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Sec.2(15): Sec.11

MeaningofCharitablePurpose IncomefromPropertyheldforCharitableor ReligiousPurpose CapitalGainsdeemedtobeAppliedfor Charitable/ReligiousPurpose ConsequencesifIncomenotappliedfor SpecificPurpose ExemptionifIncomeaccumulatedfor SpecificPurpose




Charitable purpose includes relief of poor, education, Medical relief, preservation of environment( including watersheds, forests andwildlife)andpreservationofmonumentsorplacesorobjects of artistic or historic interest,] and the advancement of any other objectofgeneralpublicutility. Provided that the advancement of any other object of general public utility shall not be a charitable purpose, if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce, or business, or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce, or business, for a cess or fee or any other consideration, irrespective of the nature of use or application, or retention,oftheincomefromsuchactivity.[F.A.2008}

Charitableorganizationincasecommercialreceiptsexceedthe specifiedthresholdlimit.


There is a need to expressly provide in law that No exemption would be available for a

previous year, to a trust or institution to which first proviso of subsection 2(15) become applicable for that particular previous year. However, this temporary excess in one year may not be treated as altering the very nature of the trust or institutionsoastoleadtocancellationofregistrationorwithdrawalofapprovalor rescindingofnotificationissuedinrespectoftrustorinstitution.

Such denial of exemption shall be mandatory by operation of law and would not be dependent on any withdrawal of approval or cancellation of registration or a notification beingrescinded.

It is, therefore, proposed to amend section 10(23C), section 13 and section 143 of the Act. Thisamendmentwilltakeeffectretrospectivelyfrom1stApril,2009.


Provided also that the income of a trust or institution referred to in subclause (iv) or subclause (v) shall be included in its total income of the previous year if the provisions of the first proviso to clause (15) of section 2 become applicable to such trust or institution in the said previous year, whether or not any approval granted or notification issued in respect of such trust or institution has beenwithdrawnorrescinded.


Nothingcontainedinsection11orsection12shalloperate so as to exclude any income from the total income of the previous year of the person in receipt thereof if the provisions of the first proviso to clause (15) of section 2 become applicable in the case of such person in the said previousyear.



also that notwithstanding anything contained in thefirstandthesecondproviso,noeffectshallbegivenbythe AssessingOfficertotheprovisionsofclause(23C)ofsection10 in the case of a trust or institution for a previous year, if the provisions of the first proviso to clause (15) of section 2 become applicable in the case of such person in such previous year, whether or not the approval granted to such trust or institution or notification issued in respect of such trust or institutionhasbeenwithdrawnorrescinded.

Contd Section2(15).

Providedfurtherthat thefirstprovisoshallnotapplyiftheaggregatevalueofthe receiptsfromtheactivitiesreferredtotherein,intheprevious year,is

TwentyFivelakhrupeesorless [FinanceAct,2011w.e.f142012(i.eA.Y20122013)]
Limit of Rs. 25 lakh is raised from the limit of Rs. 10 Lakhs which was inserted by Finance Act, 2010.



SomeImportantObservations Sec. 2(15) of the IT Act, 1961 Charitable purpose Where industry ortradeassociationsclaimbothtobecharitableinstitutionsaswellas mutual organizations and their activities are restricted to contributions from the participation of only their members, these would not fall under the purview of the proviso to sec 2(15) owing to theprincipleofmutuality. The newly inserted proviso to sec. 2(15) will not apply in respect of the first three limbs of sec. 2(15), i.e. relief of the poor, education or medical relief. Consequently, where the purpose of a trust or institution is relief of the poor, education or medical relief, it will constitute `charitable purpose even if it incidentally involves the carrying on a commercial activities. Harnam Singh Harbans Kaur v. Director of Incometax (Exemption), Delhi [2012] 17 103(Delhi Trib.)


`Relief of the poor encompasses a wide range of objects for the welfare of the economically an socially disadvantaged or needy. It will, therefore, include within its ambit purposes such as relief to destitute, orphans or the handicapped, disadvantaged women or children, small and marginal farmers, indigent artisans or senior citizensinneedofaid.Entitieswhohavethese objects will continuetobeeligibleforexemptioneveniftheincidentallycarry on a commercial activity, subject, however, to the conditions stipulated u/s 11(4A) or the 7th proviso to section 10(23C) which are that:


the business should be incidental to the attainment of the objectives oftheentity, and ii) separate books of account should be maintained in respect of such business.

4. In the final analysis, however, whether the assesseehasforitsobject`theadvancementofany other object of general public utility is a question offact.Ifsuchassesseeisengagedinanyactivityin the nature of trade, commerce or business or renders any service in relation to trade, commerce or business, it would not be entitled to claim that itsobjectischaritablepurpose.

DIT(E)v.ICAI,ITANo.869/2011&W.P(Civil)No.1927of2010,Delhi HighCourt(Dateofdecision19092011): Even if the profits earned are used for charitable purposes, but fee, cessorconsiderationischargedbyapersonforcarryingonany activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business or any activity of rendering of any service in addition to any trade, commerce or business, an institution will not be regarded as established for charitablepurpose/activity(itwouldbe covered under the proviso and thebar/prohibitionwillapply). The courses of the institute, per se, it does appears cannot be equated to a private coaching institute. There is a clear distinction between coaching classes conducted by private coaching institutions and the courses and examinations which are held by the petitioner institute WRITPETITON(CIVIL)NO.1927OF201019/9/2011

InI.T.A.NO.869/2011:19thSeptember,2011 whether the same amounts to business and whether separate books of accounts were required to be maintained by the institute The purpose and object to do business is normally to earn and is carried out with a profit motive; in some cases the absence of profit motive may not be determinative. The appellant has given no such finding as far as the activities of the institute are concerned. The CITappellant without examining the concept of business has held that the institute was carrying on business as coaching and programmes were held by them and a fee is being charged for the same. On the basis of the findings recorded in the order dated 29th March 2010, under section 263 of the Act, it is notsufficienttoholdthattheinstituteiscarryingonbusiness.

[2011]11taxmann.com167(Patna) DCIT Circle1, Patna v. Sulabh International Social Service Organisation Wherethoughmaintenanceoftoiletsdidnotspecificallyfind mention in aims and objective of society but it was an essential and inseparable incidental activity for attainment of objectives of assessee, held that activities of assessee were charitable in nature and it would be entitled to exemptedfromtax Other ref: M/s PAVE v. DIT (E) ITA No.6057/Del./2010 (order dated16092011)

CIT*,Kottayamv.A.Y.BroadcastFoundation Production of television and radio programmes for purpose of telecasting and broadcasting through assessee's own network or through network hired by it did not constitute advancement of any object of general public utility within meaningofsection2(15)

Himachal Pradesh Environment vs. CIT (ITAT Chandigarh),ITANo.74/Chd/2009 Held:

service to trade, commerce or business must be suchthatithasaprofitmotive;

The provisoto s.2(15)inserted by F.A2008 can apply only to entities whose purpose is advancement of any other object ofgeneralpublicutility. A profit motive was the essence of trade, commerce or business, and where the services were rendered without a profitmotive,suchserviceswillnothaveanythingiscommon with trade, business or commerce. Accordingly, to fall within the second limb of the Proviso to s. 2(15), rendering of

When the assessee collects money over and above the fees prescribed by the Government, whether it constitutesacharitableinstitution

In the case of Islamic Academy of Education v. State of Karnataka (2003) 6 SCC 697, the Apex Court after considering the judgment in the case of T.M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka [2002] 8 SCC 481_ Held that..Every institution is free to devise its own fee structure subject to the limitation that there as can be no profiteering and no capitation fee can be charged directly orindirectly,orinanyform.

In view of the observation of the Apex Court, it is obvious that a private aided or unaided professional institution or any other institution has to collect the fees fixed by the committee,asdirectedbytheApexCourt. Therefore, any amount received by the educational institutionover&abovefeefixedbythecommitteeshasto beclassifiedascapitationfeesandtheinstitutionshallface the legal consequences. In other words, the assessee exists forprofitandnotsolelyforeducationalpurpose. [Further referred P.A. Inamdar v. State of Maharashtra [2005] 6 SCC 537 and Vodithala Education society v. ADIT (EXEMPTIONS II),ITAT Hyd.2008TIOL139]

Whether charging fees for education deprives assessee of exemptions? HeldNo.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vs. Director of Income Tax (Exemption), DelhiITATdated18/10/2010,ITANo.1853/Del/2010 P.C. Raja Ratnam Institution V. Municipal Corporation of Delhi (1990) 181 ITR 354 (SC) heldthatmereimpartingofEducationisenoughtoclaimexemption.Thatthetestof charitable purpose is satisfied by the proof of any of the three conditions, namely, relief of the poor, education or medical relief. The fact that some fee was charged from the students was not decisive inasmuch as the proviso to section 115(4)(a) of theDelhiMunicipalCorporationAct,1957,indicatedthattheexpenditureincurredin running the society might be supported either wholly or in part by voluntary contributions. Besides, the Explanation to section 115(4)(a) was, in terms, inclusive andnotexhaustive. Others: Shanti Devi Progressive Education Society Vs. Asst. DIT(Exemption) [1999] 236ITR(A.T.)0040(ITAT Del)

Similarfindingin[2011]12taxmann.com272(Chennai)Dy.CITv.VelloreInstitute of


Merely because object of a society was also to serve Church and Nation would not mean that educational institution was not existing solely for educationalpurpose.[EwingChristianCollegeSocietyv.CCIT2DTLONLINE 285(2010)(All.)] If a university, imparting formal education by a systematic instruction, introducescourseswithobjectiveofgreaterinterfacewithsocietythrough extra mural extension and field action related programmes, these are not objectives independent of education but are an aid to education. [Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Society vs. DGIT(E) 185 TAXMAN 110 (2009) (DELHI)]Held that on facts, assessee institute fulfilled all requirement of section 10(23C)(vi) and was, thus, entitled to grant of registrationand,consequently,exemptionunderaforesaidprovision.

Educationisnotonlytoimparteducationthroughbookreading,italso includessportsandotherrecreationalactivities LittleAngelsShikshaSamitiv.UnionofIndia,[2011]11taxmann.com37(MP) If an educational society introduces object to manage and maintain a library, reading room and conduct classes of stitching embroidery, weaving and schooling, adult education and education in the field of entertainment arts, it cannotbesaidthattheobjectofthesocietywasnotforeducationalpurpose [ICAI Accounting Research Foundation v. DGIT (Exemptions) 183 TAXMAN 462 (2009) (DELHI)] merely on undertaking research projects at instance of Government/local bodies and taking remuneration for such projects, essential character of assessee-foundation could not be said to have been converted into one which carried on commerce.

[2011] 12 272 (Chennai) Dy. CIT v. Vellore Institute of Technology*

charging of higher fees from affluent students or raising funds for laudable object of education, which is traditionally a State function, through donations, by an unaided self financing educational institutions cannot deter 'charitable' nature of activity and in any view make such activity 'commercial' in nature. Whether incidence of surplus during course of activity of running educational institution would not be a ground to state that said institution is carrying on a business activity so as to forfeitexemptionundersection11 Held,yes

Whether if a student or his parents are so particular to gain admission into an institution and for that purpose are willing to donate money for improvement ofinstitution,thenitisa'voluntary'act and,therefore, evenifdonationswere paid at time of or to secure admission into institution, it will not cease to be 'voluntary'soastofalloutsideambitofsection11(1)(d)or12(1) Held,yes Whether such voluntary contribution would not form part of income of trust butwouldonlybeacapitalreceipt Held,yes Whether donations collected from students/parents after admission, could be saidasnot'voluntary',butundercompulsion, Held,yes Whether corpus donations received at time of admission, by an institution for capital purposes of trust could not be treated as capitation fee receipt Held, yes

surplusfromeducationalactivitiesandcorpusdonationsreceivedbyassesseetrust whichwasrunninganengineeringcollegewouldbeexemptu/s11


Activityofgivingmicrofinance&earning interest ischaritable purpose


The assessee, a microfinance company, applied for registration u/s 12A for exemption u/s11.TheCIT rejected theapplicationonthegroundthat
(a)theobjectsshowedaprofitmotive, (b)theassesseewaschargingan interest ratewhichwashigherthanthatchargedbybanks& (c) theactivity ofgivingloanswasabusinessactivity andnotacharitable purpose u/s2(15).


Ontheissuewhethertheassesseehasaprofitmotive inpursuingitsobjects, thefact that the assessee is registered u/s 25 of the Companies Act prima facie shows that theassesseeissetuptopromotecharityoranyotherusefulobject andintends to apply its profits in promoting those objects. The assessee is prohibited from making payment of any dividend to its members. The Objects provide that the assessee has to promote micro finance services to poor persons and to help them rise out of povertywithoutthemotiveofprofit.



On the issue whether the activity of promoting micro finance services is a charitable purpose u/s 2(15), as per CBDT Circular No.11 of 2008 dated 19.12.2008, a wide range of objects for the welfare of economically and socially disadvantaged people are covered and entities which pursue these objects will be eligible for exemption even if they incidentally carry on a commercial activity, subject, however, to the conditions stipulated in s. 11(4A) or the seventh proviso to s.10(23C) (Bharatha SwamukhiSamsthe 28DTR(Bang)(Trib)113followed); The fact that there is a surplus from the activity of micro financing cannot by itself be a ground to say that the assessee does not exist for charitable purpose particularly when the MOA & AOA provide that the profit shall not be distributed amongst the members but shall be utilized towards the objects (Thanthi Trust 247 ITR 785 (SC) &Agricultural Produce and Market Committee 291 ITR 419 (Bom) followed)


Section11 exempted incomeoftrusti.enot formingthepartof totalincome

Section10(23C) Incaseofinstitutionscoveredu/s10(23C)(iiiab)/(iiiad) 100% exemptionwithoutanycondition. 10(23C)(vi) 100%exemptionsubjecttoconditionslaiddownin provisos (i)Incomederivedtotheextentapplied forpurposesofthetrust Clause(a)of3rdprovisotos. 10(23C)


(ii)accumulations(notinexcessof15% Clause(a)of3rdprovisotos. ofincomefromsuchproperty) 10(23C) NOTE:INCOMEINCLUSIVEOF VOLUNTARYCONTR.[CL.(1)OFEXPL.TO S.11(1)] (iii)corpusdonation Distinction as between corpus and other funds, registration u/s 12A is inapplicable for sec. 10(23C) institution. Nosuchclause



Sec.11(2)/ 11(1B)

Incomedeemedtobeapplied[asreferredinCL.(2)TO EXPL.TOS.11(1)] Howeverthesametobeincludedintheincomeofthe subsequentyearaspers.s(1B) Furthersuchincometobeinvestedinthemodes prescribedins.11(5) Outofincomeaccumulated,donationtoother trusts/institutionsref.ins.10(23C),notallowed

3rdprovisoto s.10(23C)rw clause(b)


to sec.11(2) sec.11(3) sec.11(4) /(4A) Sec.11(5)

13thproviso tos.10(23C)

Incomereferredins.s(2)tobeincludedinincomeonnon fulfillmentofcertainconditions. Businessincomeoftrustonfulfillmentofcertain conditions separatebooksofaccount Forms&modesofinvestment/deposit

14thproviso tos.10(23C) 7thprovisoto s.10(23C) Cl.(b)to3rd provisotos. 10(23C)

Note:Inviewofs.11(1)(a),incometobeappliedtopurposesoftrust inIndia whilethere isosuchconditionins.10(23C)

NO CIT vs. Mahasabha Gurukul Vidyapeeth Haryana[2010] 2 DTLONLINE283(P&H)

Heldthatonceallrequisite conditions for exemption u/s 11 had been met by assessee, an educational society, then there would be no bar for assessee to seek exemption u/s11 even if conditions under section 10(23C)(vi)hadnotbeencompliedwith.

Meaning of word income


S. 2(45) of the Act as total amount of income referred to in S. 5, computed in the manner laid down in this Act. And therefore the word income used u/s 11(1)(a) could not be assigned the same meaning as specifically assigned to the expression total income u/s 2(45).

The expression total income has been specifically defined in


In case of business undertaking income will be the income as shown in the accounts of the undertaking u/s 11(4), any income of the business undertaking determined by the AO in excess of income shown in accounts will be deemed to have been applied for purposes other than charitable or religious and will be chargeable to tax u/s 11(3). Only income disclosed by accounts shall be eligible for exemption u/s 11(1), and permitted accumulation of 15% shall be calculated with reference to this income.


Where the trust derives income from house property, capital gains, or other sources, the word income should be understood in its commercial sense i.e book income, after adding back any appropriations or applications thereof towards the purpose of the trusts or otherwise, and also after adding back any debits made for any capital expenditure, any amount added back shall become chargeable to tax u/s 11(3) to the extent they represent outgoings for purpose other than those of the trust.

Note: Income- Gross or net The Supreme Court in CIT v. Programme for Community Organisation [2001] 248 ITR 1, has held that the assesseetrust was entitled to exemption under section 11 at 25 per cent (now 15%) of its total income derived, not on amount remained after expendingmoneyoncharitablepurposesoutofitstotalincome Followed by the Honble ITAT Lucknow Bench, in the case of Krishi Utpadan mandi samiti & Anr. V. DCIT, 136 TTJ 635

CIT v. Trustees of H.E.H. Nizams Supplemental Religious Endowment Trust (1981) 127 ITR 378 (AP). Held:

Only Books of accounts have to be taken into consideration for determining the income and expenditure of the trust for the purpose of section 11(1)(a). Section 2(45) specifically defines Total income where as the expression used in the section 11 is only income. Income which is left after the expenditure is required to be set apart or such of the money, which is left with the trust after meeting all the expenditure, that can be invested in securities Therefore for the purpose of assessing total income the AO may, as per the provision of the Act, include many items on notional basis, But they do not really constitute the surplus amount or the amount that would be left for the purposes of investment. Total income is not relevant for the purpose of investing the funds of the trust or for the purposes of assessing the income of the trust.

ExemptIncome. Income which is applied/accumulated to/for the purposes of the trustinIndiaduringthepreviousyeartowhichtheincomerelates is exempt. Further such application/accumulation should not be lessthan85%oftheincomederivedduringtheP.Y. TaxableIncome. Income which is not applied to the purposes of the trust in India duringtheP.Y.towhichtheincomerelatesistaxable. IncomereceivedbyPrivatereligioustrust. Income received by a trust for charitable purposes or a charitable institutioncreatedorestablishedafterMarch31,1962,isthetrust or the institution is created or established for the benefit of any particular religious community or caste or is applied for the benefitofthepersonsspecifiedinsection13(3).

DIT [Exemption] v. Girdharilal Shewnarain Tantia Trust (1993) 199 ITR 215 (cal.) held that the income from property held for charitable or religious purposes cannot be equated with the income which is computed under the general provisions of the Act in respect of other assessees who are not entitled to the benefit of the provisions of sections11(1)(a),11(1)(b),and11(1)(A). TheHighCourtalsoruledthat: When the trust loses the benefit of accumulation, and as a result, when the trust income is brought to tax, the question of allowing any statutory deductions as contemplated by different provisions of the Act dealing with different heads of income does not arise. Therefore if a trust has property income among other receipts, it will not be entitled to a deduction of 25% for repairs and collection charges, but will be entitled to deduction of actual repairs and collection charges. CIT v. Estate of V.L. Ethiraj [1982] 136 ITR 12 (Mad.)

Business Separate Books

To purchases To Other Exp. To Net Profit (A) 115000.00 60000.00 25000.00

By Sales


(B). Income from house property Rs. 40000.0, Municipal taxes paid Rs. 2000, (C). Income from other sources Rs. 5000.00

85 % shall be calculated of Rs. 160000 (115000+40000+5000) i.e. Rs. 136000/- should be used for application during the year & not 85%of Rs. 2,45,000 (Rs. 200000 + Rs. 40000 + Rs.5000).

CITv.PSGandSonsCharities[1997]223ITR831(Mad.). In case the property held under trust is a Business Undertaking, the AO shall have power to determine the incomeofsuchundertakinginaccordancewiththeprovisions oftheAct,incasetheincomesodeterminedisinexcessofthe income as shown in the accounts of the undertaking such excess shall be deemed to be applied to purposes other than theCharitableorreligiouspurposes.

CIT v. M/s State Urban Development Society Date of Decision: 19.10.2011, ITA No. 210 of 2011 [P&H High Court] grants received by assessee society cannot be treated as its income where the same have been received by the assesseefordisbursementandcannotbeutilizedforany other purpose, even if the same is credited to the profit & loss account. The entries in the books of account do notdecidethenatureofreceipts.

Income derived from property held under trust wholly for charitable or religious purposes What the word Wholly representshere? The word wholly referred in the section refers to the object and not to the property held under trust, further the word wholly cannot be treated equivalent to the word mainly, further it would not be sufficient if some of the objectsarecharitableorreligiousinnature. Dwarkadas Bhimji v CIT [1948] 16 ITR 160 (Bom.), East India Industries (Madras) Private Ltd V. CIT [1967] 65 ITR 611(SC).

RealIncomev.NotionalIncome The exemption and the conditions thereof u/s 11 should be confined to the real income of the organization, Notional income cannot be considered for the purpose of accumulationandapplication. CITv.JayashreeCharityTrust[1986]159ITR280(Cal.) Hindustan Welfare Trust v. DIT (Exemption) [1993] 201 ITR 564(Cal.). Interestondeposits wheredepositswerethepropertyofthe assessee exempt CIT Vs. Haryana C. M. Relief Fund [2009] 309 ITR 0275 (P&H)

RecoveryofloanswhethertreatedasReceiptofIncome? Yes,shouldbeconsideredasapartofincomeintheyearof receipt.CITv.CutchiMemonUnion[1985]155ITR51(Kar.), howeverthesameisfoundunacceptable in CITv.Trustees


Treatmentofsubscriptionandamountstakentosuspense account? Donations received kept in suspense account, such amount should also be treated as amount of voluntary contributions, so as to require either application or accumulation with permission. CIT v. Divine Light Mission

It is open to the assessee to explain the shortfall in distribution withreferencetoexcessdistributionofanearlieryear,sothatto availsuchexcessforsetoffagainstcurrentshortfall. CIT v. Matriseva Trust (2000) 242 ITR 20 (Mad.), CIT v. Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (1987) 164 ITR 439 (Raj.) and CIT v. Shri Plot Swetamber Murti Pujak Jain Mandal (1985)211ITR293(Guj.). Judgement in against : Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute for Liver, Renal and Digestive Diseases vs DDIT [2009] 29 SOT 316ITAT (Delhi).

DIT vs. Raghuvanshi Charitable Trust [2011] 197 TAXMAN 170 (Delhi), Management Development Institute, National Institute Of Urban affairs and;others,ITANo.1075of2008,930of2009,30of2010andothers, Whetheratrustcanbeallowedtocarryforwarddeficitofcurrentyearandto setoffsameagainstincomeofsubsequentyears Held,yes Whether adjustment of deficit of current year against income of subsequent year would amount to application of income of trust for charitable purposes insubsequentyearwithinmeaningofsection11(1)(a) Held,yes

Other references: CIT vs. Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation [164 ITR 439 (Raj.)] , CIT vs. Institute of Banking [264 ITR 110 (Bom.)]; CIT vs. Siddaramanna Charities Trust [96 ITR 275 (Mys); and CIT vs. Matriseva Trust [242 ITR 20 (Mad.)]. GujaratHighCourtinShriPlotSwetamberMurtiPujakJainMandal,Commissionerof IncomeTaxvs.ShriPlotSwetamberMurtiPujakJainMandal[211ITR293].

No CITv.ThanthiTrust[1999]239ITR502(SC). Nachimuthu Industrial Association v. CIT (1999) 235 ITR 190 (SC). Merely making an entry in the accounts cannot be taken as anyapplicationoftheincomeforanycharitablepurpose.Such entriescouldhavebeenreversedifandwhenthetrustchoose todoso.

Should Receipt of Income precede Application of Income ? not necessary, the emphasize is on the spending of the income and not on coffining the source of the amount spent to the income earned during the previous year. Chotanagpur Diocesan Trust v. ITO [1986]19ITD175(Patna Trib) Is it necessary that the money should be actually spent? No, if a liability for an expenditure has been incurred, the same is enough. CIT v. Trustees of H.E.H theNizamsCharitableTrust[1981]131ITR497(AP).




PaymentofTaxes? Yes,CITv.TrusteesofH.E.HtheNizamsSupplementalReligious Endowment Trust [1981] 127 ITR 378 (AP), CIT v. Janaki Ammal AyyaNadarTrust[1985]153ITR159(Mad.). RepaymentofLoans? Yes, if loan is for purposes of trust. CIT v. Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation [1987] 164 ITR 439 (Raj.), [2009]315 ITR 237(Mad) Director of Incometax (Exemption) v. Govindu NaickerEstate GrantofLoans? yes, CIT Vs. Saraswath Poor Students Fund [1984] 150 ITR 0142 (Kar)


ExpenditureforRevenueorCapitalpurpose? Application of the amount can be for revenue or capital purpose towards object of the trust. S.RM. M.CT.M TirupanniTrustv.CIT[1998]230ITR636(SC)

E. Donation to other Trusts ? Yes if such donation should be utilizedforcharitablepurposeonly. CBDTInstructionNo.1582dated19/10/1984. CIT v. J.K. Charitable Trust [1992] 196 ITR 31 (All.), CIT Vs. Indian National Theatre Trust [2008] 305 ITR 0149 (Del), ACIT vs. U.P. Cricket Association, [2011] 9 102 (LUCK. ITAT), CIT v. Market Committee Narwana [2011]10taxmann.com211(Punj.&Har.)

F. G. H. I.

BookEntries? Yes,CITv.thanthiTrust[1999]239ITR502(SC). LegalExpensesfordefendingspecifiedpersons? Yes, Ananda Marga Pracharaka Sangha V. CIT [1994] 76 Taxmann88(Cal.) Remunerationtospecifiedpersons? Yes, if reasonable, Director of Wealth tax v. R.P. Kayan Trust [2002]253ITR30(Cal.). Advancement of loans by an educational institution to its employees, cannot be regarded as misapplication of funds for purpose of section 10(23c)(vi) of I. T. Act. Facilities like housing, loan, car loan etc., given by an educational institution would be regarded as expenditure spent on the object of education and not to any other purpose.[Kashatriya Sabha v. UOI 194 Taxman 442(2010)(Punj.&Har.)]


Depreciation? Whenadepreciableassetiscreatedoutofthecorpusorthe capital of the organization, and where the cost of the asset is not shown as an application of funds then depreciation can be shown on the normal basis as an application for charitableorreligiouspurposes.
DIT(Exemp.)V.FramjeeCawasjeeInstitute[1993] 109 CTR 463 (Bom.), CIT v. Society of the Sisters of St. Anne [1984] 146 ITR 28(Ker.).,InstituteofBanking[2003]264ITR110

DDIT(Exemption)v.LissieMedicalInstitutions[2010]8TAXMANN.COM82 (Coch. ITAT) Acharitableinstitutionu/s12Aisnoteligibletoclaimdepreciationinrespect ofcapitalassets,costofwhichstandsalreadyallowedbywayofapplication of income u/s 11 on account of incurring capital expenditure towards and in furtheranceofitsobjects

Different view adopted by the Honble Punjab & Haryana High Courtinthefollowingcaseof
[2011]330ITR0021CITv.TinyTotsEducationSociety(P&H) Application of income is not computation of income of the charitable institution. Therefore, the question whether depreciation is to be allowed or not has nothing to do with the application of income. Income is always to be computed on commercial principles and as per the system of accounting followed by the assessee, subject alwaystothestatutoryprovisions. AlsofollowedinCITv.MarketCommitteeNarwana,[2011]10taxmann.com211(P& H)

Theseareconsideredasachargetotheincomeoftheorganization andtherefore,onlythenetincomeaftersuchexpensesisavailable for charitable purposes. Board Circular No. 5P(LXX6) of 1968 dated 19/06/1968, however where certain elements of expenses could be directly attributed to the earning of income of a charitable trust, such expenses should be treated as application of income.CITv.BirlaJanahitTrust[1994]208ITR372(Cal.). Accumulation of income u/s 11(1)(a) to be calculated on the basis of total income of trust & not its income as determined for the purpose of assessment of income tax after deducting administrativeexpenses.AsheldinKrishiUtpadanmandisamiti& Anr.V.DCIT,136TTJ635

Section 11(1) requires application of income of the year for the objects of the trust or institution, while section 11(5) deals with investment of the available fundswithit.Investmenttherefore,neednotbeout of income, even if such investment is made out of income,itcannotbeconstruedasapplication.

Whether expenses incurred outside India be considered asapplicationforthepurposesoftrust. Yes The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vs. Director of Income Tax (Exemption), Delhi ITAT dated 18/10/2010, ITA No. 1853/Del/2010 There is no such requirement u/s 10(23C)(iv) of obtaining a prior permission of the CBDT as required u/s 11(1)(c) and as such the objectionthatoverseasexpensescouldnothavebeenincurredby the assessee without permission of the CBDT is not sustainable. The expenditure has been incurred on overseas travel, etc. and is for the purposes of its object Further, the mere fact that expenditure has beenincurredonforeigntraveldoes notmeanthatthe assesseehas incurred expenses for purposes which are not for India . Instead, the assessee has to maintain status and standard of professional qualification of chartered accountancy and observe developments takingplaceintheworld.

Application of Income outside India does not disentitle educational institution exemption u/s 10(23C)(vi), however the prescribed authority is always empowered to grant registrationsubjecttocertainconditions. The third proviso does not use the words in India in the matter of application or accumulation of income though in several other sections like Sections 10(20A), 10(22B) and 11(1)(a) etc., Parliament has used the words in India.
Therefore, the words in India cannot be read into the third provisotos.10(23C). Case law:American Hotel Lodging Association Education Institute VsCBDT2008TIOL115SCIT

The capital gains will be deemed to have been utilized for the purpose of section 11(1)(a), if the net consideration received is reinvested in anothercapitalasset.

the capital asset is property held under trust wholly for charitableorreligiouspurposes; (ii) Where the capital asset is held under trust in part only for such purposes. these main situations, the provision also caters to the followingsubsituations: newcapitalasset. (ii) Where only a part of the net consideration is utilized for acquiring thenewcapitalasset.
(i) Where the whole of the net consideration is utilized in acquiring the Within

(i) Where

IsBenefitofIndexationavailable? Whentheindexationcouldbedone? the indexation benefit will not be available if the entire sales proceeds is used for purchase of another capital Asset, Indexation Benefit should be claimed only when the capital gain is offered for taxation under normal provisions.

Is Capital Gains, income from property held under trust ? Yes, asperdefinitionofincomeu/s2(24) Is Benefit u/s 11(1A) optional ? Yes, if assessee doesnt exercise option available u/s 11(1A) then it cant utilize the capitalgainsforcharitablepurposesundersection11(1)(a Time limit for reinvestment ? No time limit, thus to be investedwithinthesameyearunlesstheoptionisexercised asperExplanationofS.11(1). Is Sec 11(1A) distinguish between long term and short termcapitalgainsasset? NO

Isfixeddepositacapitalasset? TimelimitforretentionofAsset? CBDT vide Instruction No. 883, dated 24/09/1975, has clarified that investment in FD with a tenure of more than 6 months are considered as capital assets for the purposes of S. 11(1A), However in CIT v. Hindustan Welfare Trust [1994] 206 ITR 138 (Cal.) it was opinedthatthetermofthedepositcouldnotbethetestofits being an asset, whereas in DIT (Exemp) v. DLF Qutab Enclave Complex Medical Charitable Trust [2001] 167 CTR (Delhi) 120 it was opined thattheinvestmentforafixedterminScheduledbankisenough. Notimelimithasbeenprovidedu/s11(1A),forretentionofthe new asset.

Treatment of income Accrued but not received ? Treatment of income Received but not Applied due to any other reason ? Procedure to apply in succeeding year ? If income not applied on receipt in succeeding years ?

The assessee is at liberty to wait for any number of years for the receipt of income. In case the income is not received in future assessment years then there is no obligation on the part of the assessee to spend such income.



IfAccumulationoverandabove15%ispossible? A charitable organisation is unconditionally allowed to accumulate 15% of its income annually and the provisions of S.11(2) and 11(3) would apply only to accumulationsmadeoverandabovethis15%limit.


The Assessing Officer rejected the claim of the assessee for exemption under section11onthegroundthattheassesseeaccumulatedprofitswithoutproviding an explanation. The Commissioner (Appeals) held that the utilization of accumulation was on the agenda of the governing body, the purpose of expenditure for accumulation was for building fund and equipment fund and the period was less than ten years. The Tribunal upheld the order of the Commissioner (Appeals). Held, dismissing the appeal, that when the assessee had specified the purpose and there was no fault in utilisation of the amount, theassesseewasentitledtoaccumulationofincome. Whether condition for excluding accumulated income of a charitable institution from total income is specification of purpose for which income was accumulated anddepositedinspecifiedmode Held,yes

[CITv.MarketCommittee,Tohana[2011]12taxmann.com252(P& H)]

IsFormNo.10ismandatory? Yes, however CIT has power to condone delay. CBDT circular No. 273, dated 03/06/1980, however in CIT Vs. G.R. Govindarajulu and Sons Charities [2004] 271 ITR 0145 [Mad], honble High Court has held that it is enough for the assessee to submit a statementalongwiththereturntoexercisesuchoption. Modificationinpurposesifpossible? Yes, Section 11(3A) permits the modification of the purposes specifiedinForm10,undervariouscircumstances. EffectoforderofcourtorInjunction? Period of 5 years will exclude any period during which the income could not be applied due to an order or injunction of any court. CBDT Circular No. 657 dated 30/08/1993.

If Notice in form No. 10 to be given only in first year of accumulation or all in subsequentyearsalso?
The assessee could file notice in Form No. 10 in respect of each year along with the return of income whenever the assessee was unable to apply its income to the extent of 75 per cent. to the charitable or religious purposes. But there was nothing in the provisions which prohibited the assessee from filing the notice in Form No. 10 for more than one year. It has been provided in Form No. 10 itself that an assessee can give notice in writing not only for the current year but also for subsequent previous years. The claim of the assessee could not be denied merely on the ground that in the subsequent year no further notice was given by the assessee. if notice is given in respect of all previous years commencing from the first assessment year, the authorities are not justified in denying the benefit of accumulation for the year under consideration. However, the AO would be at liberty to examine whether the provisions of section 11(5) had been complied with by the assessee or not.

Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council Vs. Incometax Officer (Exemptions) [2009]308ITR(A.T.)0182ITAT(Mum.)

IsbenefitofAccumulationisavailableformorethanonepurpose? DIT (Exemption) Vs. Eternal Science of Mans Society [2007] 290 ITR 535 (Del.), Director of Incometax (Exemption) Vs. Daulat Ram EducationSociety[2005]278ITR0260(Del)


Ifincomeisaccumulatedformorethanonepurpose,thanisit necessarytospecifyallofthosepurposesparticularly? No, It is enough if the assessee seeks accumulation for the objects of the trust. That the assessee had sought to accumulate the sum for purposes ofthe trust andhad specified suchobjects.
Bharat Krishak Samaj Vs. Deputy Director of Incometax (Exemption) [2008] 306 ITR 153 (Del), Director of Incometax Vs. Mitsui and Co. Environmental Trust [2008] 303 ITR 0111 (Del), Bharat Kalyan Pratisthan Vs. Director of Incometax (Exemption) [2008]299ITR0406(Del).


Assessees claim for accumulation under section 11(2) cant be denied merely on ground that Form No. 10 filed by assesseedidnotspecifypurposeforaccumulationofunspent money where Commissioner (Appeals) had gone through issueindepth,analyzedobjectsoftrustandalsoFormNo.10 furnishedbyassesseetrust


because an educational institution accumulates income, it does not go out of consideration of section 10(23C)(vi). It goes out only if application of income is for purposes otherthaneducation.Ifaccumulationofsurplusbyassessee, an educational trust, is within parameters of section, it will beentitledtobenefitofsection10(23C)(vi).

[Case law: Maa Saraswati Educational Trust v. Union of India 194 TAXMAN84(2010)(HP)]

Voluntary Contribution with the specific direction thatitwillformpartoftheCorpusofthetrust.

Whether Voluntary contributions shall be treated as income u/s 2(24)? Section12wasinsertedbytheFinanceAct1972,w.e.f.1/04/1973 and the insertion of this section was supported by insertion of clause (iia) to section 2(24)i.e definition of income, where in voluntary contribution received by trust has been held as income. CBDTCircularNo.108,dated20/03/1973 If Voluntary contribution has to be considered on receipt basis or accrual basis ? S. 12 uses the word received as against S. 11(1), which uses the word derived and therefore S. 12 provides a separate treatment to voluntary contribution i.e. on receipt basis only

Whether Government Grants are voluntary in nature and whether such grants qualify for exemption? Held yes. if same has been granted for a particular purpose of public utility or public importance, or to alleviate a situation affecting general public, and cannot be used for Bihar State Text Book Publishing anyotherpurpose.

It is well known that the grants in aid are made by the Government to provide certain institutions with sufficient funds to carry on their charitable activities. On reading the conditions on which those grants in aid were given, it was obvious that the institutions or associations to which the grant was made had no right to ask for the grant and it was solely with in the discretion of the governments to make grants to institutions of charitable nature. Again, the Government did not expect any return for the grants given by it to such institutions and there was nothing which was required to be done by these institutions for the Government,whichcouldbeconsideredasconsiderationforthegrant. Therefore, none of the conditions attached to the grant affected the voluntary nature of the contribution. Hence, the impugned grant was exemptundersection12. Case law : CIT vs. Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council [1983] 13 Taxmann13(Bom.)

Differencebetweenvoluntarycontributionsandsubscription. There is a distinction between voluntary contributions and subscription. When the sum is paid in the nature of gifts or a gratuitous payment to the trust without any consideration, it would be considered as voluntary contribution. Subscription is
nottobetreatedasvoluntaryContribution. Caselaw :CITv. Divine Light Mission [2005] 146 Taxmann 653 (Delhi.), Trustees of Shri Kot Hindu Steel Mandal v. CIT [1994] 73 Taxmann 648(Bom.)

Asst. CIT v. Nagarjuna Educational Society [2011] 12 375(Visakhapatnam)

Whether it is only prerogative and privilege of concerned donor to specify purpose for which voluntary contributions are given and, hence,neitherassesseenorAssessingOfficerisauthorizedtochange character of voluntary contribution from 'Corpus' to 'ordinary contribution'orviceversa Held,yes Whether where assesseesociety was running educational institutions and impugned donations received by it had been given with a specific direction that they would form part of 'Corpus' of institution, said voluntary contributions would remain as 'Corpus donations' exempt under section 11(1)(d) and Assessing Officer was not correct in changing character of corpus donations as ordinary receipts Held, yes

Any Contribution, which is for specific purpose and not for

CIT v. Sri Plot Swetamber Murti Pujak Jain Mandal [1995] 211 ITR 293(Guj).
Donation received towards the corpus of the trust could not

CIT v. Amar Charitable Trust [1989] 42 Taxmann 101 (Bom), CIT Vs. SthanakvasiVardhmanvanikJainSangh[2003]260ITR366(Guj).


Intercharitydonationsevencouldbetowardscorpus. CITv.SarladeviSarabhaiTrust[1988]172ITR698(Guj.) CBDT Instruction No. 1132 (1978), has clarified that if the donee

organization does not utilize in the year of receipt, then the exemptiontodonorwillnotbeeffected. The Finance Act, 2002 has inserted an Explanation to S. 11(2), that prohibits the donations to other charitable trusts out of accumulatedfunds. The Finance Act, 2003 has inserted another proviso to sub section (3A) to section 11 which provides that inter charity donations out of accumulated funds will be permissible in caseofdissolutionofcharitableorganization.

[2011] 10 156 (Agra), Gagan Education Society v. Addl CIT The amendment by Finance Act, 2002 is applicable only to the payment made to other trusts/institutions out of amount accumulated u/s 11(2) andnottopaymentoutofcurrentyear'sincome,whichwillcontinueto betreatedasapplicationofincome. Whether application of income for charitable purposes should not be distinguished as one for revenue purposes and other for capital purposes Held, yes Whether, even if expenditure has been incurred for acquiring capital asset, assessee will be entitled for exemption as this will tantamount to application of income for charitable purposes Held,yes


Whetherforeigntrustcanclaimexemption? Yes,Sec.11doesnotrequirethetrustshouldbeestablishedor registeredinIndia. IncomeappliedonactivitiesoutsideIndia? The Provisions of S. 11(1)(c.) are attracted only if actual expenditure is incurred outside India. Section 11(1)(c.) cannot be invoked only on the ground that the trust deed provides for activities outside India. CIT v. State bank of India [1988] 169 ITR
298(Bom.) If an organization incurs expenditure outside India in contravention of section 11(1)(c) then the entire exemption will not be lost. Income to the extent not applied in India will not be eligible for exemption. CWT v. Trustees of the Nizams Religious EndowmentTrust[1977]108ITR229(AP)


i. that for the purpose of exemption under sec. 10(22) of the I.T. Act, 1961,theUniversityorothereducationalinstitutionneed not exist in India, ii. that, however, the university or other educational institution has to engage in educational activity in India not for profit. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that Parliament should be willing to forgo a very small percentage of its revenue for the purposes of education, even though it might mean the education of people outside India, if that education was being provided by a university or other educational institution whose sole purpose was to provide education andnotatalltomakeaprofit. iii. Even a university or other educational institution established or incorporated outside India can be eligible for the exemption under section 10(22) provided that it exists solely for educational purposes andnotforpurposesofprofit.


iv. v. vi. vii.

Interpretation of a statutory provision granting exemption which does not stand the test of rationality and will lead to absurd results cannotbeaccepted. Each one of the exemptions in section 10 is intended to serve a definitepublicpurposeandismeanttoachieveaspecialobject. Theexpression"existingsolelyforeducationalpurposesandnot for purposes of profit" qualifies "a university or other educational institution. Giving a purposeful interpretation of section 10(22), it will be reasonable to hold that in order to be eligible to claim exemption thereundertheassesseehastoestablishthatitis engagedinsome educational activity in India and its existence in this country is not forprofitonly.




Case law: Oxford University Press v. CIT 247 ITR 0658 (2001) [Supreme CourtofIndia]

In a case where a dispute is raised whether the claim for exemption from tax by the assessee is admissible or not, it is necessary for the assessee to establish that it is a part of a university which is engaged solely or at least primarily for educational purposesandnotforpurposesofprofitandtheincome in respect of which exemption is claimed is part of the income of the university. The label "university press" is not sufficienttoestablishthattheassesseeisengagedinanyeducationalactivity. The imparting of education is service to the society. From the language of section 10(22), it does not appear that without any such service in India, the Legislature intended to exempt the total income of the assessee. The requirement of imparting education or some other educational activity in this country can be read into section 10(22). That is the basic assumption of section 10(22). A university established in a foreign country is not excluded from the ambit of section 10(22) in case it is imparting education in India or has some educational activity in India. It is evident that for the purposes of granting exemption under section 10(22) the Legislature assumed the existence of educational activity in India by a university or other educational institution. The basic requirement of the section is the existence of "educational purpose" which, in other words, means the imparting of education which has to be in India.Theabsenceofthewords"India"inthisprovisionisinconsequential.Ithastobe readintosection10(22).

Subsection (1) or subsection (2) or subsection (3) shall not apply in relationtoanyincomeofatrustoraninstitution,beingprofitsandgains of business, unless the business is incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the trust or, as the case may be, institution, and separate books of account are maintained by such trust or institution in respect ofsuchbusiness. CITVs.SeethakathiTrust[2007]295ITR520[Mad.] To judge the incidentally of business activity it is necessary to see the primary purpose of the organization and not the source of the income. AssttCITv.thanthiTrust[2001]247ITR785(SC). once exclusion contemplated under section 11(4A) is not applicable, exemptionhastobeallowedassubsections(1),(2)and(3)ofsection11 become applicable even in respect of profits and gains [2009] 184 TAXMAN502(P&H.)CITvsManavMangalSociety

Whether section 11(4A) and section 11(4) are complementary to each other and section 11(4A) does not restrictpowerundersection11(4) Held, yes Whether when abusiness income is used towards achievementofanobjectofatrust,itwouldamounttobeing incidental to achievement of object of trust, notwithstanding profit and gain involved therein and would be eligible for exemptionundersection11(4A) Held,yes
DIT(Exemptions)v. WillingtonCharitableTrust,[2010]195TAXMAN232 (MAD.)

CIT Vs. P. Iyya Nadar Charitable Trust [2006] 284 ITR 0404 (Mad.) Thattheexemptionundersection11willnotbeavailableto atrust thatcarriesonanybusinessunlessthebusinessiscarriedoninthe course of the actual carrying out of the primary purpose of the trust, that is to say, unless the business is carried on in the course of actually accomplishing a primary purpose of the trust ; the business must, therefore, be carried on in the course of the actual accomplishment of relief of the poor, education or medical relief. That where the business was held by the trust as a part of the corpus and, hence, the trust did not directly accomplish any object orcarryonthebusinessinthecourseoftheactualaccomplishment of its objects. The assessee was not entitled to exemption under section11.

Islettingofpropertyisabusinessactivity ? Thattheobjectoftheassesseewaseducationandtheactivities of the assessee in letting out properties and receiving lease rental was an activity carried on only to fulfil the object of the assessee. Hence, the income derived by letting out the properties could not be treated as business income of the assessee. CIT Vs. Sri Rao Baghadur Adk Dharmaraja Educational Charity Trust [2008] 300 ITR 365 (Mad ), CIT vs. Jyoti Prabha Society [2009]177Taxmann429(Uttarakhand)
[2011]12taxmann.com161(Delhi)D.D.I.T.(E),v.PHDChamberofCommerce & Industry* Whether as admittedly assessee was carrying on business activities, only thing which could be done on facts of case was to ascertain business income, whether such income wasincidentalto objects,whetherbooks were maintained for business and quantum thereof Held,yes

Sec.13(1)(a),Incomenotappliedforpublicbenefit. For the purpose of S.13(1)(a), is that the element of public benefit has to be satisfied. It does not matter where the control lies, if the benefit accrues to public at large but the control is with specific group of persons then S. 13(1)(a), will not be attracted. Smt. GaneshDeviRamiDeviCharityTrustv.CIT[1969]71ITR696(Cal.) S. 13(1)(b), Income applied for particular religious community or caste. Denial of exemption will not be applicable to organizations created for the benefit of scheduled castes, backward classes, and schedule tribes,orwomanandchildren.(Asperexplanation2tosection13.)

S. 13(1)(b) is applicable only to those organizations which have been established for charitable purposes and is not applicable to organisationswhichareestablishedspecificallyforreligiouspurposes.

S.13(1)(c),BenefittoInterestedpersons. .In case donation of shares by the concern, in which the founder had substantial interest received by the trust as donation did not amount to investment u/s 13(2)(h) and therefore exemption could not be denied. CIT

CIT v. Barkate Saifiyah Society [1995] 213 ITR 492 (Guj.), CIT v. Shri Maheshwari Agarwal Marwari Panchayat [1982] 136 ITR 556 (MP), Commissioner of Incometax Vs. Chandra Charitable Trust [2007] 294ITR0086(Guj).

v. J.K. Charitable Trust [1992] 196 ITR 31 (All.), Commissioner of Incometax Vs. Shreyas Nidhi, Swasti Hidhi, Venu Nidhi and SwasthyaNidhi[2002]258ITR0712(Guj).
Where huge sums of money advanced to company having substantial interest in trust without charging any interest charged nor adequate security taken, exemption was properly denied. Kanahya Lal Punj Charitable Trust Vs.

DirectorofIncometax(Exemption)[2008]297ITR0066 (Del)

Sec.13(1)(d),InvestmentotherthanSpecifiedmanner. Violation related with s. 11(5) i.e. investment in non specified securities, should always be read with S.13(1)(d) because for violation of S.11(2) only the contravened portion of the income will be taxed but for violation u/s 13(1)(d), the entire exemptions may be lost. Therefore in case of withdrawal of exemption u/s 11(3) only contravened portion of income shall be taxable, however u/s 13 whole of the exemptionavailableu/s11&12shallbeforfeited.

ITO v. Human Resource Development & Management Trust (ASBM Trust)[2011]12taxmann.com478(Cuttack ITAT)
Whether once it is held that trust exists for purpose for which it received

registration under section 12AA and there is no violation under section 13, capital expenditure incurred by trust has to be allowed as application of funds Held,yes Whether provisions contained in section 13(1)(c) do not bar payment of reasonable salary for services rendered by an interested person and, it is onlywhensuchpaymentisfoundunreasonableorexcessivethatstipulation ofclause(c)ofsection13(2)wouldbeattracted Held,yes
Furtherheld:inviewofguidelinesissuedbyMinistryofHumanResources,IGNOUandAICTE, finishingschoolrunbyassesseeeducationaltrustwasnotanincidentalactivityratheritwasa partofactivityofimpartingmanagementeducationbytrustand, thus,provisionscontainedin section11(4A) runbyit

Iftheassesseetrusteitheritselfusesanypartofitsincomefor charitable purposes or donates the same to any other charitable trust, such income is exempt from inclusion in the totalincomeoftheassesseetrustfortherelevantyear.
D.D. Foundation Trust Society v. ITO, [2011] 10 128 (Delhi ITAT), CIT v. Shamnur Savithramma, [2011] 11 taxmann.com59(Kar.)

Funds Diverted to business organizations where trustees werehavingsubstantialinterest,sinceinterest@of18% was charged, the educational institution shall not be disentitledfromexemptionu/s10(23C) A. R. R. Trust vs. Assistant Commissioner of Incometax (Incometax Appellate TribunalChennai) [2006] 280 ITR(A.T.)0152

Section 13B: special provision relating to voluntary contributionsreceivedbyelectoraltrust. Any voluntary contributions received by an electoral trust shallnotbeincludedthetotalincomeoftheprevious year of suchelectoraltrust,if a) Such electoral trust distributes to any political party, registered u.s 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, during the previous year , 95% of the aggregate donations received by it during the previous year along with thesurplus,ifany,broughtforwardfromanyearlierprevious year;and b) Such electoral trust functions in accordance with the rules madebytheCentralGovernment.


(1) Where the total income of assessee, being a person in receipt of income on behalf of any university or other educationalinstitutionreferredtoinsubclause(iiiad)orsub clause (vi) or any hospital or other institution referred to in subclause (iiiae)or subclause (via)orany fund orinstitution referred to in subclause in (iv) or any trust or institution referred to in subclause (v) of clause (23C) of S. 10 or any trust or institution referred to in S. 11, includes any income by way of any anonymous donation, the income tax payable shallbetheaggregateof


(i) The amount of incometax calculated at the rate of 30% of the aggregate of anonymous donation received in excess of thehigherofthefollowing,namely: (w.e.f142010) (A)fivepercentofthetotalincomeoftheassesseeor (B)Rs.1,00,000/;and (ii)Theamountofincometaxwithwhichtheassesseewould have been chargeable had his total income been reduced by theaggregateofanonymousdonationsreceived. PriortoFinance(No.2)Act,2009,wholeoftheanonymousdonation weretaxable@30%

(2) The provision of sub section (1) shall not apply to any anonymousdonationreceivedby (a) Any trust or institution created or established wholly for religiouspurposes; (b) Any trust or institution created or established wholly for religious and charitable purposes other than any anonymous donationmade witha specific direction that such donation is for any university or other educational institution or any hospital or othermedicalinstitutionrunbysuchtrustorinstitution.

(3) For the purposes of this section, anonymous donation means any voluntary contribution referred to in sub clause (iia) of clause (24) of Sec. 2, where a person receiving such contribution does not maintain a record of the identity indicating the name and address of the person making such contribution and such other particularsasmaybeprescribed.

Provisions applicable to institutions referred u/s 10(23C)(iiiad), (iiiae),(vi),(via),(v),(iv)andu/s.11. Anonymousdonationsincludibleontotalincome. Taxability:incometaxpayableshallbeaggregateof: i) income tax calculated @ 30%.on excess of anonymous donation over 5% of total donations received by the assessee or Rs. 1,00,000/,whicheverishigher ii) The amount of Income tax on income other than anonymous donation. [asamendedbyFin.(No.2)Act,2009] Provisions of S. 115BC shall not apply to Trust or Institutions createdorestablishedwhollyforreligiouspurpose.

Ref:16th provisoofs.10(23C)

A. Whether anonymous donation is subject to condition of accumulation? B. If violation given u/s 13, in respect of anonymous donation, would it be subjects to double taxation. C. Can provisions of Sec 68,69A to 69C be applicable in case of anonymous donation? D. Can project donations may be anonymous donation?

As per sec 13(7) nothing contained in Sec 11 or 12 shall operate to exclude anonymous donation from total income and provisions of Sec 11/12 are for claiming exemptions, since in case of Anonymous Donation NPO have to pay tax at a specified rate. there will be no limit of accumulation as given in Sec 11. As per sec 13(7) provisions of sec 11 & 12 not applicable and it will be subject to tax at specified rate. SC in Laxmipat Singhania VS CIT (1969) 72 ITR held that income cant be taxed twice unless there is express provision for double taxation in the tax Law itself . Since there is no express provision for double taxation therefore AD shall be subject to single taxation u/s 115 BBC.

Sections 68 and S. 69A to 69C will be applicable only if assessee does not treat particular receipts as income in the books of account. Therefore the assessee NPO must account for the receipt as income in order to avoid provisions to sec 68 & 69C. In case of project grant / donation there is specifies donor and conditions of donor therefore such grant / donation cant be within meaning of Anonymous donation.

HansRajSamarakSocietyv.ACIT[2011]16taxmann.com103(ITATDelhi) Where a person receiving contribution does not maintain name and address of contributor and other particulars, such contribution would fall within ambit of 'anonymousdonation
Benefit of accumulation of income u/s 11(2) cannot

be availed in absence of

filingofformNo.10beforecompletionofassessment Facts: Assesseesociety was running a middle school. It had received donations of Rs. 20,39,547. Out of it amount of Rs. 19,25,047 was considered as anonymous donationbyAOliabletobetaxedu/s115BBC.
Since assessee had filed donation receipts containing details in

respect of name and address of contributor and same were in possession of AO amountin questioncouldnotbetaxedu/s115BBC.

Sources of Income Voluntary Contributions (being corpus donations) Income not applied / accumulated to the extent > 15% Income received on 31st March carried forward to next year for utilization but not utilized in that next year [Explanation 2(b) to Section 11(1)(d)] Income accumulated u/s 11(2) is not invested / utilized / donated to another trust Excess Business Income as assessed by the AO Income derived u/s 13(1)(a) & 13(1)(b) Income derived u/s 13(1)(c) & 13 (1)(d) Anonymous Donations u/s 115BBC

U/S 11(1)(d) 11(1)(a) 11( 1B)

Tax Rates Exempt AOP Rate AOP Rate

11(3) 11(4)

AOP Rate AOP Rate AOP Rate MMR 30%


The Trust should be the lawful owner of the property from which the income is derived. If the property belongs to the settler and only income from such property is assigned for charitablepurposesthentheexemptionsu/s11wouldnotbe availableintermsofS.60.
CIT v. Maharajadhiraj Sir Kameshwar Singh [1953] 23 ITR 190 (Patna), Ganpatri Sagarmall (Trustees) for Charity Fund v. CIT [1963]47ITR625(Cal.).


If any clause of the trust deed empowered the author to revoke the properties vested in the trust then the income from such properties will be taxable at the hands of transferor. CITvG.D.NaiduIndustrialEducationalTrust[1942]10

The Trust deed provided that the property would be revocable at the discretion of a central council. Further, the deed provided that the properties could go only to religious and charitable trust bodies. The Supreme Court held that even if the trust was revocable the properties were not going back to the Central Council on revocation and therefore provision of section 61 could not be applied. Radhasoami

Howtrustdeedcouldbetreatedasrevocableorirrevocable? Supreme Court in CIT v. Jayantilal Amratlal [1968] 67 ITR 1, laid downtheprinciples,basedonwhichtrustdeedcouldbetreatedas revocableorirrevocable. The presence of term reassumes power directly or indirectly Trustdeedshallbecomerevocable A discretion to the settler to choose the charitable activities would not vitiate the concept of an absolute transfer for charitablepurposes Trustdeedshallnotbecomeirrevocable. Veto power of the settler in the Management and administration of the trust in a particular manner cannot be construedasaprovisionforretransferorrevocationofproperty. The same would be true for any special power with regard to investment of funds in any particular manner. Trust deed shall notbecomeirrevocable.

NO [2011]12taxmann.com297(Delhi) ITAT,ITOv.JesuitConferenceofIndia assessee had invested surplus money in mutual fund units and had been entering into frequent transactions related to purchase/switchover from onesuchmutualfundschemetoanother. Held that sale and purchase of mutual fund are not treated as business activityand,accordingly,benefitofsections11and12notdenied.

Whether since investments were made with intention of getting a better yield upon appreciation/dividends from such mutual funds, in order to augment resources of trust and proceeds of mutual funds were applied by assesseefor charitablepurposes, in compliance of provisions of sections 11 and 12 , it could not be said that assessee had been carrying on business activity which was not incidental to its charitable activities and that such activitywascarriedonwithsoleobjectiveofearningprofits Held,yes

If donations received were applied for charitable purposes is per law, the exemption under s.11 could not be denied if identity of donors was not proved. The assessee had produced PAN and confirmations from donors. The AO relied on statement of some donors .However, no cross examination was allowed to the assessee. Some donors had admitted making donations. The exemption from tax could not be denied. CITvs.GeetanjaliEducationSociety[2008]174Taxmann440(Raj.) TheCIThadrejectedtheassessee'sapplicationforregistration under s.12A.TheappealagainstCIT'sorderwaspendingbeforethe Tribunal.Itwasnotentitledtoclaimexemptionfromtaxunders.11. Theassesseewouldbeatlibertytogettheappealsrevivedincase thematterwasdecidedinitsfavourbytheTribunal. U.P.ForestCorpn.vsDCIT295ITR1(SC)

Delay in presenting application for approval to avail exemption u/s 10(23C)(vi) cannot be condoned as there is noprovisionforcondonationofdelayintheAct. [Roland Educational and Charitable trust v. CCIT & 221 CTR88(2009)(Ori)] Distinguishedfrom PadmashreeKrutarthAcharyaInstituteofEngineeringand Technologyv.ChiefCIT309ITR13(2009)(Orissa)Wherein it was held, that the Commissioner was to decide the applicationforcondonationofdelayonthemerits.

There cannot be any limit on the fees charged in order to fulfill

such object of setting up an educational institution. Sikkim ManipalUniversityofHealth,Medical&TechnologicalSciences v.CIT,Siliguri[2010]8TAXMANN.COM279(KOL. ITAT).

Only authority empowered to grant approval can do so. Power

cannotbedelegated. [Maharashtra Academy of Engineering and Educational Research v.DGIT(Invest)319ITR399(2009)(Bom.)]

Lease rent to the sons and wife of the school principal whether a ground for denying exemption. Shree Saket Mahavidyalaya Samiti v Dy. CIT (2010) 132TTJ(Lucknow)(UO)39. Exemptionundersection10(23C)(iiiad) couldnot be denied the assessee society established for educational purposes on the ground that the society had paid lease rent to the sons and wife of the principal of the school who were owners of the land on which school building was constructed where such lease rent was reasonable .Salary to the principal also cannot be aground for refusing the exemption.

Whether non availability of evidence can be a reason of denying theexemptionu/s10 AjayJadejavDyCIT(2010)5ITR(Trib)233(Del) Where the objects and activities of the assessee institution are educational in nature and the revenue has not brought any material on record to show that the college account was having surplus or profit, year after year and the revenue has not disputed that surplus was only because of salary grant from the State GovernmentandanothergrantfromUGC,revenuespleathatthe college run by assessee was for profit motive cannot be accepted .Expenditure on conducting entrance examination being application of income, non availability of evidence cannot be reasonofdenyingtheexemptionundersection10(23C)(iiiab).

Whether claim for exemption u/s 10(23C)(iiiad) can be consideredatappellatestage AlFarookEducationalCentrev.ITO[2009]124TTJ286(Coch.Trib.) Whereassesseehadinfactfileditsreturnongroundthatassessee was claiming exemption under section 11 but assessees claim under section 11 was rejected, as assessee was otherwise coming withinambitofsection10(23C)(iiiad),itwaspermissibleinlawthat claimofassesseeundersection10(23C)beingbackedbyprovisions oflaw,couldbeconsideredevenatappellatestage.

Does Educational activity necessarily to be taken place for claiming exemptionu/s10(23C)?........ Held no, where assesseetrust was existing solely for educational purposes and not for purposes of profit and, thus, it was entitled to exemption u/s 10(23C)(iiiad). ITOv. Baba Dhall Educational Society ofIndia[2009]27SOT391(DELHI ITAT)

Whether exemption can be denied on disallowance of certain expenses HeldNo. ITO v. Virendra Singh Memorial Shiksha Samiti 121 TTJ (Luck.) 829 (2009)/[2009]18DTR502. Other rulings .[2010]001 ITR(Trib.)0527(ITAT Coch.) DIT (Exemption) v.RaunaqEducationFoundation[2004]294ITR76(Delhi)

City Montessori School (Regd.) v. Union of India[2009] 315 ITR 048(All) Society providing not only traditional education but also preparing students by providing guidelines to get admissions in professional institutions to pursue their higher studiesSociety engaged in educational activities falling under "charitable purpose"Society satisfying all statutory requirements for getting exemption under section 10(23C)(vi)No material to prove surplus earned by society utilised for personal profit or gain of anyone including founder manager/directorChief Commissioner directed to grant approval undersection10(23C)(vi).
exemptionu/s10(23C)(vi)cannotbedeniedsolelyonthefoundationthattherehasbeensome surplusprofit? [2011]9Taxmann.com233(Delhi)St.Lawrence Educational Society (Regd.) v.CIT

Societyrunningeducationalinstitutionisalsoentitledtoexemption Section 10(22) of the Incometax Act, 1961, exempts income of a "University or other educational institution existing solely for educational purposes" from incometax. The word "institution" has not been defined in the Act. There is no reason why an educational society cannot be regarded as an educational institution if that educational societyisrunningeducationalinstitutions. [The High Court directed the Incometax Officer to consider afresh whether the assessee, a society running educational institutions, came withintheambitofsection10(22)] CaseLaw:KatraEducationSocietyv.ITO[1978]111ITR0420[All.] furtherapprovedin(1997)90Taxman528(SC)Aditanareducational Institutionvs.AdditionalCIT

A society with a main object of spreading education has opened 3 schools, where in the turnover from the schools individually do not exceed Rs. 1 crore, however on aggregate basis it exceeds Rs. 1 crore. Application of S. 10(23C)(iiiad) or S. 10(23C)(vi)? The limit of one crore shall be considered with regard to any university or other educational institution. In the instant case education society is itself an educational institution. AditanarEducationalInstitutionv.Addl.CIT[1997]224ITR310 (SC). A trust or a society which runs, maintains or assists such institution may well be eligible for exemption, even if it does not own the institution, If its sole object is education. Ref: Secondary Board Of education v. ITO (1972) 86 ITR 408 (Ori.), Katra Educational Society v. ITO [1978] 111 ITR 420 (All.), CIT v. Sindhu Vidhya Mandal Trust [1983] 142 ITR 633 (Guj), Director of Incometax Vs. Sir Shri Ram Education Foundation [2003] 262 ITR 0164, DCIT vs Mahathama Educational Society 2007 15 SOT44ITAT Hyderabad.

Where the institution is in process of starting educational activity butnotyetcommencedanysuchactivity. ShavakShikshaSamitivsCIT104TTJ127(ITAT Delhi) The applicant trust was a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and was in the process of setting up a school on a plot allotted to it. The trusts main object of imparting education came within the purview of charitable purpose and it did not exist for profits, since the surplus, if any, were not to be distributed among its members. Therefore, the trust was entitled to registrationunders.12A.


PetitionerboardwassetupbyGovernmentofIndiaasanautonomoussociety under Societies Registration Act, 1860, to promote integrated development in Horticulture Petitioner further submitted that it was exempt under section 10(23C)(iv)inyearsfrom198788to200708andwasalsoregisteredasatrust under section 12A However, after amendment of section 10(23)(iv) on 303 2007, authority to grant exemption was vested in Chief Commissioner instead of Central Government and petitioner made an application to said authority. [NationalHorticultureBoardv.CCIT176TAXMAN167(2009)(P&H)] Chief Commissioner dismissed application on ground that audit reports in Form No. 10BB were not filed with returns and same were filed later, but were not dated as required under 10th proviso to said provision. Whether provision having been substantially complied with, audit report should have beentakenintoaccountevenif,strictlyspeaking,itwasnotfiledwithreturn and not in Form No. 10BB but in Form No. 10B as stated in impugned order .Held,yes.

[Pinegrove International Charitable Trust vs unionof India 188 TAXMAN402(2010)(P&H)] To decide entitlement of an institution for exemption u/s 10(23C)(vi), test of predominant object of its activity has to be applied by posing question whether it exists solely for education and not to earn profit and merely because profits have resulted from activity of imparting education would not result in change of character of an institution that it exists solelyforeducationalpurpose.


And that capital expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for objects of education is entitled to exemption and would not constitute part of total income. Educational institutions, which are registered as societies, would continue to retain their character as such and would be eligible to apply for exemption under section 10(23C)(vi).

Ruling followed in: Vanita Vishram Trust v. CCIT (Bombay High Court)

Assesseesociety was established in year 1969 and was duly registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 Since its inception, assessee was imparting education to public at large by running schools in various cities For relevant assessment years, assesseesociety filed application seeking continuation of exemptionofitsincomeundersection10(23C)(vi) [Case law: Digember Jain Society for Child Welfare v. DGIT (Exemption185TAXMAN255(2009])(DELHI)] DGIT(Exemptions) refused to grant exemption mainly on ground that assesseesociety was having multiple objects, of which education was one of them; it would mean that assessee could pursueevennoneducationalobjectsincomingyears,ifitdeemed fit Itwasseenfromrecordthatassesseesocietyhadmainlybeen formed with objective of carrying out educational activity and therewasnoprofitmotive


It was also noted that respondent had denied exemption to assesseesocietymerelyonsuspicionthatitmightdeviatefromits objective of education in future Held that in aforesaid circumstances, assessee could be given benefit of exemption under section 10(23C)(vi) subject to an affidavit of undertaking given by assesseesociety that it would not breach any of conditions or stipulations imposed by respondent in terms of third proviso to section 10(23C)(vi) and further, that surplus funds would be utilized only for educational purposes and would notbedivertedtoothernoneducationalobjectives.

ITO vs. Sir Kikabhai Premchand Trust [2010] 8 TAXMANN.COM 70(MUM. ITAT),ITANO.5308(MUM.)OF2009 Where assessee did not file audit report in Form No. 10B along with return of income due to oversight rather, it filed report of auditor required to be given under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, in view of fact that report in Form No. 10B was similar to report under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, it was to be held thatassesseehadcompliedwithprovisionsofsec.12A(1)(b),and, therefore,itwasentitledtoexemptionu/s11.

Assam State Text Book Production and Publication Corporation Ltd. v. CIT 319 ITR 317 (2009) (SC) Held, reversing the decision of the Gauhati High Court in CIT v. Assam State Book Production and Publication Corporation Ltd. [2007] 288 ITR 352 , that the assessee was entitled to the exemption under section 10(22). The assessee was a Govt. company and it was controlled by the State of Assam ; the Central Board of Direct Taxes had granted similar exemption by letter dated August 19, 1975 to the Tamil Nadu Text Books Society which performed activities similar to those of the assessee ; and the Central Government had by letter dated July 9, 1973, stated that all State-controlled Educational Committees/Boards had been constituted to implement the educational policy of the States and consequently they should be treated as educational institutions. [Matter remanded.]
CIT v. Rajasthan State Text Book Board [2000] 244 ITR 667 (Raj) and Secondary Board of Education v. ITO [1972] 86 ITR 408 (Orissa) followed.

Indian Medical Trust v. ITO [2012] 18 223 (Jaipur Trib.)

Assesseetrust was running hospital and medical college. It claimed exemption u/s 10(23C) as gross receipt of assessee were below 1 crore. AO rejected same. Assessee contended that donation received could not be included in gross receipt because said donations were received towardscorpusoftrust. Whether for purpose sec. 10(23C), annual receipt is to be considered withoutexcludingcontributiontowardscorpusoftrust Held,yes Whether since receipt were more than 1 crore, exemption could not be grantedtoassesseetrust Held,yes Whether, even if assesseetrust was not entitled to exemption u/s 10(23C) still it will be entitled to claim benefit given u/s 11 to 13 Held, yes

Institution availing exemption u/s 10(23C)(vi) can validly apply for registrationu/s12Atoavailexemptionu/s11&12. Incomederivedbyatrustrunninganeducationalinstitutionorbyan educational institution per se is deemed to be the income derived by such trust or institution from property held under trust and will be exempt from income subject to the exceptions provided in sec.13(3) of the Act Merely because Sec.10 (23C) provides for exemption of the income of an educational institution, it does not follow that such institution cannot avail exemption u/s 11/12 subject to conditions being fulfilled Appeal of the Department dismissedbytheTribunalbyfollowingtheSupremeCourt'sdecision in CIT Vs Bar Council of Maharashtra (130 ITR 28) Asstt. DIT (Exemptions) v. rajasthani Shiksha Samithi, Nizamabad in the ITAT HYDERABAD, ITA Nos. 80 &81/Hyd/08

Rejection of application for grant of exemption under section 10(23C)(vi) cannot be a basis for cancellingregistrationundersection12A. [2011] 9 228 (All. ITAT) The SunbeamEnglishSchoolSocietyv.CIT Order rejecting application for exemption under section10(23C)(vi)mustbeareasonedorder. Sahitya Sadawart Samiti v. CCIT, 2011] 12 taxmann.com248(Raj.)

There must be some reasons recorded in order passed by Commissioner while withholding exemption under section 10(23C)(vi). Whennoreasonshadbeenassignedfordecliningexemption for A.Y. 200708 and % of surplus income of assessee, after deducting all expenses including depreciation was less than previous A.Y., i.e., 200607 for which exemption had been granted, action of Commissioner denying exemption for A.Y. 200708wasarbitraryandillegalandnotsustainable. Dalhousie Public School Educational Society v. CCIT [2011] 9 taxmann.com15(PUNJ.&HAR.)

Assesseetrust, formed for propagation of Vedas, is entitled to registration under section 12A in status of a religious and charitabletrust. [Kasyapa Veda Research Foundation v. CIT [2011] 12 taxmann.com286(Cochin ITAT) 139TTJ641]

Whether once a trust is duly registered under section 12AA, unlessanduntil,itviolatestermsandconditionsstipulatedin section12or13,exemptioncannotbedenied Held,yes [GaganEducationSocietyv.Addl.CIT[2011] 156(Agra)]

BabaAmarnathEducationalSocietyv.CIT[2012] 222(Chandigarh Trib.)


was formed with object of imparting education including technicalandvocationaleducation. Assessee filed an application seeking registration u/s 12AA Commissioner finding that a particular clause in object clauses mentioned to promote exports of computers hardware/software, telecommunication, internet, ecommerce and allied services, took a view that objects of assessee were not charitable in nature within meaning of section 2(15). He thus rejected assessee's application for registration. It was apparent from records that assessee had carried out concrete activities to achieve charitable purpose of imparting education. Moreover, impugned object clause had been deleted in accordance with sec. 12 & 12A of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as was applicable to State of Punjab. Whether on facts, single nonoperative and deleted object clause could not obliterate whole range of charitable activities undertaken by assesseesociety Held,yes Whether, therefore, impugned order passed by Commissioner was to be set asideand,registrationappliedforbyassesseewastobegranted Held,yes

CIT v. Spring Dale Educational Society [2012] 204 Taxman 11 (P. &H.)(Mag.)
While examining application seeking registration under section

12AA, mannerofapplicationoffundsoftrustdonotfallwithin purview of Commissioner. Commissioner should only satisfy himself about genuineness of aims and objects of trust/institution and genuineness of its activities as enumerated inclause(b)ofsubsec.(1)ofsec.12AA.

Institute of Self Management Vs. CIT [2011] 16 331(ITATChennai)


assessee society, managed by highly qualified persons, filed an application for registration under section 12AA after 21 yearsofitsformation,assessee'splea of ignorance of law couldnot be accepted and, thus, registration could not be granted to it with retrospectiveeffect.


Assesseesocietywasregisteredunder TamilNaduSocietiesRegistrationAct,1975 on 24 11983 Declared objects of assessee were providing adult education, community developmentespeciallyinruralareasandalsoprovidingeducationandhealthcareandself employment to rural women. It applied for registration u/s 12AA after a delay of 21 years. According to Commissioner, delay was not properly explained by assessee. Thus, Commissioner held that registration could not be granted to assessee since its inception and registration could be granted only with effect from assessment year 200607. Assesseefiledinstantappealcontendingthatitcouldnotfileapplicationearlierbecauseit wasnotawareofanindependentprocedurenecessaryforregistrationunderAct.


While disposing of assessee's application for registration under section 12AA, an opportunity was to be granted to it to get amendment in trust deeddeclaredvalidbyacompetentcivilcourt.

Facts: Assessee, a public charitable trust, was running educational institutions. Assessee having applied for registration u/s 12AA, withdrew its registration application. Thereafter trust deed was amended elaborating object clause specifically including its main object as running a dental college. When amended deed was presented for registration, Commissioner rejected it for reason that original deed did not contain any provision for amendment of deed. On appeal, Tribunal upheld order of Commissioner (Appeals). On instant appeal, assessee pointed out that u/s 92 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, read with sec. 26 of Specific Relief Act, 1963, it was entitled to file scheme suit and get amendment declared validbyacompetentcivilcourt.

Nellai Tuticorin Nadar v. DIT(Exem.) [2011] 13 taxmann.com23(ChennaiITAT) Whether a charitable trust cannot totally rely on donations and there has to be a perennial source of income for a charitable trust to carry out its objects Held,yes
Whether since assesseesociety ran activity of general

public utility surplus from which was used for charitable purpose, approval under section 80G in respect of donationstobereceived,couldnotbedenied Held,yes

Clarification regarding period of validity of approvals issued under section 10(23C)(iv), (v), (vi) or (via) and section 80G(5) of theIncometaxAct It appears that some doubts still prevail about the period of validity of approval under Section 80G subsequent to 1.10.2009, especially in view of the fact that no corresponding change has been made in Rule 11A (4). To remove any doubts in this regard, it is reiterated that any approval under Section 80G (5) on or after 1.10.2009 would be a one time approval which would be validtillitiswithdrawn.

Where assessee carrying on charitable work received grants for specific purposes from certain agencies, these grants could not be considered voluntary contributionaspersection12.


Assesseesociety was registered under sections 12A and80G. Itwas carrying on charitable work. It received grants from certain agencies and maximum amount of grants remained unspent at endofyear.AOinvokedprovisionofsec.12andaddedsaidamounttoincomeofassessee.

Whether since (i) assessee had received grants for specific purposes, (ii) these grants were to be spent as per terms and conditions of grants, and (iii) amount, which remained unspent at end of year, got spilled over to next year and was treated as unspent grant, these grants were not voluntarycontributionsaspersection12 Held,yes

Mere publishing newspapers or amending original content of trust deed cannot by themselvesbeagroundtodenyregistrationtocharitabletrust.

DIT (Exemptions) v. Vallal MD Seshadri Trust [2012] 19 114 (Mad.)

Assesseetrust moved an application under section 12AA for registration. Application was rejected ongroundthatoneofobjectclauseofassesseetrustspokeaboutpublishingnewspaperswhichwas innatureofcommercialactivity;andthatoriginalcontentsoftrustdeedwereamendedwhichisnot permissible in law. However, Tribunal found that the trust deed could be amended. That apart, Tribunal, found that publishing of newspapers and periodicals does not ipso facto become commercial activity. Whether since authorities below could not find any fault with genuineness of trust,rejectionofapplicationundersection12AAwasnotjustified Held,yes





When is Application Requiredtobemadebyeducational requiredtobemade? institutionswhere: Gross annual receipt exceeds Rs. 1 crore; or Is not substantially financedbytheGovernment. Form for the above Form56D Application Rulesapplicable 2CA

Required to be made Required to be made by all NGOs by all NGOs in order which wishes to take the benefit to claim exemption underthissection u/s11 Form10A 17A Form10G 11AA

Time limit for filing of On/ before 30th sep. of the relevant No time limit. NA. application A.Y (i.r.o appl. On or after 106 However, in view of 2007) s.12AA(2), exemption beavailablefromthe immediately followingA.YtoF.Yin whichappl.Ismade Timelimitforapproval Within 12 months from the end of Within 6 months Within 6 months from date of the month in which application is from from the end of application received[9th proviso] the month in which application is received[s.12AA(2)] Lifetime Time limit of Upto 5 Years is omitted by Finance (No.) 2 Act,2009 ByCIT/CCIT

Time period exemption

for Lifetime Circular No. 7/2010 Lifetime [F.No.197/21/2010ITAI], Dated 27 102010 ByCCIT ByCIT


Basis of differences Exemption w.e.f.

Section 10(23C) The year in which it is granted and thereafter Not provided. However writ can be filed in the High Court Form 10BB (Rule 16CC) [10TH PROVISO TO S. 10(23)(C)] Not prescribed Before the due date of filing of return u/s 139 [ref: s. 139(4C)/(4D)] No ITR 7

Section 12 The year in which it is granted and thereafter Lies to Appellate Tribunal Form 10B (Rule 17B) [s.12A(1)(B)] Form 10 Before the due date of filing of return u/s 139 [s.139(4A)] No ITR 7

Section 80G

Appeal on rejection

Lies to Appellate Tribunal

Form of Audit Report Form of Application for accumulation Last date of filing of form for accumulation Power to condone belated application Form for filing of return

Note: In case of Private Trusts the Return has to be filed in ITR 5


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