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ueiueueghghjh,fdluiuwqytut2w1w21ewfweGovernment of West Bengal
School Education Deartment Budget Branch Bi!ash Bhavan, Salt "a!e, #ol!ata$%&&&'1( )o( *+ ,SE -B./0B$1/2&&'( Dated1 the 2% th 2e3ruary, 2&&'( M E M O R A N D U M 4n 2inance Deartment 5esolution )o( +&2&$2 dated the 26 th 7ugust, 2&&6 the Government constituted a 8ay 9ommission with terms of reference which included that the 9ommission would also e:amine the structure of emoluments and conditions of service of the a) -i. ;eaching and )on$;eaching staff of Government sonsored or aided Schools uto 9lass$<44 standard, ii. ;eaching and )on$;eaching staff of ;raining 4nstitutions for 8rimary ;eachers( b) Emloyees of the District 8rimary School 9ouncils including Siliguri Su3$ divisional 8rimary School 9ouncil and Darjeeling -=ill 7reas. District School Board( c) Emloyees of the West Bengal Board of 8rimary Education( 7fter careful consideration of the recommendations of the 8ay 9ommission in regard to the scales of ay, age of suerannuation, retirement 3enefits and other terms and conditions of service, the Governor is leased to direct that for all categories mentioned a3ove, the recommendations of the 8ay 9ommission shall 3e adoted with some modifications( ;he Governor is also leased to direct that the date of effect of the 5evised Scales, the matter of fi:ation of ay in the revised scales and other conditions of service of emloyees shall 3e as set out in the following aragrahs( 1( Date of effect: -1. ;he revised scale of ay shall notionally effective from the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+ as recommended 3y the 8ay 9ommission( -2. ;he ay and allowances of an emloyee which may 3e, admissi3le to him in consequence of revision of ay shall 3e actually aid with effect from 1 st 7ril, 2&&6( -?. Mode of drawal of arrears of pay:- ;he arrears ay to which an emloyee may 3e entitled in resect of the eriod from the 1 st 7ril, 2&&6 to ?1 st @arch, 2&&' shall 3e aid in three consecutive equal yearly instalments in cash from the year 2&&'$2&1&( 2 7n emloyee, who retired after the ?1 st @arch, 2&&6 3ut 3efore the issue of this @emorandum, shall receive the arrears of ay which he may 3e entitled, in cash( 7n emloyee, who retired on any date 3etween the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+ and the ?1 st @arch, 2&&6 shall not receive any arrears of ay in resect of the eriod uto the ?1 st @arch, 2&&6( 2( Special Pay : ;here shall 3e no secial ay along with ay in the revised ay scale( Definitions :- 4n this memorandum, unless there is any thing reugnant to the su3ject or conte:t , (a) A7nne:ureB means an anne:ure to this order( -3. Ae:isting 3asic ayB means the ay drawn in the rescri3ed e:isting scale of ay including stagnation increments if any, 3ut does not include any other tye of ay( (c) Ae:isting emolumentsB means the aggregate of , -i. e:isting 3asic ay( -ii. dearness ay aroriate to the 3asic ay, and -iii. dearness allowance aroriate to the 3asic ay lus dearness ay at inde: average 0?+ -1'62C1&&. 1 (d) Ae:isting scaleB means , -i. in relation to any ost, the scale of ay shown against that ost in 9ol( of 7nne:ure( -ii. in relation to an emloyee the scale of ay to which the emloyee was entitled on 1 st >anuary, 2&&+ in terms of Government Drder )o( 20$SE -B. dated 12 th 2e3ruary, 1''' and any other order or orders which might have 3een issued in this regard( (e) AemloyeesB means a mem3er of the teaching and non$teaching staff of the )on$Government/Sonsored/7ided Educational 4nstitutions and other organiEations as mentioned in 7nne:ure$4 who have oted for the scale of ay as revised in terms of Government Drder in @emo( )o( 20$SE -B. dated 12(2('' and who is enjoying that scale of ay on the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+( (f) AaraB means a aragrah of this order( (g) Aay in the ay 3andB means ay drawn in the running ay 3ands secified in 7nne:ure 4<( ? () AGrade 8ayB means a fi:ed amount corresonding to the re$revised ay scale/osts( (i) Arevised ay structureB in relation to any ost secified in 7nne:ure$F444 means the ay 3and scale and grade ay secified against 9ol( -*. and 9ol( -0. of that 8art, unless a different revised ay in the ay 3and and grade ay is notified searately for that ost( (!) ABasic ay in revised ay structureB means the ay drawn in the rescri3ed ay 3and lus alica3le grade ay 3ut does not include any other tye of ayG (") Arevised emolumentsB means the ay in the ay 3and lus the grade ay of the emloyees in the revised ay structure and includes allowances if any, admissi3le to him( *( Scale of pay of post1 2rom the 1 st >anuary 2&&+, the ay 3and and grade ay of every ost in the institutions and DrganiEations as mentioned as mentioned in 7nne:ure$4 including the teaching and non$teaching osts in Government Sonsored/ aided recogniEed institutions u to 9lass$<44 standard shall 3e as secified in 7nne:ure F444( 0( Drawal of pay i# re$ised pay str%ct%re1 Save as otherwise rovided in the order, every emloyee shall draw ay in revised ay structure alica3le to the ost to which he/she is aointed( 8rovided that an emloyee may elect to draw ay in the e:isting scale until the date on which he earns his ne:t or any su3sequent increment in the e:isting scale or until he vacates his ost or ceases to draw ay in that scaleG 8rovided further that in case where an emloyee has 3een laced in higher ay scale 3etween the eriod from 1 st >anuary 2&&+ to the date of notification of this order on account of u$gradation of ay scales etc(, such emloyee may elect to switch over to the revised ay structure from the date of such u$gradation as the case may 3e( E&pla#atio#-'1 ;he otion to retain the e:isting scale under first roviso of the order shall 3e admissi3le only in resect of one e:isting scale( E&pla#atio#-''1 ;he aforesaid otion shall not 3e admissi3le to any emloyee aointed to a ost on or after the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ whether for first * time or 3y su3sequent aointment 3y fresh selection and he shall 3e allowed ay only in the revised ay structure( () Optio#: -1. ;he otion under the rovision of ara 0 shall 3e e:ercised within one hundred and eighty days from the date of issue of this order to =ead of 4nstitution varia3ly( -2. 7 teacher or a non$teaching emloyee of a Government 7ided/Sonsored Educational 4nstitution who was in service on the ?1 st Decem3er, 2&&0 and who did not retire on the after noon of that day may at his discretion, retain his e:isting scale of ay -as is alica3le to him on the 1 st >anuary 2&&+. u to the 1 st >anuary 2&&%( -?. ;he otion once e:ercised shall 3e final( Note * +( 7n emloyee, who on the date of issue of this memorandum is on leave or on deutation or otherwise, shall e:ercise the said otion in writing so as to reach the =ead of the Dffice/4nstitution within one hundred and eighty days from the date of his return from such leave or deutation( Note * ,) 7n emloyee, who is under susension on the date of issue of this memorandum, shall e:ercise the said otion so as to reach the =ead of Dffice/4nstitution within one hundred and eight days from the date of his return to service after reinstatement( Note * -( 4f an emloyee, who was in service on the ?1 st Decem3er 2&&0 and to whom this order alies, does not e:ercise otion under the roviso to ara 0 of this order, shall 3e deemed to have elected to 3e governed 3y the revised scale of ay with effect from the 1 st >anuary 2&&+( Note * .( 7n emloyee, who died on or after the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ and could not e:ercise otion within the rescri3ed time limit shall 3e deemed to have e:ercised otion for the revised scale of ay from the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ or from such su3sequent date as is considered most 3eneficial to him( Note * /( ;he form in which otion shall 3e e:ercised has 3een set out in 7nne:ure 44( Note * (( 7n emloyee whose e:isting scale of the ost was revised with effect from any date notionally 3efore u3lication of this order may 3e allowed the 3enefits of e:ercising otion under this order on the 3asis of notional 3asic ay in the e:isting scale( Note * 0( 7n emloyee whose service is terminated on or after 1 st day of 7ril, 2&&6 and for those whose institutions have 3een de$recogniEed in the meantime and who is una3le to e:ercise otion on account of discharge on the e:iry/a3olition of the sanctioned osts, recognition dismissal or discharge on discilinary grounds within the rescri3ed eriod shall 3e entitled to the 3enefits of e:ercising otion under this order( Note * 1) Where an emloyee e:ercises the otion under the rovisos to this order to retain the e:isting scale in resect of a ost held 3y him in an officiating caacity on a regular 3asis for the urose of regulation of ay in that scale under the e:isting order alica3le to that ost, his su3stantive ay shall 3e the su3stantive ay which he would have drawn had he retained the e:isting scale in resect of the ermanent ost on which he holds a lien or would have held a lien had his lien not susended or the ay of the officiating ost which has acquired the character of su3stantive ay in accordance with any order for the time 3eing in force which ever is higher( 0 Note * 2( ;he emloyee who is on lien/deutation to the osts li!e 8resident/ 9hairman of Board/9ouncil, if he ots to 3e in the scale rescri3ed for such ost of 8resident/9hairman, shall, su3mit two searate otions , one for his original ost and another for his deutation ost( 0) 3i&atio# of i#itial pay i# re$ised pay str%ct%re: ;he initial ay of an emloyee who elects or is deemed to have elected under 8ara + to 3e governed 3y the revised ay structure on and from the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+, shall 3e fi:ed searately in resect of his su3stantive ay in the ermanent ost on which he holds a lien, or would have held a lien had his lien not 3een susended and in resect of his ay in the officiating ost held 3y him in the following manner namely1 (a) in case of all emloyees, $ -i. the ay in the ay 3and of an emloyee who continued in service after ?1 st Decem3er, 2&&0, shall 3e determined notionally as on 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, 3y way of multilying his e:isting 3asic ay 3y a factor of 1(6+ and rounding off the resultant figure to the ne:t multile of 1&( 8rovided that if the minimum of the revised ay 3and in higher than the amount so arrived at in accordance with the rovisions of this item, the ay shall 3e fi:ed at the minimum of the revised ay 3and( -i. 7nd after the ay in the ay 3and so determined grade ay corresonding to the e:isting scale shall 3e added( -ii. 4n case of =eadmaster/=eadmistress, 7ssistant =eadmaster etc( who are in receit of additional increments and are still getting the same for holding such osts, the ay in the revised structure shall 3e fi:ed notionally in accordance with the rovisions of 8ara %-a. a3ove( 8rovided that the re$revised dearness allowance aroriate this additional increments admissi3le at inde: average of 0?+ -1'62C1&&. shall 3e added while fi:ing the ay in the revised ay 3and( Note * ' 1 7n emloyee who is on leave on the date of commencement of this order and is entitled to leave salary shall 3ecome entitled to ay in the revised ay structure from the date of actual effect of the revised emoluments( Note * ,: 7n emloyee under susension shall continue to draw su3sistence allowance 3ased on e:isting scale of ay and his ay in the revised ay structure shall 3e su3ject to the final order of the ending discilinary roceedings( Note * -: Where the amount of e:isting emoluments e:ceeds the revised emoluments in resect of any emloyee, the difference amount shall 3e allowed as ersonal ay to 3e a3sor3ed in future increases in ay( + Note * .: -a. 2or the urose of fi:ation of ay under this 8ara, every emloyee, who held 3efore the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+, a ost su3stantively and other ost or osts on officiating 3asis, shall e:ercise otion in the aroriate form set out in 7nne:ure 44 for fi:ation of initial ay searately in the revised scale of ay of the su3stantive ost and also in revised scale of ay the officiating ost( 4f the num3er of officiating osts held 3y the emloyee is more than one, he shall e:ercise otion for fi:ation of initial ay in the revised scale in resect of the last officiating ost( -3. 4f uon the fi:ation of ay under this rule the initial ay of an emloyee fi:ed in the revised scale of ay of the su3stantive ost 3ecomes either equal to or higher than, the ay fi:ed in the revised scale of the officiating ost, his initial ay in the revised scale of the officiating ost shall 3e re$fi:ed at the same stage as the Asu3stantive ayB( Note * / 1 ;he ay of an emloyee who has 3een aointed/romoted to a higher ost in a higher scale of ay, or has got advancement to a higher scale, on or after the 1 st >anuary, 2&&+, shall 3e fi:ed under this 8ara with reference to the lower ost/scale of ay and then his ay shall 3e fi:ed in the revised scale of ay of the higher ost, or revised scale corresonding to the e:isting higher scale of ay as the case may 3e( 4n the case of an emloyee, who elects or is deemed to have elected to draw ay in revised scale of ay with effect from1st >anuary, 2&&+ when the normal date of increment in the e:isting scale of ay is also 1 st >anuary, 2&&+, the in the e:isting scale should 3e drawn first and thereafter the ay of the emloyee shall 3e fi:ed in the revised scale of ay under this order( Note * ( 1 Wherein the fi:ation of ay under this order, the ay of an emloyee, who, immediately 3efore the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, was drawing more ay in the e:isting scale of than another emloyee junior to him in the same cadre and same institution gets fi:ed in the revised ay 3and at a stage lower than that of such junior, his ay shall 3e steed uto the same stage in the revised ay 3and as that of junior( Note * 0 1 4n case where a senior emloyee romoted to a higher ost/grade 3efore the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+ draws less ay in the revised ay structure than his junior in the same institution who is romoted to the higher ost on or after 1 st >anuary, 2&&+, the ay in the ay 3ands of senior emloyee should 3e steed uto an amount equal to the ay in the ay 3and as fi:ed for his junior in that higher grade( ;he Asteing uB shall 3e done with effect from the date of romotion/awarding higher grade of the junior emloyee su3ject to fulfillment of certain conditions as u3lished in the Drders and 9irculars of the Deartment earlier1 8rovided, the anomaly should arise directly as a result of the alication of the rovision of normal rule/order or any other rule or order regulating fi:ation of ay on such romotion/awarding higher grade in the revised ay structure( 4f even in the lower ost, the % junior emloyee was drawing more ay in the re$revised scale than the senior 3y virtue of any advance increment -for comletion of courses li!e 8h(D(/D"(E(;( etc(. granted to him, the rovision of this note shall not 3e alica3le to ste$u the ay of the senior emloyee( Note * 1 1 Where an emloyee is in receit of ersonal ay on the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, which together with his e:isting emoluments e:ceeds the revised emoluments(, the difference reresenting such e:cess shall 3e allowed to such emloyee as ersonal ay to 3e a3sor3ed in the future increases of the ay( 1) 3i&atio# of pay i# re$ised pay str%ct%re of e4ployee appoi#ted as fres recr%its o# or after + st day of 5a#%ary6 ,77(: -1. ;he ay of direct recruits to a articular ost carrying a secific grade ay shall 3e fi:ed on or after the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, at the entry level ay in the ay 3and as indicated in 7nne:ure F44( -2. ;he rovision of su3$rule -4. shall also 3e alied in the case of those recruited 3etween the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+ and the date of u3lication of these rules 1 8rovided that where the emoluments in the re$revised scale-s. i(e(, sum total of the 3asic ay in the re$revised ay scale-s., dearness ay, if any, pl%s dearness allowance alica3le from the date of joining, e:ceeds the sum of the ay fi:ed in the revised ay structure and the alica3le dearness allowance thereon, the difference shall 3e ignored uto the ?1 st @ay, 2&&6 and such difference in total emoluments for the eriod from 1 st day of 7ril, 2&&6 to the date of u3lication of these rules, shall 3e regulated in accordance with the rovisions of rule 12( 2) Rate of i#cre4e#t i# re$ised pay str%ct%re: -1. ;he rate of increment in the revised ay structure shall 3e three per centum -?H. of the sum of the ay in the ay 3and and grade ay alica3le and the resulting amount shall 3e rounded off to the ne:t multile of 1&( -2. ;he amount of increment shall 3e added to the e:isting ay in the ay 3and( 8rovided that in case an emloyee, who reaches the ma:imum of his ay 3and after addition of the amount of increment to the e:isting ay in the ay 3and, shall 3e laced in the ne:t higher ay 3ands after one year of reaching such a ma:imum and at the time of lacement in the higher ay 3and, 3enefit of one increment shall 3e allowed while the grade ay shall remain the same in the higher ay 3and and such emloyee shall continue to move in the higher ay 3and till his ay in the ay 3and reaches the ma:imum of ay 3and$0 -8B$0.( 6 8rovided further that in case an emloyee, who reaches the ma:imum of his ay 3and after addition of the amount of increment to the e:isting ay in the ay 3and$0 -8B$0., neither further increment shall 3e granted to such an emloyee nor such an amount of increments shall 3e added to the e:isting ay in the ay 3and( +7) Date of i#cre4e#t i# te re$ised pay str%ct%re: -1. 4n resect of all emloyees, there shall 3e a uniform date of annual increment and such date of annual increment shall 3e the 1 st day of >uly of every year1 8rovided that in case of an emloyee who had 3een drawing ma:imum of the e:isting scale of ay for more than a year on the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, the ne:t increment in the un$revised ay scale shall 3e allowed on the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+ and thereafter the rovision of this rule shall aly( Note * + 1 4n case of the emloyees comleting si: -&+. months and a3ove in the revised ay structure as on 1 st day of >uly, shall 3e eligi3le to 3e granted the increment( ;he first increment after fi:ation of ay on the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+ in the revised ay structure shall 3e granted notionally on the 1 st day of >uly, 2&&+ for those emloyees for whom the date of ne:t increment was 3etween 1 st >uly, 2&&+ to 1 st >anuary, 2&&%( Note * , 1 4n case of the emloyees who earned their last increment 3etween the eriod commending from the 2 nd day of >anuary, 2&&0 and ending on the 1 st day of >anuary, 2&&+, after fi:ation of their ay under revised ay structure, such emloyee should get ne:t increment on the 1 st day of >uly, 2&&+( Note * - 1 4n case of the emloyee whose date of ne:t increment falls on the 1 st day of >anuary 2&&+, after granting an increment in the re$revised ay scale as on the 1 st >anuary 2&&+, their ay in the revised ay structure should 3e fi:ed on the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ and such emloyees should get their ne:t increment on the 1 st day of >uly, 2&&+( Note * .) 4f an emloyee ots to come under revised ay structure any date 3etween the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ to the 1 st day of >uly, 2&&+, his ay in the revised ay structure should 3e fi:ed accordingly, 3ut his date of ne:t increment should 3e 1 st day of >uly, 2&&%( ++) 3i&atio# of Pay o# pro4otio# o# or after + st day of 5a#%ary6 ,77(: -1. 4n case of romotion from one grade ay to another in the revised ay structure on or after 1 st >anuary 2&&+, the fi:ation of ay of an emloyee shall 3e made in the following manner, namely 1$ a. one increment equal to three er centum -?H. of the sum of the ay in the ay 3and and the e:isting grade ay shall 3e comuted and rounded off to the ne:t multile of 1&G 3. the amount arrived at in clause -a. shall 3e added to the e:isting ay in the 3and and in case the ay in the ay 3and after adding the increment is less than the minimum of the higher ay 3and to which romotion is ta!ing lace, ay in the ay 3and shall 3e steed u to such minimumG c. after the ay in the ay 3and so determined, grade ay corresonding to the romotional ost shall 3e granted in addition to this ay in the ay 3and( ' -2. 4n case where romotion of an emloyee involves change in the ay 3and the same methodology as mentioned in clause -a. to clause -c. of su3$rule -1. for fi:ation of ay, shall 3e alica3le( -?. ;he 3enefit of fi:ation of ay availa3le at the time of normal romotion under this rule shall 3e allowed in case of non$functional movement to higher scales( Note '6 $ 4n case the emloyee ots to get his ay fi:ed from his date of ne:t increment, then, on the date of romotion, ay in the ay 3and shall continue to 3e unchanged, 3ut grade ay of the higher ost shall 3e granted( 2urther re$fi:ation shall 3e done on the date of his ne:t increment, i(e(, 1 st day of >uly( Dn that day, such an emloyee shall 3e granted two incrementsG one annual increment and the second on account of romotion( While comuting these two increments, 3asic ay rior to the date of romotion and grade ay corresonding to such ay in the ay 3and shall 3e ta!en into account( 7fter allowing such increments, grade ay of the higher ost/ scale shall 3e allowed( Note ,( , 4n case the emloyee ots to get his ay fi:ed in the higher grade from the date of his romotion, he shall get his first increment in the higher grade on the ne:t 1 st >uly, if he was romoted 3etween the eriods from the 2 nd >uly to 1 st >anuary( =owever, if he was romoted 3etween eriods commencing from the 2 nd >anuary and ending on the ?& th >une of a articular year, he shall get his increment on the 1 st >uly of the ne:t year( +,) Pay4e#t of arrears: -1. )otwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules, or in any other rules for the time 3eing in force, no arrears of ay to which an emloyee may 3e entitled in resect of the eriod from the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ to the ?1 st day of @arch, 2&&6, shall 3e aid to the emloyee( -2. -a. ;he arrears of ay to which the emloyee may 3e entitled to in resect of the eriod from the 1 st day of 7ril, 2&&6 to the ?1 st day of @arch, 2&&', shall 3e aid in three consecutive equal yearly instalments in cash from the year 2&&'$2&1&( -3. 7n emloyee, who retired on any date 3etween the 1 st >anuary 2&&+ to the ?1 st day of @arch, 2&&6, shall not 3e entitled to any arrears of ay for the eriod u to the ?1 st day of @arch, 2&&6( -c. 7n emloyee, who retired 3etween the eriods from ?1 st day of @arch, 2&&6 to the 1 st day of 7ril, 2&&', 3ut 3efore u3lication of these rules in the Dfficial GaEette, shall receive arrears of ay for the eriod from the 1 st 7ril, 2&&6 to the date of his retirement, in cash( E:lanation1 2or the urose of this rule, Iarrears of ayJ, in relation to an emloyee, means the difference 3etween the aggregate of ay and allowances to which he is entitled on account of the revision of ay and allowances under these rules for the eriod in question and the aggregate of the ay and allowances to which he would have 3een entitled for that eriod had his ay and allowances not 3een so received( ;he revised allowance -e:cet for dearness allowance and non$ racticing allowance. shall 3e aya3le only with effect from the 1 st day of 7ril, 2&&'( +-) 8o%se Re#t Allowa#ces: With effect from the 1 st 7ril,2&&' the =ouse 5ent 7llowance admissi3le to an emloyee shall 3e 10H of his revised 3asic ay i(e( aggregate of the 3and ay lus Grade 8ay and additional increments, if any, in the revised ay structure 1& su3ject to a ma:imum of 5s( +&&&/$ er month( ;he ceiling of =ouse 5ent 7llowance drawn 3y hus3and and wife together shall also 3e raised to 5s( +&&&/$ er month( ;he e:isting terms and conditions of drawl of =ouse 5ent 7llowance 3y emloyees living in their own house or in a rental house shall continue to aly( Su3ject to continuance of the e:isting terms and conditions regulating drawl of =ouse 5ent 7llowance 3y the emloyees rovided with accommodation owned/hired 3y the 7uthority and recovery of fi:ed rent/license fee from time, the following conditions shall 3e there with effect from 1 st 7ril, 2&&' in resect of such categories of emloyees( -1. When an official accommodation 3eing in ha3ita3le condition in all resect and such accommodation is earmar!ed for holder of a articular ost without any rent, the holder will not 3e entitled to =ouse 5ent 7llowance for living elsewhere( -2. 4n case the emloyee ays rent or license fee for such official Government accommodation, his reim3ursement in the form of =ouse 5ent 7llowance will 3e limited to actual license fee/rent aid or 10H of the ay whichever is lower( 1*( Medical a#d oter Allowa#ce: @edical and other allowances, not secifically covered in this order, shall continue to 3e drawn with ay in the revised scale, the amount of such allowance shall 3e 5s( ?&&/$ er month from 1 st 7ril, 2&&'( Dearness allowance aya3le with effect from 1 st 7ril, 2&&6 shall 3e at the following rate1$ 8eriod from which aya3le 5ate of Dearness 7llowance er month on on Basic 8ay &1(*(2&&6 to ?1(0(2&&6 2H &1(+(2&&6 to ?1(1&(2&&6 +H &1(11(2&&6 to 26(2(2&&6 'H &1(?(2&&' to ?1(?(2&&' 12H &1(*(2&&' onwards 1+H 10( O$er-ridi#g effect of te order , 11 ;he rovisions of this order shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other rules, orders and notifications from the time 3eing in force, and all such rules, orders and notifications shall have effect su3ject to the rovision of these rules( 1+( Rela&atio#: Where the Governor is satisfied that the oeration of all or any of the rovisions of this order causes undue hardshi in any articular case or class of cases, he may, 3y order, disense with or rela: the requirement of all or any of the arts of the order to such e:tent and su3ject to such condition as he may consider necessary for dealing with the case or class of cases in a just and equita3le manner( ;his order issues with the concurrence of the 2inance Deartment their K(D( )o( +'' dated1 2%(&2(2&&' Grou A8B -Service.( By the order of the Governor, - #( >ohn #oshy. 7dditional 9hief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal( 12 7nne:ure$4 1( ;eachers and )on$teaching staff of 1 -i. Government Sonsored or aided 8rimary Schools / >unior Basic Schools -including 8re$Basic Schools. -ii. Government Sonsored or 7ided >unior =igh/ =igh / =igher Secondary Schools uto 9lass <44 standard( -iii. Government Sonsored or 7ided ;raining 4nstitutes for 8rimary ;eachers( 2( Emloyees of the District School Board, Darjeeling -=ill 7reas./ District 8rimary School 9ouncils/ Siliguri Su3$Divisional School 9ouncil( ?( Emloyees of the West Bengal Board of 8rimary Education( 1? 7nne:ure$44 Form of Option L -i. 4 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM( =ere3y elect the revised ay structure with effect from 1 st >anuary, 2&&+( L -ii. 4 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM( =ere3y elect to continue on the e:isting scale of ay of my su3stantive / officiating ost mentioned 3elow until1 -a. the date of my ne:t increment the date of my su3sequent increment raising my ay to 5s( MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM in the e:isting scale( -c. the date of my romotion to MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM(( in the e:isting scale of ay of 5s( MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Declaration(, 4 here3y underta!e to refund to the Government any amount which may 3e drawn 3y me in e:cess of what is admissi3le to me on account of erroneous fi:ation of ay in the revised ay structure as soon as the fact of such e:cess drawal comes / 3rought to my notice( Date 1 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Station 1 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Signature NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN )ame NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Designation NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dffice in which emloyed NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 4nstitution NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ;o 3e scored out, if not alica3le( 1* A##e&%re-''' Form for fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure for :- 1( ;eachers and )on$teaching staff of 1 a. Government Sonsored or aided 8rimary Schools / >unior Basic Schools -including 8re$Basic Schools. 3. Government Sonsored or 7ided >unior =igh/ =igh / =igher Secondary Schools uto 9lass <44 standard( c. Government Sonsored or 7ided ;raining 4nstitutes for 8rimary ;eachers( 2( Emloyees of the District School Board, Darjeeling -=ill 7reas./ District 8rimary School 9ouncils/ Siliguri Su3$Divisional School 9ouncil( ?( Emloyees of the West Bengal Board of 8rimary Education( Re$isio# of Pay a#d Allowa#ce R%les6 ,772) 1( )ame of the 4nstitution/Dffice 1 2( )ame and designation of the emloyee 1 ?( Status -su3stantive / officiating. 1 *( E:isting scale of ay -a. in su3stantive ost -3. in officiating / temorary ost 1 1 0( E:isting 3asic ay as on as on MMMM -the date of otion. 1 +( 8ay after multilication 3y a factor 1(6+ and rounded off to ne:t multile of 1&( 1 %( 5evised ay 3and and Grade 8ay corresonding to e:isting scale -as shown at sl( )o( * a3ove. 1 6( 8ay in the revised ay 3and / scale in which ay is to 3e fi:ed 1 '( Grade 8ay to 3e alied in terms of 5evision of 8ay and 7llowance 5ules, 2&&' 1 1& ( 5evised 3asic ay -sl( )o( % O sl( )o( 6. 1 11 ( Date of effect 1 12 ( Date of ne:t increment 1 Signature of Head of Institution /Office Designation 10 7nne:ure$4F PART A Details of the existing scales of pay mentioned in 5evision of 8ay and 7llowance 5ules, 2&&' Sl. No. Existing Pay Scales (Rs.) Span (Years) 1. 2600-55-2985-60-3525-65-4175 27 2. 2700-60-3120-65-3770-70-4400 27 3. 2850-65-3305-70-4005-75-4680 27 4. 3000-75-3450-80-4330-90-5230 28 5. 3150-80-3390-90-4380-100-5680 28 6. 3350-90-3800-100-4700-125-6325 28 7. 3600-100-4200-125-5700-150-7050 28 8. 3800-100-4100-125-4725-150-6375-175-7775 28 9. 4000-125-4250-150-5300-175-7050-200-8850 29 10. 4500-150-5250-175-7000-200-8800-225-9700 29 11. 4650-150-5100-175-6325-200-7925-225-10175 29 12. 4800-175-5850-200-6650-225-8675-250-10925 29 13. 5000-175-5700-200-6500-225-8525-250-11275 29 14. 5500-200-6300-225-8325-250-11325 26 15. 6000-225-7800-250-9800-275-12000 25 16. 8000-275-13500 21 17. 10000-325-15525 18 18. 12000-375-18000 17 19. 14300-400-18300 11 20. 16400-450-20000 9 21. 18400-500-22400 9 22. 10000-300-15100-350-16500-375-18000 26 23. 14300-450-22400 19 24. 12500-375-18500 17 1+ Annexure-V Revised Pay Structure Sl. No. Name of Pay an! Pay an! Scale "ra!e Pay 1 PB-1 Rs. 4900-16200 Rs. 1700 2 PB-1 Rs. 4900-16200 Rs. 1800 3 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 1900 4 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2100 5 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2300 6 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2600 7 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2900 8 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3200 9 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3600 10 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3900 11 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 4100 12 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4400 13 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4600 14 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4700 15 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4800 16 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 5400 17 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 6600 18 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 7000 19 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 7600 20 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 8000 21 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 8700 22 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 8900 23 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 9500 24 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 10000 1% Annexure-V# Correspondence between the existing scales and the revised scales Existing Pay Structure Re$ise! Pay Structure Sl. No. Existing Pay Scales (Rs.) Name of Pay an! Pay an! Scale "ra!e Pay 1. 2600-55-2985-60-3525-65-4175 PB-1 Rs. 4900-16200 Rs. 1700 2. 2700-60-3120-65-3770-70-4400 PB-1 Rs. 4900-16200 Rs. 1800 3. 2850-65-3305-70-4005-75-4680 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 1900 4. 3000-75-3450-80-4330-90-5230 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2100 5. 3150-80-3390-90-4380-100-5680 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2300 6. 3350-90-3800-100-4700-125-6325 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2600 7. 3600-100-4200-125-5700-150-7050 PB-2 Rs. 5400-25200 Rs. 2900 8. 3800-100-4100-125-4725-150-6375-175-7775 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3200 9. 4000-125-4250-150-5300-175-7050-200-8850 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3600 10. 4500-150-5250-175-7000-200-8800-225-9700 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 3900 11. 4650-150-5100-175-6325-200-7925-225-10175 PB-3 Rs. 7100-37600 Rs. 4100 12. 4800-175-5850-200-6650-225-8675-250-10925 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4400 13. 5000-175-5700-200-6500-225-8525-250-11275 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4600 14. 5500-200-6300-225-8325-250-11325 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4700 15. 6000-225-7800-250-9800-275-12000 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 4800 16. 8000-275-13500 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 5400 17. 10000-325-15525 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 6600 18. 12000-375-18000 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 7600 19. 14300-400-18300 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 8700 20. 16400-450-20000 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 8900 21. 18400-500-22400 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 10000 22. 10000-300-15100-350-16500-375-18000 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 7000 23. 14300-450-22400 PB-5 Rs. 37400-60000 Rs. 9500 24. 12500-375-18500 PB-4 Rs. 9000-40500 Rs. 8000 16 7nne:ure$F44 Entry Pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.200 PAY AN% & ' (Rs. ()**-'+,**) "ra!e Pay (Rs.) Pay in t-e Pay an! (Rs.) Total (Rs.) 1700 4900 6600 1800 5030 6830 PAY AN% & , (Rs. .(**-,.,**) "ra!e Pay (Rs.) Pay in t-e Pay an! (Rs.) Total (Rs.) 1900 5400 7300 2100 5580 7680 2300 5860 8160 2600 6240 8840 2900 6700 9600 PAY AN% & / (Rs. 0'**-/0+**) "ra!e Pay (Rs.) Pay in t-e Pay an! (Rs.) Total (Rs.) 3200 7100 10300 3600 7440 11040 3900 8370 12270 4100 8650 12750 PAY AN% & ( (Rs. )***-(*.**) "ra!e Pay (Rs.) Pay in t-e Pay an! (Rs.) Total (Rs.) 4400 9000 13400 4600 9300 13900 4700 10230 14930 4800 11160 15960 5400 15600 21000 6600 18600 25200 7000 18600 25600 7600 22320 29920 8000 23250 31250 PAY AN% & . (Rs. /0(**-+****) "ra!e Pay (Rs.) Pay in t-e Pay an! (Rs.) Total (Rs.) 8700 37400 46100 8900 37400 46300 9500 37400 46900 10000 37400 47400 1' Annexure V### Re$ise! Scales of Pay of Posts State Government Sonsored or 7ided 8rimary Schools / >unior Basic Schools -including 8re$Basic Schools. SL No. Name of Service /Post it! "#a$ificatio% &'isti%( Pa) Sca$e /S*ecia$ Pa)/+$$oa%ce etc. Revise, Pa) Str#ct#re Pa) Ba%, -ra,e Pa) 1..i/ 0eac!er for trai%e, matric#$ate/Sc!oo$ 1i%a$/2a,!)ami3 *asse, or e"#iva$e%t 3350-6325 5400-25200 Rs. 2600/- .ii/ 4%-trai%e, 2atric#$ate/Sc!oo$ 1i%a$/2a,!)ami3 *asse, or e"#iva$e%t 3150-5680 5400-25200 Rs.2300/- .iii/ No%-2atric#$ate/No%-Sc!oo$ 1i%a$/No%- 2a,!)ami3 *asse, sc!oo$ mot!er a%, 5raft 0eac!er 3000-5230 5400-25200 Rs.2100/- 2. 6ea, 0eac!er -ra,e Pa) as 0eac!er accor,i%( to Seria$ No.1.i/ it! 2 a,,$. i%creme%ts Pa) Ba%, accor,i%( to Seria$ No. 1.i/ -ra,e Pa) as accor,i%( to Seria$ No. 1.i/ 3. 2atro% 2700-4400 4900-16200 Rs.1800/- 4. -ro#*-7 2600-4175 4900-16200 1700/- State Government Sonsored or 7ided >unior =igh/ =igh / =igher Secondary Schools uto 9lass <44 standard( SL No. Name of service /Post it! "#a$ificatio% &'isti%( *a) Sca$e /S*ecia$ Pa)/a$$oa%ce etc. Revise, Pa) Str#ct#re Pa) Ba%, -ra,e Pa) 1 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 6i(! Sc!oo$ / 6i(!er Seco%,ar) Sc!oo$ 8000-13500/- it! to a,,itio%a$ i%creme%ts for 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 6i(!er Seco%,ar) Sc!oo$ 9000-40500 5400/- 2 +ssista%t 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 6i(! Sc!oo$ a%, 6i(!er Seco%,ar) Sc!oo$ Pa) accor,i%( "#a$ificatio% it! to a,,itio%a$ i%creme%ts for +ssista%t 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 6i(!er Seco%,ar) Sc!oo$ a%, o%e a,,$. i%creme%t for +ssista%t 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 6i(! Sc!oo$ Pa) Ba%, accor,i%( to "#a$ificatio% Pa) Ba%, accor,i%( to "#a$ificatio% 3. 6ea,master/6ea,mistress of 8#%ior 6i(! Sc!oo$ Pa) accor,i%( "#a$ificatio% it! o%e a,,itio%a$ i%creme%t. Pa) Ba%, accor,i%( to "#a$ificatio% Pa) Ba%, accor,i%( to "#a$ificatio% 4 +ssista%t 0eac!er it! 2ater9s ,e(ree 6000-12000 9000-40500 Rs.4800