Monokote Mk6 - Hy Tds
Monokote Mk6 - Hy Tds
Monokote Mk6 - Hy Tds
Product Information
Monokote® Type MK-6/HY is a single component, mill- b. The material shall be kept dry until ready for use.
mixed fireproofing plaster which requires only the Packages of material shall be kept off the ground, under
addition of water on the job site to form a consistent, cover and away from sweating walls and other camp
pumpable slurry. Type MK-6/HY is designed for se, on surfaces. All bags that have been exposed to water
structural steel columns, beams, joists, trusses and floor before use shall be discarded. Stock of material is to be
and roof decking. rotated and used before its expiration date.
Performance Characteristics
Physical Properties Value* Test Method
Dry Density, minimum average 240 kg/m3 (15 pcf) ASTM E 605, UBC STD 7-6
Bond Strength 16.2 KPa (339 psf) ASTM E 736
Compression, 10% Deformation 68.9 KPa (1,440 psf) ASTM E 761
Air Erosion 0.000 g/m2 (0.000 g/ft2) ASTM E 859
High Velocity Air Erosion No continued erosion after 4 hours ASTM E 859, UMC STD 6-1
Corrosion Does not contribute to corrosion ASTM E 937
Bond Impact No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E 760
Deflection No cracking, spalling or delamination ASTM E 759
Resistance to Mold Growth No growth after 60 day ASTM G 21
Surface Burning Characteristics Flame Spread 0 ASTM E 84
Smoke Developed 0
Combustibility Less than 5 MJ/m2 total, 20 kw/m2 peak heat release ASTM E 1354
Impact Penetration 3.3 cm3 Developed by City of San Francisco
Abrasion Resistance 8.3 cm3 Developed by City of San Francisco
a. Monokote fireproofing shall be mixed by machine in a. An air and substrate temperature of 4.4°C (40°F)
a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a continuous minimum shall be maintained for 24 hours prior to
mixer specifically modified for cementitious application, during application and for a minimum of
fireproofing. The mixer shall be kept clean and free of 24 hours after application of Monokote.
all previously mixed material. The mixer speed in a b. Provisions shall be made for ventilation to properly
conventional mixer shall be adjusted to the lowest dry the fireproofing after application. In enclosed
speed which gives adequate blending of the material areas lacking natural ventilation, air circulation and
and a mixer density of 640–720 kg/m (40-45 pcf) ventilation must be provided to achieve a minimum
b. Using a suitable metering device and a conventional total air exchange rate of 4 times per hour until
mixer, all water shall be first added to the mixer as material is substantially dry.
the blades turn. Mixing shall continue until the mix is
lump-free, with a creamy texture. All material is to be
thoroughly wet. Target density of 688 ±16 kg/m (43
±1 pcf) is most desirable. Over-mixing Monokote will
reduce pumping rate.