MNC Form Proposal1
MNC Form Proposal1
MNC Form Proposal1
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Note: Please don’t take print of this form and don’t fill it by hand.
Use the word file and type all information in the form on Trust
Letter head on the computer and then take a print.
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A. Information about Society/Trust and the Institute
1. Name and Address of the Society/ ------------------------------------------------------------
Trust Name ------------------------------------------------------------
Address: ------------------------------------------------------------
Pin Code
Tel. No with STD Code
Fax No
E-mail address:
3. Name of the present chairperson and Secretary of the society / Trust along with tenure
Chairperson : __________________________________________________
Secretary : __________________________________________________
Duration of Tenure:-from ______________________to______________________
Name of Trustees and Addresses (enclosed trust deed)
Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------
Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------
Pin code ---------------------------------
Phone No with STD Code ---------------------------------
Fax No ---------------------------------
E-mail address ---------------------------------
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5. Whether the above institute is already sanctioned or permitted for any course by any body
Yes / No. ---------
If yes, then give below
6. Whether the Society/Trust runs any other educational Institutions/Courses? If yes, give the
information in following table.
Name of the Name & Entry Recognized Whether Aided by
Institutions & Level of the by the Central / State or
Addresses Courses Government or Whether unaided
Any other Body
7. Course(s) with intake capacity and other details in the following table in respect of the
existing (Government /council) Institute.
Title of Name of Degree/
Sr. Yearly/ Sanctioned Year of Entry Level
the Affiliating Certificate/ Duration
No. Semester Intake Approval Qualification
Course Body PD/ PGD/
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Information about the proposal for the academic year:
2010- 2011
Proposal is submitted for (Tick Mark whichever is applicable)
Level of the
course i.e.
Entry Duration
Name of UG, Intake
Sr. Course Title level Of the NOC
Affiliating PG, Capacity
No (In full form) Qualificat Course From state
Body specialty
ion Govt.
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(ii) Proposal for the Introduction New course in the existing Recognized Institute
Level of the
course i.e.
Course Diploma. Entry
Intake Full of NOC
Sr. Title (in UG, level
Capacity Yearly / Time Affiliat From Proposed
No Full PG, specialty Qualific
Semester ing state Fee
Form) Nursing ation
(iii) Proposal for approval of seats intake of existing course/s or closure of institute.
(Note : For closing of institute, write zero intake in reduction column for all courses in
the institute.)
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3) Give reason for closure of Institute: -----------------------------------------------
Institute/Course: (Yes/No)
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(i) Whether the accommodation is available or would be provided owned by the Society /
Trust or Rented? ------------------------------------
a) If owned
b) If rented
Note:- Minimum area of land sufficient to provide 7.0 sqm per candidate built up area of
(ii) Total Built up area available exclusively for the proposed programme owned by the -------
---------- sqm.
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3. Equipments.
Total Rs.-----------------------------------------
7. Staff:
(ii) Staff (Teaching & 'non-teaching) proposed to be appointed for New Institute, New
course/s, Increase in Intake (Give in separate sheet)
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8. Students Amenities: Exclusive for the proposed course
(iii) Whether separate Toilet facilities for Boys & Girls are made: Yes/No
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___________________________ _____________________________
___________________________ _____________________________
___________________________ _____________________________
3) Classification of Beds :
Beds No. of Sanction Occupancy
Surgical /Orthopaedic
I. C. C. U. /I. C. U.
Skin /infectious diseases
Emergency / Casuality
Any other specilization
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Declaration to be given by the chairperson and Secretary of the
We on behalf of ____________________________________________________________
Undertake to comply with Terms & Conditions of the proposal.
We attach herewith the following proofs/documents (Tick mark and give page numbers)
Description Page No.
(iii) List of Equipment which shall be procured before starting of the course/s
Proofs of the building available with the Society/Trust for exclusive use of the
Proposed new or existing institute.
(ix) Copy of fixed Deposit in trust account Receipts not less than 5 lakh
Bank account passbook copy showing that the account is operative for the last
3 three years
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Proposed fee structure
(Including tuition and other fees)
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(Not to be attached to the proposal while submitting the proposal)
2. The Proposal should be submitted in the prescribed Application Form in original with
TWO additional Xerox copy addressed to the concerned authority acknowledging the receipt
of the same.
3. Application form and its enclosures preferably are submitted in bound form along with
index and page numbers.
4. In the event, the Information and statements given by the applicant in the prescribed form
are found incorrect / incomplete; the, application is liable to be rejected. Any future
correspondence / information on such proposals shall not be entertained.
5. Inquiries or correspondence regarding status of the proposal during its processing shall not
be entertained or replied.
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(Not to be attached with the proposal while submitting the proposal)
Terms and conditions for the proposals.
1. The proposal will be considered on no grant basis & claims for grant-in-aid for recurring or
non- recurring expenditure will not be permitted by the Government at any time, at any stage
and for any reasons.
2. As soon as the proposal is considered and sanction is accorded by the council the council
will conduct the inspection for feasibility certificate then the proposals will be submitted with
recommendation to the State Government for Essentiality certificate to The Secretary,
Medical Education & Drugs Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai.
3. After approval of the proposal by the state Govt. management will get letter from the state
govt. to remit the scrutiny fees.
4. The inspection will be conducted by the Director, Medical education & Research, Mumbai
for essentiality certificate.
5. The state Govt. will issue essentiality certificate to the management
6. The management has to submit the Essentiality certificate to The Secretary, Indian Nursing
Council, New Delhi Before 31st January or any stipulated extended period by them
7. The Management has to apply again along with scrutiny fees of Rs 15000.00 to the
Maharashtra Nursing council for Permission to admit batch for Academic Year 2010-2011
8. Rules and regulation for admission to the course/s shall be observed as announced every
academic year by Maharashtra Nursing Council for Diploma Programme or MUHS, Nashik
for Degree & PG Programme.
9. Capitation fee or any other donation either in cash or in any kind will not be taken from the
students or his/her parents by the Society for admission.
10. Sufficient accommodation shall be available with the society for running the institution
and its course/s smoothly.
11. The proposal shall be in consonance with the policies, perspective plan & development
plan of the State Govt. /Maharashtra Nursing Council, Mumbai.
12. The financial position of the applicant must be sound for investment in providing related
Infrastructural and instructional facilities (institutional building, equipments, library,
computers, Hostel facilities, student’s amenities etc.) as per the requirement of smooth
running the courses and meeting the concerned recurring expenditure.
13. The proposal will be consider on the basic of academic monitoring reports for the last
year for the existing institutes.
14. The management has to submit before permission to admit batch for undertaking to
maintain all the norms & all the time in continues manner for running the programme.
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Received Date: - Time:-
Receivers Signature
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