approximately 10 - 12 gallons of clean, potable water per bag of Spatterkote to be mixed. Example
33 gallons for 3 bags.
2. With the mixer blades stopped, add two bags of Spatterkote.
3. Start the mixer blades and add the third bag of Spatterkote.
4. Mix for approximately 2 1/2 to 3 minutes.
5. Mix will be a loose, creamy texture in the mixer. If the mix looks too stiff, add more water with the blades turning.
Using Rotor Stator and Patch Pumps
Pumps with lesser out puts than the higher production pumps have been used very successfully in the application of
Spatterkote. Rotor Stator pumps, Patch pumps and Carrousel Squeeze pumps are widely used. Some of the common rotor
stator pumps are the FM-9 and the R Tex series. When using a small unit, the pump, mixer, material, water, and power must
be available on the foor. The following steps will help insure effcient application.
1.a With rotor stador pumps use approximately 50 feet of 1 1/2 foor hose and 50 feet of 1 1/4, and 17 or 25 feet of 1 whip
hose. This length will allow for application of Spatterkote on most foors.
1b. With the Carrousel pump use approximately 50 feet of 1 1/4 foor hose and 17 or 25 feet of 1 whip hose. Note: The
Carrousel has an 1 1/4 manifold.
2. Use a pole gun with a 1/2 to 9/16 orifce.
3. The pumps should be operated in or at a speed that will provide suffcient material fow to maximize production while
minimizing waste and overspray.
4. When the last batch of Spatterkote is in the system, add water to wash out or add retarder to the last frst batch of Monokote
if spraying of Monokote is ready to start.
Using High Production Pumps
Spatterkote can be pumped through any of the large, high production Monokote pumps in use today. The pump and the
conveying system can be the same as that for Monokote, with the exception of the nozzle set up (Ref. #6 ). When applying
Spatterkote through the main system, the following steps will assure effcient application.
1. Pump in low gear at low rpm. Only a spattering is to be applied to the deck. Low speeds will allow the sprayer to apply the
correct amount and prevent waste and overspray.
2. Use a pole gun with a 1/2 to 9/16 orifce.
3. Mix only enough material to cover the deck area. if the deck is completed and there is Spatterkote left, the beams and
columns can be sprayed ( with a spattering ) so that the material is not wasted.
4. When the last mix of Spatterkote is in the system, either slowly add water (if washing out) or add a batch of retarded
Monokote, if beginning Monokote application.
5. Continue pumping at low speed until all the Spatterkote has been applied.
6. Remove the pole gun and reattach your usual nozzle assembly if resuming Monokote application with a hand held nozzle.
Pumping Spatterkote with a High Production Pump to a Rotor Stator or Patch pump on the Spray Floor
A large pump can be used to pump Spatterkote to the spray foor and into the hopper of a small pump. This gives the best
control over the application of Spatterkote without the need to have the mixer, material, water, and power on the spray foor.
The large pump must be able to be controlled from the foor. It will also be necessary to get clean washout water to the spray
foor to clean out the small pump after the Spatterkote application is complete.
How to Pump Spatterkote then Monokote
1. As the last of the Spatterkote is in the pump hopper, readjust the water meter for the next batch.
2. Add water and one 5 oz. cup of gypsum retarder to the mixer with the blades turning.
3. Mix Monokote as you would normally.

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4. Quickly wash down the side walls of the pump hopper as the last of the Spatterkote enters the manifold.
5. Dump the retarded Monokote into the pump hopper and continue to pump at a low speed.
6. Continue mixing subsequent batches of Monokote in the normal way without the added retarder.
7. When the last of the Spatterkote has been sprayed and the Monokote has arrived at the nozzle, detach the pole gun and
reattach your regular nozzle assembly if using a hand held nozzle. The pump should be placed in a gear or speed that is
your normal setting for pumping Monokote.
If you need to switch back to Spatterkote from Monokote, the fnal batch of Monokote should be retarded. As the last of the
retarded Monokote enters the pump, do a quick wash down of the pump hopper and dump the mixed Spatterkote into the
pump hopper. At this point, it is again necessary to reduce the pump speed. When the last of the Monokote is sprayed and
Spatterkote is at the nozzle detach the regular nozzle assembly and reattach the pole gun for Spatterkote.
Spatterkote Washout
When washing out the system after using Spatterkote, the procedure is the same as for Monokote. The sponge out procedure
is best because it eliminates residue and helps prevent cement build up in the conveying system. (See Pump In and Pump Out
procedures for step by step instructions)

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 5: Equipment | 1
Section 5: Equipment
Equipment Safety
Large hydraulic pumps and mechanical pumps are capable of generating very high pumping pressures. For this reason
care should be taken in choosing the components of the conveying system. Properly rated surge and material hoses along
with added safety equipment should be used and maintained in proper working order. The following is a list of some of the
necessary safety equipment and specifcations.
This information does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this information to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of
regulatory limitations prior to use.
Surge Hose
The industry standard is a 25 foot 3 wire braided 3000 psi full fow ftted high pressure hose. Surge hoses operate under
high pressure and should be tethered to the pump frame with a chain or other restraining device. In addition it is prudent to
avoid standing in or around the surge hose during pumping operation. It should be connect to the pump with a 3 Boss ftting
or a high pressure two bolt ftting.
Material Hoses
Reinforced 800 psi high pressure, fabric braided plaster hoses, with full fow fttings must be used. The fttings should
be pressure rated equal to or better than the hose pressure rating The majority of hose burst occur at the fttings due to
improperly ftted or improperly rated fttings. They should be checked regularly for wear and abrasion and replaced if
damaged. Safety slings (cables) are useful in preventing a dangerous situation in the event that a ftting should blow or when
disconnecting a packed hose section
Line Pressure Gauges
The addition of an inline pressure gauge is extremely useful to monitor material line pressure. Changes in material line
pressure can indicate potential problems in the delivery system. Daily increases in line pressure can indicate the potential of
material build up at fttings and by closely monitor the line pressure gauge these situations can be corrected before serious
problems arise. The gauge can also be used to confrm material line pressure is being relieved when using the pressure relief
valve. There will always be some pressure held within the delivery system. The necessary safety precautions should be taken
when disconnecting any hoses with material in the system.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 5: Equipment | 2
Safety Blow Out Valve
This unit consist of a rubber ball held in place by a brass cap in a pipe T. Excessive pressure in the conveying system forces
the ball out of the cap and releases the line pressure. There are valves with various pressure rating available and it should be
matched to the pressure rating of the conveying system. Standing in or around the safety blow out ball should be avoided
when possible
Pressure Relief Valves
A manually operated valve usually located at the manifold that can be used to release line pressure in the conveying system.
The pressure relief valve should be inspected and cleaned at the end of each work day to assure it functions properly. In an
emergency situation with, most large pumps, it is the only safe way the relief line pressure. During the pumping operation
material will build up and set in the valve and pipe nipple portion of the assembly. Only with routine maintenance and
inspection will the valve function properly when needed.
Hydraulic Relief Settings
Hydraulic pumps are equipped with pressure relief settings that can be adjusted in the valve body of the hydraulic system.
The pumps high end pressure setting can be adjusted so that the pump will go into relief ( stop pumping ) when higher than
set pressures are encountered. The adjustment procedures vary from pump to pump so it is advisable to consult your pump
manufacturer for specifc directions for adjusting the relief pressure. The relief pressure should be set 100 to 200 psi above
your normal daily pumping pressure. As height increases or additional line length is added to the conveying system, the
pressure setting will need to be adjusted accordingly. Most pumps are equipped with a pressure gauge on the pumps control
panel for reading the line pressure. (see item 2). Material line pressure and hydraulic pressure are not the same. As you can
see in the pumping pressure chart on the control panel below 600 psi of hydraulic pressure equals 400 psi of material line
Reversing the Flow of Material
Many rotor stator pumps are equipped with a reverse drive that will enable the operator to relieve the line pressure in the
conveying system. When a line pack or disassembly of the hose requires the material line pressure to be reduced, the pump
can be turned off ,placed in the reverse drive, restarted, and the material will be pulled back into the pump hopper.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 5: Equipment | 3
Pumps and Mixers
Super Pump
A very high volume, hydraulic drive pump, the Big Blue is capable of production rates exceeding 120 bags per hour. The Big
Blue can be equipped with a continuous mixer (as a separate unit) that is powered through the pumps hydraulic drive system.
1. Necessary Modifcations
a. Accumulator - The one gallon hydraulic oil Accumulator should be replaced with a 2.5 gallon accumulator and
charged to 300 psi (cold). It may be necessary to add hydraulic oil when the larger Accumulator is installed. An
Accumulator works in the following manner:
It contains a bladder of gas charged to a specifc pressure. When the hydraulic pressure builds (during the end of a stroke)
fuid flls a portion of the dampener by pressing against the bladder. When a new stroke begins and hydraulic fuid pressure
drops, the bladder dumps the fuid into the circuit to build pressure faster. This function smoothes pumping by absorbing the
pressure peaks and flling the valleys. This reduces line surge at the nozzle.
Line pressure must exceed 300 psi in order for the Accumulator to operate and reduce the surge. Pressure can be increased to
achieve this by replacing one or more sections of 2 hose with l l/2 hose on the spray foor.
For use with the Big Blue pump, this continuous mixer is powered from the pumps hydraulic drive system. With the
modifcations below, it mixes at approximately 150 bags per hour. This continuous mixer requires modifcation to properly
mix MK-6/HY to the specifed 41-45 pcf mixer density range. These modifcations consist of a dry material auger, a longer
high shear mixing blade, and a tube extension. A modifcation kit is available from Putzmeister. Mixers can be purchased
with these modifcations already made by Putzmeister, at the request of the purchaser.
High Production Pumps
These types of mechanical pumps are considered medium production pumps. Unmodifed (except for MK-6 seats) they are
capable of reaching production rates of about 45 bags per hour. With all the possible modifcations made, these pumps will
produce volumes of up to 60+ bags per hour.
These pumps can be especially sensitive to pieces of dry material clumps clogging the bottom seat. These dry clumps usually
originate in the mixer, and Grace has issued a slightly modifed mixing procedure as a remedy. The mixing blades are left
turning while adding the water for the next batch of material. This cleans the blades and helps prevent formation of dry
clumps. See Conventional Mixers, for more details.

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1. Necessary Modifcations
a. SEATS - Seats must be of the type that is designed for use with a steel ball. This means very little or no bevel
where the ball rests on the seat. This is a very sharp or pronounced edge. This seat is open, i.e., it has no bar
across the opening.
You may see a reversible seat, i.e., a seat that has a very long, dual bevel which takes a plastic/rubber ball on one
side and, when turned over, has a more pronounced seat edge that uses a steel ball.
Caution: Do not use the plastic rubber ball side of the seat with a steel ball, and do not use the steel ball side of
the seat with a plastic ball.
b. MARVEL KIT - This kit, which is also referred to as Fireproofng Kit, is simply a steel plug that is inserted in
the manifold in front of the master cylinder to reduce dead space thus increasing compression. All A-3.75 type
pumps should be equipped with a Marvel Kit. There is a drastic reduction in pumping rate when this part is not
c. OVERSIZED SEAT - This is a highly recommended, yet optional, modifcation to help boost production. It is
particularly important when the optional modifcations, such as increasing the bore and stroke (described on the
next page) are used. A 2 1/8 inch ball replaces the 2 inch ball when the oversized seats are installed.
d. THREE INCH MANIFOLD - This is also an optional modifcation, but, again, it is something that should be
used. Like Item C above, it is possible to use this pump without this modifcation, but, if pumping distances of
250 feet and at rates over 30 bags per hour are desired, then the changes should defnitely be made.
2. Optional Modifcations
a. HIGH PRODUCTION (bored) CYLINDERS -The standard 3 inch cylinders and pistons can be replaced with 3
3/4 inch cylinders and pistons. The chart below shows increases in cylinder volume when the cylinders are bored
and/or stroked.
b. LONG STROKE PISTON - This involves changing the attachment point of the connecting rod to the rocker
arm which increases the travel of the pumping piston from 5 inches to 7 1/2 inches. This signifcantly increases
pumping volumes.
Putzmeister A-3.75 Cylinder Displacement with Bore and Stroke Modifcations
3.5 Bore 3.75 Bore Increase in Volume
5 Stroke 48.1 in. 55.2 in. 15%
7.5 Stroke 72.1 in. 88.8 in. 15%
Increase in Volume 50% 50% 75%
3. Special notes
a.) The machine should always be set up so that the hopper is tilted slightly toward the manifold inlet to let gravity
assist feeding the material into the pump.
b.) The Monokote must be mixed long enough and with an adequate amount of water to make it suffciently fuid to
fow into the manifold inlet.

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Although these pumps are no longer in production they are still widely used by Contractors and are available in the Used
Pump Market and all parts for them are available from Multi Quip. The TM -30 is a mechanically driven high production
pump. The TM-45 has higher production capabilities than the TM-30. The TM-30 is capable of pumping rates of 60+ bags
per hour. The TM-45 can pump over 90 bags per hour and is capable of supplying material to two nozzles.
1. Necessary Modifcations for Pumping MK-6
a. SEATS - Seats that use steel balls for pumping MK-6 must have little or no bevel (thus a very sharp area) where
the ball rests on the seat. The seats presently recommended are an oversized version of the original open steel ball
seat The oversized seats have the potential to increase pumping rates as much as 20% over the standard open seat.

Caution: Standard Essick seats have proved unreliable and should be replaced before starting to pump MK-6.
b. PISTON EXTENDERS & HEAVY PATTERN COVERS - both of these serve to eliminate dead space inside
the pump chamber to increase compression. They are very easy to install and very effective at increasing
pumping rate.
2. Optional High Production Modifcations
a. EIGHT INCH TRANSMISSION PULLEY - Switching from a 10 inch to an 8 inch pulley on the transmission
provides more strokes per minute thus higher production rates.
b. THREE INCH MANIFOLD OUTLET - Larger outlet opening for more volume and less back
pressure on the cylinder during the forward stroke.
3. Special Notes
a. BALL STOP CLEARANCE - For optimum pumping effciency, the clearance between the bottom ball
and its ball stop pin should be 1/4 + 1/16.
In addition:
1. The seat area of the manifold must be clean prior to installation.
2. The position of the piston cover, which the ball stop is part of, can be altered slightly during installation, to allow more or
less ball stop clearance. For more ball stop clearance, holding the piston cover in place with the diagonal bar, the bottom
nut can be tightened by frst tipping the pin back. Less clearance can be obtained by tipping the cover and pin forward.
With the oversize seats, where additional ball clearance is required to obtain the optimum 1/4 + 1/16, an additional 1/8
inch of clearance can be obtained by using a 2 inch ball in place of the 2 1/8 inch ball.

MK-6 Mix Consistency - If the MK-6 has been mixed too long and/or is especially dry, the result will be a low mixer
density and the material will not pump very well. Perhaps due to the auger feed, the material must be mixed with a
suffcient amount of water to pump effciently. Although this is true with all mechanical pumps, the TM-30 seems to be
especially sensitive.
The Sun Spray HP is a two piston hydraulically driven pump that is suitable for both new construction freproofng and re-
spray. Pumping rates of around 65 bags per hour are possible. A very slight surge has been noted when short lengths less that
100 feet of conveying system are used.
Designed for use in conjunction with Sun Continuous Mixers, the HP features a water cooling system that is then used to
supply the mixer with water. The HP also features a hydraulic pump which contains a sensor that reads pressure, and
automatically reduces or recycles hydraulic fow when the pressure reaches a pre-set limit. Output is variable from 0 through
65 bags per hour.
The Hy-Flex 321E is a two piston hydraulically driven pump that is suitable for both new construction freproofng and re-
spray. Pumping rates of around 65 bags per hour are possible. A very slight surge has been noted when short lengths less that
100 feet of conveying system are used.
Designed for use in conjunction with CM 71 Continuous Mixer, the 321E features a water cooling system that is then used
to supply the mixer with water. The312E also features a hydraulic pump which contains a sensor that reads pressure, and
automatically reduces or recycles hydraulic fow when the pressure reaches a pre-set limit. Output is variable from 0 through
65 bags per hour.ROTOR STATOR PUMPS

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 5: Equipment | 6
Rotor/Stator Pumps
As with any Rotor/Stator Pump hose length, diameter, and water ratio greatly affect the pumping rate. For example: With
a 1 inch hose the Sun Spray can pumps approximately 125 feet. With the 1 inch hose vertical pumping is limited to 30
feet with a maximum of 100 feet of hose. Using a larger diameter hose will allow the machine to pump longer distances.
Several Contractors have been successful in pumping to 200 feet using 175 feet of 1 1/4 inch hose and 25 feet of 1 inch hose.
However, the idea behind the small portable pumps, such as the Putzmeister S-5 Essick F.M. 9 Sun Spray, the Muller R-Tex
and the Stong Mixor Mate is that they allow minimum hose lengths to be used because the pump can be moved to the work.
Essick FM9/FM5 Electric
Essick FM Series pumps are primarily designed as a fnish machine of high quality. The transmission has three forward
and one reverse gear, which allows a full selection of volume. The large capacity pumps will produce suffcient volume for
applying freproofng material.
Extra Features:
1. Interchangeable Rotor and Stator Pumps - Standard and high volume provide up to 2 cubic feet per minute.
2. Pump change over takes only fve minutes from the 2L-3.5 low volume to the 2L-4 high volume.
Putzmeister S.5
The S.5 series was designed for easy and reliable operation. These small, but powerful pumps, can do it all.
The S.5 Electric Version is one of the most popular models used by re-spray applicators in the USA. With its narrow frame
the S.5 can easily pass through standard 30 in. doorways or ft in an elevator. Putzmeister line of stators, from the L3 to the
2L88 allows this pump to spray the widest range of material possible.
Muller R-Tex
The Muller R.-Tex comes in a wide range of models to ft many different project types. The R-Tex is also available in gas or
electric models.
Special Features: Hydrostatic transmission and no gear box, no belts, no gears or clutch to malfunction
Patch Pumps
These type pumps are in the low volume range designed for small patch jobs such as repairing damaged freproofng and
for working in small areas such as stair wells, elevator rooms and shafts or areas that are not accessible to larger equipment.
Spray Force Twister/Sun Spray 110/Sun Spray 220
Essick Mini-Sprayer and J & M Mini-Mag
These are small Rotor/Stator pumps that run on normal 110v current
(220v Sun Spray) and are widely used in the patch repair market. These pumps are usually very small and light weight which
makes them very portable and easy to carry.
Carrousel Peristaltic Pump (Squeeze Pump)
In this type pump rollers rotate against the rubber tube fattening it against the U-shaped pressure wall of the pump which
squeezes the material through the system, forcing the material forward. High acceptance of this pump is due to its simplicity
and durability. The Carrousel Peristaltic Pump has no internal moving parts that come in contact with the material being
pumped. This results in it being low maintenance.

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January 2013 | 2013 W. R. Grace & Co. Conn. Section 5: Equipment | 7
Injection Units
Overnight Temperatures Below 15F ( - 10 C).
If the overnight temperature is expected to drop below 15F ( - 10 C) then additional precautions must be taken. In this case
there are few ways to protect the system.
1. The best way to protect an injection system from the effects of cold weather is simply to heat the system above
32F (0 C). This can be accomplished in a maintained heated pump room, or if this is not possible, the entire system
(including foor hose and nozzle) can be kept on a heated foor where Monokote is being sprayed. This is provided that, A),
the system can be transported to the foor, B), there is water and electricity on the foor for operation, and C), heat will be
maintained throughout the entire night. If a mini or mobile system is being used the unit could also be moved to a heated
jobsite shed each night if available
2. If the system cannot be kept on a heated foor or kept in a heated pump room, than an insulated enclosure or dog house
can be built around the unit. It should be constructed so that the flters and mixing tanks are easily accessible. The structure
should be insulated (e.g. with insulation board) and can be heated with a small thermostat heater or even a high wattage
heat lamp. Any heat source should be pointed at metal objects and away from plastics. If there is no heat source available
whatsoever, i.e. no heated foor or shed, no power during the night, the motors should be heated up in the morning prior to
attempting to start up the system. In extremely cold weather, grease and oil will thicken in the metering pumps and motors.
This can create hard starts and increase power draw.
3. Fill the plumbing with windshield wiper fuid (see warnings and cautions). Use a fve (5) gallon (19) liter) tank (available
from Grace) equipped with the same type of quick disconnect ftting that connects the metering pump to the injection tank.
Half fll the fve (5) gallon (19) liter) tank with windshield wiper fuid and connect it to the metering pump at the end of the
day. This amount is suffcient to fush the system. When the tank at the metering pump is nearly empty of windshield wiper
fuid close the accelerator line valve at the pump. Let the metering pump run for about one minute so that the pressure
builds and the external relief valve opens. This gets the windshield wiper fuid into the relief valve plumbing and the
pulsation dampener. Open the bleed valve until the bypass hose flls with windshield wiper fuid. Close the bleed valve and
open the fow rate valve following the same procedure. Turn off the metering pump. The metering pump plumbing is now
protected. In the morning, connect the quick disconnect back into the injection tank, turn on the injector pump and purge
the windshield washer fuid from the injection system. Collect the windshield wiper fuid in the bucket . When accelerator
begins to come out of the accelerator solution line shut off valve allow about one quart ( 1 liter ) to fow out before
reconnecting the accelerator line. This will help purge the system of any residual windshield wiper fuid.

See the diagram below for the valve locations.
Warning / Cautions
Only use standard windshield washer fuid ( approximately
$1.50 / gallon )
Never use automotive antifreeze ( ethylene glycol ) of any
kind; it is poisonous
Do not use propylene glycol ( non toxic antifreeze ). Propylene
glycol together with accelerator solution may form crystals
that will clog the system.
Windshield washer fuid contains methanol which is
poisonous. When using windshield washer fuid use caution.
Do not add or mix antifreeze of any kind with the accelerator
solution in the tanks. It will not help and the crystals will form
resulting in clogs throughout the system.

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Scafolding Recommendations
The scaffolding used to spray from must comply with all OSHA and other relevant safety requirements and should have the
following features:
1. Large 10 - 12 diameter wheels - this helps the scaffolding roll easier. One source is Payson Casters, Inc. 2323 Delaney
Road, Gurnee IL 60021-1287
2. Expanded metal open grate foor - allows material to fall through rather than collect on the foor and create a slippery
3. Cantilevered end - to allow spraying around open shafts, and obstacles on the foor. A counterweight,and or other device as
required by governing authorities, should be used on the end opposite the cantilever.
4. Waist high railings - for obvious safety reasons.
The proper scaffold height is important in controlling daily production rates. By reducing the sprayers fatigue by properly
setting the scaffold height, the pumping time will increase therefore increasing daily production. Adjustable screwjacks
are the best means of setting the proper height. As a general rule, 4 6 between the decking and sprayer is the most
comfortable working height.
Scaffold assembly should be checked before shipping to the jobsite for:
a. Total components
b. Undamaged and functional
c. Pipe diameters are compatible:
Frame to Frame
Screwjack to Frame
Wheel to Screwjack
d. Proper Braces to set span
e. Wheels are greased and rotate smoothly
Toeboards and other local safety requirements must be included, illustration is for discussion purposes only!

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Scafolding Components and Price
Detailed below is a partial list of scaffolding parts and approximate prices to give you an idea of some of the components
and price required to assemble a complete scaffold tower. There are additional size frames to achieve added height and
should be universal for most applications. These are all Safeway Scaffold ( Manufacturer) parts numbers and approximate
prices. The other information on the following pages is for the grating required for the cantilevered deck. These will need to
be manufactured by the applicator referencing the attached blue print. All scaffolding must incorporate appropriate safety
equipment and parts to minimize workers exposure and comply with all applicable safety regulations.
6 FRAMES FM-6 2 $72.65 $145.30
5 FRAMES FM-5 2 $61.78 $123.56
3 FRAMES FM-3 2 $51.38 $102.76
BRACES B 74 B-74 4 $16.48 $65.92
BRACES B72 B-72 2 $15.60 $31.20
SCREWJACKS AL1 4 $30.00 $120.00
8 CASTER WHEELS C8R 4 $33.60 $134.40
GUARD RAIL POST CGGRP 4 $20.38 $81.52
5 FOOT GUARD RAILS GR5 4 $5.20 $20.80
10 FOOT GUARD RAILS GR10 4 $14.51 $58.04
GUIDE PINS (EXTRA) CP 4 $2.55 $10.20
SAFETY LOCK PINS PTP 12 $0.55 $6.60
10 FOOT TOE BOARDS SET OF 2 1 $141.00 $141.00
5 FOOT TOE BOARDS SET OF 2 1 $141.00 $141.00

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Water Metering Systems
The importance of measuring mix water cannot be stressed enough. There are a few different types of water metering systems
that are available in the market today. The timed sump pump and inline mechanical meters are recommended for conventional
batch mixers while the electronic digital meter is better suited for continuous mixers.
Timed sump pump and drum
An electric sump pump is submerged in a 55 gallon drum and is controlled by a timing device positioned near the mixer man.
When the ON button is pushed, the sump pump runs for the determined amount of time delivering a specifed amount of
water into the mixer. The timer can be adjusted to allow the pump to run longer or shorter for more or less water. The meters
markings should not be confused with delivering gallons per minute. The length of delivery line and changes in the barrel
height will change the pressure and the volume of water being delivered. Voltage reductions will also change the speed the
impeller turns which will also affect the consistent delivery of water per batch. Having the correct power source and electrical
supply lines is critical in maintaining consistent material mixes.
The 55 gallon drum reservoir is reflled via a water supply. A foat valve should be used to minimize the risk of overfowing
the drum. These are similar to the foat systems used in every day toilet tanks, and can be purchased from equipment
suppliers, hardware stores, and equipment supply houses.
Mechanical In Line Water Meter
such as the Fil-Rite and Neptune are meters used to register the amount of water per batch. They display the amount delivered
in gallons (much like a cars odometer). Some in line meters will automatically stop at a preset amount, others must be
monitored and stopped manually at the appropriate amount of water. Refer to the equipment portion under water meters to
see the available meters.
Electronic Digital Flow Meters
Primarily for continuous mixers, this turbine fow meter installs on the water inlet of the mixer. On some models it can be
ftted with quick disconnects ( Kamloks) for easy installation and removal. On others it is fabricated into the hard plumbing.
There are three functions on the digital meter.
1. An LCD readout displays a fow rate, which can be used as a reference when making adjustments or when changing from
product to product. The dry through put of the Monokote materials will need to be determined to precalculate the desired
fow rate. Normally it is used to reference consistent water delivery after the best water ratio is determined.
2. It can be reset for bags used to water used. By dividing the total water into the total actual bags used, the gallons per bag
can be determined, This information will be necessary to correctly use the Deluxe Simplifed Yield Kit. ( Refer to the
Simplifed Yield Chart in this manual for more detailed instructions on this procedure).
3. It also has a cumulative water total which registers the amount of water run through for the life of the unit. The electronic
fow meters are battery operated.
As with any measuring device the water meters should be periodically checked for accuracy. This can be accomplished by
weight (1 gal water = 8.34 lb.) or by comparing the volume against a reliable premeasured source/calibrated container.

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Timers/Temp gauges
Mixing Timers
It is recommend and benefcial to use a mix timer . Keeping each batch mixed for the same amount of time will help the
sprayer apply a quality application to the steel . Features to look for when purchasing a mix timer . 1) Memory recall , 2)
audible and visual alarms , 3) size of LCD display , 4) countdown time , and 5) magnetic back and clip. Below is a list of
sources you can purchase :
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company
625 East Bunker Court
Vernon Hills , Illinois 60061-1844
(800) 323-4340
MODEL # H-94440-10 Jumbo digital clock/ timer
# H-08610-22 Mini alarm timer
VWR Scientifc Products
(800) 932-5000
MODEL # 62373-090 Time-link memory alarm
# 62344-778 Memory alarm timer
Fisher Scientifc Products
(800) 766 - 7000
MODEL # 14-649-15 Mini-alarm timer/stopwatch with memory recall
# 06-662-26 Fingertip timer
Moisture Meter
Moisture Register Products
1712 Earhart Court
LaVerne , CA 91750
(909) 392-5833
Surface Temperature Thermometers
Used during the late fall , winter , and early spring months to check actual steel temperatures . When spraying steel
that maybe too cold and you need to know .
625 East Bunker Court
Vernon Hills , Illinois 60061-1844
(800) 323 - 4340
MODEL # H- 08107 - 06 Dual - magnet thermometer

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Section 6: Miscellanous
Testing and Inspection

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Frequently Asked Questions
Filling Flutes
The General Information Section of the UL Fire Resistance Directory states that unless otherwise allowed in the specifc fre
resistance design, all futes above beams (and joists/trusses) must be completely flled. This information is also contained
in AWCI Technical Manual 12-A (third edition) Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Sprayed
Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide under section Void Inspection.
1. Flutes may be plugged with the minimum thickness required for the beam when the beam is protected with a
thickness specifed for use on beams supporting cellular deck.
2. For beams with fange widths greater than 8 inches, UL allows flling a minimum 4 inches on each side of the futed.
Miscellaneous Steel Application
It is the responsibility of the freproofng subcontractor to determine what miscellaneous steel on a project requires fre
protection. The project engineer and/or the Authority Having Jurisdiction must determine whether various elements are
considered structural or non-structural.
In general, ULI requires bracing tying into columns and beams to be protected a minimum 12 inches beyond the column
or beam with the protection thickness specifed for the column or beam. This limits lateral heat fow to the member. Joist
bridging unless otherwise stated in the specifc Fire Resistance Design shall be protected a minimum 12 inches on each side
of the joist at the protection thickness specifed for the joist.
Bridging for castellated beams (ULI Design Nos. N784 or N831) requires full protection as specifed in the Fire Resistance
Designs. Monokote Fireproofng Bulletin #244 addresses additional miscellaneous applications such as brick lintels and
secondary structural framing. Monokote Fireproofng Bulletin #156 addresses protection of bracing using the column
formula. W/D ratios for miscellaneous structural steel shapes can be found in the Monokote Estimating Guide. Thickness
requirements based on the column formula can be found in the Monokote UL Thickness Handbook.
ULI does not allow direct protection of Z-purlins, CEE joists or trusses fabricated from light gage framing members.
Hand Patching
Hand patching of Monokote is addressed in Monokote Fireproofng Bulletin #201A and in the CHPX section of the UL Fire
Resistance Directory Volume 1.
Hand patching of hand mixed Monokote products is limited to a maximum individual area of 144 square inches. Larger areas
should be sprayed / patched either directly by machine or with a product that is pumped and sprayed into a bucket. There is
no size limit on those areas with respect to hand patching when mixed and sprayed using conventional equipment.
Regardless of the product being used, the ULI and code requirements must be maintained.
ULI does not allow the use of Monokote to patch sprayed mineral fber. See Bulletin #201.
Monokote Type MK-6/CBF, MK-6/ED, MK-6/HY, MK-6s and RetroGuard RG and RG1 are all considered to be thermally
equivalent and chemically compatible by ULI and can be used interchangeably for patching only. These products can also be
used to patch MK-4 and MK-5 applications.
Half-Flange Tip Tickness Application
The protection thickness on column fange tips and on the lower fange tips of beams and joists can be reduced according
to specifc ULI Fire Resistance Designs. This is accomplished by increasing the protection on other areas of the column or
beams to compensate for the thickness reduction on the fange tips.
In the ULI Fire Resistance Designs, the protection thickness required for these other areas is specifed. The protection
thickness on the fange tips is one-half of the thickness specifed for these other areas (but not less than 1/4 inch).
ULI allows the use of the formula listed in the General Information section of the Fire Resistance Directory, under Beams,
Adjustment of Sprayed Protection Material Thickness For Unrestrained Beam Ratings for Various Beam Sizes for use with
half fange tip thicknesses when Monokote Fireproofng Products are used. See Monokote Fireproofng Bulletin #251.
No generic ULI formula exists for adjusting protection thicknesses on columns when the half fange tip option is used. A
formula specifc to Monokote MK-6, Z-106, Z-146 and RG is available from your Grace Representive.

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Painted Deck
The use of painted steel deck is allowed in all D900 and P900 series foor and roof ceiling designs as long as the deck profle,
gauge and span requirements are maintained.
Only ULI classifed painted deck is allowed in designs requiring direct application of SFRM to the deck. The use of non-
classifed deck will require the use of sand blasting to remove the paint or 100 percent mechanical attachment in order to
maintain the ULI fre ratings. This information is addressed in detail in Monokote Fireproofng Bulletin #198 Addendum A,
198C and 215.
It is acceptable to substitute UL classifed painted decking from one protected roof ceiling design to another where the same
products are used.
Monokote Type Z-106 is limited to use with galvanized steel decking.
Structural Members at Walls
The situation sometimes occurs where beams or columns are either partially embedded in walls or are in such close proximity
that it is either impossible to spray materiel to the back of the beam or column or the clearance does not allow application of
the full protection thickness.
Guidance related to this issue may also be found in the CHPX section of the UL Fire Resistance Directory Volume 1.
On a case specifc basis, UL has been able to computer model fre protection requirements and determine the appropriate
protection thickness to compensate for a specifc reduction from the required design thickness. This evaluation must be done
on a case by case basis.
Note: ASTM E-605 allows the thickness tolerance of 25 percent or 1/4 inch (whichever is less) below the required thickness
as long as the average thickness is maintained. This provides a small degree of fexibility for close cases.
Dissimilar Materials
In general, UL does not allow the use of dissimilar materials on the same structural member. However, UL does allow
dissimilar materials to be used on separate elements in an assembly (e.g., Z-146 on beams and Z-106 on roof deck) as long as
the protection thicknesses are adequate to meet the fre rating requirements.
UL does allow dissimilar materials on the same column (e.g., Z-146 on frst ten feet of a column and Z-106 on the remainder)
under certain conditions. These include mechanical reinforcement of the seam and overlapping of the materials. In general,
the cost of switching materials and mechanical attachments makes this option non-cost effective.

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I. Introduction
This manual contains reference data which is useful for estimating in-place quantities of Monokote or Retro-Guard
Spray-applied Fireproofng. In providing the market with the quality fre protection offered by the Monokote family of
products, we depend on your ability to properly bid Monokote, to bid competitively, and to make a proft for your company.
This comprehensive guide has been prepared to assist estimators properly and competitively bid Monokote products.
Included in this edition of the Estimating Guide are Monokote and Retro-Guard material use factors for metal decks, joist
elements, beams and columns based upon the latest information from Underwriters Laboratories fre resistive designs,
deck manufacturers catalogs and structural steel industry manuals. W. R. Grace & Co. assumes no responsibility for
misapplication of the data or information within this manual.
How does this Estimating Guide differ from previous editions?
New Features
This is the most comprehensive freproofng estimating guide published to date. In addition to wide fange shapes, material
estimating tables are provided for tube and pipe elements, angles, channels, wide fange tailor-made, and tee shapes. Besides
more shapes, the guide also has been improved to provide a wider range of material thicknesses- from 1/4 inch up to 4 inches.
Since many applicators request simplifed wide fange beam and column tables for use on less complex projects, simplifed
W-shape tables are also provided for beams and columns.
Applicators are strongly encouraged to read this introduction in its entirety before estimating a job, including the suggested
contract terms and conditions offered at the end of this introduction.
II. Estimate Preparation
The data presented in this guide is not intended to replace careful preparation of your freproofng estimate but only to
provide direction in its preparation. It is important to remember that the conditions of each job are different and that these
should be taken into account when estimating. Estimators should also factor labor skill and experience when estimating a job
opportunity. The following is a partial check list for use in preparing your estimate:
Have a complete copy of the job specifcations, plus addenda.
Have a complete set of plans to reviewthese should include architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings.
Require clarifcation from the architect, engineer or specifer on interpretations of drawings, specifcations, codes and
building regulations. You must have suffcient information, such as proper UL designs, to determine material thickness
requirements for columns, foor, roofs or other elements. Also make certain building code requirements, such as the hourly
rating of each element type, are fully understood.
Make sure that your application of Monokote can be accomplished within the specifed time using normal installation
techniques and equipment. If this is not possible, make appropriate adjustments.
Consult the latest Monokote literature for technical data, such as minimum application temperature, preparation and
substrate requirements, product performance requirements, gross material yield, material density, and other data.
Make sure to contact your local W. R. Grace feld representative to assist you in selecting the most economical fre-proofng
thicknesses and to provide current literature, test data, certifcates, etc. often required to be submitted with your bid.
For our part, we will continue to provide you and the freproofng industry with:
Competitive spray-applied freproofng materials
Quality freproofng materials, and
Product support and feld technical assistance.
Contact your local W. R. Grace Representative for recommended gross (before waste) material yield (coverage) for each
Monokote product.

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III. Estimating Steel Floor & Roof Decks
When estimating freproofng requirements for steel deck, great care should be taken in determining the following
information from the plans and specifcations:
1. The UL design reference, or at least the hourly requirements for the foor or roof construction being protected. UL
approved foor assemblies are generally found in the D-700 or D-900 series designs and UL approved roof assemblies are
generally found in the P-700 or P-900 series designs.
2. The type, density and thickness of concrete since this will affect the freproofng thicknesses. Some foor assemblies do not
require spray freproofng to the underside of the deck.
3. The manufacturer(s), type, profle and depth of steel foor units. In electrifed foors, the blending of cellular and futed
deck signifcantly affects freproofng requirements.
4. The type of in-foor electrifcation which may be used as part of the foor system. This will require determining the
type, number, width and length of trench headers and the possible use of electrical inserts. NOTE: All in-foor electrical
components require increased freproofng requirementsconsult the UL Directory or your W. R. Grace Representative for
information on proper protection of these areas. Electrifed foor systems generally require the use of Spatterkote and steel
pin studs with discs.
5. The type of roof insulation system and its thickness can affect the quantity of freproofng required. Some roof systems
require the use of Spatterkote and/or wallboard.
To estimate the gross quantity of material required to protect steel deck using a board foot basis:
a. Separate foor and roof decks by deck type, electrifcation requirements, location and hourly rating.
b. Determine required material thickness.
c. Determine total square foot of each deck type with respective hourly rating and material thickness.
d. For each deck type (profle), multiply the square foot of the deck by the appropriate board foot factor for the
required Monokote thickness. If the specifed deck type is not listed in the estimating tables, make certain that
you expand the deck corrugations or futes to determine the true area to be protected. The board foot factors in the
tables provided in this guide do not include material waste.
e. If fat plate deck is blended with futed deck, the board foot factor for the fat plate deck will be different than the
factor for the futed deck.
IV. Estimating Beams & Columns
As in estimating steel deck areas, there are key rules to follow in preparing an accurate freproofng take-off for beams and
1. Verify the hourly requirements for beams and columns from the plans and specifcations.
2. Keep in mind that some codes or specifcations require different ratings for primary (beams connected to columns) beams
and secondary beams.
3. If the designer does not specify correct freproofng thicknesses, determine the freproofng thicknesses from appropriate
UL beam (N-700 series) or UL column (X-700 series) designs in the UL Directory or local product code approvals such
as ICBO Evaluation Report #4601. Pay close attention to rules regarding the use of beams smaller than the minimum size
beam listed in the UL approval.
4. Separate columns and beams into size categories. Each column or beam has a W/D ratio (weight of member divided by
heated perimeter) which is a description of the members size and can be used to determine the thickness of freproofng.
Ratings for columns and beams are generally established for small members (such as W6x16 which has a small W/D
ratio), intermediate members (such as W10x49) and large members (W14x228 which has a large W/D ratio). Fireproofng
thicknesses are greatly infuenced by size (W/D ratio)that is, small members require more freproofng than large
members for the same hourly rating.
5. In preparing estimates for beams supporting metal foor or roof decks, care should be taken to estimate the amount of
freproofng material required to fll the futes above the beam. Deeper deck sections with wide fute areas can use 1.5 (or
more) board feet of material per lineal foot of beam (based on a 12-inch fange width).
6. Certain building areas require constructions to be classifed for freproofng considerations as unrestrained, while others
will permit for restrained classifcations. It should be the responsibility of the structural engineer to make the determination
of restrained/unrestrained if there is any question as to classifcation. When in doubt, select unrestrained classifcations.
If restrained classifcations are permitted, determine if the individual beam rating required is equal to the assembly rating

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7. New UL approvals provide the option of reducing thicknesses at the fange tips of certain beam and column designs. By
increasing the thickness on the other surfaces, fange tip thickness may be cut in half. Some approvals permit only the
lower fange tip thickness to be reduced. This may result in a cost savings by reducing material waste and increasing the
effciency of application labor. If you plan to use reduced fange tip thicknesses, make certain you use the correct table
from this guide. Contact your W. R. Grace Representative for additional information on this subject.
To estimate the gross quantity of material required to protect columns or beams using a board foot basis:
a. Separate columns or beams by designation (size), location and hourly rating.
b. Determine required material thickness.
c. Determine total lineal footage of each column or beam with respective hourly rating and material thickness.
d. Multiply the lineal foot for each column or beam by the appropriate board foot factor for the required Monokote
thickness. The board foot factors in the tables provided in this guide do not include material waste.
Note: The U. L. Fire Resistance Directory states that Cavities between the upper beam fange and the foor units, if
any, shall be flled with the protective material. When deck profles were shallow, the volume to fll these futes was
relatively small. New decks (2 & 3 deep) having 5 to 9 wide cells require signifcant amounts of material to fll
the futes. This extra amount of material must be calculated and added to the bid.
V. Estimating Bar Joists
1. Two alternate methods for applying Monokote are acceptable to Underwriters Laboratories. These are (1) direct
freproofng application to encase each chord and web member, or (2) application to metal lath, plastic net or glass fber
mesh fastened or adhered to the joists encasing the member in a Monokote envelope.
2. Your steel joist estimate should follow the same format as a beam or column take-off. The tables for back-to-back angles
(2L) that appear in this estimating guide assume a 1 inch space between angles. Additional material will be required when
the space exceeds 1 inch.
3. Determine the hourly rating required by the plans and specifcations. Separate the joist into length, size (depth) and hourly
rating to determine the square footage of coverage and freproofng thickness required. As an alternative, use the angle,
back-to-back angle or bar tables in this guide for determining material requirements for the individual elements of the joist
such as the top chord, web and bottom chord.
Note: When applying Monokote to the contours of the joist, a higher waste factor can be expected. The use of metal lath,
glass fber mesh or plastic net will signifcantly reduce waste. Using lath, mesh or net should result in a waste factor
similar to the waste factor for spraying a beam or column. Metal lath may be required to be protected by the fre resistive
The board foot estimating factors listed in this guide do not include material waste. The amount of waste will vary based on
some of the following factors:
Experience and skill of foremen, sprayers, mixermen and laborers.
Diffculty of job; replacement freproofng applications can be diffcult.
Unprotected decks generally have higher material waste than protected deck applications.
Size of member; for example, members with small fange tips are more diffcult to spray than large fange tip members.
Type of fre rating; heavy thickness applications requiring multiple spray passes generally result in lower material waste
than comparable applications with light thicknesses.
Required applied density of product.
Pumping rate; excessive pumping rates can increase overspray.
Optimization of Monokote Accelerator and injection to maximize yield.
Optimization of material mix.
Waste factors can be as little as 5% or more than 25% based on the factors discussed above. Adjust material estimates
to include waste factors by multiplying the total board footage by an anticipated waste percentage. Waste is likely to be
different on columns, beams, joists, unprotected decks, protected foor decks and protected roof decks.
General Estimating Guidelines

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The following suggestions are made to enable the estimator to perform unit price estimating in a logical, easy to check and
thorough manner.
1. Use pre-printed or columnar forms for orderly sequence of dimensions and locations and for recording quotations.
2. Use only the front side of each paper or form except for certain pre-printed summary forms.
3. Be consistent in listing dimensions: for example, length x width x height. This helps in re-checking your estimate.
4. Use printed (rather than measured) dimensions where given.
5. Add up multiple printed dimensions for a single entry where possible.
6. Measure all other dimensions carefully.
7. Use each set of dimensions to calculate multiple related quantities.
8. Convert foot and inch measurements to decimal feet when listing. Memorize decimal equivalents.
9. Do not round off quantities until the fnal summary.
10. Mark drawings with colored pens as items are taken off. Use different colors to separate different elements (such as
primary versus secondary members).
11. Keep similar items together and different items separate.
12. Identify location on your estimate to aid in future checking for completeness.
13. Measure or list everything on the drawings or mentioned in the specifcations.
14. It may be necessary to list items not called for to make the job complete.
15. Be alert for: notes on plans such as N.T.S. (not to scale); changes in scale throughout the drawings; reduced size
drawings; and discrepancies between the specifcations and the drawings.
16. Develop a consistent pattern of performing an estimate, for example:
a. Start the quantity take-off at the lower foor and move to the next higher foor.
b. Proceed from the main section of the building to the wings.
c. Proceed from south to north or vice versa, clockwise or counterclockwise.
d. Take off foor plan quantities frst, elevations next, then detail drawings.
17. List all gross dimensions that can be either used again for different quantities, or used as a rough check of other quantities
for verifcation (exterior perimeter, gross foor area, individual foor areas, etc.).
18. Utilize design symmetry or repetition (repetitive foors, repetitive wings, symmetrical design around a center line, similar
room layouts, etc.). Note: extreme caution is needed here to avoid omiting or duplicating an area.
19. Do not convert units until the fnal total is obtained.
20. When fguring alternates it is best to total all items involved in the basic system, then total all items involved in the
alternates. Thus you work with positive numbers in all cases. When adds and deducts are used, whether to add or subtract
a portion of an item, it is often confusing, especially on a complicated or involved alternate.
Suggested Terms and Conditions
When appropriate, for your protection W. R. Grace recommends that the following terms and conditions are incorporated into
your contract and pre-job meeting with the general contractor.
1. We propose to meet the hourly fre resistive requirements of the plans and specifcations only. The applicability of these
documents to laws, statutes, building codes and regulations are not the responsibility of this contractor.
2. Surfaces to receive freproofng shall be free from any substance that would impair adhesion.
3. The general contractor will make available a permanent location for our mixing and pumping station for the duration of our
activity. This site must:
a. Be convenient to the structure to be freproofed.
b. Be convenient to the structure to establish a single station for centralized pumping of the freproofng material.
c. Be able to accommodate (including access routes) truckload deliveries of material.
d. Have ample space for trailer parking, material, and equipment storage.

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e. Be well drained.
f. Establish a permanent material riser location for the duration of the job.
g. Suitable locations for priming and washing out of the material conveying system.
4. General contractor to furnish all necessary light, power, heat, water and temporary enclosures where required, without
charge. Specifcally,
a. Have a convenient and constant water source with adequate pressure and volume to maintain job schedule
(minimum requirement: 20 gallons per minute per machine).
b. Have a minimum 110 volt 30 amp independent power service for the freproofng operation.
5. Within the building, we require free and clear ingress/egress for movable scaffolds from the foor line to the area to
be freproofed. No installation that would restrict movement of our scaffolds, personnel or equipment or limit our
uninterrupted application of freproofng materials will be permitted. Clutter, debris and/or items stored on the foor must
be located where they will not interfere with said application. Protection of these items is not the responsibility of this
6. All patching and repairing of freproofng due to damage (intentional or unintentional) by others shall be completed by the
freproofng contractor and paid for by the general contractor.
7. After completion of the freproofng work, equipment shall be removed and all exposed foor areas shall be left in a
scraped-clean condition. We shall deposit debris in trash chutes provided by the general contractor or outside the building
for removal by others.
8. General contractor to furnish adequate hoisting facilities including fuel and operator without charge.
9. The cost of performance and payment bond has not been included. If required, add premium cost to contract price.
10. No backcharges to our contract will be accepted unless previously agreed to by both parties in writing.
11. No penalties will be accepted for delays caused by labor walk-outs, inability to secure men or materials, or damage from
acts of God.
12. We shall not be required to start work until the job is suffciently ready for us to proceed in a continuous operation
without any undue interference or delay from other crafts. Specifcally,
a. The substrates to receive application of freproofng shall be satisfactory for direct spray application. Structural
steel shall be free of primers/paint, oils, grease, loose mill scale, dirt or other foreign substances which may
impair proper adhesion. Steel decks shall be free of rolling compounds, lubricates, incompatible paints or primers
or other foreign substances which may impair proper adhesion.
b. Ducts, piping, equipment or other suspended matter which would interfere with application of the freproofng
materials shall not be positioned until the freproofng work is complete.
c. Prior to the application of freproofng, clips, hangers, support sleeves, and other attachments required to penetrate
the freproofng shall be in place.
d. Prior to the application of the freproofng to the underside of metal decks, all roof applications and concrete work
shall be complete. All roof traffc shall be prohibited upon commencement of the freproofng application and
until the freproofng material is cured and fully dried.
13. The general contractor shall provide adequate ventilation and temperature for application of freproofng in accordance
with manufacturers recommendations. If necessary for job progress, the general contractor shall provide enclosures with
heat to maintain temperature and forced air ventilation until material is substantially dry.
14. This proposal shall be subject to change unless accepted within thirty (30) days from date of general contract award.
15. Test results from inspection of applied materials shall be provided to the freproofng contractor at the completion of each

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Color Coded Structural Steel Drawings
Color Coded Structural Steel Drawings are a valuable resource for feld superintendents. A carpenter needs drawings to
correctly build walls, shafts. etc. The freproofng applicator needs direction to spray the proper substrates to the correct
thickness. With the complexity of different thickness from hourly ratings, UL Designs, W/D ratios etc. Proper direction
is a must to be proftable. The following information should be included on the structural drawings to properly apply spray
They should be color coded and marked up for proper thickness. Each member should be marked, and the thickness should
range in 1/8 increments. Only one color per thickness should be used for columns, beams, joist, etc. Items such as decking,
diagonals, and misc. steel can be marked as notes on the side of the drawings. Some contractors break down the thickness
by 1/16 increments and have numerous thicknesses per foor. From our experience only the more experienced sprayers can
accomplish this proftably. The less confusion there is on thickness requirements the better the results of the project will be.
They should have what areas require, and do not require spray fre protection. Many times questions are ask if areas such
as elevator shaft divider beams, misc. support angles, areas that qualify for the 20 foot fame rule, etc. are to be sprayed. By
clearly making the drawings these areas are identifed and proper direction and feld coordination can be accomplished. This
will also indicated what was originally included in the bid package. In many cases the additions of structural steel members
have been added to the original design of the building. By comparing the bid drawings against actual feld installations these
areas will be identifed and additional pricing can be accomplished if necessary.
The drawings should also include bags required to spray a given area or foor, depending on the footprint of the building. W.
R. Grace highly recommends establishing areas for net walk off evaluations. These areas are used to determine how the job
will progress in relation to material usage. The drawings should include the board foot bid factor(s) for the different areas
or foors and for the different product types used. By comparing these against actual feld usage the potential to identify
material overage on a project will come early on while corrective action can still be accomplished. Many times the contractor
evaluates material usage at the middle or end of a project when it is too late to take the corrective action. This can also be
used to establish benchmarks or set goals for the spray crew(s) to achieve. Higher walk off yields can give you a competitive
edge in the bid process.
By understanding how many bags it takes for a given area or foor, feld supervisors can establish daily production goals
which will aid them in coordinating their work with the general contractor, and other trades. The more organized a spray
application is the more proftable it can become. They can also be used to monitor daily production goals (Benchmarks).
By marking the areas completed per day the estimators have the option to review what type of production is realistic for
given types of work. Example: Thin thickness beam only work should not be bid at the same daily production rate as heavy
thickness beam and deck work. The volume of area available is directly related to the production that can be accomplished
per day.
Contact your local Grace Representative to understand more about Net Walk Off evaluations and Benchmarks.

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