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South Austin Elite
Information and Contract IMPORTIANT INFORMATION
*Being on a competitive squad is a serious commitment for both the kids and your families. Electing to participate on this squad takes 2-3 times a week MANDATORY practice PLUS 6 competitions a year and various community involvement events and being a part of our new buddy program (ages 11+).
* The Competition Schedule is final and SAE will not be dropping any competitions that are scheduled unless the vendor or other responsible organization cancels and or changes the date of competition and it no longer works with our payment or performance schedule. We do our best to stick to the schedule given out but unfortunately cannot foresee the decisions of other companies in the future. If a competition is cancelled or moved we will do our very best to replace it with comparable competition but it may be necessary to travel outside the central Texas region if this should occur.
*Your Athlete MAY be dropped from the program at our discretion for non attendance, if you or your athlete are found to be in violation of our policies, and/or nonpayment.
* We will be holding tryouts/evaluations to determine what level your athlete will fall into not to cut from our organization. It is our firm belief that any child that wants to be involved can be, and we will have a place for them (with the above mentioned taken into consideration).
*This year we will have 4 co-ed squads: * Dazzlers- Special Athlete Squad age 5 and up * Sparkles- Show team age 4 8+ * Stars- Beginner level recreation squad Ages 5 to 11 * Galaxy Beginner/Intermediate recreation squad Ages 8 to 18
*TOTAL COST TBD: Optional costs will vary from family to family but expect to pay monthly gym use fees (depending on squad selected 50 - 100 a month), competition costs (included in monthly gym payment), hotel costs, and extras: shoes warm-ups etc.
Need to finalize uniform payment BY September 1 st . Uniform cost for a returning cheerleader can be piece ordered if you only need to order specific pieces. FITTING is SEPTEMBER 3 rd !!!
We are setting up some fund raising activities to help offset some of these costs. Our camps are two of our biggest so please help spread the word! Please be on the lookout for upcoming details.
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Owner/Head Coach Lauren McCalla Galaxy, Stars, Dazzlers 512-264-5581 [email protected] Coaching Staff Venus Vidaurri Sparkles, Stars 512-576-8366 [email protected] Ria Berry Galaxy, Dazzlers 512-586-1687 [email protected] Amber Marshall Dazzlers 317-833-8011 [email protected] Admin / Team momma / Information distributor extroidaniere Debbie Gomez - Admin / Booster Club? Leslie Henry Team Mom Galaxy _________________ Team Mom Stars _________________ Team Mom Sparkles _________________ Team Mom Dazzlers Gym fees &Competition Costs
Tuition is your all in one payment plan. This incorporates all SAE gym rental costs, and competition fees! Please keep in mind we are a volunteer run organization and we do our very best to keep our costs as low as possible!! Monthly payments are based on number of times a week your squad practices.
1 Class: 1-hour per week - $60 (Dazzlers $50) 2 Classes: 2-hours per week - $80 3 Classes: 3-hours per week - $100 The first payment of for July is due by this Monday July 21, 2014. All other monthly tuition is due on the 1st of the month. A $10 Late Fee is added on the 5th of the month for unpaid accounts. On the 16th of each month, athletes with unpaid balances will be dropped from all classes and charged a $50 Drop Fee. Accounts must have a $0 balance to re- enroll. If an athlete comes one time or four times a month, the monthly tuition fee remains the same and must be paid in full. Our policy does not change regardless of your individual schedule. We do not operate on a pay as you come basis. 3 | P a g e
COMPETITIONS Cheer America San Marcos Small Gym Invitational November 9, 2014 San Marcos Cheer America ** Capitol Cup November 22, 2014 Cedar Park Cheer Power Christmas Open December 14, 2014 San Antonio Cheer America** San Antonio State Championship January 11, 2015 San Antonio Spirit Cheer Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Nationals January 24, 2015 Arlington Mardi Gras Nationals ** Battle of the Beads February 22, 2015 San Marcos **Starred events are events SHOW team will attend Refund policy: - No Refunds are issued * o *Refunds may be issued only in the case of a credit received in connection to our referral program.
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Gym Rules, Team Member Etiquette & Team Placement Criteria
* 1. Very Important Introduction * ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IT IS A PRIVILEGE TO TRAIN &/OR COMPETE WITH SAEC, NOT A RIGHT The following is a list of rules, guidelines, and obligations that SAEC expects each of its SAE Cheer Team Members & Families to follow and/or fulfill in order to remain eligible to participate. While we understand rules are not always fun, they are necessary to maintain a fair, positive & constructive environment for our kids. SAE reserves the right to bench, remove or dismiss any member from its Competitive or Show Teams at any time in which it is perceived that the given family is not meeting these criteria: * 2. Gym Facility & Property * -Due to regulations mandated by Jackies Gym, no one that is not a SAE certified cheerleader or COACH is allowed in the gym area during instructional hours. Parents & family must remain in the cafeteria or parents viewing area at Jackies. Parents are only allowed in the gym if escorted by a SAE Staff member (stepping into the gym in order to get a staff member does not qualify as being escorted). Simply Put Stay off the blue!! -We strive to provide our customers with a clean facility. Please do your best to clean up after yourself, and we greatly appreciate parents who pick up after their children, especially the small ones. Please report any spills, accidents, or stopped up toilets to the staff as quickly as possible so we are able to clean it up promptly.
* 3. Team Etiquette * SAE Competitive Cheerleaders are expected to: -GET TO PRACTICE!! Attend all mandatory weekly team practices as well as all scheduled extra-practices. Consult the Official Team Calendar &/or the emailed Team Practice Schedule for these practice times. Absences can only be excused by SAE board members when given ample advanced notice.
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-Be respectful of each and every SAE Coach & Staff Member. Our staff works very hard every day to make our cheerleaders both better athletes and good people. In return, we expect that our team members will strive to utilize the mentoring we provide and do their best in practice & competition. Eye-rolling &/or disrespectful tone to the coaches will not be permitted at any time & will result in dismissal from practices until resolved.
-Respect the Program!! SAE believes that behaviors such as intentional rule breaking, being a distraction to the team, faking injury for sympathy or to sit out of certain exercises, crying &/or whining unnecessarily, being mean or disrespectful to teammates, not taking care of the gym, and/or failing to do ones best are all considered to be beneath the standards and values we expect from dedicated cheerleaders & athletes. Be respectful, work hard, listen, do your best and pull for the team; youll get a lot further. (And maybe win a few more titles!!)
SAE Parents are expected to: -Pay any & all fees by their due dates as well as any applicable late fees. This includes Tuition, Competition Registration, Uniform Fees, etc.
-GET YOUR ATHLETE TO PRACTICE!! We understand that at times an activity or event may arise that sounds more fun, important or entertaining than attending practice. During these times it is crucial that our Team Parents re-enforce the importance of commitment and dedication to their team. Kids and Parents need to understand that each time an athlete misses a practice it results in entire groups of kids not getting to work out.
-Stay informed by use of the E-mail List Serve, the Team Web Page (, and / or handouts given at practices. SAE works hard to keep you informed, please stay informed in return.
-Keep in mind that you pay tuition to be a part of the SAE Family and System, not to make the rules. Paying tuition does not give a family the right to make &/or follow their own rules or ignore SAEs Policies.
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-Please maintain a civil and respectful tone when interacting with SAEs coaches and staff. We strive to keep our interactions constructive and professional, and only ask that parents do the same. We understand and respect that issues can become very personal when you are dealing with ones child; so, we feel it is crucial to keep any issues that may arise positive and objective. After all, we all have the best interest of your kids in mind.
-Refrain from any and all GOSSIP, especially when on our site. SAE believes there is a clear line between civil/responsible conversation & negative gossip. Gossip does nothing but breed negativity, discontent, & ill-will. We believe in dealing with issues honestly & directly, and we hold our customers to the same standard. Those participating in gossip or excessive negativity, in the lobby or elsewhere, will be addressed by SAE board members and may be removed from the squad.
Most importantly, we expect all of our members (Child & Parent alike) to be Team Players. The success of our teams very much depends on each & every family being focused on the good of the program as a whole; not just their individual cheerleader(s).
* 4.Team Placement Intro* In our sport, like many, the success of a competition season hinges in large part on the strategic placement of available team members into functional and efficient groups. A gyms athletes can possess all the talent in the world, but ineffective team rosters can end a season before it starts. For that reason, we, as coaches, must consider the greater needs of each team, and the program as a whole, over the desires of the individual. In reality, it only truly takes one misplaced member to drag a potentially successful team to a screeching halt. This is an issue we take very seriously and do our very best to make the decisions most beneficial for everyone. There are an infinite number of factors that must be taken into consideration when we evaluate the stock of cheerleaders we have available and determine what team structures will be the most successful. The decisions as to what teams we form and which athletes are selected for each of these teams are made based on the combined knowledge, experience, and intuition of SAEs entire staff and its board members in particular. There are many roles that must be filled on each team, and it is important to spread out our talent effectively to insure that each team can keep up in their competitive division. The industry as a whole has also put a specific focus on Squad Skills, meaning every athlete on the floor can execute all the fundamental skills for the level in which they are competing so we must set teams accordingly.
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* 5. Team Placement Criteria * Team placement is completely at the discretion of SAE coaches. Team members will be placed onto each of our competitive teams based on the following factors & requirements: -Age -Maturity -Skill Level -Coachability -Team Needs -Team Tumbling Requirements -All-Star Experience -Stunt Position
We simply want each of our members to recognize that it does neither our program nor our cheerleaders any good for us to place team members onto teams on which they will not serve a productive role.
SAEC reserves the right to deny placement onto any or all of our competition teams for any reason!
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South Austin Elite Cheer Parent Contract
All parent and/or legal guardians and athletes must sign It is imperative that all parents involved with South Austin Elite Cheer (SAEC) understand and agree to abide by the guidelines set forth in this agreement. The best interest of the team will always be put ahead of the interest of an individual. Parent actions and behaviors can affect not only the individual child, but the team as a whole.
Our teams are taught to focus on working hard and performing to the best of their ability. The way other teams perform should not dictate how our athletes feel about their performance. Encourage and support all athletes on the team. Make sure all your comments are positive. Respect parents, coaches, athletes and administration for all teams. Eye-rolling &/or disrespectful tone to the coaches or teammates will not be permitted at any time & will result in dismissal from practices until resolved. SAE team members are expected to be role models of good sportsmanship and good citizens. Parents understand that at all events they are representing our program and will behave in an appropriate manner. During events, please allow the team to prepare, cheer and perform without interruption. We need the athletes full attention to prepare and perform to our best ability. Your child needs to make sure she has everything she needs before the event. Parents should not need to bring items to their child. When my child is frustrated with the program, coach or teammates, I will support her need to vent to me. I will listen and offer constructive comments to help her resolve the conflict herself. If the athlete finds conflict with a teammate, I will encourage positive discussion between the athletes. I will refrain from escalating any situation my athlete is experiencing by talking to other members of the team, their parents, or the coach. I will wait 24 hours before contacting the coach if there is an incident or concern; unless there is a serious injury/incidence. Emotions often run high during a game, practice, competition or event, and a 24/48 hour waiting period gives both parties and opportunity to reflect on the issues at hand. If I feel it is necessary to contact the coach because my child is unable to resolve the conflict herself, I will request a meeting through email. I will not address the coach with my concern in any manner other than through this request. It is my responsibility to call the coach if my child is going to miss any or part of a team function. Text messages and emails will NOT be accepted to excuse an absence. Email is to be used for all concerns, scheduling questions, etc. to protect coachs personal time. All emails sent to the team or to all of the parents on the team will be sent by the cheer admin. Mass emails to the team and parents to voice opinions and concerns are NOT appropriate. 9 | P a g e
Any concerns brought forth must have factual documentation. ONLY your child will be discussed, not other members of the team. Parents will not arrive before, during, or after practices or events to meet with the coaches without prior request. It is important that the coach is able to focus fully on the team. To request a time to meet, email the coach in advance; and understand that the coaches have lives outside of cheer and the meeting may not happen that day. Athletes will not be permitted to use their cell phone, without permission, during practices and events. There are also times that athlete cell phones will be in the possession of the coach and will not be readily accessible to athletes. (i.e Cheer camps). I will respect the coaching decision made and allow the coaching staff to do their job. I understand that all decisions made by the coaching staff and/or SAEC board will be final. I understand that the benefit of an individual will not be put ahead of the benefit of the team. When meeting with the coach, I will refrain from accusations and harmful language. I will speak with respect and consideration. Personal attacks of athletes, coaching staff, and SAE will not be tolerated. As a parent, I am able to speak for myself, and not the team as a whole. Appropriate channels of communication: If there is an issue with a specific coach, contact the coach first via email. If the issue is still not resolved, contact Lauren. Parent and booster club meetings are not the place to voice concerns or problems. Please allow your child to handle the problem. Parents should only email the coach if a meeting is necessary. Coaches are not responsible for parents that are upset with other parents or athletes on the team. These disagreements should be handled by the parties concerned. I understand that it is necessary to have active parents involved with the cheer program, and as a parent of an athlete I will help when needed and expected. It is not the responsibility of other parents to fundraise for my child. I understand that the primary purpose of this program is to provide my child with a positive experience in which to learn good leadership skills, develop positive team relations and provide a positive learning environment to grow as athletes. However, there may be times when team members become frustrated with coaches and other team members. Please encourage them to come and talk to their coaches before the problem gets out of hand! In addition, team members and parents will not be persecuted for bringing problems to the attention of a coach in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate time. I understand that it is my responsibility to carefully read the SAE Rule book and sign the agreement. I understand that is it my responsibility as the parent/legal guardian to pay all bills in a timely manner. If bills are not paid my child can be benched/removed from the squad as a result. When concerns or conflicts arise, as a parent of the SAE Cheer Squad, I will promise to abide by the guidelines set forth. I recognize failure to do so will affect my athletes participation in this program. The first infraction will result in a written warning from the coaching staff. The second infraction, my athlete and I will not participate in any cheer activity and practice for one week. The third infraction will result in the removal of my athlete from the cheer Program. 10 | P a g e
As a parent, I have received a copy of and agree to be bound to the terms and conditions set forth here in the, South Austin Elite Information and Contract, Gym rules, team member etiquette & team placement criteria as well as the, South Austin Elite Cheer Parent Contract. I understand that my child can be removed from the program if it is determined either us as parents or my athletes enrolled in the program are not following the policies and procedures set forth in this agreement. I also understand that removal from the team and or program for non compliance with this contract does not release me from my financial responsibility.
As a SAE Cheerleader, I recognize both my parents and my own actions affect my participation in this program. The first infraction will result in a written warning from the coaching staff. The second infraction, my parent and I will not participate in any Cheer activity and practice for one week. The third infraction will result in my removal from the Cheer Program.
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