DR Yeoh
DR Yeoh
DR Yeoh
Step 2
Subject: Science form 3
Topics: 1.Respiration
2. Blood Circulation and Transport
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Format: bjecti!e and subjecti!e "uestion
Total mar#s: 100
Item format
Objective Subjective
Time $0 minutes %0 minutes
&ar#s $0 '0
(umber of item $0 '
&ar#s for each item 1 10
Time allocation for each item 1 minute ).3 minutes
Step 3
No Topics Period of interaction
1. Respiration
1.1 *uman Breathin+ &echanism $
1.2 Transport of ,-+en %
1.3 The .mportance of *ealth- Respiration %
2. Blood Circulation and Transport
2.1 Transport S-stem .n *uman $
2.2 *uman Blood 3
2.3 Transport S-stem .n /lant $
Total hours 2%
No Topics !ours Calculation Percenta"e
1. Respiration
1.1 *uman Breathin+
$ $02%,10011' 1'2
1.2 Transport of ,-+en % %02%,100120 202
1.3 The .mportance of *ealth-
% %02%,100120 202
2. Blood Circulation and Transport
2.1 Transport S-stem .n *uman $ $02%,10011' 1'2
2.2 *uman Blood 3 302%,100112 122
2.3 Transport S-stem .n /lant $ $02%,10011' 1'2
Total 2% 1002
Step #
No Topics Percenta"e Structure
1. Respiration
1.1 *uman Breathin+
1'2 10 '
1.2 Transport of ,-+en 202 12 )
1.3 The .mportance of *ealth-
202 12 )
2. Blood Circulation and Transport
2.1 Transport S-stem .n *uman 1'2 10 '
2.2 *uman Blood 122 3 %
2.3 Transport S-stem .n /lant 1'2 4 3
Total 1002 '0 $0
step %
Co"nitive domain Objective Item Structured Item
5no6led+e 2% 7
Comprehension 30 $0
8pplication 20 20
8nal-sis 2% 20
S-nthesis 7 20
Total 1002 1002
Test Specification Table