Answer 5: (7 Marks) (5 Marks)

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question 5

(a) All business letters have certain elements in common. List out those elements and explain them
briefly. (7 marks)
(b) Draw a sketch of a business letter and name their parts. (5 marks)
(a) ritin! business letter is the most sensitive issue that can either acquire credibility or spoil
corporate ima!e of any or!ani"ation due to poor style# vocabulary# format or expressions.
$he most common elements of business letters is their or!ani"ation (introduction# body and
conclusion). $heir purpose and style either to inform# request or persuade# they provide written
records and enhanced ima!e.
%t reveals the sub&ect and purpose of the messa!e. %ntroduction depends on the form either a
!ood news or bad news messa!e. %f introduction is well structured it creates confidence and
trust amon! readers to further read the stuff.
$he body tells and explain the main purpose. %t should be more comprehensive coherent and
must link all thou!ht to the main idea.
%t provides a vivid and perceptible end. $he main thou!ht or points are re'emphasised.
(ompany name
$elephone# fax eb site
Letter *ead
+, -une ,../ Date
$he 0ana!er 123
+4,'Lon! Litton
%nside Address
Dear 5ir 5alulation
%nquiry re!ardin! services 5ub&ect line
0ain 6ody
5incerely (omplimentary close

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