50 Vocab Words

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50 Vocab Words:

Magnet: an object that can attract and repel objects with iron, cobalt, nickel.
Magnetic Attraction: a force that makes some things move toward a magnet.
orce: energ! thro"gh ph!sical movement or action.
#nerg!: the abilit! to do work and prod"ce power.
Attract: to p"ll towards a magnet.
$epel: to p"sh awa! from a magnet.
%ole: each of the two ends or faces where the magnetic field is the strongest.
&orth %ole: one end of the magnet where the p"ll is the strongest, which will
attract the 'o"th %ole and repel the &orth %ole.
'o"th %ole: one end of the magnet where the p"ll is the strongest, which will
attract the &orth %ole and repel the 'o"th %ole.
(evitate: to float.
Magnetic ield: the area aro"nd a magnet where a magnetic force is.
Magnetite: a t!pe of hard rock with high iron content and magnetic properties.
&at"ral Magnet: rocks with a lot of iron in them.
%ermanent Magnet: magnets which keep their magnetism for a long period of time.
)emporar! Magnet: magnets which lose all or most of their magnetic strength
+emagneti,e: to make the magnetic field weaker.
-ompass: a device that "ses a magnet to point in the direction of the #arth.s
magnetic poles.
-ompass needle: a magnet that points &orth.
&onmagnetic: not magnetic.
#lectromagnetic: a temporar! magnet made b! coiling wire aro"nd an iron core/
when c"rrent flows in the coil the iron becomes a magnet.
#lectric: "sing electricit!.
#lectricit!: a form of energ! that charges electrons and protons.
#lectrons: negative charge of electricit!.
%rotons: positive charge of electricit!.
&e"trons: no charge of electricit!.
&egative -harge: having lower electric possibilit!.
%ositive -harge: having higher electric possibilit!.
-"rrent: the flow of electricit!.
(odestone: nat"ral magneti,ed materials "sed as magnets.
-irc"it: the path of an electric c"rrent.
0pen -irc"it: a circ"it that will not allow electricit! to flow.
-losed -irc"it: a circ"it that will allow electricit! to flow.
'witch: a device that opens and closes a circ"it.
'eries -irc"it: a circ"it that connects several objects one after the other so that
the c"rrent flows in a single path.
%arallel -irc"it: a circ"it that connects several objects in a wa! that the c"rrent
for each object has its own path.
-ond"ctor: a material that easil! allows the flow of electricit!.
1ns"lator: a material that blocks the flow of electricit!.
#lectricit! 'o"rce: provides the energ! to light a b"lb or r"n a motor.
#lectricit! $eceiver: a component that "ses the electricit! to make something
$esistor: propert! of a material thro"gh which electricit! has diffic"lt!.
#lectrostatics: the st"d! of electric charges that can be collected and held in one
'tatic #lectricit!: a b"ild"p of charges on an object.
#lectric ield: the field aro"nd charged particles that e2erts a force on other
charged particles.
riction: static from r"bbing two materials together.
3atter!: A gro"p of electric cells that provide electric c"rrent.
-harge: A b"ild"p of electricit! that ca"ses objects to p"sh or p"ll.
+irect -"rrent: #lectric c"rrent that flows in onl! one direction.
4enerator: a machine that prod"ces electrical c"rrent b! spinning a magnet inside a
coil of wire.
-o"lomb: the "nit of meas"rement of an electric charge.
Atom: the smallest particle of an! element.
1nfl"enced b! http:55www.*"ia.com5jg5657879:list.html, http:55www.teach;
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